Exercise therapy - exercises from therapeutic gymnastics for problems with the respiratory system. What types of breathing exercises are there, why are they needed and how are they performed?

How often do we stop noticing the little things we are used to? But some of them are of great importance. For example, breathing. Agree, rarely does anyone pay attention to correct breathing, do exercises, or know the techniques. And this knowledge is useful for health and general well-being. How to breathe correctly and why - we will talk in this article.

There are several types of breathing, breathing techniques and exercises, and many of them originate in the distant past. Which ones exactly and how to follow them - let's figure it out.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are a specific sequence of breathing exercises. With its help, diseases of the bronchi and lungs are treated, and the osseous-ligamentous system is strengthened. Improves general condition: activity and concentration increase, it becomes light, and physical indicators better. While the exercises breathing exercises you can do it for 30 minutes a day without much effort, the effect is felt almost immediately, and the visible result will not take long to appear.

Such practices are very specific, have many types and, if performed incorrectly, can cause harm. You should be careful and careful when choosing your method of treatment with breathing exercises. Consult your doctor and select a block of breathing exercises that is suitable for your body.

To more fully reveal the possibilities of gymnastics, let's look at what types of breathing exist:

  1. Upper- breathing through the upper chest. The diaphragm hardly moves down, and the abdominal muscles barely tense.
  2. Average- air enters the body due to the expansion of the middle section of the chest. The abdominal muscles contract more strongly, the diaphragm barely moves down.
  3. Lower- involves the lower chest. The diaphragm is lowered down as much as possible, and the abdominal muscles are relaxed.
  4. Complete- combination of all previous types of breathing. Maximum filling of the lungs with air occurs.
  5. Reverse- when inhaling, all actions are reversed: the abdominal muscles are tense, the diaphragm goes down. The internal organs are compressed and massaged.
  6. Delayed- breathing, in which there is a delay in the “inhale-exhale” cycle. There are several options for this breathing:
    • inhale, hold, exhale;
    • inhale, exhale, hold;
    • inhale, hold, exhale, hold.

The latter method is actively used in yoga, since the ancient masters of this teaching believed that at the moment of holding the breath, the body is filled with energy and strength.

So, we know the main types of breathing - now let's talk about the types and differences of breathing exercises.

There are many types of breathing exercises, but they all work according to the following principles:

  • artificial difficulty;
  • holding your breath;
  • slow breathing.

In other words, everything is based on weakening breathing, due to which the benefits of breathing exercises arise.

As a young opera singer, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, together with her mother, developed a method for restoring her singing voice, as problems began with it. The technique turned out to be useful not only for vocals, but also for the body as a whole.

How to do Strelnikova’s breathing exercises correctly? Before you begin, you should prepare the venue: it should be a bright room with clean air and an open window. It is better to do exercises on an empty stomach or half an hour after eating.

The essence of Strelnikova’s technique- in every second sharp inhalation through the nose, which is accompanied by a number of exercises. Such an inhalation should be active, strong and noisy - “sniffing the air.” Exhalation is imperceptible and happens on its own.

Necessary set of rules:

  1. With each breath, the shoulders move not up, but down.
  2. The nostrils should close as if they were being pressed. They must obey you and be under control.
  3. Gymnastics should be carried out until it begins to tire you, as long as there is pleasure.

During the first lesson, the exercises should be performed for 4, 8 or 16 sharp breaths. Rest between exercises - 2-4 seconds. For one approach, the average number is 32 breaths, with a rest break of 2-4 seconds.

When training for two weeks, you can increase the level of training to 4000 breaths per day, dividing the series of exercises into three parts, performed in the morning, lunch and evening. After you feel a significant improvement in your health, you can reduce the number of breaths in the exercises, but you should not stop exercising at all.

If you feel worse, the disease worsens - it is better to perform this set of breathing exercises while sitting or lying down for 2, 4, 8 breaths with a break between them of 2 or more seconds.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics affects the lungs, bronchi, skin and vocal apparatus and treats the corresponding diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, stuttering, scoliosis, spinal injuries, diseases of the genitourinary system and even neuroses.

The method of breathing exercises by Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is based on the principle of “breathe less.” It has been clinically proven that this approach can treat over 90 diseases, the main cause of which is a lack of carbon dioxide in the body. The author himself called his approach “the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing.”

All exercises in the Buteyko system are based on holding or shallow breathing. The goal is to reduce the need for oxygen and saturate the body well with carbon dioxide.

Standard breathing exercises using the Buteyko method:

  1. Inhale - 2 seconds.
  2. Exhale - 4 seconds.
  3. Breath holding - 4 seconds.

At the same time, you will experience a feeling of lack of oxygen - this is normal. This state is an integral part of Buteyko breathing exercises.
The breathing itself should be light, unnoticeable, unlike Strelnikova’s technique, absolutely silent.

This type of gymnastics copes well with bronchitis, pneumonia, adenoiditis, skin pathologies, Raynaud's disease, obesity, rheumatism and many other diseases.

To find out your condition according to the Buteyko system, perform the following experiment:

  1. Take a very normal breath.
  2. Hold your breath as long as you can.

If the delay lasted less than 20 seconds - this is bad, from 20 to 40 seconds - satisfactory, from 40 to a minute - good and over 60 seconds - excellent.

Naturally, before using such breathing exercises, you should consult a doctor and find out whether such loads are suitable for you.

In addition to solving problems with internal organs, breathing exercises solve aesthetic problems, for example, fighting excess weight. A special series of exercises, a special technique and their daily implementation will give you strength, energy and will be able to remove extra pounds.

This type of breathing exercise is much easier than running or strength training, so applying it in everyday life is much easier and more enjoyable. Classes can be held at any time and anywhere. However, it is worth consulting with your doctor, as not all exercises will be beneficial. For example, if you have injuries to the spine, cardiovascular system, or during pregnancy or breastfeeding, you should not resort to the help of such gymnastics on your own. But you can exercise under the supervision of a doctor or instructor.

The first results from weight loss exercises will become noticeable within two weeks. With intensive training for a year or more, they will affect your overall well-being and health in general.

The main types of gymnastics for weight loss include:

  • qigong- spiritual and breathing practice of three exercises for getting rid of excess weight;
  • pranayama- a system of yoga exercises to get rid of everything unnecessary in the body;
  • bodyflex- Childers Grieg based on aerobic respiration;
  • oxysize- modification of bodyflex without sharp exhalations and inhalations, a more gentle technique.

The main exercises in this gymnastics are “dollar”, “cat”, “abdominal press” and “scissors”. All of them are especially useful for women after childbirth.

As we see, within one type of gymnastics there are several varieties. In order not to make a mistake in choosing and choosing effective method, consult your doctor.

Despite such a rich range of breathing techniques, there are general instructions for all types of exercises:

  1. Constant and regular training.
  2. Classes should only be held in a good mood, abstract from everything that can cause negative emotions.
  3. You can't stop training for a long time, and it’s better to keep the pace of training convenient for you.
  4. . The most ideal option is to exercise outdoors or in nature in a clean area.

The last point is especially important, since without clean air there is no point in such breathing exercises. What if you live in a polluted area and frequent trips to nature are impossible?

One option is to exercise at home if you have an air purifier installed. Even better - because it has three levels of filtration against dust and dirt, allergens and harmful gases. It supplies a stream of oxygen, so necessary for breathing exercises, already purified from street dirt. Such equipment constantly maintains fresh and clean air in your home, which will help you practice breathing practices.

Marina Korpan’s technique is based on bodyflex and oxysize - a combination of proper breathing with muscle stretching:

  1. Inhale through the nose while drawing in the abdomen.
  2. Exhale calmly through the mouth with maximum air release from the lungs.

Marina also practices holding her breath for 8-10 seconds, which helps saturate the body with carbon dioxide, the importance of which we have already discussed in the method of Konstantin Buteyko.

Practice for 15 minutes a day and you will soon get the first visible results and sensations. The most important condition for the technique is constant and regular training - do not skip or postpone classes for a long time. Otherwise, the effect will be either minimal or not at all.

It is better to eat food an hour after training. If you plan to exercise during the day, then the practice will be beneficial two hours after a meal or an hour before a meal. Your advantage will be mild malnutrition - the body will be fresh and ready for exercise, during which you will realize that you are full.

You cannot do such breathing exercises in case of bleeding, glaucoma, or high blood pressure.

Bodyflex exercises with Marina Korpan are easy to find on the Internet.

Yoga originates from ancient times and helps not only to feel your body, control your emotions and mind, but also to comprehend your spirituality. One of the steps of yoga is breathing.

Yoga breathing exercises use full breathing with consistent muscle tension:

  1. The starting position can be any: sitting, standing, lying down. It is important to remember that you need to sit with a straight back and straightened chest. Lie down on a hard surface, breathe only through your nose.
  2. Exhale sharply, while the lower abdomen is drawn in.
  3. Inhalation also begins from the lower abdomen, then goes upper part, the ribs move apart and only then does the chest expand with a slight lift of the shoulders.
  4. Exhalation phase: draw in the stomach, exhale, lower the ribs and chest.
    Inhalation and exhalation are light and free - as much air as necessary for comfortable breathing should come in. This exercise is mastered gradually: from 20 seconds to 2 minutes a day. Later you can reach 8-10 minutes a day.

Another type of breathing yoga exercise is cleansing breathing:

  1. Inhale as deeply as possible through your nose.
  2. Then hold your breath and after a few seconds, exhale a small part of the air strongly and rarely through your mouth. At the same time, the cheeks do not swell, and the lips are closed.
  3. Hold your breath again for a second and exhale a second breath.
  4. Do this until you have exhaled all the air you have. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day and you can strengthen your lungs, and, therefore, your entire body.

If this technique turns out to be closer to you than others, sign up for yoga in your city and, under the supervision of an instructor, do not only breathing practices, but also muscle stretching. This will have a positive impact on both your overall well-being and overall health.

To better enrich the body with oxygen, use belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. At the same time, the chest remains motionless, the stomach protrudes and relaxes as you inhale, and retracts as you exhale.

To understand how to breathe correctly with your stomach, do the following set of exercises:

  1. Lying on the floor, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach. Start breathing with your stomach, expanding it as you inhale and relaxing it as you exhale. Right hand remains motionless. The left one moves up and down.
  2. Change the pressure as you exhale. Take a light, normal breath, close your lips and slowly exhale as if you were calmly blowing on a candle. The stomach should retract as much as possible.
  3. Reverse technique - exhale sharply with the sound “Ha”. The sound should come from the lower abdomen.
  4. Place a book no more than 1.5 kg on your stomach. Continue breathing, holding your breath for “one-two-three” both while inhaling and exhaling. This exercise will strengthen your abdominal breathing and abdominal muscles.
  5. “Dog”: get on all fours and begin to breathe sharply and quickly with your stomach. This will allow you to better feel the diaphragm and control its operation in the future. The exercise is done briefly so as not to cause dizziness.

Belly breathing, dynamic exercises and prolonged exhalation are excellent for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system. Breathing exercises for the lungs fit perfectly into several exercises.

  1. Exhale into the water. Take a glass of water, place a straw in it, take a normal breath and slowly exhale the air through the straw. Exercise develops the mechanical properties of the lungs and normalizes gas exchange. This should be done no more than five times a day for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Hug yourself. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides, palms up. Inhale and as you exhale, quickly cross your arms in front of you so that your palms hit your shoulder blades. Exhale quickly and loudly.
  3. Firewood. We stand on our toes, bend back with our hands raised up, fingers clasped. We inhale and, as we exhale, sharply bend down, as if chopping wood, then return to the starting position. We also exhale strongly and loudly.
  4. Skier. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. We rise on our toes, slightly move our body forward, and also stretch our arms in front of us, as if they were holding ski poles. As you exhale, we bend down slightly, as if we were pushing off, move our arms as far down and back as possible, and in this position we spring on our legs for 2-3 seconds. We complete the exhalation and return to the starting position with a diaphragmatic inhalation.

A set of breathing exercises is developed by doctors to achieve several goals at once: therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive. What exercise therapy options are best to choose for yourself?

Any set of breathing exercises has common tasks. Such activities allow you to:

  • Increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  • Increase the volume of lung tissue.
  • Strengthen physical condition human health.
  • Restore the body after a serious illness.
  • Prevent congestion in the lungs during chronic diseases.
  • Prevent further exacerbations of bronchopulmonary pathology.
  • Improve blood flow in the respiratory zone.
  • Fill the organs of our body with oxygen, which is important for any metabolic processes.

Breathing exercises include both effective and unproven methods. Let's try to figure out which breathing exercises should be chosen. The most popular types of training:

  1. A classic set of five exercises.
  2. Yoga for the respiratory system.
  3. Strelnikova's famous gymnastics.

In addition to these species, there are less well-known, but quite effective ways physical training respiratory system.

General rules of classes

Any physical effort on our body can be both beneficial and harmful. It is important to follow some class rules. They are quite universal and suitable for any complex:

  1. Before performing exercise therapy, be sure to ventilate the room. There is no point in doing exercises in a stuffy room, since the body will not be able to get enough oxygen. For healthy people, it is recommended to conduct exercises outside during the warm season.
  2. You should wear light and loose clothing. No tight belts or locks. At home, a T-shirt and light pants on your legs are enough.
  3. You should not do exercises immediately after eating. It is recommended to conduct classes on an empty stomach or a few hours after a meal.
  4. The first lesson should be about 15 minutes. In the future, you can increase the volume of load on the body and perform gymnastics for about half an hour.
  5. One of the most important rules Exercise therapy – do only those exercises that do not cause significant discomfort. If it becomes difficult for you, stop; you need to increase the volume of the load gradually.
  6. Before training, you need to warm up a little - walk around the room barefoot with your arms spread out, then do a few circles on your heels and toes. Simple movements in shoulder joints will help stretch your arm muscles.

Knowing these rules, you can achieve maximum results from your training.

Classic complex

For most therapeutic and preventive purposes, a classic set of breathing exercises is suitable, which consists of only 5 techniques.

The first exercise is a warm-up exercise:

  • The man stands straight, his arms are lowered and pressed to his body. Place your feet close to each other.
  • Take a deep breath and count to 3, slowly raise your arms up.
  • We gradually exhale. We count slowly to 5 and lower our hands down.
  • We hold our breath and mentally count to 4. This pause can be increased gradually as the body becomes more trained.
  • The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

The second method increases lung volume:

  • The person stands straight with his knees slightly relaxed.
  • We lean forward, stretch our hands to our feet. At this moment, a very slow exhalation is made.
  • We gradually straighten up while holding our breath.
  • From the starting position, take a deep breath and raise your arms up. We try to stretch out and pull in our stomach.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times.

The third exercise strengthens the muscular framework of the bronchi:

  • We sit on a chair and put our hands on our knees.
  • We lean forward a little, trying to keep our back straight.
  • In this inclined position, inhale through the nose, counting to 2, pause for 1 second, and exhale through the nose, counting to 4.
  • We pause again and try not to breathe for 5–6 seconds.

The fourth technique is mixed breathing training (thoracic and abdominal):

  • We stand straight and inhale slowly, inflating our belly.
  • We continue to inhale, trying to expand chest.
  • We continue to inhale air, raising our collarbones up.
  • We exhale slowly and try to draw in our stomach.
  • A short pause.
  • We repeat the exercise several times.

Fifth exercise - to clear the airways:

  • While standing, we take a deep breath and try to fill our lungs with oxygen.
  • We purse our lips and, without puffing out our cheeks, take several (2-3) short exhalations through our mouth.
  • We try not to let all the air out of our lungs at once. A short pause.
  • Several short exhalations again. We repeat until there is no air left in the lungs.
  • We do this technique several times depending on how we feel.

The listed exercises combine Eastern and Western practices, take the most important and useful things from physical culture, improve lung function and have very specific tasks. It is recommended that even a healthy person do them while exercising.


The philosophy of yoga involves not only physical, but also spiritual improvement of a person. Each movement in the breathing technique should improve the state of mind. Learn them at good level quite difficult, but in the end you can achieve excellent results:

  • Increase the volume of lung tissue.
  • Saturate the body with oxygen.
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Improve metabolism.
  • Restore the functioning of nervous tissue.
  • Boost immunity.
  • Improve your mood.

Breathing exercises are performed in a special position - sitting cross-legged. The back straightens, the head rises slightly, and the eyes close. Hands are placed on your knees. Then the person begins gymnastics:

  • Exhale deeply so that all the air leaves the lungs.
  • The stomach sticks out, taking a small breath.
  • The middle portion of air is inhaled slowly, expanding the chest.
  • The tops of the lungs are filled with oxygen at the end of the inhalation, while the person spreads and raises his shoulders.
  • Exhale slowly - chest and shoulder girdle go down. The stomach retracts a little.
  • Breathing is slow and calm. Thoughts should be focused on breathing, the vital force filling your body.

This cycle of physical education must be repeated up to 10 times. Other yoga exercises can also strengthen your breathing, but they take more time to master.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

Strelnikova’s famous gymnastics were developed by a doctor taking into account the physiology of the human body. It involves various muscles of the body and parts of the human respiratory system.

The complex of breathing exercises includes many exercises, among which everyone should choose the most pleasant and effective ones. Gymnastic techniques replace each other and pursue similar goals.

Here is a description of just a few exercises:

  1. Palms - a person takes 4 small breaths through the nose in a row. In this case, inhalations should be deep and noisy, and exhalations should be slow and quiet, almost imperceptible. With each inhalation, the palms are clenched into a fist, and as you exhale, they fall down and relax. After each exhalation there is a short pause of about 3 seconds. The shoulders and stomach should not participate in breathing. This exercise may cause slight dizziness in an unprepared person; it requires a pause for a few seconds. It is recommended to do about 20 similar approaches.
  2. Shoulder straps. The technique is performed while standing on the floor, with the hands pressed to the middle of the abdomen. A person takes about 8 small breaths quickly without stopping. Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Then, as you exhale, you need to push your hands towards the floor, trying not to involve the shoulder girdle. Then the hands are raised to the stomach and the exercise is repeated again up to 10 times.
  3. Pump. This popular exercise helps strengthen the breathing muscles. A standing person slowly bends towards the floor, inhaling through his nose. Finishes inhalation along with bending over. We straighten up quickly enough, exhaling. We repeat the tilt again - up to 8 times. After this, pause for 5 seconds. Such approaches need to be done 10 times.

Other methods

In one article it is impossible to fully disclose all sets of exercises developed for the human respiratory system. It’s worth just mentioning a few so that those interested can look for more information about a specific technique:

  1. Bodyflex - aimed not only at strengthening the lungs, but also at improving a woman’s appearance. The key is breathing in a certain position, which allows you to create tension in the body and lose extra pounds.
  2. The Buteyko system involves the use of deep breathing to cleanse the body of harmful metabolites. Suitable only for fairly healthy people, as it creates difficult conditions for the respiratory center of the body.
  3. Three-phase breathing system. Developed by opera singer Kofler. Allows you not only to strengthen respiratory system, but also to create the right conditions for singing.
  4. Vivation is a technique aimed at improving a person’s emotional state through breathing exercises. Involves performing cyclic, deep and shallow breathing.
  5. The Pershin system is an improved and supplemented gymnastics by Strelnikova, aimed at the rehabilitation of patients with radiculitis, allergic diseases respiratory system, metabolic syndrome, migraine.

It is worth mentioning that intense stress on the respiratory system can harm a person. Therefore, do all the exercises gradually, or better yet, consult a specialist before starting training.

Exercises for bedridden patients

In medical practice, there are quite often cases when the patient is forced long time remain in a lying position. At this moment it is necessary to support the body with the help respiratory exercise therapy to cope with diseases such as:

  • Brain strokes.
  • Injuries of the spine and lower extremities.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Heavy surgical operations.
  • Joint diseases.

A set of classes for bedridden patients:

  1. Raise one arm in front of you, inhaling. Slowly lower, gradually exhale air. Repeat with the other hand.
  2. At the same time, we try to raise both arms while inhaling. As you exhale slowly, lower it.
  3. Lying with the head end of the bed raised: place your hands on the sides of your chest. Inhale slowly - we try to spread our arms as far as possible with our ribs. Exhale - we help the chest with the help of our hands.
  4. We lie down on our stomachs. We stretch our arms forward as we inhale, and return them along the body as we exhale.
  5. Lying on your stomach, we take deep breaths, while the assistant holds his hands behind the patient's back, pulling them back a little.

Not all exercises can be performed with various diseases. For example, you should not roll over onto your stomach if you have a spinal injury. Consult a specialist before performing the complex.

The exercises must be performed under the supervision of medical personnel, relatives or a caregiver.

What is breathing exercises and why, in appearance, are they so simple steps help you lose weight, rejuvenate and feel full of energy and strength. You can even give up coffee, because breathing exercises in the morning will energize you for the whole day. Read the article about the rules of breathing exercises, its benefits and video exercises.

It turns out that to lose weight, it’s not enough to adjust your diet. It is also necessary to learn to drink water and breathe properly. The experience of many men and women shows that breathing exercises in the morning, which, by the way, takes only 5-15 minutes, energizes you for the whole day and helps you easily lose extra pounds. If you combine it with subsequent water contrast procedures, the effect on health and a beautiful figure will be multiplied by 2. read on our website.

The benefits and rules of breathing exercises

Breathing is one of the most important functions of the human body. Unfortunately, few people attach importance to it. But many teachings, in particular Eastern ones, pay attention to various kinds of breathing exercises and breathing techniques, by performing which you can rejuvenate, become healthier, lose weight, recharge with energy, or, conversely, relax.

Recognizes the benefits of breathing exercises and traditional medicine. It is recommended as an auxiliary method for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, cardiovascular, uneven and musculoskeletal systems, many other ailments.

The benefits of exercises, by performing which you can learn to control the frequency, depth and rhythm of breathing, are as follows:

  1. Hypoxia of the body is prevented.
  2. Lung volume increases. The respiratory organs are sanitized.
  3. Oxygen is actively supplied to the blood through the lungs, and metabolic processes within the body are accelerated. The skin becomes more elastic and firm, its color improves.
  4. The brain receives the nutrition it needs, nervous processes are stabilized (headaches go away, nervous tension subsides, etc.)
  5. A particular breathing technique uses different muscle groups. Their tone improves and fat deposits are reduced.
Breathing exercises for energy and weight loss are done in the morning. This time of day is considered the most favorable due to the biorhythms of the human body. Immediately after waking up, breathing is still depressed. Through exercise, you can activate this and all other functions of the body.
Before you start doing the exercises, you should learn the rules of breathing exercises.
  1. Breathing exercises for weight loss are performed on an empty stomach or at least two hours after eating. This is another explanation that it is better to do it in the morning.
  2. There must be fresh air in the room. It is advisable to open the window.
  3. There should be no distractions to perform the exercises. Gymnastics cannot be done with the TV on. Only quiet music for meditation is allowed.
  4. The clothing the person performing the exercises is wearing should not hinder movement.
  5. During breathing exercises, you need to concentrate on your actions and sensations.
  6. At first, it is recommended to perform exercises in front of a mirror in order to understand what is happening to the body at this time.

Five simple exercises for morning breathing exercises

You can learn how to properly perform breathing exercises to lose weight and improve the condition of the body as a whole in special courses or video lessons. Along with the well-known techniques of yoga, scurvy and bodyflex, author’s techniques, for example, A. Strelnikova and M. Korpan, are popular.

Here are some examples of effective exercises for losing weight

1. This exercise aimed at reducing waist and hip circumference.
It is performed in a standing position. A simplified version can be done directly in bed. It is done like this:
  • take a deep breath through your nose;
  • exhalation should be noisy, it is performed both through the nose and mouth;
  • as you exhale, the abdominal muscles retract;
  • at the same time the breath is held;
  • During the hold, the abdominal muscles must be tensed and relaxed five times.
The exercise should also be repeated five times.

2. The following exercise is based on rhythmic breathing alternating with retention:

  • you need to exhale all the air from your lungs through your mouth;
  • take a deep breath through your nose;
  • repeat inhalation and exhalation five times;
  • on the fifth exhalation, hold your breath for ten seconds, while intensely drawing in your stomach.
Perform three to five repetitions of this breathing exercise.

3. Exercises from the oxysize system teach diaphragmatic breathing.
Most often in everyday life, people breathe through their chest; the lower parts of the lungs remain unused and are poorly ventilated. This technique allows you to increase the oxygen supply to the body, improve blood circulation in organs and tissues, and also directly work the abdominal muscles.


  • legs bend slightly at the knees;
  • The hands make a circular movement backwards, the shoulder blades are connected;
  • you need to keep your back straight;
  • while inhaling through your nose, you need to inflate your stomach as much as possible;
  • as you exhale, the abdominal muscles tense;
  • It is necessary to limit chest movements during the exercise.
You can perform the diaphragmatic breathing exercise up to ten times.

4. The next effective exercise is performed in a sitting or standing position.
The back should be perfectly straight. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. The execution sequence is as follows:

  • in the starting position, hands clenched in fists are pressed to the stomach;
  • as you inhale, your hands begin to reach towards the floor, your fists seem to push the air down;
  • the breath is held for three to five seconds, during which time the hands relax;
  • as you exhale, you need to return to the starting position.
For good health and smooth weight loss, ten repetitions will be enough.

5. With the help of the following actions you can cheer up and recharge your batteries for the coming day:

  • you need to take the lotus position, you can do it right on the bed;
  • the index finger is placed on the bridge of the nose;
  • exhale air through your mouth;
  • close your left nostril and inhale with your right;
  • while holding your breath for 8-10 seconds, release the left nostril, close the right one;
  • exhale air through the left nostril;
  • Now inhale through your right nostril, hold your breath for 8-10 seconds, move your finger, and exhale through the same right nostril.
In this case, it is also necessary to perform ten repetitions.

Breathing exercises, due to their relaxing effect on the body, can also

Breathing technique in various yoga asanas is one of the main criteria for performing a pose. Because the correct supply of oxygen to the body is involved in controlling the work of all systems. This article provides a complete explanation of the importance of breathing, as well as breathing exercises for establishing proper breathing and healing the body.

The harm of improper breathing

In everyday life, an untrained person does not use the entire volume of his lungs. Breathing becomes intermittent and rapid because of this, the metabolism of oxygen in the blood is disrupted. Breathing does not hold, which means carbon dioxide does not have time to accumulate in the cells of the body and blood. Insufficient concentration of carbon dioxide makes it difficult to synthesize amino acids, negatively affects the nervous system, vascular contraction, and the response of the respiratory center.

The human body reacts sharply to a lack of carbon monoxide by activating its defense system. The risk of cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine system. The most common consequence of improper breathing is insomnia.

Normalization of the respiratory system

From what was written above, it became clear that carbon dioxide is necessary for breathing. In order to always have enough of this substance in the blood, you need to adhere to a certain lifestyle. Perform breathing exercises, walk more often, practice various water procedures and fasting, sometimes sleeping on your stomach. Various techniques will help you learn to breathe correctly, which you can find below.

The benefits of breathing exercises

  • Breathing exercises are accompanied by vibration, which has a massage effect on the internal organs. This effect helps to rejuvenate internal tissues and start burning visceral fat.
  • The benefits of breathing exercises for the central nervous system. Instead of tension, after completing a gymnastics complex, a person feels a surge of vigor, mental performance and the power of concentration increase.
  • The best cosmetologist is blood filled with oxygen. By performing breathing exercises daily, by accelerating blood circulation, the skin becomes elastic and matte.

  • Thanks to exercise, the organs of the respiratory system begin to work stably.
  • Ability to control the sympathetic nervous system. This is the type of nervous system that is active when a person is in under stress. So far, a person can control only two organs of this system - blinking and breathing. Having learned through exercise the power of control over the sympathetic system, a person will open portals through which he can send signals to the brain and thereby control the health of his soul and body.

Five general rules for performing breathing exercises

Before you begin to normalize the respiratory process, you need to carefully prepare. The main thing is to choose the most suitable technique, study and remember these five rules.

  1. Training takes place in clothes that do not restrict movement. Outdoors or in a ventilated room.
  2. Full concentration on the exercise, breathing technique is strictly observed.
  3. Breathe slowly through the chest, this will allow more oxygen to enter the body.
  4. At the initial stage, perform light exercises and gradually increase the load.
  5. While performing gymnastics, be as relaxed as possible. Rely only on your feelings; if you feel pain or do not want to do the exercises, finish the workout.

Such simple rules can train the respiratory system most effectively.

Types of breathing exercises

For residents of eastern countries, the daily practice of breathing exercises is an everyday ritual of maintaining beauty and health. It was from these countries that various techniques for working on breathing control came.

Each technique has its own method of healing the body. Many practices are based on mindful meditation with breath control. Deep breathing techniques awaken the parasympathetic nervous system, which keeps the human body in a state of rest. Activate and improve performance internal organs Yoga practice based on shallow breathing helps. Next, we suggest you get acquainted with various techniques that can be used for different needs of the body and soul.

  • Deep breathing

The main operating organ is the muscles of the diaphragm. The air fills all the lungs completely. Thanks to this, the entire body is supplied with oxygen. Blood pressure and heart rate are reduced, and when performing this technique, the stomach becomes very distended. Because of this, many do not perceive this technique as working, because now a flat stomach is in fashion. Women are especially resistant to deep breathing. Although this method of normalizing breathing is indicated for them, because they constantly keep their abdominal muscles tense so that it appears more toned. Constant muscle contraction abdominal cavity leads to nervous tic syndrome in the abdomen. Recent tics: constant tension that puts pressure on the entire nervous system.


  1. Starting position: spine straight, head straight, mouth closed, hands on knees. The lotus pose is perfect. Inhale air through the mouth, slightly squeezing the matzo pharynx, reminiscent of the operation of a pump. It will be easier for beginners to inhale on a count of 4. The inhalation will be correct if a sound similar to a pump is heard. The chest and shoulders remain motionless, only the ribs are included in the work, they move slightly apart.
  2. After a pause of 1-2 seconds, a smooth exhalation begins using the ribs. The shoulders and chest are still motionless. When you finish exhaling, pull in your stomach to push out all the air. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Full breath

The entire respiratory system comes into play. Inhale deeply. Air fills the lungs completely, passing through all organs of the respiratory system. This type of breathing calms and slows down the rate of cortisol release into the blood.


  1. Place your hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. By breathing, raise the hand located on the chest, the other remains motionless. Hold the air for 5-10 seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
  2. At this stage, the breath should raise the hand on the stomach. The chest is immobilized. Repeat 3-5 times.
  3. Alternate breathing methods from points 1 and 2.
  4. Simultaneous deep breathing using both types of inhalations. Inhalation and exhalation take an equal period of time with short pauses.

Full and deep breathing are two basic techniques on which narrower practices of yoga and proper breathing are based.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

Strelnikova’s method is patented and confirmed as therapeutic. Since Alexandra Nikolaevna was a singer, her program is largely aimed at restoring her voice, but despite this, the method has proven itself in correcting many diseases: ARVI, headaches, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the oropharynx and lungs, impaired nasal breathing, stoop.

The method works on owl ventilation. When inhaling, the chest is not in its natural expanded position, but in a compressed one. Inhaling quickly and exhaling slowly allows the air to rush through the lungs like the piston of a fan.

Strelnikova gymnastics rules

  • The main requirement: training must take place in the fresh air.
  • Breathing technique: energetic inhale through the nose, exhale passively through a half-open mouth.
  • Start from the first three exercises, perform the complex in the morning and evening until 19:00.
  • Every day, add one exercise from the complex until there are 11 of them.
  • At the initial stage, a break of 10-15 sex is allowed between exercises. When the number of exercises reaches 11, the break is 3-5 seconds.
  • The duration of training is a lifetime.
  • Training is not a replacement for traditional treatment.

It is more effective to learn a set of exercises from a video.

Buteyko method

Soviet scientist K.P. Buteyko believed that the cause of respiratory diseases was hyperventilation of the lungs. He proved his statements by comparing lung volume. Lungs healthy person mix in 5 liters of air, and the sufferer bronchial asthma inhales 10-15 liters.

The Buteyko method is based on shallow breathing. As the scientist himself said: “normal breathing is neither seen nor heard.”

Breathing technique: inhale slowly for 2-3 seconds, exhale completely for 3-4 seconds. Breathing rate: 6-8 breaths per minute. There is a mandatory pause of 3-4 seconds between breathing.


Controversial method of losing weight. Based on breathing and stretching the muscles. The only advantage is the absence of age restrictions. According to the founder of bodyflex, by saturating the body with oxygen using five-stage breathing, fat begins to burn; stretching at this time will help the muscles remain elastic, despite weight loss.

Five-step breathing

Starting position: imagine that you need to sit on a chair.


  1. Through the lips, compressed with a tube, all the air from the lungs is completely released.
  2. Inhale noisily through the nose until the lungs are completely filled.
  3. Raise your head 45 degrees, move your lips at this time, as if you need to smear lipstick, exhale air through the diaphragm with the sound “groin”.
  4. Pause. Vacuum exercises are performed for 8-10 seconds.
  5. Relaxation.

This technique is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Muller system

Developed by a Danish gymnast. It is based on rhythmic and deep breathing without pauses or air retention. This system aimed at improving skin health, creating a strong muscle corset and increasing endurance.

You need to breathe through your chest through your nose. Start from the basic level.

Cleansing breath

This technique can be classified as yoga. Yogis use this method as a way to adjust the breathing apparatus before meditation or performing asanas. Breath cleansing exercises are an excellent option for morning exercises, as you can do them immediately after waking up.

Starting position: the body is straightened and relaxed, positioned standing, lying, sitting.

The first breathing technique: inhale through the nose on a count of 2, inflating the stomach, on a count of four, exhale through a thin slit in the lips, the stomach is pulled towards the spine.

The second breathing technique: inhale through the nose, exhale sharply through the mouth, so that the stomach goes under the ribs for five seconds.

Breathing “Health”

A method for people who have very little time. Takes only 4 minutes a day. You need to breathe in a lying position, 2 minutes in the morning and 2 in the evening.

Breathing technique: inhale through the nose for 2 counts, then for 8 seconds, exhale slowly for 4 seconds through the nose.

“Health” breathing is performed according to the following scheme: 1 (inhale) - 4 (breath holding) -2 (exhale).

Contraindications for breathing exercises

No matter how great the benefits of normalizing breathing and exercise are. For some people, this type of physical activity is off limits. At risk are people in the postoperative period, those suffering from severe hypertension or glaucoma, those who have suffered an infraction, or those with cardiac and endocrine pathologies.

In any case, if a person wants to use gymnastics to alleviate the course of any disease, consultation with a doctor is required.

Breathing is an important component of human life. You can only live without it for a couple of minutes. It can have different rhythms, depending on life situations, and no one seriously thinks about how this happens. In addition, most people have not even heard about the benefits of breathing exercises. And they help improve health, reset overweight, achieve a harmonious combination of body and soul. The organs responsible for breathing include the nose, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Disturbances in their work lead to deterioration of respiratory function. To help your body function, you can use various breathing techniques. The most widespread of them is considered to be yoga.

In various situations and different people, breathing may vary.

  • Deep - characterized by getting into respiratory tract such a volume of air that completely fills the respiratory organs. Usually a person inhales this way in the forest, in nature, or after feeling a pleasant aroma.
  • Frequent - may appear, for example, after jogging, or during severe fright.
  • Superficial - the respiratory organs do not receive enough air.
  • Rare. It's more of a developed technique. For example, gymnasts in synchronized swimming can breathe this way.
  • Lower. This is breathing using the diaphragm, in which only the stomach works, without the participation of the chest.
  • Average - the chest is involved.
  • Upper - the shoulder girdle is involved.
  • Mixed is the most universal, which involves the diaphragm, chest and shoulders.

Shallow and rapid breathing in a normal and calm state of the body may indicate pathological processes.

Yoga helps to bring the spiritual and physical components of your body into harmony. It assumes that for normal existence and life a person needs prana (vital energy), which can be food and respiratory.

Breathing exercises used in the yoga system allow you to:

  • provide the lungs with enough air;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • restore normal exchange substances and the nervous system;
  • improve work immune system;
  • achieve harmony of soul and body.

You can practice this system at home by doing the following exercise:

  • Starting position: lotus position, hands on knees, index and thumbs on each hand they are connected and form a large ring, and the remaining fingers do not touch. The back is straight, the eyes are closed. Men sit facing north and women face south.
  • Execution: release air from the respiratory organs by exhaling properly. Start filling them gradually. As you inhale, you should feel the air filling your lungs from bottom to top. First, the stomach inflates, filling the bottom, then the chest rises, filling the middle of the lungs, and eventually they are completely filled. In the final stage, the shoulders rise and the stomach deflates. Exhale and repeat at least 3 times.
  • Features of the technique: with this breathing in yoga, the air flows smoothly and gradually. There is no tension or discomfort in the body and respiratory organs. The entire body is saturated with life-giving prana.

Yoga is not the only popular form of breathing exercise. There are various methods for this, including their own set of exercises:

  • Breathing exercises. It allows you to cure diseases of the respiratory system, heart, nervous system, and blood vessels. This method is based on completely filling the respiratory organs with air, involving the entire body. This complex is quite diverse. Let's look at some of them:
  • Stand up, relax, bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your ribs, clench your hands into fists, palms turned away from you. Take 4 quick breaths in and out in a row. The inhalation should be loud and the exhalation silent. As you inhale, clench your fists, as you exhale, unclench your fists. Do at least 10 approaches with a break of a few seconds.
  • Place your hands on your stomach and clench them into fists, turn your palms towards you. Inhale and exhale quickly 8 times in a row. As you inhale, clench your fists, and as you exhale, unclench your fists (at the same time, your arms sharply straighten down). Perform at least 10 approaches.
  • Stand up, bend forward a little so that your arms are straight above your knees, your hands are relaxed, your face is down, your back is rounded. When you inhale, the body lowers, when you exhale, it rises (the amplitude is small), but the back does not straighten completely. Inhalation is loud, exhalation is silent. Take 8 quick breaths and exhale, and rest for a few seconds. Repeat at least 10 times.
  • Bodyflex - helps to lose extra pounds and saturate the body with oxygen. The breathing itself looks like this: exhale all the air through your mouth, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, draw in your stomach as much as possible and hold your breath, counting to 10. While holding your breath, you can perform any exercise on the desired muscle group. Also, during such training you can simply do household chores. Just a quarter of an hour of exercise a day will help you lose weight by improving metabolism and intestinal function.
  • Three-phase breathing. Its founder is L. Kofler. A set of exercises using this method helps to cope with respiratory diseases, as well as improve vocal performance. Exhale and hold your breath in the middle until you have the strength not to breathe. After this, inhale and exhale completely. Do 6 such approaches, pronouncing different sounds in this order: “pfff”, “ssss”, “pfff”, “zhzhzh”, “pfff”, “zzzz”.

There are other programs for breathing training. Some of them (such as rebirthing, the Butenko breathing system, holotropic breathing) cause a lot of controversy and have unproven effectiveness. Others, for example, vibration, breathing according to Pershin, are modified methods of existing exercises.

Regardless of which set of exercises is preferred, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • during the first training, you do not need to try to complete all the approaches;
  • if dizziness appears, then you should temporarily increase the interval between approaches;
  • if unpleasant sensations arise during the exercise, then you should reconsider the technique - perhaps you are doing something incorrectly;
  • It is better to train in the fresh air or indoors with open windows;
  • Before starting training, you should consult your doctor to exclude contraindications.

The right approach to breathing training and a well-chosen technique will improve the condition of the entire body and find inner harmony.
