What determines the color of the planet. The colors of the planets and their influence

Space has always attracted with its mystery and obscurity. For many centuries, people have tried to solve its mysteries. Today, with the development of the space industry, the study of the solar system and distant galaxies has reached a completely different level. Of course, much remains unknown and hidden from our understanding, but still ahead.

In this article we will consider one of the planets of the solar system - Mercury. You will learn a lot of interesting things about this celestial body: how long a day and a year last here, whether it has satellites and rings, and much more.

Which planet is from the sun?

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. Until 2006, this title was held by Pluto. But at the Congress of the IAU General Assembly, which took place on August 24, it was decided to deprive it of the status of a large planet.

The distance from Mercury to the Sun is 57,900,000 km. Unlike other planets, it is closest to the star. It is followed by Venus, Earth and Mars, and after that come the celestial giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. So, Mercury is the planet of the solar system, which is located first from the sun.

Celestial object color

Pictures taken from space satellites and from ground-based telescopes made it possible to determine exactly what color Mercury is. The entire surface of the planet is covered with gray rocks, which arose as a result of the solidification of molten lava. The cooling of magma and the formation of stony rocks occurred billions of years ago. Now Mercury is a planet made entirely of bare rocks. According to scientists, for several million years there have been no signs of the activity of erosion and tectonic processes on it. The change in the landscape of the planet is only due to the fall of meteorites, which leave behind furrows on the surface of Mercury.

Geologists who studied the images claim that at the moment not a single active volcano has been recorded on itself. What color Mercury could be if it was colored by hot magma flows - one can only guess. But today it appears before us as a faceless gray planet.

landscape studies

Thanks to the development of the space industry, people have the opportunity to get to know our universe better, including information about the planets of the solar system. Consider Mercury:

  1. A day on the planet lasts approximately 59 Earth days. This is how long it takes Mercury to complete one revolution around its axis.
  2. The planet makes a circle around the Sun in almost 88 Earth days. This is exactly how long a year lasts.
  3. Temperature fluctuations are very significant. At night, the surface of the planet cools down to -183 degrees Celsius, and during the day the Sun heats Mercury up to +430 degrees. The thing is that the planet can not store heat.
  4. Depending on how far Mercury is from the Sun, the composition of its exosphere (a type of atmosphere) changes. As scientists have established, it contains sodium, calcium and magnesium. The concentration of these substances changes with the approach and removal from the star.
  5. Although Mercury is quite difficult to find in the sky, our ancestors knew about its existence thousands of years ago.
  6. There are only two planets in the solar system that do not have natural moons or rings. These include Venus and Mercury.
  7. This planet has the largest reserves of sulfur. Water ice and organic matter have also been discovered on Mercury.

The language of color is one of the oldest and most persuasive forms of communication between people. It largely depends on the level of development of a person and characterizes him as a person. The influence of color and shades in ritual clothing, in the sacrificial ceremony, in the war paint of one's body is a way of protecting oneself from environmental aggression. The basic psychological ideas about the influence of color on a person were formed in ancient times. Primitive peoples identified color with natural forces. So, red symbolized fire, orange and gold represented the Sun, green - spring foliage and the beginning of a new life, blue - the sky and the sea. More enlightened peoples found a connection between color and the influence of the planets. The ancient system of correspondence of metals and stones is based on the same correspondence. Gold is the metal of the Sun and silver is the metal of the Moon because of the matching color. Various colors in antiquity were attributed to other planets. Red is Mars, green is Venus, purple or dark blue is Jupiter, black or brown is Saturn, changeable colors are Mercury. Surprisingly, this information was subsequently confirmed by modern scientific research.

From the point of view of astronomy, the color of the planet depends on the composition of the substances of which it is composed. That is why the planets of the solar system in space look different.

Earth is a blue, light blue planet with a cover of white clouds. The color of a planet is largely determined by its water cover.

Mercury is a gray planet. There is no atmosphere on this planet, there is no water either, there is only rock.

Venus is yellowish white. This is the color of the clouds that envelop the planet. They contain hydrochloric acid.

Mars is the "red planet". In fact, it is red-orange, named for the color of desert soil with a lot of iron.

Jupiter is a large liquid ball. Its main color is orange-yellow with the presence of colored bands, as we see in most images taken from space. The color of the planet is due to clouds of ammonia and ammonium gases.

Saturn is pale yellow, also the color is formed by clouds of ammonia, under the clouds of ammonia is liquid hydrogen.

Uranus has a light blue color, but unlike Earth, Uranus's color is formed by methane clouds.

Neptune is a green planet, although Neptune is very similar in chemical composition to Uranus and has a bluish tint. Its color is determined by the presence of methane clouds, and the surface is slightly darker due to its great distance from the Sun.

Pluto has a light brown color due to the presence of a large amount of dirty methane ice on its surface.

Today, no one will argue that the planets have their own spectral radiation, which is recorded by the appropriate instruments.

Consider the colors of the planets:

  • To harmonize the personality and study the birth horoscope

Test yourself how you feel about the characteristic color of a particular planet. It has been noticed that a sharp rejection of a certain color indicates that the corresponding planet in the horoscope has inharmonious aspects. Astrologer's consultation independent work over your horoscope will help you change your attitude to this color and develop new, harmonious character traits. This is one way to develop personality through color.

  • For correct alignment with planetary transits

At the time of the birth of each person, their own astrological influences are formed, which almost never repeat. At the same time, we all experience the influence of transit planets. They touch the strings of our individual horoscope, like the bow of a violin. Depending on the aspects of the horoscope, harmonious or inharmonious music sounds. Studying the color vibrations of transiting planets helps us understand each other better.

Each planet has a specific color. By mixing different shades, you can achieve completely unique properties and qualities.

Sun - Orange gamut

Sun is responsible for protecting the body, health, life values ​​and everything else that concerns the human ego. Therefore, the use of the orange range of colors carries these energies. When using the orange scale, a desire is created to defend oneself and move away from possible irritants.

Moon - white gamma, milky colors

White gamma are the colors of acceptance and sensitivity. They are best used in cases and projects related to concentration and attention. White color is the best background for reading and learning. White color gives emotional relaxation and calmness.

Mars - red scale

Mars is the planet of strength and energy. Therefore, the red range of colors gives, first of all, an impulse to activity and decisive action. Most often, I use red colors in the design of very visited places so that people make decisions faster. Contact the red scale when you want to get the strength to be active.

Mercury - green scale

Green gamut sets a high pace for intelligence and communications. If you need to sell something or find a common language with people - green colors will make these processes easy and relaxed.

Jupiter - yellow scale

Learning, knowledge, growth and development associated with the yellow scale ruled by Jupiter. yellow colors can give motivation and the desire for knowledge if the beholder wants to develop, but can also exert pressure if the person is passive and inert. So use this range carefully.

Venus - Blue

From time immemorial, blue colors have been energy of tenderness and romance. The blue scale is best used to attract women and romantic natures. The best color to attract partners and life partners. The blue gamma awakens creativity.

Saturn - black and blue

Black is the color of order, which is why businessmen and serious people love it so much. Worth fearing side effect black color - depression and stagnation, which is mixed with this scale. Arm yourself with black colors if you need to give the impression of a businesslike, experienced person.

Ketu - purple gamma

Purple colors are pretty ambiguous. On the one hand, this is the highest degree of spirituality and liberation from the captivity of matter. On the other hand, the purple gamma can carry the spirit of schizophrenia and inner confusion. Be careful with this range.

Rahu - colorful and rich scales

It is also worth mentioning that mixing colors gives unique combinations of planetary energies. Here are some examples:

Pink = Red (Mars) + White (Moon). Pink color definitely indicates sexuality and a subtle hint. Many girls who like to subtly attract attention use pink tones in their wardrobe.

Brown = Green (Mercury) + Red (Mars). The brown gamma is a vintage classic that carries an active message to people and is distinguished by a pleasant visual pressure.

Mix colors and get the right combinations of planets!

Roman Gavrilov

Mercury is a gray planet. The color is determined by the absence of atmosphere and water, only rock is present.

Earth is a blue, light blue planet with a cover of white clouds. The color of the planet is largely determined by the water cover.

"Red Planet" is the famous name for Mars. It's actually red-orange. By the color of desert soil with a large amount of iron.

The large liquid ball is Jupiter. Its main color is orange-yellow with the presence of colored stripes. The colors are formed by clouds of ammonia and ammonium gases.

Saturn is pale yellow, also the color is formed by clouds of ammonia, under the clouds of ammonia is liquid hydrogen.

Uranus has a light blue color, but unlike the Earth, the color is formed by methane clouds.

The green planet Neptune, although it is more likely a shade of blue, since Neptune is the twin of Uranus and the color of the planet Neptune is determined by the presence of methane clouds, and its surface is darker due to the distance from the Sun.

Pluto, due to the presence of dirty methane ice on the surface, has a light brown color.

Colors and laws of Neptune

Neptune - unconditional, all-encompassing Love, inspiration, the ability to merge (with the Divine, other people or any thing that bears the stamp of the Divine), mysticism and a passionate desire for God. But also delusions, mist, poison, addictive Habits AND Weakness. Neptune Gem Colors are Lavender and Purple. On the Physical Plane Responsible for the Pineal Gland and Feet.

Colors and laws of Pluto

Pluto - Principles of transformation, death, rebirth, phoenix rising from the ashes, renewal, complete change, black and white, extremes, submission to a Higher Power and magic. Pluto's gemstones are black or multi-colored, with lots of red splashes. Governs regeneration in the body, including the formation of cells, reproductive system and hereditary diseases.

Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet, and each planet has its own favorite colors. When a woman dresses in clothes that match the color of the planet, she protects her, gives her energy and strength.

Monday is ruled by the Moon, its colors are white, brilliant, shining.

It gives peace of mind, peace, inspiration, understanding of purpose, intuition, sensuality, love of poetry, art and music, attractive appearance. Favorable color for conception, enhances reproductive functions. It is also the day of motherhood and maternal energy, if you lack it, serve mothers on this day, help your mother - and soon the Moon will send you its blessings.

Tuesday is the energy of Mars, its color is red, coral, scarlet. Mars gives courage, courage, patience, trust, leadership qualities, physical strength, determination. So if you need to resolve some kind of conflict, insist on your own, prove something, Tuesday is the best day to fight with yourself or an obvious enemy.

The environment is ruled by Mercury, its colors are green, herbal, emerald. The energies of Mercury bring education, good intellect, clear, articulate speech, self-confidence, humor, wit, the most auspicious day for gaining knowledge.

Thursday is under the auspices of Jupiter, its color is saffron, orange, dark yellow. Jupiterian energies are very spiritual, they are responsible for the knowledge of truth, spirituality, wealth, fame, success, honor, and good relations with children, wisdom, truthfulness, morality, mercy, benevolence, compassion.

Jupiter is very important for women because it determines her marriage and her relationship with her husband.

Friday is the most feminine day, because this day is under the spell of Venus. Her colors are pink, bright, light, pure, iridescent, iridescent. This day brings the most favorable female energies, it is responsible for purity, romance, beauty, sensitivity, passion, sexual pleasure, love relationships, comfort, luxury, jewelry, wealth, prosperity, art, music, dancing. Venus inspires people to become poets, musicians, seekers of truth and knowledge of the secret sciences. best day for cosmetic procedures and everything related to beauty.

Saturday is the day of Saturn, its colors are dark, a little gloomy, dark blue, sometimes black, dark purple. Saturn is responsible for the clan and relations with the clan, before it was a day of memory and veneration of ancestors. The qualities of this planet are composure, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, honesty, love of justice, knowledge of what is right and wrong, non-attachment and asceticism. On this day, it is good to fast, help someone, remember relatives and take care of them.

Sunday is the solemn day of the Sun, its colors are golden, bright yellow. The Sun gives vitality, resilience and immunity, life force, will power, splendor, prosperity, wealth, activity, fun, good luck, ambition, fame. This day carries more masculine energies, therefore it is auspicious to express respect and reverence to the father, this is considered his day.

The language of color is one of the most ancient and most convincing types of communication between people. It largely depends on the level of development of a person and characterizes him as a person.

The influence of color and shades in ritual clothing, in the sacrificial ceremony, in the war paint of one's body is a way of protecting oneself from environmental aggression. The basic psychological ideas about the influence of color on a person were formed in ancient times.

Primitive peoples identified color with natural forces. So, red symbolized fire, orange and gold represented the Sun, green - spring foliage and the beginning of a new life, blue - the sky and the sea.

More enlightened peoples found a connection between color and the influence of the planets. The ancient system of correspondence of metals and stones is based on the same correspondence. Gold is the metal of the Sun and silver is the metal of the Moon due to the matching in color. Various colors in antiquity were attributed to other planets. Red is Mars, green is Venus, purple or dark blue is Jupiter, black or brown is Saturn, changeable colors are Mercury. Surprisingly, this information was subsequently confirmed by modern scientific research.

From the point of view of astronomy, the color of the planet depends on the composition of the substances of which it is composed. That is why the planets of the solar system in space look different.

Earth is a blue, light blue planet with a cover of white clouds. The color of a planet is largely determined by its water cover.

Mercury is a gray planet. There is no atmosphere on this planet, there is no water either, there is only rock.

Venus is yellowish white. This is the color of the clouds that envelop the planet. They contain hydrochloric acid.

Mars is the "red planet". In fact, it is red-orange, named for the color of desert soil with a lot of iron.

Jupiter is a large liquid ball. Its main color is orange-yellow with the presence of colored bands, as we see in most images taken from space. The color of the planet is due to clouds of ammonia and ammonium gases.

Saturn is pale yellow, also the color is formed by clouds of ammonia, under the clouds of ammonia is liquid hydrogen.

Uranus has a light blue color, but unlike Earth, Uranus's color is formed by methane clouds.

Neptune is a green planet, although Neptune is very similar in chemical composition to Uranus and has a bluish tint. Its color is determined by the presence of methane clouds, and the surface is slightly darker due to its great distance from the Sun.

Pluto has a light brown color due to the presence of a large amount of dirty methane ice on its surface.

Today, no one will argue that the planets have their own spectral radiation, which is recorded by the appropriate instruments.

Consider the colors of the planets:

To harmonize the personality and study the birth horoscope

Test yourself how you feel about the characteristic color of a particular planet. It has been noticed that a sharp rejection of a certain color indicates that the corresponding planet in the horoscope has inharmonious aspects. A consultation with an astrologer, as well as independent work on your horoscope, will help you change your attitude towards this color and develop new, harmonious character traits. This is one way to develop personality through color.

For correct alignment with planetary transits

At the time of the birth of each person, their own astrological influences are formed, which almost never repeat. At the same time, we all experience the influence of transit planets. They touch the strings of our individual horoscope, like the bow of a violin. Depending on the aspects of the horoscope, harmonious or inharmonious music sounds. Studying the color vibrations of transiting planets helps us understand each other better.

On the eve of your birthday, it is also important to observe the color of the Sun in your zodiac sign. This is another color key to knowing your character.

You can enhance the manifestation of a certain planet or increase the likelihood of desired events if you use the appropriate color accents in your environment, in the interior, in clothing. Especially if you notice that you do not like your color, be careful from negative action - try to quickly coordinate your feelings with your planetary color, in extreme cases, discuss this with an astrologer.

Color image from MESSENGER spacecraft

Unlike all other planets in the solar system, Mercury is nothing but rocks. It has a very rarefied atmosphere, and ground and space observations show only the gray surface of the planet.

Mercury Gray

It turned out due to the cooling of the molten surface, it happened many billions of years ago, immediately after the formation of the solar system.

There are no active large-scale tectonic processes and erosion effects on the planet, so its surface remains unchanged for billions of years, with the exceptions of accidental meteorite falls.

In the past, when the planet was still geologically active, some basins were filled with magma that flowed from its interior. Geologists are sure that there are no more active volcanoes on the planet, although there is still local tectonic activity. Fresh lava flows will appear as bright spots on the surface.
The photo attached to the article is one of the best full color images of Mercury.

When you look at the image of both objects, it is very difficult to tell them apart.

Unlike the Moon, it does not have the dark areas or "seas" that were created on the Moon by lava flows, but its color is still similar to that of the Moon.

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