Pimples on the eyelid on the lash line. Treatment of acne on the upper and lower eyelids

White dots under the eyes are often manifestations of millet. Its cause is considered to be increased activity of the sebaceous glands. More often the problem appears in the facial area - on the eyelids, cheeks and forehead. White bumps on the face can be observed in both young children and some adults. There are several simple and effective ways that will help get rid of a cosmetic defect in a short time.

Reasons for appearance

White dots under the eyes (grass or milia) are wen with a diameter of 1–2 mm. They look like pimples. But unlike the latter, they are hard to the touch, never become inflamed and can remain on the skin for quite a long time (even several months). They appear both alone and in small groups. Milia do not affect human health in any way, but are purely a cosmetic defect. Sometimes they go away on their own, but in most cases they require removal at the doctor's office. After opening, a small ball comes out of the white dot.

The main reasons for their appearance are associated with hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. Other causes of milia include:

  • improper facial skin care procedure;
  • neglect of hygiene;
  • low-quality cosmetics or too frequent use of them in large quantities;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation (sun rays).

Both genetic factors and adverse effects are taken into account environment, hormonal disorders and autoimmune processes.

The rash is usually hard and white or yellowish in color. Millet patches appear on the eyelids, temples, lips and cheeks. They do not pose any danger to the organ of vision, but are only an unpleasant defect.

Such problems can be observed even in a newborn, but milia disappear within a few weeks (as the baby's sebaceous glands mature). If changes do not disappear, you should consult your pediatrician.

The next stage when rashes appear is puberty. Then this is due to the so-called play of hormones. But when all the processes occurring in the body are normalized (especially the work of the sebaceous glands), skin changes will disappear.

Scientific studies have shown that these changes are insensitive to the effects of antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal drugs. Therefore, there is no need to take various medications special meaning.

How to get rid of a rash?

You should not be afraid of the harmful effects of milia on the health of the body or skin. They are not contagious and cannot be transmitted from person to person. But this does not mean that you can ignore them. Failure to take action aimed at removing millet patches can lead to an increase in their number and coverage of a larger surface of the face.

If a wen appears on the skin of the eyelids, you need to consult a doctor so that he can assess whether it is really a wen. A cosmetologist or dermatologist will carefully examine the skin formation, and after diagnosis, agree with the patient on the appropriate treatment and select a method for removing milia.

Treatment by a specialist

To get rid of white spots under the eyes, it is better to consult a dermatologist. There are several effective methods to combat this problem. The doctor may make a small puncture in the lump with a sterile needle and apply pressure at the right angle to allow the sebum to escape. It is not recommended to do such operations yourself at home, as performing them incorrectly can lead to scarring and inflammation.

Another procedure that can effectively remove milia is electrocoagulation. This is a non-invasive method that involves applying high frequency electrical current. It is performed under local anesthesia, so it is painful. The current in the coagulator creates heat, which causes damage to the protein and removes the contents of the millet out. Immediately after the procedure, you may experience some swelling, redness, mild bruising, or mild pain that will subside within a few hours.

After electrocoagulation, the skin should be nourished appropriately. It is necessary to avoid sunbathing and remember to use creams with high sun filters, or protect the surgical site with a bandage. This method is also used in the treatment of other skin changes.

Some beauty salons use freezing. This procedure is used to combat “papillae” and other skin changes, but is also effective in the case of millet patches. Other methods are also used - chemical peeling, microdermabrasion. Exfoliation of the epidermis with acids or mechanical cleansing can get rid of milia and improve the condition of the skin.

You can remove millet with a laser. This is a modern, but also the most expensive technique of the available treatment options. The procedure is performed when other treatments have failed. The effect of a laser on tissue is to coagulate and destroy it. Laser cauterization of the sebaceous glands ensures that the millet will not reappear in a specific location. The laser destroys all sebaceous glands in which milia develop. The procedure does not cause complications, and any traces of the operation that appear disappear after 7–14 days. To remove grasses, a laser with a wavelength of 532 nm or a CO2 laser is used.

Milia on the face in adults and children - causes and methods of treatment


Getting rid of milia is possible not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. Regular exfoliation is one of the effective ways removal of milia on the face. But their place of education should be taken into account. If milia are present on the forehead or temple area, you can use a coarse scrub. When millet is under the eye, a gentle fine-grained or enzyme scrub should be applied. Some are gentle cosmetics or you can leave it on your face overnight.

Taking care of facial hygiene and properly selected skin care helps in removing milia. It is forbidden to squeeze out the wen yourself, pierce or scratch them. Any of these actions can lead to an inflammatory process.

  1. 1. Use creams containing glycolic and mandelic acids. They penetrate deeply into the skin and exfoliate its surface, thereby removing milia. For this purpose, they should be used daily, with intervals of 3 months. This therapy is intended only for autumn or early spring, when the skin is not heavily exposed to the sun or frost.
  2. 2. Try to prevent the appearance of milia. You should take care of your skin and avoid clogging your pores with greasy creams, comedogenic makeup products, and multiple layers of foundation. For facial care, it is necessary to use substances with acids and use peelings once a week.
  3. 3. Use different oils. Oil helps some people effectively tea tree in the form of lotions, which are applied to the problem area on the skin for 3 hours. After a week, the upper layer of the epidermis comes off in the form of a crust, and with it the milia.

Folk remedies

Natural remedies for the prevention and treatment of milia can always be found in every kitchen. The most effective are the following:

  1. 1. Lemon juice and sugar. This good way to remove millet stains on the face, with the exception of the eyelid area. You need to mix 2 tsp of sugar with the juice of half a lemon and 1 tsp. any essential oil. Apply to the face (avoid the area around the eyes) and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  2. 2. Natural honey. The product has cleansing and soothing properties. For a better effect, you can mix it with sugar and lubricate the skin changes with this mixture.
  3. 3. Castor oil. It can be mixed with olive oil and applied to the face. Allow the mixture to absorb, then rinse.
  4. 4. Fenugreek leaves. They have an antiseptic and cleansing effect. A handful of leaves should be mixed with water. Apply the resulting paste to your face, leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
  5. 5. Badyaga. Masks with clay and badyaga have proven themselves in the fight against millet.

It is difficult to fight millet because it is recurrent in nature. Six months after cosmetic procedures skin problems may reappear.

You can often notice a white pimple on the eye, which looks like a small white-yellow nodule. What is this? Such formations are called milia. They are single. They can be located in groups in the form of a cluster of rashes (on the lower and upper eyelids). Such pimples do not cause discomfort, but give the face an unaesthetic appearance.

Manifestation of milia

Small rashes near the eye are whiteheads. They form when the sebaceous gland becomes clogged. In this case, the contents cannot come out and a white pimple forms, for example, on the lower eyelid.

Milium does not cause concern (no itching or pain), and does not form a focus of inflammation. The nodules are dense to the touch. By appearance These nodules resemble millet grains, which is why their common name is “millet.” When it first appears, a white pimple on the eyelid or on the delicate skin under the eyes is very small in size (no more than a millimeter).

Over time, it increases and can reach the size of a match head. More often, pimples do not appear one at a time, but are located in peculiar colonies.

Why does a white pimple appear on the eyelid or near the eye?

There are many factors that provoke the appearance of milia, including on the lower and upper eyelids:

  • improper use of care products and decorative cosmetics (creams, powders, foundations), which contributes to clogging of pores;
  • oily facial skin type;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body (especially in adolescence);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • dietary habits (consuming large amounts of fried, salted, smoked food);
  • ultraviolet irradiation (on the beach or in a solarium).

If white pimples appear on the eyelids or under the eyes, this indicates not only an aesthetic problem, but also the need to visit a doctor or cosmetologist. Identifying and eliminating the cause of nodules is a necessary condition for effective treatment.

How to get rid of milia?

Self-removal of pimples on the lower and upper eyelid at home is not recommended by specialists. Even under sterile conditions, there is a high risk of infection. Removing whiteheads can only be entrusted to qualified doctors and cosmetologists.

White pimples under and around the eyes (on the lower and upper eyelids) can be eliminated in several ways:

  • mechanical disposal;
  • hardware methods;
  • traditional medicine recipes.

Removing white pimples from a cosmetologist

The most famous and widespread method is mechanical removal of the pimple contents. You can get rid of no more than 10 pimples at a time using this method. This procedure consists of the following stages:

  • the skin in the area of ​​which milia are located is treated with disinfectants;
  • puncture of the formation removed by a specialist is carried out with a sterile thin needle. Through this puncture the contents are removed;
  • The wound is treated for several days with products containing an antiseptic. The puncture heals for about a week, leaving no marks on the skin.

Mechanically, using a curette, you can remove white pimples on the lower and upper eyelids and under the eyes. Curettage is performed with a special tool that resembles a spoon. In this case, the contents of the milia are scraped out. This method is traumatic because unsightly scars may remain.

How to remove white pimples using special equipment?

Laser pimple removal - modern and effective method. Under the influence of a laser, the nodule can be removed. A kind of cauterization of the milium occurs. A crust forms at the treatment site, which dries out within a few days and then falls off on its own. The area exposed to the beam should be treated with disinfectants. At proper care There are no scars left at the site of the pimple.

Electrocoagulation. The principle of getting rid of pimples is similar to the previous one. The difference is that milia can be removed not using a laser, but under the influence of electric current (alternating, high frequency). The result of this treatment is good. The crust that appears after the action of the current dries quickly. In this case, the wound must be lubricated with an antiseptic to speed up healing. There are no marks on the skin after such a procedure.

Hardware procedures for removing milia are carried out in specialized cosmetology clinics.

Folk remedies for milia

Folk remedies can help remove white pimples under the eyes and on the eyelids. But this process is very long. The action of home methods (masks, compresses) is aimed at regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands and resolving plugs in the ducts.

Yeast mask

Ingredients: fresh yeast (1 dessert spoon), lemon juice (1 tablespoon), 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon), liquid honey (1 tablespoon).

Method of application. Mix all the ingredients, heat (you can put the container in hot water for 10 minutes). Apply the warm mixture to your face for 15 minutes. After drying, wash off the mask with water at room temperature. The face must be lubricated with nourishing cream.

This mask can be used to quickly restore skin after hardware procedures, as well as a way to remove milia on the face.

Pumpkin mask

Ingredients: grated pumpkin pulp, sour cream.

Method of application. Mix pumpkin and sour cream until a thick mass forms. Spread the mixture on the area where milia are located (eyelid area). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Paraffin mask

Ingredients: white paraffin (70 g).

Method of application. Heat the paraffin in a water bath. Treat your face with a solution containing alcohol. Apply a thin layer of paraffin to your face. Apply the next layer after the paraffin has hardened. Make several layers. When the mask has cooled, you can remove it.

Cucumber compress

Ingredients: cucumber (chopped), water (or a mixture of water and milk).

Method of application. Pour grated cucumber (without seed skin) hot water until a homogeneous mass is formed. Wrap the container (you can use a warm blanket) and leave for about an hour.

Make a mask from gauze or cotton fabric (chintz, calico) with cutouts for the eyes and mouth. Wet the mask with the resulting solution and place it on your face (20 minutes). To get rid of milia, it is recommended to carry out this procedure every day.

Viburnum mask

Ingredients: viburnum berries, oatmeal

Method of application. Grind the viburnum and squeeze the juice out of it. Add oatmeal until a thick mass forms. Apply the resulting mixture to areas of the face and eyelids that are covered with white pimples. Duration of exposure is 20-40 minutes.

Peeling with salt

Ingredients: sea ​​salt, olive oil (for sensitive skin), sour cream (for oily skin).

Method of application. Mix the components in a small container. Using a cotton pad, gently rub the mixture in circular motions into the areas of skin covered with millet. After the procedure, wash your face with warm water and apply cream.

Oatmeal scrub

Ingredients: Hercules oatmeal (ground in a blender or coffee grinder), soda (1 teaspoon), fine salt (1 tsp).

Method of application. Mix the mixture with cleansing foam. Apply to facial skin using rubbing movements. After the massage, rinse off the product with warm water.

This scrub can be used to get rid of milia and to prevent white pimples.

Prevention of milia

White pimple on or near the eyelid – a cosmetic defect. To prevent their occurrence, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

Thorough care for the skin of the face and eyelids. All products used must correspond to the skin type (cream, peeling products, cleansing lotions and foams, etc.) Properly selected care products allow you to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and cleanse the pores in a timely manner.

Proper nutrition. The diet should contain as little smoked, salty, spicy and fried foods as possible. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweets, flour, and coffee.

At the first signs of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult a gastroenterologist for consultation. Timely identification of the causes of the disease, as well as timely treatment, will help prevent the appearance of white pimples on the skin.

The condition of the skin, including the eyelids, will improve if you limit alcohol consumption and smoking.

When tanning, you should use protective equipment, because... UV rays contribute to the appearance of white pimples. It is necessary to protect the skin of the face and eyelids in the summer with the help of hats (hats with wide brims, caps).

When myilums appear, you should not self-medicate. A treatment method correctly selected by specialists will help you quickly get rid of milia on the skin.

The article has been verified by a medical practitioner. Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience.

Many diseases appear on the eyelids, but most of them, fortunately, do not cause serious harm to health.

The most common problem is a bleb on the eyelid - this is a small cyst filled with fluid. In addition, eyelid diseases are often associated with infection and inflammation. A common complaint in older people is eyelid ptosis, when the eye cannot be fully opened. These problems are usually not a cause for concern, but it is worth visiting a doctor if you experience discomfort or pain in the eye area, watery eyes, or blurred vision. The information presented below is for informational purposes only and should not be used by you for self-medication or self-diagnosis.

  • there is swelling of the eyelids, nodules or cysts on the eyelids;
  • there was itching, peeling of the eyelids and a feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • bothers a tubercle, a lump on the eyelid;
  • there was drooping of the eyelid - ptosis;
  • ectropion has formed - the lower eyelid turns outward;
  • entropion has formed - an inward turning of the upper eyelid;
  • you noticed yellow plaques, spots on the eyelids;
  • you have blepharospasm - excessive blinking or uncontrolled closing of the eyelids.

1. Swelling of the eyelids and nodules on the eyelids

Quite often, the upper or lower eyelid swells due to the formation of a chalazion - a sebaceous gland cyst. Chalazion can range in size from barely noticeable to the size of a grape. It is a slow-growing, usually painless formation. However, when an infection occurs, the chalazion turns red and begins to hurt.

Usually, a chalazion goes away as unnoticed as it appears. However, you can speed up recovery by applying warm compresses to the area of ​​the sore eye. Take a cotton napkin, soak it in warm, clean water and apply it to your closed eye for 5 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day for two weeks.

If the chalazion has reached a large size and does not go away within 2 months, it may be necessary surgical removal. The operation is very simple, takes about 5 minutes and does not leave a scar. Before surgery, your doctor will administer local anesthesia to the eyelid area to numb the skin.

You will also need to see a doctor if your chalazion becomes infected. Perhaps antibiotics will be added to the treatment to avoid the spread of infection deep under the eyelid - into the fatty tissue.

5. The lower eyelid turns outward (ectropion)

Sometimes the lower eyelid moves away from the eye and turns outward, this is called ectropion. Ectropion can affect only one or both lower eyelids, which is most often associated with aging, less often with sunburn of the skin. In cases of mild lower eyelid ectropion, treatment is usually not required. However, if this causes you discomfort and leads to watery eyes, resort to surgical treatment.

6. Turning of the eyelids (entropion)

If the eyelid turns inward, they speak of entropion. Inversion of the eyelids most often occurs in the lower eyelid, less often in the upper eyelid. Turning of the eyelids causes discomfort and causes lacrimation, as the eyelashes irritate the cornea - the transparent membrane eyeball. In mild cases, the problem can be solved by instilling special drops into the eye, which protect the cornea from damage and eliminate discomfort.

More severe cases of entropion are accompanied by pain, damage to the cornea and even loss of vision. Entropion results in corneal ulcers that can become infected. If entropion of the eyelids threatens the health of your eyes, a surgery. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and usually lasts no more than an hour. Treatment for entropion should be discussed with an ophthalmologist. If you notice eye pain, redness and decreased vision, seek medical attention. medical care needed immediately.

7. Xanthelasmas - yellow spots on the eyelids

Yellow plaques and spots on the eyelids are called xanthelasmas. These are usually harmless formations that do not cause concern. However, xanthelasmas are an indicator of cholesterol levels in the blood and indicate its increase. If you notice yellow plaques on your eyelids, see your doctor to assess your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: heart attack and stroke.

It is very important to start prompt treatment if you have elevated cholesterol and blood glucose levels or high blood pressure. To reduce the possible risk of complications, stop smoking if you have this habit.

8. Blinking involuntarily - blepharospasm

It's normal if you blink your eyes a lot at the end of a hard day when you're tired. It is bad if blinking becomes excessively strong and convulsive, or your eyes close against your will. This condition is called blepharospasm and can last from a few seconds to several minutes. The exact cause of blepharospasm has not been studied. It is believed that fatigue, bright light or stress can provoke convulsive blinking.

Severe blepharospasm causes significant discomfort and embarrassment. However, there is effective treatment blepharospasm, for example, in the form of small injections of botulinum toxin (Botox) into the facial skin. Contact your doctor for help.

Which doctor should I contact if changes appear on the eyelids?

If you are concerned about changes in the eyelids,... If surgery is required, with the help of the NaPopravku service you can do it yourself.

Localization and translation prepared by site. NHS Choices provided the original content for free. It is available from www.nhs.uk. NHS Choices has not reviewed, and takes no responsibility for, the localization or translation of its original content

Copyright notice: “Department of Health original content 2019”

All site materials have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow us to take into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. The articles have been prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature.

Any rash, and especially a pimple on the eyelid, causes some discomfort to its owner. There are patients for whom this problem does not cause any inconvenience, but from an aesthetic point of view it does not look very beautiful, and sometimes scares even others.

Today, the cosmetic and pharmaceutical market offers a huge range of products to combat this problem, but not all of them are designed to eliminate acne on such unexpected places as the eyelid.

Causes of white pimple

Regardless of what reason led to the appearance of a rash on the eyelid, this is a signal that changes have occurred in the body that led to such consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the cause of the development of the pathology as quickly as possible and begin to treat it.

Disturbances in the robot's immune system

A pimple on the upper or lower eyelid can form after hypothermia of the entire body, a previous acute respiratory viral infection or a simple cold.

Typically, this process develops if the patient’s body temperature rises. If there is an acute pathogen in the human body respiratory disease, then of course all the forces immune system will be aimed at combating this microorganism, and other systems at this time become vulnerable.

As a result of this, those bacteria and microorganisms that live on human skin begin to actively multiply, and thus the inflammatory process begins to actively develop. All this happens due to the fact that all the body’s defenses are aimed at fighting another harmful agent.

Poor quality cosmetics

An incorrectly selected cosmetic product for a certain skin type can become a trigger for the development of acne, including on the eyelids.

This usually occurs after using fat-based cosmetics, as well as those containing preservatives, fragrances and preservatives. Therefore, before choosing the desired product, it is necessary to determine your skin type, because expensive does not mean good.

Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the composition of the cosmetic product to see if there are any components that can cause allergic reactions. Patients with oily skin It is worth paying attention to the fact that the packaging contains the inscription “non-comedogenic”.

White pimple on the upper eyelid

Disturbance in the robot's gastrointestinal tract

Most main body which is responsible for cleansing the body of harmful and toxic products is the intestines. So, if there is a large amount of waste on the intestinal walls, its peristalsis is disrupted and it cannot be cleaned normally, and accordingly, all waste begins to spread throughout all organs and systems.

The most important enemies of the skin are very fatty and fried foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, flour products and sweets. In order to somehow help the intestines, the skin begins to produce excessive subcutaneous sebum. This in turn leads to blockage of pores and ducts, with the subsequent formation of acne on the lower and upper eyelids.

So what if gastrointestinal tract fails to cope with its responsibilities, all this manifests itself on the skin.

Allergic reactions

As a result of an allergic reaction, pimples can also form on the eyelids. Most often, this reaction can occur to:

  • pollen from flowers;
  • food;
  • pet hair;
  • medicines;
  • dust.

In addition to white pimples, a small rash with a reddish tint may appear. It is also possible that rhinitis, lacrimation, sneezing, swelling and itching may develop.

Hormonal changes in the body

Hormones are actively involved in all metabolic processes in the human body, and accordingly, any failure in this complex mechanism leads to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems.

Typically, hormonal problems are observed in patients who have problems with thyroid gland, and women with disorders menstrual cycle. Accordingly, it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

Mechanical damage to the skin

Typically, mechanical damage to the eyelid and nearby tissues occurs in the fair half of humanity during the process of removing excess hair in the eyebrow area.

After injury to the skin, an infectious agent can enter the wound, which is the trigger for the development of inflammation and the formation of a rash.

Types of white pimples on the eyelid

Acne that affects the eyelid can be of several types, namely:

  • barley;
  • milia in infants.

Barley is characterized by a close location to the ciliary edge, and is always localized on the upper eyelid, can be on both the inner and outer sides. In the area of ​​the rash there is redness, itching, burning and painful sensations when pressed. Barley itself is an inflammation of the hair follicle with purulent contents and acute course. Only after three days it begins to ripen and bursts out with the outflow of purulent contents.

Millet is a white compaction located on the surface of the skin and has the shape of a ball. This phenomenon is usually observed in people with very oily and combination skin. Millet patches form in groups of several, usually after an inflammatory process or trauma to the skin. Apart from aesthetic discomfort, millet grain does not cause any other problems. It usually goes away on its own or is removed only under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Milia in infants affects not only the eyelids, but also spreads to other parts of the body. They do not pose any danger to the child’s life, therefore no specific treatment is used. With age, they usually go away on their own, so you should not squeeze them out yourself in order to avoid secondary infection of the wound.

Therapeutic measures

You should not self-medicate, since the area around the eye is very sensitive and easily injured; you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist, dermatologist or cosmetologist.

A person, without noticing this, can independently damage the delicate mucous membrane of the eye with subsequent infection. Regardless of the size of the pimple, do not try to squeeze it out yourself.

Among the activities that are allowed for independent use include:

  • the affected area of ​​the skin can be treated salicylic ointment, which will have disinfecting, keratolytic and drying effects;
  • Using tetracycline eye ointment will help get rid of bacterial infection, and will help barley ripen faster;
  • bodyagi powder mixed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide perfectly helps to dissolve and pull out whiteheads, the mixture is applied to the area of ​​the rash for 15 minutes, after which it is simply washed off with warm water.

Among traditional methods There are the following ways to combat white pimples:

  • to boiled softened potatoes add two teaspoons of cream, one teaspoon of honey and one yolk, and all this is applied to the eyelid for thirty minutes;
  • you can apply a compress from a cut aloe leaf throughout the night, this remedy capable of drawing out purulent contents;
  • mix one teaspoon of honey with 10 crushed tablets acetylsalicylic acid, and a small amount of any antibacterial cream, apply to the skin for ten minutes and then rinse off;
  • Mix fresh cucumber juice with a small amount of cottage cheese, usually in a 1:1 ratio, then distribute over the affected areas and after thirty minutes rinse with warm water.

Acne can occur on different parts body - on the face, back, arms, legs. Sometimes many people face such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of rashes on the eyes.

In addition to aesthetic problems, they can also cause physical problems - painful sensations, severe tearing, vision problems, discomfort. To eliminate all these unpleasant lesions, you should first study their important features, causes and symptoms.


Before starting treatment, you should first consider the types of pimples on your eyes. They may differ in appearance and in the symptoms that may accompany the lesion. However, the treatment may also have some differences.

Diagnosis can be done independently at home by examining the eye in front of a mirror. But most accurate diagnosis An ophthalmologist will be able to diagnose it after a proper examination.


The pinguecula is a small formation that forms on the white of the eyeball. The factors that provoke its appearance are external stimuli.

The most common include:

  • sunlight;
  • dust;
  • specks;
  • fluff and others.

After the appearance of a pimple, there is no visual impairment, no pain or discomfort. The only unpleasant symptom is a feeling as if something is bothering you, possibly increased secretion of tears. Treat pinguecula with regular eye drops.


This formation usually appears as a result of inflammation of the sebaceous gland or ciliary sac. These pathological processes usually begin with symptoms of swelling and redness. After about 3-4 days, the formation of a large pimple is noted.

Stye can be easily cured on your own at home. It often goes away on its own without the use of any medications.

If this formation is an isolated phenomenon, then there should be no cause for concern. If it becomes chronic, then a full examination is required to find out the cause of the pathology.


This is a compacted formation with a small size. It is usually accompanied by a yellowish tint. Located under the eye or on the upper eyelid area.

Xanthelasma can be in the form of rashes or in the form of a single lesion. This type of acne can be caused by a variety of health problems - liver dysfunction, cholecystitis and other diseases.


In order for the treatment of acne on the eye to be correct and effective, it is necessary to find out the reasons that provoke this lesion. There may be several of them, and all of them can negatively affect your health.

Allergic reaction

A pimple on the eye may appear as a result of external irritants, which often lead to allergies.

It can be triggered by various factors:

  • failure to maintain proper hygiene;
  • poor nutrition;
  • dust;
  • using soap or washing gel that is not suitable for a particular type of skin.
Allergies usually cause various unpleasant symptoms. Among the most important are increased tearing, redness and swelling of the eyes, a feeling of itching and irritation.

Internal and external stimuli

Pimples on the eyes can be caused by internal and external irritants. Only a medical examination can determine exactly what factor provoked these lesions. Based on it, the doctor will be able to prescribe effective treatment.

Internal factors include:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • taking antibiotic drugs;
  • problems with the functioning of the digestive system.

There are also external factors that can cause pimples to appear on the eyes. For example, when touched with dirty hands, when exposed to dust, debris, poorly washed off cosmetics, or the use of a large amount of cosmetics.

Often, acne on the surface of the eyelids or under the eyes occurs due to excessive use of various decorative cosmetics.

When applying foundation, powder and other concealers, pores become clogged, the skin heats up, and a lack of oxygen occurs. Usually this all eventually leads to the appearance of formations with inflammation.


Pimples on the eyelids often appear when infected eye mite– demodex. During it, there is a feeling of itching, increased tearing, a feeling of sand in the eyes, and loss of eyelashes.

The mite can affect not only the eyelids, but also eyelashes, eyebrows, forehead, chin, and ear canal area.

Demodectic mange can appear due to a number of reasons:

  • chronic dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • endocrine system disorder;
  • hepatitis;
  • metabolic problems;
  • serious ophthalmological pathologies;
  • increased oily skin, seborrhea.


Pimples on the eyes can occur when an infection enters the body. This can happen as a result of dirt getting into the eyes, which can ultimately lead to severe inflammation and redness. Lesions can also appear due to various infectious and viral diseases.


In order for the treatment to be effective and quick, it is worth knowing how a pimple on the eye manifests itself, namely what signs and symptoms it is accompanied by. Typically, the nature of the manifestation depends on the types of lesions.

Usually, for all types of acne there is a general list of symptoms:

  • redness;
  • inflammatory process;
  • swelling of the eyelid and area under the eye;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • pain when blinking;
  • itching feeling.

White painless

White pimples can appear due to clogging of the pores by the sebaceous glands. As a result, comedones are formed, which have a white head on the surface.

The main symptoms include:

  • rashes on the eyelids and under the eyes;
  • sometimes an inflammatory process may occur;
  • after a certain time, the number of rashes increases;
  • tearing may occur.

Painful red bump under the eye

The red lump under the eye is a stye. It usually causes a number of unpleasant symptoms which cause severe discomfort.

Treatment can be provided independently; in advanced cases, you should consult a doctor.

Barley is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a small red bump forms on the upper or lower eyelid;
  • the lesion is accompanied by severe inflammation;
  • additionally there is swelling of the eye;
  • over time, a white head forms, inside of which there is purulent contents;
  • usually on the 2-3rd day there is a feeling of pain when blinking;
  • Over time, the formation breaks through and pus comes out of it.

Video: How to treat stye on the eye

Reddish rash

A reddish rash can appear with allergic reactions, urticaria, and dermatitis.

It has a number of symptoms that negatively affect the general condition:

  • swelling of the eyes;
  • vision problems;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • pain;
  • inflammatory process of the upper and lower eyelids.

Location of pimples on the eye

Pimples on the eye can be located on different parts of the eye. It does not matter where exactly the rashes appeared; in any case, they will cause aesthetic, psychological and physical discomfort.

On the upper eyelid

Quite often, red and white pimples, rashes, and styes appear on the upper eyelid. Many cause pain when blinking, and some can sometimes affect vision.

Styes and white pimples appear on the lower eyelid. With styes, redness and inflammation occur. When blinking, a person experiences pain and increased tearing.

Under the eye

Many people develop rashes, white pimples, comedones, and acne under their eyes. If you neglect it and do not start timely treatment, then over time an inflammatory process will occur and acne will spread to all parts of the eye.

In the eye

Small pimples in the eye area may be allergic reaction for various cosmetics - eye shadows, foundations, lotions, tonics, washing gels. They can also occur due to mechanical damage.

How to treat

Regardless of what type of pimple appears - white, red, internal, stye, rash, the treatment must be correct.

Many of them can be treated on their own. However, there are some types of lesions that may require medical attention.


For acne with inflammation and purulent contents, bactericidal drops can be used. They can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Your doctor will be able to tell you which drops to choose for treatment.

It is recommended to use these drugs according to the instructions. Usually, for styes, they are used 2-3 times a day - 1 drop is instilled into each eye. After a full course of use, inflammation, redness, and pain disappear.


For extensive rashes with inflammation, injections of antibiotic drugs may be prescribed. The injection is made directly into the area with inflammatory process. They should only be done by a doctor.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Acne and pimples on the eyes have recently been treated with physiotherapy. It is usually used in conjunction with drug treatment, this increases the effectiveness of the drugs used.

The following physiotherapeutic methods are used to treat acne:

  • local darsonvalization. It improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, reduces sebum secretion;
  • FUV irradiation;
  • ozone therapy. This procedure causes death pathogenic microorganisms, improves microcirculation, accelerates regeneration;
  • magnetotherapy. Reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation;
  • Thalassotherapy. Causes strengthening of the protective functions of the skin, improves metabolic processes and blood circulation.

Mechanical method

Mechanical cleaning is carried out in a clinical setting under the strict supervision of a specialist.

When performing this, the following actions are performed:

  • the skin is washed and cleansed with a scrub or cream;
  • A special mask is applied to the surface for 15 minutes;
  • then everything is washed off;
  • then the cleansing itself is performed;
  • After cleaning, darsonvalization is carried out using a special device called darsonval. Electromagnetic pulses with different frequencies are applied to the skin;
  • After this, a soothing mask is applied for 15 minutes.


During this method, soft tissue is cauterized using current. It allows you to remove such formations as warts, warts, rosacea, papillomas, acne, post-acne, moles, calluses.


This treatment is prescribed for single rashes. Its essence is to pierce the skin near the cyst, squeezing out its contents along with the capsule. Before piercing, the skin is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.


Laser treatment is the most popular, this is due to its effectiveness. During the procedure, a CO2 laser is used, which allows for highly precise layer-by-layer elimination of pathological formations without thermal or mechanical effects on healthy areas.

Photo: Nature of the rashes


To ensure that your eyes are always healthy and that pimples, blackheads and other formations do not appear on their surface, it is worth taking preventive measures:

  • careful hygiene;
  • the use of special creams and gels for the eyelids;
  • use of masks;
  • eye protection from dust and dirt;
  • in summer, during the period of bright sunshine, you must wear dark glasses;
  • For minor lesions, you should immediately consult a doctor.
A pimple on the eye is an unpleasant phenomenon that immediately causes a state of panic in many. Often it is because of this that depression and feelings of inferiority arise.

Of course, from the outside, rashes, acne, and pimples do not look aesthetically beautiful, but if you start treating them in a timely manner, they will quickly disappear without leaving a trace.
