What kind of girls do Azerbaijanis like. What are Azerbaijani men like?

I am a resident of the city of Baku, i.e. capital, was educated in Russian and may not know everything. But who knows? So let's go.

There is not a single woman minister in Azerbaijan. And it wasn't, as far as I know. There is only the chairman of the committee for family, women and children. Ombudsman is a woman. There are women deputies, but not so many.


Much depends on which family the girl is born into. In an intelligent family, she will receive an education, including higher education, she will be constantly reminded of the value of knowledge, the importance of a career, and so on. In a less educated, as well as in families of immigrants from the regions, she may not be born at all. The problem of selective abortions is rather acute in Azerbaijan. The progressive part of the population considers this savagery, nevertheless, such abotry continues to be performed. The state is sluggishly fighting this, sometimes Uzists are forbidden to name the sex of the child. However, in practice, I did not see much progress. The husband's brother's wife is pregnant, and she was given the gender of the child without any problems. It is believed that the boy will become the backbone of the family, bring his wife to the house, and the girl will go to someone else's house, and even cook the dowry.

As I have already noted, many families attach great importance to education. However, the level of education in our country is quite low. It often happens that girls in remote regions are simply not allowed to go to school, especially in high school.


Again, it all depends on the family. In one family, a girl is free, she can meet guys, etc. In another, she is accompanied to school by her parents, a driver in a car, or her brother. If the parents find out that she has a boyfriend, it becomes a tragedy for the family. Therefore, girls often hide their relationship.


The most painful issue is virginity. Every Azerbaijani woman is obliged to keep her virginity until marriage. A rare guy will agree to marry a non-virgin. An even smaller percentage will say it out loud. Therefore, hymenoplasty operations have gained great popularity. Some men divide women into "for the family" and "for a walk."

The chance for a divorced woman to remarry is rather low, since she is no longer a girl, and so on. Cohabitation before marriage is also not welcome, many do not rent apartments to unmarried couples, as corrupt police may come and say that a brothel has been found in the apartment. Claim money.


Many women work. Some even believe that it is easier for a woman to get a job than a man. In some families, the husband may forbid the wife to work, but she may not obey him. Quite a few female managers.

An Azerbaijani man considers it a shame for himself not to provide for his family, so I personally did not see those sitting on his wife's neck (but this does not mean that they do not exist). Often it is women who run the finances of the family. In Azerbaijan, great importance is attached to wealth, to look at the level, many girls wear classical style clothes, heels and gold jewelry.


The groom's relatives are obliged to give the bride gifts, gold, etc. The bride's relatives give her a dowry - furniture, dishes, etc., i.e. fully furnish the apartment. It all depends on financial capabilities, sometimes a loan is taken for these purposes. Many guests are invited to weddings, from 100 to 500 people (200-250 on average), who bring money. You can not come to the wedding, but it is desirable to send money. If one of the spouses was at your wedding, you are obliged to send money, as if to repay the debt. Often at the wedding they earn extra money, which normally goes to the newlyweds.

In Baku, it is also customary for the groom's family to provide the newlyweds with a separate apartment. But not everyone does this.

In rural areas, family marriages, marriages between cousins, etc. are common. Grandmother suggested that I marry her brother's son (grandmother is the eldest child, that her brother was the youngest of 5 children, so his son was only 5 years older than me). I refused.

Arranged marriages are also quite common. The boy's mother can look for a suitable match for him. At the same time, it’s not a fact that the guy himself agrees to this, there are disputes in families because of this, the question is who will squeeze whom. It's the same with girls, some are more malleable, others have been raised to be more independent.

After marriage, pressure from relatives on the subject of children begins. Many people give birth in the first year after the wedding. Almost everyone around them is interested in the issue of offspring - as soon as 1-2 months pass after the wedding, a flurry of questions falls upon the newlyweds. Is there even a special word - birshey-mirshey var? Those. is there anything? Children in our time in the family on average 2-3.

Housekeeping often lies entirely with the woman. The traditional distribution - the husband must bring money to the family, the wife - to take care of everyday life. However, since many women work, the picture is bleak.

The institute of nannies, au pairs and cleaning companies, where men also work, is developed in the capital. In the provinces, this is much more difficult.

In rural areas, and, to be honest, in urban areas, the problem of housing is acute. The older generation is often against the separation of the younger, so that the sons bring their daughters-in-law to their father's house. There, all the housework falls on them.

Due to the difficult financial situation, the husband can leave, for example, to Russia to work. There he can both start an unofficial second family, and officially marry if the marriage is not registered here (which sometimes happens in the villages as well). And the poor wife stays with her father-in-law and serves them in everything ...

It should be noted that, for example, Baku is an oil city. If you could more or less stick to this area, everything will be fine with you, you will be rich, etc. There is money, not everyone, but there is ... And when there is money, there are benefits. If not, if you live in the region - you can only regret ...

There is much more to write, but for now I'll stop there. Ask questions, I'll be happy to answer)

Now international unions in the Russian Federation are practically the norm.

Girls from Russia very often marry foreign citizens who came to the country to study or work. Some are looking for a groom from another state through marriage agencies, as well as dating sites.

Why are local women so vehemently looking for husbands from other countries?

It is believed that the great popularity was due to the fact that local beauties were disappointed in Russian men. After all, they do not seek to conquer the girl with tenderness, do not do romantic deeds, do not show the necessary respect, and many also become addicted to alcohol.

Oriental guys know how to make compliments and look after them beautifully, and they drink very little alcohol in the establishments designated for this. As you can see for yourself, they look more advantageous.

Girls planning to marry a foreigner and move to permanent residence abroad should know that modern Western traditions are common in most eastern countries, that is, in their later life, their views on the family will change, as well as the position of the girl as a whole.

For example, the marriage of a Russian with Azerbaijanis will not result in her getting into a harem. By the way, quite often such unions are found in the Russian Federation. At the same time, newly-made families sometimes remain to live in Russia. It happens that the citizens of Azerbaijan specifically marry Russians in order to obtain the legal right to live, work, and after a while, citizenship. It is possible that a man in Azerbaijan has a first wife, he will send her money. According to Islamic traditions, a Muslim can have several wives at once (maximum four). All this is written in the Koran. Although in the modern state this is not very encouraged. If a citizen has several wives, then he is obliged to provide for each financially, while being equally fair. In view of this, many representatives of the stronger sex of the eastern countries, who are confident that they can fulfill such a condition, prefer monogamous unions.

And Azerbaijani guys marry Russian girls? Undoubtedly. Note that they are very responsible, both to marriage and to the family as a whole. They are guided by the Koran. And it says that marriage is already half of religion, and the best believers are those who respect their wives.

The Koran, by the way, does not prohibit marriages between a Russian girl and an Azerbaijani, but it is considered not particularly desirable until the other side converted to Islam. In general, such unions can be concluded, if, of course, the consent of relatives on both sides is obtained.

Russian women who have married Azerbaijani men begin to live according to new rules. At the same time, each side of this union will have its own rights and, of course, obligations.

First, a man must provide for his family financially. Secondly, he is obliged to pay attention to his wife, take care of her, as well as her spiritual education and, of course, development. A woman must unquestioningly listen to her husband, up to the selection of outfits. In such marriages, there are also divorces, but they can only be due to the fact that one of the partners (husband or wife) does not fulfill his obligations. First, the spouses are given time to think, during this period they live separately, and then they will be officially divorced. Time is waiting for one more purpose, namely, to reveal the pregnancy of the spouse. Children are a protected layer of the population in Azerbaijan.

If a Russian and an Azerbaijani entered into a marriage, after which they moved to live in her husband’s homeland, then the girl will have to get used to the new state, customs that, at first glance, may seem slightly unusual, perhaps even wild.

Firstly, if the husband and his family do not live in a big city, then the wife will have to stay at home all the time. As you know, in the village, many girls do not study and do not work, that is, local representatives of the fair sex do not fulfill themselves and do not develop in any way. What then do the fair sex in Azerbaijan do? They manage the household (if there is no housekeeper), raise children, go to visit (if the spouses do not mind), and take care of the garden and garden. The country's breadwinners are men. As a rule, they are engaged in the sphere of sale and purchase of goods, trade.

Secondly, it is difficult to get used to the way of believing citizens. It is necessary to fast, follow religious traditions, pray and much more. Thirdly, you need to get used to the local climate. It's hard to eat local food at first, it's all very fatty

These citizens have hospitality in their blood, so they have plentiful meals, and several times a day, it’s not worth talking about tea drinking.

Fourthly, it is necessary to abandon short and revealing outfits, trousers, colorful flowers both in clothes and in make-upe. It is not excluded that in the husband's family it is customary for women to wear headscarves, then his wife will also need to do this. Of course, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco smoking are prohibited.

In general, the attitude of Azerbaijani citizens towards Russians, including the fair sex, is positive, but with some disdain, as infidels. If a woman who comes to Azerbaijan respects the state and its traditions, then the country will become for her the real Motherland (of course, the second one).


Azerbaijan is a Muslim state. Young people are brought up in the spirit of their compatriots: they honor their elders, value family and religion. Being outside their country, they can give the impression of unbridled, loving, hot guys. All due to the fact that hot southern, Caucasian blood flows in them. Azerbaijanis are sincere, courageous, straightforward. These qualities can both scare and, at the same time, attract girls.

If by the will of fate you fell in love with a guy, then you should know that perhaps your serious relationship is doomed to failure. Muslims usually don’t and, having enjoyed the available intimacy with them, return to their homeland and find themselves a young, faithful Muslim wife, who was brought up in the spirit of Eastern traditions from birth and knows how to please her husband and how to build a strong family life.

If you do not want your relationship to be fleeting, first of all, do not be too available. If an Azerbaijani guy is truly in love, he can wait for intimacy with a girl for as long as it takes. And if you are a virgin, then this will double your significance and attractiveness in his eyes.

If you want to build a serious relationship, then you should consider changing your faith. This will greatly facilitate your future life together, it can help to win over his relatives to you.

Do not forget that Muslim women have their own characteristics of upbringing and behavior. Read special literature, this will help you adjust your behavior for the sake of your loved one. For example, a wife should become the highest pleasure for an Azerbaijani, a consolation in grief, a reason for joy. She must arrange the family nest in such a way that it would be pleasant for her husband to be there, so that he would rest in soul and body.

When meeting with an Azerbaijani guy, you need to put his interests and values ​​​​above your own. Oriental men are accustomed to dominate, to be the first and foremost in everything, and in the family - in the first place. His companion must be faithful and obedient, these are the main qualities of a good wife. She must be able to admire a man, even if he is not rich and successful. Oriental men bring rich gifts to good wives, surround them with tenderness and care.

An Azerbaijani girl must dress modestly and behave decently in public. Forget about short skirts and T-shirts above the navel - the Azerbaijani guy will not tolerate this. The main principle in the clothes of Muslim women is to look modest in public and amaze with their beauty at home. By the way, when meeting with an Azerbaijani, avoid frequent trips to clubs, to visit and even to shops. A decent Muslim girl spends most of her time at home, taking care of children and household chores.

IT IS NO SECRET TO ANYONE THAT AZERBAIJANIAN MEN ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL... SOME SECRETS ABOUT THEM, AS WELL AS RANKING: THE 10 MOST BEAUTIFUL AZERBAIJANIS... If you meet a man who looks like a Mexican, Arab or Englishman, most likely, this man is Azerbaijani . In fact, I cannot think of any specific image to describe an Azerbaijani man. There was a time when the Azerbaijani lands were in the possession of the Ottoman, and then the Russian Empire, and if we delve into the details, we can remember that we have Albanian and other roots. If you intend to meet with an Azerbaijani man, then I want to note a few nuances that you can expect from them. But please note that everything written by me is a generalized opinion and may not apply to everyone. Let's start. There will always be another woman between you! Please don't be nervous after reading this headline. By the other woman, I meant his mother. You must be ready to share your love with his mother. Remember one thing, his mother is always right. His mother never lies, does not take advantage of his opportunities and does not weave intrigues. All bad qualities and actions are inherent only in you, of course, all good qualities are inherent in his mother. In any case, each of us loves his parents, but the Azerbaijani son loves a little more. Azerbaijani men are smug! I'm not saying they're smug, they're just very self-confident. An Azerbaijani man is always pleased with the work he has done, and even if he did not do it very well, he will never allow anyone to speak badly about him. An Azerbaijani man always walks with his head held high, and demonstrates his self-confidence by walking proudly with his hands in his pants pockets. Azerbaijani men are owners and love to rule. When it comes to a woman, an Azerbaijani man can be the owner. You must live by his rules. If you are looking for a free, open, carefree relationship that will allow you to do whatever you want, then reconsider your desire to date an Azerbaijani man, as he will not agree to these conditions. If he gave you his heart and won yours, then you have already become his property. He will not share you with anyone, and sometimes even with girlfriends. Just understand that this is part of Azerbaijani culture! God help you! He loves beautiful poetry. Beautiful and high-quality things, fashionable clothes, mind-blowing perfumes, clean shoes, a neat hairstyle, a freshly shaved face - all this and much more is very important for an Azerbaijani man. Azerbaijani men are interested in fashion in parallel with women and seriously monitor their appearance. In a word, you will never see an Azerbaijani man go on a date with a girl in a torn shirt or with dirty shoes, while in America this is sometimes normal. Remember, an Azerbaijani man is always right! Even if you are right for the hundredth time and the end of the world has come, there is no force in the entire galaxy that would prove to an Azerbaijani man that he is wrong! Remember, he is always right (just don't pressure him and keep quiet). Just accept it and trust that he will appreciate it later. If you don't believe me, then read the paragraph above on self-confidence. If need be, he'll take the moon out of the sky for you. Let me now tell you about the positive qualities of Azerbaijani men, that is, about what you might like. If you are ready to escape after reading all of the above, first take a minute and finish reading this, and then make a decision. Azerbaijani men are considered the most caring. They know how to make a woman feel the happiest and most beautiful. Believe me, he will love you at least as much as his mother loves and will take care of you. An Azerbaijani man understands the needs and desires of a woman well and has the power to appreciate her. And in the end I want to note one of the important points. Azerbaijani men are very handsome and attractive, I think you already understood this))

We present to the attention of readers an analytical material written by a prominent scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Farid Alakbarli

Features of historical destiny, economic, socio-political, cultural and ideological environment refuse to influence the formation of the mentality of the people. At the same time, it is curious that sometimes peoples living far from each other, speaking different languages ​​and professing different religions, show more similarities with each other in terms of national character than neighboring and closely related ethnic groups. The author of these lines had to go on business trips to almost all countries of Southern Europe - Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Greece and both Cyprus, as well as neighboring Asian countries - Iran and Turkmenistan. Getting acquainted with the culture of various peoples, one involuntarily asks the question: “Which of them is closer to the Azerbaijanis in terms of mentality and culture?”

One people - two states

We are closely connected with Iran and Turkmenistan by ethnic, religious and cultural ties, but Azerbaijan is more in line with the Mediterranean and South European civilizational environment, which I will dwell on in more detail. Turkey comes to mind first: we have a common origin with the Turks and almost the same language. Any Azerbaijani can, while in Turkey, communicate with the local population without an interpreter. There is even a catchphrase - "one people, two states."

Despite this, there is no complete identity in the Azerbaijani and Turkish mentality. The difference in the outlook of the average Baku and Istanbul residents is comparable to the difference in the outlook of a Russian person from Moscow and a Western Ukrainian from Lvov. This is due to the fact that over the past 500 years, the historical destinies of the Turks and Azerbaijani Turks have evolved differently. Azerbaijan in 1813-1828 was included in the Russian Empire, while Turkey until 1922 itself was an empire that had "one foot" in Europe, the other - in Asia.

An inevitable consequence of the imperial past is patriotism based on national pride. In Turkey, it has a great-power character, which, again, is connected with the 500-year history of the Ottoman Empire. Unlike Turkish, the patriotism of Azerbaijanis is not imperial, great power, and is rather in the nature of attachment to their native culture, language and literature.

Every Turkish student knows

At the same time, the centuries-old military organization of Turkish society influenced the formation of the character of the Ottoman Turks. The Ottoman Empire was a gigantic military-administrative machine that for centuries functioned in a regime of constant wars, conquests and expansion of its territories. This empire could exist only while expanding, conquering and mastering more and more new territories. Therefore, Turkish society formed a type of citizen-soldier, and every Turk was a warrior in spirit, regardless of occupation - a peasant, a merchant, and a feudal lord. After the defeat of the Turkish forces near Vienna in 1683, the still powerful Ottoman Empire began to slowly but steadily shrink, gradually losing one territory after another, until it collapsed in 1922. But the militaristic spirit that persisted in society and among the ruling elite allowed Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to take revenge and revive Turkey as an important country in the region. Until now, every Turkish schoolchild knows by heart the words of Ataturk “I am proud of everyone who can say: “I am a Turk!”

Thus, the Turkish society, based on the centuries-old traditions of the Turkic military-feudal statehood, formed the type of citizen-warrior. What character traits does it suggest? Courage, restraint, seriousness, a certain asceticism, the concept of military honor, law-abiding, unquestioning obedience to orders, etc. The courage and perseverance of the Turks struck the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov in 1787 during the battle near the Kinburn fortress. “What good fellows - I have not yet fought with such,” he wrote to the commander-in-chief, Prince G.A. Potemkin. As A.A. Svechin in the book “The Evolution of Military Art”, “the purely peasant composition of the army represented a similarity between the Turkish and Russian armies. The Turkish peasant, honest, hardworking, brave, easily subject to discipline, represented an element from which a soldier could be created with extraordinary speed.

Self-irony and nihilism are unacceptable

One of the key features of the Turkish national character is seriousness, i.e. serious attitude to life. Most Turks are not characterized by such features as irony and self-irony, as well as cynicism and nihilism, in one way or another inherent in most Levantine peoples, as well as Persians, Arabs, Jews, Italians, partly Russians and some Transcaucasian peoples. The ability to laugh at oneself, and in general any kind of self-flagellation, is not characteristic of the Turks. For them, concrete-pragmatic rather than abstract-philosophical thinking is typical, as well as a contrasting perception of reality: a clear division of people into friends and foes, friends and enemies.

Turks are distinguished by rationalism, diligence and frugality, sometimes, from the point of view of foreigners, reaching the extreme. If you are invited to a treat in Istanbul, do not rush to buy tablets that facilitate digestion - festal or mezim-forte - because the tables will not burst with food. It is quite possible that the treat will consist of just one cup of coffee or a bottle of mineral water. The exception is banquets and refreshments organized at the expense of the state or sponsor organizations. Everything will be there - dolma, kebab, olives, salads, and everything else. At many Turkish weddings, the guest is served only one hot dish and one drink for free. Everything else the guest orders in the restaurant himself, at his own expense. This is a very sensible tradition that prevents unnecessary and burdensome waste.

pragmatism and romance

The Turks strictly observe the established rules. They do not tend to hesitate and doubt. They quickly make decisions based on a set of laws, rules and regulations that they unconditionally accept, and just as quickly, without hesitation, put them into practice. Relativism, that is, the idea that everything in the world is relative, is alien to most Turks. Strict adherence to rules and traditions, respect for elders in age, position or social status, unquestioning obedience to superiors and strict subordination are important features of the Turkish national character.

The Turks are not very talkative, they do not like “pointless” conversations on general topics, all kinds of philosophizing, which they regard as empty chatter and a waste of time. Any conversation is started by them for a specific purpose and has a clearly defined subject and time frame. When evaluating a person, the Turks first of all take into account his social status, that is, what step this person occupies in the social ladder. Depending on the conclusions drawn, the Turk will behave with this person either as a subordinate or as a boss - there are often no other alternatives.

With all this, in family and love relationships, Turks can be unexpectedly romantic, soft, sensitive and sentimental. Turkish humor is distinguished by its originality and is most close to German. The Turk will never allow himself to relax, joke or have fun during working hours (unless, of course, he works as a comedian or showman). However, on weekends, having allocated special time for entertainment in advance, the Turks relax and have fun from the heart, “to the fullest”. In this case, they wholly, one might say with a sense of responsibility, give themselves up to fun, accompanied by sincere, contagious laughter, dancing and collective music-making.

Turks are different

Turkey is a fairly large country. Therefore, despite the presence of the main unifying character traits, the mentality of Turks from different regions of the country can have its own specifics. So, among modern Turks (especially Western and Balkan) there are many descendants of Turkicized Slavs, Albanians and Greeks. In this sense, paradoxically, the mentality of the Western Anatolian and Balkan Turks is more similar to the mentality of the peoples of Central Europe, in particular the Slavs and Germans, than to the character of the Arabs, Persians, Transcaucasian, Levantine and South European peoples - Italians and Greeks. A partial but small analogy is observed only with the character of two other South European peoples - the Spaniards and the Portuguese, who in the past also had empires based on the military organization of society.

However, as noted above, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the Turkish ethnic group is multi-layered and heterogeneous. The population of the eastern regions of Turkey - Kars, Igdir, etc. - very close in language, customs and mentality to ethnic Azerbaijanis. In Turkey, they are even sometimes called "Azeri", "Azeri Turkleri" ("Azerbaijani Turks or Turks"). What features of the mentality distinguish modern Azerbaijanis? In general, the majority of Azerbaijanis are characterized by such character traits as hospitality, generosity, generosity, sometimes reaching wastefulness, devotion to the family and family traditions, respect for elders and love for children. For them, self-sacrifice for the benefit of the family and loved ones, diligence are typical. Moreover, having flexible thinking and ingenuity, Azerbaijanis try to organize their work in such a way as to obtain the greatest results at the lowest cost of labor.

What is eccentricity and infantilism for an Azerbaijani?

Most Azerbaijanis are pragmatists. Moreover, the pragmatism of Azerbaijanis often turns into utilitarianism and conformism, which is characteristic of all Middle Eastern peoples, including Arabs, Persians, Jews (although among European Jews it is combined with "European" features of the mentality), etc. In Azerbaijani society, losers do not evoke any sympathy: they are more likely to be condemned and despised than pitied. Therefore, every Azerbaijani strives to achieve success in life, including material well-being. Based on this, he gives preference only to those activities that bring a practical result. Doing something “just like that”, exclusively “for the sake of interest” is not characteristic of most Azerbaijanis and is considered by them as eccentricity and infantilism.

Azerbaijanis are characterized by a tendency to irony and self-irony, self-criticism, a sense of humor, cunning, love of fun and entertainment, a certain relativism of thinking, that is, the belief that everything in the world is relative. They are distinguished by love for beautiful things, comfort and well-being. Having a rich national cuisine, Azerbaijanis love to eat delicious food, there are many gourmets among them. In general, Azerbaijanis are peaceful, but emotional and quick-tempered, especially if their honor and dignity are hurt, as well as the feelings and interests of people close to them, family members and relatives.

Thrift and waste

As a rule, Azerbaijanis are sociable, like to talk, spend a lot of time with friends and relatives, whom they often visit. Sometimes, celebrating birthdays and other dates, they arrange magnificent feasts, spending many hours at the banquet table. At the same time, they usually do not consider costs and do not try to save money, even if they themselves are not rich and financially needy. They are characterized by a respectful attitude towards women and motherhood, as well as respect for elders and superiors.

Azerbaijanis love poetry, they are sweet-spoken, make long flowery toasts, often tell moralizing stories with philosophical overtones, as well as anecdotes and funny stories from their lives. They love graceful turns of phrase, hyperbole, and exaggeration. An important role in the mutual communication of Azerbaijanis is played by empathy - emotional empathy, sincerity. They do not tolerate the lack of communication, loneliness and isolation.

"Don't Lose Face"

Azerbaijanis communicate with friends on an equal footing, directly and sincerely. But, with all his sincerity, an Azerbaijani, being in society, tries to behave somewhat restrainedly, not to show all his emotions, feelings and experiences. He usually carries himself with dignity and confidence, even when "things are bad" and things go awry. This is what Azerbaijanis call "behaving like a man." It makes no sense to cry in a vest, show your weaknesses, talk about your failures, even to close people: they would rather laugh than regret. This is more true for men, but to some extent for women too, especially when it comes to relationships within a female company.

Public opinion plays a huge, sometimes enslaving role in the life of an Azerbaijani. For an Azerbaijani, it is very important how he looks in the eyes of others, what relatives, colleagues, neighbors and people in general say about him. This somewhat constrains his personality. For example, he is unlikely to wear an unusually cut suit, even if he really likes it, for fear that "people will laugh." True, in recent times, especially among young people, this trend is weakening: people more freely show their individuality in clothing, behavior and lifestyle.

For an Azerbaijani, the most terrible thing is to lose dignity or, as they say, “to lose face”, “lose face”. Therefore, for example, no matter how much an Azerbaijani drinks, you almost never see him lying drunk on the street. For the same reason, when celebrating the wedding of his son, an Azerbaijani will try to hold it at the highest level, sometimes allowing unjustified wastefulness, even if for this he has to go into debt or spend hard-earned money over many years. When receiving a guest, an Azerbaijani will put all the best on the table, even if this is the best - the last. At the same time, he will not be concerned about what he himself will eat the next day - tomorrow it will be seen.

Tolerance for violations

Most Azerbaijanis are not ethno-nationalists. They are not characterized by ethnic xenophobia, they are tolerant towards representatives of other nations and religions. Azerbaijanis are carriers of a predominantly secular worldview, although for the most part they do not consider themselves atheists. However, even among the few most religious part of the population, faith usually does not take on the character of fanaticism. This is largely due to the relativism and pragmatism inherent in the character of Azerbaijanis. Due to the feudal, regional and clan fragmentation that existed in the past, among Azerbaijanis, as well as among Italians, regional self-consciousness (parochialism) sometimes prevails over the national one, which often leads to manifestations of regionalism and tribalism in society.

A long stay in the USSR, where people lived not according to laws, but according to “concepts”, formed among some Azerbaijanis, like some representatives of other Soviet peoples, a tolerant attitude towards violations of the law and abuse of official position. Azerbaijanis prefer to build relations not so much according to official instructions, but within the framework of informal relations based on friendly, family ties and mutual agreement. This feature, to a greater or lesser extent, is inherent not only to Azerbaijanis, but to many other peoples of the former USSR. At the same time, Azerbaijanis usually keep their word, because they consider it a “matter of honor”. Adherence to family values ​​among Azerbaijanis is even stronger than among Turks. Family for an Azerbaijani is the main thing. Everything else, taken together, is not even in second, but in third place. The mentality of the southern (Iranian) Azerbaijanis has some specific features, but in general is close to the character of the Azerbaijanis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

And the national character can change

However, it should also be borne in mind that the national character of peoples, including Azerbaijanis, is not static and is capable of changing over time along with changes in the socio-political, ideological and cultural environment. Thus, the collapse of the socialist system, the development of a market economy and, most importantly, the acquisition of political independence have had and continue to have an impact on the mentality of the young generation of Azerbaijanis. The first thing that catches the eye is the growth of national self-consciousness, a sense of national pride and a sense of self-sufficiency. Young people, to a much greater extent than the older generation, are aware of themselves as representatives of a separate, independent, full-fledged ethnic group and a state that is not an appendage of a larger state and territorial entity. Memories of the USSR and the “united Soviet people” have practically disappeared from the memory of the younger generation.

In addition, young people show such traits as civic and national dignity, an acute negative reaction to attempts to insult the symbols and attributes of the state, and intolerance to the violation of their national, ethnic and civil rights. All this, again, is due to the fact that the new generation has grown up and formed already in a completely independent state. The elimination of the "Iron Curtain", contacts with foreign peers, studying abroad, visiting foreign countries, the rapid spread of the English language and Internet technologies have led to the ever-increasing integration of Azerbaijani youth into the global intercultural and intercivilizational dialogue. The harsh conditions of the market economy have shaped in the younger generation such character traits as great efficiency and practicality, reducing the dependency and infantilism characteristic of the Soviet era.

With the passage of time, the way of life of people also changes. For example, the lesser and lesser use of alcohol by the youth of Azerbaijan attracts attention. A bottle of vodka, as a common attribute of many feasts, is increasingly being replaced by a kettle of tea with a variety of oriental sweets. Abundant and wasteful feasts become rare and are replaced by more modest and economical meals. And the point here is not only the lack of money among the population. The very style of life has changed, the psychology of people has undergone a change, their value orientations have become different. The younger generation of Azerbaijanis is generally indifferent to alcohol and feasts, as they do not get much pleasure from gluttony and drunkenness. Instead, in their free time, young people follow the latest in world cinema, go to concerts, attend cultural events, or simply play backgammon or dominoes and drink tea with friends in teahouses.

Azerbaijani "Generation "P""

Today's youth is less romantic, contemplative and dreamy, but more industrious and pragmatic - they work hard and hard. In their free time, many young people are interested in computers, smartphones, iPhones, follow new fashion trends and the latest car brands, go to gyms and fitness clubs. Representatives of a more educated and inquisitive stratum read books, collect and engage in other intellectual entertainment. However, there is some concern that, in general, the younger generation has begun to read less. Books are sold poorly, because young people get the main information from the Internet.

Also noteworthy is the growth of individualism among young people, manifested by later marriage, the reluctance of many couples to have a third and even a second child, which is observed not only in the metropolitan metropolis, but already in many provincial cities and even villages. The accelerated pace of life leads to a certain weakening of social ties, limiting communication with friends, relatives and neighbors. People, even representatives of the older generation, are now less likely to visit each other and communicate.

And other nations...

And now let's turn our eyes to the mentality of other peoples of the South Caucasus and Southern Europe and try to compare it with the Turkish and Azerbaijani mentality. In contrast to the national self-consciousness of the Turks, the nationalism of some Transcaucasian peoples, in particular the Armenians, as well as the Greeks, is devoid of elements of great power and is purely ethnic in nature. It is characterized not by ideas about the global imperial mission of its people, but by ideas about its uniqueness and exclusivity, sometimes accompanied by attempts to withdraw into its national shell so as not to undergo national and linguistic assimilation. Depopulation, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the number of immigrants, a decrease in the percentage of the indigenous population causes many small peoples to fear extinction, which gives a peculiar coloring to their nationalism, distinguishing it from the great-power nationalism of large, formerly imperial, peoples. The nationalism of a small people is inherent in such ethnic groups as, for example, Greeks, Armenians, and some other peoples of the South Caucasus.

Mussolini doesn't count

The Italians stand apart in this row, because they are not characterized by either a great-power worldview or the ethnic nationalism of a small people. There are enough Italians that they are not afraid of losing their language, national culture, being assimilated or disappearing from the face of the earth. At the same time, Italy was never an empire, and Italian society was not built on a militaristic basis. The Roman Empire and the short, caricature period of Mussolini's rule don't count. Mentally and culturally, Italy is not the heir of the Roman Empire, but of the city-states of the Renaissance. Due to the late formation of a single state and a common Italian community, the national identity of the Italians is not very clearly developed, giving way to parochialism and regional patriotism. The national pride of Italians is built, first of all, on the love for the phenomenon of Italian culture, which includes artistic and architectural heritage, music, cuisine, etc.

Despite the proximity of the Italian language to Spanish and Portuguese, the national characters of these three peoples are quite different from each other. This is especially evident in the example of such closely related ethnic groups as the Spaniards and Italians. Italians are often able to understand up to 70% of Spanish speech, and vice versa, that is, their languages ​​are partially mutually intelligible. The differences between Spaniards and Italians are somewhat similar to the differences between Turks and Azerbaijanis. Just like the Turks, the Spaniards in the past had an empire and owned vast territories in Europe, South and Central America, Oceania, etc. True, this empire collapsed a little earlier than the Ottoman one, so the Spaniards' memories of the imperial past are not as fresh as those of the Turks.

Nevertheless, the Spanish national character remained, which for centuries was forged in an atmosphere of constant bloody wars and conquests. The Spanish state was born in the XIV-XVI centuries. in the fire of the reconquista - a stubborn, bloody war for the liberation of the region from the Arab invaders, who had ruled the Iberian Peninsula for more than six centuries. This was followed by the unification of the country, the conquest of vast territories in Italy and Holland, there were overseas expeditions, the discovery of America and the seizure of previously unknown lands of the New World. Unlike the more complacent and less warlike Italians, the Spaniards have always been distinguished by greater firmness and decisiveness of character, and in the Middle Ages by cruelty and ruthlessness, which manifested themselves both in the bonfires of the Inquisition blazing until the 18th century, and in the conquest of the Indians of South and Central America.

New Spaniards

Of course, times have changed, and with them the character of the Spaniards has changed. Modern Spaniards are a peaceful, politically correct European people. However, many have retained the basic mentality traits rooted in the past, such as greater firmness and “sharpness” of character than the Italians, relative restraint in the manifestation of feelings, as well as categorical judgments and decisiveness in actions. Compared to Italians, many Spaniards seem to be more serious, less emotional, less playful and carefree. They don't have that over-the-top artistry, and they don't tend to play for the crowd all the time.

Spaniards often look dignified, and sometimes even dry and sullen in concentration. Of course, we are talking about average individuals, and not about all representatives of the people, because in every nation you can meet a variety of people. In general, the confidence, pride, seriousness and determination of the Spaniards partly brings them closer to the Turks, who also had an empire based on the military organization of society in the recent past. However, among the Turks, all the listed features of the mentality are much brighter and sharper.

Patriotism Italian and Azerbaijani

As for the various forms of patriotism, Azerbaijani patriotism has much in common with Italian patriotism, while Turkish patriotism is more similar to Russian or British patriotism, and Armenian patriotism is more similar to Greek patriotism, which is the ethno-nationalism of a small people. Although the total number of Greeks is approaching 20 million, they are carriers of ethnic nationalism, more characteristic of small peoples. At the same time, one should not forget that at one time the Greeks played a truly gigantic, fateful and incomparable role in the development of the entire human civilization.

People versed in history know that the basis of modern European, and not only European, civilization is the ancient Greek heritage and Hellenistic culture, which spread throughout the ecumene in the era of Alexander the Great. However, in the future, the phenomenon of Greek culture gradually lost its global significance, and the Greek ethnos itself became isolated in a narrow regional and ethno-national framework.

As for the Azerbaijanis, they, not being, like the Turks, an imperial people, at the same time are not a small, and even more relic, ethnic group with a type of mentality inherent in such peoples. In terms of population, historical fate and some features of national self-consciousness, Azerbaijanis are close to such peoples as Italians or Ukrainians. Despite the fact that the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan is only 10 million people, more than 30 million Azerbaijanis live in Iran. The total number of Azerbaijanis living in the world exceeds 50 million people. Thus, the Azerbaijanis are the second largest Turkic people in the world, yielding in this respect only to the Turks, who number about 70 million.

Large scale self-awareness

In addition, an extremely important, but often not taken into account, factor is that, along with a purely ethnic and national-state self-identification, Azerbaijanis have elements of an “expanded” pan-Turkic and pan-Muslim identity deeply rooted in their subconscious, as a result of which they instinctively feel that they are inseparable. part of a vast civilizational area covering hundreds of millions of people.

Despite this, the Azerbaijani people are not the bearers of the pronounced "imperial" mentality inherent in the Turks of Turkey. Although in the Middle Ages the ancestors of Azerbaijanis also created empires - the Turkic Kaganate, Karakoyunlu, Akkoyunlu, the state of the Safavids - but they all correlate with the modern Azerbaijan Republic in much the same way as the Roman Empire with present-day Italy. The modern Italian national identity did not grow out of the imperial ideology of ancient Rome, but out of the Italian feudal states of the Renaissance, such as Florence, Venice, Genoa, etc.

Influence of Russian and Persian

The fact is that the Roman Empire has not existed for more than 1500 years, and it was swept away, completely destroyed and crushed by the barbarians. That is, a catastrophe occurred, as a result of which everything perished: the people, the state, the country, its culture and civilization. Time connection is broken. This did not happen in Turkey. The Ottoman Empire has existed for about 90 years and during the previous 500 years, it has never been conquered or enslaved by any state. On the contrary, having won brilliant military victories over the countries of the Entente - Great Britain and France - in the 20th century, it gradually degenerated into the Republic of Turkey. Thus, the national worldview of modern Turks directly grew out of the imperial, Ottoman self-consciousness, which was reformed and received new content during the years of the Young Turks.

The Azerbaijani mentality was formed in a somewhat different social, cultural and historical environment. Due to historical reasons, the population of Azerbaijan, which in the past was part of the Russian Empire, the USSR and Iran, was greatly influenced by the Russian and Persian languages, culture and mentality. Thus, the difference between the Azerbaijani mentality and the Turkish one is largely due to the fact that the khanates of Azerbaijan in 1813-1828. lost their independence, becoming part of the Russian Empire. Although re-independence was won in 1918, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, already in 1920 the Red Army occupied Azerbaijan again, which remained part of the USSR until 1991. In terms of historical fate, Azerbaijan has much in common with Ukraine, which was also conquered and divided by invaders several centuries ago.

The similarity of the national character of Italians and Azerbaijanis

Returning to Italy, it must be noted that there are neither elements of great-power nationalism nor the nationalism of a small but ambitious people, which is usually a combination of megalomania, persecution and a carefully concealed inferiority complex, in the character of Italians. As already noted, the patriotism of Italians is rooted more in the pride of their cultural heritage - art, architecture, music, cuisine, customs, lifestyle. This is the similarity of the national character of Italians and Azerbaijanis.

However, there are also differences. In particular, an important difference between Italian history and Azerbaijani and, for example, Ukrainian history lies in the fact that the medieval feudal states of Italy never completely lost their independence. Despite the fact that some of the northern territories of Italy were at one time captured by Austria, the southern and central territories by Spain, and the island of Sicily was ruled by the Arab Caliphate for more than 300 years, the whole of Italy was never totally occupied and turned into a colony of another state.

In contrast, small medieval Italian states such as the Republic of Venice often represented significant financial and military power and successfully fought even giants such as the Ottoman Empire. That is why the Italians do not consider their national rights to be grossly violated, do not see themselves as a victim and do not experience much pain and regret in connection with their historical fate.

In particular, the character of the Italians, who never completely lost their national independence, is not characterized by the post-colonial syndrome characteristic of the psychology of the inhabitants of many republics of the former USSR, including Azerbaijan and Ukraine. This syndrome manifests itself in attempts to finally free oneself from the colonial heritage, in particular, the dominance in society of alien languages, traditions and ideologies once imposed by the invaders, as well as in disputes over one’s own national and cultural identity, attempts to formulate one’s national idea, to assert oneself and occupy worthy place in the community of independent nations and states. But this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Farid Alekperli,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of Manuscripts of ANAS
