Kefir with cinnamon how to cook. Kefir with cinnamon, the benefits and harm to human health

Before you start taking kefir-cinnamon cocktails, you should understand that this is not a panacea for extra inches at the waist. The tool only speeds up the processes that start in the body during diets and workouts. If you continue to eat leavened baked goods, sweets, fatty and fried foods, and move little, do not expect results.

What you need to know about the drink

Diet kefir and spicy cinnamon are simple and familiar products from childhood. Using them in moderation, a person receives certain benefits and gastronomic pleasure. But in matters of weight loss, more attention should be paid to the combination of these products.

Benefits for weight loss. Should I add cinnamon or cocoa

The benefits of kefir and cocoa with cinnamon are explained by the properties of each of these products separately. By combining them in one drink, you can achieve a synergistic effect. The table shows the beneficial properties of the components that determine success in the fight for weight loss.

Table - Useful properties of kefir and cinnamon that promote weight loss

To prepare a fat-burning cinnamon kefir cocktail, choose the freshest fermented milk product. The fat burning drink can only be used for the first three days from the date of manufacture. A product produced earlier not only does not contribute to weight loss, but may even have the opposite effect.

Medicinal properties

It would be unfair to think of cinnamon solely as a food flavoring. In some cases, it can become a real medicine, which is not inferior in effectiveness to pharmacy products. Main medicinal properties spices can be described by the following points:

  • normalization of pressure in hypertension;
  • strengthening the protective barriers of the body;
  • destruction of viruses, infections and fungi;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • increase in the general tone of the body;
  • elimination of apathy;
  • exit from depressive states;
  • heart attack prevention;
  • relief of joint pain;
  • prevention of visual acuity and hearing loss;
  • stool normalization;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • activation of brain activity.

It is widely believed that cinnamon is applicable for the treatment of diabetes. The spice, indeed, improves the absorption of insulin and lowers blood sugar levels. But you can start taking the remedy only after consulting a doctor. Especially for pregnant women. Otherwise, unforeseen side effects.


In some cases, even the most harmless foods can cause harm. Of course, pastries flavored with cinnamon will not lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being. But if you intend to take a spice for weight loss, you should make sure that you have no contraindications. Cinnamon should not be used in such cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • low pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • gastritis and ulcer;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • feverish conditions;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • children's age up to three years.

One of the main contraindications to the use of cinnamon with or without kefir is pregnancy. The abuse of spices can cause premature birth.

Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss: 5 recipes

Kefir with cinnamon burn fat? Making a homemade fat burning cocktail will not take you much time and will not require any special skills. All you need is confidence in the absence of contraindications, faith in the effectiveness of the technique and, of course, a set of necessary products. Further, it remains only to follow step by step recipe preparation of a drink from kefir with cinnamon for weight loss.

Classic recipe with kefir

Peculiarity. The easiest way to make a cocktail is to combine cinnamon and kefir. Indications for the use of such a remedy are indigestion and slight fat deposits.


  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • up to a teaspoon of spices.

The proportions of the fermented milk drink and spices are determined depending on how many times a day you are going to take the product. The maximum daily dose of cinnamon is a teaspoon. In the morning it is better not to drink this kind of drink.

with ginger

Peculiarity. If you need to get rid of extra centimeters on your hips and waist as soon as possible, try kefir with ginger and cinnamon for weight loss. Both spices have a similar effect on the rate of metabolism. In combination, they only reinforce each other's action.


  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • half a teaspoon of ginger;
  • the same amount of cinnamon.

You can prepare a cocktail of ginger and cinnamon kefir with both fresh and ground root crops. In the first case, it must first be grated on a fine grater. If the taste of ginger seems too spicy for you, replace it with turmeric.

with pepper

Peculiarity. The most effective in terms of weight loss is the recipe for kefir with cinnamon and pepper. Such a cocktail should not be drunk for more than ten days. This can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.


  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • half a tea boat of cinnamon;
  • the same amount of ground red pepper.

A cocktail with cinnamon and pepper is too aggressive for the gastric mucosa to replace a full meal with it. It is best to drink such a drink a quarter of an hour after eating.

With honey

Peculiarity. One of the most delicious remedies that you can prepare at home is a mixture of fermented milk product, cinnamon and honey. The latter softens the effect of spices on the walls of the stomach.


  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • half a teaspoon of spices.

Thanks to honey, the cocktail is sweet, but quite high-calorie. It is recommended for those who are on a strict diet. Also, the tool is ideal for a fasting day.

With greenery

Peculiarity. By itself, greens do not contribute to lightning-fast metabolism. But she can turn a fermented milk product into a powerful cleanser that will cleanse your skin in two weeks. digestive system from waste and toxins. The drink is best taken at night so that it works while the body is at rest.


  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • half a teaspoon of spice;
  • a teaspoon of chopped parsley;
  • the same amount of mashed celery.

If you have high acidity, add some soda to the cocktail. Literally on the tip of a knife. This neutralizes possible discomfort in the stomach.

How to use a fat burning mixture

After studying the reviews of kefir with cinnamon, we can conclude that women prefer to take this mixture in different ways. There are three main ways to use it.

  1. Food supplement. To start the mechanism of digestion, you need to start the morning with a kefir-cinnamon cocktail on an empty stomach. After 20-30 minutes you can start breakfast. The rest of the meals should be completed with such a drink. This will strengthen the feeling of satiety and speed up the process of digestion.
  2. Instead of one of the meals. Losing weight girls often refuse dinner. it good way lose extra calories, but the feeling of hunger at night literally drives you crazy. To dull it and saturate the body beneficial substances, drink a glass of kefir with cinnamon at night instead of dinner.
  3. Fasting day. To maintain harmony once a week, it is recommended to use only kefir-cinnamon cocktail. To increase the energy value of the cocktail, you can add grated apple, dried fruits and even a little dark chocolate crumbs to it.

Aromatic and healing properties are best expressed in Ceylon cinnamon. But the Chinese cassia is characterized by a high content of the poisonous substance coumarin. Therefore, its use in large doses can be dangerous.

There are many beautiful legends about cinnamon. One of them is associated with Aphrodite. It is said that the ancient Greek goddess sewed cinnamon sticks into the belt of her dress. The breathtaking aroma exuded by the spice attracted all attention to Aphrodite, for which other goddesses were angry with her. Earthly women use cinnamon for beauty in a slightly different way. The spice can give them a beautiful figure and good health. Choose the right recipe for cinnamon kefir for weight loss to always be on top.

Reviews: “The effect pleased me - 4 kg per week!”

I recently just sat on kefir with cinnamon. The effect pleased me -4 kg per week! And this despite the fact that I did not limit myself much in food. I just ruled out fried and flour. I decided to cook kefir myself, because you won’t find a natural product in the store. I ordered sourdough starters for kefir, bought homemade milk from a friend and started cooking. Milk should be boiled and cooled to 40 degrees, mixed with sourdough (I chose BakZdrav) and turn on the multicooker for the yogurt program (if there is no multicooker or yogurt maker, the usual glass jar, only it will need to be sterilized and wrapped in a blanket, put under the battery). After that, put the kefir in the refrigerator for 2 hours and the natural healthy kefir is ready)


My favorite drink is once a week I arrange a fasting day for myself on kefir with cinnamon, and I also drink it in the evenings. This allows me not to gain excess weight and always stay slim and not have digestive problems.


Having been in India, I learned that local beauties constantly use kefir with cinnamon for weight loss. Of course, I brought cinnamon from India and began to prepare a kefir drink at home. For weight loss, I used the scheme that I learned in the East - I replaced the last meal with kefir and cinnamon and did it no later than 4 pm. It was difficult to survive until the morning without food only for the first 10 days, then the body got used to it and no longer protested.

For all the time that I was losing weight, I had a couple of times very dizzy, once I even fainted. It turned out that my blood pressure was very low. After that, I found out that such a drink is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.
But before that, I continued to drink kefir with cinnamon instead of dinner. And at the end of the month, somehow quite imperceptibly I was able to lose 4 kilograms. For me, this is a very significant result.

Now, to be honest, I also use kefir with the addition of cinnamon, but not every day, but I arrange one unloading day a week. That is why I will not rate cinnamon kefir highly, because helping to lose weight, it can still negatively affect the general condition of the body.


Kefir with cinnamon is an excellent tool for weight loss. It is good because it does not require strong restrictions in food. In addition, other spices can be added to such a drink in accordance with your taste.

Kefir with a low percentage of fat content is certainly present on the menu of those people who want to lose weight. It is well digested, easy to digest, and solves many digestive problems. The product contains a very small amount of calories, but at the same time leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time. Cinnamon, in turn, improves metabolism, dulls the feeling of hunger.

O useful properties kefir with cinnamon can be said a lot.

Discussed cocktail:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • stimulates the elimination of toxins;
  • relieves stress;
  • neutralizes constant feeling hunger;
  • breaks down fats.

The combination of these two products has a beneficial effect on the entire body and promotes weight loss.

Rules for the use of kefir with cinnamon

Of course, you should not expect miracles from taking such a cocktail. If you do not adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, then it is unlikely that the use of fat-burning drinks will give a noticeable effect. Therefore, during the period of drinking the drink, it is necessary to exclude cakes, sweets, cakes, fatty foods, fast food from the diet.

For maximum effect, it is better to take cinnamon yogurt at night instead of dinner. In most diets, the rejection of a hearty dinner is practiced, but after all, going to rest on an empty stomach is also not best idea. In such cases, kefir comes to the rescue - it saturates, helps to fall asleep, and helps to get rid of excess fat.

Nutritionists recommend buying Ceylon cinnamon sticks. It is of high quality and has a more persistent aroma. Before use, it is ground to a powder. You can immediately buy cinnamon powder, but the effect of taking it will be a little weaker. Kefir must be fresh, you can use it for weight loss only within 3 days after production.

How to drink a drink for weight loss

The basic recipe is very simple. Cinnamon is added to 200 ml of kefir, while its amount can vary from 1 pinch to 1 tsp. depending on your own taste preferences. The drink is consumed immediately after preparation, it should not be left for later, it is better to prepare a new portion each time.

For a month of regular use, from 3 to 4 kg are lost. However, this does not mean that after that you can overeat, again eat fatty and sweet foods in large quantities, as the lost kilograms will quickly return.

There are two options for drinking a cocktail - in the evening before bedtime or 30 minutes before each meal, but in smaller quantities. The second method is good for those people who constantly overeat. Kefir-cinnamon cocktail promotes faster satiety, dulls the feeling of hunger, helps get rid of sweet addiction. This helps to "tame" the indefatigable appetite and fill the volume of the stomach.

Kefir with cinnamon for diabetes

Cinnamon-kefir drink from diabetes has long been used in folk medicine. Cinnamon - powerful tool, which helps to increase the metabolic rate, regulate blood glucose, increase insulin sensitivity.

A drink made from kefir and cinnamon is an effective means of preventing diabetes. In the presence of a disease, it helps to keep the level of sugar under control and prevent its sharp jumps.

Help to reduce pressure

Such a cocktail can be of invaluable help with high blood pressure. Ancient Chinese healers knew about this. It is enough to drink 1 glass of drink every evening. Since the product is gentle, the pressure reduction occurs smoothly and gently. Often this happens quite imperceptibly. People try to lose weight with this simple remedy and find that their blood pressure has returned to normal.

Mixture options

There are other ways to prepare this fat-burning drink. Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss can be supplemented with spices, such as pepper or ginger. At the same time, dry powdered spices are best mixed separately, and then poured with kefir - so the product will be homogeneous. Each of these ingredients helps to reduce body weight on its own, and in combination, their effectiveness increases significantly.

Drink options:

  • With honey and lemon. Combine 1 tsp. honey, ground ginger and water, mix. Add to kefir (200 ml). Beat lightly, add a little cinnamon and a slice of lemon. An excellent cocktail for a fasting day.
  • With banana. Grind one banana in puree, pour 1 tbsp. kefir, add cinnamon. Shake and use immediately.
  • With greens. Such a cocktail will not only help get rid of excess fat, but also saturate the body with essential vitamins. For 1 st. kefir take 0.5 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. chopped parsley and celery.
  • With ginger. Add a pinch of cinnamon and ginger to a glass of kefir. Sweeten with honey. Such a cocktail is especially good to drink in winter - it saturates and warms well.
  • With red hot pepper. For 1 st. kefir take 0.5 tsp. cinnamon and pepper. This drink is considered not only the most effective, but also the most aggressive. Therefore, you can not use it for longer than 1.5 weeks. Also, do not replace them with dinner, it is better to take it 15 minutes after eating.

Instead of breakfast, it is very useful to eat bran with kefir, cinnamon, dried fruits and red hot peppers.

Benefits of beauty cocktail

You can also use kefir and cinnamon for hair and facial skin as nourishing masks. Regular use of such products will make the curls silky, smooth and strong, and the skin - clean, supple and healthy.

For hair, you can make such a mask:

  • kefir - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • homemade egg;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Combine all the ingredients and apply to the hair along the entire length. Hold for at least 15 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Attention: cinnamon powder can change the color of the hair, so it is not recommended to keep the masks on the head for a long time.

Kefir and cinnamon masks are suitable for all skin types. For a mask, it is enough to take 3 tbsp. l. kefir and add 1 tsp to it. cinnamon. If desired, you can add honey and oatmeal - this enhances the nourishing and cleansing effect. Hold for 10 minutes, wash off the residue while massaging the skin.


Despite the benefits of a cocktail, it is imperative to take into account contraindications.

These include:

  • low pressure;
  • ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • allergy;
  • bleeding;
  • heat.

Also, cinnamon is contraindicated in case of poor blood clotting, inflammatory processes in the body, increased nervous excitability. During pregnancy, you should be very careful. In such cases, before use, it is better to consult a specialist and choose a more acceptable option.

The range of application of kefir with cinnamon is wide. Therefore, everyone can use this mixture for their own purpose.

I love both kefir and cinnamon - both separately and together - as a cocktail. I won’t say that I drink it right before every meal, but once a day - for sure. The rest of the time I just add cinnamon to my coffee, it gives it a pretty spicy flavor that I'm crazy about. I sincerely believe that such a useful habit helps me maintain a stable weight and not gain excess by eating everything))
There were moments when I tried to spend fasting days on kefir, but it turned out to be very difficult for me. I wanted to eat all the time. I don’t know how kefir can saturate someone - I definitely don’t))
For the sake of losing 500 grams, I don’t want to torture myself like that anymore. Good health and mood is more precious to me.
By the way, cinnamon is an excellent immunomodulator and, during the season of epidemics, the flu often bypasses me.
For external use, this spice is also good, moreover, all with the same kefir. This face mask is second to none. I mix the ingredients in a 1:3 ratio (1 part powder to 3 teaspoons of kefir) and apply with a fan brush on my face for half an hour. After that, the skin looks fresh. Removes blackheads and fine lines. There is a good whitening effect.

Expected a better effect

Kefir with cinnamon is a rather specific product. I drank this miracle drink during one of the diets. There was a hope that thanks to it, fat would go away faster, or at least the body would be cleansed. Neither of these happened. The only plus is that on my strict diet, kefir somehow saturates me in between meals. I didn't find any other benefits.

Kefir itself is not the most delicious product, and then there is cinnamon - a hell of a mixture! But despite the strange taste, I drank 3 glasses a day! The course lasted 5 days. Then my heart began to pound. I immediately thought it was cinnamon. Has ceased to drink a cocktail - all has passed or has taken place. I don't know what it was, maybe just an unfortunate coincidence. I would like to try to sit on kefir diet and look at real results, but I’m already afraid that suddenly health problems will start again. And it often happens - you treat one thing, and you cripple the other. Until I decide.
In general, I have no vivid impressions of kefir with cinnamon. I didn't see him positive reaction on the body. Maybe gourmets will appreciate this drink, and I can give it a C grade. Deserves no more. Lose weight on it failed, unfortunately.

I'll tell you how I lost weight on kefir with cinnamon

Having been in India, I learned that local beauties constantly use kefir with cinnamon for weight loss. Of course, I brought cinnamon from India and began to prepare a kefir drink at home.
For weight loss, I used the scheme that I learned in the East - I replaced the last meal with kefir and cinnamon and did it no later than 4 pm.
It was difficult to survive until the morning without food only for the first 10 days, then the body got used to it and no longer protested.
For all the time that I was losing weight, I had a couple of times very dizzy, once I even fainted. It turned out that my blood pressure was very low. After that, I found out that such a drink is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.
But before that, I continued to drink kefir with cinnamon instead of dinner. And at the end of the month, somehow quite imperceptibly I was able to lose 4 kilograms. For me, this is a very significant result.
Now, to be honest, I also use kefir with the addition of cinnamon, but not every day, but I arrange one unloading day a week.
That is why I will not rate cinnamon yogurt highly, because helping to lose weight, it can still negatively affect the general condition of the body.

Useful complex

Kefir with cinnamon is a fairly cheap dietary product. There is no particular harm from him, the worst thing that threatens is intestinal upset, and even then out of habit. Other than that, it's a very useful thing.
Firstly, kefir itself improves digestion, and it is also a rather tasty drink.
Secondly, cinnamon perfectly blocks hunger, there is no particular appetite from it, but after a glass of the mixture you don’t feel like eating for several hours.
The diet does not involve the exclusion of other dishes from the diet, you just need to be moderate, do not lean on carbohydrates, keep a balance of nutrients.
Also, since carbohydrates are not excluded, the body has enough energy for sports, which makes weight loss even faster. For example, in a month I lost as much as 6 kg in this way, while there was no deterioration in my condition, fatigue.
I drank kefir three times a day, each time adding a small part of a teaspoon of cinnamon to it. Also, by the way, some nutritionists include ginger and pepper in the composition, but I did not risk it so that the stomach would not be spoiled by such experiments. In general, a very useful thing.

And it helps to lose weight, and adds health problems

I lost weight on kefir with cinnamon for a whole month, now I have something to tell about this method.
Yes, this is a very budget option for weight loss, everyone can try it. In addition, it is incredibly affordable and extremely simple.
Therefore, many use kefir in tandem with cinnamon to combat excess weight.
After a month of constant use, I can say that I still managed to lose weight and even decently: by 4 kilograms. For my initial weight of 73 kilograms, this is an excellent result. The volumes are also gone, although outwardly it is not very noticeable, but the clothes began to sit on me more freely.
But not without side effects, namely, I had problems with digestion: heartburn became my constant companion and, in addition, very often I had terrible diarrhea. Yes, I know that kefir can sometimes weaken, but not to the same extent.
In general, my impressions are mixed: I managed to lose weight, but I would like to avoid health problems.
Summing up, I want to say that kefir with cinnamon - effective method for weight loss, but I do not plan to return to it anymore. Beauty is important, of course, but health is more important to me.

Effective Method weight loss

I really love diets, I constantly experiment on myself! A week ago I finished the Kefir plus Cinnamon diet. I must say right away that the result impressed me. For 2 weeks it took 5 kg, the volumes also decreased. And most importantly - accelerated metabolism. I am completely satisfied with myself!
However, not everything is so smooth... Personally, I did not like the taste of this fermented milk drink with cinnamon. From cinnamon, I often had heartburn, and from kefir my stomach swelled. These side effects had to be extinguished with all kinds of pills - Espumizan, Maalox.
Daily consumption of kefir should not exceed 1.5 liters, and you can eat only 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
The drink itself is very nutritious, in the evenings I drank a glass of kefir with cinnamon and did not eat anything else. At first, my stomach ached, but over time I got used to this regime, and everything came full circle.
Together with the gone 5 kilograms, most of the cellulite from the legs and buttocks also left.
The diet is not difficult, you can eat many diet foods. And the main condition is not to forget to drink kefir with cinnamon.
I am sure that I will repeat it again, but after a while. Now I give my body a little rest.

Delicious but useless

The dream to part with excess weight, and even without making any effort, without adhering to any restrictions in products, and using fat-burning agents, led to another attack on the rake.
After reading and listening to reviews about the supposedly miraculous effect on body fat of this miracle cocktail, I naturally decided to use this recipe myself. And what is cheap and cheerful. All you have to do is buy fresh one percent kefir and a bag of spices, mix it up and lose weight for your health.
The main thing is not to drink while eating and kilograms will go away with a whistle. This experiment continued for a month, culminating in a zero result. None of the parameters - neither in weight nor in volume -
there were no losses.
Perhaps if you replace lunch, breakfast and dinner with this mixture, that is, live only on kefir with cinnamon, without eating anything else, you will lose weight. Well, you will lose weight from water, and from apples, and from cucumbers. And just by drinking a cocktail as a snack, nothing magical happens.
One thing pleases - that there is no harm from the frequent use of this combination, and maybe even there is a benefit in the form of regulation of the intestines.

Good fat burning drink

I tried drinking a kefir-cinnamon drink when I was losing weight. At that time, I chose a kefir diet for myself. After I read that cinnamon has a fat-burning property and decided to add it to kefir.
On average, I drank 1-1.5 liters of kefir per day, to which I added about 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. You can, if desired, drink more kefir and use more cinnamon.
The drink has a rather pleasant taste. Cinnamon gives a certain sweetness, which smooths out the harshness of kefir.
Kefir bought 1%.
I managed to spend 5 days on this diet. When I was very hungry, I ate apples.
Plumb for 5 days amounted to - 4 kg. The result is good, but it is difficult to achieve it. For me, this food is comparable to starvation.
I can also note that the drink normalized the work of the intestines, but sometimes I was worried about a slight swelling. It should be borne in mind that with problems with the stomach, such a drink should not be drunk for more than one day.
Now I sometimes practice drinking kefir with cinnamon instead of dinner. It well eliminates appetite, promotes restful sleep and in the morning I feel light.
In general, this healthy drink. Other components can be added if desired. For example, honey, red pepper or ginger. The main thing is to monitor the reaction of your body so that there are no side effects.

I do not advise anyone

Kefir with the addition of cinnamon is one of the most popular ostensibly and very effective means for weight loss.
I, like many girls, are always in pursuit of perfect figure I try many diets all the time.
What could be simpler than kefir and cinnamon? Probably nothing, which is why I decided to try to lose weight thanks to them.
I bought one and a half liters of kefir with a fat content of 1%, added cinnamon to it and began to drink. In addition to kefir, I did not drink anything else.
The taste is very specific, I don’t like it, but the desire to lose weight is so great that I stoically withstood it.
By evening, my stomach hurt terribly, I had no strength at all, I could hardly crawl around the house.
The head was terribly dizzy. So bad, it seems, I have never been before.
Of course, I immediately realized that the reason lies precisely in the new diet, because apart from it I did not change anything.
Within a day or so, I got relief.
I no longer experimented with this diet, realizing that it absolutely did not suit me.
Of course, I want to lose weight, but not at such a price.
Everyone who cares about their health - think carefully before starting this diet, because instead of losing weight, you can get very serious problems.

good remedy to maintain weight, but not to lose weight

It has long been a rule to replace either breakfast or dinner with a glass of kefir with cinnamon.
The preparation of the drink takes a couple of minutes. I take low-fat kefir, completely fat-free, completely useless for digestion and does not contain vital healthy fats. One tablespoon of cinnamon powder goes to a glass of kefir.
If I drink a cocktail for breakfast, then sometimes I add a pinch of pepper and half a spoonful of ginger (either grated or powdered). Such a trick has a positive effect on metabolism, perfectly accelerates it.
You need to drink strictly no more than 1.5 liters of kefir per day, and for someone this will be a lot. Otherwise, instead of normalizing digestion, strong processes of alcoholic fermentation will begin in the stomach.
Lose weight cocktail without additional measures 100% will not help. But it helps me keep the weight at a level that suits me.
Appetite all the time is within reason, does not pull sharpen something very tasty, but at the same time very harmful. Periodic blood tests show that the level of sugar in the blood is normal, although it could fluctuate before.
The gastrointestinal tract works like a clock, which positively affects the general condition and appearance. If it puffs from kefir, then it makes sense to use not the freshest product, but one that is already 3-4 days old. It has significantly fewer bacteria that cause unpleasant growling.

Kefir and cinnamon burn fat minus 5 kg in 3 days if in the morning

A simple formula: kefir plus cinnamon burn fat minus kilograms of fat, that's 5 kg in 3 days. By combining kefir with cinnamon, we not only bring general benefits to our body, but also rid ourselves of excess weight.

Both products are endowed with unique properties and affect the body extremely favorably.

How to lose weight 5 kg in 3 daysno health risk on cinnamon kefir.

Positive characteristics of kefir

  1. Between meals, satisfies hunger and creates a feeling of satiety and comfort.
  2. Activates the intestinal microflora.
  3. Contains substances that prevent constipation.
  4. When losing weight, the work of the gastrointestinal tract plays a very important role. It is kefir that acts on the intestines as an accelerator of metabolic processes.
  5. It has a mild diuretic effect.

The composition of kefir contains yeast of natural origin and special substances - lactic cultures, which have a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines.

Therefore, we can say with full confidence that kefir is extremely useful for humans. In addition, it strengthens the immune system.

Using kefir, we saturate the body with a complete protein, bringing a minimum of calories.

Drink this drink for weight loss should be once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. For cooking diet meals and drinks, it is important to use kefir with a very low percentage of fat or fat-free. Many people know that most spices can burn fat and make digestion faster.

Positive characteristics of cinnamon

  1. Is an antioxidant. Cinnamon is able to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  2. Eliminates the persistent feeling of hunger and creates the impression of satiety for a long time.
  3. Affects the control of sugar levels.
  4. Accelerates the process of exchanging waste products.

The combination of kefir with cinnamon has a very active effect on the breakdown of fats in the lumbar region. If such a compound is supplemented with additional ingredients, then the efficiency and effectiveness increase by 2-3 times.

The minimum calorie content of both products, combined with the ability to fully saturate, attract very tempting and justifying characteristics.

The combination of cinnamon and kefir.

Cinnamon with kefir for weight loss can be taken for weight loss. According to reviews, the drink is capable of 5 kg in 3 days. The benefits of even kefir itself are obvious. It contains few calories, it is viscous and fills the stomach wonderfully, thereby giving the impression of satiety.

Together with cinnamon, kefir breaks down fats, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, cleansing the body. Cinnamon has a rather bright and pronounced smell and taste. Kefir, on the other hand, hides it, and this is in the hands of those people who are not special fans of cinnamon.

Despite all its positive qualities, cinnamon yogurt has some negative points.

The kefir-cinnamon diet is very attractive to many of us and seems easy. I want to sit on it longer. But the fact is that the body needs additional intake of various vitamins and other necessary elements.

Drinking such cocktails for a long time is not entirely safe - you can deplete your body. The use of cinnamon as an ingredient before bedtime is not recommended for those people who have trouble falling asleep. She invigorates, and you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. Also, many nutritionists advise drinking a kefir cocktail on an empty stomach in the morning.

It is also not recommended to combine kefir with cinnamon:

  • pregnant and lactating;
  • with diseases of the stomach, kidneys or liver;
  • in the presence of an increased acidic environment of the stomach;
  • during bleeding of various origins;
  • at risk allergic reactions on any of the products.

We drink at night

You can use kefir with cinnamon at night only for those people who do not have insomnia and other sleep problems. If you do not fall under this risk group, you can safely drink this drink at night and let its ingredients work for you at night.

A drink in the form of kefir with various additives before going to bed is a wonderful addition to diet food, prevention of intestinal diseases and disorders.

It surprisingly speeds up the process of getting rid of extra pounds.

One of the most common and simple recipes kefir with cinnamon to lose weight by 5 kg in 3 days can be called the following:


  • cinnamon powder - ½ tsp;
  • fat-free kefir - 200 g;
  • cold boiled water - 2 tsp


We mix all the components and leave for 15-20 minutes for the most penetration of one ingredient into another. After the specified time, using a hand whisk or blender, whip the cocktail, cool and the drink is ready to drink.

During the day, cinnamon kefir can be consumed between meals, or even replace one of the meals. At night, kefir can be completely dinner. At the same time, you will feel satiety and comfort.

In addition to the classic version, kefir variants with additional spices are no less famous. Their efficiency is several times higher, and the piquant taste may appeal to you.


  • kefir - 250 g;
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • ginger - ½ tsp;


  1. We place the products in a blender bowl and beat.
  2. Refrigerate and consume once a day. As an option, you can have a light dinner consisting of fruits, steamed vegetables or cottage cheese, after which you need to drink this cocktail before going to bed.
  3. If you want to further enhance the effect after preparation, you can add red pepper to the drink at the tip of a knife.

Do not forget that such a fat-burning cocktail has an exciting effect. If you have problems with sleep, then it should be consumed at least 3 hours before rest.

Another variation on the theme of kefir cocktails can be called this:


  • 1 tsp fresh ginger;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 240 g of kefir;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Cooking is no different than usual: we mix all the ingredients, eat and lose weight.


Kefir with additives at night should not be consumed by people:

  • With increased level gastric juice;
  • who often suffer from diarrhea, have diseases of the stomach and kidneys;
  • with increased gas formation;
  • if in the morning you have important work that requires great mental stress, it will be difficult for you to get ready, because the drink has a relaxing effect.

How to use

The drink should be consumed during unloading days. This will help maintain a stable weight and prevent fat deposits.

Throughout the day, only kefir is consumed in its pure form or with various additives. . The maximum amount of the drunk product is not more than 1.5 liters per day. Single dose - no more than one glass.

You can divide the daily rate into several doses, every 2-3 hours. You can include freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables in your diet. If necessary, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the juices.

Three-day kefir-cinnamon diet minus 5 kg in 3 days: throughout all 3 days, the menu may include kefir, cinnamon powder, fresh or dried ginger, hot red pepper, and green apples. Apples should be consumed baked or raw between drinks. In addition to kefir, green and herbal teas are allowed.

Replace kefir with cinnamon one of the meals. It is best if it is dinner, so as not to overload the stomach at night. This prevents fat from being deposited at night in the most difficult places. If you replace breakfast with kefir, then your day will be active and energetic.

Method of use

The main effect that can be achieved as a result of the consumption of this drink is precisely that it reduces the feeling of hunger and gives a feeling of satiety.

And it is best to do such a snack before bedtime, an hour and a half before, or replace the last dinner.

Especially just in the evening, the effect of this drink on the human body is enhanced. In the event that you still want to have dinner, then it is allowed to drink a cocktail one hour after eating a meal. And also it can be used on a banana-kefir diet.

Some of the experts in the field of nutrition recommend drinking cinnamon kefir for weight loss in morning time fasting days. Of course, it is better to know your intolerance to dairy products. Already many nutritional centers are conducting research that lactose is not digested in many adults.

Therefore, if after taking kefir your stomach is not swollen and there are no gas formations, you do not feel changes, then you can safely take this cocktail.

Kefir will help you lose weight with cinnamon, you need to drink it separately and consider it a full meal, as well as an additive to various diets and to the usual everyday menu. In addition, it helps to make it easier to endure fasting days when you start drinking it, replacing it alternately with an ordinary fermented milk product with a zero percent fat content.

And for those who prefer snacking, it is especially necessary. This fat-burning drink is the best option compared to a sandwich or some kind of confectionery. And having drunk this drink before lunch or dinner, you will have the opportunity to consume a much smaller portion of the main dish.

Useful properties

Both kefir and cinnamon are beneficial for health and are effective in combating excess fat cells.

You can also alternate for variety:

  • with chili pepper (hot red),
  • and ginger.

These are useful spices that make you speed up the metabolic processes.

For a cocktail, it is better to take kefir with a zero percent fat content, bifidokefir is also suitable.

And spices:

  • activate metabolism and energy,
  • stimulate the breakdown of fat cells,
  • and cleanse the body, which helps in improving health and weight loss.

The recipe is simple:

Add 0.5 tsp to a glass of kefir. cinnamon, ground ginger on the tip of a knife and chili pepper spice. In the future, according to taste preferences, you can increase or decrease the amount of spices (ginger or chili).

Such a drink will help to perfectly unload the body, more precisely, the digestive tract organs, spices have "hot" properties. Many sources of Ayurveda believe that these spices are suitable for a burst of energy.


Internet pages are just full of admiring reviews about this miraculous drink.

Natalia S. shared on the forum detailed recipe preparation and use of kefir with spices. In her words, delight and surprise are read.

She writes that she could never even think that such a simple and at the same time tasty drink, with minimal effort on her part, would make her lighter by as much as 6 kilograms in just one month.

Another reader - Lyudmila P. still recommends, along with the use of these drinks, at least increase the activity of life, move more, be in the fresh air.

She also uses this drink, but for a long time - more than 2 years systematically. And after trying different options, she came to the conclusion that the drink is really a miracle, but it needs a little help to “work”.

Ksenia N., after she started drinking cinnamon yogurt drink only in the evening, instead of dinner, was simply shocked. She not only became slimmer, but also improved her general well-being, became beautiful hair, nails, sparkling eyes.

She is sure that kefir works wonders and changes a person from the inside, where the human eye cannot see. He advises everyone and recommends to try.

She advises starting with something simple. And over time, he recommends complicating the diet, fantasizing and creating his own recipes, which include these unique products.

Another woman shared that even with her diabetes she can afford to drink a glass of this wonderful drink, also adding a spoonful of good, high-quality honey to it.

Therefore, if you do not have any contraindications, you do not belong to a certain risk group, feel free to fill a glass with fresh kefir, add cinnamon to it and consume it in the morning. This will give you not only external beauty, but also internal.
Do not think that it is enough to drink only kefir with cinnamon for weight loss, and they burn fat minus 5 kg in 3 days. To achieve the goal, you need to combine kefir cocktails with proper nutrition, physical activity, massage and other useful procedures.

Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss is one of the most favorite drinks of those who carefully monitor their figure. It is believed that the two ingredients in this cocktail are a powerful combo that, when used correctly, will help get rid of the hated centimeters on the sides.

By itself, kefir is a dietary product saturated with useful substances. Thanks to microorganisms, it has a good effect on gastrointestinal tract. No less strong in this miracle drink and antibacterial properties, it helps in the fight against salmonella and Helicobacter pylori, and also reduces the likelihood of facing cancer. Vitamin K2 and phosphorus, which are part of our hero, are essential for bone health. In other words, drink kefir every day and prevent osteoporosis.

Jules Clancy/

Cinnamon is also good for the body. We used to add it to a cappuccino or, thinking that it is only needed for a pleasant aroma. In fact, this spice, which is so pleasant to eat in winter, has immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Cinnamon is also a strong helper with cardiovascular diseases because it lowers cholesterol levels.

Do not ignore the ability of cinnamon to magically affect the metabolism. This spice will become a real lifesaver, which will increase the metabolic rate and prevent the formation of toxins. It not only increases metabolism and speeds up the processing of sugar, but also “lulls” hunger. If you add a little spice to food, you can easily saturate the body. So everyone who is losing weight should pay attention to cinnamon and include it in their diet. Of course, in reasonable doses.

How to choose kefir

A real and “correct” fermented milk product consists of live kefir fungi. Sometimes manufacturers add dry milk sourdough instead of the last and most important ingredient. In this case, the output is a kefir product. This drink can be stored for up to 20 days, but its properties are less useful.

Our hero comes in several types of fat content - high, medium and low. In addition, fat-free products can be found on store shelves. Interestingly, the calorie different types kefir is not much different. For example, between a 0% and a fatty product, the difference is only 26 kcal per 100 g (figures may vary depending on the manufacturer). However, those who lose weight still prefer the lighter version - a low-fat or 1% drink.

Packaging also matters a lot. It must be hermetically sealed. If you see that kefir is a little swollen along with the packaging, better beware and do not take this product. Perhaps its shelf life has already come to an end.

It is believed that it is safest to take a drink in a tetra-pack or glass container, but with plastic everything is a little more complicated. If it is heated or stored for too long, then it begins to release harmful substances into the product. Therefore, always look for the freshest kefir and carefully examine the labels so as not to miscalculate.

Manufacturers add all sorts of words to product names, such as "rustic", "natural" or "original", and sometimes it can be very difficult to understand. The prefix "bio" means that the fermented milk drink contains bifidobacteria that affect the intestinal microflora. To be sure of the quality and safety of the purchased goods, look at the ratings of Roskachestvo and NP Roskontrol with detailed information about many products. If experts have found violations, they do not recommend purchasing a particular kefir.

After you have already bought a healthy drink, pay attention to its taste and texture. The right kefir should be homogeneous, its color should be milky white, and the taste should be slightly spicy, sometimes with a yeasty flavor. If lumps and flakes form in the liquid, then it's time to throw it away.

Cinnamon recipes with kefir for weight loss

Cooking cinnamon with kefir is very simple if you follow one simple rule. We advise you not to overdo it with spice, because its maximum amount per day is one teaspoon. That is, if you are planning two cocktails, then add about 4 grams of cinnamon to each, and if you have one, then all 8 are possible, but on condition that there is no more of it in your diet.

An overdose of fragrant spice entails the appearance of a number of unpleasant symptoms. If you overdo it with this ingredient, then there is a high probability of diarrhea and flatulence. Below are a few simple cinnamon with kefir for weight loss.

  • Classic recipe . You will need a glass of fermented milk drink, previously cooled to room temperature. Gently pour the spice into it. Mix well the resulting mixture, preferably using a whisk.
  • FROM- just add ground ginger to the already prepared mixture. A very small dose is needed - only half a tsp. Honey also goes well with this drink. Someone drinks kefir with cinnamon and ginger for weight loss, while others drink it to boost immunity during the cold season.
  • Cocktail with pepper It also helps improve metabolism. Drink it when you are on a diet to burn fat. A glass of fermented milk product with spice will require quite a bit of red pepper, literally a pinch. Do not put the drink in the refrigerator after preparation, but immediately drink it.
  • With dried fruitsa good option for a snack if you want something sweet. Put dried fruits (for example, the same dried apricots with raisins) with cinnamon in a blender, then chop. Pour the sour-milk drink into the resulting mixture and mix everything well.

By the way, kefir is no less useful and With, which also affects metabolic processes. Stir the fermented milk product with 1 tsp. honey and half tsp. powder. Drink the resulting mixture after dinner.

When to drink: in the morning or instead of dinner

Is it possible to lose weight if you just drink kefir with cinnamon? Of course no. You don't have to rely on the smoothie to burn fat on its own after you dine on cake and salad with mayonnaise. You need to observe and move more, as well as play sports, then the result will not keep you waiting.

There are several ways to drink this healthy drink.

  • For breakfast and/or after dinner. Start your day with healthy cocktail. It is advisable to drink it on an empty stomach so that it stimulates digestion in the morning. After about half an hour, start breakfast. You can do it differently - drink kefir with cinnamon for weight loss at night. It is not forbidden to drink this drink twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. So you speed up your metabolism and get rid of toxins.
  • Snack. Worked out at the gym and got hungry, but do not want to negate all the efforts? Make kefir with fragrant spice, which will perfectly restore your strength.
  • Instead of dinner. An option for those who like short-term intensive diets or didn’t have time to dine, and it’s almost ten by the clock. Kefir with cinnamon will not be deposited on the sides and will suppress the feeling of hunger in the evenings.

By the way, nursing mothers can also drink a super drink to get in shape after giving birth. But in this case, it is better to take some precautions. A large amount of cinnamon can change the taste of milk, so drink a cocktail 1-2 times a week four months after giving birth and try to avoid this spice in your dishes.

Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss: reviews

It is not surprising that many weight loss people fell in love with the miracle cocktail so much, although there is no scientific support for this theory yet. However, the Internet is full of reviews about the miraculous drink. Bloggers advise super cocktails to all their followers, characterizing it as simple, inexpensive and effective remedy to fight extra centimeters.

Here are some reviews of those who have tried cinnamon kefir:

  • “The results will come! Including on the face. This drink not only satiates, but also improves digestion, as well as complexion.
  • "I like it - it's tasty and invigorating."
  • “I hate kefir! But this is quite a tolerable drink ... I just sat down. In general, if you also plan to lose weight from Monday, I recommend it.
  • “When I have a late workout, a dinner consisting of this cocktail is great before bed.”
  • “The best thing for dinner after the New Year holidays.”
  • “1% kefir with cinnamon - what could be better than such a snack? Hold on and don't be offended."
  • “I use regularly at night looking. I, in principle, love this spice and this combination, so the taste is not disgusting.
  • “I tried. Well, very tasty. Some people don’t like the alcoholic taste of the drink, but in combination with spice, this drink is perfect.”
  • “It helps me personally, but I have my own recipe. I don't like kefir, so I dilute it with water and tsp. cinnamon. I drink all this during the day, 20 minutes before meals. Even my husband appreciated the results.”
  • “The effect pleased me: minus 4 kg in a week!”
temperature .
  • Kefir can be irritant to the stomach, therefore, it is undesirable to drink it for those who have an ulcer, problems with the intestines, as well as with increased acidity of the stomach. In rare cases, this drink is not suitable for those who suffer from lactose intolerance. The daily use of kefir will not benefit, and if you have a tendency to formation of kidney stones.
  • Additional ingredients that are often added to a fat-burning cocktail also have contraindications:

    • Ginger causes bile to be actively produced, so it should be avoided by those who have diseased liver and gallstones. Try to avoid this component and if you are going to have surgery or need to take drugs that fight blood clots.
    • Red pepper will not help to lose weight, but will hurt if one of gastrointestinal diseases. Avoid spices with a burning taste and in case ulcers duodenum . We also recommend that you refrain from using this product if you have inflamed kidneys or bladder.