Genital warts in children. How to recognize and treat condylomas in children? Causative agent of genital warts

I want to tell you about a monstrous experience. My baby has been severely constipated since birth. Dysbacteriosis Reduced immunity as a consequence. on the butt near the anus at 9 months. papilloma, a colorless mole, appeared. Then more and more and began to look like cauliflower. The surgeon promised to remove it when he grows up. as a result they grew very large. Under general anesthesia at 2.5 years old, we had everything removed with an electrocoagulator. This is terrible. What he experienced. I couldn’t poop calmly because when my butt was stretched, everything was bleeding and hurting. But due to his small age, he did not pay much attention to the discomfort during healing. Immediately after healing, repeated signs began to appear, which means that the torment continued. I read a lot, went to doctors. But this is an unusual case for such a small child, and no one could advise anything significant. I don’t want any other child to go through these torments, so I want to share my experience of how we finally recovered. Firstly, papillomas on the genitals, including the anus, are condylomas, a type of papillomas. Secondly, treatment must be comprehensive. Removal, antiviral therapy, immunostimulating therapy. Otherwise, relapses (repetitions) will happen again and again. If there are good doctors in your city (town), then you can be treated with them, but in my city the doctors did not want to unite and did not want to take responsibility when prescribing drugs, since some drugs can give side effects . I had no choice. My child was put under general anesthesia again six months later because the growths were very large. The skin around the anus was completely removed. And imagine with what agony he pooped. This gave him a fear of pooping at all. This one was terrible. My heart was breaking and I couldn’t forgive myself for it. I blamed myself for not being able to find treatment. Having read a lot of information and combined it, I want to tell you the stages of treatment. If the papilloma (condyloma) is very small and it is not possible to remove it in the hospital, then buy EMLA cream (it relieves pain locally), buy SUPERCHISTOTEL acid. Apply generous amounts of thick cream to the area around the affected area so as not to damage the skin around the papilloma. Pre-numb the area as directed. Using the applicator, carefully apply a drop onto the papilloma. The papilloma will turn black and fall off over time. Spray this wound with EPIGEN spray. And apply VIFERON cream as often as possible. Be sure to buy complex vitamins. And additionally vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (aevit). Treatment must be complete. You need to contact doctors 1. Surgeon, 2. Dermatologist or dermatovenerologist, 3. Immunologist. Everyone must prescribe treatment, and you must take medications in a comprehensive manner in order to suppress this virus. The surgeon, for his part, advised putting him in manganese more often. There is a drug called ISOPRINOSINE. It can be given if your body weight is more than 15 kg. It must be taken in a three-course course. With a break of a month. Everything is written in detail in the instructions. Please consult with doctors, but no one agreed to prescribe it for us, so I gave it independently and consciously because the harm from constant operations was clearly greater than from the drug. And I also baptized my son. Everything has passed for us. It was a nightmare in our life. Remember, three doctors should treat: a surgeon, an immunologist, and a dermatologist. Don’t be afraid to go to the manager and raise everyone’s eyebrows. This is a child and only the mother needs him. There is no one else to stand up for him except you. Regarding medications, read the instructions on the Internet about them. LYKOPID, ISOPRINOSINE, EPIGEN spray, PANAVIR, VIFERON cream (must be stored in the refrigerator) and to overcome the fear of pooping, the surgeon prescribed us Anuzole suppositories. They relieve pain, and the child does not suffer. Regarding immunomodulators, I will say that we were treated with LYKOPID, VIFERON suppositories, VIFERON cream, NARINE FORTE, LINEX, KIP, intramuscular injections with CYCLOFERON. We have recovered, the main thing is not to let it go. Nothing will happen on its own. Even now, I smear my son with Viferon from time to time and spray him with Epigen. But I think the main thing that helped us was isoprinosine and baptism. It is necessary to treat without stopping so that the virus does not have the opportunity to develop. Regarding medications, please consult your doctor. I don't want my experience to harm anyone. Weigh the pros and cons. But it is necessary to treat it comprehensively! If I were 9 months old. immediately anesthetized and cauterized, then my child would have avoided suffering. If you give ISOPRINOSINE, donate urine once a week to see how the body reacts to the drug, and the dose should not exceed half a tablet per 5 kg. child's body weight per day. THOSE. if the child weighs 15 kg, then this is half a tablet three times a day. And you can also try drying a small papilloma with iodine. Apply the mixture as often as possible, it should dry out. Only with iodine, not an iodine pencil.

Genital warts are caused by HPV. Due to the increasing prevalence genital warts cases of this disease have become more frequent in adults and in children, in whom genital warts in the oral cavity or larynx are usually caused by infection during passage through the birth canal. The virus is usually transmitted from caregivers of children or by autoinoculation of the virus from warts on the hands. Human papillomavirus infection is the most common STI in the United States. Due to the fact that in 30-40% of cases, HPV is transmitted to a child as a result of sexual violence, rape should be excluded when treating children with genital warts.

Symptoms and signs of genital warts in children

Condylomas acuminata are usually located on the surfaces of the skin fold facing each other; At first they appear as papules the size of a pinhead, which gradually grow over time, turning into plaques or acquiring a thread-like shape. They range in shades from flesh to red and can merge to form cauliflower-like growths. Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture.

Treatment of genital warts in children

None of the existing methods of therapy guarantee a cure. In children younger age You can limit yourself to observation. The need for treatment arises when burning, itching, bleeding occurs and with further growth of condylomas. Destruction by caustic chemicals carried out in adults, is not used in children. When indications for treatment arise, laser or electrical coagulation is usually performed under general anesthesia. The method is currently being tested local treatment genital warts in children with the new drug imiquimod.

The route of transmission of the disease is predominantly sexual. But in children, HPV infection and the subsequent appearance of condylomas also occur for other reasons:

  • Direct contact with an HPV carrier while caring for a child (shared adoption) water procedures in the bathroom);
  • Use one towel with the patient;
  • Sleeping together on bed linen;
  • Contact with objects of a person infected with HPV;
  • During pregnancy, the papillomavirus enters the child through the mother's bloodstream;
  • Infection occurs during childbirth, when the baby passes through the birth canal infected with this type of virus.


Genital warts in children appear in the same areas of the body as in adults, so the symptoms of the disease are identical.

If condylomas appear near the anus, the first signs are itching and discomfort in the child. It happens that discharge begins to appear, which the mother may notice on the baby’s panties. Older children with this manifestation of HPV begin to behave restlessly and complain of discomfort near the anus. Often the baby experiences pain during bowel movements, which is why he becomes afraid to go to the toilet. If you do not immediately treat the disease, then feces may begin to injure condylomas, and they, in turn, may begin to bleed.

When genital warts appear on the mucous membrane of the nose, vagina (in girls), and throat, the main symptom is discomfort. The child complains of itching, burning, pain. At these moments, it is worth carefully examining the place that the baby is pointing to. If a neoplasm is detected, you should seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible.

Very young children still cannot explain to their parents if something is bothering them. Therefore, the mother should carefully examine her child, monitor the cleanliness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and take timely measures if condylomas are detected.

Children sometimes experience self-healing from HPV, when condylomas spontaneously completely disappear. However, such cases are quite rare. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist and cure this disease, rather than wait for a “miracle”.

Diagnosis of genital warts in a child

The first signs of infection with the human papillomavirus are the appearance of grayish-pink growths on the child’s skin. But it is possible to accurately determine the type of disease only after undergoing an examination with pediatrician and the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Collecting a complete medical history;
  • Visual examination of the patient’s organs;
  • Collecting smears for the Pap test;
  • Research tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B and others);
  • Examination of the child’s parents for signs of the presence of papilloma viruses (collection of tests and external examination of the skin, genitals, anus);
  • Conversations with parents about probable methods of infection.


During the treatment of genital warts, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Do not use cosmetics (baby creams) at the site of medical procedures;
  • Do not tear off, scratch or in any way injure the dark crust (scab) that appears at the site of the tumor after the procedures;
  • Sunscreen should be used if condylomas are on exposed areas of the body.

When removing condylomas, possible side effects should be taken into account:

  • Increased pigmentation;
  • Burn;
  • Swelling, redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • Allergic reaction.

All this goes away without additional intervention in a few days. If discomfort remains, additional consultation with a doctor is required.


What can you do

Occasionally, condylomas can go away on their own. However, in the vast majority of cases, in order to cure a child, you will need to take a number of measures that can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

What does a doctor do

The disease must be treated comprehensively, combining removal of tumors with local therapy, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. First aid for getting rid of condylomas is the use of anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, tablets to relieve swelling and pain. There is a possibility that after a course of such drugs the formations will disappear after some time.

After this, medications are used to stimulate the immune response and destroy viral cells. They slow down the growth of condylomas and can help them disappear on their own without removal.

Regardless of what medications are used, they should be taken strictly under the supervision of a specialist in order to avoid side effects.


It is very difficult to prevent infection with human papillomavirus due to its widespread. But despite this, parents should take the following preventive measures:

  • Instill skills in children healthy image life: develop the habit of brushing your teeth twice a day, doing morning exercises and keeping your body clean;
  • Teach children the rules of personal hygiene: washing hands after visiting the toilet, public places, before eating, using only personal towels, etc.;
  • Support your immune system with daily walks proper nutrition, excluding stressful situations, maintaining a daily routine;
  • Promptly treat various skin lesions (wounds, scratches, hangnails) with antiseptics to prevent the virus from entering;
  • During hot weather, treat body and face more often antibacterial drugs or napkins.

In order to prevent intrauterine infection of the fetus, before planning a pregnancy it is necessary to be examined and undergo a course of treatment if the fact of carriage of the virus is detected.

Recently, there has been an increase in the immunodeficiency of mankind, because of this, new and different viral diseases, about which the population has absolutely no idea. Today, some of these diseases are condylomas and papillomas, due to infection with papillomavirus (human papillomavirus or HPV).

This virus provokes the development of several infectious diseases that affect the skin and mucous membranes of humans. Scientists have already discovered more than 100 subtypes of papillomavirus. Each subtype determines the manifestation viral infection, that is, it will be a wart or papilloma or condyloma. To get rid of such diseases, long-term and diligent complex treatment will be required.

In medicine, papillomas and warts are considered less dangerous. But condylomas in children, especially genital warts, require close attention, as they can grow and soon turn into malignant formations.

Condylomas are small papillary growths on the skin and mucous membranes that can appear on different parts bodies. If the skin is infected with the papilloma virus, a wart develops; if the mucous membrane is infected, genital warts develop. They are often flesh-colored or gray-pink in color, looking like a small drop with slices. The size of one papilla is 1-2 mm in diameter.

Condylomas can be single formations or located in groups. Quite often the growths grow together and a large condyloma forms. It looks like cauliflower. The surface of the formation can become covered with a crust, and its stalk can grow into the deep tissues of the skin and degenerate into squamous cell carcinoma.

The disease is often asymptomatic. However, you need to be as careful as possible with it. is a precancerous condition. According to etymology, growth and tumor are considered synonyms for the name condyloma. This is explained by the fact that condyloma has similar formation processes to a tumor. It is necessary to be examined periodically, because no one is immune from such neoplasms.

Doctors classify HPV types according to their level of oncogenicity and the types of diseases they cause. Types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 are considered the most dangerous - these are outgrowths that have a high rate of cancer development.

In addition, condylomas can bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient:

  • can be easily injured and begin to bleed;
  • interfere with a full sexual life;
  • make normal childbirth difficult;
  • Condylomas are a cosmetic defect that can cause psychological discomfort.

Where can condylomas be located?

Most often, condylomas can be found in the genital area and perianal area, and sometimes in the armpits and corners of the mouth.

The location of formations in girls is, first of all, the labia, the urethra, the entrance to the vagina and its walls, the cervix and its canal, and the anus.

In boys, condylomas occur on the foreskin, glans penis, frenulum, urethra, as well as the anus.

Condylomas occur not only in adults, but also in very young children. Medicine knows cases of infection of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The growth of formations in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and groin is quite common.

Causes of condylomas in children

The main route of infection with HPV is considered to be sexual. In children, infection with the virus and the formation of condylomas occurs due to:

Types of condylomas

Depending on the shape of condylomas, the following types are distinguished:

In children, genital warts, which are located on the anogenital area, are not so common. Sometimes they appear on the nasolabial or nasolabial fold, at the openings of the mouth and nose, where the skin meets the mucous membrane.

Symptoms of the development of genital warts in children

If condylomas in children are located in typical places of their localization, the symptoms are the same as in adults.

If there are genital warts in the anus, the child experiences itching, burning, discomfort, and complains that something is bothering him. There is a feeling of constant humidity. The baby may experience pain when defecating, because feces can injure large condylomas.

Diapers and underwear can irritate lesions and promote inflammation and even bleeding. If a child has flat condylomas, then their symptoms are less noticeable, since they cause less discomfort and irritation.

When the baby is still very small, he will not be able to express his complaints. Parents must constantly look after, monitor the cleanliness of their child, examine all parts of the body in order to diagnose the disease in time and immediately begin treatment.

It happens that condylomas disappear on their own - self-healing. But it is necessary to understand that without treatment they can unexpectedly appear again and perhaps even in a worse form.

How to recognize and not confuse the disease?

From the moment the human papillomavirus enters a child’s body until the first symptoms appear, it can take from 2 to 5 years. In children, the most common cause of condylomas is the transmission of HPV from an infected mother to a child during pregnancy or childbirth (vertical transmission). This assumption cannot be rejected even if the mother is not clinically diagnosed with infection.

If the mother finds small growths on an elongated leg of a doughy consistency in the child’s anogenital area or in the area of ​​the folds, she should consult a doctor. The presence of such growths will not present any difficulties for the doctor to determine the diagnosis. A doctor who can help solve the problem is a dermatologist, proctologist, urologist (for men), gynecologist (for women).

Their specific appearance will help to distinguish condylomas from other formations (for example, syphilitic hypertrophic papules). Condylomas are soft, have a lobular structure, and a thin stalk.

It can be difficult to make a diagnosis if condylomas are located in the rectum, urethra, vagina or cervix. This requires additional research.

After discovering gray-pinkish growths on the child’s body, it is necessary to have him examined by a pediatric gynecologist. In addition, the following activities will be required:

Treatment of genital warts in children

Condylomas almost always require special treatment; only in isolated cases do they go away on their own. A rational choice of method and means of treatment can only be made by a qualified specialist.

Getting rid of condylomas is a complex of therapeutic measures. This is a combination of local therapy, antiviral and immunostimulating treatment and removal of the formations themselves.

Medicines and topical treatments help reduce inflammatory processes, pain and prevent the reproduction and growth of condylomas. Used rectal suppositories, ointments, gels. Panavir and Genferon suppositories or gels are actively used. Also popular is “Cyclofenone” in the form of tablets or liniment. After his course of treatment with such tablets, condylomas may disappear on their own after some time.

Along with topical agents, drugs are used that kill viral cells and stimulate the immune system. Action antiviral drugs aimed at improving and increasing the production of interferons. A good remedy is "Isoprinosine". Active substances This immunostimulating medication affects the growth of condylomas and contributes to their complete disappearance.

Antiviral tablets "Acyclovir" are also used. But its action has a greater effect in case of herpes lesions. It is ineffective in the fight against condylomas.

Regardless of the name of the drug, each medicine should be taken under medical supervision to avoid possible adverse reactions.


One of the ways to treat condylomas is to remove them. They bring a lot of inconvenience and active image life can often be traumatized, which in the future threatens the development of malignant tumors.

Because children's body susceptible to the effects of chemicals, the best solution to the problem would be to remove condylomas. To achieve this, the following modern procedures are carried out:

After any of the procedures, you must adhere to special recommendations:

  • the dark crust that appears at the site of exposure cannot be peeled off or soaked for 4-5 days;
  • do not use various cosmetics;
  • after the procedure, it is necessary to apply special protective agents against ultraviolet radiation to condylomas that are located on open areas of the body;
  • try not to damage the wound.
Possible adverse reactions

The following possible side effects should be taken into account:

  • burns;
  • skin redness;
  • pigmentation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • swelling.

Such reactions occur without medical care in a few days. If this does not happen, you should show the child to the doctor.

Condylomas– this is one of the types of neoplasms that appear on the skin; Recently, they are increasingly affecting adults and children. The cause of their occurrence is the human papillomavirus; about 80% of the entire population is infected with it, but for a long time he doesn't make himself known.

Condylomas are much more dangerous than warts and papillomas: these growths are very difficult to treat, require close monitoring and attention, and can degenerate into malignant tumors.

The main threat is the provocation of squamous cell carcinoma, which occurs when the tumor grows deeply into the soft tissue

Where can condylomas be located?

Condylomas can occur not only in adults, but also in very young children.

The localization of neoplasms may vary, but most often they are found in the following areas of the body:

  1. Groin area;
  2. Inner and upper thighs;
  3. Buttocks;
  4. Mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  5. Mucous membranes of the urethra;
  6. Bronchi;
  7. Anal area;
  8. The boundaries of the mucous membranes and skin near the mouth and nose;
  9. Nasolabial fold.

The affected area also depends on the gender of the child, since condylomas can be located in the following places:

  1. For girls: labia, vaginal mucous membranes, cervix, uterine canal.
  2. For boys: head of the penis, frenulum, foreskin.

Causes of condylomas in children

The cause of condylomas is infection with the human papillomavirus; among adults it is transmitted mainly during sexual intercourse.

However, children are also at risk; they can become infected in the following ways:

  1. Previous infection during pregnancy, when the virus is transmitted from an infected mother to the fetus through the bloodstream;
  2. In the process of birth, if the causative agent of condylomatosis is in the birth canal;
  3. C-section increases the risk of infection in the child;
  4. Availability of direct contacts with items and objects on which the virus is located; often this happens in public places or transport;
  5. Use of bed linen, towels or other personal hygiene items that were used by a carrier of the human papillomavirus
  6. Bathing together with infected parents; visiting swimming pools and public baths;
  7. Sexual violence.

A child can become infected with HPV, but the causative agent of the disease may not manifest itself in any way for a long time.

The emergence of neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes often occurs only when health conditions deteriorate, serious illnesses or damage to the immune system.

Symptoms in children

Symptoms in childhood are exactly the same as in adults.

However, a child cannot always describe the existing discomfort, so parents should periodically examine his entire body in order to notice external signs that appear in time.

Typically, the following symptoms indicate the presence of condylomas:

  1. Itching and burning sensation if the condyloma is located in places where it is constantly rubbed.
  2. Pain during defecation, if large tumors are located in the anal area.
  3. Inflammatory processes formation of ulcers or bleeding. All these symptoms occur when the condylomas are exposed, for example, rubbing while walking.
  4. The appearance of skin growths which are noticeable when visual inspection child's body.

Special attention must be paid appearance the condylomas themselves, since they may vary depending on their type:

  1. Condylomas acuminata are the most common type in children and adults. In their shape they are similar to small papillae, which have a gray-pink color.
    The neoplasm itself is located on a small thin stalk, with the help of which it is attached to the skin. Typically, such condylomas spread very quickly throughout the body, forming separate large lesions.
    This process is a transformation into another type - Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma.
  2. Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma. On initial stage Its development is virtually indistinguishable from the usual pointed variety. The base of the neoplasm has a fairly wide and keratinized surface, through which grooves pass, which are a source of unpleasant odor.
    This variety is prone to irritation and most often degenerates into malignant tumors, so it is extremely important to take urgent measures and stop the development of the lesion.
  3. Flat condylomas most often found in girls; due to the peculiarities of their shape, they are much less likely to be injured due to mechanical impact.
    The lesions are localized on the external parts of the genital organs or mucous membranes; in the future they can cause the development of uterine cancer, so action is required in the early stages.

In childhood, condylomas lata may also occur, but their cause is not HCP, but infection with syphilis


If even single condylomas are detected in a child, a visit to a specialist is required.

To determine the course of action, he can prescribe the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Inspection of all areas of the body.
  2. Conversation with parents to determine possible ways infection.
  3. Examination of parents to detect human papillomavirus.
  4. Taking swabs for testing.
  5. Taking tests to identify possible sexually transmitted infections.

Treatment of genital warts in children

In rare cases, condylomatosis occurs on its own; in other situations, special treatment is required, which is prescribed by a qualified specialist.

To eliminate the disease, you may need to undergo a comprehensive drug therapy, which includes the following:

  1. "Genferon" or "Panavir" Available in the form of suppositories for rectal use or gel for local treatment. Both drugs stimulate local defense, have antibacterial and antiviral effects, and can relieve inflammatory processes.
  2. "Cyclofenone" in tablet form. After oral administration of this drug, condylomas may disappear, but treatment should be started in the early stages.
  3. "Isoprinosine" also available in tablet form, the drug has an antiviral effect and stimulates the activity of the immune system.
  4. "Acyclovir" used mainly for the treatment of herpes lesions, against condylomas this drug ineffective, but sometimes it is prescribed as an adjuvant.


It is not always possible to overcome condylomas with the help of drug therapy; in this case, their removal is required.

Today, this operation can be performed in the following ways:


The main complication that condylomas can lead to is the development of cancer. In boys, it increases the likelihood of penile cancer, and in girls, cervical cancer.

Risk level depends on the existing strain, so comprehensive studies are always required to determine the nature of the origin of the neoplasms and their type.


It is impossible to completely protect a child from the occurrence of condylomas, but compliance with the following preventive measures allows you to reduce this risk:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Providing a nutritious diet that includes fortified foods.
  3. Taking measures to strengthen the immune system, hardening from an early age.
  4. Timely treatment of all emerging viral diseases.