Causes of acne on nipples. Pimples around the nipples: why they appear and how to treat them Purulent pimples on the halo in women

Pimples on the nipples often appear in girls during puberty, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. But sometimes they can cause discomfort, forming completely for no reason, and are the first signs of disease in both women and men.

On a woman's chest

  • The formations that are present near the nipples in most women are usually called Montgomery glands or tubercles.
  • Inflammation of the glands leads to white pimples appearing on the chest. At first glance, they may be purulent, but this is not the case, so doctors forbid squeezing or touching them.
  • The most noticeable pimples that appear on the nipples become during a woman’s pregnancy and lactation. In some girls, the tubercles swell from the first days of pregnancy, and after breastfeeding ends they undergo regression. The main reason for their maturation is hormonal changes in the body.
  • The main purpose of these glands is to secrete a special secretion. There are different versions of why such a lubricant is needed: many doctors talk about protecting the nipples from drying out, and some talk about bactericidal properties. There were even cases when these tubercles secreted milk.
  • The number of pimples can vary from 2 to 15 pieces. There is a version that the number of tubercles in a nursing mother depends on the baby’s nutrition. Also, the growth of such pimples around the nipples in pregnant women indicates the arrival of milk.
  • The maturation of Montgomery's tubercles does not cause discomfort and does not require a special course of treatment. However, during strong inflammatory processes pimples may become red and appear painful sensations. In such a situation, an immediate visit to the doctor and the use of chamomile infusions to relieve inflammation are necessary.

Common reasons

Pimples on the nipples can also bother women who do not have children and men at different times. In this case, the reasons for their appearance are certain human diseases:

Treatment and prevention

Pimples, which often form on the nipples, can be eliminated quite quickly if you follow simple rules:

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  • watch your diet. Eliminate all sweet foods, spices and fatty foods, as well as alcohol from your daily menu. It's good if you eat at the same time. The most best food- steamed or boiled;
  • Maintain personal hygiene. Regularly cleaning your breasts from dirt, dust and dead cells will prevent clogging of the skin around the nipples. Tar soap copes especially well with this task;
  • make masks on your chest. The use of natural ingredients in the fight against inflammatory processes helps get rid of acne quickly. You need to make mixtures based on carrots and aloe, and also wipe your chest with their juices. Then the condition of the skin will improve, and any pimple that has popped up on the nipples will quickly dry out;
  • pay attention to your clothes. Avoid synthetics and tight-fitting silhouettes, especially in the summer when it is difficult for the body to “breathe”. It is most beneficial to wear loose-fitting items made from pure cotton and linen;
  • take air baths. Since the skin on the chest is constantly covered with clothing or underwear, it often does not have time to become saturated with oxygen.

Let's sum it up

  • If a woman is preparing to become a mother or is already breastfeeding her baby, she should not worry about why the white pimple. This is a completely normal phenomenon that does not require treatment.
  • The main causes of common pimples around the nipples are clogged pores, allergies, skin problems and hormonal imbalances. In such cases, acne, as a rule, affects not only the chest and is only part of the overall symptomatology.
  • The best way to protect against chest acne is timely prevention. We're talking about proper nutrition, personal hygiene and taking care of your own skin.
  • A folk remedy for getting rid of pimples is aloe and carrot juice, which should be used to wipe problem areas on the body.
  1. Following simple steps to prevent inflammation may not help if a person has a serious hormonal imbalance. In this case, special treatment prescribed by a specialist is required.
  2. Women with inflamed Montgomery glands should not heat or steam their breasts. Such actions may lead to undesirable consequences.
  3. If a nursing mother notices a strong increase and redness of the tubercles on her nipples, it is better for her to stop breastfeeding and immediately consult a doctor.
  4. Do not self-medicate. Ointments that contain not only natural ingredients, but also artificial additives can harm the sensitive skin on the nipples even more.

The pimples on a woman’s nipples are rudimentary glands, the functions of which have not yet been studied. They often have a negative impact on the appearance of the breasts, and can also bring significant discomfort to the woman. How normal is this process and why does this happen? There can be a lot of reasons: from standard changes in hormonal levels, to infectious disease. These are the ones that need to be examined in more detail.

What do the pimples around the nipple mean?

The tubercles in the area of ​​the areola of the juice are modified sebaceous glands. The tubercles in the nipple area secrete a secretion, but what it is intended for is not completely clear. One version is that this lubricant, which contains a lot of fat, serves to protect the areola from drying out. Another version says that these secretions from the glands have bactericidal properties. In many cases, it was noticed that during pregnancy milk came out from these tubercles on the nipples.

One of the most interesting versions is that it is believed that there is a direct dependence of the number of tubercles on the characteristics of baby food. After conducting a series of studies, it was possible to establish the presence in this liquid of substances that direct the baby’s sense of smell to them, such a kind of natural taste enhancer. Currently carrying out scientific works on the artificial synthesis of this substance, for further use in accustoming premature babies to breastfeeding.

Why do bumps appear and when does this happen?

There are many reasons for the appearance of unattractive protrusions in the nipple area. Here are some that are considered the most common:

  • presence of Montgomery tubercles;
  • tubercles formed in response to changes in hormonal levels (most often occurs during puberty and during pregnancy);
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands with secretions (acne);
  • pathological diseases of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • allergic reactions.

Similar rashes occur in women of different age categories and in varying quantities. They can be single, several on the nipple, or they can be multiple, filling a large area of ​​the areola. They look like a slightly protruding point above the surface of the skin surrounding the nipple.

It is common to see up to 15 pimples on one breast.

When pimples appear in the last stages of pregnancy, this indicates the imminent arrival of milk, and as is already known, there is an opinion that the more units surround the nipple area, the more milk the new mother will have.

The appearance of this phenomenon during pregnancy is due to hormonal changes in the body expectant mother. These bumps are clearly visible throughout the entire breastfeeding phase. However, when the moment of lactation passes, Montgomery succumbs to regression and passes without a trace.

The appearance or increase in the number of tubercles, in some cases, is the first examination of the onset of pregnancy. In some pregnant women, they become inflamed from the very first days after conception, becoming the primary source of successful fertilization of the egg.

If such pimples appear as a result of pregnancy, then women should not worry; their presence in this case is considered normal and does not cause any harm to health, and also does not require treatment. Some women try to squeeze out the contents of the bumps, but this manipulation is unsafe, since through open pores there is an increased likelihood of infection and subsequently harmless bumps will cause a lot of problems and lead to complications.

There are incidents in which an inflammatory process occurs in the tubercles, which is quite common. A mammologist or gynecologist can diagnose such a problem. During inflammation, the tubercles turn red and pain is present. At the first manifestations, a chamomile decoction will be useful; it can cope with the initial stage. But if symptoms do not disappear, you should consult a doctor. It is not advisable to expose your breasts to overheating or apply hot compresses; these are favorable conditions for the development of bacteria. If an inflammatory process occurs during breastfeeding, you should stop feeding for a while until a definitive diagnosis is made.

Abnormal causes

In addition to natural physiological causes, there are also pathological deviations, as a result of which pimples appear on the nipples. There are several types of this pathology:

Treatment of pimples and bumps on the nipples

Of course, to initially solve the problem, a correct diagnosis must be made. A visit to a dermatologist or mammologist will help in this matter; if the inflammation coincides with the period of pregnancy, then a consultation with a gynecologist will be enough. Often a woman worries in vain about an ordinary mole that does not cause harm or discomfort. But there are also formations that do not require delay in treatment. Some manifestations are difficult to detect with the naked eye, and only a professional can handle this.

Montgomery's bumps are normal and do not require treatment. If there is inflammation, redness, pain and discharge of purulent contents, it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor. For such symptoms, physiotherapy, ointments with an antiseptic effect, and homeopathic remedies may be prescribed.

Treatment of eczema involves individual selection of the most effective technique, since the causes of this pathology are purely personal for each patient. Be it chronic diseases internal organs or mental disorders, it is necessary to conduct tests, based on the results of which therapy is selected.

Drug treatment may consist of antihistamines, sedatives and immunomodulating drugs, as well as ointments or creams for external use that relieve itching, inflammation and irritation.

Acne can be easily removed with basic personal hygiene rules and the correct selection of cosmetics and underwear. Shower gels can have a slightly drying effect, and underwear is made from natural fabrics that allow air to circulate without difficulty.

Along with drug treatment You should slightly adjust your usual routine. It is recommended to follow a diet. Include foods rich in vitamins in your diet, consume more vegetables, fruits, grains, replace steamed dishes with fried ones. And try to eat at the same time. It is better to give up fatty, smoked, sugar and baked goods. And also maintain daily hygiene. It is good to use tar soap several times a week, and the result will not be long in coming.

Throughout life, people at any age are concerned about the problem of skin rashes, namely acne. Their appearance on the nipples is another skin defect that brings discomfort.

When pimples first appear in this area, many people begin to think about how to disguise them. This leads to problems not only of a psychological nature. In addition to disrupting the aesthetic appearance, formations in this area tend to itch and become inflamed.

Causes of acne on nipples

The most common cause of acne on the nipples is hormonal imbalances in the body. In order to understand why rashes appear in this area, you need to consult a dermatologist.

In adulthood, this is far from uncommon; after 30 years, intensive death of skin cells occurs. As a result, dead cells clog the pores. Then an inflammatory process occurs, which results in acne.

Also, a pimple on or near the areola of the nipple may appear as a result of the progression of an internal disease, which makes itself felt by skin defects.

In women, there are glands around the nipple called Montgomery glands. They are involved in the production of a special lubricant that facilitates feeding. In some cases, the glands become inflamed and look like white pimples. If such symptoms are detected, you should contact a mammologist.

Before treatment, it is necessary to consult with specialists and conduct diagnostics for possible diseases.

Treatment of acne on nipples

You should not self-medicate. Complete relief from the disease will be ensured only by traditional methods treatment.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a dermatologist. Follow the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, this will speed up your recovery.

To avoid acne around the nipples, follow a proper diet and diet. Eliminate sweet, fatty and spicy foods.

Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene. Tar soap helps with this defect. They should wash their breasts and nipples daily. Tar soap not only cleanses the skin efficiently, but also helps get rid of acne.

You can apply masks prepared independently from natural products to the problem area. An effective remedy Aloe and carrot juice is considered.

If you have this problem, you should avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials; do not wear tight-fitting T-shirts and tank tops. Try to use clothes that contain natural ingredients, give preference to loose fit.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange air baths for the nipples, since the breast most often lacks oxygen.

Pimples on the nipples are not a reason to panic. An experienced specialist will help you quickly get rid of this defect. If there are no inflammatory processes and the acne is not in an advanced state, then the procedure for removing it will not be difficult.

If nipple rashes occur periodically, you should consult a dermatologist.

Acne is a common problem among teenagers and adults. Unsightly skin defects most often affect the skin of the face, but they can also appear in other, most unexpected places.

Rashes in places with very thin and sensitive skin, for example, near the nipples, are especially worrying and unpleasant.

Why do acne appear on the nipple and how dangerous are they?

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

How to treat and is it possible to prevent such a problem? The answers are below.


Pimples in the nipple area are a fairly rare occurrence, but such a problem still arises.

Most of the causes of breakouts are common between men and women, but there are some differences.

In women

In women, the Montgomery glands are located around the nipple.

At breastfeeding they produce a special lubricant that helps avoid irritation and drying out of sensitive skin and protects against the effects of pathogenic flora.

Inflamed Montgomery glands look like purulent pimples, but they are not.

A white pimple on the nipple should not be squeezed out, and if a woman develops a skin defect, it is better to immediately visit a mammologist.

Inflammation of the Montgomery glands is the only cause of nipple acne that is unique to women. The remaining provoking factors are common to both sexes.


In men

A pimple on the nipple in a man, like a woman, can appear as a result of:

  • clogging of pores with particles of dead skin cells;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • incorrect with a predominance of spicy, sweet, fatty and fried foods;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • dermatological diseases (atheroma and others).

In children

  • The most common causes of nipple rashes in children are poor diet, wearing synthetic clothing, or allergies (to cosmetics bath, washing powder).
  • But various skin diseases cannot be ruled out: the same atheroma can form not only in an adult, but also.
  • In adolescents, acne on the nipples can be a consequence of hormonal changes, namely, an increase in the content of male sex hormones (testosterone) in the body.

In any case, to accurately diagnose, you will need the help of a doctor.


Often, acne on the nipple appears due to hormonal imbalances in the body.

But to clarify possible reason formation of an unpleasant formation, you need to consult a dermatologist, and if necessary, take hormone tests.

  • Typically, rashes caused by hormonal changes appear in adolescents and women during pregnancy.
  • In addition, a pimple may indicate disruption of the endocrine and reproductive systems, diseases of other internal organs.

Video: “Why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples”


Multiple pimples around the nipple may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

As a rule, such a rash causes severe.

But scratching the rash is dangerous - you can get an infection, which will result in a large purulent pimple.

Clogged skin pores

If a pimple pops up on your nipple, it is not recommended to use medications or cosmetics before visiting a specialist.

At best, this will not give results, at worst, it will aggravate the inflammation.

The only acceptable measures are lotions and baths with infusions or calendula.

The procedures effectively reduce inflammation and itching.

And it is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to rip off or squeeze out such rashes.

Photo: Incorrectly chosen underwear can cause rashes

  • An obligatory stage of treatment is the elimination of provoking factors - refusal junk food, wearing underwear and clothes made from natural materials, etc.
  • If acne is caused by an allergy, then first of all you need to determine what kind of allergen it is, then eliminate contact with the irritant and treat with antihistamines.
  • If the pimple is actually atheroma, then the only treatment method is surgical removal which is performed under local anesthesia.

The formation cannot be ignored - if the atheroma persists for a long time, it can fester and a subcutaneous abscess can form.

Purulent processes are usually manifested by swelling and redness of the skin, pain, fever and deterioration in general well-being.

Preventing acne on nipples

Measures to prevent the appearance of acne near the nipples differ little from the prevention of rashes on other parts of the body.

By changing your lifestyle, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of acne, including on your nipples.

Photo: hygienic breast skin care using a washcloth and mild cleansers

  1. Hygiene. A daily shower with a washcloth helps remove dead skin cells, and the use of tar soap helps to thoroughly cleanse the skin of pathogenic flora and prevent the appearance of rashes.
  2. Skin care. It is recommended to moisturize your skin daily and use mild exfoliating products while showering or bathing.
  3. Nutrition. It is necessary to exclude sweet, fatty, spicy, and caffeine-containing foods from the menu. Limit the consumption of junk food with dyes and preservatives. Enrich your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, legumes. Consume boiled or steamed foods.
  4. Drinking regime. To maintain the health of the whole body, it is recommended to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Preference should be given to purified water, fresh juices, green But it is better to minimize the consumption of black tea.
  5. Bad habits. and alcohol consumption negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems, including the condition and appearance skin.
  6. Clothing and linen. It is better to wear underwear made from natural materials (cotton, linen). You should also avoid tight, skin-tight clothing, preferring a loose fit.
  7. Air baths. The appearance of acne may be due to insufficient oxygen supply to skin cells, which is associated with constant wearing of underwear. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to periodically arrange air baths for the chest. This is especially true for women who, even in summer, cannot walk bare-chested.
  8. Folk remedies. It is allowed to apply masks based on natural ingredients to the chest, wipe the skin around the nipples with carrot or aloe juice.
If acne does appear near the nipple, it is better not to engage in amateur activities, but immediately.

It is much easier to deal with the problem on initial stage development than with advanced inflammation.

A specialist will be able to accurately determine the nature of the skin defect and tell you how to get rid of a pimple quickly and without unwanted consequences.

Video: “Do’s and Don’ts for Acne”
