Peeling the scalp at home: scrub recipes. Homemade hair and scalp scrub How to use a scalp scrub

Peeling the scalp at home is the choice of many women, because it guarantees a completely natural scrub composition, without chemical compounds and impurities. For home scrubs they often use:

Additional Ingredients

There are many ingredients for homemade scrubs. Which of these components is most preferable, everyone decides for themselves, based on their goals, tastes, needs and condition of the scalp and hair itself.

So, to achieve a variety of effects in different cases They use cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, seeds and fruit pulp, add cream, yogurt, egg yolks and even cognac.

What is best to use and in what case?:

  • If your scalp is oily, it is recommended to use scrubs based on salt, sugar, blue clay, and apple cider vinegar. But for this skin type it is better not to add egg yolk.
  • For dry skin, it is possible to make honey-cream peelings or oil-based scrubs with the addition of crushed fruit seeds and coffee. It is better to avoid using apple cider vinegar.
  • If the scalp is hypersensitive, sugar scrubs based on fermented milk products or herbal decoctions. Chamomile, string, sage, St. John's wort, licorice, nettle - will soothe irritated areas and have a healing effect.

    Pay attention! Do not use salt, pepper or mustard.

  • Salt, sugar, coffee and clay will help solve the dandruff problem.
  • Mustard and hot pepper are ideal for hair growth. But in case of sensitive scalp, scratches, ulcers, these products cannot be used.
  • Coffee and pepper, which stimulate the blood supply to the hair follicles, will help against hair loss; crushed fruit seeds, white clay, and sugar are also suitable.

Natural recipes for mixtures

To make a hair scrub at home, you don’t need to look for any fancy products on store shelves. All the ingredients are available, commonplace and not at all expensive. Here are examples of some recipes.

With sugar and vegetable oil

Exactly Sugar-based scrubs promote regular skin renewal and add beauty to hair., smoothness and shine. In order to do this peeling, you need:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and any vegetable oil, olive oil is ideal.
  2. The mixture should be rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements for about 3-4 minutes.
  3. Then wash your hair very thoroughly with shampoo and rinse with warm water.

With soda

If main goal scrub is the most effective cleansing and elimination of oiliness; a soda-based scrub is ideal. The product is very drying, so it is contraindicated for those with initially dry skin. In addition, it restores the hair structure and activates its growth. It is better to add shampoo, honey and citrus oil to the soda scrub.

The recipe for making such a scrub is as follows:

  1. To liquid honey, taken in the amount of 2 tablespoons, you need to add a tablespoon of shampoo and 3 tablespoons of soda.
  2. Mix the mixture well and add a few drops of essential citrus oil, it can be lemon, lemon balm, grapefruit or orange oil.

Important point: if the honey is thickened, you must first melt it in a water bath with a temperature no higher than 40 degrees.

With pepper for hair growth

This peeling is done on the basis of sugar or salt. Therefore, the recipes are similar:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of sugar or salt with vegetable oil and add one tablespoon of ground hot pepper to the mixture.
  2. Apply the resulting paste to the scalp, distribute over the entire length of the hair and leave for 5-7 minutes.
  3. This is usually followed by a light head massage and the mixture is left for another 8-10 minutes, after which it is washed off as usual.

If burning and itching occur, wash off the scrub earlier. The scrub has a stimulating effect on the hair growth process and improves its condition.

With bow

Onion scrub stimulates active hair growth, so it is recommended for those who want to quickly grow healthy, long locks. To prepare it:

  1. You need to chop the head of a medium onion very hard, until it becomes mushy, and mix it with half a glass of salt, preferably sea salt.
  2. Heat the mixture a little - the scrub should be warmer than room temperature.
  3. It is better to apply the scrub to the skin, dividing the hair into partings, massage and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then you can rinse your hair with running water.

With mustard

An additional effect of this peeling will be accelerated hair growth, up to 1 cm per week. New bulbs will also begin to form, which will subsequently add thickness to the hair. This scrub is prepared using sugar:

  1. Butter and sugar, 2 tablespoons each, are diluted with the same amount of warm water and one tablespoon of mustard powder is added to them.
  2. The prepared mixture is applied to the scalp along the partings.
  3. After a period of time from 15 to 45 minutes, wash off with water at room temperature.

Oatmeal mask with scrubbing effect

An oatmeal scrub-mask is suitable for those with dry hair, because this cereal will not only cleanse, but also nourish it. This scrub is very easy to prepare:

  1. 3 tablespoons of oatmeal should be mixed with 2 tablespoons of kefir or yogurt.
  2. You can leave the oatmeal scrub on your hair for a quarter of an hour, then do a light scalp massage and rinse with shampoo.

With aloe for hydration

This scrub will help dry scalp, add moisture to your hair, and make it more manageable.

The peeling process is not complicated:

  1. A salt or sugar scrub is used as a basis, juice or highly crushed aloe leaves are added in a 3:1 ratio.
  2. The product is applied to the scalp with massaging movements for 5 minutes and washed off with running water.

How often can it be done and when will the effect appear?

The frequency of use of various hair scrubs depends entirely on the type of hair. For oily curls, it is better to choose a period of once a week, for normal curls – once every ten days, and for dry curls – no more than twice a month.

The effect of such care is noticeable after the first time, due to the fact that any scrub greatly increases the blood supply to the hair follicles, which in turn stimulates the flow of useful substances to the hair roots and improves their condition.

To ensure that scrubbing at home does not lead to unpleasant consequences, is carried out correctly and as effectively as possible, it is recommended to listen to the advice of professionals.

  1. Do not use on colored hair. The abrasive component, which is the basis of any scrub, is capable of removing not only dirt, but also pigment. What can cause hair to fade?
  2. Combine the procedure with a massage. Moreover, when applying the product, it is better to adhere to the following massaging technique. You need to start from the top of the head, carefully moving towards the back of the head. Then from the top of the head you need to move to the temples and ears. Upper part The head is massaged last - from the crown to the forehead.
  3. Be sure to do an allergy test. Before using any product, it is necessary to check your skin for sensitivity, as individual intolerance is possible. To test, you need to apply the finished scrub to your wrist or elbow. Leave for 15-20 minutes. If itching, irritation, redness or other unpleasant reactions occur, it means that the scrub is not suitable and you need to choose another one.
  4. Make a mask after the scrub. She will provide additional positive action onto the hair, nourishing it along the entire length.
  5. Use ready-made scrub. To save time, you can choose a ready-made professional product on a natural basis.

Properly selected regular skin scrubbing will significantly improve hair health. But if you ignore the recommendations or choose the wrong ingredients, the result can be very disastrous and you may even need treatment from a trichologist. Therefore, you need to approach everything wisely, because beautiful, well-groomed hair is the adornment of any woman.

Useful video

From the video you will learn why you need to make scalp scrubs and get acquainted with the best recipes:

Every woman, without exception, dreams of looking perfect. Clothes, perfume, and accessories are a matter of taste, but well-groomed skin, a beautiful smile, and healthy hair will truly complement any look. Unfortunately, it happens that some annoying little thing spoils the whole impression. For example, dandruff on your shoulder or the desire to scratch your head every now and then. Don't explain to everyone that you have sensitive scalp or that hard water causes flaking. There is no need to explain, but it is necessary to deal with undesirable phenomena. Special scrubs and peelings are perfect for scalp care.

With the right care, you can forget about discomfort and dandruff. And beautiful hair will become an object of admiration for women and men around you. In addition, such products not only have useful qualities, but in some cases they can combine the qualities of shampoo, conditioner, and even make hair styling easier.

Health in general depends on many factors. Scalp health is no exception. Stress, lack of vitamins and poor nutrition have a negative impact. Adequate rest is also important. Therefore, if you use an integrated approach, the result will be as effective as possible. Unfortunately, the effect will not be immediate. The symptoms will not go away immediately, but they can and should be dealt with. Common problems are flaking, dandruff, itching, burning. Cosmetic products can partially help cope with them. For example, such as scalp scrubs or peelings. How to choose the right one?

Don't make mistakes when choosing cosmetics for hair care, remember that SLS and other surfactants in the composition can cause skin problems, also avoid the presence of silicones, they weigh down the hair.

So, if the condition of your hair and scalp does not satisfy you, then the problem needs to be solved. First of all, their condition is negatively affected bad habits. The use of alcohol and tobacco products should be avoided whenever possible. Limit your consumption harmful products, unhealthy food is harmful not only appearance, but also harms the body from the inside. Include nuts, fruits and fresh vegetables. Adequate rest is also important. Try to rest in proportion to the load, your skin will thank you.

In combination with the tips listed above, use cosmetics that suit your hair type. Before basic care, you need to carefully prepare your hair.

Effective cleansing

There are several ways to clean your hair. One of the most effective is with the help of special scrubs and peels. In turn, they can be mechanical or chemical. Products representing the first option contain abrasive particles that cleanse the skin. You can use purchased ones, and if desired, budget options can be made yourself at home.

The chemical cleaning method involves the use of certain acids in its composition. This cleaning option is used mainly as prescribed by a trichologist. The components of such products interact with dead particles and fat, dissolving them, allowing them to be easily removed using shampoos.

Those with brightly colored hair are probably interested in the question: does this procedure wash away the color? The answer is comforting - no. Professional care for colored strands does not negate the use of scrubs, however, it is recommended to cleanse the scalp two weeks before dyeing or the same time after it. The procedure is also safe for hair extensions. But after keratin straightening, experts advise you to refrain from peeling and scrubbing, these procedures can significantly reduce the duration useful action straightening.

Indications for use:

  • dandruff;
  • increased sebum production;
  • frequent use of styling varnish, etc.

Contraindications for use:

  • irritation;
  • wounds and cracks;
  • inflammation;
  • recent coloring;
  • keratin smoothing.


Everyone has long known about cosmetic scrubs. The basic functionality of such products involves mechanical exfoliation of dead areas. They are used mainly by people with problematic dermis.

The use of a scalp scrub has become popular not very long ago; some women who do not use the services of beauty salons may still not know about such care. But, according to professional hairdressers, this procedure has a very large positive result, for example, in the fight against dandruff.

Experts also recommend scrubbing to prevent hair loss and the formation of sebaceous plugs. The action of the components will also be beneficial for hair growth; scrubbing granules simultaneously perform a massage role.

We figured out what the scrub cleanses the skin from, but how often the need for such cleansing arises is individual. How often do experts recommend using scrubs? If this preventive measure, then once every two weeks or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If you have a problem that needs to be eliminated, then you need to use the scrub systematically, once a week or maximum twice, if this does not contradict the instructions. Otherwise, your skin will suffer damage from use rather than the promised renewal.

Advantages of using the scrubbing procedure:

  • healthy cleansing;
  • prevention of hair loss;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • massage effect.

Disadvantages of using the scrubbing procedure:

  • cannot be used for inflammation;
  • if applied incorrectly, it can damage the dermis;
  • may cause allergic reactions;
  • if used unreasonably often, it causes the opposite effect.


Peeling is a product for the chemical removal of the stratum corneum, fat and dirt particles mixed with it. Why do you need peeling? It is suitable for those people who want to achieve longer lasting results than from using a scrub. It cleans more deeply without damaging the surface. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such a procedure. In her defense is the fact that even popular models have scalp peels in their hair care arsenal.

What is the difference between peeling and scrub? A scrub has a mechanical effect, while a peel has a chemical effect. The scrub contains solid particles of various components that exfoliate dead scales. The peeling contains acids and enzymes that dissolve the same scales, sebaceous deposits in the pores and particles of residues of other cosmetics.

Advantages of using the peeling procedure:

  • long lasting effect;
  • soft action;
  • stimulates rejuvenation of problem areas;
  • fights inflammation;
  • improves hair growth;
  • reduces sebum secretion;
  • Maintains correct pH balance.

Disadvantages of using the peeling procedure:

  • may cause allergies;
  • cannot be used if there are wounds;
  • more high price.

The principle of action of these substances is based on the effect of fruit and other acids on the surface layer of the dermis. They gently dissolve it and then remove it easily. It is thanks to chemical peeling that it is possible to get rid of some dermatological ailments. However, the opinion of trichologists/dermatologists is that only a professional remedy, individually selected for each specific case, can have a medical effect. Therefore, before trying to solve your problem yourself, it would be a good idea to visit a doctor who will give recommendations for treatment.

Selecting products depending on skin type

Popular companies producing cosmetic products keep up with the times and use fruit enzymes, vitamins, healthy acids in their products and make their products suitable for everyone. But we must admit that universal solutions are less effective. Decide whether you need a scrub or peeling.

If you decide to carry out the home cleaning procedure yourself, be especially careful when choosing the main tool. To really get a beneficial effect, the drug must be intended for your skin type. Practical calculation also plays an important role: the scrub will be cheaper in price and the consumption is quite small, the thick consistency allows you to use the scrub sparingly.

Peeling products are more expensive even for home use. The criteria for choosing a peeling product at home are convenient packaging, clear instructions and an affordable price. Since these substances are applied for a certain period of time and then washed off, prepare everything you need in advance so as not to overexpose the composition and harm yourself. Be sure to check the expiration date; after it expires, the product must not be used. What you need to pay special attention to is whether it contains ingredients to which you have an allergic reaction.

Care for oily scalp

Oily skin is a real problem for its owner. Because of this, hair very quickly loses its neat appearance. Products based on sea salt and oil will help cope with excess sebum. tea tree, mint, jojoba and many others. How to use this or that product is usually written on the label.

According to reviews, the good thing about salt scrub is that it doesn’t scratch the skin, and the salt particles dissolve during the process and you don’t have to worry about problematic rinsing. These particles provide deep cleansing.

Care for dry scalp

Mostly natural ingredients are recommended for use on thin, damaged hair and dry skin. Essential oils in the composition will help moisturize and provide additional care. Aloe and honey in the scrub will cope perfectly with these requirements. Separately, it is worth highlighting Damask rose extract, it is ideal for the needs of dry skin. The hair benefits from using such scrubs on the face - refreshes and moisturizes, maintaining a healthy balance of the scalp, and prevents moisture loss.

Care for normal scalp

Hair protection and strengthening normal type allows you to provide coconut, clay, citrus essential oils. Blueberry, cranberry and chamomile extracts are also great. By the way, salt scrubs are considered universal, so they are suitable for everyone. You can prepare it yourself, and inexpensively. How much does the product cost? homemade? The simplest scrub can be made from salt, olive or sunflower oil and a couple of drops essential oil. Considering that almost all the ingredients are available at home, its price will be purely symbolic.

Review of the best scrubs and peelings for the scalp

Those who are not suitable for the pharmacy option and homemade products can check out the rating of the best scrubs and peelings for the head in 2020.

What should you pay attention to? The best cosmetic manufacturers make their products without parabens. Also, make sure that the product contains no sulfates.


Alterna Caviar Clinical Salon care "Scalp health"

Professional product. Designed to cleanse dry scalp. Moisturizes, fights inflammation and itching, relieves irritation.180ml7200rub


Perfectly cleanses the scalp and hair using the action of glycolic acid. Suitable for any skin type.225ml4500rub

NOOK Ph 6.2 Purifying Clay Mud Super active cleansing clay for scalp

Fights dandruff. Suitable for oily scalp. Prevents re-flaking.150ml2900rub

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Scalp Peeling Treatment

Cleanses, moisturizes and nourishes the scalp. Gives strength and shine to hair. Fights dandruff.200ml2000 rub.


Peeling agent. Treats and restores the scalp, fights dandruff. For oily skin.150ml1500rub


Hypoallergenic exfoliating cream-scrub. Cleanses the skin and fights dandruff. Suitable for all skin types.180ml1000r

AROUND ME Professional Shampoo-scrub for hair and scalp

Cleanses hair and exfoliates dead skin. The action is based on the properties of salicylic acid, medicinal plant extracts and menthol.230ml800rub
Gentle action, high-quality skin cleansing. Natural peeling based on bamboo extract.150ml550rub
Cleanses the skin, increases blood circulation. Thanks to D-panthenol, it restores and strengthens skin and hair.150ml150r

Alterna Caviar Clinical rightfully tops the rating of quality care products. The stated characteristics of the product promise excellent results after just a few uses. This remedy is medicinal and justifies its cost.

Alterna Caviar Clinical Salon care “Scalp health”

Mid-price or mass market cosmetics also have in their arsenal products that can help with problems with hair. Such products, for example from the manufacturer Bielita, can be purchased at a very affordable price.

Bielita Marine colagen Scrub-active for scalp. Renewing

OLLIN FULL FORCE is an excellent combination of price and quality. This scrub contains an organic base consisting of natural ingredients. Which makes it a very attractive product.

OLLIN FULL FORCE Scalp peeling

The price of a domestically produced product will be more acceptable than its imported counterpart. The average price for a tube of head scrub is from 70 rubles. Which product is better to buy, which company is better to choose, depends on your needs and capabilities.

Benefits of using scrubs and peels

  • Essential oils provide not only a healing effect, but also a pleasant aroma;
  • It will ensure restoration and strengthening of the skin, improves microcirculation, which is useful in the fight against hair loss, and also reduces the production of sebum;
  • Delicate texture and pleasant aroma will allow you to enjoy the beneficial procedure;
  • According to reviews, the product gives volume to the hair, the root zone remains clean longer;
  • Styling effect;
  • Stimulation of growth and awakening of hair follicles;
  • Doesn't dry out hair;
  • Protection against dandruff;
  • Gives deep cleansing.

Disadvantages of using scrubs and peelings

  • Fragrance not only gives a pleasant aroma to the product, but can also cause allergies;
  • How long the effects last depends on the specific product;
  • Cannot be used before or after hair dyeing;
  • Harmful for hair after keratin straightening.

Reasonable care is the key to beauty and health

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the use of scrubs and peels will bring great benefits to your hair. Even inexpensive means will provide, albeit minimally, but positive effect. Your skin will become healthy and clear, and your hair will become thicker and more attractive. The main thing is to follow the golden mean in everything and not to overuse this procedure.


The use of cosmetics for styling does not remain without consequences. Styling particles clog pores, disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands - the hair quickly becomes oily, the hairstyle loses its shape and volume. In addition to aesthetic problems, inflammatory processes and dandruff appear from improper cleansing of the skin.

How to choose a scalp scrub

The scrub is selected taking into account the hair type:

  • dry– moisturizing, softening, nutrition is necessary.
  • normal– protection from aggressive styling products is required.
  • bold– requires careful care, deep cleansing, regulation of the function of the sebaceous glands, elimination inflammatory processes.


Scalp scrubs should contain ingredients that promote hair growth and strengthening. Depending on the problem that needs to be solved, the composition may include:

  1. Clay. Suitable for sensitive, dry or irritation-prone skin. It cleanses, tones, promotes rapid cell regeneration. Clay-based scalp peels are used in the treatment of fungus and psoriasis.
  2. Coffee. Reduces fat content, eliminates fungus, dandruff, neutralizes inflammatory processes in tissues. With regular use, coffee scrub nourishes hair, provides it with volume and delicate shine.
  3. Salt. Scrubs based on sea salt belong to the category of therapeutic and caring cosmetics. Scalp peels are used at home to treat advanced inflammatory processes, fungus at any stage, psoriasis, and dandruff.
  4. Menthol. Refreshes and tones the skin. Gommage with menthol is used in the summer.
  5. Antifungal agents. Cosmetics with targeted therapeutic action fight fungus and should be prescribed by a dermatologist.

For normal hair

These scrubs contain simple ingredients. They do not heal the skin, do not restore the hair structure and do not provide adequate nutrition.

These scrubs are designed to tone, refresh, maintain skin health, and remove impurities that are not washed off with simple shampoos.

Zeitun Herbal Hair and Scalp Scrub

The peeling contains field lavender oil, which gives hair softness and delicate shine. Vitamins prevent brittleness and dryness, and ceramides renew the hair structure, making it strong and healthy. Sea salt relieves inflammation and heals microcracks in the skin. After the first peeling, styling becomes easier, volume and freshness last longer. Price – 320 rub.


  • intensive nutrition;
  • the skin begins to “breathe”;
  • after it, your hands become tender;
  • long-lasting lavender scent.


  • stretches like chewing gum, but washes off easily;
  • very large salt granules - crumble;
  • when rinsing, you need to avoid getting liquid into your eyes - it stings a lot;
  • not suitable for oily types.

Kerastase Chronologiste Soin Gommage

Gommage deeply cleanses the skin, nourishes it with vitamins and minerals. The peeling contains a unique Abyssine molecule, which accelerates hair restoration. Vitamins A and E protect them from exposure to sunlight and give them a healthy shine. The ceramides included in the composition fill the voids in the structure of the hair, making it stronger. After the first use, the hair becomes smooth and manageable, looks healthy and shiny. Average price – 2300 rub.


  • eliminates itching and flaking;
  • moisturizes;
  • delicate coffee smell;
  • cleans thoroughly;
  • saves shampoo;
  • economically used - dispenser.


  • difficult to wash out from thick or curly hair;
  • may cause allergies;
  • stings;
  • high price of the product.

For oily hair

Hair prone to excessive oiliness quickly loses its purity and freshness, becomes heavy, difficult to style, and the hairstyle looks untidy. Scrub for oily hair should regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and promote cell regeneration.

Kaaral Exfoliating Scrub

Microgranules of hazelnut and almond shells, coffee powder cleanse the skin, regulate oil secretions, and carefully remove styling, dust and dirt. Nutrient components penetrate deeply into the hair, restoring it from the inside. After using gommage, hair falls out less, becomes lush and soft, acquires a delicate natural shine and volume, and you don’t have to use conditioners. The product belongs to the category of professional caring cosmetics and is available in 100 ml tubes. Average price – 1450 rubles.

  • light creamy consistency makes the product easy to apply;
  • does not dry out or tangle hair;
  • improves blood circulation, stimulates growth;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • can be used as a facial scrub;
  • is used sparingly;
  • washes off well;
  • lightness after scrubbing;
  • A light floral aroma remains.


  • fakes are common;
  • high price;
  • fluffs up hair.

Yves Rocher Anti-Pollution DETOX scrub prewash

The gommage is based on crushed sea salt and sugar enriched with minerals. The composition is supplemented with vitamins, collagen, minerals, ceramides and moringa extract. Upon contact with water, the product foams slightly and the salt particles dissolve.

Salt scrub for hair and scalp completely removes styling residue, promotes skin regeneration, and gets rid of dandruff. The unique gommage formula is suitable for both women and men. After using it, the hair becomes shiny, light, voluminous, and begins to grow faster. Price – 290-300 rubles.


  • inexpensive;
  • can be used as a mask;
  • no feeling of dryness after use;
  • hypoallergenic composition.


  • the texture is rough;
  • if there is inflammation on the skin during the scrubbing process, a burning sensation may be felt;
  • difficult to wash out of thick hair.

Vichy Dercos Micro Peel Anti-Dandruff Scrub Shampoo

Micropil scrubbing medicinal shampoo is designed specifically for quickly oily hair and inflammation-prone skin. The product is based on coffee or apricot kernel powder, Laureth-5 carboxylic acid and salicylic acid. The formula is supplemented with ceramides, vitamins and minerals.

Small granules gently renew the skin, promoting rapid cell regeneration. Acids regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Vitamins and minerals, penetrating deep into the hair, fill the voids and restore its structure. After using a cleansing scrub for the scalp, the hair begins to shine, becomes manageable, easier to style, and holds its shape well. Price – 1300 rub.

  • does not cause discomfort;
  • itching and dandruff disappear;
  • leaves a light coffee aroma;
  • used as an adjuvant in the treatment of fungus.


  • pungent odor;
  • difficult to apply on long, thick curls;
  • may cause allergies.

Scrubs for dry hair

Those with dry skin require a lot of effort to keep their hair healthy and moisturized.

For sensitive skin, you should choose products that will gently cleanse without causing damage.

Derbe Capelli Scrub Pre-Sciampo

Italian gommage with abrasive particles from shells walnut Gently cleanses the skin of remnants of shampoos, styling products, excess sebum, eliminates dandruff, and does not irritate. Extracts of chamomile, thyme and mint tone the skin. Aloe extract soothes and relieves itching. As a result, hair acquires a healthy appearance, shine, and elasticity. Price - 1450-1550 rub.


  • does not scratch the skin;
  • no fat content;
  • freshness on the second day after washing;
  • economical consumption;
  • easy to apply to both dry and damp hair;
  • the hairstyle holds volume longer.

Flaws: No.

Lador Scalp Scaling Spa Ampoule

Korean scrub is recommended for all hair types. The consistency of the peeling is more like a cream; the abrasive particles are almost not felt. Argan oil nourishes hair, saturates it with vitamins and amino acids from roots to ends. Hydrolyzed collagen fills voids in the hair structure and restores them. The formula of this scrub serum includes natural plant extracts and extracts that improve blood circulation in the skin, stop hair loss and strengthen it. Price – 170 rub.


  • a tube with a narrow spout makes it easier to apply the product along partings;
  • light creamy texture and pleasant aroma;
  • reduces skin oiliness;
  • pleasant cooling sensation;
  • toning even after rinsing;
  • used as a mask;
  • does not tangle hair.


  • small tube volume (15 ml), but enough for 6 procedures;
  • instructions for use are written only in Korean;
  • Doesn't always remove fat.

Collistar Talasso-scrub cute sana

Italian shampoo-scrub is a real salvation for dry and weak hair. It can be used as an exfoliant and as a shampoo. After using gommage, the hair does not tangle, becomes manageable and light. Sea salt cleanses the skin, and peppermint and menthol give a feeling of freshness and lightness. The composition is enriched with minerals and oils that nourish hair, relieving it of dryness and brittleness. Price – 2200 rub.


  • foams well;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • menthol leaves the skin feeling cool;
  • the effect is visible after the first use.


  • salt particles dissolve too quickly, which is why the scrubbing effect may not be complete;
  • very thick mixture - difficult to apply;
  • dead skin particles start to come off alarmingly quickly in large flakes, but eventually the dandruff disappears completely;
  • high price.

Scrub for all types

Scalp care should be individualized, but there are products for delicate and deep cleansing that are suitable for everyone, regardless of skin and hair type.

These skin care products do not contain artificial dyes or other harmful substances, which makes them completely safe.

OLLIN Professional Full Force

This easy-to-use product moisturizes and strengthens hair, leaving it healthy and elastic. The bamboo extract included in the scrub tones and stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid. Gentle and effective cleansing of the skin from dust and styling product residues is achieved using silicon dioxide. Product price – 630 rub.


  • does not dry out the skin;
  • during the rinsing process it foams a little like shampoo;
  • light coffee aroma.


  • small package volume (15 ml);
  • if used incorrectly, itching may occur;
  • unstable aroma;
  • The consistency of the scalp scrub is sometimes runny.

Redken Glow Dry Gloss Scrub

American scrub gives hair a healthy shine along its entire length and even polishes its surface. Ground argan tree husks gently and deeply cleanse the skin, removing impurities. Amla extract soothes the skin, prevents irritation, oily skin remains fresh for a long time. Coriander oil gives a pleasant aroma. Under the influence of plant extracts hair follicles strengthen, restores healthy appearance and shine. Price – 1440 rub.


  • light liquid consistency - the product is well rubbed into the skin;
  • does not scratch;
  • the effect of gommage is felt after the first application;
  • The product has a pleasant sweet aroma.


  • high consumption;
  • makes the skin oily;
  • Doesn't remove styling powder well.

Natura Siberica Oblepikha Siberica

Organic works great to cleanse your skin of dirt. Main component – sea ​​buckthorn oil– moisturizes, saturates hair follicles with amino acids and vitamins. Argan oil perfectly compensates for keratin deficiency. Calendula extract takes care of the health of the scalp and is an excellent antiseptic. Siberian mint leaves you feeling light and fresh after using this natural, all-in-one scalp scrub. Price – 280 rub.


  • easy to apply and quickly wash off;
  • relieves itching due to dandruff;
  • the effect is visible upon first use;
  • After using a peeling scrub on the scalp, hair becomes easier to style.


  • If used incorrectly or frequently, you can dry out your hair.

Vitex Pharmacist

Gommage based on finely ground particles of apricot kernels gently and thoroughly cleanses the skin, restores hair, prevents hair loss, and accelerates growth. The unique Dynagen proprietary development included in the formula normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This makes the skin less oily, keeping it fresh and well-groomed for longer. Price – 196 rub.

Scalp scrub, a popular hair care product, is present in almost every girl’s bathroom. After all, everyone dreams of beautiful, thick, silky strands. To achieve this effect, you need to properly care for your hair and scalp. Only with comprehensive care will your hair be healthy, silky, without split ends, dullness, or dandruff.

What is it?

This is a kind of peeling that deeply cleanses the skin. The scalp scrub works like a facial scrub.- removes dead cells, fights dandruff.

It makes penetration easier useful vitamins, microelements.

A scrub is an effective start to a caring or healing procedure; it cleanses better than any shampoo.

What beneficial properties does it have?

The scrub cleanses the skin of:

  • pollution;
  • excess silicone;
  • sebum.

Such a remedy:

  1. allows you not to disrupt the nutrition of the hair follicles;
  2. has a beneficial effect on hair growth;
  3. stabilizes antioxidant status;
  4. promotes the integrity of the stratum corneum.

It is important that the scrub is capable:

  • It is good to remove a variety of styling products, silicone from shampoo, conditioner, so that pores are not clogged and the skin is more saturated with oxygen;
  • eliminate dead skin particles and fatty secretions;
  • accelerate hair growth;
  • relieve itching, soothe irritation;
  • reduce sebum production for some time;
  • effectively fight dandruff;
  • keep hair roots clean longer.

If the hair grows poorly, is thinned, then correct comprehensive care will help for the scalp:

  1. healthy metabolism;
  2. renewal of skin cells;
  3. increasing the level of microcirculation.

This will create favorable conditions for the growth of new healthy hair.

In some cases, scrub cleansing may provide a small amount of volume. both at the root part of the hair and along its entire length.

After a scrub procedure, it is very good to apply a nourishing mask, because deeply cleansed skin absorbs nutrients easier and faster.

The best recipes at home

Scrubs prepared at home are not inferior in popularity and effectiveness to products from salons and stores. For that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to make a healthy, nourishing scrub at home, difficult to obtain ingredients, any special skills.

Are peelings really necessary for the scalp, and if so, what kind? Lena Korenkova understands.

It’s difficult to live without conditioner and hair mask, but it’s possible. But why peeling or scrub is needed here is a question. What, this very scalp is poorly renewed without our help? Is the shampoo not enough? Our grandmothers and mothers somehow did not complain about the lack of peelings.

However, now they exist.

At first, products of this format appeared from brands that specialize in hair care: Nioxin, DSD de Luxe, Alterna, Paul Mitchell, Davines. The idea was picked up by The Body Shop, Natura Siberica, Kiehl’s, Collistar. (It looks like the list will continue next year.)

The main task of peelings, of course, is to cleanse and exfoliate the scalp. In addition, they protect against dandruff (and fight it if it has already appeared), relieve itching, soothe irritation, improve microcirculation and temporarily reduce sebum production. Most products contain menthol, so a cooling effect is a bonus.

I ordered my first peeling about four years ago. And by chance I got hooked - I realized that it’s useful to ventilate your head not only from the inside, but from the outside too.

This is what I think about the peels that I tried.

Scalp peeling 1.3 Peeling, Dixidox de Luxe

Promises: eliminate hyperkeratosis, prevent dandruff, moisturize. It is recommended to use 1 per week - apply to dry/wet skin, massage, leave for 5-15 minutes, rinse.

Lena: “Sometimes, you know, some whim starts in the brain, and it’s useless to resist it. So at the beginning of 2013 I suddenly wanted long hair(although they were already below the shoulder blades), and I immediately ordered a carload of DSD de Luxe ampoules, shampoos, masks. For a snack, I threw peeling into the basket. I haven’t been to BeautyInsider yet, but I loved #everythingnewandusual. I remember my impressions well. Firstly, I was surprised that the scrubbing particles are washed out without any effort at all (I was afraid that they would get stuck in my hair:) Secondly, this is a new and unusual feeling of absolute cleanliness. The state is like after a bath and a cold shower, such an “updated version” of you.

Hair roots stay clean longer. I usually wash my hair every morning, otherwise by lunchtime on the second day I desperately need dry shampoo. And the next day after peeling, the hair roots remain fresh, you don’t have to wash your hair or use it.

Another thing I love about this peel is its light styling effect. It gives volume: both at the root and along the entire length. There is more space between the hairs and they look thicker than they really are. I think this is important for those who have a real problem with thinning and hair loss.

P.S. I grew my hair then. But I cut my hair right away :))”

Price: 2638 rub. (200 ml) on the website

Peeling shampoo Dercos Micro Peel, Vichy

Promises: deep cleansing (salicylic acid 1.3%), reducing itching and refreshing. Suitable for daily use. Can be used independently (instead of shampoo) or as a preparatory step: apply, massage, leave for three minutes.

Lena: “I don’t understand whether there is an effect or not. Probably not. There are few scrubbing particles, and during the massage they are almost not felt. The gel foams weakly and somehow doesn’t wash my hair very well, so I don’t use it instead of shampoo. Together - yes. But on the second day you still have to wash your hair. Refreshing? Well, mediocre.

I liked the thin “spout” dispenser (see entry photo). I don’t like waiting several minutes in the shower for the product to work. I go to the mirror, apply it along my partings, go to work, and when I wake up, I go to wash my hair. So with the “everyone is on fire and I’m on fire” mode, this is one of the most commonly used peels. I hope that after this, the ampoules and oils that I rub in before bed will penetrate and work better. However, I wouldn’t take it a second time (see reasons above).

I don’t understand why Vichy chose such a masculine fragrance, something between a woody men’s perfume and the “Star” balm. I felt like a “random buyer” of a product for men.

Price: 1116 rub. (200 ml) on the official website.

Shampoo-talasso hair scrub Healty Scalp Talasso-Scrub Shampoo, Collistar

Promises: improve microcirculation, activate hair growth, eliminate dandruff. Created on the basis of sea salt.

Lena: “The scrub foams well and cleanses the scalp well; you can really use it without shampoo. And at the same time, without conditioner, because it does not tangle the hair (after Vichy, conditioner is necessary). The texture is reminiscent of the famous Clarins Tonic Body Polisher - it massages noticeably. Grains of salt dissolve completely in water. In a word, there are only advantages: economical, refreshing, slightly adds volume, smells like mint.”

Price: 2572 rub. (250 ml) on the L’Etoile website.

Scrub for intensive cleansing of the scalp Deep Micro-Exfoliating Scalp Treatment, Kiehl’s

Promises: exfoliate and nourish, restore balance to the scalp, eliminate itching, refresh. Contains apricot kernels, argan nut shells, rosemary oil, menthol. Recommended use 1-2 times a week: apply to dry or damp skin, leave for 5 minutes and rinse.

Lena: “Mint is the most minty, hot. While the scrub is on the skin, you can feel the blood rushing to it. But even when you wash it off, the cooling lasts for about an hour and a half. I get a kick out of it. I’ve almost finished the tube, I want to repeat it.”

Price: 1690 rub. (100 ml) on the official website.

Scrub with fruit enzymes Caviar Clinical Exfoliating Scalp Facial, Alterna

Promises to exfoliate, moisturize and soothe the scalp. Contains zinc, salicylic acid, fruit enzymes and panthenol. Directions for use: apply to damp skin, massage using the applicator for 3-4 minutes.

Lena: “At first, the Alterna exfoliant did not impress me. Does not create root volume and gives almost no feeling of coolness. But at the beginning of November, my scalp suddenly rebelled. Either because of the hat, or because of something else. In short, it began to itch and peel. I used Alterna for two days and everything stopped.

Alterna also moisturizes noticeably better than others. Previously, I would have said, “Why do I need it?” Be proud that I'm so moisturized from my toes to the tips of my ears? The other day I listened to a webinar by Tiina Orasmäe-Meder about cleansing the skin and figured out: before removing dead epithelium, you need to soften the “bridges” between the horny cells. The drier the skin, the more difficult it is for cells to separate as they stick together. That is, good hydration is the essence of better exfoliation.

Instead of fruit seeds, it contains synthetic polymer spheres. From the same webinar, Tiiny learned that due to their ideal shape, they do not leave micro-scratches and are suitable for sensitive skin. But it seemed to me that the balls were more difficult to wash out. I pulled out a few when I was already styling. Not pleasant."

Price: 3850 rub. (88 ml) on the website

Conclusions: “Peeling is a useful thing for those who struggle with hair loss, dandruff, irritation or grow hair: ampoules, lotions, oils and masks for the scalp should be better absorbed into well-cleansed skin. And just pleasant for everyone else. Because yes, peelings provide a more significant feeling of freshness than shampoos.

But you shouldn’t expect that oily skin will become normal, and after using two bottles, you will be able to wash your hair less often. To be honest, I’m not at all sure that this is even possible. To the question: “What to do with oily skin head?”, the trichologist answered – nothing. This is not a problem, but the norm. The skin must protect itself with a hydrolipid layer. If you feel the need to wash your hair every day, it means it copes well with this function. After all, we wash our faces every day and don’t make a drama out of it.

Of the five peelings that participated in the comparison, I liked three. DSD de Luxe is perhaps the best at cleansing and volumizing. Kiehl's - Cools. Collistar replaces shampoo and is good for massage.

What peelings for the scalp have you tried and would you recommend?”

Ingredients of DSD de Luxe: Water, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol, apricot kernel powder, denatured alcohol, cetrimonium chloride, hydrolyzed keratin, cayenne (chili) pepper extract, thiamine chloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine, yeast extract, nicotinamide, lanolin, eucalyptol, menthol , malic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, tartaric acid, phosphoric acid, quaternium-80, lactic acid, hydroxyethylcellulose, propylparaben, methylparaben, citric acid, fragrance, benzyl salicylate, linalool, hexyl cinnamal, d-limonene, citral.

Vichy composition: Aqua/Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamide MEA, Glycerin, Coco-Betaine, Laureth-5 Carboxylic Acid, Acrylates Copolymer, Salicylic Acid, Capryloyl SAlicylic Acid, Caramel, CI42090/Blue 1, Citric Acid, Cocamide MIPA, Hexylene Glycol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Isopropyl Myristate, Menthol, Niacinamide, PEG-55 Propylene Glycol Oleate, Octopirox, Polyquaternium-10, Propylene Glycol, Prunus Armeniaca Seed Powder/Apricot Seed Powder, Sodium Acetate, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide, Parfum /Fragrance.

Alterna composition: Water (Aqua), Sodium C14-16 Olefin Sulfonate, Hydrogenated Jojoba Oil, Acrylates Copolymer, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, PEG-8 Laurate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Caviar Extract, Superoxide Dismutase, Tocopheryl Acetate, Phospholipids, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Saccharomyces/Magnesium Ferment, Saccharomyces/Copper Ferment, Saccharomyces/Silicon Ferment, Saccharomyces/Zinc Ferment, Saccharomyces/Iron Ferment, Ascorbic Acid, Palmaria Palmata Extract, Ascophyllum Nodosum Extract, Polysilicone-15, Alisma Plantago Aquatica Extract, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract, Saccharum Officinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract, Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple) Extract, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Fruit Extract, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Zinc PCA, Laureth- 4, Glycerin, Fucus Vesiculosus Extract, Porphyra Umbilicalis Extract, Coriandrum Sativum (Coriander) Leaf Extract, Sodium PCA, Silicone Quaternium-22, Polyglyceryl-3 Caprate, Dipropylene Glycol, Palmitamidopropyltrimonium Chloride, Panthenol, Menthyl Ethylamido Oxalate, Citric Acid, Guar Hydroxyprop yltrimonium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide, Disodium EDTA, Methylisothiazolinone, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Fragrance (Parfum), Limonene, Linalool, Hexyl Cinnamal, Geraniol, Ultramarines (CI 77007).

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