The pros and cons of popping pimples. Why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples and how to stop squeezing them. What to do if you squeeze a large pimple

Sometimes it happens that a pimple has been squeezed out, a tumor has appeared, it is unknown what to do, but a date or performance in front of the public is planned in the near future. When trying to eliminate an abscess or pimple above the eye, a multi-colored bruise may also form. You can quickly help yourself in this case, but it is advisable to make sure that the new inflammation does not lead to even more serious consequences.

If you remove even a mature pimple on your own, there is a risk of re-infection. This can happen due to insufficient quality of treatment of the hands and skin at the site of the mini-operation, and due to excessive forces applied to the abscess capsule. As a result, microbes preserved in pus or located on the skin enter the blood vessels - skin capillaries. The result of this is a common problem: when pimples are squeezed out, the cheek becomes swollen, the face looks swollen, and the acne becomes larger or becomes inflamed.

The chances of aggravating the problem and getting a significant swelling on the face instead of a small pimple are especially high if the pimple is above the eye or on the lip.

The skin in these areas is thin and saturated blood vessels, she is easily injured. The presence of microbial agents in the discharged pus often leads to inflammation and swelling.

But in some cases, squeezing out a pimple on your own can provoke an abscess or phlegmon, lead to blood poisoning, damage to the facial nerve and other serious complications. You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • the size of the swelling reaches more than 1 cm and it is growing;
  • pain, numbness, muscle spasm, itching and other unpleasant sensations occur in the inflamed area;
  • the tumor area is red and the skin is hot to the touch;
  • body temperature is increased and signs of intoxication appear (nausea, headache, weakness).

In case of inflammation, the tumor usually has a dense structure and feels like painful lump in the deep layers of the skin. It is not recommended to try to do something on your own if you have squeezed out a pimple, and in its place a similar problem area has formed. Severe inflammation indicates a possible infection, and it is better to entrust the fight against this to a specialist. If nothing bad has happened yet, the surgeon will simply advise what medications should be used for treatment and set the time for the next visit.

If there are no threatening symptoms, but small bump is just a natural reaction of the body to a squeezed comedon, you can help yourself at home.

How to eliminate minor local inflammation?

Residual inflammation after squeezing a pimple quickly relieves toothpaste or aftershave cream. Products containing menthol or mint extract have the greatest effect. They cool and soothe irritated skin. Just don’t apply them to a fresh, still open wound.

After the abscess is opened, the wound remaining at the site of the pimple must be cauterized with hydrogen peroxide, a pharmaceutical solution of salicylic acid or other alcohol preparations. After a while it will dry out and become covered with a thin crust. Any remaining redness and swelling can be made almost invisible by applying ice.

For making cosmetic ice decoctions are often used medicinal herbs. You can treat the inflamed area after removing a pimple with just this remedy: decoctions of parsley, yarrow, chamomile or calendula have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ice works well to relieve redness and can be used when a small area is swollen. Cooling procedures will simultaneously disinfect the inflamed area.

A good way to relieve swelling from a pimple and eliminate redness is to use cold drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. It is enough to drop 2-3 drops of Nazivin or another similar drug onto a tampon and apply the lotion to the irritated skin. Redness on the face from acne goes away in just 5 minutes.

If an infection gets into the wound

A sign of secondary infection is the appearance of a tumor, swelling, and redness at the site of the acne.

If a lump up to 1 cm in size appears, then it is advisable to know how to treat the inflamed area at home.

When the tumor just begins to become inflamed after removing a pimple above the eye, on the cheek or on the bridge of the nose, you can try to provide first aid to yourself:

When you squeeze out acne carelessly, it happens that several new ones appear in the place of the removed pimple. This means that pus from the cavity of the opened abscess got onto the skin, and microbes penetrated into neighboring pores. How to treat secondary inflammation is clear: you need the same means that were used to treat the previous comedones:

  1. You can use compresses with Vishnevsky, Ichthyol, and Sulfur ointments. They accelerate the maturation of new ulcers, they become less inflamed and are easily squeezed out. In order not to multiply the number of new rashes, you need to carefully treat the surface of the skin and hands with alcohol, Chlorhexidine or other antiseptics. Each squeezed out abscess is cauterized with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Levomekol, Tetracycline or Erythromycin emulsion, Synthomycin liniment can serve as a substitute for Vishnevsky ointment. These ointments can be used to treat acne rashes if the smell of the products from the previous paragraph bothers you.

You should not self-medicate when the site of the squeezed pimple has swollen and a large lump has formed in the form of several connected abscesses.

The problem that arises is called a carbuncle, and it needs to be treated in a medical facility.

How to treat the eye area?

Often, when trying to remove a pimple near the eye, small vessels under the thin skin are damaged. This does not cause inflammation, but does cause a bruise or dark spot. To prevent this from happening, before removing a pimple under the eye, you need to wait for it to fully mature.

You can determine the right moment by the appearance of the comedone: if it is not as red as before, and a pus-filled blister appears on the top, then the pimple is ready to open. It must be gently pressed with a sterile swab moistened with a disinfectant and the pus removed.

If the layer of epidermis above the abscess is still strong, then you should not put pressure on the pimple: this is what causes bruising or swelling at the site of the pimple under the eye and in any area around the eyeball.

In this case, you need to wait another 1-2 days, and the pimple above the eye will go away easily, leaving no marks.

If it was not possible to avoid the formation of a bruise, everything around the eye is swollen and darkened, then the hematoma can be removed only in 2-3 days. To do this, you need to buy a cream with bodyaga, designed to remove such cosmetic defects. In the absence of it, a cream for varicose veins can help. These formulations are designed to accelerate blood flow and quickly resolve bruises.

Pharmacy bodyagi powder is also suitable as a reasonable alternative. It should be boiled with boiling water to the consistency of a paste and applied like a mask to the bruise. Leave until dry and rinse. Repeat the procedure several times a day until the effect is achieved.

How to prevent the appearance of secondary inflammation?

Prevention of the development of complications after self-removal of acne involves following the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Before squeezing a pimple, be sure to wash your hands and treat the area with an antiseptic.

This means that you need to prevent infection from entering the wound:

  • Before removing a pimple, treat the skin around it with alcohol or another antiseptic;
  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • For squeezing, do not use even alcohol-treated fingers, but use tampons from a sterile bandage.

Immediately after removing the pus, cauterize the abscess with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. You can use a solution of iodine or brilliant green, tincture of calendula in alcohol and other similar products. If everything is done correctly and carefully, then the residual effects become invisible the very next day. But you should not touch or scratch the area where the pimple was squeezed out. It is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics until a crust appears on the wound.

We all often hear and read that pimples should not be squeezed out. However, it is very difficult to resist squeezing such a terrible and half-ripe pimple. Needless to say, my hands constantly reach out to squeeze something out. And so, when the job is done, and time cannot be turned back, an even more depressing red spot remains on our wonderful face, sometimes even bleeding. At this moment you understand that you shouldn’t have squeezed it out, because now it’s even worse.

If you often wonder: or you are one of those amateur pimple crushers, this article is for you. Not everything is so bad, because there is good ways quickly dry the pimple, and if you do everything correctly, then there won’t even be a trace left of the squeezed pimple.

It is very important that the wound from a squeezed pimple is as small as possible and with a minimum of blood. If it turns out that you severely tore the wound, it turns out to be large and deep, it is better not to resort to the methods presented in the article.

However, if the pimple was small, and the wound turned out to be tiny after squeezing, then first of all you need to moisten this place cold water so that the blood clots faster and the redness goes away. Wet a cotton pad and apply it to the pimple for at least a minute or two. If there is no more bleeding, you need to use one of the remedies below.

1. Oil tea tree

After popping the pimple, immediately apply tea tree oil to it. Firstly, it is very good antiseptic, and secondly, it dries the skin very well, and thus the trace of a squeezed pimple will be minimal. Just remember to make sure that you are not allergic to this essential oil.

2. Toothpaste

The toothpaste is just great dries out a popped pimple. The main thing is not to use paste that contains various dyes. Apply a small drop to the entire area of ​​the pimple and rinse with water after 20-30 minutes. It will sting a little, but this should not scare you.

3. Tar soap

Lather the area with the squeezed pimple with tar soap and wash off after 30 minutes. This soap dries out the skin very well, and if you wash your face with this soap at least once a week, then acne will stop bothering you altogether.

4. Aloe juice

Aloe juice will also serve as a good antiseptic after squeezing. Apply it to the squeezed out area and you can safely go to bed. In the morning you will be irresistible!

5. Lemon juice

Apply a little lemon juice to the squeezed area and wash off after half an hour. However, applying lemon juice can cause a terrible burning sensation, so you should not use it if squeezing a pimple left you with a large cut.

But still, try to wean yourself from squeezing pimples. It’s better to make an effort so that they don’t appear at all, and then you won’t have to think about what to do if you pop a pimple.

Today we received the following question on our website: “I squeezed out a pimple, applied salicylic-zinc ointment, will it help?” Let's try to understand this issue.

Experts, both dermatologists and cosmetologists, do not recommend squeezing pimples. But if this does happen, the wound must be treated afterwards. And it is best to use an aseptic agent here, for example, alcohol. But salicylic-zinc paste will also good option in order to smear the place where the pimple was squeezed out.

The procedure for popping a pimple is quite simple. But there is a big risk here. That the wound will get infected. Therefore, before you start squeezing pimples, you should definitely wash your hands with soap and water. It is also necessary to rinse your face and use not just water, but a decoction of chamomile, which not only has antiseptic properties, but also helps heal small wounds.

If chamomile decoction is not available, you can replace it cosmetic product– gel or lotion for washing.

Before you begin the procedure, you should do one more important and mandatory thing - lubricate the pimple. This will help get rid of dead skin cells that are located in this area.

Lubricate salicylic acid pimple follows for 2 minutes. And to prevent the skin on your hands from getting burned, it is advisable to wear gloves.

After the pimple is squeezed out, the area should be lubricated with an antiseptic. Again, this could be alcohol, a decoction or infusion of chamomile or calendula. In emergency cases, when there is nothing at hand, you can use perfume.

Then it is recommended to apply ointment to this area to eliminate redness, and one of them will be salicylic-zinc.

If the pimple becomes inflamed after squeezing it out

How to anoint a pimple after squeezing it if it is inflamed? This happens for three fairly common reasons:

  • Infection. This happens if you did not wash your hands before the procedure or did not use an antiseptic. Microorganisms that always live on the skin can easily penetrate the wound and cause inflammatory process. In this case, salicylic-zinc paste is also suitable, as well as other gels and ointments that contain an antibiotic.
  • The second reason is the abscess does not come out, but into the surrounding tissues. If this happens, it often leads to the formation of an abscess or phlegmon. This can only be cured with surgical removal purulent formation. After surgery, a scar will definitely remain at the site of the abscess.
  • But the most dangerous option develops when, through the vessels that are located on the face close to the skin, microbes from the abscess go straight to the brain. This is especially true for acne that is located around the eyes, nose and chin.

Therefore, if after squeezing out a pimple, redness appears in this place, which does not go away within 24 hours, you should consult a doctor. First, this may be a dermatologist who, if necessary, will write a referral to a surgeon.

Redness occurred after squeezing

The skin should be treated in this way several times a day. If you do everything correctly, then the very next day the inflammation will noticeably decrease, and then completely disappear.

After squeezing, a tumor appeared

What to apply to a squeezed pimple if swelling suddenly develops? Edema can develop for two reasons. In the first case it is increased sensitivity skin. That is, even simple pressure on the skin can cause such a reaction. This happens due to an abundant flow of blood.

A cold compress or smearing with mint toothpaste will help to cope with this.

The same can happen when the inflammatory process begins to develop. If, in addition, the swelling is accompanied by pain, muscle spasms, and there is also elevated temperature body, you should consult a doctor immediately.

If the swelling is not accompanied by the symptoms listed above, then you can use one of the following methods:

  • Iodine mesh at the site of edema, which is quickly absorbed and in some cases helps to overcome the phenomenon we are describing.
  • Soda compress. To do this, mix water and soda in an exact ratio of 10 to 1. Soak a cotton pad in this solution and apply it to the site of swelling for several hours.
  • Aloe juice. , besides, it is an excellent antiseptic.

After squeezing, a lump remained

What to apply to a pimple after squeezing out its contents if a bump appears in its place? First of all, you need to figure out why it might appear. This happens if you try to squeeze pus out of a pimple that is not yet ripe.

As a result, a lump appears. It is located in the deep layers of the skin and can be painful or not painful at all. The skin over this area does not change in any way.

Under no circumstances should such deep formations be squeezed out. In this case, you can damage the capsule, and this is a real cyst, and pus will get into the surrounding healthy tissue and cause infection. If you notice such acne, it is best to consult a doctor.

The second method is to use it as a compress. It should be applied once a day for 6 hours. After a few days, pus can be drawn out from such a subcutaneous formation.

Vishnevsky ointment can be replaced. You can also use it as a compress.

And finally, a hypertonic solution helps get rid of deep ulcers. It’s easy to make – mix 1 part water with 10 parts salt. Mix everything and make lotions for several days.

Remember that acne should never be heated. This will only intensify the inflammatory process, the swelling will increase and severe pain will begin.

Now you know exactly what to do after you accidentally or intentionally pop a pimple. To make the pimple go away faster, the squeezing procedure should be performed only with clean hands treated with alcohol.

Video: how to squeeze out pimples correctly

Every person in his life has met at least once with acne, pimples, blackheads, wen. But few people know that it is possible to squeeze acne on the face.

Illiteracy in this matter and self-treatment can lead to irreversible consequences, so it is important to sort everything out. In this article, we’ll figure out together whether it’s possible to put pressure on your face. purulent pimples, squeeze out blackheads, wen, blackheads, white and subcutaneous pimples.

Inflammations on the face are not only unpleasant in appearance, but also severe painful sensations. Treatment can be carried out both using mechanical action and medicinal. Let's consider the rules and restrictions during the extrusion procedure.

In this article:

Is it possible to squeeze out pimples on the face depending on their type?

Purulent pimples

Dermatological specialists advise squeezing out purulent pimples on the forehead, cheeks, and chin. They are motivated by the fact that breakthrough inflammation can occur unexpectedly and cause harm to human health. Tips to help squeeze out pimples efficiently and without subsequent repeated reactions:


When asked whether it is possible to squeeze blackheads on the face, cosmetologists give a positive answer. When squeezing them out, it is important to treat your hands with alcohol or antimicrobial soap, otherwise dirt from your hands will get into the wound and microbial inflammation will begin.

Before the procedure, a sterile bandage is wrapped around the fingers, which is moistened in a 1 or 2 percent solution of salicylic acid.

To free the pores from blockage, apply pressure around the blackhead.

The duct is cleared of pus, ichor and subcutaneous fat.

It is important not to apply too much force - it is better to leave the unyielding for later.

Strong exposure to the skin can injure it and leave wounds or scars.


Wen is a benign tumor with a dense or liquid structure. Doesn't call pain. Spoils appearance.

  • Is it possible to squeeze out wen on the face? Experts do not recommend squeezing them out yourself.
  • To treat the formation, you need equipment that only dermatologists have.
  • Self-medication and treatment at home leads to serious skin problems.


Unlike acne, inflammation that lasts less dangerous form. They arise due to oily skin and clogged pores with excess oil. There are 2 types of acne: open and closed.

Open (white) - accumulation of particles of dust, dirt, sweat in an enlarged pore.

Whiteheads are eliminated using mechanical action, since they are located on the surface of the skin.

A sign of open comedones is a dark-colored head located on the skin.

Closed - accumulation of secretion in the subcutaneous layer.

Let's find out whether it is possible to squeeze closed acne on the face. The opinion of experts is this: mechanical impact on deep-seated, closed acne lesions leads to infection of the pores, so squeezing them out is not recommended.

White pimples

Clearly visible on the skin. They are white in color and small in size. More often they form on the surface of the skin of the face and neck when hormonal changes in the body. They are formed due to blockage of the duct with dead skin particles and sebum.

Subcutaneous abscesses

Squeezing subcutaneous pimples is not performed. For treatment use:

  • Treatment of the subcutaneous area with an antiseptic.
  • An incision or injection is made into the subcutaneous pimple.
  • The purulent pastula is cleansed.
  • The opened wound is treated with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Expert opinion

Sandra Lee, a dermatologist at the American clinic Skin Physicians & Surgeons, believes that you can’t squeeze out pimples yourself, as they leave unsightly scars that worsen a person’s appearance.

Asel Alseitova, a cosmetologist from Kazakhstan, believes that self-medication of acne and squeezing will not lead to anything good. So, Treatment of the disease requires the help of specialists and comprehensive measures to eliminate the cause of inflammation.


The consequences of squeezing pimples are often negative:

  • Infection easily enters an open wound formed by a newly squeezed pimple.
  • The threat of acne due to the spread of infected fluid from one pimple to other pores.
  • The appearance of scars and stains from mechanical stress.
  • The place of extrusion has a bright red inflamed color.

Extrusion rules

Before the procedure, tests are taken and a consultation with a dermatologist is held.. If the formation is not oncological in nature, then begin preparing for extrusion.

  • Disinfect the skin.
  • Hands and tools are disinfected.
  • Anesthetize the pimple area as needed.
  • Open the pimple with a needle.
  • They cleanse the pores of pus, sebum, and dirt.
  • The surgical site is treated.

How to get rid of the habit of squeezing imperfections on your face?

The habit of squeezing pimples brings with it psychological problems. A person, squeezing pimples, seeks to solve the problem of loneliness or complexes. Initially, pathological psychological complexes are eliminated - low self-esteem, uncertainty. For treatment, consult a psychotherapist or psychologist.

Prevention and treatment

To prevent the appearance of blackheads or pimples, you should cleanse your face with lotion or foam at least once a day. It is not recommended to use because it dries the skin too much. Cleaning and cleaning products are selected based on the patient’s skin type. For prevention, it is recommended to spend more time outdoors and engage in active physical activity.

How to squeeze out ulcers correctly?

The rules are simple and clear:

  • Disinfection of the skin surface.
  • Disinfection of equipment and hands.
  • Opening and cleaning the pores.
  • Treatment of the wound with an antibacterial agent.

Self-medication in rare cases ends with the desired result. For effective and safe treatment It is necessary to contact qualified specialists who will prescribe quality treatment.
