Leo zodiac sign tattoos for men. Leo zodiac sign tattoo

The image of a lion is one of the most popular among many peoples. The ancient Egyptians depicted a pair of lions on their bodies with their backs to each other, thereby symbolizing strength and balance. The king of beasts has always personified strength, pride and courage.

The Lion tattoo symbolizes nobility and strength, giving its owners success and good luck.

Those born under the sign of Leo (from July 23 to August 23) are endowed with truly royal generosity. The fire element manifests itself in a strong, domineering character. They are fearless and confident. In astrology, Leos are considered the favorites of the Sun.

According to one version, the symbol of the Leo sign comes from the Greek letter lambdas(the Greeks call the constellation Leon), according to another - this is the outline of the mane and tail of the animal.

In many countries, a tattoo with an image of an animal is applied as a talisman that can give a person strength and energy. Sometimes a Leo tattoo is applied in memory of a deceased loved one.

Leo Tattoo Places

For representatives of the zodiac sign, a tattoo of the symbol or Leo itself is considered the best place to apply it upper part backs. In this case, it realizes its full energy potential.

A tattoo applied along the spine looks harmonious. The shoulder, ankle and hand areas are also suitable.

Fiery natures will also like the color palette of such drawings. If desired, colors can be used quite brightly. A sprig of lavender can complement the composition.

Who is suitable for a LION tattoo?

The mighty, formidable Leo is an excellent option for men born under this constellation. Such a tattoo indicates a powerful nature with a noble heart. For men, regardless of their zodiac sign, such a tattoo can give more self-confidence, courage and strength.

Girls choose Leo tattoos in “softer” versions. These could be “cartoon” lion cubs. It is known that the Lioness is a symbol of motherhood and family wisdom. For a girl, such decoration brings success in love and harmony in family life.

Famous people born under the sign of Leo

Arnold Schwarzenegger

businessman and actor from the United States. He served for a time as governor of California.

Bernard Shaw

playwright and novelist from Ireland. Winner of prestigious awards, social and political figure. Playwright who is still performed on English stages

Daniel Radcliffe

actor from Great Britain. He was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actor of his time. Best known for the Harry Potter film series.

Ivan Aivazovsky

Russian artist, philanthropist and battle painter

Ivan Okhlobystin

television actor, screenwriter and journalist from Russia. Former clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church

Kevin Spacey

actor and racer from America. Best known for director David Fincher's film "Seven"

Mick Jagger

rock singer from Great Britain. Frontman of The Rolling Stones

Selena Gomez

film actress from the United States, singer and designer. He is involved in charity work. She received the award in 2007 for her role in the film “Wizards of Waverly Place.”

Stanley Kubrick

director, photographer, producer from America. Cooper's films are considered the most viewed today, as they are shot with a high level of skill.

Sketches and photos of Leo tattoos

When choosing a sketch, it is important to know that a Leo with an open mouth and bared fangs carries a symbol of aggression and unbridled passions. Such tattoos can affect a person’s character and destiny.

The lion is a popular men's tattoo, especially often seen among Eastern and African peoples. For them it is a symbol of wisdom, leadership, authority and greatness. For the rest, a Leo zodiac sign tattoo for men, associated with a constellation and a specific date of birth, is more typical.

The zodiac sign Leo is associated with the power of fire and the energy of the sun; some also consider it a totem of family relationships. To correctly understand the meaning of a Leo tattoo, it is important not only to take into account the features of the sketch, but also the location on the body, the presence of additional symbols and details, as well as the style and color scheme.

The rules for decoding tattoos primarily concern the sketches themselves, how exactly the artist will convey this or that character, sign or symbol. As for the zodiac sign Leo, it can be applied to the body as body art in several variations, for example:

Leo constellation tattoo– the choice of creative individuals, open, ready for self-sacrifice, responsiveness, good nature.

Lion with the sun- a symbol of endless energy, warmth and positivity in the soul, emotionality, readiness to protect your loved ones from misfortunes and problems.

Lion or lion face- a symbol of self-control, the ability to control the subconscious, the desire to rule and be first.

Lioness– a symbol of motherhood, care and guardianship, family. The owner of the tattoo sees the meaning of life in his offspring and is ready to support them, protect them and remain devoted to the family.

Leo zodiac sign symbol is a talisman that brings leadership, success, good health, courage and wisdom into a man’s life.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Today, not only men born under this sign prefer to get a tattoo of the Leo zodiac sign, but also others. This is due to the fact that when making the right choice the sketch and location on the body of the tattoo promises happy marriage, successful career, financial wealth.

What does a Leo sign tattoo mean for a man?

To understand the meaning of Leo zodiac sign tattoos for men, it is enough to look into the history of different eras, religions and peoples. You can find out the following interesting facts:

  • Buddhism– the sign of Leo personifies perseverance, endurance, nobility and honor;
  • Ancient Egypt– Lions are considered symbols of self-control, self-confidence, the balance of good and evil in the soul;
  • Rus– among the Slavs it was believed that a tattoo with a Leo would help solve the problem of infertility.

There is also a legend that they first learned about the lion in the ancient city of Nemea, whose residents were disturbed by a terrible beast. To deal with his temper and attacks, people asked Hercules to defeat him. The gods took this lion to heaven, where he became the patron saint of all winners. Hence it is clear why in modern times the lion is considered the winner and leader among all animals.

What places on a man’s body are suitable for applying a Leo sign tattoo?

Place on the body is not so much a practical or aesthetic issue, it is the deep sacred meaning of a tattoo. In one place, a tattoo with the sign of Leo can be extremely useful for a future man, in another, it can harm his character and behavior.


If a man has a Leo tattoo on his shoulder, he thereby shows the strength of his character and life principles. A man has hidden qualities such as intelligence, independence, unshakable courage and bravery.


Not only the lion beast will look harmonious on the forearm, but also its combination with other animals. This will be an indicator of peace in the soul of the owner, the desire to communicate and contact with society, the absence of aggression and hostility.

Wrist tattoo

You can put symbols on your wrist, the constellation or the head of Leo. Most often, the meaning lies in demonstrating love for family, children, and readiness to protect them from any problems and ill-wishers.

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

Hands are responsible for a man’s creativity and professionalism, and a tattoo with such a zodiac sign on the fingers, palms or hands will be an amulet that will help you achieve success in any business or endeavor.

Tattoo sleeve

A sleeve is a tattoo that covers the entire space of a man’s arm; the zodiac sign Leo can also be depicted in this format. If this animal is completely calm, it will be a symbol of balance, wisdom and self-control. If aggressive we're talking about about anger, excessive emotionality and danger.


A Leo tattoo on the neck is a talisman that will help a free man find a family, and a family man to preserve it and increase it with offspring. How less tattoo will catch the eye of those around you, the more will it work for the benefit of its future owner.


If a man gets a tattoo with the Leo zodiac sign on his chest, he thereby shows his good nature, nobility, prosperity and independence. It is not recommended to hit a grinning and dangerous predator in this place, as it will make the man excessively unrestrained.


If the lion is located on its side, this is a non-trivial tattoo that is of a purely personal nature. The meaning will vary around matters of the heart and family, and the right sketch will help even cope with infertility.


If a man has problems in the sexual sphere, a tattoo with a lion or zodiac sign will help improve function and fertility. Also, body art will bring passion and sensuality to life.


The ideal sketch of the Leo zodiac sign for the back is two animals with their backs to each other. In this way, a man balances the balance of good and evil, emotions and reason, trying to maintain harmony within himself.


The sign of Leo is often applied to the shoulder blades, as it helps strengthen the qualities of a leader. A man will quickly advance in his career to a leadership position, develop a desire to help other people, nobility, kindness and wisdom.


Oriental motifs of the Leo sketch are most often depicted on the leg, which will mean prosperity, strength, protection from dark forces. Also, the constellation and symbolism in this place will serve as an amulet for prosperity in personal and professional relationships.

If you strive for a successful career and a strong family, leadership, management position, great responsibility, you can safely get a lion tattoo on your body in the form of an animal or a zodiac sign. But first, listen to a few tips:

  • sketch– choose a sketch for yourself, it should be unique and not someone else’s copy;
  • price– find out from the master the approximate cost of the work in order to be financially prepared for such waste;
  • place on the phone e – decide on the goals and objectives of the tattoo, based on which select an area on the body for your sketch;
  • Preparation– find out how to properly prepare for the tattoo procedure, remember that these are usually multiple trips to the salon;
  • care– find out in advance about the rules for caring for a tattoo, assess whether you are capable of such measures.

Important! There should be no contradictions or dissonance between the semantic message of the tattoo and the character of the man. Therefore, compare the meaning and appearance of the tattoo in advance with your image, character and lifestyle.

How to choose a tattoo design for a location on the body?

Knowing what idea you want to convey with a tattoo, it will be easier to decide on its location and appearance. The basic principle of choosing a place on the body for the desired sketch is proportionality, namely:

lion head– it can be applied to areas such as shoulders, shoulder blades, thighs;

whole lion– a large composition that can only be seen on the back, chest, legs, arms, forearm and sides;

zodiac sign symbol– it is best placed on the wrist, hand, palm of the hand or on the neck;

inscription– the inscription will look original on the fingers, palms and various hidden areas on the body.

Your level of tolerance can also help in choosing a place. If you do not tolerate pain well, you can apply the sketch to less sensitive areas. Consider whether it will be important for you to hide the tattoo under clothing in certain places; this will also narrow down your choice.

Styles and colors for tattoos with the sign “Leo”

Style is unique way transferring the picture in a given format. A Leo in one style can look funny and kind, but in another it can be perceived with notes of aggression and malice. Therefore, choose your style responsibly. For the zodiac sign Leo, the following options are appropriate:

realism– the most realistic image of the animal;

traditional– a classic option for connoisseurs of standards;

handpoke– a non-standard way of conveying a drawing, a kind of challenge to society;

watercolor– positive and kind style using beautiful colors;

graphics– an original way for connoisseurs of clarity, conciseness and perfectionism.

Most often, tattoos of zodiac signs are depicted in black and white, which is appropriate for symbolism, inscriptions, and drawings of constellations. If the animal is a lion, then you can play with “rich” colors - gold, silver, red. Orange, yellow, and brown colors are also appropriate.

Were you lucky enough to be born under the constellation Leo?


Symbols that a Leo tattoo can be combined with

The symbolism both enhances the sacred meaning of the tattoo and redirects it in a different direction. For the zodiac sign Leo, the following elements and details are often used:

  • lavender- will attract good luck;
  • crown– will help you achieve your goals;
  • scepter– will bring more self-confidence and courage into the character;
  • floral ornament– a symbol of peacefulness, nobility, kindness;
  • flame– a sign of aggression, hot temper, power.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

You can get a tattoo in a tattoo parlor in your city that has a license and permission to provide such services. If there are several salons, choose the one where experienced professionals work and have positive reviews from previous clients. Getting a tattoo in unverified places is dangerous due to injuries, infections and poor-quality results, which will be problematic to correct.


Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac circle, ruled by the planet Sun and the element of fire. Tattoos with this design are most popular among men compared to other zodiac signs. And the point is not that there are more men born under the sign of Leo. Simply by choosing the right design and place on the body, a tattoo will bring success, love, and wealth to life.

The art of drawing on the body gains special meaning when it comes to zodiac sign. A Leo tattoo in the constellation or in other variations will not only decorate the body, but also give its owner more self-confidence. In this article you will learn about the meaning of this symbol, find the most popular tattoo options and decide whether to choose such an image for yourself.

Ancient legend

The most important star of our solar system, named the Sun, patronizes the fifth fiery sign of the zodiac, Leo. One of the legends says that it all started with the labors of Hercules. The first on the list of the legendary warrior was the Nemean lion. A monster of unprecedented power, the product of Echidna and Typhon.

Having defeated the invincible beast, Hercules accomplished a great feat that mere mortals were not capable of. However, the gods of Olympus took pity on the Nemean lion and made him the patron saint of the victors. Leo received incredible energy from the sun, which can be used provided there are no evil thoughts. Otherwise, the force turned into evil will turn against him a hundredfold.

The meaning of tattoos for men

A tattoo under the zodiac sign Leo is more suitable for men. This is due to the fact that the energy of the sun is masculine. She endows her chosen one with courage, strength and greatness. A man who chooses such body jewelry has powerful charisma. But there is a certain requirement. A man must have the makings of a leader. If such an image is executed on the body of a male representative with a weak character, then of all the qualities, aggressiveness and hot temper will especially appear, which are of little use.

Like the king of beasts himself, a man with such a tattoo does not tolerate critical comments addressed to him. He has high self-esteem and an explosive temperament. Such a person experiences betrayal with great difficulty and extremely rarely returns to the past. But, despite his external greatness, such a person is internally very sensitive and vulnerable. He is kind and caring towards his loved ones and family. For true friends, he does not regret anything, he is ready to help at any time.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

Although this tattoo is more suitable for men, girls quite often choose it to decorate their bodies. Some people simply like this majestic beast, while others want to emphasize their belonging to the solar sign of the zodiac. An image of a lioness rather than a lion is best suited for this purpose. This way the girl will emphasize her femininity. A tattoo with the image of a lioness will tell about its owner as a faithful, strong and wise woman. Such girls become good wives and mothers, real homemakers.

There is an opinion that for girls, a tattoo of the Leo zodiac sign can become a kind of talisman. Women who dream of the happiness of motherhood are recommended to apply the sign on their neck. They say that they will soon be able to get pregnant.

Types of tattoos with the zodiac sign Leo

You should definitely decide on the execution of the tattoo. The zodiac sign Leo has many options. Which one is right for you, see below in the list:

  • The lion's head is the most common. The expression of a predator's muzzle is of great importance. Calm, without aggressive notes, is considered a symbol of inner peace. The owner of such a tattoo is reasonable, able to make decisions with a “cool” head, and always goes ahead of his “pack.”
  • The aggression carved into the lion's face (grin) indicates the difficult character of the owner of such a tattoo. A person is not restrained in his emotions and is capable of attacking the enemy at any hint of a threat to him and his loved ones.
  • The image of a lion's head with a crown indicates a powerful nature. A person wants and knows how to lead people. He considers himself a leader, which makes those around him think the same.
  • Leo in full height in a calm position (sitting, lying, standing) without a hint of aggression symbolizes the wisdom and calmness of the wearer. Such a person is truly a true family man who is ready to give his life for his family and loved ones.
  • The constellation Leo is a symbol of belonging to the fire element. A person with such a tattoo is prone to self-control and restraint. It is difficult to lead him astray. He knows how to control his emotions very well.

As a talisman for representatives of this zodiac sign, a Leo tattoo is applied to the neck. This can be either a symbol of the sign (a curved line with a circle or a constellation), or a full-fledged image of a lion’s head. The talisman protects its wearer from evil people, helping to make the right decisions at the right moment. Reveals the essence of its owner and gives him self-confidence and calmness.

Tattoo location

Of no small importance is the place where the image of the lion and its symbols will live. This directly characterizes its wearer and endows him with certain qualities. So, where can a tattoo with the zodiac sign Leo be located:

  • The pattern on the shoulder indicates the strength of character of the wearer. He is a smart, brave and independent person.
  • A lion embossed on the chest is a symbol of the nobility and kindness of the person who chose this placement of the tattoo.
  • This symbol is worn on the back by people who want to lead, born leaders. But only those who feel leadership qualities should get such a tattoo.
  • You can add details to a tattoo on your arm. The zodiac sign Leo is perfectly combined with the design of the animal itself. For example, you can choose an image of a lioness with a crown on her head, which is located on her wrist. This has a certain meaning for girls. This is an indicator of family love and protection. The crown on the lioness's head in this case acts as a sign of devotion to her partner.

In addition to the image of a lion itself, you can use symbols of the zodiac sign Leo. The tattoo can be made in the form of the Sun (patron planet) or the clawed paw of an animal. It is important to “feel” your drawing, and then begin to reproduce it on your own body.

The lion symbolizes power, courage, victory, nobility, honor and justice. Leo belongs to the fire sign of the zodiac, which means those who have a tattoo in the form of the king of beasts are emotional, determined and courageous people.

The image of this animal is chosen by individuals who feel a connection with their zodiac sign, who want to show strength and their independence.

Lion tattoos are usually placed on the shoulder, thigh, shoulder blade, chest or the entire back. Mostly men wear such tattoos, but on women the image of a lion also looks exotic and attractive. Representatives of the fair sex prefer the image of a lioness, symbolizing a combination of motherhood, pride and passion.

Whatever your preferences in choosing a tattoo, you need to choose an image that reflects your personality and style. Below are the different meanings of a lion tattoo.

  • The seated lion is a symbol of greatness, tranquility and self-awareness. He has good self-control and knows his worth.
  • An attacking lion symbolizes the ability to stand up for oneself or the desire to learn this. An image where a lion with an open mouth and noticeable fangs, paws with claws shows that the wearer of this tattoo is aggressive.
  • A lion paired with a weaker animal represents the desire for peace.
  • Two lions sit back to back - an Egyptian symbol of overall harmony.

Details such as claws, fangs, and a certain pose set the tone for the overall picture and influence its perception.

In ancient times, the lion was depicted on many family coats of arms, and this is no coincidence. In many countries, the image of a lion is a symbol of royal power.

The lion is not only the king of the jungle who inspires fear, but also a noble ruler who inspires respect.

Tattoos with the zodiac sign Leo are most common among African and Eastern inhabitants, since for them such a design symbolizes divine power, authority and greatness. Sources also indicate a connection between tattoos and the forces of the sun and fire. For some peoples, the lion is a family totem. The lion symbol in a tattoo is tattooed onto the body as a talisman or even in memory of a deceased relative. The common idea among all peoples is that the animal signifies power, courage and quiet strength. Some religions even depict God as a lion.

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. It is believed to have masculine energy and belongs to the element of fire. The patron saint of this animal is the Sun. The meaning of a tattoo with the sign of a lion is also connected with these concepts. Fire is associated with temper, danger and power. The sun can give tattoo wearers good luck, career success and personal life. Masculine energy means that designs with a lion are better suited to men, since a tattoo can bestow them with strength, courage and even a sense of power.

The photo of the Leo zodiac sign tattoo shows that its symbol looks like a small Latin letter n with sticks turned to the sides. It slightly resembles the sign and the inverted letter S. According to astrologers, the symbol represents the mane or tail of an animal.

The meaning of the Leo zodiac tattoo

For Buddhists, the sign of a lion in a tattoo symbolizes nobility, endurance and perseverance. In addition, such a picture on the body can bring a person good luck in various endeavors and real happiness.

The lioness undoubtedly signifies motherhood. Lionesses zealously protect their cubs, so a lioness tattoo also symbolizes care for children, willingness to fight for their well-being to the last, devotion to family and wisdom. A tattoo for a girl with the sign of Leo is suitable not only for people who were born under this constellation. It is believed that with the right choice of image, a tattoo can bring long-awaited motherhood.

A tattoo of the zodiac sign Leo purely as a symbol is not tattooed as often as an image of the muzzle or the entire body of an animal. The symbol of the sign in tattoo culture symbolizes only self-control and endurance, including the ability to control your subconscious. This fact is related to the lifestyle of lions. They are nocturnal animals, and the dark time of day has been considered a symbol of the subconscious since ancient times. Night is also associated with space, the beginning of all life, so this idea can be hidden even in a small design, for example, a tattoo with the constellation Leo. Sometimes the sign can also denote a creative nature.

Other possible meanings of this picture include generosity, openness, willingness to help and responsiveness. If you are interested in this particular meaning, it is recommended to complement the tattoo with symbols of power - the Sun, purple and gold elements, and a crown.

Be prepared for the fact that a Leo sign tattoo can bring not only positive traits character. People born under this zodiac are characterized by a sense of their own superiority, some impatience and a love of attention from others. Therefore, a drawing can mean these qualities or even endow the bearer of the sketch with them.

Where to get a tattoo and how to choose a design?

Since the tattoo of the zodiac sign Leo has quite a lot of meanings, when choosing a sketch you should focus on what idea you want to convey with the design. The pose, colors, and even placement of an image affects its meaning.

A lion with an open mouth and fangs or outstretched paws with large claws denotes aggression, power, and courage. This tattoo is usually placed on the shoulder. If the animal in the picture, on the contrary, is calm, then the tattoo may indicate that the person who tattooed this sketch is confident in himself and has hidden strength. The combination of a lion or a sign symbol with other animals indicates a willingness to negotiate, a desire for peace. Similar designs also look good on the shoulder, sometimes they are worn on the forearm, shoulder blades or lower leg.

IN Ancient Egypt they stuffed two lions sitting with their backs to each other, as a sign of the balance of two forces, the balance of good and evil. This type of tattoo is usually intended to be large-scale, so it is best to place it on the back.

A lion stamped on the spine or shoulder blades means leadership, the desire to lead and subjugate the weak. A Leo zodiac sign tattoo on the chest symbolizes nobility, generosity and even kindness, the desire to help those in need.

Other placement options include the wrist, subclavian area, neck, hips and ribs. Placing the design on the hand is common.

What colors represent the sign of Leo?

If you want to fill only the symbol of the sign, then it is better to depict it in black. A tattoo of the zodiac sign Leo with a crown looks great in a combination of black with “rich” shades - gold, silver, red or purple.

In the case where the sketch symbolizes the connection of the zodiac sign with the element of fire, aggression and temper, it is usually complemented by orange or yellow.

If you are going to paint, in addition to the symbol, the lion itself, then it is better to depict it not in black, but in natural colors for this animal - red, beige, yellow, brown, etc.

Tattoos for men and girls

From the photo you can see that the Leo zodiac sign tattoo for girls is somewhat different from male sketches. Women prefer small, neat tattoos, mostly depicting only the symbol of the sign or a small lioness or lion cub. Guys prefer large sketches with a lot of small details and bright elements, for example, with the addition of fire, a developing mane, a volcano, etc. However, girls also complement tattoos with other designs, but only with butterflies, flowers, stars or hearts.
