Is skin basal cell carcinoma dangerous? Basalioma - what is it? Photos, causes and methods of treating basal cell carcinoma on the skin

Basalioma or basal cell carcinoma is one of the types of malignant skin formations that develops from atypical basal cells of the epidermis, or from similar cells of the hair follicles. Basalioma is the most common malignant skin disease. It does not metastasize to other organs of the body, so some researchers believe that basaliomane is a skin cancer in its pure form, but rather an intermediate link between nevi and carcinomas (that is, benign and malignant tumors).

Characteristics of basal cell carcinoma

Most often, basal cell carcinoma occurs in older people (over 50 years old), localized on the scalp: in the scalp, on the temples, on the face (in the nasolabial area, on the wings of the nose, etc.), on the neck. The trunk and limbs are affected by basal cell carcinoma much less frequently. An even more rare location is the soles of the feet and palms (here basal cell carcinoma usually looks like scaly, erosive spots).

The manifestations of basal cell carcinoma on the skin are most often single, but they can also be multiple (usually in superficial forms).

Since basal cell carcinoma does not grow quickly and does not metastasize, its course is usually quite predictable and chronic.

However, in advanced cases and during relapses, basal cell carcinoma can spread widely over the surface of the skin, capturing and subsequently destroying other tissues of the body (muscles, nerves, skull bones), and causing such dangerous phenomena as bleeding or cachexia.

Causes of basal cell carcinoma

The reasons that provoke the development of basal cell carcinoma are almost the same as in other cases of malignant skin diseases.


  • constant exposure of the skin to sunlight (UV) rays (this results in the formation of dimeric thymine - structural damage to the DNA molecule, which provokes the development of tumors)
  • negative impact of ionizing radiation;
  • occupational hazards (working with carcinogenic substances);
  • hereditary (genetic) predisposition to skin diseases

Having discovered cancer cells in the material, the doctor prescribes the most effective treatment method.

The external manifestations of basal cell carcinoma can be quite similar to some other skin diseases. Therefore, doctors carry out mandatory differential diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma from diseases such as:

  • intracellular nevus;
  • sebaceous hyperplasia;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • actinic keratosis;
  • herpes zoster;
  • Bowen's disease;
  • seborrheic keratosis;
  • melanoma;
  • localized scleroderma.

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma

Basalioma responds quite well to treatment, especially if it is started on time, that is, on early stages development of the disease. Treatment methods are selected based on the results of analysis of the affected area, taking into account its location, size, and depth of penetration of malignant processes. Naturally, when choosing a treatment method, it is also taken into account general condition patient. Today there are several well-proven methods for treating basal cell carcinoma:

  1. Curettage and fulguration. This method is used in the treatment of malignant skin tumors located on the patient’s limbs and torso. The method involves removing the tumor under local anesthesia with a curette (a special spoon-shaped instrument), after which fulmination (cauterization with electricity) is performed, destroying the remaining cancer cells and stopping the bleeding.
  2. Cryosurgery. Freezing with liquid nitrogen. This method is used only for shallow, superficial skin lesions, since it does not guarantee complete removal of malignant cells.
  3. Surgery. The surgical method is especially effective for severe, aggressive malignant processes. In this case, the affected area is cut out along with part of the surrounding skin, and then stitches are placed on the wound.
  4. Mohs surgery. This is a specialized method that is used in cases where basal cell carcinoma is localized on the face, and in cases where the disease relapses. The method involves freezing each layer of skin, removing it, and immediately examining the removed tissue. With this method, there are no unsightly marks left on the skin in the form of scars and scars, and the incidence of relapse is minimal. Therefore, Mohs surgery for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma is considered one of the most effective methods today.
  5. Radiation therapy. Used if the tumor is located in areas that are difficult to reach surgical operations parts of the body, as well as at the risk of the patient developing postoperative complications. A standard course of radiation therapy takes about a month.
  6. Chemotherapy. Currently, this method is quite rare, since there are no reliable indicators of good results in treating basal cell carcinoma with chemicals.
  7. Laser surgery. A popular method of removing a tumor using a beam of laser beams, however, it is only suitable for superficial malignant processes on the skin.

Survival prognosis for basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma very rarely metastasizes, so mortality from it is very rare. However, there is a risk of relapses after the disease is not treated, which makes it many times more aggressive. In addition, those people who have had basal cell carcinoma have an increased risk of developing melanoma. We recommend reading the article about

The skin of the face is the most vulnerable organ of the human body, as various neoplasms appear on it due to minor factors. The skin becomes covered with rashes, spots, tumors, peels and becomes inflamed. Basalioma of the facial skin causes maximum inconvenience and requires appropriate treatment and care. Education can be harmful to health if treatment procedures are not started on time. Over time, it develops into a disease, which can be eliminated through surgery.

Basalioma is a tumor of the basal epithelium. Experts have classified it among numerous types of cancer, although in its properties the phenomenon is neither malignant nor benign.

How to recognize the disease?

An indicator of skin damage is the appearance of a small nodule. Its color can be flesh or red. The tumor does not cause any inconvenience and gradually grows. There are no sensations of pain or discomfort at the initial stage. Can it go away on its own? Mild skin damage may disappear over time, but severe basal cell carcinoma cannot be treated without outside help.

Subsequently, a gray crust forms at this site, which indicates the progression of the disease. After the elimination of basal cell carcinoma, a small depression will remain on the skin for some time, which will subsequently disappear. A thin roller, characterized by a dense structure, indicates the development of a neoplasm. If you examine it carefully, grains that resemble pearls in appearance will be visible on the surface.

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Important! You need to know what basal cell carcinoma can be confused with. Most often it is confused with lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, psoriasis and epithelioma. You can see cancerous lesions for yourself by carefully examining your facial skin.

Progressive formation provokes the growth of a cancerous tumor. At this moment, new nodules are noticeable on the skin, subsequently merging into one. At this time, between the affected areas there are spider veins, because oncology affects the dilation of blood vessels. After some time, basal cell carcinoma becomes a large ulcer. If treatment procedures are not carried out, the surrounding tissues are affected.

Experts distinguish several types of the disease, differing in clinical indicators:

Basalioma occurs in both men and women. It mainly appears after 50 years. To avoid becoming a victim of cancer, you need to know how the symptoms manifest themselves, etc. signs of illness.

Basalioma appears:

  • In old age;
  • Due to exposure to high temperatures;
  • In people with fair skin;
  • For chronic inflammatory processes of the facial skin;
  • Due to frequent burns;
  • From the abuse of solariums and excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • For hereditary and genetic diseases;
  • Due to keloid scars;
  • From trophic changes;
  • With regular mechanical damage to the skin of one area of ​​the face;
  • In people with reduced immunity from blood diseases, HIV, taking cystostatic drugs and organ transplantation;
  • Due to interaction with carcinogenic substances (tobacco tar, soot, petroleum products, arsenic, some dyes, tar);
  • If there is a tendency to occur age spots and freckles;
  • From ionizing radiation and radiation therapy.

The origin of basal cell carcinoma is not fully understood. To avoid becoming a victim dangerous consequences, you should pay attention to any changes in the skin. Oncological disease is harmless, since in most cases it can be cured. Those people who have suffered from a neoplasm should monitor their health, because the disease tends to develop again. Why is such a tumor dangerous? Its first manifestations are cured quickly and without much difficulty, but its secondary appearance becomes more aggressive.

Untimely treatment of basal cell carcinoma leads to the tumor spreading to the brain.

Video on the topic: Basalioma - what is it?

Treatment methods for facial skin basal cell carcinoma

There are many methods for removing skin lesions. The choice of treatment method depends on the area where the basal cell carcinoma arose, its depth and extent. For example, basal cell carcinoma on the forehead.

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*Only upon receipt of data on the patient’s disease, a representative of the clinic will be able to calculate an accurate estimate for treatment.

Currently the following methods are used:

Cryosurgery is used to remove superficial basal cell carcinomas. Using liquid nitrogen, the tumor is frozen and subsequently eliminated. An alternative way to combat basal cell carcinoma is to use a laser. Surgical excision is used when the disease is severe.

Important! Basalioma is not contagious and is not transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, so there is no need to be afraid of a person with a neoplasm.

To eliminate phenomena from the surface of the skin, well-known methods are used - fulguration and curettage. Treatment of basal cell carcinoma is based on exfoliation and subsequent burning of tissue. The procedure allows not only to get rid of the tumor, but to stop the bleeding.

A special technique for removing cancerous lesions on the skin was developed by scientists and called Mohs surgery. The method is intended to remove phenomena that have affected sensitive areas of the skin. During the procedure, the basal cell carcinoma is frozen layer by layer. This approach has become ideal for eliminating defects with a small percentage of scarring. The technique is highly effective and reduces the risk of re-infection.

All three methods will help get rid of the problem. The fight against basal cell carcinoma should begin at the first stage. With an aggressive course of the disease, treatment will become more complicated. May ease the progression of the disease traditional methods treatment, but do not forget that before use it would not hurt to consult a doctor. The mask and compress are not used for bleeding ulcers.

It is useful to drink celandine tincture for basal cell carcinoma. To prepare it you will need 1 cup of boiling water and 1 tsp. dried flowers of the plant. Drink 50 ml three times a day. Fresh juice Celandine is suitable for external use. Yeast is no less popular. A cotton pad is moistened in them, placed on the basal cell carcinoma and secured with an adhesive plaster. It is recommended to do these lotions every day.

Important! Carcinogens will harm your health, so there is no need to save fat or oil for re-cooking.

Basal cell carcinoma of the face

It is worth remembering that nutrition for basal cell carcinoma of the face must be correct. Greens, carrots, citrus fruits, cabbage, red peppers, whole grains and beets promote recovery. Fatty foods, pickles, baked goods and alcohol are prohibited when sick.

Experts' forecast

If basal cell carcinoma, which has a favorable prognosis, does not affect bones, cartilage and muscles, then everything will end well. When the craniofacial bones are damaged, using plastic surgery they are replaced with plates. Untimely treatment can cause irreversible consequences on the skin.

At the first stage of basal cell carcinoma formation, a nodule appears, which gradually becomes covered with ulcers and grows over several months. Ulcers tend to bleed. Over time, the affected area can reach 10 cm. It transforms into a flat plaque and infects the muscles and tissues nearby. When faced with this phenomenon, you need to know what kind of disease appeared on the skin in order to select effective way treatment.

After the operation, the formation will not disturb the patient. In many cases, there are no scars or marks left.

Basalioma is not only a cosmetic problem, but also a skin disease that requires professional intervention.

Video - Basal cell carcinoma of the face

Basalioma(squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell epithelioma) is a type of skin cancer. The tumor develops in the basal layer of epithelial tissue from atypical cells of the epidermis and follicular epithelium and does not metastasize. The neoplasm looks like a nodule and is capable of destroying bone and cartilage tissue.

According to the World Health Organization classification, cutaneous basal cell carcinoma is an oncological disease with slow progress and rare cases of metastasis to related organs and tissues. Only the upper and middle layers of the epidermis are affected.

Basalioma is a common malignant epithelial neoplasm of the skin. Basalioma appears more often in people over 50 years of age. Women suffer from basal cell carcinoma more often than men.

Symptoms of basal cell carcinoma

Symptoms of skin basal cell carcinoma appear immediately after the tumor begins to grow.

Common places for basal cell carcinoma to appear: face and neck. Small, light pink or flesh-colored nodules look like pimples, are painless and grow slowly. Over time, a light gray crust forms in the middle of such an inconspicuous sore. Basalioma is surrounded by a dense formation in the form of a roller with a granular structure.

If the disease is not diagnosed at the initial stage, the process worsens in the future. The appearance of new nodules and subsequent fusion leads to pathological expansion blood vessels and the appearance of “spider veins” on the surface of the skin.

Often, scars form at the site of ulcers that form in the central part of the tumor. As basalioma grows, it grows into nearby tissues, including bone and cartilage tissue, which manifests itself as pain.

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma

The choice of the final method of treatment for basal cell carcinoma is chosen by the doctor, who takes into account the location of the formation, the severity of the process and the age of the patient.

Which doctors should I contact for basal cell carcinoma?


To treat basal cell carcinoma of the face, the method of immunotherapy is used, which involves the use of a special ointment - imiquod. The drug stimulates the patient’s body to produce interferon, which helps in the fight against atypical cells. As a rule, nasal basal cell carcinoma is treated with cream, since this method of therapy does not leave scars. Imicvod is often used before starting chemotherapy.

Drug treatment

In the initial stages and in superficial forms, with contraindications or impossibility of using radiation treatment resort to drug therapy. For this, omain ointment is used in the form of daily applications. Antitumor antibiotics are also prescribed - bleomycin, which are administered intravenously at 15 mg 2-3 times a week. Total dose 300-400 mg.

Photodynamic treatment

Treatment consists of introducing special substances (photosensitizers) under the skin that highlight clear boundaries of the tumor, which is then irradiated with light waves. For facial basal cell carcinoma, the photodynamic method is a priority treatment option, since it does not lead to cosmetic defects.

Cryogenic destruction

Destroying the tumor by freezing. This method of treatment in some cases surpasses the results of treatment by other methods. Using special equipment (cryoprobes), the tumor is frozen using liquid nitrogen. Advantages of cryotherapy:

  • painless intervention;
  • bloodlessness of manipulation;
  • minimal number of complications;
  • ease of implementation;
  • treatment on an outpatient basis without anesthesia.

Wound healing after cryodestruction is characterized by the absence of cosmetic defects, which eliminates the need for additional plastic surgery. This is important when the tumor is located on the face.

Radiation therapy

The method is used if the patient’s condition or the location of the basal cell carcinoma does not allow surgical removal. Radiation therapy is done using short-focus gamma radiation. The results of radiation therapy are aesthetically better than with surgical removal of basal cell carcinoma. The only drawback of the method is the duration of treatment (on average 20-25 sessions).

Surgical removal of basal cell carcinoma

The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia.

The tumor is excised widely - to be on the safe side, doctors take another five millimeters around the basal cell carcinoma to minimize the risk of relapse after recovery. Since this method of solving a problem on the face is difficult due to a cosmetic defect after surgery, doctors use other methods in open areas, and perform operations only on the body.

In rare cases, when the tumor poses a threat and there are no other methods for removing the tumor, a plastic surgeon works with the patient after the operation. To minimize the consequences of surgery, doctors use the Mohs micrographic method.

Using a microscope, it is possible to remove the cancerous tumor layer by layer. This operation is also performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. After Mohs surgery, chemotherapy sessions with fluorouracil are used to achieve the best results.

In some cases, in addition to surgical or destructive methods of treatment, cytostatic drugs (prospidin and bleomycin) are prescribed. Folk remedies are used to boost immunity.

Folk remedies for treating basal cell carcinoma

Traditional methods can slow down the growth of skin tumors, but do not cure the tumor. Alternative medicine is exclusively an addition to the conservative or surgical method of tumor removal. If the size of the basal cell carcinoma increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Camphor tincture compress

To prepare a compress, buy 10 g of camphor crystals at the pharmacy and dilute with 500 g of alcohol (50%) or vodka. Let sit until the powder dissolves, shaking the container every day. Then apply compresses. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which take a five-day break and repeat again. As a rule, basal cell carcinoma decreases in size.


The surface of the skin is treated with celandine juice. Often this method of treatment is used when basal cell carcinoma is diagnosed. An infusion of celandine is also used. To prepare 1 tsp. chopped leaves, pour 200 g of boiling water and allow the liquid to cool. Then it is filtered and the product is ready for use. Healing properties are lost within a day, so the product is prepared only based on daily norm consumption - a third of a glass 3 times a day.


For treatment and prevention, grated carrots used as a compress are suitable. Along with the applications, drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice a day.

Tobacco tincture

It is known that basal cell carcinoma has long been treated with tobacco tincture. To do this, tobacco from a pack of cigarettes is poured with 200 g of vodka and left in the refrigerator for exactly 2 weeks. This solution needs to be shaken every day, and then filtered. Cotton wool is moistened with tobacco tincture and fixed to the tumor with a plaster. The course of therapy is 10 days. As a result, even the scar disappears.

Causes of basal cell carcinoma

Physical effects on the skin - main reason development of the disease.

Factors influencing the development of basal cell carcinoma:

  • excessive time in the sun;
  • exposure to coal tar, benzene, toluene, arsenic;
  • frequent skin diseases due to decreased immunity;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • frequent burns;
  • light skin;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma

Visual diagnostic methods

The clinical manifestations of basal cell carcinoma are characteristic, and typical cases of basal cell carcinoma do not present great diagnostic difficulties. As a rule, on the surface of the element there are single or multiple pockets of microerosions, covered with easily detachable crusts.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

Cytological examination of a scarified smear from eroded areas.

Differential diagnosis

Basalioma is differentiated from the following diseases:

  • keratoacanthoma;
  • spinocellular epithelioma;
  • chancriform pyoderma;
  • chancre;
  • senile keratosis;
  • tuberculous lupus.

Classification of basalioma

The following types of basal cell carcinoma are distinguished:

Stages of basal cell carcinoma

Classification of basal cell carcinoma by stages of development:

  • Stage 1: formation measuring 2 cm or less.
  • Stage 2: tumor size exceeds 2 cm.
  • Stage 3: the formation is already affecting the soft tissues.
  • Stage 4: The tumor spreads to the cartilage and bones.

Basalioma prognosis

In the first stage of basal cell carcinoma, surgical treatment leads to 100% recovery. In the second stage of the disease, complete recovery is observed in 95-97% of cases. This favorable prognosis is due to the slow growth of tumors and the absence of metastases.

Prevention of basal cell carcinoma

Questions and answers on the topic "Basal cell carcinoma"

Question:Hello! Can basal cell carcinoma appear again on the face six months after removal on the face, but in a different place? The operation was surgical. Thank you.

Answer: Yes, it's possible.

Question:They cut out a basal cell carcinoma on the wing of the nose, the suture is healing, but similar pimples appeared on the beard. Could this be a continuation of basal cell carcinoma?

Answer: This is possible, a diagnostic examination is necessary.

Question:Hello, my mother has basal cell carcinoma. We carried out laser treatment for 10 days. She's at home now. The recommendation is to apply panthenol ointment and the like after 2 months. He applies ointment from this place, liquid flows out, it still hurts and radiates to the neck. I would like to know why this is so? Thank you.

Answer: 1-2 days after the procedure, a crust should form at the treatment site, which will protect the wound. The crust gradually dries out and after a while falls off on its own. The healing process usually takes 14 to 20 days. If inflammation appears in the form of redness of the skin around the wound crust, swelling and soreness of the skin, you should consult your doctor - he will prescribe special antibacterial therapy.

Question:Could basalioma of the skin of the face, which is located below the eye, be the cause of tearing of the eye?

Answer: Hello. No, it can't. But improper treatment of basal cell carcinoma under the eye can.

Question:Is basal cell carcinoma clearly oncological or, as the radiologist said, will it resolve on its own?

Answer: Hello. According to the World Health Organization classification, cutaneous basal cell carcinoma is classified as a cancer with slow progression. Mild skin damage may disappear over time, but severe basal cell carcinoma cannot be treated without treatment.

Question:After cystoscopy, a 3 mm basal cell carcinoma was found located on the forehead. The doctor offered me a choice of either surgical removal or radiation exposure, and said that after surgery there would be a small fold. But I think that radiation is better, less traumatic, but how dangerous is it for health? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answer: Hello. Once the redness disappears, most patients rate the cosmetic outcome of radiation therapy as good or excellent. Over the course of a year, irradiated skin typically becomes pale and thinned. Over the course of several years, telangiectasia (vasodilatation), hypopigmentation (pallor) or hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the skin may appear. Radiation scars for basal cell carcinoma become worse in appearance over time, unlike scars after surgical treatment. The likelihood of long-term consequences increases with increasing total radiation dose, dose size per session, and volume of irradiated tissue. After irradiation of basal cell carcinoma for 45 years or more, there remains an increased risk of the formation of new foci of squamous cell and, to a greater extent, basal cell skin cancer. This side effect Radiation therapy is most relevant for young patients. Long-term consequences of irradiation of basal cell carcinoma can also include scarring of the skin and underlying tissues, leading to limited mobility. Active and passive exercises of the irradiated areas help maintain mobility and prevent contractures (stiffness due to scarring). Due to changes in blood vessels, once irradiated skin recovers less well from surgical interventions. Hair loss that begins during irradiation of basal cell carcinoma usually lasts for life. Additional long-term effects also depend on the location of the irradiated area. For example, irradiation of basal cell carcinoma near the eyes can cause ectropion (turning of the eyelid) and cataracts (clouding of the lens), but such consequences are extremely rare.

Question:Hello! A 4mm light spot was found on the shoulder blade. Over the course of 5 months, it increased to 6-7 mm and changed: it became pinkish (reddened by mechanical influences), and a light ridge formed around it. The dermatologist said it was nothing serious, but it would never go away. The oncologist diagnosed it with basal cell carcinoma and suggested excision immediately. Is it possible to make such a diagnosis without any tests? Is it necessary to delete? What is the best way to excise basal cell carcinoma? Laser, freezing, surgery? I work at elevated temperatures, chemical reagents, physical activity.

Answer: Hello. Diagnoses are not made in absentia, just like “by eye”, based on personal experience. But in your case, excision with mandatory histology (or IHC) is preferable. I would recommend surgery. All of the above working conditions are not suitable for you.

Question:Hello! My dad already 3 years ago developed a growth in the form of a mole on the right side of his nose. After going to the hospital and taking tests, no cancer cells were detected and no treatment was prescribed. But after 2 years it did not go away and we went to the doctors again and after taking tests we were diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma (the diagnosis was made in oncology). We underwent treatment in the form of 13 irradiations and applied methyluracil ointment, but after them there was no result. It shrunk and faded and that’s it. Doctors no longer provide any help and do not offer any medications. What to do? What treatment can I undergo or what medications and ointments can I use?

Answer: Hello. Radiation therapy is one of the methods of treating skin basal cell carcinoma. Sometimes the effect of radiation therapy does not occur immediately. The effectiveness of treatment is determined by repeated cytological examination.

Basal cell carcinoma is considered oncological process, which takes development from epidermal cells. Basal cell carcinoma of the face– a common disease, most often it is registered after the age of 40 years. A high likelihood of this cancer is observed in men. You can recognize this cancer yourself.

What is the danger of the disease?

This type of cancer is not dangerous. In most cases, the disease can be overcome. But, unfortunately, people suffering from basal cell carcinoma remain at high risk of developing it again. In the first stages, the disease is mild and responds well to treatment. Its repeated development may be more aggressive. If treatment is started late, the tumor may spread to the brain.

The first signs of basal cell carcinoma of the face

This cancerous skin lesion is characterized by the appearance of a small nodule. It may be red or flesh-colored. The formation slowly increases in size, but it does not bother the person at all. Painful sensations and there is no discomfort. As the tumor progresses, a gray crust forms on the surface of the tumor. After its removal, a slight depression is observed on the skin, which disappears over time.

A characteristic sign of a developing disease is the appearance of a thin ridge of dense consistency. Upon careful examination, you can notice small grains on its surface, similar to pearls.

Mature symptoms

Progression of the disease leads to the growth of cancer. New nodules appear on the skin, which eventually merge with each other. Oncology provokes vasodilation, causing spider veins to appear between tumors. Gradually the formation turns into a large ulcer. If left untreated, it grows into surrounding tissues. At this stage, severe pain syndrome appears.

How to independently recognize basal cell carcinoma of the face?

There are several main types of the disease, which differ in their clinical manifestations. you can do it yourself; to do this, just carefully examine the skin of your face. If suspicious formations are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The superficial type of oncology is distinguished by round or oval spots of a characteristic pink hue.

The tumor form has the appearance of a nodule that rises above the upper layer of the epidermis.

The ulcerative type of cancer is presented in the form of an ulcer or erosion. Upon careful examination, you will notice raised edges in the form of a roller.

Pigmented basal cell carcinoma is pronounced and has a rich hue in the affected area.

The scleroderma-like form looks like a white plaque with growths.

What is needed to make an accurate diagnosis?

Put accurate diagnosis Only an oncologist can do this after a thorough examination of the patient. Additionally conducted laboratory tests, in particular, cytological analysis. Due to the similarity of the clinical picture with other diseases, it is carried out differential diagnosis. This will eliminate the development of herpes zoster, melanoma, scleroderma and actinic keratosis.

Are you unsure of the correctness of the diagnosis and treatment prescribed for you? A video consultation with a world-class specialist will help dispel your doubts. This is a real opportunity to benefit from qualified assistance from the best of the best and not overpay for anything.

Based on the data obtained, the specialist makes a diagnosis and prescribes comprehensive treatment.

Is it possible to completely cure basal cell carcinoma on the face?

The disease in its early stages is easily treatable. Modern medicine has sufficient knowledge and techniques to eliminate cancerous skin lesions. The choice of treatment method is influenced by the prevalence of the disease, its location and the depth of the lesion.

The most popular treatment methods for facial skin basal cell carcinoma today are:

  1. Curettage and fulguration.
  2. Cryosurgery.
  3. Mohs surgery.

Curettage and fulguration- these are two common techniques used to eliminate cancer on the surface of the body. At the core surgical intervention involves peeling with further burning of the tissue. During the procedure, not only the tumor is removed, but also the bleeding is stopped.

Cryosurgery is appropriate in the presence of superficial formations. It is based on the use of liquid nitrogen. The procedure involves freezing and then removing the tumor. As an alternative technique, your doctor may recommend laser removal. It is possible to use surgical excision; this method is appropriate for aggressive disease.

Mohs surgery is a micrographic technique. It was developed specifically to eliminate cancerous lesions on the skin. Used on sensitive areas, particularly the face. The technique is based on layer-by-layer freezing of the formation. This allows you to completely remove the defect with minimal risk of scar development. This technique is the most effective; it significantly reduces the risk of relapse.

Each of the presented methods allows you to cure basal cell carcinoma. The main thing is to start the fight at an early stage. The aggressive course is a more complex process, but timely medicine gives good results.

Forecast and what to expect?

The prognosis of the disease is favorable in almost all cases. This type of cancer rarely metastasizes. Basal cell carcinoma of the face treatable. When an aggressive stage develops, complex therapy may be required. In general, the prognosis is favorable. An unfavorable course is observed when the tumor grows into the brain.

Basalioma is a malignant tumor of the skin that forms from epidermal cells. Often the pathology forms on the face. The sooner the patient seeks medical care, the less likely it is to develop serious complications.

Description of the disease

The disease got its name due to the similarity of tumor cells with cells of the basal layer of the skin.

The neoplasm is classified as malignant. Relapse often occurs even after adequate treatment. Basalioma threatens the patient’s life, but the pathological process can be overcome if you promptly seek help from a doctor and follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

Basalioma is often called squamous cell or basal cell carcinoma. Many experts argue that pathology occupies a middle position between malignant skin tumors and benign tumors.

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Basalioma, according to many experts, occupies a middle position between malignant neoplasms of the skin and benign tumors

Basalioma can appear on any part of the body, with the exception of the palms and feet. However, the tumor is most often localized on the face. Experts have noticed a connection between sun exposure on the skin and the appearance of malignant neoplasms.


Today there is no unified classification of basal cell carcinomas. More than 20 varieties of the disease are found in the medical literature. The most common forms of basal cancer are:

  • superficial;
  • ulcerative;
  • flat;
  • nodular;
  • solid;
  • pigmented;
  • cystic;
  • warty.

A fairly rare pathology is basal cell carcinoma of the face with sclerosis. The tumor develops mainly in the upper part of the head. The peculiarity of the neoplasm is the absence of a cushion separating the basalioma from healthy skin.

Causes of the disease

Predisposition to education malignant tumor Almost everyone has one. People with fair skin are more susceptible to developing basal cell carcinoma due to reduced natural protection from direct ultraviolet rays. The following factors can increase the chances of a neoplasm appearing on the face:

  • exposure to tar;
  • contact with petroleum products;
  • arsenic poisoning;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • extensive burns of the facial skin.

The risk of encountering skin basal cell carcinoma increases significantly in women who expose their face to aggressive cosmetic treatments, such as mesotherapy and chemical peeling. Low-quality face creams can also be dangerous.

Regardless of the factor that could provoke the development pathological process, the condition is of great importance immune system a specific person. If the body's defenses work well, all malignant cells are utilized at an embryonic level. Therefore, it can be argued that the chances of encountering basal cell carcinoma of the facial skin increase in patients who:

  • refuse treatment for chronic diseases;
  • sleep less than 8 hours a day;
  • do not eat well;
  • experience severe emotional and physical stress.

People suffering from dermatological pathologies (psoriasis, eczema, allergic dermatitis etc.). In most cases, basal cell carcinoma is diagnosed in people over 30 years of age.

Initial symptoms and signs of pathology in later stages

Basalioma is characterized by slow but steady development.

In just a few years, a tumor can turn from a small nodule into a formation with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

Initially, basal cell carcinoma appears as a small pink shiny bubble resembling a pearl. Less commonly, a pathology similar to erosion develops.

Experts distinguish five stages of development of the pathological process:

  1. Zero stage. The tumor cannot be detected with the naked eye, but there are already cancer cells in the skin.
  2. First stage. The tumor begins to rise above the surface of the skin, but its diameter does not exceed 2 cm.
  3. Third stage. The tumor grows and can reach 5 cm in diameter.
  4. Fourth stage. Ulcerations appear on the surface of the tumor, and cancer cells grow deep into the epidermis.
  5. Fifth stage. The tumor can reach a diameter of 10 cm. Ulcerations affect bone tissue.

Symptoms of basal cell carcinoma depend on the form of the disease.

Signs characteristic of solid, pigmented and other forms - table

Form of basal cell carcinoma Signs
SolidTumor light pink or yellow. Cancer cells grow deeper.
WartyNeoplasm by appearance reminds cauliflower or a wart.
PigmentedBasalioma is brown in color, so it is often confused with a mole.
SuperficialA structure resembling a pearl necklace is formed.
NodularThe tumor resembles a small nodule protruding above the surface of the skin.
UlcerativeAlready at the initial stage of the pathological process, ulceration appears.
CysticThe pathology is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the tumor. Color - blue or pink.
FlatA plaque-like neoplasm with distinct raised edges in the shape of a roller.

How to recognize different forms of basal cell carcinoma - photo

Warty basalioma develops quite rarely
Pigmented basal cell carcinoma can be confused with a mole
Flat basalioma resembles lichen
Nodular basalioma is the most common form of the disease Ulcerative basalioma is characterized by the formation of erosion at an early stage


Due to the fairly large number clinical forms the disease requires careful diagnosis. Facial basalioma should be differentiated from:

  • melanoma;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • lichen planus;
  • seborrheic keratosis;
  • scleroderma;
  • psoriasis and other dermatological diseases.

At the first examination, a specialist is not always able to make an accurate diagnosis.

To clarify the type of disease, the following methods are used:

  1. Cytological examination of the tumor. The technique helps to detect the presence of malignant cells in the tumor.
  2. Histological examination. Tissue taken from the tumor is being studied. The technique makes it possible to determine the shape of basal cell carcinoma.
  3. Patient interview. The specialist finds out when the first symptoms of the disease appeared and what preceded them. The oncologist manages to find out at what stage of development the basal cell carcinoma is.

Treatment of primary basal cell carcinoma and relapse

Despite the fact that the disease is classified as malignant, the prognosis in most cases is favorable if the patient promptly seeks help from an oncologist. The treatment method is selected individually in accordance with the clinical picture (type and size of basal cell carcinoma). The age of the patient, as well as the presence of concomitant pathologies, is also of great importance. Treatment methods for primary basal cell carcinoma and relapse may differ.

Surgical intervention and rehabilitation after surgery

The most common and quite effective method The treatment for basal cell carcinoma is surgical removal of the tumor. If its size is small, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. The specialist performs the excision, affecting 5 mm of healthy tissue around the tumor, which significantly reduces the chances of relapse.

Often surgery is performed using a dermatoscope. Thanks to this equipment, the doctor sees the exact size of the tumor. This allows for proper removal.

Mohs microsurgery is a fairly effective method of treating basal cell carcinoma. The essence of the procedure is sequential cavity cutting of the tumor. The oncologist immediately examines the taken material under a microscope. If malignant cells are present in the tissues, the manipulation is repeated. The indication for such an operation is initial stage basal cell carcinomas with a high risk of relapse.

After surgery there is a rehabilitation period.

  1. To reduce postoperative swelling, a cold compress is placed on the affected area.
  2. Over the next few days, a tight bandage is applied to the wound surface.
  3. Antiseptic treatment is carried out daily.

Depending on the type of operation and the extent of the lesion, the patient remains in the hospital for 5 to 10 days.

Unfortunately, surgical treatment methods have their contraindications. These include:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • intolerance to anesthetics;
  • inability to completely remove the tumor due to its special location (periorbital region, ears).

A fairly effective method for removing flat basal cell carcinoma at the initial stage is cryodestruction. Thanks to the use of liquid nitrogen, the procedure is quick and painless. However, the risk of relapse remains high.

Cryodestruction" width="520″ height="429″ />

The procedure for removing basal cell carcinoma with liquid nitrogen (Elena Malysheva about the treatment of basal cell carcinoma - video cryodestruction) leaves virtually no scars

Laser removal of basal cell carcinoma

A popular method of treating basal cell carcinoma in the initial stages of its development is removal of the tumor using a laser. This technique began to be widely used relatively recently. It has a number of advantages, including:

  • absence of blood during the intervention;
  • complete sterility;
  • good cosmetic effect;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • non-contact (the tool does not come into contact with the skin).

The method is especially effective if the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach place (corner of the eye, ear). The body of the neoplasm is removed without damaging healthy tissue. The wound surface is immediately cauterized. The advantage is that the patient does not need to undergo special preparation before surgery. Removal can be performed on an outpatient basis with preliminary local anesthesia. If the affected area is not extensive, there is no need for hospitalization.

Radiation therapy

This technique is used independently or after surgery, if completely removed malignant neoplasm failed or the oncologist suspects a relapse.

Irradiation is harmful to both malignant and healthy cells, as it affects DNA. Therefore, when carrying out radiation therapy, there is always a risk of developing new cancer foci after a few years.

As a rule, close focus is used for basal cell carcinoma. radiation therapy. The number and frequency of procedures depend on the form of the disease and its stage. In most cases, one manipulation every three days for a month is enough. The treatment is painless. One session lasts 10–15 minutes.

To speed up the process of epidermal restoration, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid ointments.

Throughout the treatment, the patient should avoid exposing the area to direct sunlight, as well as friction. It is recommended to apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 to irradiated facial skin.

Photodynamic therapy

The technique shows high efficiency in removing small tumors. The essence of photodynamic therapy is the use of special drugs - photosensitizers. They are administered to the patient intravenously. Three days later, the tumor is irradiated using a laser. As a result, malignant cells are destroyed and basal cell carcinoma disappears.

The advantage of the technique is that healthy cells remain undamaged under the influence of the laser. Therefore, the rehabilitation process after treatment is significantly accelerated.

Drug therapy for basal cell carcinoma of the face

Treatment of skin cancer in the early stages can be carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Medicines for chemotherapy (Fluorouracil, Gleevec, Radachlorin, Alkeran). In most cases, topical medications are used.
  2. Anti-inflammatory ointments. Good results indicate drugs from the group of corticosteroids, such as Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone.
  3. Immunostimulating medications. Ipilimumab is often prescribed for skin cancer.

In most cases drug therapy carried out in combination with radical treatment (irradiation, surgical removal tumors, etc.).

Drugs used for basal cell carcinoma of the face - gallery

Traditional methods of treating basal cell carcinoma

Get rid of a malignant tumor using only recipes traditional medicine impossible. Moreover, any therapy without prior consultation with an oncologist can lead to serious complications (including death). However, some drugs show high effectiveness at the initial stage of the disease or help speed up the process of tissue restoration in the postoperative period.

Burdock root ointment

To prepare the remedy you need:

  1. Pour 100 g of raw material (burdock root) into 100 ml of water and cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Remove the root and add 10 ml of vegetable oil to the resulting decoction.
  3. Mix thoroughly and cook for another hour and a half over low heat.

The result is a viscous mass, which should be used to treat damaged areas twice a day.

It is also useful to lubricate the basalioma with freshly squeezed burdock root juice.


The product is considered a real storehouse of vitamins. It is recommended to grate the carrots on a fine grater. The resulting pulp should be applied to the tumor for 10 minutes 4 times a day.


A teaspoon of crushed leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. The finished product is taken orally, a tablespoon three times a day. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Herbal collection

To prepare the medicine you will need the following ingredients:

  • 20 g birch buds;
  • 20 g of meadow clover inflorescences;
  • 20 g celandine;
  • 20 g burdock;
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped onions;
  • 150 g olive oil;
  • 10 g pine resin.
  1. Onions are fried on vegetable oil until golden color appears.
  2. Then the vegetable is removed, and the oil is mixed with resin and kept on low heat for a few more minutes.
  3. The herbal mixture is added to the composition, everything is thoroughly mixed and poured into a glass jar.
  4. Infuse the mixture throughout the day.
  5. Use to treat affected areas several times a day.


Used to treat basal cell carcinoma fresh leaves plants. Initially, they are kneaded or rubbed to a pulp. The finished product is applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. The compress should be kept until completely dry.
