Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a safe method of tightening and rejuvenation. Blepharoplasty of eyelids

Age-related changes in the eyelids can only be corrected by blepharoplasty - surgery for tightening the skin of the upper and lower eyelids. It is carried out solely for aesthetic purposes, but women are ready to endure the pain and inconvenience of postoperative recovery for the sake of radical rejuvenation.

After forty to fifty years, the only real way to get rid of the problems of age-related aging in the eye area, including lower eyelid hernias, severe wrinkles, and sagging skin, is to undergo blepharoplasty. But in some cases it is possible to make a correction in a more early age. The operation is one of the most popular, because you can visually look ten to fifteen years younger.

Indications for correction

Why is eyelid surgery needed? The essence of the operation is the excision of excess skin and accumulations of fat. They are the ones who make your face look old and tired. Indications for a radical facelift are as follows:

  • overhang of the skin of the upper eyelid on the area of ​​growth of the upper eyelashes;
  • lack of a fold in the upper eyelid as a result of severe overhanging skin;
  • formation of deep wrinkles in the lower eyelids;
  • the formation of numerous wrinkles under the lower eyelids (“corrugated paper effect”);
  • deterioration of vision as a result of severe sagging of the upper eyelid;
  • permanent fat bags under the lower eyelids;
  • a special structure of the upper eyelid that does not allow the use of cosmetics (natural overhang).

Before plastic surgery, you should check your health, as there are contraindications: blood clotting disorders, oncology, skin diseases, diabetes, hyperthyroidism.

If there are no contraindications, the plastic surgeon will determine the condition of the skin, outline a plan for eyelid correction, conduct a consultation and set a day surgical intervention.

Types of blepharoplasty

What type of lift the surgeon decides to use depends on the specific problem. There are the following types of blepharoplasty:

  1. correction of the upper eyelid;
  2. changing the incision and shape of the eyes (canthoplasty, canthopexy);
  3. correction of the lower eyelid with simultaneous removal of fat accumulations in the intraorbital area:
  4. correction of the lower eyelid without removing fat depots (fat is redistributed over the eyelid area);
  5. simultaneous eyelid correction (circular blepharoplasty).

The surgery is performed either under general medical anesthesia or under local, lighter anesthesia. Both options will not cause trouble, because in both cases there will be no pain.

Features of different types of correction

Upper blepharoplasty

The upper incision is made along the natural crease of the eyelid. The operation allows you to get rid of sagging skin, change the shape of the eyes, for example, carry out correction using the “Cleopatra look” technique. After healing, the seams are almost invisible and can be easily cosmetically disguised.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

In the lower eyelid, it is possible to either cut the skin along the eyelash line or penetrate (puncture) through the mucous membrane. In the latter case we're talking about about the transconjunctival method, which only allows the removal of fat bags, and therefore cannot be used in the presence of excess skin and deep wrinkles.

Circular blepharoplasty

Circular blepharoplasty makes it possible to solve several problems at once:

  • correct overhang upper eyelids, drooping corners of the eyes;
  • remove fat bags in the paraorbital area;
  • get rid of wrinkles;
  • correct the asymmetrical shape of the eyes.

This type of correction is most preferable for comprehensive relief from signs of aging. In combination with other methods of hardware correction (Fraxel, laser resurfacing, etc.) an amazing effect will be achieved that will last up to ten years. The seams are completely invisible.

Preparing for surgery

Eyelid lift surgery takes different times. This depends on whether the surgeon will work only on the upper eyelids, only on the lower eyelids, or on both eyelids at once. In addition, it also matters whether the excision is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The decision is made before the procedure based on an initial examination of the skin structure, the condition of the facial muscle corset, the structure of the skull bones, the presence of asymmetry, etc. It is necessary to understand how much skin and fatty tissue will have to be eliminated.

When deciding on anesthesia, it is important to inform your doctor about the facts allergic reaction, especially on medicines and painkillers. Together with the client, the specialist will decide how the plastic surgery will be performed: under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

Important: before surgery, no salon cosmetic procedures unacceptable.

The doctor must find out how much tear fluid is produced, for which he will conduct a special examination before the operation. It is necessary to promptly report existing eye diseases, for example, glaucoma or dry eyes. It is important to tell about availability chronic diseases(diabetes, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hematopoietic organs, etc.) - all these are contraindications for eyelid surgery. If the client is taking any medications and herbal remedies, he should tell the doctor about it. All this will help prevent dangerous bleeding during surgery.

After the examination, the surgeon must talk about possible consequences surgical intervention, since there are cases of atypical skin reactions both to anesthesia and to the effect itself. At the same time, he will explain what results should be expected after the stitches heal and prescribe tests.

Preparatory period

Before the operation, the client must go through a certain preparatory period:

  1. drink a lot of water to ensure quick successful rehabilitation (you will have to drink water even after the operation is completed);
  2. completely give up nicotine, otherwise tissue regeneration will be very low and rehabilitation will be delayed;
  3. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, homeopathic medicines, vitamin complexes not only on the day of the operation, but also three to four days before (they provoke bleeding, why risk it).

Local anesthesia or general anesthesia

If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, you will need the following: general tests, such as blood biochemistry, tests for blood clotting (coagulogram) and the presence of infections. You can get advice from a therapist and a specialist if you have a chronic illness.

If the operation is complex and is carried out under general anesthesia, then you will need not only to undergo tests, but also to undergo an ECG procedure, take a fluorography or take an x-ray of the sternum, and attend a consultation with an anesthesiologist.

The choice between local anesthesia and general anesthesia is simple. If we are talking about circular plastic surgery, anesthesia is needed, because the time of exposure to tissue and mucous membranes increases. In addition, it is not painful at all, whereas under local anesthesia there may well be discomfort. If the surgeon is only working on the bottom or top of the eyes, local anesthesia can be used.

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis. After plastic surgery, the client must go home, but a loved one must be with him for the first 24 hours.

How is the operation performed?

Before the operation, the surgeon uses a special marker to mark the area to be treated, then injects an anesthetic (this may be painful). If the operation is performed traditionally surgical method, then a thin incision is made with a scalpel in the skin or in the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid (for transconjunctival plastic surgery).

Unnecessary tissue and fat bags are excised through incisions. The surgeon can simultaneously tighten the muscles and strengthen them. Sometimes the fat is not removed, but is redistributed under the lower eyelid.

The seams are sewn together with special threads, which, when absorbed, do not leave scars: the seams will be invisible. In some cases, the surgeon will also use a laser (which is not painful at all) to improve the condition of the skin. After restoration, grinding can be done.

Rehabilitation period

After the operation, it will take time to return to normal life and enjoy the effect that eye blepharoplasty gives. In advance, before going to the clinic, you need to prepare the following items:

  • ice cubes;
  • gauze napkins;
  • pharmaceutical preparations for the eyes (the surgeon will prescribe them on the eve of the operation);
  • painkillers or injections (some can cause bleeding, so it’s best to ask your doctor for a list of acceptable medications):
  • the surgeon will tell you in detail how to do drainage and dressing (if necessary), which antibiotic to take.

The first time after surgery will be difficult for the eyes: they will begin to react more strongly to light, profuse lacrimation will appear, and double vision may occur. For the first two to three days, the stitches will stand out, swelling will appear, and numbness may persist - the consequences of local anesthesia or anesthesia. This is a normal reaction.

How long the swelling and hematomas last depends on the sensitivity of the skin. On average, recovery occurs on the seventh to tenth day. It shouldn't hurt, but there may be discomfort. You can apply ice compresses and take painkillers.

Under no circumstances should you take aspirin or naproxen. Taking ibuprofen and herbal supplements is prohibited.

Usually, on the third or fourth day, pain relief is no longer necessary.

Removing stitches

On what day are stitches removed? The doctor will schedule the first consultation on the third postoperative day. If all is well, the stitches are removed. It doesn't hurt at all. If something alerts the doctor, he will advise you to wait a little longer, in which case the sutures are removed on the fourth day.

If your eyelids are very painful, there is swelling, redness, or the sutures are inflamed, you need immediate consultation with a surgeon.

Is blepharoplasty necessary?

Meaning possible complications both during the operation and after, the question arises: is correction really necessary? If blepharoplasty is contemplated, only the patient himself can analyze the pros and cons in order to make the right decision.

Pros of the operation

  • bags under the eyes will completely disappear;
  • it won't hurt;
  • the look will become younger and open due to the correction of the upper eyelid;
  • in some cases, vision will improve (there are medical indications);
  • the seams are invisible.

Cons of exposure

  • results may not be seen immediately (at least on the thirtieth day, or even after one and a half to two months);
  • long recovery period accompanied by discomfort;
  • in some cases, a second operation will be required if there are deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  • plastic surgery may not be successful, there will be no result.


You should not discount the complications that such a surgical procedure can cause:

  • allergy to an anesthetic drug;
  • hematoma formation;
  • inflammation as a result of infection;
  • scarring of tissue;
  • formation of an inverted lower eyelid.

There are no medical indications for blepharoplasty, so you can make decisions on your own. What it will become depends only on the woman’s desire to become younger, more beautiful, remove bags and wrinkles, and look ten years younger.

Modern medicine helps to cope not only with many previously incurable diseases, but also with visual defects of various parts of the body. For example, the problem of sagging eyelids can be successfully solved by blepharoplasty. Before and after this procedure, the surgeon sees two different people- the patient acquires a more confident look of a successful person.

Who needs it

Blepharoplasty is mainly used as a means of combating age-related changes. During the aging process, a person's skin loses tone and becomes flabby, which is most noticeable in the most delicate area of ​​the face - the area around the eyes. Patients who have undergone blepharoplasty do not have sagging eyelids or large wrinkles after surgery.

Another reason for this procedure is the accumulation of fat deposits under the lower or above the upper eyelid. This makes a person look several years older, he seems sick and tired. Removal of fatty tissue in this case is the only possible solution problems.

Quite often, blepharoplasty is performed on fairly young people. This is usually associated with a desire to change the shape or shape of the eyes. This operation is popular among young people in Asian countries for obvious reasons. It can also be used to eliminate various eyelid defects and asymmetry in the shape of the eyes.

Types of blepharoplasty

Different types of surgery are distinguished depending on what area of ​​the eye the surgeon is working with and what method the blepharoplasty is performed. Before and after the procedure, the doctor usually takes a keen interest in the patient’s condition and his wishes.

Depending on the area of ​​the eye where the incision is made, there are three types of such plastic surgery:

  • plastic surgery of the lower eyelid;
  • Circular blepharoplasty.

There are two main methods for performing the operation:

  • classical;
  • laser

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

In this type of operation, an area of ​​skin located in the crease of the upper eyelid is removed to hide barely noticeable traces of the procedure. After upper blepharoplasty, a brow lift may be required. This is a fairly common occurrence.

Sometimes visual life illustrations on the topic “Blepharoplasty - before and after” amaze the imagination. People who have undergone this operation are almost completely free of wrinkles in the upper part of the eyes and drooping eyelids. This effect cannot always be achieved only by cutting out part of the skin. Sometimes it is necessary to remove fat bags or tighten muscle tissue.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Most often, there is excess skin, fat deposits or a section of muscle in the lower part, making an incision under the eyelash line. In some cases, fat cells are removed through a longitudinal hole in the inside century. In this case, after lower blepharoplasty, inflammation and swelling are less pronounced.

If the problem with sagging eyelids is minor, so it is necessary to eliminate a very small piece of skin, the pinch method, or, as it is commonly called, the pinch method, is used. In this case, the marked area is not cut out, but removed with specially designed forceps. Stitches are then applied.

Circular blepharoplasty

Correcting the lower and upper eyelids at the same time is quite common. It can be noted that the most difficult recovery period occurs when just such blepharoplasty is performed, before and after which a particularly careful examination of the patient by a specialist is required.

Separately, we can mention operations to correct birth defects and change the shape of the eyes. Both the upper and lower eyelids may be affected here. In this case, the optimal decision is made by a specialist.

Scalpel or laser?

All types of blepharoplasty can be performed either using standard surgical devices or using a laser beam. The latter option is usually much more expensive, but has a number of advantages.

The laser beam helps make a thin incision with minimal damage to nearby tissue. After surgery, there is less swelling and the number of subcutaneous hemorrhages than with classical surgery. Healing time and the risk of infection are also minimized when laser blepharoplasty is performed. Before and after the operation, the skin of the eyelids is the same in structure - no scar is formed.

How to prepare for surgery

After consultation with the surgeon who will perform the operation, it is necessary to undergo examination by certain doctors and take several tests. This requirement is fair, since for a number of diseases blepharoplasty is contraindicated. If such diseases are not detected, the surgeon must be aware of all the patient's vital signs in order to minimize all risks.

During the consultation, the doctor may take photographs of the patient's eyes and examine their condition. He should also give some recommendations that should be followed before eyelid blepharoplasty is performed. Before and after surgery, for example, you cannot smoke or take certain medications, but you must drink plenty of water.

How is blepharoplasty performed?

The operation is performed in specialized clinic, but without hospitalization. Depending on the complexity, the surgical procedure can take from thirty minutes to two hours. It is extremely rare that there is a need for general anesthesia. Local anesthetics are mainly used in combination with sedatives.

Vital signs are monitored throughout the operation. Upon completion, the patient is placed in a separate room, where careful monitoring of his condition continues.

If the patient's condition is normal, he is discharged on the same day as blepharoplasty. Before and after surgery, it is important to abstain for some time. bad habits and drink plenty of water. When using threads that do not dissolve on their own, they are removed 3-4 days after suturing.

How is recovery going?

Complete resolution of bruises and swelling usually does not take more than two weeks. With laser surgery, you can expect a faster recovery than with classical surgery. Applying frozen food or ice wrapped in a bag will help speed up the process.

During the recovery period, do not rub your eyes, strain them, or expose them to sunlight. During this period, the surgeon should prescribe the patient a course of antibiotics and drops to moisturize the eyes. If complications occur, the person undergoing the recovery period should immediately seek advice.

Blepharoplasty is necessary to solve a number of patient problems with appearance. What is blepharoplasty and why is it needed?

Blepharoplasty is an operation whose main goal is to improve the patient’s appearance, as well as the health of the eyelids and the periorbital part surrounding the eye. The procedure involves removing excess skin, partially removing or distributing fat tissue, and performing a tightening of the orbicularis muscle.

The periorbital region of the eyes and eyelids are considered to be those parts of the face that are especially exposed to age-related changes. The most delicate skin can reveal a woman’s age faster than any other part of the body. In addition to the fact that changes affect the appearance of the eyelids, deep structures are also affected by various factors.

Visible factors include wrinkles, bags and excess skin around the eyelids, which can significantly reduce your field of vision. Blepharoplasty, a common procedure today that can be performed at any age, helps to cope with the problems described above. Practice shows that surgery is most beneficial after 40 years of age. Thin eyelid skin promotes fast healing. After surgery, the scar runs along the natural fold of the eyelid, and it is not possible to see the scar.

Indications and contraindications for blepharoplasty

The main indications for the operation are listed below:

  • Sagging eyelid;
  • Excess skin in the lower eyelid area;
  • Significant wrinkles in the orbital zone;
  • Tired eye syndrome, heavy eyelids;
  • Acquired or congenital eyelid problems.

Why else is such a procedure necessary? Surgical intervention makes it possible to rejuvenate the upper and lower eyelids, make the look more open, and forget about the heaviness of the eyes. The patient’s appearance after surgery changes significantly; the person looks much younger. In some cases, blepharoplasty is the only opportunity to forever forget about the problem of the impending eyelid and get rid of fatty hernias. Blepharoplasty can even change the shape of the eye.

Due to a number of contraindications, the operation may not be possible.

So, blepharoplasty cannot be performed if the patient is sick diabetes mellitus, has systemic problems with blood and systems internal organs, complex respiratory infections, dry eye syndrome and high blood pressure. In addition, contraindications to the operation are hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and infectious diseases eye.

Preoperative period

The first stage of preparation for surgery is a conversation between the patient and the doctor. The latter must find out about all the anomalies the patient has that may negatively manifest themselves during the operation. To determine potential eye pathologies, an appointment with an ophthalmologist is necessary. The surgeon may also be interested in data about the patient’s medical history, physical activity (sports, lifestyle). It is important to determine the extent of the effect of tobacco on the circulatory system of a smoking patient.

How is the examination carried out before blepharoplasty?

Clinical examination is a necessary procedure to determine the condition of the patient's eyelids. Before starting surgery, the doctor must determine the following:

  • The direction of the outer part of the eyelid, the likelihood of ptosis formation.
  • The likelihood of crow's feet and their structure.
  • Place of deepening of the eyelid, identification of fatty tissues.

The physician should also determine the patient's eyelid tension level. For this purpose, the eyelid is pulled back a little, then returned to its normal position. By applying gentle pressure to the eye, the doctor can determine the presence of excess fat and its location. Tests may be needed to determine the functioning of the levator palpebral muscles.

Conclusion before surgery

In preparation for blepharoplasty, the patient undergoes several consultations. The examination is necessary in order to identify possible allergies, congenital diseases, study the medical history, and find out about previous operations. An ECG is required. Even minimal deviations from the norm can cause refusal of surgery.

10 days before the planned operation, the patient cannot take medications containing aspirin. A consultation with an anesthesiologist is carried out three days before the operation. Pain relief can be general or local, depending on the wishes of the patient and the conclusion of the doctors. After midnight, when the operation is lazy, it is advisable to refrain from smoking, alcoholic beverages and food.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Age-related changes often lead to muscle weakening. Sagging of the lower eyelid is fraught with the formation of fatty deposits. During lower eyelid surgery, an incision is made on the inside of the eyelid or along the very edge of the eyelashes. A portion of the skin is peeled off from the orbicularis oculi muscle, after which excess skin and fat are removed.

The main goal of lower eyelid blepharoplasty is to tighten the skin and remove excess fat. Changing the texture is not the specialist’s task. Pigmentation and wrinkles can only be removed using a laser, and trying to get rid of them during blepharoplasty can cause negative consequences, for example, in the form of eyelid deformation.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is also used to remove bags. Excess skin is not removed, but excess fat is removed through an incision made on the inside of the eyelid. The scars remain invisible, facial expressions, size and shape of the eyes do not change. The described technique is best suited for patients under 40 years of age whose skin remains elastic. Today, technologies make it possible to redistribute fat deposits in the lower eyelid area without removing fat.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

An incision is made on the upper eyelid to remove excess skin. The surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the upper eyelid area. It is possible to perform correction of skin areas. The septal incision technique is considered for each patient individually. If the fat is not completely removed, there is a risk of relapse. At the same time, it is also impossible to remove a lot of fat, as the eyes may become sunken. If excess fat accumulates in the inner corners of the eyes, the surgeon may decide to remove these deposits exclusively.

After surgery

Patients indicate that after blepharoplasty they do not experience pain or discomfort. At the same time, some patients note a slight heaviness of the eyelids and a partial drop in visual acuity, which is not permanent. In some cases, minimal eye irritation may occur without causing significant discomfort.

Rehabilitation after surgery takes about 10 days. It is better not to use it for two weeks contact lenses. 10 days after the operation the patient is allowed to use the cosmetics. The stitches remaining after the procedure initially have a whitish tint, but after a couple of months they become invisible. The patient's bruises disappear within 10 days.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient should not drink alcohol or smoke. These are temporary inconveniences and they disappear fairly quickly. Three days after the operation, the sutures are removed, and after 1-3 weeks the patient can return to their normal lifestyle. Prescribed physical procedures can reduce the rehabilitation period.

Possible complications and potential risks of eyelid surgery

Although eyelid blepharoplasty is an aesthetic procedure, it is still surgical in nature. Like any surgery, eyelid surgery has some risks. Most of them are related to pain management and the actions of the surgeon. Possible risks of blepharoplasty are presented below:

  • Bleeding (can occur either a couple of hours after the end of the procedure or after long time).
  • Hematomas (usually not very noticeable, can be removed by taking medications).
  • Seam defects (they remain visible).
  • Changes in the shape of the eyelids (uncommon, typical for patients over 70 years of age).
  • Eversion of the eyelid (if the eyelids have insufficient tone).
  • Development of infections (eliminates through local therapy of the patient).

Effect of blepharoplasty

Tissue flexibility returns within a month and a half, after which the result of blepharoplasty becomes visible. The effect of the procedure is much longer lasting than the results of other aesthetic procedures. Skin aging does not stop; new folds appear over time, but another blepharoplasty will be needed in at least 10 years.

Now you know what blepharoplasty is and why it is needed. Blepharoplasty is an effective eyelid surgery that can significantly improve appearance and even reduce intraocular pressure. This surgical procedure counteracts problems such as ptosis of the lower and upper eyelids. At the same time, it is important to evaluate the real possibilities of the operation, understanding that this is not a panacea for all aesthetic problems.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is plastic surgery, after which the look becomes more expressive and the eyes visually larger. The name itself speaks for itself. This is surgery on the upper eyelids.

It is performed when the skin above the eye sagging (displacement of the skin line downwards by more than 2 mm).

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

To improve this area, it is possible to use a fractionated laser such as Fraxel, which will rejuvenate the skin under your eye. This is a very simple procedure as there are no incisions and the improvement in skin condition is noticeable after one session. But in advanced cases, only blepharoplasty will help. But after it, a person runs the risk of swelling, bruising, scarring, eye irritation, and an unpredictable reaction of the body to anesthesia.

It is worth watching a video of upper eyelid blepharoplasty to understand the nuances of the operation:

The skin around the eyes is one of the first to experience premature aging. Therefore, if you want to give your face a more youthful and fresh look, we recommend starting with this area.

Blepharoplasty is a simple operation that will help give depth to the look for a long time, making it more open and attractive.
