Wellness industry. What is Wellness? Basic rules in the concept of Wellness direction

Being healthy is the most pressing goal today. That's why millions of people go to gyms to do fitness, go on diets and try to get rid of bad habits. But to achieve what you strive for, you need to use all the chances and opportunities. And if health is your main goal, then it’s time to find out what wellness is. This is not just a technique, but a whole philosophy and way of life that allows you to most fully and effectively realize the idea of ​​being healthy.

To give a clear definition, wellness is a system of measures necessary to maintain health, longevity and beauty. It includes well-balanced physical training, spa treatments, proper nutrition, mental exercises, giving up bad habits, achieving a good mood, that is, everything that is called a healthy lifestyle.

Basic principles

The English word wellness, which can be literally translated into Russian as “feeling good,” became an independent term in 1959. It was then that the American physician Halbert Dunn replenished medical dictionary new concept and developed the basic principles healthy image life:

  1. Exercise.
  2. Mental activity.
  3. The ability to relax.
  4. Balanced diet.
  5. Beauty.
  6. Good mood.

This system, formulated by a specialist, has received recognition from American doctors, and then, thanks to many publications, among the general public. A few years later, the term, as well as a system of views on a healthy lifestyle and ways to achieve it, migrated to Europe. In Russia, the concept of wellness became famous in the 2000s. Thus, the view of physical and mental health is firmly rooted in the minds of people of the 21st century.

How to achieve physical and mental harmony?

Understanding that the basic need modern man- this is health, has forced many manufacturers of goods and services to create something that will help achieve this goal. This is how a whole wellness industry arose, the leading representatives of which offer modern exercise equipment, the latest tools body care, professional techniques for maintaining mental health.

To achieve good health, longevity and beauty, comprehensive measures are required. Wellness includes the following main activities:

  • Fitness.
  • Spa treatments.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Maintaining a good mood.

Fitness is only part of wellness

Thus, to be healthy and beautiful, it is not enough just to go to the gym and do fitness. At the same time, you should take care of your body, eat right, and improve your consciousness. Therefore, wellness is a broader concept than fitness, although, undoubtedly, physical activity and movement play a vital role in it.

The wellness studio necessarily has in its arsenal a room with the latest exercise equipment, as well as rooms for health and relaxation procedures using the latest developments in the beauty industry.

The harmonious combination of active movement and relaxation is the main difference between wellness and the usual fitness routine. Considerable attention is paid to rehabilitation fitness. Its goal is not just muscle exercises for body shaping and weight loss, but also individually selected classes for people depending on their health index. Hypertension, brittle bones, ischemic disease hearts, etc. – this is not a reason to refuse to go to the gym. On the contrary, correctly selected exercises and exercise equipment in combination with other procedures and activities will significantly improve a person’s well-being and mood.

Proper alternation of movement with relaxation

To keep fit, two types of exercise equipment are used: active and passive. The wellness industry is constantly improving equipment for gyms, offering new samples. The table shows some of them, providing a gentle load on the joints and spine.

Table 1. Active wellness equipment.

ViewOperating principlePeculiarities
Tone tablesThe static part fixes the body, the dynamic part allows you to put stress on the necessary muscles.Metabolism in muscles and joints increases.
Vibration platformsReflex contraction and relaxation of muscles under the influence of vibration.Gentle cardio load, 97% of muscles are simultaneously involved.
Balance platformsBy balancing, the muscles alternately tense and relax.Improves ligament elasticity and coordination.
Mortgage trainersImitation of horse movement.When maintaining balance, almost all muscle groups are involved in the work.
EMS simulatorsStimulation of muscle contraction using an electrode system.Significant effect in a short period of time.

Movement, which is positioned as one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, is, of course, not limited to working out on exercise machines. This is also therapeutic exercises, walking, running, yoga, Pilates, swimming, sports. It is important that such activities are feasible for the body, do not cause stress and bring pleasure. The main rule is not to overwork and be able to relax.

Special activities contribute to proper rest. Passive techniques are used for relaxing procedures, body and skin care.

Table 2. Passive wellness equipment.

ViewOperating principlePeculiarities
VacuumImpact on the skin by creating a vacuum.Improves blood circulation, skin elasticity, eliminates cellulite.
Compression pantsCreating pressure on the body, stimulating lymph flow.Improved metabolism.
Infrared camerasDeep warming, promoting increased blood circulation.Improving the mobility of joint joints, relieving tension and muscle pain.
Ultrasonic cavitatorDestruction of fat cells under the influence of ultrasound radiation.Effective elimination of cellulite, skin tightening.
Belt platforms, massage chairsMechanical effect on the skin with a massage effect.The ability to immediately influence large areas of the body, the effect in a short period of time.

The data provided is just a small example of the equipment and techniques that can be used. Active and passive training is necessarily complemented by spa treatments. Visiting solariums, salt caves, infrared saunas, mineral springs, hardening with contrast shower, aromatherapy, mud therapy, inhalation and other pleasant wellness activities are welcome to achieve harmony between body and soul.

One wellness club, of course, cannot offer all these services on its own. The main task of its specialists is to form a correct understanding of what needs to be done to improve physical well-being, maintain clarity of mind, and good mood. There is even wellness tourism, when travel lovers combine business with pleasure by visiting interesting places and getting there not only wonderful impressions of what you saw, but also those spa services and procedures that are not available, say, in your hometown.

Balanced nutrition as part of a wellness philosophy

What we eat every day has a huge impact on the state of all body functions and mood. Today, the principles of healthy eating have replaced the concept of diet. These principles do not require living within debilitating restrictions and depleting yourself with numerous diets.

In wellness, a nutritional system is important, which is not prescribed for a certain period of time, but accustoms you to the right choice and always preparing food. There are historically established diets characteristic of national cuisines, as well as the author’s developments of doctors. If the nutritional system is chosen correctly, it is easy to adhere to, it helps normalize and maintain weight without side effects and diseases. And this, in turn, in combination with fitness and other activities and procedures in the wellness system, promotes rejuvenation and beauty.

The basics of rational nutrition can be briefly formulated as follows:

  1. The calorie content of food consumed must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body.
  2. The chemical composition of food must satisfy the physiological needs of tissues and organs.
  3. Maximum variety of nutrition so that the body can extract everything necessary components, including those that are not synthesized by its cells (for example, essential amino acids).
  4. Optimal eating regimen: number of daily meals, regularity, sequence.

Following these principles when developing an individual nutrition system (on your own or with the help of a specialist) in itself promotes resistance to external adverse influences and improves immunity. In combination with other methods in the wellness system, this becomes a powerful factor in improving health.

Leading wellness companies have developed products whose benefits are scientifically proven. They can be used by anyone to feel better, whether it be to lose weight, get rid of illnesses, look younger or be stronger, regardless of age.

The industry that has taken over the world

Wellness can be called the concept of human well-being in all spheres of his existence: physical, spiritual, social. Every person wants to be healthy, live long, look young and enjoy life even in old age. That is why the health industry has become one of the most promising trends in the world, and the wellness club has become a popular place.

Internationally recognized economist Paul Zane Pilzer, who began studying wellness, is considered the founder of the “wellness” industry. This successful businessman, multimillionaire, professor and author of eight popular science books, estimates that the turnover of this sector of the economy is growing rapidly. From 2002 to 2007, it grew in the United States from $200 billion to $500 billion (an increase of 250%), and by 2020 this figure will exceed $1 trillion.

In conclusion, it can be noted that there are currently many fans of the concept of health all over the world, and there are more and more such people. It seems that an industry focused on giving people the opportunity to be healthy, beautiful and young will become one of the most successful sectors of the economy. And wellness supporters will be able to get what every person strives for, regardless of financial situation: health, beauty, youth, good mood.

Lifestyle - Success!

create your own business in the wellness industry!
create your wealth without leaving home!
Would you like to have more income and at the same time more free time?

Have you ever wondered why some people live in abundance and have a comfortable lifestyle, while other people seem to always be stressed and in a constant struggle with lack of financial resources? Does a person's success depend on how attractive he is, what profession he has, what education he received, how many hours he works, or is it just a matter of luck?

Many famous successful entrepreneurs are not academics or professors at all. Among them there are those who have not even received higher education.

Does success depend on random luck or on the right choice?

Successful people will tell you that there is no such thing as luck unless... we're talking about about creating a successful business or career. While some people take the chance and succeed, others find reasons they cite for not changing their lives for the better. But there are many stories that show that many famous successful entrepreneurs are not academics or professors at all. Among them there are those who have not even received higher education.

Creating a successful business or career does not depend on luck and skill, but rather depends on our ability to choose the right goal, persistently apply our efforts and turn Chance into real Success. Napoleon Hill, author of the bestselling book Think and Grow Rich, said, “Effort rewards a man long after he refuses to quit.” Many success stories show that success is often based on a person's persistence, desire to work for results and willingness to achieve set goals.

What is your lifestyle now? What kind of lifestyle do you like?

Take a look at the options below and see which best describes your lifestyle...

  1. You have a successful business and a large income, plus enough time to enjoy the lifestyle that ensures your Success.
  2. You work long hours, struggling to make ends meet.
  3. You work part-time due to family commitments.
  4. You have a well-paid job, but you work too much, rarely having time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You live to work, not work to live.

The majority of the population is located in categories No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4. In this article, we'll show you how to achieve the financial and lifestyle benefits in category #1. Keep reading if you want to get valuable business advice from world-renowned economist and American television star Paul Zane Pilzer. Paul Zane Pilzer talks about the future of network marketing as the fastest growing industry in the world. This article will also introduce you to the exciting opportunity of collaborating with NSP - the most successful company in the global industry, offering a unique business from home, in an industry that analysts predict will become a trillion dollar industry in the coming years.

Create your wealth - learn more about Success as a way of Life!

An unprecedented economic opportunity. Renowned economist Paul Zane Pilser

Paul Zane Pilzer is a world-renowned economist, entrepreneur, multimillionaire, American television personality, college professor, and author of seven best-selling books, including The Wellness Revolution and Next Millionaires.

As an economist, I deal with large-scale trends in the economy, often measured in billions or trillions of dollars. But people don't often grasp the meaning of billions and trillions. Nowadays, “wellness” is often called a “new industry”. I define “wellness” as money spent to feel healthier, even if you are not sick by normal medical standards. To be stronger, to see better, to hear better, to fight what we call the symptoms of aging. Today, the main need of most people is not money, but health. We are not usually interested in “the economy,” but we are usually interested in “our economy.” We want to know what affects us personally...What opportunity will I personally get in this “new economy”, what needs to be done for me to succeed, what will the “new economy” give me and my family?

Wellness industry...

I came into the Wellness industry in the 1990s, like many, through experiences with my own health. For ten years, against medical advice, I put off expensive knee surgery. I started taking dietary supplements (dietary supplements). I took a dietary supplement called Glucosamine, and within a year the cartilage was in knee joint was restored. The surgeon was surprised when he looked at my x-rays. I no longer needed surgery. I wanted to know what my surgeon and other medical advisors didn't already know. I also noticed that people around me began to spend more money on new, modern trends, such as dietary supplements, organic foods, alternative medicine and anti-aging products.

The beginning of the Wellness revolution...

This is a new, young industry that was very young ten years ago - then it was already a $200 billion business. Millions of people spending billions of dollars or more to maintain good health represent a new growing economic sector - people who choose to eat healthy, live long. They are living longer and they are healthier than anyone ever before in history. This represents a unique economic opportunity. As I began to explore this exciting new industry, I asked myself the main question: “How will people learn about all these new approaches to their health and longevity?” Of course, not through doctors. Doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are mainly part of the "disease industry". The combination of Network Marketing and Wellness represents an incredible financial opportunity!

  • We really won't be interested in just "the economy" - we will be interested in "our economy."
  • We want to know... what opportunity will I personally get in this “new economy”, what do I need to do for me to succeed, what will the “new economy” give me and my family?
  • Approximately 200 million people will enter this industry in the next 10 years, quadrupling the number of people involved.

Network marketing...

Network marketing is the oldest method of commercial communication, and at the same time, it is also the newest. Such communication - from person to person, from word of mouth - now represents the most modern system of information distribution of goods. This is the reason why we see so many successful Fortune 500 companies in the direct selling industry and Wall Street investors like Warren Buffett getting into the business. Network marketing has grown steadily over the past 20 years, increasing by 91% in the past decade.

Home Business Boom...

Neil Offen, president of the American Direct Selling Association, predicts that worldwide approximately 200 million people will enter the industry in the next 10 years, quadrupling the number of people involved.

Network marketing is already a force to be reckoned with, but its growth will increase dramatically in the next decade. The emergence of intelligent distribution system is the reason that will give the industry an exceptional advantage, but it is not the only reason. Another powerful factor is the real boom in “home” firms. Today, the most successful and richest people we know are people who work from home.

The opportunity to ride the crest of a wave...

It so happens that wellness products and network marketing are very close branches that make up the health industry. For some people, products for maintaining good health are extremely important and interesting because they are created using the latest technologies, and the quality of these products is so high that they are promoted on a person-to-person basis. For other people, the Wellness industry is often the same quest for a better quality of life, which finds expression in both maintaining good health and creating an entrepreneurial, “home-based” business. Wellness and network marketing together represent a huge financial opportunity; any one of these opportunities on their own has enormous wealth-creating potential. Some companies have combined the best of both industries, creating powerful waves of growth of unprecedented economic opportunity. This is the convergence of the forces of entrepreneurs creating an appropriate lifestyle for themselves, promoting health products and at the same time huge NEW WEALTH!

Paul Zane Pilzer, economist

  1. Business you can run from home
  2. Free travel
  3. Fantastic rewards
  4. Low cost of entry into business
  5. Powerful support

  • NSP is a company that has earned international recognition. NSP owns a unique manufacturing facility and produces a wide range of the highest quality health products in the world. Ultra-modern production combined with the powerful business capabilities of NSP - you get your OWN BUSINESS that will satisfy the most ambitious people!
  • NSP is one of the oldest and largest companies in the industry. It is a prosperous, wealthy, debt-free company with an impeccable history stretching back almost four decades.
  • NSP is a global success story, a company operating in over 70 countries that has successfully offered hundreds of thousands of people a great business opportunity.

Industry experts...

NSP! It was the NSP company that was the first in the world to propose placing herbs in capsules (encapsulate), and today NSP has the largest range of herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements (dietary supplements), the widest range of aromatherapy, skin care products - excellent products for maintaining health. NSP is also unique in that it is one of the few network marketing companies that has been stable and constantly growing for almost forty years. Vast experience in the manufacturing sector, clarity in fulfilling its obligations, together with convincing indicators of financial stability and longevity - all this makes the NSP business proposal a REALLY unique opportunity in creating a successful business using a proven successful model! One of the fastest growing industries...

You don't need any special knowledge or experience to start your own business with NSP.

Currently, more than 65% of the US population uses dietary supplements, and many of these people understand that there are differences in the quality of the brands offered. NSP customers enjoy the most advanced product formulas made from the finest, quality ingredients. EVERY PRODUCT IS MADE TO THE HIGHEST WORLD STANDARDS.

What does the network sell?

Network marketing is part of the direct selling industry. The expression "selling network" refers to a distribution method where companies want to sell their products or services through an independent network of people rather than through a sales force or stores used. This is the preferred form of distribution for many companies and has significant advantages. Promoting products or services from person to person provides a higher level of customer service. More than 500 of the world's wealthiest people are involved in the direct selling industry, including investors and entrepreneurs such as Warren Buffett and Richard Branson. The direct selling industry represents the highest pinnacle of intellectual distribution.

More than 200 million people will enter this industry over the next ten years.

You can start your own business with NSP today! Unlike many companies, NSP does not charge any entry fee - only the cost of the starter pack of literature, and there are no annual fees from distributors to the Company. No investment is needed for a successful start, there are no minimum purchasing requirements, and there are no requirements to stock up on products!

Although it is your own business, you are not in isolation! All the support, training and guidance you need will be available whenever you need it.

All products are offered to you at a unique price - this is the price for the company’s partners, which is absolutely the same for both beginners and those who have been cooperating with the company for a long time. No investment is needed to start a business, there are no minimum purchasing requirements, and there are no requirements to stock up on products.

Residual income...

Would you like to have your own business, which has such growth potential to constantly grow and generate income? Once you set up your NSP business, you will start enjoying the benefits of residual monthly income. The marketing plan is designed to reward you for your hard work and activity as a partner in the business, allowing you to develop an unlimited residual income.

Should I be a doctor or a businessman?..

You don't need any special education, experience or product knowledge to start your own NSP business. All the training you need is provided by your support team at NSP. You receive training and support to help you. Millions of people around the world use and recommend NSP products to preserve and maintain health!

Wellness(pronounced “wellness”) is an industry that is growing rapidly and is increasingly of interest to people all over the world. Wellness is a complex of services and products aimed at developing and maintaining human health, beauty and longevity. This industry includes fitness centers, SPA salons, saunas, sports, skin and body care, proper nutrition, dietary supplements, natural health products and much more. In a word, wellness is a healthy lifestyle. APL is part of this huge industry, helping people maintain and improve health, maintain beauty and enjoy a high quality and standard of living.

Caring for health and beauty today has become a global trend, an industry in which billions of dollars and the efforts of the best scientists in the world are invested. Any new development in this area that produces visible results brings the authors huge income and world fame. Every day, outstanding experts on the planet struggle to solve pressing problems - maintaining health, maintaining vitality, prolonging youth, etc. Those who offer effective innovations in the wellness industry are at the peak of progress and success today.

Usually people take care of their health only after it deteriorates. A reactive approach to health is all about treating existing diseases and conditions. Unfortunately, traditional medicine is structured in such a way that doctors receive compensation only for treating the disease. It is obvious that doctors and pharmaceutical companies It is not profitable for a person to be healthy; they are interested in regular consumers. It is beneficial for them that we live long, but at the same time get sick and buy medicine. Massive use of medications - characteristic feature modern society.

Currently, in the United States, almost 20 percent of gross national income is spent on health care. An English economist has calculated that with the current health care system, by 2065 the United States will spend 100 percent of its gross national income on treating the population.

Flawed medicine with rising costs, dubbed the “disease industry,” has given rise to the health industry, which offers a proactive approach to healthcare. It is known that 80 percent of all chronic diseases can be prevented and even reversed without the use of medications.

Wellness industry - evolution of healthcare

Unlike medicine, which focuses on treating disease, the wellness industry focuses on developing products to maintain and improve health. Today there are proven things that people can do to have good health, look younger and feel strong even as they get older.

Recent years have been marked by a global economic downturn and disruptive geopolitical events, but the wellness economy continues to grow on a rapidly upward trajectory. Global Wellness Institute

The wellness industry is focused on people's needs for health and improvement. Wellness is aimed at preventing disease, promoting health and prolonging life. Improvement focuses on personal improvement appearance, well-being and .

Human body is a perfect system that has incredible self-healing potential. The wellness industry offers products and services designed to activate natural physiological mechanisms for maintaining health.

Wellness products are safer and often work better than medications, which can weaken the immune system and have negative side effects.

Traditional medicine requires a serious revision of its approaches to health towards the prevention of diseases and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. There is no doubt that wellness is the foundation of the healthcare system of the future.

Main segments of the health industry

The wellness industry is unique methods of health management, new opportunities for a healthy lifestyle, innovative products and services.

The health industry spans many sectors of the global economy, from food production to construction and tourism. The main segments of the wellness industry are:

  • healthy eating;

  • fitness and yoga;

  • beauty and body care;

  • health tourism;

  • alternative medicine;

  • wellness properties;

  • corporate wellness.

Healthy eating: organic food, natural dietary supplements, including those that help reduce excess weight, kitchen utensils, diet planning services, healthy food restaurants.

Fitness and yoga: sportswear and shoes, fitness gadgets and sports equipment, health clubs, fitness and yoga centers, individual training.

Beauty and body care: natural products for body, skin and hair care, personal hygiene products, orthopedic products, spa services.

Health tourism: spa resorts - healing at thermal springs; thalasso resorts - healing with sea air, water and seafood; retreats are focused on relaxation, solitude, spiritual experience and unity with nature; sports resorts offer physical activity to improve health.

Alternative medicine: a variety of practices and products not typically considered part of traditional medicine, for example, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, naturopathy, Thai massage, herbal medicine, etc.

Corporate wellness: Programs, products, coaching and design services offered to businesses aimed at promoting workplace health, stress management, and productivity.

Wellness real estate: Residential, hotel, resort, sports and mixed-use developments that integrate health, social and environmental factors into building design.

Consumers, entrepreneurs, governments and employers will continue to invest in these sectors of the wellness industry due to a number of factors, including rising health conditions and an aging population, the emergence of a global middle class, and growing interest in...

The wellness economy is growing at nearly twice the rate of the global economy, so it's no surprise that companies are trying to adapt to rising demand.

Excerpts from Paul Pilzer's interview with Network Marketing Lifestyles magazine.

Today, the Wellness market in terms of turnover is comparable to the hi-tech sector (“high-tech” - high technology). The annual turnover of the industry in the world is 425 billion dollars. An in-depth analysis of this phenomenon was carried out by the American businessman, economist and writer Paul Zane Pilzer (http://www.paulzanepilzer.com/).

An extraordinary personality, a man who at the age of 25 became a millionaire, a little later - a university professor and the author of three bestsellers. One of his books, “The Wellness Revolution. How to Create Your Own Wealth in the Next Trillion Dollar Industry” even sparked hearings in the US Congress.

Paul Pilzer's strong point is economic forecasting. His forecasts are surprisingly accurate, which is why he has been an economic adviser to three US presidential administrations.

This man has news for us:

We are witnessing the explosive growth of a new one trillion dollar industry, and network marketing is at the forefront of this growth. Today, the greatest opportunity to get rich is for those who, in Pilzer's words, are engaged in “intellectual distribution.”

“In my new book, The Next Trillion, I distinguish two distribution functions: physical and intellectual.

Physical distribution means the delivery of a product to the consumer - a product that the client is already familiar with and which he wants to receive.

Intelligent Distribution is that you learn about a new product or service that you were not aware of before. Today, it is in intelligent distribution that the greatest opportunities lie. The fortunes that will be made in the new millennium—at least in the first decade—will be in smart distribution: introducing consumers to products and services that will improve their lives but which they were previously unaware of. today it is almost entirely intellectual distribution. When you, as a network marketing representative, discuss a product with a consumer, you are not actually handing it over. You entrust this to a transport company that will deliver this product to your consumer.

What's even more fascinating is the fact that network marketing today is usually done one-on-one by the person using the product themselves. Unlike a car, electronics, or clothing salesman, a network marketer is an intelligent, experienced enthusiast who uses the product that interests you.

Those companies that thrive in network marketing focus almost entirely on intelligent distribution, introducing people to new products and services that improve their lives.

Those who achieve outstanding success will do so by mastering unique, patented technology. And not just unique, but effective - better than all others. I define Wellness as spending time on feeling healthier, even if you are not “sick” by conventional medical measures. To be stronger, to see better, to hear better, to fight what we call the symptoms of aging.

Today, the main need of most people is not money, but health.

Today, the lower the income, the more common obesity is. Obesity is a sign of poor nutrition. Typically, someone who suffers from obesity also suffers from vitamin deficiencies, fatigue and arthritis or other diseases that stem from poor nutrition.

Since 1980, the percentage of obese and overweight people in the United States has nearly doubled. In 1980, 15% of the population was obese; by 2000, this figure had jumped to 27% - that's 77 million people with clinical obesity! In the last 4 years alone, these numbers have increased by 10% and continue to grow at a rate exceeding the rate of epidemics.

With so many obese and overweight people, our susceptibility to diabetes and other similar diseases has tripled. Today, in a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, we see a huge part of our population falling into the abyss. Here's another number that shocks me: 61% of the US population is overweight. This figure has also doubled since 1980.

Today, the food industry's annual turnover is approximately $1 trillion; another trillion (actually 1.4 trillion) comes from the “disease business.” These two industries feed each other in the most insidious way because most of the diseases today are caused by the poor nutrition that the food industry feeds us. These two trillion-dollar industries collaborate to maintain the scary 61% of people who are overweight.

Looking at these numbers, you might think that the day will soon come when everyone will be overweight or obese. Actually this is not true.

The 39% of the American population who are not overweight includes 10-15 million aging Americans; with age they become healthier, fitter, stronger - in fact younger, by any medical definition.

These people represent a new economic sector. Basically, these are wealthy people; as soon as they have money, they begin to think about how to improve their health, and they do it not in medical institutions. They join sports clubs, improve their diet, take adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, and are interested in supplements and other products that support their well-being.

When I saw this trend, I wondered if there was a business here. The answer amazed me.

In 2000, Wellness in America was already a $200 billion industry; about half of this amount is 24 billion spent on sports clubs, and 70 billion spent on vitamins and minerals. Ten years ago there was no trace of anything like this.

By definition, all Wellness is new technologies. The only way to find out about it is through someone you know who has experience in this field. You meet your college classmate: “John, you look great! You are bursting with health – how did you manage to do that?” You come across someone's expertise in Wellness and learn that there is an entire Wellness industry with a ton of new products and services.

Of all the things I've ever done, the Wellness industry looks like the most promising right now.

The correct information about diet, nutrition, vitamins, minerals and supplements is almost completely contrary to everything we have heard from our medical professionals; for many of us, it goes against what we were raised on. There is so much inaccurate information out there, it's no wonder people can be skeptical. The only opportunity to change their perceptions or start receiving new information- These are human contacts.

This doesn't happen in one day. It may take three, four, five, six conversations with different people so that you change your mind. This is why Wellness, which is actually information that changes the way you think, works best in one-on-one interactive exchanges, i.e. modeled after network marketing.

Looking ahead, I see the Wellness industry reaching $1 trillion by 2010. I see huge opportunities for network marketing and its representatives. I see some network marketing companies at the forefront of this industry because they are ahead of the curve in providing new information.

I see enormous opportunities opening up, because today is the most the best remedy introducing people to new products and services, both in the United States and around the world.

There are unlimited opportunities for network marketing companies to introduce consumers to the products and services of the Wellness industry. I also see great opportunities for successful online companies, especially those in the Wellness industry, related to the development of advanced technologies. Companies that are able to better meet the needs of their customers will be the most successful.

Wellness (from English well - good) is a joyful, harmonious, full-blooded life, based on a positive attitude and excellent well-being.
The emergence of a new class of consumers willing to pay for their health has proven to be a decisive factor in the growth of Wellness services.

This is a whole philosophy. The philosophy of prosperity in all areas of our lives - physical and spiritual, social and mental. The main core of the theory was the prevention and prevention of diseases and signs of aging, both external and internal, organic. The consumer niche was very quickly filled with various types of health complexes, from traditional gyms and classical massage sessions to exotic baths, spa resorts, fitness yoga, etc. A special place among methods of preventing aging and disease is occupied by dietary supplements and foods enriched with vitamins and minerals.

John David Mann and John Milton Fogg

The next $1 trillion industry will be the Wellness industry!
