How to make a simple cucumber support. Simple and unusual options for homemade trellises for cucumbers

It’s easy to make a trellis with your own hands in the garden or in a greenhouse. The basic method of growing tomatoes or cucumbers, in vertical plane several advantages.

  • The trellis allows you to walk freely between the rows without stepping on, for example, cucumber vines.
  • Planting tomatoes and cucumbers when grown on a support is well blown and ventilated. The leaves don’t seem to sweat; there are no droplets of water on the bottom of the leaves. This means that it is more difficult for spores of peronospora or late blight to germinate, i.e. conditions for the occurrence of diseases are not created.
  • Harvesting from plants growing on a trellis is much easier and more enjoyable - everything is in plain sight. Branches and shoots do not need to be turned or turned over.
Wooden poles for cucumbers
Horizontal support for cucumbers from improvised means
Trellis for cucumbers on metal posts with coarse polymer mesh
Trellis for tomatoes - a vertical garter on a wire under the roof of the greenhouse
Trellis net for cucumbers in a greenhouse
DIY trellis for tomatoes in a greenhouse

How to make supports for seedlings from scrap materials? In one video I saw this design of a trellis for cucumbers.

Bamboo sticks must be stuck into the ground at an angle towards each other (like a hut). At the top they intersect with the letter X. Several pairs of bamboo supports are placed in a row. Another stick is inserted horizontally into the slingshots on top. At the junction points, the sticks are fastened to each other with wire or strong twine - this gives stability to the entire structure. A twine is attached to a horizontal support, with the help of which the lashes of cucumbers are fixed to the supports.

The trellis is made of bamboo, with additional intermediate horizontal crossbars added.

Tomato support hut made of bamboo sticks
Trellis, photo

The design of the trellis made of wooden slats is interesting. It is not only functional, but also very decorative.

Here's a very ingenious solution - old used hockey sticks came in handy. In my opinion, it’s not difficult to do it yourself, but it turned out very well.

Support and at the same time shelter (greenhouse) for cucumbers made of plastic pipes
Support for cucumbers on a high bed

How to properly tie tomatoes or cucumbers on a trellis?

Watch the video. You will be taught how to properly tie knots when growing vegetables vertically.

When growing on a trellis, a trellis net is very convenient not only for gardeners, but also for plants. In addition, this is a great relief for those who make the trellis themselves. It can be different - with small or large cells, thicker for large plants or filamentous for delicate floral climbing plants.

A trellis, a vertical support, can be used not only for cucumbers and tomatoes, but also for beans, peas, raspberries, blackberries, and various flowers. With its help, you can significantly save the usable space of your garden. And the harvest increases. A do-it-yourself trellis is an opportunity to take into account the slightest desires and growing conditions of any gardener.

Not all gardeners know this fact: cucumbers are wild vine-like plants. That’s why they so actively reach up towards the sun’s rays, and if there are any supports nearby, they wrap around them. And you can achieve high yields from this vegetable crop not only by caring for them well, but also by creating favorable conditions for the development of cucumber vines. The best way to support cucumber vines is to use special trellises. These structures support the cucumber vines in an upright position and prevent them from sagging. Such a structure is very easy to make with your own hands. And the benefit of trellises is an increase in the yield of this vegetable crop.

Of course, you can grow cucumbers without using trellises. However, it is this design that performs decorative and protective functions on the site. The benefits from them are undoubted:

  • the productivity of garden crops increases;
  • the fruiting period is extended;
  • the site is used more efficiently.

Cucumbers tied to trellises look more decorative, take up less space. Tying cucumbers to such a structure allows you to organize an optimal regime for these vegetables - the cucumber vines are better blown by the wind, and the sun's rays penetrate inside the cucumber plantation. When the wind “walks” along this vegetable crop, the dew dries faster on the underside of its foliage due to the difference in night and day temperatures.

Since everything planted cucumbers are tied vertically to the trellises, then between the rows of plantings remains free. As a result, caring for this vegetable crop is easier. Ripening cucumbers remain clean because they do not come into contact with wet soil and do not begin to rot because of this. All ripening fruits are always visible, so you can immediately see which ones need to be collected. Harvesting is also noticeably easier, the time for collecting fruits is reduced, and the lashes themselves are much less injured, because there is no need to turn over the lashes when harvesting. Cucumbers tied to trellises suffer less from fungal diseases and are not exposed to powdery mildew.

Cucumbers tied to trellises look more decorative and take up less space

Gallery: trellis for cucumbers (25 photos)

Selecting and preparing a site for installing a cucumber trellis

Such a structure can be built anywhere. Usually it is tied to any vertical supports:

  • to the pillars;
  • walls of a house or barn;
  • to the fence.

Medium thickness wire or twine is used as a frame.

Such a frame should be stretched from the beginning to the end of the cucumber bed. Therefore, before planting cucumbers in a permanent place in open ground or the greenhouse should immediately decide what the trellises to which this vegetable crop will be attached will be attached to.

Typically, rows of trellises are arranged from north to south. In this case, the midday sun will not burn the vegetable crop with its rays. The distance between the rows of cucumbers is made from 1.4 to 2.4 m. If the area for the garden is not too large, then the width of the rows can be reduced to 0.9 m.

Trellis for cucumbers in a warm bed (video)

Making a trellis for cucumbers with your own hands

Before you start making this structure, you should decide on its shape. On the site you can build trellises of the following shapes:

  • in the form of a tent;
  • in the form of an arch;
  • in the form of a cabinet;
  • in the form of a lattice;
  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • mesh.

The material from which “stands” for cucumbers are made can be very diverse. You can make trellises from:

  • wood;
  • metal mesh;
  • metal tubes.

Trellis for cucumbers can have different shapes

How to make a simple one-cavity structure

A simple single-cavity design is performed as follows:

  1. At the beginning and end of the row, supports with a diameter of at least 50 mm and a height of up to 3 m are dug in. The material of the supports can be anything: wooden logs, metal poles. They are dug into the ground to a depth of 0.8 m for outer supports, and to a depth of 0.6 m for intermediate supports. Intermediate supports can have a diameter of about 40 mm.
  2. The outer supports are dug into the ground at an acute angle and anchored using wires to the metal corners. The greatest distance between supports can be up to 5.5 - 6 meters. But it is better if the pillars stand more often. Usually, metal wire is stretched across these supports at the top and bottom, to which a special plastic mesh is attached.
  3. As a single-sheet trellis, you can stretch a wire with a thickness of at least 2 mm between the supports. The bottom wire is pulled at a distance of about 20 cm from the ground surface. The next row is stretched at a distance of 0.7 m from the bottom row. The distance between subsequent rows should also be 0.7 m. The top row is stretched from thicker wire with a diameter of about 3.5 cm, since it will bear the main load.
  4. When the cucumber seedlings are planted in open ground next to the seedlings, but from the top row to each seedling bush, twine should be stretched from the bottom wire to the top. The plant will climb up along it.

When making an arched structure, remember that this structure must be strong and stable

Making an arch for growing cucumbers in open ground

When making an arched structure, it should be remembered that this structure must be strong and stable. On sale you can find a ready-made arch for cucumbers, Or you can make this type of trellis yourself from scrap materials - wood, metal or plastic. If the structure will be constantly located in one place for more than one season, then it is better to make it from metal. Wooden structures must be treated with special compounds against rotting, and plastic pipes are afraid of a strong drop in temperature.

If the arch is stationary, then the soil under it will have to be changed annually. After all, this vegetable crop cannot grow in one place for several seasons in a row. The causative agents of the main diseases affecting this vegetable crop accumulate in the soil and can remain in the soil for several years.

DIY plant support (video)

Making a trellis from a wheel rim

For a small area, it is worth making trellises for cucumbers from bicycle wheels. This design takes up little space, so it is suitable for a small-sized garden.

To make such a structure, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • 2 rims from bicycle wheels;
  • cord;
  • steel wire (strong enough);
  • scissors or sharp knife;
  • fittings 2.2 m long;
  • medium-sized stones;
  • hammer;
  • an ordinary garden shovel.

All spokes are removed from bicycle tires. A bed is made on the site 20 cm larger than the diameter of the wheel. In the center of the ridge, a hole 0.3 m deep is dug into which the reinforcement is installed. This rod is driven into the ground with a hammer to a depth of 0.3 m. The hole is filled with soil and compacted well. To keep the reinforcement stronger, it is covered with stones, pressing them into the soil.

For a small area, it is worth making trellises for cucumbers from bicycle wheels.

Then the first wheel is inserted into the reinforcement and lowered onto the ground. And the second wheel is fixed at the top of the rod. To do this, wire is inserted into the holes from under the knitting needles on four sides and tightly wrapped around the reinforcement. The result should be a structure in which there is a reinforcing rod in the center, and bicycle wheels on top and bottom.

Next, the thick rope or twine is cut into pieces that are twice the length of the reinforcement. Each such piece is inserted into the hole from under the spoke in the lower wheel and stretched to a similar hole in the upper wheel. Having threaded the rope through the upper hole, the rope is tied with a double knot. Do the same with other pieces of twine. When all the pieces of rope are stretched, a cucumber bush is planted near each of them.

Installing a trellis net for growing cucumbers

Trellis mesh has its advantages and disadvantages. It is usually stretched in a greenhouse. Such an artificial hedge should be securely fastened so that it can withstand the load of cucumber lashes along with the ripening fruits.

This canvas is stretched over the beds dug along the entire length of the greenhouse:

  • at the beginning and end of the row;
  • every 200 cm.

The posts should be deepened into the ground to a depth of 0.5 m. The height of the trellis net should not be more than 2 m, otherwise it will be inconvenient to harvest from it. The trellis mesh should be attached to the top and bottom of the supports. Then you can plant cucumber seedlings in the greenhouse. They begin to tie these vegetable plants to the net when the cucumbers grow 0.2 m in height. This must be done so that the plant has support from the beginning of growth. Subsequently, not only the main stem, but also the side shoots are tied to the mesh.

Cucumber is a wild plant. This vine needs support to climb along it and strive towards the light. Cucumbers naturally twine around trees and grow this way. At home, these functions are taken over by a trellis. Let's find out how to make a cucumber trellis for the vegetable garden.

A trellis is a structure that is designed to support plants in an upright position, including cucumbers. As a rule, it consists of a support or stand (wooden or metal pole, frame) and a stretched wire (you can use a harness), which allows plants to wrap around.

Such an installation is suitable for growing cucumbers in greenhouses and in open ground and has many advantages:

  • A bed of cucumbers growing on a trellis does not take up much space on the site.
  • The stems do not bend without breaking, and do not get trampled.
  • Watering and fertilizing, as well as pest control, are simplified.
  • Reducing the risk of crop diseases such as rotting and powdery mildew.
  • When growing, soiling of the fruit in the ground is excluded.
  • Thanks to vertical cultivation, the vegetable receives more light, so it ripens faster.
  • Overgrowth of cucumbers is excluded, since all the fruits are in plain sight.
  • The amount of harvest increases.
  • Harvesting is simplified and takes less time, because there is no need to dig through everything, given that the plant stem can reach 3 meters.
  • In addition, when picking vegetables, the skin of your hands is less injured by the protective spines that are present on the stem.
  • It is possible to create a trellis not only in the traditional way - on poles, but also on a fence, mesh, walls, in a word - wherever you can stretch the wire.
There are many options for making trellises for cucumbers, let’s look at the most popular:
  1. Prepare 3 pillars, the height of which is at least 1.5 m, to create supports, as well as metal pegs. You will also need high-density rope; if desired, you can replace it with wire.
  2. Drive two posts along the edges of the future bed.
  3. Place another one on top, which is necessary for wrapping the rope.
  4. Place pegs on the sides of the bed, this must be done on each side.
  5. Attach the rope to the peg, starting from the bottom.
  6. Pull it towards the crossbar. It is necessary to act by bending around it and bringing it down again.
  7. Then wrap the rope around the peg and turn upward.
  8. Proceed in the same way until the end of the trellis.

A trellis of this type should be built after you have planted the cucumbers, but before the first shoots appear.

The procedure for making a wooden trellis, which appearance resembles a ladder, is as follows:
  • Prepare horizontal posts that are at least 5 cm wide. In addition, you need vertical crossbars 4 cm wide.
  • From wooden slats about 3 cm wide, make cells that are approximately 15 cm in size, but no larger, to prevent wrapping around them.
  • Cells in the form of a square or diamond should be knocked down using self-tapping screws.
  • Attach the lattice to a base made of four bars.
  • For construction, use only durable materials, such as oak, ash, chestnut, mulberry. But birch, poplar and maple are not suitable. Also, never use wet wood.
  • Be sure to treat all wooden elements with antiseptics or drying oil, and the bottom of each post should be coated with resin or grease to extend the life of the wood in the ground.
  • Instead of wooden slats, you can simply pull a strong rope.

Such a trellis also has a decorative function.

An economical option for creating a “cucumber” trellis is as follows:
  1. The central element of the structure in this case is a used tire. Suitable for truck or tractor.
  2. Cut off one side of the tire and place it in place of the future cucumber bed.
  3. Insert 2 metal rods into the middle of the tire. They must be placed crosswise in the form of a convex arc.
  4. You need to pour soil inside the circle.
  5. The space that remains above the wheel should be covered. An old bag, previously cut into pieces, is great for this. Tuck its edges under the edge of the tire.
  6. Cut a hole in the bag, it’s better to make a cross-shaped one - you will plant cucumber seedlings there.
  7. Cover the bed using plastic film, which must be weighed down with stones. This will protect the crop from bad weather and low temperatures. For watering, it can be easily lifted, as when loosening.
  8. The film and burlap are removed after the cucumbers grow.
  9. Then drive a post into the center of the circle, securing a bicycle wheel to it.
  10. Next, take the wire or twine. The material must be drawn from the edges of the wheel to the tire to create a kind of “ribs” for weaving cucumbers.

Thus, what kind of trellis for cucumbers you get always depends on the gardener’s imagination. Alternatively, you can simply drive a pole into the ground and run ropes from the top, securing them in the ground.

Correctly selected trellis design is a very important point in growing cucumbers in general. Do-it-yourself cucumber trellises allow you to grow a high-quality harvest of tasty and healthy vegetables in your garden.

A member of the pumpkin family, it is an annual plant. It is considered one of the most popular for growing in open ground, in greenhouse conditions, even on balconies. The vine of the plant reaches a length of up to two meters. In appearance, the vine resembles vines, since its tendrils cling to any support.

The higher the cucumber stem is, the more lighting it needs, naturally the harvest will be of better quality and more abundant. This is why cucumbers on a support in open ground grow better and the fruits are formed of better quality.

How to make a support and why it is needed

How to make a support worries novice gardeners and vegetable growers. To avoid yield losses, it is recommended to garter cucumbers in a greenhouse and when grown in open ground. Since cucumber is a climbing plant, a properly created trellis for cucumbers is very important.

If the garter of cucumbers is not carried out in the greenhouse, the vegetables will ripen on the ground (often in cucumber bushes the ground is almost constantly wet after rains or watering). In such a situation, caring for the plantings will be much easier, the fruits will be clean, and it will be much more convenient to collect them.

The support has a large number of positive aspects, which far outweigh the disadvantages.

A trellis for cucumbers can be made independently, using almost improvised materials. The cucumber vine always tries to cling to the support (regardless of whether the structure is installed vertically or horizontally).

Thanks to a correctly installed trellis and proper staking of the vine, you can avoid mechanical damage to young stems, as well as prevent a situation where cucumbers will entwine neighboring plantings in the garden or greenhouse and suppress their growth.

If the garter is not carried out, the cucumbers receive much less light, they may wilt, the fruits will be small or will not form at all.

By tying up a cucumber vine, you can observe the growth of the stems, control the condition of the foliage and ripening fruits. Maintenance will become much easier, since watering and fertilizing will be carried out directly under the root of the crop.

Cucumbers will receive a sufficient amount of natural light when grown in open ground and artificial light when grown in a greenhouse. This will enable side shoots to grow intensively, and ultimately significantly increase productivity.

Another undeniable advantage of the support is the convenience of harvesting. If the plant spreads its shoots along the ground, harvesting becomes difficult; the fruits are hidden behind prickly leaves or clogged in the ground after rain or watering. And the frame made for cucumbers allows you to avoid such troubles.

The fruits will be large and clean, making them easy to collect. In order to tie cucumbers as successfully as possible, it is recommended to use wide strips cut from fabric. This will make it possible to prevent damage to young shoots, because thick strips will not cut into the stems.

The garter is carried out under the second or under the first leaf. The knot should not be tight; it is better to lower the rope.

Horizontal garter option

In order for greenhouse cucumbers and those grown in open ground to develop well, you can use different garter options. Each gardener has his own garter option, based on his own discretion and the conditions in which the crop is grown.

  1. To implement the horizontal option, you need to take two columns (metal or wooden, you can even take two long branches of the same size).
  2. Drive these supports into the ground, stretch 5-6 rows of thick rope (or any other rope that is at hand) between them.
  3. Between each row you need to make an interval of at least 25 centimeters.
  4. This way, each plant stem will have the opportunity to weave a new thread.

This option is the simplest and most common to use. This method also has a drawback - when the stems of the plant grow to the outermost row of the rope, their growth stops, and the vine begins to weave around the sides of the structure. This method is optimal when growing vegetables in open ground or for a low greenhouse.

Vertical option

To implement this option for tying the crop stems, you also need to prepare any two supports.

  1. They are dug into the ground and a strong rope or wire is pulled between them.
  2. The first rope is attached to a number of ropes equal to the number of cucumber bushes planted.
  3. After which, each individual rope is fixed on the main stem of each individual bush.
  4. Such manipulations must be carried out very carefully so as not to injure the plant.

This garter option is optimal for those cucumbers that are grown in a greenhouse.

You can try another version of the vertical garter. Just drive a peg into the ground and tie up the stems in the same way as tomato shoots. This method of fixing the stems is perfect for cucumber crops, since the likelihood of injury to the vine is significantly reduced.

In addition, each bush will have the opportunity to receive a sufficient amount of lighting (both natural and artificial).

When is the procedure performed?

The garter is carried out when the length of the plant reaches at least 30 centimeters. There is no need to tie it up earlier. If gartering is done later, the likelihood of injury to the stems increases as they become thicker and more developed. In this case, you can even break the stem.

Before starting the procedure, it is better that everything necessary materials were on hand.

Almost always, cucumbers grow excessively; the side shoots branch out very strongly. In such cases, a cucumber support comes to the rescue. If all these developed stems are not fixed on supports, they will subsequently begin to entwine the main stem, causing damage to it, suppressing its growth and development, shading it. Therefore, it is recommended to tie the side shoots to separate ropes.

Plants grow up to two meters in length. If the height of the bush exceeds two meters, the upper stems will certainly shade all the others, root system and the ripening fruits themselves. Therefore, when the top shoot reaches a height of two meters, it is recommended to pinch it. This way it will not grow further, forming and strengthening only lateral shoots.

Instead of a large number of ropes, you can stretch a mesh with cells over the two main supports. It is inexpensive, but each shoot will weave into a separate cell without shading each other. In addition, harvesting will be much more convenient, and the fruits will not interfere with each other’s development and shade each other.

Cucumbers, like any climbing plants, try to get under the caress of the sun's rays, wrapping their thin stems around supports encountered along the way, and strive upward. IN wildlife these supports are many growing trees. When growing cucumbers as a cultivated plant, trellises are produced to facilitate their care and obtain a rich harvest. Let’s look at how to make a trellis for cucumbers with minimal effort and expense, creating a reliable and durable structure.

Growing cucumbers on trellises is more productive than spreading them out. This is due to the fact that when placed vertically, the crop can get rid of last year’s “deposits” of spores in the soil. And even if pathological spores fall with water on the lower leaves of the plant, they do not spread further, quickly drying out along with the drops.

When positioning support structures, we often use already prepared vertical surfaces, building trellises using stretched wire near walls, posts and fences. The trellis can be used when growing cucumbers both in open ground and in greenhouses. This installation has a lot of undeniable advantages, the main of which are:

  • Conservation of land area. A bed equipped with cucumber trellises takes up minimal space, but it can accommodate twice as many plants.
  • Reducing the risk of cultural diseases. By excluding contact between the trunk and leaves of the vine and the ground, the easiest way is to prevent damage to the crop from downy mildew and powdery mildew.
  • Accelerating the growth process. In well-ventilated crops, the daily temperature difference is not so noticeable. Thanks to vertical cultivation, the plant receives more light and heat, which has a positive effect on its development.
  • Increased harvest volumes. As the experience of gardeners who use trellises in growing cucumbers shows, when proper care in a plot of only 5 square meters you can collect up to 80 kg of healthy greens. Vegetables hanging from the vines are not deformed and have a uniform, rich color.
  • Promoting crop care. Wrapping around the trellis, the vine is evenly distributed along the support. This greatly simplifies the treatment of plant stems and leaves from pests, as well as fertilizing and watering.
  • Harvesting a clean harvest. Due to the vertical placement of the crop, the ripe fruits do not touch the wet soil, which prevents their contamination. Yes, and harvesting from a trellis requires a minimum of time and effort.
  • It is convenient to move between vertically located supports. Thanks to uniform distribution Plants are supported when removing fruit, it is easiest to prevent bending and damage to the graceful stems.

Do you think that if you use a trellis when growing cucumbers, the harvest will be good?


This growing method is also convenient because when picking ripe fruits, the skin of your hands is less damaged by small thorns, which are often present on cucumber stems.

Classic trellis design

Support trellises for cucumber vines can have various designs in the form of:

  • rectangle;
  • square;
  • stands and tents.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

The function of supporting structures can be performed by metal pipes, wooden beams or cement pillars. The mesh can be made of interwoven ropes of hemp twine, metal wire or special plastic. The finished PVC mesh, which is sold in gardening centers by the meter, is fixed along the upper edge with wire to the posts. The lower edge of the mesh is buried in the ground, pressed with hooks made of hard wire. Beautifully designed trellises for cucumbers will become a worthy decoration of the site, acting as an original decorative element design.

DIY cucumber trellis

There are many ways to build a cucumber trellis with your own hands. It all depends on the size of the area allocated for their location and the selected production material. How to make a trellis for cucumbers?

With mesh

To make a good trellis net for cucumbers, you will need:

  • three wooden or metal pillars with a height of 2 to 3 meters and a diameter of 3 to 5 cm (if the length of the bed is 8-9 meters);
  • two racks 4-4.5 meters;
  • wire (hemp twine, trellis mesh);
  • hammer, nails.

Work process:

  • Dig three posts into the ground so that they rise above the ground from 1.5 to 2.5 meters and at a distance of 4-4.5 meters from each other (for beds 8-9 meters in length). The reinforcement of the columns must be very dense and strong so that they do not wobble, otherwise in the future, under the growth of the mass of fruits and leaves, the entire structure may collapse at the most inopportune moment.
  • Using nails, connect the posts at the top with strips.
  • In the case of a trellis mesh, it will only need to be secured between the posts. If you are using wire and rope, then make staples of nails from top to bottom at a distance of 60-70 cm on each column. Attach a thick wire wire to each staple and stretch it parallel to the ground to the next post.

  • Drive small pegs into the ground near the proposed bush of seedlings.
  • Cut soft wire or hemp rope to a length slightly longer than the height of the posts. Attach a wire or rope to the top post, intertwine it with the cross wire, and attach it to the peg. As a result, you should get a trellis mesh.

Trellis made of wooden planks

Such a trellis can not only serve as a support for cucumbers, but also play the role of a decorative element in the garden. To install it, you need to prepare:

  • support posts with a diameter of at least 5 cm and crossbars with a diameter of at least 4 cm;
  • wooden planks about 3 cm wide;
  • screws, screwdrivers, jigsaw or hacksaw.

Work process:

  • Dig in the support posts and screw the crossbars to them with screws.
  • Laying the slats on top of each other, create a lattice with cells no larger than 15 cm.
  • Attach the lattice to a base of 4 bars, saw off the protruding ends of the slats.
  • Install the grille frame and screw it to the support posts with self-tapping screws.

From a bicycle wheel

The most economical trellis option that does not take up much space on the site is a design made from a bicycle wheel. To do this you will need one post, two rims from a bicycle wheel, hemp twine and some wire. Dig the post into the ground, then place one rim on the ground so that the post is in the middle, and secure the second rim on top with wire.

Pull the twine through the hole from the knitting needles and secure it to the upper rim. Then pull the twine to the bottom rim, thread it through the opposite hole and tie. In the same way, secure the twine along the entire diameter of the wheel.


In the video you can see how a trellis for cucumbers is made and how cucumbers are grown on a trellis.

Thus, if you use the method of growing cucumbers with trellises and follow simple rules for planting and caring for cucumbers, then from just one vine you can easily harvest about one bucket of healthy and appetizing fruits. Using a trellis, you can grow not only cucumbers, but also other garden and vegetable crops: tomatoes, legumes, blackberries, raspberries and various climbing flowers.

By installing a trellis structure, you will not only be pleased with the high yield and collect it without much difficulty, but also save a significant area of ​​​​the site for other equally useful plants.
