Mind machine harmful effects. Mind machines

If you have been formally diagnosed with epilepsy or other seizure activity, or have experienced discomfort or seizures when you: looked at water ripples glistening in the sun; they walked through the forest and the sunlight made its way through the branches of trees towards them, similarly - along a high fence with vertical bars; driving a car at night or in a tunnel towards bright lights; during a computer game or movie with similar lighting effects; then training with light and sound technologies is definitely contraindicated for you.

Other contraindications, when consultation with a doctor is necessary, are: the presence of a pacemaker, cardiac arrhythmia, violation cerebral circulation, recent (1-2 months) TBI, brain tumors (of various etiologies), early dates(up to 3 months) pregnancy, use of psychotropic drugs (within 4 hours before the session or regularly).

The use of drugs and alcohol is not compatible with audiovisual brain stimulation.

Side effects ABC

The hypnotic effect of light-sound stimulation tends to enhance feelings regarding the application of this method. In this way, unpleasant feelings will also be magnified and can produce extreme emotional withdrawal.
Despite the fact that in most cases, light-sound brain training is absolutely safe and can bring invaluable benefits, there may be side effects that, remaining unknown, can repel the user from further use of ABC:

  1. Orthostatic Hypotension;
  2. Headache associated with muscle tension;
  3. Somatic shock;
  4. Vascular headache;
  5. Photoepilepsy;
  6. Improving organ functioning;
  7. Activation of traumatic memory.
  8. Unusual sensations associated with deep relaxation and ASC.
  9. Extensive inhibition of the cerebral cortex.

1. Orthostatic hypotension.

A fairly common example of orthostatic hypotension can be given when a person, during deep sleep, is suddenly awakened by a telephone call. In a semi-conscious state, a person jumps up, becomes very dizzy, and falls to the floor (sometimes receiving serious injuries from hitting furniture).

From a physiological point of view, in a state of deep relaxation, the heart beats very slowly and the arteries have low tone, so they cannot quickly supply blood to the brain with such a sharp effort.

Since during light-sound training relaxation can be even deeper than during natural sleep, then after the end of the light-sound session you need to sit for some time, straightening your spine, doing your lungs physical exercise to normalize blood pressure.

If you are not in a hurry, you can simply enjoy a few minutes of rest and peace, making self-hypnosis, which is most effective in this state.

2. Headache associated with muscle tension.

Sometimes, especially after the very first experience, after light-sound training a person may experience headache. Most often, this pain is associated with setting the LED brightness and headphone volume too high. Due to too high brightness, the eyelids begin to flinch with each flash of light.

The second reason is the need to control everything and everyone.

This pain is most often characterized by tension and irritation in the forehead (sometimes temples). When entering a trance state, the muscles relax. Thus, the sooner a person enters a trance state, the less likely a headache after the session. Once you reach a certain level of experience, post-session headaches also become less likely.

This type of headache can be easily avoided by choosing a comfortable brightness and volume. Red light increases the risk of headaches, white, green and blue, on the contrary, reduce it.

Sometimes a headache occurs as a result muscle tension in the neck and shoulder girdle associated with an increased need for self-control. Such people, instead of relaxing and letting in the general stream of images that arises during a light and sound session, try to track literally every flash of LEDs, becoming overly tense. They also significantly resist some loss of control over the surrounding reality and, feeling that consciousness is beginning to “float,” they make significant efforts and tension to prevent this phenomenon.

Unfortunately, it is precisely such people who most often refuse to further train and gain experience in relaxation and the ability to let go of excessive self-control. But they are the first risk group for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

ABC dates back to the 50s of the last century. This is absolutely safe method, which can bring enormous benefits to those who use it. Therefore, if you are afraid of losing control of yourself, just calm down and allow yourself to gain new experiences. The maximum that can happen to you is that you fall asleep. We recommend that your first experiments with the use of ABC be carried out where you feel completely safe.

3. Somatic shock.

Somatic shock occurs when someone in a deep trance state (meditators, hypnotic subjects, ABC users) becomes frightened by something (a loud sharp sound, a touch). In addition, ABC users may experience mild somatic shock from sudden changes in stimulation parameters, including sudden switching off of light and sound at the end of the session. All modern mind machines have the option of smoothly turning off and turning on the light and sound at the beginning and end of the session.

A standard situation arises with pets when a dog suddenly barks nearby or a cat suddenly jumps onto your lap (on your chest). Also try to ensure that pets cannot disturb you during the session. It is also a good idea to warn your family members so that they do not touch you or talk to you until the session is over.

A kind of somatic shock can be experienced by people suffering from the need for hypercontrol when they suddenly realize that they are in an altered state of consciousness. For such people, it can be advised to study in an environment that they consider absolutely safe, and at the same time focus on peaceful thoughts about something pleasant.

4. Vascular headache.

In most cases, such pain can only occur after the very first few experiences with light-sound devices. Some people may experience a mild headache after each use of ABC. If the headaches are severe and prolonged, then it is best to stop further audio-visual stimulation.

There are two types:

A) Parasympathetic. The appearance of this pain is most likely in people who are in a state of constant stress, one of the signs of which is constantly cold hands and feet. Just as in a state of deep meditation, during a light-sound session there is a fairly significant increase in the temperature of the hands and feet (for example, from 23.8 ° C to 32.2 ° C). Thus, arteries that are accustomed to being constantly in a state of high tone, when relaxed, can stimulate the occurrence of headaches.

Similar pain (not always and not for everyone) may occur with hypotension, since ABC stimulation in the alpha-theta rhythm range tends to decrease blood pressure. And although with sufficiently long-term (from 2 weeks to 3 months) stimulation in the alpha range, low blood pressure usually returns to normal, not everyone can withstand this. Therefore, if pain associated with low blood pressure occurs, it is recommended to switch to beta sessions (“E”), which tend to slightly increase blood pressure. Naturally, if you have hypertension, “E” sessions are contraindicated.

B) Increased cerebral circulation. In 1992, using magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography techniques, a 50% increase in cerebral blood flow was found in the video cortex during visual stimulation. Although increased cerebral circulation can significantly alleviate suffering in the presence of reduced attention syndrome and PMS, migraines and other diseases associated with impaired cerebral circulation, nevertheless, increased cerebral circulation can probably also be the cause of headaches.

5. Photoepilepsy.

Light-sound training itself does not contribute to either the occurrence or development of this disease. It can only become a “trigger” for an attack if there is a disease.

According to medical statistics, in our population, up to 24 years of age, there is one person in four thousand at risk of photoepilepsy, and one person in ten thousand, after 24 years.

Most people prone to photoepilepsy have never experienced a seizure in their lives, or have experienced a seizure only once, and then subconsciously avoided conditions under which recurrence was possible. Typically, such conditions may include: looking at the sun's reflections on the water, walking through the forest, when sunlight breaks through the branches of trees towards traffic (a high fence made of vertical rods), driving a car through a illuminated city at night or through a tunnel with bright lights, computer games or films with similar effects. However, most attacks occur while watching TV or playing computer games. The attacks themselves are not dangerous. The only danger is possible injury from a fall.

Photosensitive people are more likely to experience an attack during photostimulation with their eyes closed than with their eyes open, since the eyelids act as a diffuser, involving more nerve endings in the perception.

Most photoepilepsy researchers are inclined to believe that red light and pulsating frequencies around 15 Hz are more capable of causing seizures than other colors and frequencies. The safest in this regard is blue light. Also, in laboratory conditions, it was found that the presence of blue light can completely suppress the ability of red light to cause seizures.

Some researchers suggest that pulsating sound, under certain conditions, is also likely to cause epileptic seizures, but this has not been experimentally confirmed. On the contrary, there is anecdotal evidence of a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of attacks of ordinary epilepsy as a result of regular training with certain audio programs (“Focus 10” by the Monroe Institute and “”).

6. Improved organ functioning.

Currently dysfunctional internal organs as a result of stress have already been reliably and repeatedly documented, and no one doubts.

When a person begins to use light-sound training on an ongoing basis, as a result of deep relaxation, many organ dysfunctions disappear.

What's the problem? The problem may be related to the dosage of medications that the person was using before starting ABC classes. There is repeated evidence of improved pancreatic and thyroid glands and the associated danger of overdosing on medications that are usually continued to be taken in the usual quantities.

Therefore, enhanced medical supervision can be strongly recommended for people who have begun to regularly engage in ABC and have any chronic diseases.

7. Activation of emotional traumatic memory.

Some of us have very difficult memories of traumatic events in the past, the memory of which has been more or less repressed into the subconscious. However, this memory constantly haunts people throughout life, manifesting itself in causeless outbursts of anger (and even violence), irrational fears, sexual dysfunction, and low self-esteem.

Certain smells, sounds, touches, and tastes associated with these events can suddenly revive this memory, causing vivid hallucinations. Meditative practices and hypnosis can also revive this repressed memory in the mind. The same applies to light-sound brain training. Thanks to the deep trance states that occur during a light-sound session, this repressed memory can suddenly and violently burst into consciousness, causing extremely strong emotions.

And although these same deep trance states can greatly help in the processing and integration of traumatic memory, it would nevertheless be wise to carry out this work in the presence of a qualified psychotherapist. Especially if you have an official diagnosis of PTSD.

Our body also stores memories of injuries, so sometimes, during an ABC session, pain (or, in fact, any other) sensations may occur in the places of former fractures, severe bruises and injuries (as well as phantom pain in missing limbs). But this usually goes away quickly. The ABC method is also very effective for getting rid of phantom pain.

8. Unusual sensations associated with deep relaxation and ASC.

When practicing ABC, it is possible to obtain various effects in the form of unusual sensations. By synchronizing the bioelectrical activity of the brain with light and sound rhythms designed for relaxation, the body begins to relax deeply (sometimes deeper than in normal sleep).

At certain stages of relaxation, any person experiences various unusual, sometimes regarded as unpleasant, sensations. For example, a person can hear his own snoring, itching, tickling (goosebumps), pulling, etc. appear. sensations in various parts of the body, sensations of falling (flying) somewhere, “jokes”, and/or pulsations in different parts body, sensations of intense heat or cold.

A person begins to clearly hear and feel the beats of his own heart, which is often mistakenly perceived by him as an increased heartbeat, and sounds in the room around him.

This means that you have reached a fairly deep degree of relaxation and after several sessions you will have to get used to all these sensations in order to move forward. Sometimes an exacerbation of all (or individual) sensory systems occurs for some time after light and sound stimulation.

In relaxed alpha states, a person begins to feel well all the pain zones and points in the body (“what hurts is what hurts”). This does not mean that ABC caused these painful sensations, which means that some old (or recent) somatic problem of yours has manifested itself. In this case, the mind machine acts only as a diagnostic tool. Often, with regular alpha relaxation sessions, self-healing occurs for most problems, which are most often associated with excessive stress.

9. Diffuse inhibition of the cerebral cortex.

The time to effectively practice with a mind machine is very individual. The recommended time is 15-20 minutes at a time, with a break between times of at least 3 hours. In general, after 45 minutes the brain refuses to follow any stimuli and an unpleasant (for most people) stunned, half-asleep state may occur, sometimes with rapid heartbeat, the cause of which is the so-called diffuse inhibition of the cerebral cortex.

But for some people, even 10-minute stimulation (especially with fast rhythms of the beta range) can lead to widespread inhibition, so you shouldn’t get carried away with long sessions and/or put sessions with different directions in a row - this can’t lead to anything good. Most mind machines specifically provide the ability to reduce the session duration by half (in 1/8 increments). The same goes for too high volume and brightness.

Remember - for light-sound stimulation, MORE IS NOT BETTER in all respects. Listen, first of all, to your feelings.

In the ABC Navigator device, you can specifically set the blue color, regardless of the color settings in the session.

The mind machine is based on the complex influence of binaural beats through the ears and light pulsators through the eyelids directly on the human brain.

Such influences were discovered in the distant past. And the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy observed such phenomena as the spokes of a spinning wheel disappearing from view in the bright sun, that is, the illusion of the immobility of the wheel arose. And before the eyes of the beholder, under the influence of intermittent flashes of light, all kinds of color spots appear and even images are formed in the brain.

Later, somewhere in the middle, or even at the end of the nineteenth century, the French researcher Pierre Janet studied in more detail the effects described by Ptolemy, and revealed their positive effect on patients with unstable psyches, since then the technique of light and sound brain stimulation on which the work is based mind machines.

Already modern mind machines are much more advanced than their predecessors. And they often have a wide variety of developed programs. For example, you can choose just relaxation; there are also programs with deep immersion and entering a phase similar to deep hypnosis. The mind machine influences the brain and forces it to change its rhythms, for example, plunging a person into an alpha state of the brain similar to deep sleep, or extreme relaxation, which in turn promotes positive influence on general well-being and allows, in accordance with the chosen program, for example, to quickly relax and relieve mental tension, which is so typical in today’s fast-changing world, or for more difficult mental work, you can find a few minutes for yourself in a quiet room and putting on headphones with special LED glasses, in a few minutes rest as the body rests after several hours of deep sleep.

I believe that mind machines are a great invention, and they can be used not only for quick relaxation or to improve the health of the body, but they also have a unique program (not on all devices) that allows the user to learn how to truly lucid dreaming, and I consider this a huge advantage in this invention. By setting a special mind program, the machine will track the beginning of rapid turns of the pupils under the eyelids, which indicates that the user has fallen into deep sleep, or as this is also called the GD phase. And the program begins to send weak light impulses, from which you will see it in a dream as small flashes of light and which will make it easier to realize that you are in a dream and thereby become aware and do what your soul desires.

Start today to use the inexhaustible opportunities for self-development and strengthening of creative abilities in any field of activity you choose

The origins of audio-visual (light-sound) stimulation go back to ancient times. Sound and music have been used for centuries in many cultures to achieve targeted changes in states of consciousness. Pythagoras also treated patients with photostimulation, created by rotating a wheel with spokes at different speeds, located between the fire and the patient. Shamans act in a similar way, rhythmically striking a tambourine and moving near the fire. Drumming, chanting, many sounds environment, such as wind, rain, the sound of a waterfall, surf evoke emotional images and associations.

It is exposed to various modes of audio-visual and tactile stimulation in everyday life every person today. In the theatre, cinema, when watching television programs, and at discos, rhythmic color and musical influences are used; Drivers perceive the flickering of an intermittent dividing line while driving. There are a great many such examples of the impact of man-made sound and light factors.

People instinctively strive for audio-visual and tactile stimulation from natural factors, for example, focusing on the glare of the flame of a fire, candle or fireplace (visual stimulation), the sounds reproduced by the crackling of wood in a fire, the sound of a waterfall (audio stimulation). The spectral composition of these influences is similar to the rhythm of the brain, which is in a calm, relaxed state (the so-called “alpha state” with dominance of frequencies in the range from 8 to 12 Hz). One of the important human needs is touching the skin (tactile stimulation). Remember those pleasant sensations that you experienced while standing in the sea, closing your eyes on a bright sunny day: the sea is pleasantly rustling, a slight excitement shimmers down your legs, the reflected rays of the sun from the light ripples of the waves flicker pleasantly in your closed eyes. Such influences provide complete rest, a surge of strength, increase efficiency, help solve accumulated problems, get rid of anxious thoughts, and much more that we get when relaxing in nature.

MIND-MACHINE (literally translated “machine for the mind”), thanks to the use of a unique technology of audiovisual stimulation, allows you to quickly achieve a variety of effects from mild relaxation to a state similar to that achieved by years of meditative practices, and on the other hand - activation, increased performance , memory improvement.

The MIND-MACHINE provides an incomparable opportunity to control the psycho-emotional state without medications, without the influence of extraneous attitudes and suggestions, and without the formation of addiction.

According to surviving documents, the history of the use of mind machines began 200 years BC, when the Greek scientist Ptolemy, who lived in Egypt, caused religious ecstasy and hallucinations in believers by passing sunlight into the temple through the spokes of wheels rotating at a certain speed (stroboscopic effect) . For the same purposes, people in different parts of the world have, from time immemorial, used dancing to drums and tambourines, around blazing fires.

*read the instructions before use, there are contraindications
* stable results occur after 1-2 weeks of training (2 times a day for 15-20 minutes)

Deep rest and stress reduction
  • Will reduce the level stress hormones
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Normalizes heartbeat
  • Relief from depression and anxiety
  • Will significantly reduce the level, and, in most cases, completely eliminate chronic depression and anxiety
  • Increased mental abilities (IQ)
  • With cognitive disorders, the average increase in IQ is 20 points
  • For attention deficit disorder (ADD) and ADD with hyperactivity - an increase of 12-20 points
  • Accelerated learning
  • The more you study, the faster you learn - the better the ability to adapt complex and difficult material, thanks to the growth of the neural network - the more complex the neural network, the easier it is to learn.
  • Reaching the Peak of Opportunity
  • Generating a highly efficient brain state where everything comes easily, without much effort
  • Getting rid of bad habits
  • Training the ability to generate your own endorphins in sufficient quantities without the “swing” effect.
  • Rapid restoration of the ability to generate your own endorphins after quitting drugs, with seasonal (and other) depression, with anhedonia.
  • Development of intuition and extrasensory abilities
  • By influencing the brain in a certain way, the MIND-MACHINE is able to activate the work of the right hemisphere, which helps to reveal creative potential, intuition and extrasensory abilities.
  • Developing Self Awareness
  • Increases self-esteem and vitality before performances.
  • Relief from pain
  • Elimination or significant reduction in the level of both chronic and temporary pain of various origins
  • Improved immunity
  • Power increase immune system, its ability to fight infections and accelerate healing from various diseases.
  • Improvement sporting achievements
  • Deep relaxation and rest after training and during a busy competitive schedule
  • Achieving peak fitness at the right time
  • Removal of excessive pre-launch anxiety, quick entry into working condition
  • And much more...
  • Read about other features of the MIND MACHINE ().
  • Abroad, there are numerous scientific publications on the use of light and sound devices to treat or significantly alleviate the suffering of people who have encountered violence and stress in their lives (as a result of disasters, military operations, etc.); with such nervous disorders like anxiety and depression; seasonal disorders; insomnia; heart diseases; diseases gastrointestinal tract; headaches; back pain; chronic pain; hypertension; premenstrual syndrome; visual disturbances; alcoholism and drug addiction; mental illnesses; reduced learning ability; delay mental development; sexual disorders; infertility; reduced immunity; parkinsonism; diabetes; asthma; stroke; paralysis; cancer and even epilepsy (epilepsy is one of the main contraindications for the use of light stimulation).

    So what is this, a MIND MACHINE?

    MIND-MACHINE is a light-sound device designed to create sound and light stimulation of the brain with several controlled parameters (frequency, volume, intensity, tone, amplitude, phase, period and some other characteristics). The size is no larger than a player ("road" models are even smaller).

    Accept from us at PRESENT book about mind machines

    A typical machine has a number of built-in sessions that provide time-coordinated changes to various stimulation parameters to achieve a state of your choice.

    Sessions are usually developed by neuroscientists working in the field. If we break down the sessions by goal, we can identify typical nine:

    • Activation, energization(to increase energy and vigor);
    • Relaxation, relaxation(for rest and deep relaxation);
    • Education(to prepare for the perception of information and improve memorization processes, helps accelerate learning);
    • Creativity, development, visualization(to enhance creativity, for “dreaming” in reality and developing visualization abilities);
    • Psychotechnicians(meditation, trance, autogenic training, accompaniment to various types meditation - “chakra”, “kundalini”, “mantra”, etc.);
    • Dream(for falling asleep quickly and against insomnia);
    • Anti-stress, "healthy thoughts"(to relieve anxiety before stress (exam, etc.), to obtain the effect of immunomodulation, to find solutions to problems, relieve anxiety, to get rid of obsessive thoughts, to produce serotonin for seasonal disorders and chronic pain);
    • Recreation, entertainment(“for entertainment” - brain gymnastics, balancing the activity of the hemispheres, extreme - to stimulate the imagination, as well as to create unusual video effects depending on the music being played);
    • Special programs(various “therapeutic” and “special” programs: activation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, for adaptation to time zone changes, for getting used to light and sound stimulation, “back home” - helps with absent-mindedness; for increasing potency and sexual desire; from despondency and depression; for mystical ascent to the “Higher Mind”; to accompany breathing exercises, etc.).

    However, within each section there are many variations and subtle differences.

    Einstein, in his own words, created his theory of relativity by imagining what it would look like when traveling at the tip of a beam of light.

    To achieve stable results, beginners should use the “mind machine” every day for 15-20 minutes for 1-2 weeks.

    This time is enough for your brain to learn to respond adequately to stimulation, and for you to understand a new set of conditions.

    But already the first steps give you an unforgettable and pleasant experience.. There is no addiction (like alcohol or drugs) or pendulum effects (like hangover or withdrawal). On the contrary, the more you train, the better results, the effect is longer and more stable, which means the less you need to do with the mind machine, although it’s just pleasant and interesting.

    Mind machines themselves are a powerful tool for relaxation, creativity and self-development, but due to their ability to tune the brain to certain states, they can also serve as “amplifiers” for aesthetic perception, learning and memorizing a large amount of information, various forms therapy, etc.

    It is known that Demi Moore, Burt Reynolds, Patrick Swayze, Quincy Jones (producer of Michael Jackson's Thriller album), Brad Grich Lusavia (World surfing champion) and many other famous personalities have used and continue to use mind machines for creativity and relaxation.

    Richard Bandler, a world-renowned psychologist and scientist, once said, "I use the Mind Machine for myself... I use the Mind Machine for my clients. The results I get are amazing."

    Psychologists know the effect of “staff burnout,” when highly qualified employees of a company, called by profession to be friendly and attentive to visitors (dispatchers, salespeople, waiters, etc.), after a while begin to experience insurmountable irritation from communicating with people and are forced to look for another job. Systematic training with a mind machine allows you to completely get rid of this problem.

    The mind machine is designed to expand
    your opportunities, success and freedom.

    /R. Bandler, founder of NLP/

    Modern industrial giants around the world are trying to in different ways increase the productivity and quality of conveyor production, introducing even such unconventional methods like transcendental meditation. (By the way, our AVTOVAZ spent a fair amount of money on training its workers in this fashionable “trick”).

    Light stimulation leads to the appearance of visual illusions; they can be associated with memories and images you have constructed, which contributes to the development of imaginative thinking and facilitates the development of visualization techniques.

    * Appearance The device may differ from that shown in the photo

    The device was developed by Russian scientists and is functionally superior to imported analogues at a lower cost! What's best is that the manufacturer's warranty lasts up to 2 years! This is something that imported analogues certainly cannot boast of.

    * Cost of the American equivalent in the online store

    Cost: 900 rubles. FOR FREE

    You will receive a CD with meditation music as a gift.

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    Order MIND MACHINE for a special price 15900 rub. on promotion

    You sit down in a comfortable chair, put on special opaque glasses and headphones, close your eyes, turn on a small player and immediately find yourself in a world of color that is incredibly rich and bright. Fantastic images are created and disappear, as if in a kaleidoscope, without leaving you even for a second, and strange sounds in the headphones seem to take you somewhere, at first sometimes making you just shrink in your chair. You completely surrender yourself to this fast-paced world, and time flies by, and when you take off your glasses a few minutes later and open your eyes, you have the feeling that you have been in a completely different world. You've just tried the mind machine in action.

    Mind machines are devices for photo and audio stimulation. A typical example is a mobile device with a microprocessor that sends signals to glasses with built-in LEDs, usually in three colors - red, green and blue; There is also a headphone output. The device has quite a lot of built-in programs and it is possible to create new ones. The device also outputs sound to headphones. The LEDs in the glasses are quite bright and the user is advised to close their eyes as the light can pass effectively through closed eyelids.

    A session can last from a few minutes to an hour. It is recommended to get comfortable and, putting on glasses and headphones, immerse yourself in the kingdom of light and sound. For those who are doing this for the first time, the kaleidoscope of colorful, vibrant and vibrant paintings really creates an enchanting feeling. Combined with the unusual sounds from the headphones, it’s difficult to think about anything other than following the captivating pictures.

    The sessions built into the device are different in their areas and promise: rest and deep relaxation, energy and vigor, accelerated learning, increased creativity, programs for quickly falling asleep, meditative, and various types of treatment programs.
    Manufacturers and sellers of mind machines claim amazing results such sessions on human behavior. They talk about numerous scientific studies that have found that light and sound stimulation improves blood flow to the brain, promotes the growth of new synapses, even increases brain mass. Such changes inevitably lead to the user:

    • stress levels decrease,
    • deep relaxation occurs
    • blood pressure normalizes,
    • mental abilities increase and IQ increases,
    • all types of memory improve,
    • learning accelerates,
    • the level of depression and anxiety decreases,
    • addictions are eliminated,
    • reduction of pain,
    • immunity increases,
    • sleep improves.

    The list is truly amazing, and if even half of it is true, we should buy mind machines immediately.

    The theoretical concept behind the stimulation process is simple, and states that a specific frequency of sound and flashing lights will rewire the electrical activity of the brain and force it to follow the imposed frequency. In other words, if we output 15 Hz to the glasses, which corresponds to the alpha rhythm, then we entice the brain to create the same frequency. This is the so-called entrainment, the tendency of two processes to close in a cycle so that they are in harmony. Light-sound entrainment is when light or sound, or a combination of both, repeatedly impacts a person's sensory system, and the electrical activity of the person's cerebral cortex begins to follow these patterns of light or sound. Electrical activity is itself a reflection of brain activity, and thus, altering light and sound stimulation should lead to measurable changes in behavior.

    Almost a hundred years ago, it was noted and recorded that turning lights on and off at a certain frequency led to changes in the alpha rhythm in humans. It was later discovered that colors of light also affected these changes differently. Entrainment does occur, but not always and not in all regions of the brain, differently for light and sound.

    So, what does science know today? Quite a lot of research has been carried out, but there is not a single clinical study according to the “gold standard” - double-blind, placebo-controlled and randomized. The vast majority of experiments, although they show results, suffer from methodological problems of various kinds. Thus, some do not indicate the nature of the impact and frequency, which makes it impossible to reproduce them. Others use controversial measurements that cast doubt on the effectiveness of the intervention at all. However, here are some results that, on the one hand, inspire optimism, but on the other hand, which should be taken with skepticism:

    The electromagnetic activity of the skin decreases, which indicates a decrease in muscle tension;
    Cortisol in saliva decreases, which is a sign of decreased stress and tension;
    A short exposure, less than 5 minutes, leads to such desynchronization of the alpha rhythm, and a longer exposure leads to drowsiness and varied alpha-theta activity. Exposure for more than 10 minutes produces trance-like states;
    The content of the immunoregulator increases Hsp70, providing protection oral cavity and upper gastrointestinal tract;
    Blood circulation in certain regions of the brain increases. This may indicate activation of these areas of the brain;
    There are suggestions that this may increase neural plasticity because electrical activity in the brain regulates the synthesis, secretion and actions of neurotrophins, which promote the formation of new connections between neurons. However, this has not yet been confirmed.

    In all these findings and assumptions there is no cause-and-effect relationship, which does not give us the right to say that the changes are due precisely to the nature of the impact. The electrical activity itself in a particular region may be a consequence of some brain processes, and creating it through stimulation will not necessarily lead to the emergence of such processes. This can be compared to throwing a stone into the sea, and the resulting circles will briefly change the appearance of the surface in a small area. To say that throwing a stone changed the behavior of the sea would be an exaggeration.

    For example, when it comes to improving memory and enhancing creativity, these data are based on just a few experiments, whose design and methodology leave much to be desired. However: even in older people, memory improved when exposed to a frequency of 10 Hz. In another experiment, one group of students was given 15-minute sessions, with frequencies ranging from 14Hz to 22Hz, once a day, for six weeks. They had increased alpha wave production in the right and left hemisphere in the frontal regions, and improved academic performance, compared to the control group. Presumably, it was the frequency of 14 Hz that played a role, but this is not known for sure, again due to the sloppy design of the experiment.

    Researchers tested how long the effect of light and sound stimulation lasted. Contrary to sellers' claims that it lasts from one to three days, only a few studies have found rhythm retention for 20 minutes. This occurred with beta entrainment at 22Hz, and the alpha rhythm disappeared almost immediately after the session was stopped. It is worth noting that if the effect can last even 20 minutes, this is a colossal phenomenon, because with long-term training it can increase and intensify. Again, this has not yet been scientifically proven.

    Interestingly, engagement with sound seems to be slightly more effective than engagement with light. Due to the fact that the range of human audible frequencies ranges from 20Hz to 20,000Hz, and the goal is often to use the rhythm of frequencies below those corresponding to the rhythms of the human brain, a binaural approach is used. Binaural tones are the creation of a phantom frequency, the difference between the frequencies of the supplied sound on one and the second channel. This difference creates an amplitude-modulated sound. The possibility of this was discovered back in 1839 by the German scientist Dove. If we want to create a sound frequency of 7 Hz, then we can apply 110 Hz to the left ear, and 103 Hz to the right ear, or 400 Hz and 407 Hz. The brain will receive a sound frequency of 7 Hz inside, but will not hear it, in the literal sense of the word.

    Clinical research today costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and no one in our capitalist world has the desire to spend time and money to find out the benefits of an open technology, the results of which everyone can benefit from. Character and number scientific research in this area are unlikely to change significantly - the technology itself leaves insufficient degree of freedom and control, and new technologies for influencing the human brain, on the contrary, are developing and receiving both financial and scientific support. Most likely, this method of influencing one’s own brain will remain incompletely explored, gradually moving into the history of psychology.

    If you still want to experiment with this method, consider the following:

    • There are serious contraindications to the use of mind machines: in people with a history of epileptic seizures, this method is likely to cause a seizure. There have been cases of seizures in absolutely healthy people, for the first time. What is characteristic is that they were caused solely by light exposure, and there is no evidence that sound can cause an attack.
    • People with heart disease and people taking stimulants should not take the risk. psychoactive substances or tranquilizers (including alcohol) for patients with glaucoma and certain other eye diseases.
    • It is hardly reasonable to experiment with the method during pregnancy or mental disorders of any kind.

    The field for research is truly limitless, so little has been explored and so much can be done! You shouldn't expect instant results from one session - as a rule, those who noticed any changes practiced daily, for many weeks.

    A comparison of methods showed that it is better to combine sound and visual influence, in a comfortable position, and with eyes closed. It is worth keeping in mind that the effect of involvement, if it occurs, can continue after the end of the session for some time, that is, you should refrain from active actions and driving a car for some time.
    Some people cannot tolerate such exposure; it frightens them, worries them, or causes discomfort. Don’t try to convince them otherwise and try again: as a rule, feelings of love or hatred for such stimulation arise instantly.

    Visual involvement is perhaps the best way to induce hypnagogia, a state between sleep and wakefulness accompanied by body stillness and vivid visual images, and sometimes auditory hallucinations. In this state, it is said that creative ideas, insights and problem solving come to mind, improved learning and other interesting phenomena occur. The condition itself is still insufficiently studied by science, and is shrouded in mystical and captivating secrets, and if at least a tenth of the promised effects can be achieved using this method, then this will fully justify the cost of a mind machine for a person striving for self-development.

    Fábián, T. K., Kovács, K. J., Gótai, L., Beck, A., Krause, W.-R., & Fejérdy, P. (2009). Photo-acoustic stimulation: theoretical background and ten years of clinical experience. Contemporary Hypnosis, 26(4), 225-233. doi: 10.1002/ch.389.

    Vernon, D. (2009). Human potential: exploring techniques used to enhance human performance. New York, NY: Routledge.

    An editorial version of this article was published in the June issue of the journal Our Psychology.

    Photos from a short film about courses on the development of cognitive abilities at the Buttler training center, Almaty, 2011.
