How long to hold medical cups on your back. How to install medical cups

The consequence of the comfort and convenience that technological progress gives us is illness that creeps up unnoticed. In the mode of reduced motor loads and monotonous postures, modern man complains more and more about back pain, detecting it along the entire length of the spinal column, from the neck to the lower back. They fight back pain with advertised ointments, heating, and massage, but few people remember how effectively the supplied cups relieved it.

How to choose the right jars for medicinal purposes
In the already distant era of total shortage, there were precedents for the use of mayonnaise and even half-liter glass jars. But when talking about treating your back, you should first of all keep in mind that cupping is medical. They differ from any other glass container in size (up to 70 ml), in the thickness of tempered glass, and in thickened edges. This is due to the fact that to set the cans they use fire on a long wick and so that the cans do not burst when exposed to fire, they must be thick-walled. The thickened edges, in turn, will not damage the patient's skin.

Banks have been tested for generations!
Just ten years ago, doctors’ prescriptions included medical banks. They were placed by nurses in the hospital and by relatives who understood the principle of this procedure at home. In fact, the method of treatment based on creating a pressure difference was used by the ancient Chinese, who used it to treat everything, including cough and diarrhea. Then cupping was used by the Greeks and medieval healers. In the Soviet Union, meeting a vacationer with purple circles on his back on a sanatorium beach was commonplace.

Why did medical banks disappear from sale?
In scientific circles, an opinion has emerged that the pulling of blood and lymph to the surface of the skin by cupping causes rupture of blood vessels, and in case of pneumonia, it can even damage the integrity of the lung. Mass cases was not recorded, but there was a strong opinion that cupping treatment was not safe. In the United States, this issue was resolved much more categorically, banning the use of medical cups in the treatment of any diseases at all. Glass medical jars have also disappeared from the shelves of our pharmacies. True, their PVC analogues with a rubber balloon appeared. Perhaps this was a simple marketing ploy, the purpose of which was to promote a new product by discrediting the usual set of home first aid kits in every home.

How to put cans on your back
If you have no contraindications for this, the skin of your back does not have damage, rashes, tumors, moles - placing cups is not a problem. But, since it is not realistic to put the cans on your own back, it is worth choosing an experienced performer who will help you and not harm you by undertaking this procedure for you.

Indications for treatment with medical cups:

  • inflammation of the nerve roots due to degeneration of intervertebral discs;
  • myositis;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • sprains and spasms of the back muscles.
Treatment with medical cupping is associated with health risks for the following diseases and ailments:
  • tuberculosis at any stage and bleeding;
  • all types of neoplasms;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • third degree hypertension;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • high fever or seizures.
Banks cannot be placed:
  • on the spine;
  • kidney area;
  • heart area;
  • mammary glands.
  • on dry and flaky skin.
Technology of the procedure itself
You need to prepare:
  • petrolatum;
  • 96% alcohol;
  • metal tweezers or knitting needle;
  • cotton wool;
  • medical banks;
  • matches;
  • towel.
The patient takes a lying position, clasping the pillow with his hands, relaxing the muscles. The performer smears his back with Vaseline, makes a wick using a cotton swab and a knitting needle, dips it in alcohol, and sets it on fire. With his right hand he takes the jar and, tilting it, inserts the flame of the wick into it with his left hand.

This is done quickly, so that the edges of the can do not heat up, and then it is placed on the surface of the back. Due to the vacuum created as a result of heating inside the can, it creates a certain vacuum effect and draws in the skin at the installation site by 1-3 cm. If the can does not hold after installation, then the manipulation must be repeated, but with another can.

Banks are installed first on surfaces that are not subject to pain. Up to 10-14 cans can be installed at the same time. The jars are covered with a towel and blanket on top and act for up to 15 minutes. If the jars are placed for the first time, the action time is reduced to 3 minutes. Pain caused by the procedure requires its cessation. Remove the jars, pressing the skin to let air into it. You cannot use any other flammable mixtures except cologne, and instead of Vaseline - ointments with warming properties. Completion of the procedure - staying warm and at rest. The next session is permissible, only after a day, and the placement of the cans should not coincide with the previous one. To remove the can, you need to press the finger of one hand on the area of ​​skin near the can, and with the other hand tilt the can in the opposite direction.

If you purchased cans with rubber balloons?
It is even easier to install such jars. We start everything as described above, but exclude the process of using fire. The pressure difference in the jar is created using a rubber balloon. The effect of blood suction will be less, so the marks from such cups will be less noticeable. But they can effectively massage those places that give a painful reaction to osteochondrosis. To do this, the sucked jar is moved in a sliding motion along the painful part of the back, gradually moving towards the source of inflammation. And so on for about 10 minutes until the skin turns red. Vacuum massage is done once a day for up to 10 sessions. All contraindications for cupping therapy are also required for vacuum massage.

The therapeutic effect of medical cups is understandable if we take into account the self-healing powers of the body. After all, any bruise on the body is like a navigator for self-healing - the body directs all opposing forces here to the area of ​​the designated disease.

A few decades ago, this method of treating colds was as popular as mustard plasters. Few people decide to treat inflamed respiratory organs in this way, and only because they do not know how to place cups on the back so as not to harm the weakened body, what the patient’s position should be during the procedure - lying or standing. Indeed, this method has contraindications, but with the right approach, the effect is worth it: the cold will quickly subside and the patient will recover.

Why do they place banks?

Biologically help improve metabolic processes in the body active substances. To provoke the body into a powerful release, it is necessary to accelerate microcirculation, and cups help with this well for colds. Blood will begin to flow to the area of ​​skin where you place the jar, because the shape of the glass vessel with thickened edges creates a vacuum. The methods of Chinese medicine, where this method of treatment came from, still involve the use of glass products for bronchitis, back pain, lower back pain and joint pain.

Which cans to put on your back

Before you mobilize your forces immune system If you want to use medical cups (see photo below), it is useful to learn about the types of vessels used. They differ appearance, the material used for manufacturing, methods that help to correctly place the cans on the back when coughing. If there are no contraindications (high temperature, purulent processes, tuberculosis, allergies, asthma), then all that remains is to choose the appropriate tool for treatment:

  • Glass or traditional jars They create a vacuum by burning out air, so you have to use an open source of fire. Before placing such cans on your back, you should carefully read the step-by-step instructions.
  • Vacuum vessels They are a polymer flask with a rubber balloon, which, when in contact with the skin, helps squeeze out air. Such medical jars are considered safer because there is no need to use fire.

When is cupping treatment beneficial?

In addition to treatment for colds respiratory system, when inflammation and high fever are left behind, medical cupping is successfully used in the treatment of some other diseases. How are cans placed on your back and why is it useful? These special vacuum vessels are effective in inflammatory diseases muscles, nerves, myositis, radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia. A physiotherapeutic procedure using them helps to cope with headaches or when it is necessary to increase blood pressure.

When coughing

An actual method of treatment, but only if the stage of sputum discharge has arrived. Dry cough, which is characterized by initial stage colds is a contraindication for the use of medical cups as an adjuvant treatment. When wet, several procedures performed can significantly improve the positive dynamics of the disease and speed up recovery. When coughing, put them on your back at least five pieces at a time, and repeat the procedure every other day.

For bronchitis

Those who have been diagnosed with this should use medical cups with caution and only after consultation with their doctor. Only later, when the disease has passed the acute phase, cans can be used together with antibacterial therapy. Knowing how to place cups for bronchitis, it is easy to carry out this stage of treatment at the right time and significantly improve the condition:

  • The positive effect of their use for bronchitis is aimed at thinning the mucus, which causes bouts of painful coughing.
  • Correctly placed cans will be removed painful sensations, dilate blood vessels, activate energy processes, while simultaneously providing a distracting effect.

For osteochondrosis

They are used as an additional remedy that helps reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease. Medical cups relieve muscle spasms by activating cell metabolism. Another useful property of this method in the treatment of osteochondrosis is considered to be a relaxing effect. By improving blood circulation, these medical treatment tools will remove toxins, increase muscle elasticity, and accelerate the process of cell regeneration.

For pneumonia

Pneumonia is a complex and dangerous disease. Localization, foci, pathogens - everything affects the course of pneumonia, for the treatment of which antibiotics are necessarily used. Banks can only be used as auxiliary means; doctors often prohibit their use so as not to aggravate the course of a serious illness. An independent decision to use cupping can lead to irreversible processes, including gangrene or rupture. lung tissue Therefore, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.

When not to bet

For all its beneficial properties, medical cupping remains a controversial method of treatment with a number of contraindications. The effectiveness of devices that help create a vacuum is excellent in the treatment of some types of diseases, while for others it is an unacceptable method of treatment. Among the contraindications, when the use of cups is considered inappropriate, are the following:

How to properly place cans on your back

The step-by-step instructions, which prescribe how to put cups on your back for a cold, include a number of sequential steps. To avoid injury, check the integrity of glass containers and avoid using kerosene, gasoline, acetone or other volatile explosives. You will learn how to properly place cans on your back thanks to the following detailed recommendations:

  1. Prepare in advance 5-6 well-washed with warm water and wiped dry medical jars, alcohol, matches, tweezers or a metal knitting needle, cotton wool, rich cream (vaseline).
  2. The patient needs to be provided with a comfortable environment, placed on his stomach, and lubricated with cream or Vaseline on his back.
  3. Wrap the edge of the tweezers or knitting needle with cotton wool, dip it in alcohol, lightly squeezing out the excess flammable substance.
  4. Then light it with a match and place the burning torch inside the glass vessel for a couple of seconds.
  5. After this, remove the source of fire, quickly place the jar on its back, and do the same with the rest of the vessels.
  6. There is no need to set fire to tweezers or a knitting needle if you use vacuum vessels with a rubber balloon. In this case, you just need to place them correctly, avoiding the spine area and not close to each other.
  7. For the procedure to benefit the patient, cover your back with the cups installed with a warm cloth and leave for a quarter of an hour or a little more.
  8. The final step is to disconnect the vacuum vessel. This can be done with a simple technique: slightly lift it on one side, letting in air.

How often to bet and how long to keep

Place glass vessels on an intact area of ​​skin, holding for about five minutes the first time. General recommendations prescribe a course of up to four sessions, while the duration can be increased to 20 minutes. It is not recommended to keep special vessels for the treatment of colds or some other diseases for longer than this time, because dark spots may form. This is clear evidence that the skin is injured, so at least a day should pass between procedures; cups cannot be placed twice in the same place.

Video about medical banks

The simplest visual aid on how to put cups on your back for bronchitis, colds, and other inflammations is a video. The question of how to properly place cans on your back is asked by people who, in addition to drug treatment, are ready to usefully use additional methods in order to recover faster. The video format can replace even detailed instructions. Along with a demonstration of all stages of the procedure, recommendations are given on other important points: which vessels are best to use, how long to keep or remove?

At what age can you

Age restrictions are included in the list of contraindications, when cupping for colds or for the treatment of certain other diseases is inappropriate. Is it acceptable to put cups on coughs for small children? Watch the video to get a comprehensive answer regarding the age at which doctors allow the use of medical cups.

Cupping massage for a child

There is only one way to increase beneficial properties massage performed on a child: the use of special vessels is justified for some types of treatment, because it helps speed up the baby’s healing process. Learn about the features effective method, conditions when the use of cupping massage is not harmful, but beneficial for the baby. Adults do not have to think about going to the hospital, because they can help their child cope with a cold at home using this method.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to put cans on your back

You have heard the phrase “You need to put the cans” many times. What is it, how is the procedure performed correctly, what are the indications and contraindications?

It turns out that people bet on banks a long time ago, several thousand years ago. The famous doctors of the ancient world, Avicenna and Galen, used cups to alleviate the condition of the patient. Currently, the procedure has not been forgotten and cups are widely used by medical professionals.

How to place cups correctly - indications and contraindications

Banks are placed on the back to cure the following diseases:

  • bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases respiratory tract;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • myositis.

Along with this list, it is necessary to immediately clarify that cupping should in no case be used if the patient has an elevated body temperature, has been diagnosed with viral pneumonia, has cancer, internal bleeding, acne on the skin in the back, moles, and also warts, large areas of pigmentation, tuberculosis, severe mental disorders.

What is the principle of the procedure and why are banks placed on their backs? It’s simple: a vacuum is created in the area of ​​a small jar, and the treatment container is securely “sucked” to the patient’s skin. In this area, blood flow and lymph outflow are improved, tissue nutrition is improved, and painful sensations, immunity is strengthened. It is quite natural that after such a procedure, the patient will feel improvement and recover faster.

How to place jars correctly - where to place them

For different diseases, an area where cans can be placed is selected:

  • if the muscles and nerves are inflamed, then the cups can be placed directly on the site where the pain is most disturbing;
  • if these are diseases of the respiratory tract, the patient is tormented by an incessant cough, then the cans should be placed under the shoulder blades and along the sides of the spine;
  • It is not advisable to place cups on women's breasts. For men - it is possible, if it is not the left side (so as not to harm the functioning of the heart);
  • It is forbidden to place jars directly on the spine, as well as on the area of ​​the kidneys and heart.

What else do you need to know to correctly perform this thermal procedure? For example, that banks are not placed on the part of the body where hair grows. If men have hair on their backs, then before the procedure (preferably one day before), it is advisable to shave it off.

If you are going to treat a child, then it is enough to prepare only 6 cans, maximum 8 pieces. An adult can be supplied from 10 to 16 pieces. for 1 procedure.

Attention: after the procedure, redness will appear on the skin in the area where the jar was placed, swelling and even slight bruising are possible. All this will go away on its own without intervention, after 1-2 weeks.

How to place jars correctly - what to prepare for the procedure

In order to place the jars correctly, you will need the following:

  • cosmetic Vaseline - it will not allow air to penetrate into the cavity of the jar and will reduce the appearance of burns on the skin;
  • terry towel and warm blanket;
  • alcohol;
  • clamp or tweezers;
  • matches or lighter;
  • any wick, you can make it homemade from a piece of cotton wool, which needs to be wound on a thin stick or knitting needle;
  • jars: clean and always dry, without chips.

How to place jars correctly

In fact, if you look at this procedure from the outside, it becomes very scary, because the manipulation is special and you need to understand how to do it correctly so as not to harm the patient.

We place the banks step by step:

  • The patient should be placed on a couch or bed on his stomach.
  • Lubricate your back with cosmetic Vaseline.
  • Prepare everything you need on the table so that everything is at hand.
  • Now you need to take a cotton wick in your hand (with tweezers), moisten the tip in alcohol, and set it on fire.
  • You need to take the jar in your hand (left), place the wick (burning) in the middle, hold it for just a couple of seconds so that the glass warms up and quickly apply the jar to the patient’s back.
  • If everything is done correctly, the jar should adhere tightly to the skin.
  • Place all the other cans in the same way, immediately wrap the patient in a dry terry towel, and cover with a blanket.

If cups are placed on a patient for the first time, then the duration of the procedure should not exceed 8 minutes. Subsequent procedures take no more than 15 minutes. After the time has passed, the jars are carefully tilted to the side; you can lightly press on the skin at the edge where the jar is located. The back should be wiped and the patient should be immediately wrapped and left to rest for an hour.

The fact that cupping is a simple and reliable way to treat many diseases has been known for a very long time. They were prescribed for colds, radiculitis, and neuralgia. Then this method was undeservedly forgotten. But now it is becoming popular again. Nowadays, medical jars made of modern materials have appeared in pharmacies. The technology for their production differs from the traditional one.

You will learn about why it is necessary and how to correctly place cups on your back, how long to hold them, as well as indications and contraindications for this procedure by reading this article.

Operating principle of vacuum treatment

Indeed, why do they put cans on their backs? The therapeutic effect of their use is achieved thanks to the vacuum. A small container is suctioned to the patient’s skin, this improves blood circulation and lymph outflow in nearby tissues and organs. Tissue nutrition is normalized, an analgesic effect occurs, and immunity increases. Inflammatory processes heal much faster.

Massage in a similar way, which is widely used for medicinal and health purposes, improves muscle tone, relieves pain, improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Currently, you can find several types of medical jars in pharmacies:

  • Traditional glass. These are small vessels made of thick tempered glass. The volume of such a jar is about 70 ml. The edges are thickened so as not to damage the patient's skin. They are installed using open fire. Together with them, long medical tweezers are used, on which cotton wool moistened with alcohol is wound. The method of installing them requires attention and caution, since you can accidentally get burned;
  • Polymer. Made from a material similar to very dense rubber. No additional items are needed to install them. No fire is needed for heating. Such vessels are easily placed by squeezing and applying to the desired location. Very often used for cupping massage;
  • Glass with rubber balloon. They are small glass vessels with sealed edges, equipped with a rubber balloon. They are installed in the same way as completely polymer ones. The balloon is compressed by hand and the vessel is applied to the installation site.

Regardless of the type of cans, the principle of their operation is the same. As well as indications and contraindications for use.

Indications for use

Cupping, like all other physiotherapy procedures, is prescribed only at the stage of resolution of inflammatory processes. Therefore, under no circumstances should they be placed at elevated temperatures.

Indications for the use of this method are the following diseases and state of the body:

  1. inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, in the stage of resolution;
  2. congestion in the lungs, not aggravated high temperature and acute inflammatory process;
  3. inflammatory diseases of nerve trunks and muscles;
  4. pain and spasms of the back muscles, headache;
  5. intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis;
  6. diseases of the nervous system.

Please note that cups cannot be placed on all areas of the body.

Places for their installation are:

  • back at the level of the chest and waist;
  • the front of the chest, the area near the collarbones;
  • lateral surfaces of the chest.

They cannot be placed in the following places:

  • spine;
  • heart area;
  • kidney area;
  • female breast.


One of the reasons for the negative attitude of official medicine towards healing with vacuum is self-medication. Many people view banking as a harmless procedure that anyone can do. However, this method of therapy has a number of serious contraindications. Before you begin treatment using the vacuum technique, you need to know not only what benefits it has, but also what harm it can cause.

Vessels should not be used if the patient:

  1. high temperature;
  2. inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  3. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  4. oncological diseases;
  5. internal bleeding;
  6. general exhaustion of the body;
  7. inflammatory processes and skin damage;
  8. a large number of moles, age spots, warts at the sites where blood vessels are installed.

All of the above contraindications must be taken seriously. The presence of at least one of them is a reason to cancel vacuum therapy.

How to properly place jars on your back?

The patient's back is the most common place for cupping to be placed. Why do they place cups in the back area? They are used for colds, persistent coughs, muscle spasms, radiculitis, and as a massage procedure.

The technology for installing glass medical jars is the most complex, so let’s consider it as an example.

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • cleanly washed glass medical containers without chips or cracks;
  • tweezers or a clamp with long handles;
  • cotton wool;
  • alcohol;
  • petrolatum;
  • medical burner and matches;
  • towel.

The patient is placed face down on a hard bed or couch. For comfort, he is given a small pillow, which he clasps with his hands. The patient's back is lubricated with Vaseline or massage cream.

Cotton is wound onto a clamp or tweezers, making an improvised wick. The wick is moistened with alcohol. Then it needs to be set on fire. It is more convenient to do this using an alcohol burner. This way you won't burn your hands, and you can easily relight the cotton wool if it goes out.

The resulting burning wick is placed in a vessel. At the same time, it is held with the hole down. It is then immediately placed on the patient's back. When installed correctly, the patient's skin is drawn inward and acquires a dark red color.

After the required number of cans is placed on the patient’s back, he is covered with a warm blanket. As a rule, an even number of 6-8, sometimes 10-12 cans are used. They are kept on their back for no more than 15 minutes. If the procedure is used for the first time, then the containers cannot be held for more than 5-8 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the jars are carefully removed. To do this, they are slightly tilted and pressed onto the skin at the edge. The patient's back is wiped with a terry towel. Then the patient is wrapped warmly and left to rest for at least an hour.

For a persistent cough that does not go away, cups are placed several times until an improvement in the patient’s condition becomes obvious.

Treatment procedures using vacuum are widely used in both traditional and alternative medicine.

This treatment method is quite simple and effective. However, it is worth remembering that cupping treatment in the back area can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

What not to do during cupping treatment

  1. use this procedure in the presence of the above contraindications;
  2. give jars to small children and elderly people with weakened immune systems and heart disease;
  3. use containers with cracks and chips;
  4. use acetone, gasoline and other flammable liquids as a flammable substance;
  5. carry out the procedure for more than 20 minutes.

Features of polymer cans and options with rubber cylinders

Their installation does not require fire and therefore no burner or wick. It's easy to place the cans by simply squeezing the balloon. The blood suction power of such jars is less than that of glass jars.

Seeing for the first time how thin skin inflates and turns blue under a round transparent jar before our eyes, few people will not experience some kind of almost mystical horror. Indeed, this spectacle is not for the faint of heart. But, for all its external ugliness, this procedure brings very tangible positive effect, which has been known for a long time. However, recently banks have been forgotten. Is this fair? How and when it is necessary and possible to place jars, how to do it correctly, what to be wary of - this is what our conversation will be about today.

How does the bank “work”?

In fact, of course, there is no mysticism in the placement of medical cups. The flame quickly eats away the oxygen, and a rarefaction of air is created in the jar - that is, a vacuum. Therefore the skin retracts blood vessels expand, deep under the skin blood flow increases, metabolism accelerates and tissue nutrition improves. All this helps to accelerate the resorption of inflammation.
Most often, doctors recommend placing medical cups on the back for pneumonia and bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases. They also help with radiculitis, neuralgia and myositis. However, this does not mean that at the first signs of illness you need to immediately put cups on the patient’s back. For example, for tuberculosis, viral pneumonia, and cancer, they are strictly contraindicated! They are equally harmful if there is acne on the skin, and if we're talking about about a person with an unbalanced psyche.

The attitude of doctors towards cupping is now ambiguous; in some countries, for example, in America, this method has not been used for twenty years, and in China, vacuum therapy (as cupping treatment is called) is widespread. The biggest danger with cupping is that the vessels in the deep tissues not only expand, but sometimes even rupture. This can lead to serious complications, in particular bleeding. Therefore, the decision about whether to place cupping or not must be made by the doctor. But if he said yes, then go ahead!

The use of medical cups is common among many peoples. The first description of the use of cans dates back to the 16th century BC. e. Jars are glass vessels with a rounded bottom and thickened edges with an internal neck diameter of 30–33 mm and a capacity of 30–70 ml. Sometimes larger jars are used: with an internal neck diameter of 50 mm and a volume of 270 ml. They are mainly used for cupping massage (vacuum therapy).

Where to put the jars

In case of inflammation of the nerves and muscles, cups are placed directly on the sore spot, in case of pneumonia and bronchitis - on the back, on the side of the spine and under the shoulder blades (but not on the heart area). Sometimes banks are placed in front, on chest. But here you can’t really “go wild” - they should not be placed on the left side (vacuum and hot heat are contraindicated for the heart). Women should not have cupping on their chests, as this can cause breast diseases, and for men with a lot of hair on their chest, cupping can only be done well if the hair is shaved off. So, after all, the main place of jar dislocation is the back.

How many cans do you need?

It’s impossible to say for sure. Most often, an adult is given no less than ten, but no more than 16. This depends on the size of the back, naturally. A child most often gets six to eight pieces.

What do you need to prepare?

You will need Vaseline (which reduces the chance of burns and prevents air from getting under the edges of the jars), a wick (cotton wool wrapped around the end of a knitting needle, metal stick or tweezers), alcohol, a towel, a blanket and dry, clean jars.

How is this done?

The patient lies on his stomach, his hair needs to be pinned up or carefully removed so that it does not fall under the cans or end up near the open fire of the wick.
Lubricate your back with Vaseline. Light a wick soaked in alcohol, take the jar into left hand, quickly insert the wick into it right hand, hold the fire in the jar for one or two seconds, and immediately apply the jar to the skin. If everything is done as needed, the jar will instantly stick and the skin will begin to retract inside.
The jars are placed at a distance of three to five centimeters from each other.
After placing the cans, cover them with a towel and place a blanket on top. The patient should lie down with the cups for about fifteen minutes. At first, it is quite possible that he will experience an unpleasant sensation of skin tightening, especially if we are talking about a thin child. Children, by the way, hold the jars for no more than 10 minutes. Five minutes after setting, look in and check that the cans are holding well on the back.
They also need to be removed carefully. Under no circumstances pull them towards you, do not drag them sharply upward! Move the jar slightly to the side and gently press your finger against the skin near the edge of the jar. Air will begin to be sucked into the can with a characteristic whistle, and it will easily bounce off. After removal, you need to carefully wipe off the remaining Vaseline, cover the patient warmly and leave him to lie down for at least another half hour.
Most often, doctors recommend cupping several times, but always every other day, not daily. At the same time, when re-installing, you should try to place the jars in those places that are “free” from the consequences of the previous procedure.

Before placing the jars on the patient, practice combining the heating procedure and quickly turning the jar onto the body.
Please note that cups hold better on clean and dry skin. Therefore, do not rub the Vaseline too hard and do not take a lot of it, otherwise the jar will not come into close contact with the skin.
After moistening the wick with alcohol, lightly squeeze out any excess liquid. Do not use gasoline or kerosene! Remember that cupping is a rather dangerous procedure, and use extreme caution!
Do not touch the edges of the jars with the lit wick so as not to burn the patient. To ensure even heating, rotate the wick in a circular motion inside the jar.
Hold and heat the jar next to the patient's body, this will allow it to be delivered quickly. Remove all flammable items. For example, if the wick is not squeezed out, alcohol may drip onto your “patient’s” exposed back.
Remember that weakly heated jars do not bring any positive effect.

Cupping massage

This procedure sometimes gives an excellent effect, relieving the suffering of a person who is tormented by radiculitis or myositis pain. When the skin under the jar placed on the sore spot begins to turn red and pull inward, you need to very slowly, without lifting the jar from the skin, begin to move along the pain points (bottom to top). The massage usually lasts about twenty minutes. They do it every other day. However, you should resort to such a massage only when the acute phase of the disease is behind you.

Contraindications to cupping: pulmonary hemorrhage, pulmonary tuberculosis, neoplasms and tumors of various etiologies, general exhaustion and malaise, elevated body temperature, serious illnesses heart (acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, heart defects, grade 3–4 hypertension, frequent attacks of angina, acute cardiovascular failure), the patient's excited state. It is prohibited to conduct vacuum massage on the area of ​​the heart, eyes, ears, nipples of the mammary glands, on the stomach for pregnant women.
