Why can't you hang a mirror opposite the door? Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door: believe the signs or not?

When arranging the interior of an apartment, the features of some layouts allow you to place a mirror in the hallway just opposite front door, in connection with which many people are concerned about the question - is it possible to place it in this way? There are many opinions on this subject related to folk signs and beliefs, and this question also finds a response in the East Asian teachings of Feng Shui. Let's take a closer look at this situation.

Is it possible to hang a mirror by the door?

Be that as it may, a mirror is a mandatory attribute of any hallway; people look into it in order to evaluate their appearance before leaving the house, correct their clothes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. There is also a sign that when returning home to find a forgotten thing, you need to smile at your reflection; of course, in this case you can’t do without a mirror.

The main problem is not choice quality product suitable size and shape, but the question is: is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? There are various aspects to consider here. According to currently popular feng shui, doing this is strictly prohibited. The fact is that there is far more than one belief on this score, both in Slavic and eastern countries. The main object of feng shui in this regard is energy.

One of the most rational arguments against this position of reflective objects is that a person can simply be afraid of his reflection when entering a house, mistaking it for stranger at the first fleeting glance. That's why you can't choose this option.

What to do if you have a mirror hanging opposite the front door at home? The best way out of the situation is to change its position to a more advantageous one. The best option is to hang it above the chest of drawers or on the closet. If this is not possible and you are extremely short of free space, try attaching it to the back door of the cabinet; if necessary, it will be enough to open it to see your reflection.

Mirror above the chest of drawers - best option placement of mirrors in the hallway

Signs and beliefs

Why is it still impossible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? To better understand this issue, you should consider the most common signs in this regard. Almost all nations have approximately the same interpretation of this case.

So, what can folk signs tell us about the mirror opposite the door:

  • According to Feng Shui, the basis of the biofield is chi energy; it enters the house through open space with the wind and your personal energy. If the mirror is located opposite the front door, it interferes with this exchange and disrupts the correct distribution of flows.
  • Reflective objects repel positive energy, they reflect it back and do not allow it to fully penetrate the house.
  • Negative energy can accumulate in the mirror. According to Feng Shui, it absorbs not only your negative emotions that you bring from the outside, but also the experiences of guests, as well as all the negativity outside the home.
  • A mirror located opposite the front door invites uninvited guests into the house, including ill-wishers, as well as evil spirits, acting as a kind of portal.
  • Being in this position, it sucks the energy and all the positivity out of the inhabitants of the house, which is why family members may feel unwell, get tired quickly, experience bouts of depression or just a bad mood.
  • Also, according to Feng Shui, any mirror located opposite the door contributes to the waste of money. In addition, it weakens a person’s health and drives away good luck and good mood from home.

Of course, there is no scientific confirmation of such signs. However, it is better not to take risks and trust the advice of energy experts. Correctly located objects in the house will give you an additional boost of positivity and self-confidence.

A mirror located opposite the front door contributes to the waste of money

Rules for safe placement of mirrors

So, we found out that you can’t hang a mirror opposite the front door. Now let's look at how to place it so as not to harm family members and the general energy of the home, but, on the contrary, to increase all the good things that are in it? There are several useful recommendations in this regard:

  • It is best to place the mirror on the side of the door, at some distance, so as not to touch it when entering, best option– above a chest of drawers or a shoe cabinet.
  • The larger the mirror, the stronger its effect, and it is also more convenient to look at your reflection in it, so you can glaze the entire wall in line with the entrance or purchase a wardrobe with mirrored doors.
  • An excellent solution is a floor model. Is it possible to place such a mirror directly opposite the front door according to? In case of indirect contact this is allowed.
  • You cannot use an item that has survived some kind of misfortune or simply an extremely unpleasant situation, since it will store these memories; it is best to buy a new product.
  • You can hang a mirror on the front wall, but so that it does not look at the entrance. Also, a mirror located opposite the front door can be neutralized by placing it at an angle, so it will slightly refract the flow and direct it into the room and not back.

The floor model of the mirror can be placed opposite the front door without harming the energy of the house


Not only is the question of the correct arrangement of objects according to the Feng Shui technique relevant, but the combination of the mirror with other interior items is also important. In matters of design, preference is clearly given to dimensional products; a large mirror can visually expand the space of a small hallway, especially if it has a narrow corridor layout.

Now we know why you can’t hang a mirror opposite the front door, but what to do if the layout of the room does not allow you to place it in another place. To optimize energy flows according to Feng Shui, you can place a mirror on the front door itself. Usually, only special decorative inserts are used for this, which are fixed directly in the canvas. Decorating yourself can lead to the fact that the product will break off and break if it is moved suddenly. Additionally, the inserts can be tinted or decorated with some pattern in the general style.

Placing a mirror on the front door will not only save space, but also retain positive energy in the house

In the art of Feng Shui there are several more points regarding the mirror opposite the front door. They also need to be taken into account if you care about the correct arrangement of objects in the room.

First of all, it should be taken into account that in no case should you use broken, chipped or scratched products; they will not only have a bad effect on the visual assessment of the interior, but can also bring misfortune to a person. It is also advisable to avoid sharp corners; the ideal shape is oval. For added edge protection and energy resistance, frame your mirror in a beautiful frame.

If possible, place paintings, flower arrangements or something equally pleasant and attractive in front of the mirror, this will help neutralize negativity and saturate the house with positive energy. Be sure to keep it clean.

Flowers in front of the mirror will saturate the house with positive energy

Also, according to Feng Shui, it is important to saturate the mirror with positive emotions yourself. Smile at your reflection more often and give compliments. It is strictly forbidden to swear and get angry near it; under no circumstances should you do this, otherwise all the negativity will inevitably accumulate in this object.

Don’t be afraid of bad omens, even if the mirror is located in front of the front door. With the help of Feng Shui, you can easily find the optimal placement for it and turn the hallway not only into a stylish room, but also into a source of positive energy for the entire home.

A mirror is a mysterious object that causes a lot of controversy and gossip, but most of all it causes fear in a superstitious person. But is it really so bad to trust the numerous signs associated with the mirror? It’s up to you to decide. We will only talk about folk signs and superstitions associated with it.

Location of mirrors in the house

Modern designers often resort to it, solving, for example, the problems of a small space with the help of this item. They love to decorate the bedroom, entrance and other doors or living areas with mirrors, where this is not allowed at all.

Therefore, you should be aware of some features, in particular: in which areas you can or cannot install mirrors.

Negative zones

Under no circumstances should they be installed in a bedroom or latrine. A person rests in the bedroom, and since today it is not known for certain where his energy body resides while he sleeps, then You should not take risks by placing this object in front of the sleeping person.

Reflection of a love bedroom scene in the mirror is considered a bad omen: People start quarreling and then get divorced.

A latrine is a reservoir of all kinds of negative emanations. If you hang a mirror on the front door exactly there, then it will collect negative energy and throw positive energy into the sewer, at the same time taking away all the best from the house: joy, happiness, prosperity.

In the bathroom you need to place it in such a way that it does not reflect the person bathing, otherwise he will become very sick.

Positive zones

The best place for a mirror is the living room. It is especially good to hang a mirror so that it reflects only the positive: potted flowers, photos with smiling people, nature outside the window, bright paintings.

A great place for a large mirror in the hallway in front of the front door. This is done so that it collects the energy entering the house, and also increases the well-being of the family.

Sometimes you can find a mirror in the kitchen, which is generally not worth doing because it will begin to take away the hostess’s energy. But if you really want to, then it should be positioned in such a way that it reflects the dining table- a symbol of family well-being. Better yet, hang it on the kitchen entrance door.

It is unacceptable to reflect in the mirror business documents laid out on the desktop. Thus, you can only achieve an increase in workload for the same money.

You shouldn’t hang two mirrors in a room or bedroom at once, they compete with each other, but perhaps the worst thing is when the mirrors are located opposite each other. A person begins to experience fatigue caused by internal emptiness, as if all the juice had been drained from him. Which is exactly what is happening. In addition, such an arrangement can bring into the real world the evil spirits lurking behind the looking glass.

Mysterious images

The mirror is a Slavic deity. There are many different superstitions and fables about mirrors. One of them talks about a good spirit - the Mirror, the guardian of the reflected world. She loves cheerful, kind people who sometimes look into her mysterious world with a smile, admiring themselves. However, sometimes she gets bored. But if the slightest opportunity suddenly presents itself, she travels around the world like a sunbeam.


At Christmas time, unmarried girls wonder about their betrothed, placing a candle in front of the mirror, saying the ritual formula: “Betrothed, come to dinner with me!” Next, the girl peers into the dark surface. If he notices something disturbing, he says: “Never mind me” and the image disappears. This must be done so as not to let anything bad come out.

Soul of the deceased

One of the important superstitions is that in the house where a person has died, all the mirrors are covered so that his soul does not accidentally get lost there. If this is not done, then the soul of the deceased is capable of taking someone close to him with him.


When some unpleasant things happen related to mirrors, it is better to know how to minimize them, or better yet, eliminate them altogether.

A mirror that suddenly falls and breaks is a very bad omen, they say to the deceased. The fragments should be collected immediately, after moistening them with water, and taken outside away from the house. You shouldn’t tell your loved ones about what happened, including where it went.

A mirror that is covered with dark spots or stripes should be urgently replaced with a new one. Superstitions speak of a large amount of negative energy accumulated on it. A lit candle will definitely help you find out about this: if it goes out, that’s it – you need to get rid of it.

The mirror needs to be wiped as often as possible: this removes traces of past reflections, as well as negative emanations.

Women who constantly use a personal mirror should not give it to other people, especially friends, as they can steal your beauty and happiness (not on purpose, of course).

Small children should not see their reflection, the child will be scared, and then may not start talking for a long time, or will begin to stutter.

What do signs say about mirrors and why can’t you place them opposite? This video is just about that.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door?

The interior of any corridor or hallway is not complete without a mirror - an integral decorative element for people who care about their appearance, clothes, hair.

There is even such a sign: if you had to return home for something, you should look in the mirror and give a smile to your reflection.

The importance of the question lies not in choosing the appropriate sizes or shapes, but in whether it is allowed to hang a mirror opposite the front door?

According to the Feng Shui system, doing this is strictly prohibited. From time immemorial, this was also not welcomed in Slavic countries and in the East. And the reason for this belief lies primarily in the special energy of mirrors, which at all times were considered a mystical object.

Why is a mirror opposite the front door considered a bad omen?

  • Feng Shui connects the basis of the biofield with qi energy. It enters the room with the air through windows and doors, and is also carried by a person’s personal energy. If a mirror is placed opposite the door, energy exchange becomes impossible, as there is an incorrect distribution of energy flows.
  • Positivity and good emotions are repelled by things that are reflected, while all positive energies are directed in the opposite direction.
  • The mirror has the ability to retain negative energy. According to Feng Shui, it absorbs your own negative thought forms, as well as everyone who visits your home.
  • If the mirror hangs opposite the front door, then expect unpleasant guests. It serves as a kind of call for black forces and unfriendly visitors.
  • Poor health, depression, depressed mood, excessive fatigue for no apparent reason - all this is associated with the location of the mirror. This affects all your relatives.
  • According to Feng Shui, excessive waste of money is also associated with the location of the mirror opposite the door. It also contributes to the deterioration general condition a person, the disappearance of successes, achievements, movement up the career ladder.

Where is the best place to place a mirror?

Well, we’ve sorted out the main issue - hanging a mirror opposite the front door is not recommended. But where can you install it so that none of the family members suffer, and the positive flows of bioenergy in the living space multiply?

Advice from Feng Shui experts:

  • The best option would be to hang a mirror on the right or left side of the doorway so that those entering do not touch it.
  • A large mirror has great impact power. And it’s very convenient to see your entire reflection. The glazed wall of the wardrobe will be an ideal option in this case.
  • You can use the floor model. Is it possible to place it opposite the front door according to Feng Shui? If the contact is indirect, then there is no prohibition.
  • A good option would be to hang a mirror on the other side of the front door. In this case, no violations energy regulations there won't be.
  • Please note that it is strictly prohibited to use broken, damaged or scratched products. Firstly, the entire interior design developed will not correspond to decency, and secondly, you can bring great misfortune to members of your family.
  • Options with sharp corners are undesirable, best shape serves as an oval. You can decorate the mirror with a cute frame.
  • You cannot even include a scratched, let alone a broken, mirror in the interior of the room.
  • It is correct if the mirror reflects a pleasant picture, a bouquet of flowers or something attractive and pretty. In this way, all the bad will be neutralized, and the good will fill the whole house.
  • The mirror must be kept perfectly clean, washed regularly and polished to a shine.
  • Send positive vibes to the mirror more often. Smile and compliment your own reflection.
  • Quarrels, bad words, anger can accumulate in an object and remain in it forever. Never spill negativity near a mirror.

The mirror opposite the front door is endowed with magical influence regarding the foundations of the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui. The practice of Feng Shui associated the properties of mirrors with powerful energy that can fill rooms with a positive charge.

Vital energy Qi: proper distribution of flows

According to Feng Shui

Feng Shui combines Qi energy with architecture and design, since the flow of this force is present everywhere, especially in houses and apartments, which should allow favorable energy to pass through, block bad energy, not allowing it to stagnate in order to avoid illnesses and troubles.

Chi energy is a limitless force that has two sources:

  • Space (cosmic radiation, gravity, forces of nature, elements, weather);
  • Person (personality, aura, breathing).

They are closely intertwined, forming a strong, positive energy that gives life, peace and harmony. When Qi energy flows with smoothness and calmness, transformation from spiritual to material essence is possible: plains, rivers, clean air. With the unpredictable flow of energy (Sha-qi), angular mountains, steep cliffs, rapid and dangerous rivers are formed that do not give peace and harmony.
Feng Shui has a similar effect on humans. Each object brought into the house is endowed with factors that have their own impact on the correct distribution of energy flows. And a typical extraordinary piece of furniture, like a mirror, has always been endowed with a wide variety of prejudices and surrounded by many legends and mystical events.

Interaction of door structures and energy flow

One of the most important components of Feng Shui are doors, as they serve as gates for the penetration of magical Qi energy. You can enhance their effect by following these tips:

  1. It is worth removing all obstacles in front of the front door. The accumulation of Qi requires space. If there is not enough space, it is worth hanging a decorative lantern at the entrance, which will illuminate the path and show the way for the flow of Qi.
  2. When a flight of stairs is located opposite the doorway of the opening, whether it rises or falls, it is necessary to soften it and make a low threshold at the foot. The teaching says that the ladder is a strong conductor of energy, which can create a leak of Qi, or a dangerous influx of Sha Qi. A small threshold will soften this effect. Musical pendants will also help.
  3. It is recommended to constantly monitor the closed position of the door viewing device - the peephole on the front door.
  4. Do not allow door panels to malfunction or squeak. A squeaky door frame will certainly discourage the Qi power.

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You should not ignore the placement of doors, as well as their decorative aesthetic appearance. Incorrect placement of the opening can lead to suppression of the flow of Qi. The following door combinations can bring evil and bad luck to a private home and its inhabitants:

Placing three or more doors in end-to-end order (one after another) is the most dangerous combination.

Chinese bells

The effect is multiplied when one door is the entrance door and the other is the emergency door. In such cases, it is necessary to place some kind of obstacle in front of the middle door or place a screen. Hanging Chinese bells and flutes will somewhat soften and improve the situation.

Door triangle.

It’s also a dangerous combination that spins negative energy and pours it into all the residents of the house, provoking scandals and quarrels. The effect is deactivated by an air bell hung in the center of the energy vortex.

Passage opposite the window.

You should not use a typical design, since the Qi energy does not have time to linger and settle in the house. A thick curtain on the window opening can soften the magical effect.

Opposite the tip.

The tip can be any corner, architectural building, sharp protrusion. Placing a door in close proximity to a typical object poses serious problems for the owner of a private building. Angle symbolizes pointer dark force Sha-qi, who guides her and gives her the target of defeat. There can be two solutions:

  • Remove or dull a protruding object, depriving it of its endowed negative force;
  • Disguise with fresh flowers, placing the plant directly in front of the point. In this way, you can cover yourself from the blows of Sha-qi.

When avoiding sharp corners, it is worth taking a closer look at the mirror you purchase. It is worth selecting mirror surfaces of a soft shape and a fairly large size, so that the reflection of a person looking in the mirror is complete.

Opening opposite the toilet.

You should not use a typical arrangement, since positive energy when entering the room will immediately disappear, bringing nothing to the home.
Tips that are recommended to be followed:

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Cardinal directions

  • It is worth keeping the door leaf of the opening covering structure in a constantly closed position - this will partially block the exit of Qi.
  • It is recommended to hang a mirror on the door leaf of the toilet door; it will return positive energy back into the house.

The color of the door should directly depend on the location of the leaf itself. Since the cardinal directions to which it faces must be fueled by the correct colors and decor. Having made your plans for life, you can place and decorate the doors according to Feng Shui.
The table below shows the main property descriptions doorways facing different directions of the world. In addition, the correct paint colors and decorative elements (finishing materials, designs) were selected:

Cardinal directions

Sphere of influence

Elemental elements

Blue, black


Training, knowledge

Beige, yellow

Malaya Zemlya

Health, development

big tree



Purple, green

small tree

Fame, reputation


Love, romance

Beige, yellow, pink


Children, creativity

White, silver, gold

Small metal


Help, strength, strength

White, silver, gold,

Big metal

Position of mirrors relative to doorways

Mirror located in the hallway

The ability to use mirrors in the art of Feng Shui seems to be a great success. So a typical object is endowed with the power to reflect and attract Qi energy. Incorrect placement can lead to the most serious consequences. The Chinese have long been aware of the hidden and dangerous power of mirrors, and attached special importance to them.
Often mirrors are placed in the hallway, considering the typical location to be quite convenient in relation to several target directions:

  • Hanging mirrors in the hallway of an apartment visually increases the space. The reflection of small hallways, inherent in the layout of multi-story buildings, in mirrors gives a visual expansion of a small area.
  • An additional reason for the placement of large mirror surfaces in a small hallway corridor is the ability of the surfaces to reflect both natural and artificial light, which makes the area lighter and therefore larger.
  • Of course, the use of mirror surfaces in the hallway at the exit of their apartment also has a direct function. So, before leaving the house, everyone wants to see their own reflection, making sure they look decent before going out into the world. The mirror opposite the door, as many people think, seems to see off the inhabitants.