Interview with Deva Premal and Miten. Deva Premal: creative path and biography of the famous mantra performer Deva Premal age

Deva Premal is one of the best mantra singers in the world. From an early age, Deva lived in an atmosphere of spirituality and creativity: her father was an artist and mystic, and her mother was a musician. In early childhood, the future singer learned to play the violin, piano, and took vocal lessons. And at the age of 5, Deva was already performing the ancient Gayatri Mantra for the public. Nowadays, in almost every yoga and meditation center you can hear the compositions of Deva and her constant companion, musician Miten, with whom they were united by fate in the Osho ashram. The work of Deva and Miten is very much loved by the Dalai Lama and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (founder of the hospice movement). Also, mantras and other compositions performed by them are preferred by many world stars to practice yoga, in particular Madonna and Justin Timberlake.

Hello dear Deva! Please tell us about your childhood. What did you dream about then? What were you doing?

I think my childhood was very different from that of most German children at that time. I was raised vegetarian, there was no television in my life, no Coca-Cola - just singing prayers at certain times. I lived with my mother, a musician (classical music was always played in our house) and my father, an artist (my father was also fond of music: he made special drums and from time to time played Persian-style compositions on them).

I really loved being in nature. I loved helping our farmer friends with their animals in the stables. I loved to play outdoors and spend weekends at our house, which was located in the countryside.

I don't know if I had dreams when I was very little. But as I got a little older, I wanted to live a full and rich life in all respects. And that's what happened...

Please tell us about your first steps in spiritual development.

At home we chanted the Gayatri Mantra every evening before going to bed. We also read the Zen story "The 10 Oxen" before every meal. We said the mantra “Ram” whenever we turned on the light. These little exercises were developed by my dad to bring holiness into every moment of our lives. I did them because I simply had to do them, but I did not understand their inner meaning.

When I was about 10 years old, I wanted to become a Christian and wanted to be baptized. I think I wanted to be normal back then.

But later, when I met Osho, I immediately felt that I was part of his Sangha (spiritual community - note Veg.). This was the first time I took my own conscious step towards my spiritual development. Osho has been my guiding light ever since. I am so grateful for the amazing life I have through his Grace.

What were your first creative hobbies: music, art or something else?

IN adolescence I played the violin and piano, but I wasn't really interested in it. I also loved sports - badminton, squash, roller and ice skating, cycling... But most of my time was devoted to the world of Osho. There we meditated a lot with my friends and explored our inner world.

Deva, tell us about your concerts. Have you had any particularly strong shows? Or, on the contrary, did you sometimes have bad luck?

Firstly, when Miten and I perform mantras, it’s not a show at all!

This is not a separation between musician and audience. We deeply feel our events, our concerts. During the concerts there is more of a communicative process where we all come together to sing and sing and then be in deep silence. We are magnets and facilitators. So success/failure has never been a problem for us. We just come together to sing and connect with the Great Spirit... It's that simple.

What does success mean to you?

A rich man is one who wakes up in the morning and goes to sleep at night, and in between does exactly what he likes. I love this definition, it is very true for me. And I love every aspect of my life.

What countries and cultures do you love most?

I love to travel and get to know different countries, people and climate zones. In 2014 we visited 24 countries. Our viewers are always the same people. People who are familiar with the concept of self-reflection, self-awareness. Therefore, being in Russia, Mexico, Sweden, Argentina, after a concert, when I meet my audience, I always feel the same thing - a heartfelt connection.

I'm very glad that I don't have to choose between countries, because they are all beautiful. But India holds a very special place in my heart.

Deva, you are chanting mantras. Tell us about their healing effect on people.

Mantras are sound medicine. Each sound of mantras has a certain effect on the body and on the essence of our Soul.

These sounds bring us to a state of peace. Peace of mind is felt when the mental chatter suddenly stops, no longer controlling us.

Mantras are a shortcut to meditation... Through chanting, we charge the cells in the body and receive the energy we need. When we chant mantras, we can receive deep healing.

Deva, I know you are performing the mantra of the Bodhisattva of Compassion Avalokiteshvara. Tell us how you decided to record it?

Sometimes mantras choose their time to enter our lives. This is what happened with the mantra of the Bodhisattva of compassion Avalokiteshvara (Om mani padme hum). We were very inspired by the Dalai Lama at one of the concerts. And one day, when Miten and I were playing music together, this amazing melody just appeared between us...

In your opinion, what does a person need to understand first of all if he decides to practice yoga?

Start with an open Soul!

When they talk about yoga, some people immediately imagine hermits or people cut off from the world. But when we look at you, we understand: you are completely opposite. How to be a successful, but at the same time spiritual person?

Osho taught me to live in the world, but not to be of the world. That is, enjoying the incredible variety of amazing experiences that human existence gives us, and avoiding those things that cause our energies to fall down. Osho calls this lifestyle Zorba-Buddha - a combination of celebration and meditation. It's like two wings of a bird. If one wing is missing, the soul will not soar.

Deva, a somewhat unusual but relevant question for residents of big cities: is it possible to practice mantras or meditation during long subway trips?

Oh yes! Great place to meditate! You can meditate and recite mantras anywhere. On the subway you simply sing inside your mind without making a sound. Meditation is the experience of relaxed mindfulness, being in the moment and letting go of your mind. This can be done anywhere. Sounds always bring us back to the “here and now”. But we can always tune in to silence when we listen. Close your eyes, straighten your spine and feel yourself as the silent center of all the sounds around you and everything that happens around you. Then you can begin to recite the mantra in your mind. You can use a rosary to count your reps if it helps you focus.

What's your favorite movie? Favorite song?

My favorite movie is “Samsara” by Peng Nalin. Great movie!

And my favorite song is “Still Awake”, performed by Miten.

Deva, you have been a vegetarian since childhood. Tell us about your daily menu?

It changes every day because we travel a lot. In this way we adapt to the conditions where we find ourselves. Wherever we are, we want to eat more organic foods and less fatty, oily foods (with the exception of butter and Parmigiano).

When we are on tour, we often eat in Indian, Italian or Thai restaurants. It is easiest to find vegetarian dishes on their menu.

My day starts with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then I make a cocktail (if we're not at the hotel). I use different ingredients: spinach, grapefruit, dates, figs, chia seeds, peaches, spirulina, hemp seeds, cocoa powder, cranberries, coconut oil...

Eat simple and healthy foods as much as possible. There are many great vegetarian dishes that keep us healthy and strong. No one has to eat meat to be healthy.

You have been to Moscow many times. Do you like Russia? What can you say about Moscow?

We love Russia! We met so many loving people at our concerts. Our audiences in Moscow are simply fantastic; at concerts it’s like we’re meeting friends. Russians not only sing beautifully, but they are also very spiritual. We are happy that we can be part of such a spiritually elevated experience with them. It deeply nourishes our souls.

Deva, and at the end of our conversation, what would you wish for our newspaper and our readers?

We wish your project blessings. It is very honorable, it is very necessary that people come to a concept that will allow them not to kill other living beings. Vegetarianism is the way of the future, which leads to love and respect for all beings for each other. Please continue this good work. We will do everything we can to support you!

And, you know...we were so happy when we found a vegetarian restaurant in almost every city in Russia. This is very inspiring!

Interview and translation from English: Igor Andreev

We ask our inspiring "organic ladies" about how they live and what makes them so beautiful. Today our questions are to the singer and performer of mantras. She received her name, which means “giving love” in Sanskrit, from Osho at the age of 11. Her words “work” even without music, at a distance, simply sent by email. And you can “fly” with her in the fall, at a concert in Moscow.

1. How do you feel about yourself at your age, in your body, with your lifestyle?

I feel just great. A little wiser and with a sense of great faith in life. And, as a result, more relaxed than in her youth.

I was always the youngest among those with whom I interacted, but now that has changed. I love the “auntie” attitude towards the young women we meet. It’s a great feeling to be able to hug them and encourage them: “Don’t worry, everything will work out, everything will be okay. Relax, they will take care of you, you are beautiful just the way you are.”

The sensations of the body and life in it are the same as always. I don’t feel the signs of old age, I don’t know what stress is. I have a wonderful partner who has supported and inspired me for the past 26 years, and he is the one who has helped me achieve this life as a musician. I didn't expect this at all! We are surrounded by an amazing team of like-minded people. They take care of our touring schedule and daily routine. This way of being is a confirmation of Osho’s teachings. We live “here and now” in accordance with everything that life gives.

2. What in your life gives you the greatest pleasure?

To be surrounded by your people: meditate together, chant mantras, love each other, share food, laugh, hug. And basically everything that happens during the day, including practical things like cleaning, washing dishes, and packing (I pack a lot!).

3. What do you do for yourself, despite being very busy?

I never view my life as a “busy routine.” Everything Miten and I do in life is a way to water the seeds of love and joy, peace and meditation of deep gratitude. Exercises in the morning that keep the body healthy, healthy organic foods, interviews, like now, responding to messages coming on social networks and on our website, chanting mantras, traveling from city to city, from country to country... And then we We're all getting together again – it's wonderful. I do everything while in the flow. Everything is one. There is no time for me, it's all my time.

4. Remember your 30-year-old self: what would you wish, advise, warn?

When I was 30, I was almost where I am now. Filled with travel, singing mantras together around the world. A state of gratitude for this life through which I walk together with my dear Miten. Now, 17 years later, I have more experience in life. I know that life takes great care of us and that everything always turns out much better than I can imagine.

5. Your guilty pleasure: what “harmful” things do you allow yourself, and does it make you feel good?

I think dark organic chocolate is one of my secret weaknesses.

6. What is your favorite place in the house and why?

My favorite place is Miten's hands. And since we don't have a permanent home, they are available wherever we go.

7. Self-care: what is your must-do every month?

This is how Miten and I start each day:

Oil pulling

This is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that we have been practicing for many years. After waking up, take a tablespoon of coconut oil and rinse your mouth, passing the oil through your teeth, for 10-20 minutes.

Coconut oil has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Such rinses are useful for many reasons; they strengthen immune system and heal the oral cavity, reducing inflammation in the body. Since this removes toxins, after completing the process, you should get rid of the oil, and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water and brush your teeth.

Warm water with lemon and apple cider vinegar

To prepare your body for the new day, allow digestive juices to form and gently stimulate the liver, after oil rinsing, drink warm water with the juice of one lemon. Make sure the water is not very hot, otherwise the vitamin C and all the enzymes will be destroyed. For greater effect, add a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar, a little turmeric and a touch of black pepper. It sounds scarier than it actually is. Even Miten drinks with pleasure!

Raw apple cider vinegar benefits joints, bones, and alkalizes the body, which tends to become acidic these days. It regulates blood pressure and dissolves lactic acid.

With love, Deva Premal.

Let's meet on October 14 and 15 in Moscow for a “Two-day journey into meditation with mantras.”Tickets can be purchased now on the website

And also on October 14, Deva will again take part in our Organic Woman Club, we already really miss our offline meetings, and you!?

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Deva Premal was born in Germany in 1970 into a creatively gifted family: her father is a mystical artist, her mother is a musician. Since childhood, Deva learned to play the violin, piano, and took vocal lessons. At the age of five she was already publicly performing the great Gayatri Mantra. Here's what the singer herself says about it:

“Gayatri mantra is the most ancient mantra known to mankind. It is especially dear to me because my father sang it to me for 9 months while I was in the womb. After I was born, we continued to sing it every day for the next 10 years, which made it an invaluable part of my life... Now I can't even remember how or why I stopped singing it - perhaps it was a period of teenage belligerence!
The Gayatri mantra came back into my life much later in a stunningly beautiful version sung by my London friends Samesh and Tarisha. Then I clearly felt that I had now discovered it for myself, and not just accepted it as a gift from my parents.”

Already in those early years, meditation began to enter Deva’s life thanks to his father:

“My father Wolfgang created different exercises for me and my sister Ilonka so that we could learn to be more aware of each moment. One of these exercises was to say the mantra “OM” whenever we put something on the table. Another was to say “RAM” when we turned on the lights. We have been doing these exercises for years without even thinking that it might look strange to others! As I grew up and became more aware, I stopped these practices. But now I see how incredibly valuable they were, and I feel enormous gratitude to my father.”

Deva Premal studied shiatsu, reflexology, craniosacral therapy and massage, but music always remained her first love. In Deva’s singing you can hear the influence of different traditions, but, as the singer says, she never sought to copy the classics: “Everything happens naturally - as if I had heard this music before, in my past life.”

Over the years, Deva Premal has released a number of albums - including The Essence, Love is Space, Embrace and Dakshina - which took first place in the popularity ratings of the New Age music movement and broke all records in preference surveys in yoga studios and meditation and healing centers all over the world. Deva Premal's latest album, Moola Mantra, has been number one on the charts for a few days.

Deva Premal and Miten first met in India, in the ashram of the great mystic Osho. Their music grew out of their love for their teacher and reflects the deep meditation experiences they have gained over the years of creativity. The couple have lived and worked together since 1991, performing approximately 50 concerts a year around the world: “Our inspiration and purpose in life is to give people around the planet the opportunity to come together in celebration and meditation.”

Charming mantra performer Deva Premal For many years now he has been surprising his fans with sacred chants. Her faithful companion and soulmate Miten always supports and helps her in everything.

After all, it is very important, especially for a creative person, to understand that there is a reliable shoulder nearby: a person who will not leave under any circumstances.

The singer’s work opens up revelations of the Universe to listeners and helps them achieve an understanding of their own significance and individuality. It’s not for nothing that her albums take first place in world rankings.

The peculiarity of the holy mantras of Deva and Miten is that they do not infringe on the rights of representatives of various religious movements. Orthodox, Catholics, and Muslims listen to them. And, despite differences in ideological views, listeners are imbued with the meaning of sounds and open their souls to accept holiness.

Biography of the mantra performer

Deva was born on April 2, 1970 in Germany. Her family was distinguished by creative abilities. His father painted paintings on mystical themes, and his mother composed musical works and also sang.

Being in such an atmosphere, the girl learned to play various instruments from an early age. Special attention was paid to her vocal talent - her parents immediately recognized their daughter’s talent. And when she was five years old, she sang, amazing all the listeners.

The singer has said more than once that this mantra has special meaning for her, since during pregnancy her mother listened to this great mantra performed by her father. Even in the womb, magical sounds influenced further development girls.

Meditation also appeared in the life of a young girl very early - practical exercises were at first in a playful form, and then turned into more serious activities. The performer has repeatedly said that thanks to the efforts of her father, she achieved the highest enlightenment in childhood.

Mantra performer Deva Premal met the love of her life in Indian lands. His name is Miten. Their first meeting took place in 1991.

Thanks to the great power of love, the couple creates great musical works together that can stir the hearts of fans. The whole world listens with bated breath to the powerful sounds of mantric texts.

Discography of a talented singer

Today we have the opportunity to enjoy the work of Deva Premal in the public domain.

She, in tandem with her loved one, created a number of albums, four of which (“The Essence”, “Love is Space”, “Embrace” and “Dakshina”) occupy leading positions in certain musical directions.

In total, the talented performer has released nineteen albums, which are incredibly popular among fans of yoga and meditation.

She is known all over the world for her talent - her wonderful voice is capable of inspiring actions and spiritual enlightenment. The enchanting sounds that flow from the lips of the great talented singer remain forever in the heart. They cannot be forgotten - they continue to have a miraculous effect on the spiritual world, wherever you are.

(May 2011, Moscow)

On May 4 and 6 in Russia, two concerts of Deva Premal and Miten took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. We talk with Deva Premal about life, spirituality and, of course, music:

- Welcome to Russia!

Thank you. These are our first concerts in your mysterious country.

- In your opinion, what do people who come to your concerts in different parts of the world have in common?

First of all, a feeling of spiritual Unity. Friends come to our concerts and some of them even surprise us by unexpectedly appearing in one country or another. It's always nice.

- What is the secret of your success?

I do not consider my activities from the point of view of “success” or “failure” - this is our spiritual practice.

- You grew up in an unusual, spiritual family. What parenting principles did your parents adhere to?

I was born in Germany. My mother is a musician, and my father is an artist who chose the path of spiritual development for himself. He studied yoga and sacred practices. I disciplined myself to wake up every day at 3 am and do two hours of meditation. Throughout my mother's pregnancy, I was chanted the Gayatri Mantra, one of the oldest sacred mantras. Then they sang it as a lullaby to both me and my sister, and then we all sang it together. Then I sang simply because I was told to do so; I did not immediately understand the great meaning. To cultivate a sense of awareness in everyday life, at the behest of my father, I had to perform several practices - for example, saying the mantra “Ram” when I turned on the light, or the mantra “Om” when I put something on the table.

We didn’t have a TV at home, there was no upholstered furniture, we sat on feminine, but very beautiful meditation benches that my father himself made. My father was a very sincere and deep person - he knew that he was giving us something that was most important, and I always trusted him, although sometimes it was difficult to do so.

When I was 9 years old, I became interested in Christianity, and then I secretly learned the Lord’s Prayer on my own and said it every night. I did it secretly because I was very afraid that it was forbidden and my parents wouldn’t understand me, but they understood and supported me. They have always supported me in all my endeavors.

- Do you practice yoga now? Who is your mentor?

Bhakti Yoga - the yoga of devotional service... by chanting and repeating mantras. And also Hatha Yoga. Who is my mentor? - Osho. My mother was the first to meet Osho - she then came home so bright - in all orange. I was 10 years old and really wanted to know more about it. I started practicing actively Osho meditations with his mother in the company of his novices in Germany. I felt and decided that I would be his preacher, but I needed my parents’ permission, and they again supported me. Since then, my life began to center around meditation and other spiritual practices.

- Did you have any problems communicating with classmates at school then?

No. Perhaps my classmates thought I was a little strange - I wore an orange robe all the time, wore a mala around my neck, but even if they thought so, they never showed it. Although I felt that I was different from all my friends at school.

- How was your duet with Miten born?

At the age of 17, I spent a lot of time at the Osho Ashram. She studied bodily practices: shiatsu massage, reflexology, and it was there, in 1990, that she met Miten.

Mithen is a famous, successful English singer and composer, who was then disillusioned with rock and roll and felt an emptiness inside himself. Even then, his previous marriage broke up, and he decided to change his lifestyle and came to the ashram.

He came to me for a massage and reflexology - this was 18 years ago - we have been together since then. Despite the age difference - I was 20 then and he was 42.

- When did you start singing?

I didn't sing before I met Miten. Although I was close to music - I learned to play the violin and piano since childhood.

Miten is my partner and teacher. He then sang beautiful mantras on English and was responsible at the ashram for organizing live music that accompanied the evening meditations (up to 2000 people took part in them every evening) and, by including me in his musical group, helped me become part of this process. Then I sang in a second voice and played the keys. I was very embarrassed to sing alone and sang very quietly, but I think Miten heard my voice, because he continued to work with me so persistently! All responsibility lies with him!

One day I heard my native Gayatri mantra performed by one of our English friends, although it was a version of the Gayatri mantra that was unfamiliar to me. This mantra cleansed everyone around: both the performer and the listeners. I was deeply touched, delighted and excited at the same time. I sang it, because I knew it since birth, and all my embarrassment disappeared, and my voice felt strength and confidence. I rediscovered mantras! It was as if I had found my voice and the effect was amazing!

I started looking for more mantras, and soon collected material for my first album, “The Essense,” which contained mantras in the blessed language of life - Sanskrit. We recorded it in my home country, Germany. Since then, more than 800,000 discs of our music have been sold. And the Gayatri mantra is always with me now! We even sang it with Miten on CNBC news!

- Is your name Deva Premal a pseudonym?

Yes. My birth name is Iolanta Fries. And Deva Premal from Sanskrit means - Giver of love.

You give 50 or more concerts a year - that's a lot! Plus rehearsals, trips, etc. You probably don't have time for personal life and vacation?

For me and Miten there is no division between “work” and “rest”. We travel because we love to travel, we sing because we love to sing. That's why we have vacation every day. I'll tell you a secret: we never rehearse! Our music is like a stream, like true love, the movement of which does not stop for a moment.

- Do you sing only in Sanskrit?

We also sing songs and mantras that belong to other traditions... In addition, we, of course, sing Miten songs, and they are in English.

- Do you have children?

Our children are our albums... we spend our whole lives together... we have very close relationships in the family!

- How do you manage to keep yourself in such great shape?

Yoga and regular physical exercise- as far as possible when your whole life is on the road. A loving, enriching relationship with Miten, chanting and repeating mantras all contribute to good health! After all, healing by prayer or repetition of mantras is found in various world cultures and religions. It is like a magic key that allows a person to enter a deeper world.

-Are you a vegetarian? What nutrition principles do you adhere to?

Yes, we are both vegetarians, me since birth, and Miten for the last 35 years.

- How did you meet Cher?

She first heard me sing in a yoga class, as my albums are often used as background music for meditation. Since then she only wants to listen to my music.

- Does your personal spiritual search still continue?

It never ends.

What in your opinion is the most important for a beginner who has embarked on the path of spiritual enlightenment? What should he pay attention to first?

He must listen to his heart. It never lies, it will always lead you to the Light.

- Do you plan to teach the technique of performing mantras, or perhaps you are already doing this?

Neither I nor Miten are teachers in the literal sense of the word. We help people live with mantras inside themselves. Be open to the miracle they bring. Our workshops are about unlocking the energy of chanting and repeating mantras together and the grace it brings.

The ancient Greeks said: “Music is an art filled with power to penetrate the very depths of the soul.” You and Miten succeed! Thank you!

It’s very natural, we just sing well together. We learned from the music we listened to in the ashram - it was amazing!! I would like to encourage everyone to find their song, meaning their inner creativity. Our creative essence is so close to us that sometimes we cannot even see it! We think: if it's so easy, it can't be something great. My whole life changed because of a simple mantra that was inside of me. You just had to open up!

- Your immediate creative plans.

In addition to concerts in Russia, in May we will have several more concerts in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria and the UK, in particular in London there will be a concert at the Mind Body Spirit Festival.

Healing music of Deva Premal. Sanskrit sound is an energetic phenomenon

Concerts of Deva Premal, one of the world's most famous Western mantra performers, and her companion Miten took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For thousands of people around the world, her music not only inspires, delights and calms, but also heals. It was about the healing power of the works that she performs that we were able to talk with Deva Premal shortly before her Russian concerts.

Interview with Deva Premal in the youth magazine "Boomerang"

Deva Premal is called the most famous performer of mantras and ancient sacred songs all over the world. Her magical, meditative music is great for relaxation, yoga, and simply relaxing the body and soul, because the singer’s voice is like the chime of a clear stream that you want to listen to endlessly.

"BOOM!": Does your name – Deva Premal – mean something? I understand that you received it from your spiritual master at the age of eleven?
D.P.: Yes, in Sanskrit “Deva” means “divine” and “Premal” means “love”. The name received from the spiritual mentor is a kind of reminder of our true nature. In addition, it helps to consciously choose a certain path in life.
"BOOM!": You grew up in Germany, but in a family fascinated by Eastern philosophy, in an atmosphere of strict discipline. Was it difficult for you as a teenager to be “different from everyone else”?
D.P.: At times I really felt a little uncomfortable, but still I won’t say that it was hard. When I was about five or eight years old, I thought that I would like to be “like everyone else.” But, on the other hand, I didn’t feel that other people had anything more necessary for me than the values ​​​​that my parents instilled in me. And by the age of eleven, I finally decided: in essence, I don’t care what others think, I began to learn meditation, wear an orange robe and a mala around my neck (a mala is a rosary, and the saffron-orange color symbolizes renunciation and humility). In fact, I have never experienced anyone being hostile towards me, including my classmates. Surprisingly, they always accepted me for who I am!
"BOOM!": How would you describe your music - for those who haven't heard it yet?
D.P.: This is modern sacred music based on spiritual love. I don't mean that it is serious, strict, canonical. It simply reflects the joy of life, admiration for its miracles.
"BOOM!": Do you perform mainly traditional chants?
D.P.: Yes, all mantras are ancient prayers. But the tunes - with the exception of one or two originals - are new. In addition, my partner Miten and I perform his songs in English.
"BOOM!": How do you choose which mantras will be included in your program?
D.P.: We choose those that resonate with us, tell us something important and, in our opinion, will help other people in these difficult times.
"BOOM!": How do you feel when you sing?
D.P.: Fullness of being and bliss. And after them comes silence and lightness of peace.
"BOOM!": How does your music influence listeners?
D.P.: I hope so!
"BOOM!": You have studied shiatsu, reflexology and other bodywork practices. Has this had a positive effect on your voice in any way?
D.P.: The voice expresses the state of our inner world more accurately than any other instrument. When you sing, you can't hide anything - it's like you're naked. Therefore, everything that I experienced, everything that I learned in life, made my voice the way it sounds now. Over the years, spiritual growth occurred - and the voice also changed. But not thanks to vocal exercises (I have never studied music with any teacher), but due to internal self-improvement.
"BOOM!": Please describe your best concert?
D.P.: The best concert is always ahead!
