Clairvoyance practice of opening the third eye. This simple meditation will help you reveal your clairvoyance! Meditation practice from Osho

« Meditation has only one purpose - to go beyond the mind and become a witness. Hidden in your testimony is a miracle, the whole mystery of life.” Osho


The meditation lasts one hour and consists of five stages. Keep your eyes closed throughout the meditation, using a blindfold if necessary. Meditation can be done alone, but it will be even more powerful if done in a group.

This meditation is a fast, intense and thorough way to break old ingrained patterns in the body-mind that keep us in the prison of the past and experience the freedom, witnessing, peace and quiet that are hidden behind these prison walls.

“This is a meditation in which you have to be continuously alert, conscious, aware, whatever you do. First step, breathing; second step, catharsis; the third step is the mantra “Hu”.

“Remain a witness. Don't get lost. It's easy to get lost. When you breathe you can forget; you can become so one with the breath that you forget about the witness. But then you're missing the point. Breathe as quickly and as deeply as you can, bring all your energy into it, but still remain a witness.

Observe what is happening as if you are just a spectator, as if all this is happening to someone else, as if all this is happening in the body and the consciousness is simply in the center and watching. This witnessing must be maintained throughout all three stages. And when everything stops, and in the fourth stage you have to become completely inactive, frozen, then alertness will reach its peak.” Osho


The meditation lasts one hour and consists of five stages. Keep your eyes closed throughout the meditation, using a blindfold if necessary. Meditation can be done alone, but it can be even more powerful if you do it with others

First stage: 10 minutes

Breathe randomly through your nose, allow your breathing to be intense, deep, fast, without rhythm, without structure - and always concentrate on the exhalation. The body takes care of inhalation. The breath should move deep into the lungs. Breathe as fast and as hard as you can until you literally become breath. Use natural body movements to help your energy rise. Feel it rising, but do not give it free rein during the first stage.

Second stage: 10 minutes

EXPLODE! Let go of everything that needs to be released. Follow your body. Give your body the freedom to express everything that is breaking out.

Go completely crazy. Scream, scream, cry, jump, hit, shake, dance, sing, laugh: throw yourself out. Don't hold anything back, let your whole body move. A little movement often helps to get started. Never let your mind interfere with what is happening. Deliberately go crazy. Be total.

Third stage: 10 minutes.

With your arms raised above your head, jump and shout the mantra “Hoo! Hoo! Hu!” as deep as possible. Each time you land on your full foot, allow the sound to strike deep into your sexual center. Give everything you have, exhaust yourself completely.

Fourth stage: 15 minutes

Stop! Freeze where you are and in the position you find yourself in at that moment. Don't change your body position. Coughing, moving, anything can disrupt the flow of energy and the effort will be in vain. Be a witness to everything that happens to you.

Fifth stage: 15 minutes

Celebrate! Express everything you feel with music and dance. Carry your liveliness through your day.

If the place where you are meditating does not allow noise, you can do a quiet version: instead of shouting, allow the catharsis in the second stage to be expressed only through body movements. In the third stage, the blows of the sound “Hu” can be felt silently inside, and let the fifth stage become an expressive dance.


The meditation lasts one hour and consists of four stages.

This “sister” of OSHO Dynamic Meditation is best done at sunset or in the afternoon.

Complete immersion in shaking and dancing in the first two stages helps to “melt” the petrified essence in which the flow of energy has been suppressed and blocked. And then the energy can flow, dance and transform into bliss and joy. The last two stages allow this energy to flow vertically, to move upward into silence. This is an extremely effective way to end and let go at the end of the day.

Osho on how to Shake: “If you are doing Kundalini Meditation, allow the shaking to happen, don’t do it! Stand quietly, feel it coming, and when your body starts to shake, help the shaking, but don’t do it. Enjoy it, feel the bliss of her, allow her, accept her, welcome her, but do not force her.

If you make an effort, it becomes an exercise - a bodily, physical exercise. In this case, there will be shaking, but it will be superficial. It won't penetrate you. Inside you will remain solid, like a rock, like a rock. You will remain a manipulator, you will do, and the body will simply obey. But it's not about the body - it's about you.

When I say shaking, I mean that your solidity, your rock-like being, must be shaken to its very foundation: become liquid, fluid, melt, flow. And when your solid being becomes fluid, your body will follow. And then there will be no one who shakes, only shaking will remain. Then no one does it, it just happens. Then there is no doer.

Enjoy her, but don't force her. And remember, if you force something, you cannot enjoy it. They are two sides of a coin, opposites, they never meet. If you force something you cannot enjoy, if you enjoy you cannot force it." Osho


The meditation lasts one hour and contains four stages.

First stage: 15 minutes

Relax and allow your entire body to shake, feeling the energy rising up from your feet. Let go of everything, become the shaker. Eyes may be open or closed.

Second stage: 15 minutes

Dance the way you want, allowing your whole body to move as it desires. Eyes may be open or closed.

Third stage: 15 minutes

Close your eyes and be still, sitting or standing, witnessing and observing everything that happens inside and outside.

Fourth stage: 15 minutes

Remain with your eyes closed. Lie down and be still.


Chakra breathing meditation is one of Osho's active meditations. Through deep breathing and directing your attention, you can feel each of the seven chakras, awaken them and harmonize them. Meditation is performed with eyes closed. By closing our eyes, we release control and can more quickly trust everything that is happening. Music and ringing bells announce the beginning of each stage. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly.

First stage: 45 minutes

Start breathing deeply through your mouth and direct your attention first to the chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Feel your tailbone, sacrum, pelvic floor, relax your perineum and breathe, directing your attention to these areas.

When you hear the sound of a bell, bring your attention to the second chakra, which is located in the area under the navel, lower abdomen and in the center of the pelvis.

With the second bell, move your attention to the third chakra, this is the solar plexus area. Don't just focus your attention on the front of your body; be aware of the sensation in the back of your body as well.

After the sound of the third bell, move your attention to the chest area, to its center. The fourth chakra is located here. This is the heart chakra, it connects earthly and divine energies in us.

With the fourth bell, move to the throat, the area of ​​the fifth chakra. Feel the back of your neck as well, while relaxing the cervical vertebrae.

The fifth bell is the time to shift your attention to the sixth chakra. It is also called the third eye. There is a misconception that the sixth chakra is located in the area between the eyebrows. The sixth chakra is located in the center of the head and covers the area between the eyebrows.

With the sixth bell, move your attention to the seventh chakra (crown), to the crown area and above your head. Through this area and the seventh chakra, divine energy, cosmic energy, flow enters us.

Having heard 3 bells, lower your attention through all chakras down to the first.

Do 2 more cycles of such actions. In total, you need to do 3 ascents and 3 descents along the chakras.

Second stage: 15 minutes.

Sit with a straight back or lie on your back. Observe what is happening inside you. This is the stage of meditation itself - silence of the mind and total relaxation.

Having heard the sound of the bell, return to the point in space and time where you are, feel and become aware of your body. Thank your body and yourself.

Relax your body throughout the entire breathing phase. If you are a beginner or have a lot of tightness in your body, you may feel muscle pain or cramping in certain parts of your body. Don't be afraid, relax and keep breathing.

Breathing on the lower chakras is harsher and deeper, on the upper ones it is softer and subtler. Using a blindfold will make it easier for you to relax and let go of control.


Nadabrama is a humming meditation, through humming and hand movement, your conflicting parts will begin to resonate and bring harmony to your entire being. And then, when body and mind are completely together, you will “slip from their clutches” and become a witness of both. And this witnessing from outside brings peace, silence and bliss. The meditation lasts one hour.

“So in Nadabram, remember this: let the body and mind be completely one, but remember that you have to become a witness. Leave them, quietly, gradually, through the back door, without battle, without struggle.” Osho


The meditation lasts one hour and consists of three stages. The eyes remain closed throughout the meditation.

First stage: 30 minutes

Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes and lips closed. Start humming loudly enough for others to hear you and create a vibration in your body. You can visualize an empty pipe or a vessel filled only with humming vibrations. The peak will come when the hum continues on its own and you become a listener. Breathe as usual. You can change the sound level or move your body smoothly and slowly if you want.

Second stage: 15 minutes

This stage is divided into two parts of seven and a half minutes each. In the first part, make circular movements with your hands, palms up, away from you. Starting from the navel, both hands move forward and then spread out to the sides, making two large circles to the left and right, mirroring each other. The movement should be so slow that sometimes it seems as if there is no movement at all. Feel like you are giving energy to the universe.

After seven and a half minutes, when the music changes, turn your hands palms down and start moving in the opposite direction. Now the hands will converge towards the navel and diverge to the sides of the body. Feel yourself receiving energy.

As in the first stage, do not interfere with the soft and slow movements of your body.

Third stage: 15 minutes

Sit absolutely silent and still.


Nataraj is the energy of dance. This dance is like total meditation, where all internal division disappears and subtle, relaxed awareness remains.

“Forget the dancing center of the ego; become the dance. This is meditation. Dance so deeply that you completely forget that it is “you” who is dancing, and begin to feel that you are the dance itself. The division has to disappear - then it becomes meditation.

If there is division, then it is just an exercise - good, useful, but it cannot be called spiritual. It's just a dance. The dance is good in itself - as long as it continues, it is good. After it you will feel fresh and young. But this is not meditation yet. The dancer must continue until only the dance remains... Don't stand aside, don't be an observer. Participate!

And be playful. Always remember the word “playfulness” - with me that’s the most important thing.” Osho


The meditation consists of three stages and lasts 65 minutes.

First stage: 40 minutes

Dance with your eyes closed, completely surrendering to the dance. Let your subconscious take over you completely. Don't control your movements and don't watch what's happening. Just be completely in the dance.

Second stage: 20 minutes

Lie down immediately without opening your eyes. Be silent and still.

Third stage: 5 minutes

Dance in celebration and enjoyment.


The meditation lasts one hour and consists of four stages, each lasting 15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed throughout the meditation.

In this one-hour meditation, a soft, unfamiliar tongue moves and speaks through the meditator, who becomes an empty vessel. It deeply relaxes the mind and creates inner peace. If it's the last thing you do in the evening, meditation promotes deep sleep.

First stage: 15 minutes

Sit quietly while the music plays.

Second stage: 15 minutes

Start making meaningless sounds, such as “la-la-la,” and continue until unusual, word-like sounds begin to emerge. These sounds must come from an unfamiliar part of the brain that is used by the child even before he has learned words. Use a soft, conversational tone; Don't scream, don't cry, don't laugh or squeal.

Third stage: 15 minutes

Stand up and continue making these unusual sounds, allowing your body to move gently in harmony with the sound. If your body is relaxed, subtle energies will create Latihan - spontaneous, unstructured movements beyond your control.

Fourth stage: 15 minutes

Lie down. Remain silent and still.


This meditation lasts one hour and consists of four stages of 15 minutes each.

Osho says that if the breathing in the first stage of this one-hour meditation is done correctly, the carbon dioxide that forms in the bloodstream will make you feel as high as Gourishankar (Mount Everest). This “height” is carried into the next stage of soft looking, soft and spontaneous movement, sitting in silence.

First stage: 15 minutes

Sit with your eyes closed. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs. Hold your breath for as long as possible, then exhale gently through your mouth and

leave your lungs empty as long as you can. Continue this breathing cycle throughout the entire stage.

Second stage: 15 minutes

Return to normal breathing and gaze absentmindedly at the candle flame or flickering blue light. Stay still.

Note: If you suffer from neurological disorders such as epilepsy, never use a strobe light (flickering blue light) in this meditation. You can perform this step in a sling instead.

Third stage: 15 minutes

With your eyes closed, stand and allow your body to be relaxed and receptive. Subtle energies will begin to move your body out of your control. Let the Latihan happen. Don't make the moves: let them happen, easily and gracefully.

Fourth stage: 15 minutes

Lie down with your eyes closed, silent and still.


Meditation to harmonize the heart chakra. Recommended for relieving internal tension and improving well-being.

To begin your meditation, assume a relaxed posture with your eyes open in a warm, comfortable place. Place both palms on the heart chakra area. Feel the rhythm of your heartbeat, breathe easily. Remain still for several minutes until the music starts.

When you hear the music, start moving in the sequence described below. Your movements always come from the heart chakra. Music simply supports you, helping you stay in the right rhythm. Your legs, like your gaze, are directed in the direction of the movements that your hands make. Move as smoothly as if you were in water - the water itself carries and supports you. Move your whole body and let it move with your hand. Every time you make a movement with your hand, accompany it with an exhalation, possibly with the sound “shu.” New energy will fill you. The old used energy will come out with exhalation. The cycle of receiving and giving begins.

We give our love and energy to the space around us. Forward to the future, sideways to the present, back to the past.

First stage:7 minutes.

Take a deep breath through your nose, exhaling loudly through your nose, move your right leg and right arm forward. Accompany the movement with exhalation and sound. Return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement, this time moving your left arm and leg forward. Return to the starting position with both hands on your heart. Repeat these movements until the music ends. When the music ends, close your eyes and place your hands on your heart.

Second stage: 7 minutes.

Take a deep breath through your nose, exhaling loudly through your nose, move your right leg and right hand to the right side. Accompany the movement with exhalation and sound. Return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement, this time moving to the left side with your left arm and leg. Return to the starting position with both hands on your heart. Repeat these movements until the music ends. When the music ends, close your eyes and place your hands on your heart.

Third stage: 7 minutes.

The same movements, but this time backwards, first with the right and then with the left arm and leg. When the music ends, close your eyes and place your hands on your heart.

Stage four: 8 minutes.

The same movements but in all directions. We start by moving forward first with the right hand and then with the left hand. Then to the right and left. Then back with your right and left hands. Repeat from the beginning until the music ends.

Fifth stage: 6 minutes.

Close your eyes, sit down and be still.

Sixth stage: 15 minutes.

Continuing to remain with your eyes closed, lie down and watch and be still.

Occultists claim that the third eye exists, but is in a state of sleep. Practices and meditations will allow you to achieve Enlightenment and penetrate the depths of the subconscious.

In this article

Why do you need to open the Ajna Chakra?

Before you begin, answer four questions. This will avoid disappointments and mistakes.

  1. How firm are my intentions in the desire to comprehend the secrets of the subconscious, because self-improvement is an endless process.
  2. Am I ready to see the full picture of the world.
  3. Will the knowledge gained be used for good?
  4. Do I understand that comprehending the Mystery gives not only Strength, but also imposes responsibility.

Opening the third eye will allow you to see the essence of things

Do not be afraid that the opening of the Eye will affect your mental state. This is the same sense organ, only on a subtle, energetic level.

Adaptation will take a long time, and the brain will get used to receiving information from an additional source. It will not fall on the consciousness like an avalanche, but will come gradually. There is no threat to the psyche. The Universe will prepare you to receive information. The invisible energy of people and objects will become accessible and tangible.

The process is comparable to the rehabilitation of a patient after surgery to restore hearing or vision. Doctors do not immediately remove the bandages; they allow the body to adapt to new conditions.

Not everyone will succeed in this field. Some people are stopped by fear of the unknown, or lack perseverance and talent.

There are people who have the Gift from birth. Wolf Messing learned about the ability to suggest at the age of 11, when he tried to travel without a ticket on a train. Young Wolf handed the controller the first piece of paper he came across, which was lying on the floor. Messing describes the sensations that gripped him at that moment as follows:

Our eyes met. With all the strength of my feelings, I wanted him to mistake this dirty piece of paper for a ticket.

This is how the psychic learned about the ability to suggest.

Extreme situations mobilize will and internal reserves. This case is a vivid example of how in an instant you can realize the Force and understand your involvement in a host of psychics, clairvoyants and parapsychologists.

General rules for performing exercises

Calmness and solitude. Those who practice yoga or other techniques understand what we are talking about. Turn off communications and exclude outside interference. We recommend unplugging household appliances to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

  1. Control your breathing. Control the frequency of inhalation and exhalation. Relax. Do not start exercise when you are in a bad mood or feeling bad. Otherwise, instead of positive energy, you will attract negative energy.
  2. Choose a good teacher. It is better if there is an experienced person nearby who can come to the rescue.
  3. Doubts away. Faith is the strongest incentive to work and to success. Indecisiveness and the expectation of failure hinder the process. A negative result blocks positive emotions.
  4. Read specialized esoteric literature.

Remember, when immersed in deep meditation, consciousness travels to other worlds. The mentor monitors the student and will help him return.

A set of exercises for every day

Opening the Inner Eye is comparable to training in the gym. The more you do, the higher your chances of success. Don't skip a single day and make sure the methods work. The comparison is also correct in the case of results: you should not expect an instant effect. Starting from scratch, prepare for failures or moments of despair.

Remember - Heaven tests the strength of a beginner. Quitting what you started and retreating is the easiest way out. Achieving success and realizing your abilities is much more difficult.

Exercise No. 1: “spinning top”

Stand in the center of the room and begin to rotate clockwise. This must be done at least 33 times. Concentrate your gaze not on objects, but on the finger of your outstretched hand. This way you can easily maintain your balance and your head won’t get dizzy. Take a dark object as a reference point: it will be easier to count revolutions. Feeling light, add the number of full circles around your axis.

Binaural beats for opening the third eye:

Exercise No. 2: learning to see the aura of objects

Release your mind control. Look at familiar things from the outside, unfocus your eyes. After several classes, you will see a halo of surrounding objects and open an energy channel. Observe reality on the sly: move your gaze from one object to another unexpectedly.

We are accustomed to relying on other people's opinions or information from the outside, we have forgotten how to think and feel on our own. Intuition will tell you how to act. Watch for the slightest change, control emotions, catch and record positive moments.

Exercise with a candle

The list of techniques is extensive. There are easy practices for beginners and complex ones that require special skills. In the first place - training with fire. Use a candle, not a fire or fireplace flame.

Meditation on a candle flame - a technique accessible to everyone

A prerequisite is complete darkness and privacy. Turn off light sources so that they do not distract attention or distract from the process.

  1. Light a candle and sit comfortably so that you don’t have to change your position.
  2. Peer carefully into the depths of the flame, focusing your gaze only on it.
  3. Try to breathe in time with your heartbeat.
  4. In a few minutes you will see how not only the silhouette of the fire changes, but also the color.
  5. Having examined the shades of the flame, close your eyelids. The image will appear before the inner eye, since the image remains on the retina.
  6. Watch the “cast” carefully. Try to see it in the smallest detail.

Do the exercise every evening for a week.

Meditation as one of the ways to open the third eye

At first, it is difficult for a beginner to concentrate and get distracted, but with each lesson, immersion comes faster.

Meditation helps you unlock your superpowers

  1. The main rule is to keep your back straight.
  2. Close your eyes and trust your feelings.
  3. Use special music, binaural beats or mantras.
  4. The body position is comfortable and convenient.
  5. Achieve silence inside.
  6. As soon as you feel the characteristic vibration or warmth spreading throughout your body, you know that everything is going as it should.

Mantra for opening the Third Eye:

Everyone's impressions are different. Someone feels himself starting to sway monotonously in time with the rhythms of the music; someone feels a state of isolation from the Earth or flight.

Knowing how to exit meditation correctly is half the success. Under no circumstances should you pull yourself out of another reality by force. A sharp and too quick exit will deal a blow to the energy and physical plane.

Blue Ball Method

This method is similar to the previous meditation, but more complicated.

Blue Ball Method

The principle of entering a trance is the same: harmonizing music, peace, relaxation.

  1. Once you feel the warmth or vibration, imagine a blue spinning sphere in your mind.
  2. Place it in the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows. The chakra is there.
  3. Focus on the color, shape and rotation of the sphere.
  4. Change the direction of its movement.
  5. Imagine how the ball attracts the best things in the world.
  6. Give the ball the opportunity to grow and emit Light.

The resulting image should sparkle and shimmer with bright colors. The ball will thicken and gain strength. There will be a feeling of heaviness or pain in the area between the eyes. Do not be alarmed - this is a normal reaction of the physical and energy bodies to the opening of the channel.

The more often you repeat the exercise, the faster you will be able to create a blue sphere in your thoughts.

Advanced Practices

Experienced students and practicing psychics use advanced techniques for their studies. The enlightened master from India Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, known to the world as Osho, is the author of numerous books and philosophical treatises.

Great Teacher Osho

Meditation practice from Osho

Relaxation of mind and body are the key words underlying the method.

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax. Don't cross your legs.
  2. Using the bottom of your palm, massage the area between your eyebrows. Visualize that you are opening a window to another world.
  3. Perform the massage in a circular motion. First clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  4. Imagine a luminous point in the center of your forehead. Light a star or lamp there.
  5. Observe the light source with your inner eye.

If everything is done correctly, then after 10–15 minutes you will feel a state in which light from an invisible source will spread throughout the body. Record this moment in your consciousness. Allow the energy to penetrate every cell of the physical shell.

Multi-stage practice: steps along the ladder of Consciousness

Allows you to see three-dimensional and reliable pictures. It requires long training.

  1. Imagine a white field with a black dot in the middle.
  2. As soon as the picture becomes clear and distinct, add two more dots to make a triangle.
  3. At first it will be flat, but the meditator’s task is to imagine it in a three-dimensional projection.
  4. Mentally move the resulting geometric figure, giving it the shape of a prism or pyramid.
  5. Add a point in imaginary space and you get a quadrilateral.
  6. Twist and turn into a cube.
  7. Add one more to the resulting figure. Hold them in your mind's eye as long as you can.
  8. With gradual training, achieve holding more objects.
  9. Change the colors of the figures, try not to lose sight.
  10. Try to rotate the received objects not only in front of you, but also around.

Once you have mastered the science of rotation and color change, move on to the next step: visualizing the material from which the figures are made. Create them from paper, metal, stone, wood. It all depends on the power of thought and flight of imagination.

Brain Squeeze and Relaxation Technique

An effective yet challenging practice.

  1. In a near-meditative state, concentrate on the central point in your head.
  2. Try to tense this place, and then suddenly relax it. Yes, this needs to be done not with the help of muscles, but with willpower.
  3. Repeat the action 3-5 times until you achieve the ease of completing the task.
  4. At first, help yourself by tensing the muscles of your neck, shoulders and back. As you train, the need for backup will disappear.

The technique helps to use the body's reserves and master the art of visualization.

Opening the Ajna channel

The essence of the work is to focus on the cylinder for as long as possible.

Here's the special music, by the way:

Practice interacting with darkness

To plunge oneself into darkness means to create artificial blindness by sharpening other senses.

Meditation in the dark is the best way to learn visualization

  1. Turn off the lights. Close your eyes. Examine the darkness into which consciousness has plunged.
  2. Imagine that you are walking along an unfamiliar road or a dark forest. Find your way home.
  3. Raise your right hand. Imagine that there is a flashlight clamped inside it, piercing the darkness.
  4. Imagine what a hand with a lantern looks like.
  5. Concentrate on the resulting image. Try to see it.

Features of awakening the Ajna chakra

Everyone has their own time frame for mastering Secret Knowledge. It all depends on individual characteristics, talents, strength of desire and motivation. Emotional attitude and the ability to finish what you start is an important factor.

Quick methods that promise instant results in 1–2 days are ineffective. Even energetically strong people take years to awaken Ajna. Everyone’s starting capabilities are different: one sees colorful, multidimensional images already in the first lesson; the other is blurry spots.

Self-improvement reveals superpowers, improves karma, and suggests solutions to problems.

You can only open your third eye with good intentions. If you want to gain clairvoyance abilities for the purpose of enrichment, then the Universe will close the channel forever. No wonder the Scripture says:

Be like children, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Study not for profit, but for spiritual growth.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Correct activation of the eyebrow chakra allows you to master unique abilities and immerse yourself in the mystery of visions of the future or past.

Esotericists are interested in how to open the third eye, most often hoping for instant and positive results, but in reality the all-seeing eye requires many years of practice. We should not forget about the large amount of responsibility that falls on a person after practice, because it is possible for an individual to change the whole world.

  1. Work with the energy flows of the Universe. Ideally, you need to pay attention to this twice a day so that the body is permeated with light, washed by it and freed from dark clots of negativity. Exercises from the Chinese Qigong system are perfect for this practice, which teaches how to transform the body into a real conductor of energy for the chakras. You can read more on our website.
  2. Focus on your intention and express it as often as possible. Opening the third eye requires automatic recognition of oneself as an instrument of spiritual growth. Therefore, strive for high energies and find the factors of true motivation for improvement. Feel the fullness of life and stretch this feeling for as long as possible.
  3. During any practice, remember to breathe correctly. Deep inhalations and exhalations at equal intervals allow for proper circulation of energy in the body, its rise through the channels and concentration in Ajna. You can learn traditional breathing practices, such as Pranayama.
  4. Listen to your inner voice. If you are interested in how to open your third eye, the practice of awakening your intuition should not be something new and unknown for you. In addition, when any difficult situation arises, it is useful to focus on the eyebrow chakra and send intimate questions there. Watch for higher signs, which may come in the form of fortune telling results, unexpected visions, or just the right book.
  5. Constantly improve your skills not only in the practical sphere, but also in terms of theory. Knowledge of clairvoyance, telepathy and other manifestations of the third eye must be accumulated to prepare you for the activation of any supernatural skills. You can study esoteric literature yourself or sign up for lectures.
  6. Don't expect extraordinary results from the first days. The work of the third eye is designed in such a way that visions are constantly improved as a person trains. To wait for unique pictures from the future or past, you will have to work for several years, or even decades, on your eyebrow chakra.
    Over time, the process of expanding consciousness will happen much faster, and you will be able to learn how to break through the third eye, i.e. lift the veil to a higher information and energy level. You also need to be prepared for the fact that periodically you will need to clean the sixth chakra.
    These practices are described in detail in our article.
  7. Try to sleep at the same time every day. Maintaining circadian rhythms is useful for maintaining performance. In addition, timely rest will ensure the appearance of high-quality and vivid dreams, which soon (with sufficient work with the third eye) can become quite conscious and even prophetic.
  8. Take care of your pineal gland. Surprisingly, the opening of the third eye is felt not only at the mental level, because the source of many changes is the pineal gland - the brain process that produces hormones. In order for this gland of the endocrine system to be active and even begin to grow, it is necessary to follow a plant-based diet, which is based on foods high in melatonin: rice, bananas, barley, tomatoes, oats.
    In addition, pay attention to B vitamins. Fatty foods should be avoided as well as any bad habits that worsen a person’s aura and the condition of the chakras. But it is very useful to drink a lot of water every day, since it is this component that helps increase energy production.
  9. Do yoga. Following appropriate asanas, i.e. body postures in space, ensures the work of consciousness in harmony with the body, and also relieves a person from crude thinking patterns. The activation of the third eye is actually very closely related to our physical shell.
    From the point of view of the effect on the pineal gland, the best position can be considered the hare position or Shashaungasana, which stimulates the gland by applying pressure to the crown. In addition, most asanas make a person calmer, develop concentration and memory skills.
  10. Meditate. It is not at all necessary to focus on practices directly related to the third eye. You can concentrate on the sixth chakra, visualize the all-seeing eye, but this is not at all necessary in the first stages. It is enough just to meditate in your favorite way, preferably between midnight and three in the morning, as well as during the new moon.
    Each relaxation technique can balance the energy flows of the human cerebral hemispheres, improve control over emotions and, therefore, help make the right decisions. How to open the third eye through meditation? You can learn about this from the article on our website “Meditation on Ajna”.
  11. Remember to be grounded during practice.. Working with the etheric shell often creates the threat of disconnection from the physical body, especially if the third eye is opened for the first time and the person is too keen on entering the astral plane. At first, you should not try to escape from the world by forcefully accelerating your training. Continue to pay attention to the everyday hassles of life so as not to create problems for yourself in this reality.

Simple exercises

The first lessons on activating the eyebrow chakra should be as simple and understandable as possible. First you need to learn to focus your attention on Ajna and the energy in it, and only then move on to the skills of mental vision, clairvoyance, and telepathy.

You can learn more about such practices in the article on our portal. Below are the most basic level workouts.

Exercise No. 1

Many esotericists are interested in how to awaken the third eye through contact with higher energies and at the same time bring the entire chakra system to overall balance. To do this, it is enough to carry out the so-called rotations.

  • Simply stand in the center of the room and rotate clockwise at least 33 times. Repeat the exercise daily, concentrating not on objects, but on the finger extended with the hand in front of you. Otherwise, you will quickly lose control of your body and fall.

Exercise No. 2

To harmonize breathing and energy speed, take the correct meditative position: legs crossed at the ankles in a sitting position, head looking north or east, palms forming a bowl between each other, with the thumbs connected. Then focus on your breathing: inhalation and exhalation should last the same number of seconds.

The peculiarity of the exercise is that it is necessary to smooth out the breathing phases among themselves. After practicing several times, you can make the air movement completely invisible, but at the same time as free as possible.

Exercise #3

To establish contact with the all-seeing eye, sometimes it is enough to simply concentrate on the eyebrow chakra. How does the third eye open through this practice?

You collect all the energy in the forehead area, send the necessary request to the Cosmos and tune in to the wave of mental vision. You should close your eyelids while using only the abilities of your inner gaze. Look at the third eye until a distinct pulsation begins in the forehead.

With enough experience during this exercise, you can begin to see colors. The main thing is to maintain maximum detachment from the process and be a calm observer of your own feelings.

Exercise #4

Looking at objects is also useful, because it is on immovable objects that you can first train in studying the aura and etheric shells.

You should not only look at the object defocused, but also hold your gaze on it unexpectedly so that the energy channel leading to the third eye begins its activity.

Exercise #5

Eastern practices rarely do without images, so a person’s third eye also has its own specific symbol. How to open the eyebrow chakra using visualization? A simple exercise will help with this.

  • Start focusing your attention on the middle of your forehead. Imagine a large blossoming lotus at this point, or, if such a detailed vision is still difficult for you, simply visualize a dynamic funnel.
  • Maintain these images while seeking real physical sensations in the third eye. You may feel pressure, itching, tingling or burning.

Over time, after the images presented disappear, visions will emerge in Ajna’s place, reflecting different people or events.

Exercise #6

To develop the skill of inner gaze, use the practice of imagining the astral sun.

  • You need to sit one and a half meters away from the wall, not shielded from you by furniture, and relax. For about 5 minutes just look in front of you, remaining calm.
  • Then raise your eyes higher without changing the position of your head. Look as high as you can, but don't make yourself uncomfortable.
  • Fix your gaze at this point and imagine that a huge golden sun is shining along the trajectory of your gaze. Imagine that the wall is transparent and you are watching a bright light in the sky.

After a few minutes you will feel pressure in the third eye area. Focus on your forehead for a while and then finish the exercise.

Exercise No. 7

The technique of opening the third eye often includes self-hypnosis. In particular, it is useful to organize training in which the vision of the aura will be simulated.

  • First, look at people with your normal gaze, and then turn on your gaze with the all-seeing eye, convincing yourself that you already see the aura.
  • Give yourself a powerful attitude that you want to look at this shell around a person and make an effort.

Such imitation of experience helps in removing various blocks on Ajna. You can learn other techniques for convincing yourself in our article “How to open the third eye using self-hypnosis.”

Exercise #8

  • Position yourself near the mirror so that the distance to it is 20-30 cm at the level of the pupils. Look at your reflection exactly between the eyebrows. Try to go a couple of centimeters deep to visualize a small sphere behind the forehead bone.
  • Focus on this one point completely, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. With this gaze, your peripheral vision will capture the reflection of your real eyes, so about 30% of your total concentration will be spent on these images.

Repeat the practice regularly if you find it difficult to work with visualized concentration on the all-seeing eye.

Exercise #9

How to activate the third eye through simple work with light? All you need to do is go to the window during the day, pull back the curtains and stand as close to the glass as possible. Look at the sky with open eyes without sudden head movements.

Try focusing on the area behind your eyes. At the same time, watch for any stripes or points of light that appear to your eye. Focus on these visions, and when your concentration reaches its maximum, you will be able to notice how bright lines and circles are moving before your inner gaze.

At some point you will not be able to see anything except these corpuscles of light. This is a normal reaction that you should not be afraid of. You can use this exercise even while you are outside.

For all methods of opening the third eye to be effective, try to combine them with work on special symbols that activate energy in the eyebrow chakra.

Advanced practices

Experienced esotericists who have already learned to work with visualization of various images and concentration on individual objects also pay special attention to exercises in which the third eye is open. What means should be used for a more advanced level of Ajna development? Most practices also deal with the inner gaze, as well as massage of the all-seeing eye.

You can get acquainted with the very first techniques in the article on our website “”. More modern and popular techniques are presented below.

Osho Meditation Practice

Can be used in any position when the body is relaxed. Sit comfortably, but do not cross your legs, and massage the area between your eyebrows with the bottom of your palm for three minutes.

Make movements from bottom to top, without accelerating or putting pressure on the third eye area. Imagine that you are trying to open a window to another world. After three minutes you should feel a change in the movement of your energy, but if this does not happen, massage your eye clockwise in a circular motion.

Methods to open the third eye using this technique can be different, so you can also try moving your palm first not from bottom to top, but from top to bottom. Then you need to imagine a point of light in your forehead. Close your eyelids, look with your inner gaze at your all-seeing eye, feel it. It resembles a burning star.

Look up with your eyes, without raising your head, so that complete peace comes in your body. Stay in this state for at least an hour.

Exercise to destroy the protective inner shield

How to open the third eye completely and gain access to the most secret information of the Cosmos? Try an exercise to destroy the protective inner screen using an astral tool. This technique is very effective, but it requires a lot of dedication, so headaches may result.

  • Take a comfortable position with a straight back and restore peaceful, deep breathing. Close your eyes and focus on Ajna. Imagine that a drill is growing inside your head. It gradually drills into the bones of the skull from the inside, just in the area of ​​the all-seeing eye. The instrument penetrates the bone tissue and destroys the protection, creating a hole in it.
  • Feel your third eye instantly activated and grant you special vision. Focus on the inner state of the open chakra. Feel that you already see everything with your third eye. Formulate your intention as precisely as possible, do not be afraid to get ahead of events.

Repeat the practice a couple more times. At the next session, imagine a laser beam, not a drill.

Multi-step practice

Most esotericists are especially interested in knowing how to learn to see high-quality and three-dimensional pictures of reliable reality with the third eye. This multi-stage practice will help you reach a new stage of clairvoyance.

  • At the beginning, with your eyes closed, you need to imagine a white space with a black dot in the middle.
  • When you learn to imagine the smooth movement of this speck, add two more to it and visualize a triangle. Rotate it first as a flat object, and then as a volumetric one. The main thing is to clearly draw in your mind’s eye all the movements and at the same time maintain the shape of the figure.
  • Next, turn the triangle into a pyramid. After rotating it, create a tetrahedral object from a trihedral object. Work in the space and with it too. Add one square and make a cube.
  • Then you need to imagine two pyramids with 3 faces at once, which must rotate not only in the plane, but also in volume, and simultaneously. The same must be repeated with the cube.
  • Gradually connect pyramids with 3 and 4 faces with a cube, increase the number of objects to 4-6. Also try to imagine one of the figures moving around your body.

The complicated stage of this practice involves representing all figures - both flat and three-dimensional - painted, and in different colors sequentially. You need to learn to rotate and multiply colorful objects in your imagination.

When you can work with the palette, you can move on to materials, imagining a pyramid, cube, sphere made of plastic, wood, stone, fire, water, metal, paper, energy. Get a feel for the material first, then blow up the figure and watch it explode into pieces. At the very end of the exercise, compile all the objects and alternate the material with color, not forgetting about the movement of the figures.

Technique for opening the third eye based on squeezing and relaxing the brain

The technique is also considered very effective, although difficult to understand. Focus on the area in the center of your head. Relax this area and then squeeze sharply. Of course, tightening a spot without actual muscle may seem impossible, but it can be done. Just refer to a situation in your memory when you needed maximum responsibility and concentration on solving an important task.

Bring that tension back inside your head. Then relax and repeat everything again. At first, you can help yourself a little by tensing the muscles of your neck or head.

This practice helps stimulate the development and growth of the pineal gland, which leads to increased clairvoyance.

Practice for opening the Ajna channel

Often psychics are interested in how to activate the third eye, using additional structures for concentration and inner gaze. One of the practices, for example, works great for opening the Ajna channel.

  • Roll a piece of white paper into a hollow cylinder. Glue the edges together to prevent the tube from unraveling. The diameter should be approximately 5 cm.
  • Place a bandage or rubber band on one end of the cylinder to secure it completely. Place the paper tube so that one side is pressed against the third eye and the other end is perpendicular to the forehead.
  • Using an elastic band, attach the structure to your head.

Take a calm sitting position and begin meditation, concentrating on the cylinder along its entire length.

Practice interacting with darkness

How can you open your third eye without working with light or energy? In fact, interacting with complete darkness can also be effective.

  • Turn off the lights in the room, relax and close your eyes. Look ahead with your inner gaze. Visualize your gaze as clearly as possible, study the darkness.
  • You can imagine that you are in the forest at night, looking for your way home, or looking at the silhouettes of trees.
  • Place your right palm in front of you. Feel her presence by remembering exactly what she looks like.
  • Focus on this image, try to really see the hand, using the third eye as an x-ray. Then move your palm a little while maintaining concentration.

Finish your practice.

“How to open the third eye?” - this is a complex question that psychics have been answering for thousands of years, accumulating invaluable experience in clairvoyance and telepathy. Of course, a specific technique must be selected based on a person’s skills and his energy field, possible blocks and plugs.

After repeated use of one or two exercises, you can always notice the first successes in mastering intuition and inner gaze. True, over time, esotericists indulge in other thoughts: if the third eye is open, what to do next? In no case should you stop at activating Ajna; you should move on and master new training.

Believe in yourself, be persistent and constant, and then the all-seeing eye will be guaranteed to work throughout your life.

Why do we dream? Why do some people see more than others? Even science has proven that our visible spectrum is only a few percent of what exists around us.

An interesting fact is that only when we go to bed does our body become more natural, i.e. closer to the natural (animal, from the word “alive”) principle. All animals, to one degree or another, are in the horizontal plane. For example cats. The spine and the entire body are extended horizontally. For a person - vertically, and only when a person goes to bed - only in this case does he take the position that everyone living on our Planet has. And it is in this position that he begins to dream. But it has already been proven that, for example, cats see much more than humans. Those who have read Lobsang Rampa know that all cats see auras, they are clairvoyants. All animals can predict earthquakes, tsunamis, and cataclysms. Their clairvoyance is more developed. It's all about the flow of energy. By the way, below I have collected a small collection from OSHO, he also talked about this. Read it.
If we take WUSHU for example, there are a lot of styles associated with animals. This is energy management. Almost all Wushu Masters are clairvoyants and see auras and subtle energies.

Therefore, the most effective method of developing the third eye is to concentrate on it. Because energy begins to flow to him.
Also, if you want to know the future, what will happen, or you are tormented by some question to which you cannot get an answer, or simply no information comes to you to understand some matter or situation, then do the following. Take a horizontal position. Best without a pillow. And it’s also very good to place your legs with your feet on some elevation, for example on a chair. Lie down like this for a little while and try to look for the answer in this position. You will see that your clairvoyance abilities will increase dramatically in this position. I am sure that in this situation you will make a better decision for yourself and find more correct answers, which can relate to any area, as well as the past or future. Give it a try.

Quote from OSHO on how to develop clairvoyance and open the third eye:

1"In animals, more energy moves into the third eye because their body is horizontal. A person stands vertically. The energy moves against gravity, and it is very difficult for it to rise higher. It rises to the eyes only with great difficulty. It takes a huge influx of it. That is why many Yoga schools teach Sirsasana - headstand, to create an influx of energy."
2 "The center of the throat is very close to the center of the third eye, the third eye is just above the center of the throat. Therefore, as soon as the throat center begins to act, the energy begins to move from the center of the throat to the center of the third eye."
3"Before you go to bed, turn off the light and sit up in bed. Close your eyes, relax your body and then feel that the whole room is full of golden haze, as if golden mist is flowing from everywhere. Just visualize this for a minute with your eyes closed - flowing golden haze. After a few days, you will be able to see that the entire room in your vision becomes radiant."
4 "The body should be in such a relaxed state that you can forget about it; that's the whole point. If you can forget about the body, then the pose is correct. Thus, any pose in which you can somehow forget about body. Just let you be comfortable, as comfortable as possible. For three minutes, massage the area of ​​the third eye, the space between the two eyebrows: bring your palm to your forehead, so that the lower part of your palm is opposite the area between the eyebrows, and massage from bottom to top, very slowly, very soft and very loving. The inner feeling should be as if you are trying to open a window. The third eye is the window and this massage will help."
5"And then you literally need to visualize a small point of light between the two eyebrows, in the area of ​​the center of the third eye. To feel it, you can place a bindi there - a small decoration that Indian women wear in the area of ​​the third eye. You can put it on to feel where this dot. Then close your eyes and look at this point of light. Imagine something burning, like a star, and look up without raising your head. Let it last for an hour. If you can do this twice, so much the better, that's very good. If that much It’s hard to find time, do it only once, but continue for at least an hour: the longer the better.”

In addition to two eyes, which provide vision of the physical world, a person also has a third eye, which is part of the brain and has a connection with different souls. The third eye has a very clear purpose and performs its strictly defined functions. We can talk about three main functions of the third eye: the functions of the intellect, the functions of meditation, and the functions of inner vision. When we are born, our 3rd eye is fully open. When we grow up, our inner witness finds itself in darkness because the third eye closes. This happens for a number of reasons, but the practice of 3rd eye meditation helps bring light back to our consciousness.

In the spiritual practices of the East, the third eye is associated with the sixth chakra Ajna and the pineal gland - the pineal gland of the human brain. The Ajna chakra is the center of superintuition, humanity’s deepest ideas about the universe. Ajna is closely related to the pineal gland. There is evidence of many mysteries relating to this unique gland, hidden deep within the brain, which is not a gland itself - it is a special organ. Self-paced online third eye meditation will reveal to you the understanding that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul, the place where body and mind merge.

Ancient meditation techniques for opening the third eye are based on the thesis of awakening a person and setting him on the path of spiritual development. This happens to a person when he does home meditation and his third eye opens. Mystics of the past believed this, that proper development of the third eye was the key to intuition, psychic abilities and the fair use of creative potential.

The vast majority of modern people have a third eye that is either clouded or completely closed. This does not happen immediately, but unnoticed by us. Gradually we create, those around us introduce their mental ghosts into us, and gradually confusion occurs - we begin to accept mirages as the truth. The pure experience with which we enter a new incarnation is clouded by what we have been taught for many years - thoughts, ways of emotional response, assessments, etc. A unique online third eye meditation technology will help you discover true vision and see the world as it is.

Powerful meditation on the 3 eyes - a technique of mystical transformations

Remove all external stimuli, take a comfortable position, relax your body and mind, calm your emotions, and extinguish your internal dialogue. Focus on your breathing. During the process of eye meditation and sacred vision, do not scold yourself for mistakes. Mistakes are witnesses of your development. Accept this and continue your spiritual practice - meditation exercises to open the third eye.

Close your eyes and concentrate on the Ajna chakra. Keep your attention in the center of your forehead and soon you will notice a point of light. Focus on this inner light, be silent and be attentive. The more you open your consciousness through the third eye meditation technique, the more it will become filled with light and the truth will be revealed to you. Gradually all delusions will go away, you will understand that you are part of the Universe, that you are not in a vacuum, but inside the universe and are connected by invisible threads with all living beings. When your 3rd eye opens again, you will see that you are part of the divine, you will find beauty, light and love, wisdom and immortality that are present in you and will be with you always.
