Why do people drink alcohol? Why do people drink? Experimental motive, or “what will happen if”

How often do people think about why a person starts drinking alcohol? After all, everyone knows about the harm alcoholic drinks cause to the body, but this does not discourage its use and often addiction develops against this background. Most of the reasons cited by alcoholics themselves can be attributed to excuses. Each addict tries to cover himself up and come up with a more pitiful reason to justify his addiction. According to psychologists, each stage of alcoholism is accompanied by its own reasons for drinking alcohol. It is the factors influencing the formation of addiction that we will consider.

Alcohol consumption often occurs in social situations. For many, this can relieve stress and increase pleasure. Recognizing why people drink around their peers and the consequences of drinking can help you understand more about social drinking.

Drinking is a common social activity. People meet with friends or colleagues for drinks at the end of the workday, to decompress, or to attend events that offer alcohol. This is an activity that everyone can relate to business leaders.

Around the world, millions of people participate in these activities for various reasons. However, unregulated or irresponsible social drinking can cause problems that can last a lifetime. Social drinking is the casual consumption of alcohol in a social setting, such as a bar or restaurant. This usually occurs on special occasions such as birthdays, Cinco de Mayo or New Year's Eve.

As a rule, each person has his own motives that push him to drink.

What addicts say

Before understanding this issue, let's look at the reasons for alcohol consumption, which addicts themselves talk about. Such excuses are typical both for developing addiction and for more severe forms of the disease. At the same time, a person experiencing problems tries to instill these thoughts not only in his immediate environment, but also in himself.

Many people tend to relax when drinking socially. This is because alcohol affects brain function and changes mood and behavior. It binds to receptors in the brain that increase dopamine levels, which activate pleasure.

Social drinking is part of American culture. However, participation in an activity several times a week may give way to eating, defined as four or more alcoholic drinks a day for men and three for women for five or more days a month.

Alcoholics find the most common excuse for their illness to be that alcohol allows them to open up, become more sociable and relaxed. Of course, this is acceptable if we talk about a glass of wine, which helps to overcome the constraining barrier. However, excessive alcohol consumption causes a person's behavior to change greatly. Ethyl alcohol negatively affects the brain, causing a person to become more stupid. What seems to him like looseness actually becomes inappropriate behavior, and sociability turns into annoyingness.

Heavy drinking can cause people to engage in activities that compromise their safety. For thousands of years, alcohol and socializing have gone hand in hand. This activity is represented in religious texts, Roman literature and historical works.

IN Ancient Greece Socrates offered wine to philosophers during meetings. In the 16th century, Mexicans drank brioche, a fermented drink, in the vineyards. In Colonial America, early settlers filled taverns and shared news with each other. Social drinking has remained popular ever since. During Oktoberfest, crowds indulge in beer drinking and celebrations. This is also common at sporting events.

Another equally popular reason for drinking alcohol is to create an atmosphere of fun. This situation indicates the presence of certain psychological problems. Alcohol cannot be a reason to have fun. Of course, you can feel much better, but this may cause certain changes. The joy of consumption is accompanied by the sadness of a hangover.

Social situations involving alcohol

The purpose of many drinking conditions, such as happy hours, is to promote social connection. A number of places outside bars or pubs encourage social drinking. Alcohol often plays an important role at weddings. Loved ones can raise a glass of wine or champagne to toast the bride and groom. During check-in, guests gather at the bar and socialize for hours.

Today, couples are enhancing their social experiences. Festivals provide an opportunity to listen to live music, eat food and socialize with alcohol. Social motives influence the majority of festival participants. Alcohol consumption is common before and during sporting events. Concession stands often offer alcohol throughout the event. Researchers at the University of Minnesota found that 40 percent of spectators at 16 sporting events drank alcohol. Those who reported quitting were 14 times more likely to engage in legal drinking.

Probably everyone has heard the expression: “a hundred grams for courage.” Some of those who suffer from alcoholism, under the influence of alcohol, commit various stupid things, since the intoxicating effect does not allow them to perceive what is happening normally. Against this background, obscene behavior, rowdy behavior and even violation of the law can be observed.

At the moment of intoxication, all moral norms become blurred, and a person completely lacks the instinct of self-preservation.

Overall, thousands of people left their event legally intoxicated. Many employers accept functions that include alcohol, such as business lunches, holidays, or restaurant happy hours. The purpose of these meetings is to build relationships and camaraderie among employees.

Fraternity and fraternity sides

Three-fifths of these gatherings offered alcohol. More than half did not regulate their alcohol consumption. However, many rely on alcohol to improve their communication skills in social functions.

The role of alcohol as a social lubricant

Individuals often turn to alcohol before an evening out with friends. For many, it is perceived as a social lubricant that improves mood, reduces self-consciousness and improves social skills.

The reasons why people drink alcohol often have psychological roots. Very often, alcohol is used as a means of relieving stress. This way of solving problems is far from the best. The effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system can cause depressive thoughts, apathy and mental disorders. Of course, stress will disappear for a while, only to return with a vengeance later. This is why experts say that using alcohol to solve problems and relieve nervous tension unreasonable.

A study published in Psychological Science supports this theory. Alcohol intensified social connection between a group of drinkers who were more likely to engage in discussions than those with whom. Social drinkers were also more likely to involve everyone in these conversations.

Social Anxiety Disorder and Tension Reduction Theory

Alcohol helps create a comfortable environment for some partygoers. It enhances dopamine levels, increases the generosity, empathy and friendliness of the drinker.

For those recovering from alcoholism

While social drinking has its benefits, it can be dangerous. An environment filled with alcohol can lead people to drink to excess and engage in risky behavior.

Drinking alcohol to relieve a hangover is one of the worst reasons to drink alcohol. Such measures create a vicious circle, which becomes the cause of alcoholism. Using the “wedge by wedge” method in this regard is unacceptable. Otherwise, you may not notice the onset of the disease.

Individuals in need of restoration should be especially careful. If you are attending such an event, don't be afraid to say no and don't give in. Alcohol makes us "short-sighted" - this helps explain its popularity and variable effects. We tend to think of alcohol as primarily a disinhibitor, but this cannot explain its various effects. Sometimes this seems to make us loud and boisterous, sometimes calm and contemplative, sometimes sad and depressed, with all shades and combinations of these and other emotions.

What addicts say

Likewise, psychologists have discovered that alcohol can have all sorts of counterintuitive effects. Research has even shown that after drinking, people may become less aggressive and less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. Doesn't that sound like alcohol? So how can we understand and explain all these different conditions?

All the reasons for drinking alcohol can be divided into several main groups: physiological, social and psychological.

What experts say

Psychology answers the following questions about why people drink alcohol. First of all, you cannot believe the excuses that addicts make for themselves. The reasons that addicts like to use to put pressure on loved ones are the following:

Folk psychology tells us that some of the different effects of alcohol come from culture and individual differences. There are heavy drunks, depressed drunks, sleepy drunks, love drunks and everything in between. Culture and social norms also influence their own influences. We have certain expectations about how alcohol will transport us into parallel states of consciousness and, hey, presto, it does. One study gave participants a carbonated drink and told them it contained vodka.

Withdrawal motivation, or “beer in the morning is not only harmful, but also beneficial”

They soon became drunk, with inflated egos, despite the fact that there was nothing more toxic than tonic water. The problem with explaining expectations is that we are not reliably transported to the same parallel state of consciousness. If culture and personality primarily explain the psychological effects of alcohol, then how can we have completely different experiences while drinking?

  • personal problems;
  • problems with work;
  • the belief that drinking alcohol has positive effects.

But according to psychologists, there are only five real reasons that accompany each stage of the disease.

The first thing to understand is that no one is born with this disease. Of course, there is a hereditary predisposition, but it takes time for addiction to form. It may take more than one year for the disease to develop. It is important to note that alcoholism develops faster in women. Let's look at the real reasons that experts talk about.

It is so clear that the effects of alcohol must depend on the precise situation in which we drink. But what features of the situation push our feelings and behavior in one direction or another, once toward depressive introspection, say, and again toward joyful extraversion?

According to a growing body of evidence collected over the past three decades or more, people's Jekyll and Hyde drinking behavior can be understood by a simple idea that has some intriguing implications. The alcohol myopia model says that the drink makes our attentional system myopic, and the more we drink, the more myopic it becomes. With more alcohol, our brains become less and less able to process peripheral signals and become more focused on what's right in front of us.

  1. Initial stage. The formation of a future disease begins from the moment of the first use of alcohol. How far this will go depends only on the person himself. The first use of alcohol occurs in the company of friends, relatives during a celebration or simply out of curiosity. At such moments, alcohol is used quite rarely, so there is no reason for concern.
  2. Second stage begins when a person uses alcohol more than once a month. The reason can be various motives, including the traditional “for company”, to relax and feel euphoria due to the intoxicating effect. Over time, a person wants to be in a similar state more and more often. There is no dependence at the moment, but the ground is emerging for its development.
  3. For the third stage It is typical to drink alcohol on weekends, after hard working days. It often starts with beer, every Friday. Gradually, the consumption of ethyl alcohol becomes a cause. Dependence begins to form on a psychological level. If alcohol is taken away from a person at such a moment, in the future he will say that Friday evening was a failure.
  4. Fourth stage is the emergence of a strong dependence on alcohol consumption. Alcohol is drunk almost every day. Under the influence of toxins, most organs are in poor condition. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, the alcoholic has to use alcohol more and more often. At this stage of the disease, only alcohol can save you from a severe hangover. A person simply cannot live without drinking alcohol.
  5. The final stage. The disease takes dangerous form. A person is already completely disconnected from the world and dissolves in an alcoholic binge. There are almost no moments of sobriety. The work of many people is impaired under the influence of alcohol. internal organs. Not only does a person’s personality change, but also his appearance. Even relatives and immediate circles fail to recognize the new personality ex-person. The reasons why people drink alcohol at this stage are three simple things: habit, energy support, and pain relief.

It's this balance between what's right in front of us and what we don't notice around the edges that determines how alcohol affects us in different situations. Here are a few effects that recognizers will immediately recognize. This may be due to the suspicious myopia caused by alcohol, all our flaws float away and therefore we feel closer to our ideal selves. That's probably one of the reasons it's so addictive, it's self-actualization in bottle form. Real worries can be made worse: if we've had a bad day and we're sitting quietly with a drink, alcohol can make it worse because all the peripheral signals that are potential distractors are cut out and all we see are our problems. Pleasure at the moment: reverse side This focus is on the fact that if we do something enjoyable while drinking, we can more easily ignore any nagging doubts or stray worries wandering through our minds. We can be fully in the moment when listening to music, watching sports, or talking with a good friend. In the zone: It's even possible that for some types of tasks it can improve performance as we let go of our insecurities. Perhaps this is why so many writers have written with a glass of whiskey by their side. Ego Boost: When people drink, they often feel better. . The fact that the effects of alcohol on the human mind are more than just withdrawal is supported by research showing how when manipulating environment alcohol can have a counterintuitive effect.

The cause of alcohol addiction is a combination of several provoking factors

Based on this, we can say that any reasons that alcoholics find are just excuses and justifications. At any manifestation of the slightest hint of addiction, urgent treatment measures must be taken. By contacting a specialist at an early stage, you can prevent the development of the disease.

Alcohol may reduce aggression: Participants were asked to administer an electric shock to a fictitious opponent. Those who were intoxicated and moderately distracted from the task were less aggressive than participants who were not drinking. Alcohol may induce less risky sexual behavior: People in a nightclub were asked whether they would have unprotected sex.

  • In some cases, alcohol can make drunk people less aggressive.
  • This is the exact opposite of received wisdom.
So the effect of alcohol comes down to how our minds interact with a situation where our attention systems have begun to operate with a kind of tunnel vision.

You don’t have to see a narcologist for this. Early forms of alcoholism are successfully eliminated with the help of mental therapy. It is very important to recognize the problem and find the strength to overcome addiction. How formerly man understands this, the sooner he can return to his former life. It is very important to support and help him at this moment. We must remember that the possibility of recovery exists, but you need to make every effort.

Anyone who has studied chemistry knows that a sugar (glucose) molecule consists of 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms - C 6 H 12 O 6 . Yeast enzymes seem to chop this complex molecule into separate pieces, then combining them into new molecules. From C 6 H 12 O 6 Usually two molecules of carbon dioxide are formed - 2CO2. (we see its bubbles in the fermenting liquid). The remaining atoms combine to form two alcohol molecules ( 2 C 2 H 5 HE). As the sugar supply is depleted, fermentation stops. This is a simplified mechanism for converting sugars or starch into.

The starting product for the production of ethyl alcohol are cereals, potatoes, beets, as well as sulfite liquor - waste from paper production, and wood saccharified chemically - by the action of acids. high temperature and pressure. Crude ethyl alcohol (raw) contains many impurities, including poisonous fusel oils.

Subsequently, the alcohol is purified by distillation in special apparatus. But even in the rectified alcohol obtained in this way, some of the substances harmful to the body are still preserved.

Ethyl alcohol is widely used in various sectors of the national economy. It is used as a solvent, for example, in the manufacture of varnishes, polishes, and in a number of chemical reactions for the synthesis of organic dyes, pharmacological drugs, and synthetic rubber. Ethyl alcohol has disinfectant properties and is used for medical purposes. When making vodka, only purified ethyl alcohol is used.

There is a group of alcoholic drinks that are made from grapes. These are primarily so-called dry wines produced by natural fermentation grape juice. If alcohol is added to wine, they are called fortified. The alcohol obtained by sublimating grape wine is used to produce cognac.

On store shelves you can find bottles with foreign labels. These are either wines or stronger alcoholic drinks: rum, obtained from waste from the production of cane sugar, whiskey, which is prepared from candied grain products.

The category of strong alcoholic drinks also includes handicraft and home-made products, for example, Georgian chacha. The latter is obtained from grape marc, and the former is obtained from candied cereals, or even from natural sugar, which causes economic damage to society. As a rule, homemade alcohol contains a lot of harmful impurities, mainly fusel oils.

Finally, a special category of weak alcoholic drinks is. Beer is sometimes said to be a valuable product, and is even called “liquid bread.” The strongest of the domestic light beer varieties, Leningradsky, contains 6% alcohol, and the most common Zhigulevsky contains 2.8% alcohol. But beer contains various substances that increase the body’s sensitivity to alcohol and enhance its absorption. Therefore, mixing beer and vodka usually results in a quick and strong effect.

Particular attention should be paid to the use of toxic technical liquids and various alcohol substitutes. They are consumed either by mistakenly taking them for ethyl alcohol, or by deliberately neglecting the dangers, as is sometimes done.

Thus, methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol are part of antifreeze. Possessing a low freezing point, they are used in cooling systems of various engines. Like regular alcohol, these liquids can cause intoxication, but 10-12 hours after their consumption, signs of severe poisoning appear: headache, nausea, vomiting, unsteady gait, weakness (or short-term excitement), blackout or even complete loss of consciousness. Death occurs from brain disorders (after 1-2 days) or kidney damage (after 1-2 weeks). Methyl alcohol- a neurovascular poison, and its dose of 100 g is fatal to humans. Even small amounts of this alcohol damage the optic nerve and retina. Even more dangerous is dichloroethane (ethylene chloride), 10-15 g of which causes irreversible changes in the liver and kidneys.

However, commercial wine also contains harmful impurities. Their pathophysiological effect on the body is determined not only by the strength (percentage of alcohol), but also by numerous, much more harmful impurities. One of the companions of wine is methyl alcohol.

Sulfur dioxide used to process wines is also far from harmless. In particular, it destroys the B vitamins necessary for the body. Numerous acids (tartaric, acetic, sulfurous and others) found in wines also negatively affect the digestive organs, especially the liver and pancreas. The same must be said about acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, furfural, which moonshine is rich in, but which are also found in the most selected wines.

As you can see, alcohol and its substitutes are far from harmless, and the consequences of their use are dangerous and ugly. Therefore, we must tell you, schoolchildren, with all frankness about this disgusting bad habit, one of the darkest sides of our lives. The further conversation with you will be very serious, as with adults. The author will not hide from you the serious illnesses that a glass of wine threatens a young body with, nor the possibility of personality degradation and even dangerous crimes that the same glass in the hands of a teenager leads to. The author hopes that you guys will correctly understand this confidential conversation and draw the right conclusions from it.


The famous satirist Arkady Averchenko has one fantastic story dating back to the beginning of the century. Its plot is extremely simple: going forward several decades, the writer is trying to imagine a conversation between his grandson and his grandfather on the topic of why people drank. The grandson cannot understand why drinkers poisoned themselves, because vodka is disgusting and tasteless, and the state of health worsens after it. And the grandfather, who himself loved to drink in his youth, finds it difficult to give any explanation for this. The conversation between them took place in an era of complete sobriety. Averchenko assumed that it would come by 1954. Unfortunately, he was wrong: evil turned out to be much more tenacious. Why?

The English poet Robert Burns lists the reasons for drunkenness with deadly sarcasm. His words remain relevant today:

There are the following reasons for drunkenness:

wake, holiday, meeting, farewell,

christenings, weddings and divorce,

frost, hunting, New Year,

recovery, housewarming,

sadness, repentance, joy,

success, reward, new rank,

and just drunkenness - for no reason.

(Translation by S. Ya. Marshak)

You've probably heard the expression more than once: “Let's have a drink and warm ourselves up.” In everyday life, it is believed that alcohol is a good way to warm the body. It is not for nothing that wines are often spoken of as strong drinks. It is believed that alcohol has a healing effect not only for colds, but also for a number of other diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract, for example, stomach ulcers. Doctors, on the contrary, believe that an ulcer patient should absolutely not drink alcohol. Where is the truth? After all, small doses of alcohol really stimulate the appetite.

Or another belief that exists among many people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood, well-being, makes conversation more lively and interesting, which is important for a group of young people. It is not for nothing that alcohol is taken “against fatigue”, when feeling unwell, at almost all celebrations.

Moreover, there is an opinion that alcohol is a high-calorie “product” that quickly provides the body’s energy needs, which is important, for example, during a hike, etc. And beer and dry grape wines also contain a whole range of vitamins and aromatic substances . In medical practice, the high bacteriostatic properties of alcohol are used, using it for disinfection (for injections, etc.), preparing medicines, etc., but not at all for treating diseases.

So, alcohol is taken to improve mood, to warm the body, to prevent and treat diseases, in particular, as a disinfectant, and also as a means of increasing appetite and an energy-valuable product. Where is the truth and where is the error?

One of the Pirogov congresses of Russian doctors adopted a resolution on the dangers of alcohol: “... there is not a single organ in the human body that is not subject to the destructive effects of alcohol: alcohol does not have a single effect that could not be achieved by another medicinal agent, acting more useful, safer and more reliable; There is no such painful condition for which it is necessary to prescribe alcohol for any long period of time.”

So discussions about the benefits of alcohol are quite common misconceptions. Take, for example, the obvious fact of stimulating appetite after a glass of vodka or dry wine. But this is only for a short time, while the alcohol causes the “ignition juice”. In the future, drinking alcohol, including beer, only harms digestion. After all, alcohol paralyzes the activity of such important organs as the liver and pancreas.

An outstanding psychiatrist and public figure, a fighter against alcoholism, academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927) described the psychological causes of drunkenness as follows: “The whole point is that drunkenness is an age-old evil, it has taken deep roots in our everyday life and has given rise to a whole system of wild drinking establishments. customs These customs require drinking and refreshments on every occasion...”

Here is how it is said about this in a poem by Vladimir Kotov:

Among the most diverse traditions

There is a difficult one.

If it's a meeting, if it's a holiday.

So, drink and drink to the bottom!

Drink one and drink another,

And the seventh, and the eighth, -

“Friends” ask, press, press!

Well, what if I can’t,

Well, what if I can’t?

Well, what if there is a reason?

Should you be in shape tomorrow morning?

So I'm not a man anymore?

Even if you choke, you must drink!

That's it: even if you choke, you have to drink. Since you're at a wedding, drink! Since you are visiting, drink! Otherwise you will offend the owners. Yes, there is still a misconception that one of the signs of male valor is the ability to drink. But that's what drunkards say. On the contrary, if you refuse and find the strength to resist the glass - you are a real man!

Drunkenness and alcoholism will not die out on their own, and “drinking customs” will not disappear on their own. A persistent struggle against the remnants of the past is necessary, in which everyone must take part.

Often a person who brings himself into a drunken state subconsciously, or even consciously, sets the task of behaving unbridledly. Also JI. N. Tolstoy wrote that people drink wine in order to drown out the voice of conscience.

There are many substances in nature that can have a narcotic effect on the human psyche. Substances contained in the pods of the sleeping pill poppy have narcotic properties (the milky juice flowing out of the cuts on the unripe poppy pods after drying is called opium), substances contained in various parts of Indian hemp (hashish), in the leaves of the American coca bush, in some poisonous mushrooms, etc. . d. A number of narcotic substances were obtained artificially- ethyl alcohol, chloroform, chloral hydrate, hypnotics such as luminal, tranquilizers.

Narcotic substances are widely used in medicine as sleeping pills and painkillers. The large range of narcotic substances known in medicine is explained by the constant search for those that would combine an analgesic and soporific effect with the least toxicity, and also have a sufficient breadth of action.

Unfortunately, the effects of drugs on the central nervous system is not limited to just an analgesic and soporific effect. Drugs, affecting the central nervous system, cause special mental state- euphoria. This is a subjectively pleasant state, consisting of a feeling of excitement, special vigor, a surge of strength, unlimited possibilities, and improved mood. Sometimes euphoria manifests itself in a feeling of pleasant stupor, relaxation, satisfaction, serenity, well-being, and special mental balance. Although subjectively pleasant, euphoria is an objectively harmful state, since in this case a person is always disconnected from reality to one degree or another. After all, nothing changes in his affairs, in the surrounding environment, but he feels at the height of bliss, without any objective grounds for this. This is not joy and satisfaction from successfully completed work, from successfully overcome difficulties, from the approval and recognition of others. This is essentially an illegal state of satisfaction due to the “deception” of the psyche by a chemical substance.

The state of euphoria is also harmful because when it is repeated, a person develops a painful desire to experience it again and again, and for this he strives to get and take the substance that causes this state. The result is a harmful addiction, a disease called drug addiction. The harm of drug addiction is not only that a person seeks to disconnect from reality - his attitude towards the environment completely changes, the entire system of value orientation collapses. Its harm also lies in the fact that the substances that cause euphoria are poisonous. They poison the body, complementing the growing mental degradation with deep depletion of the nervous system.

A person’s relationship with drugs - nicotine and alcohol - consists of several stages - the stages of drug addiction development.

Initially, taking a drug usually causes a defensive reaction due to its toxic effect. This may include nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, etc.; no pleasant sensations arise. However, with repeated use of drugs, euphoria begins to appear, and the protective reaction gradually weakens. Then the state of euphoria becomes a need for a person - he can no longer do without it. At this stage of drug addiction, a person develops an obsessive craving for the drug. It is expressed in the fact that a person (now it would be more correct to say a patient) constantly thinks about the drug, about the narcotic effect it causes. The patient’s mood improves even at the thought of the upcoming use of a narcotic substance, and, on the contrary, it worsens under circumstances that prevent this.

Thus, the idea of ​​the onarcotic effect and the substance causing it becomes a permanent element of the patient’s consciousness. No matter what a sick person thinks about, no matter what he does, he never forgets about drugs. He begins to evaluate situations that are conducive to obtaining and using drugs as favorable and, on the contrary, as unfavorable - situations that prevent this. No objective disturbances in the state of the body have yet been observed at this stage.

Due to repeated use of the drug, a person’s dependence on it constantly increases. In the absence of a narcotic effect, a person not only feels that he is missing something, but also begins to experience a painful, difficult-to-tolerate condition called withdrawal. This condition is accompanied by general malaise, sharply reduced performance, headache, chills, trembling of the limbs, pain in various parts of the body. Many symptoms of the disease are visible from the outside - these are no longer only purely mental disorders characteristic of the previous stage of drug addiction. Alcohol hangover is the most typical withdrawal state. No matter how many medications the patient takes while in a state of withdrawal, it is best relieved by repeated use of the drug, and this only strengthens the person’s dependence on it.

Gradually, a person’s attraction to a drug acquires an uncontrollable (compulsive) attraction - the desire to immediately, as soon as possible, at all costs, despite any obstacles, find and take the drug. This is a special form of hunger that suppresses all other needs, including the need for food and drink. The uncontrollable attraction to the drug completely subjugates the patient’s behavior. At the moment when the patient is attracted to the drug, he has no other desires, goals, problems, there is nothing else except feverish thoughts about how to quickly get and take the drug. In an effort to obtain a narcotic substance, the patient takes any action, including criminal ones, he is ready to take off his last clothes, take everything out of the house, just to get the drug.

Any person under unfavorable conditions can become addicted to drugs. Therefore, everyone should know what drug addiction is and what can lead to it.

So, the need for alcohol is not one of the natural needs of life, such as the need for oxygen or food, and therefore alcohol itself initially does not have a motivating force for a person. This need, like some other human “needs” (for example, smoking) appears because society, firstly, produces this product and, secondly, “reproduces” the customs, forms, habits and prejudices associated with its consumption . Of course, these habits are not shared by everyone to the same extent.

The perception and gradual assimilation of alcoholic customs begins long before a person has a need for alcohol, long even before the first acquaintance with alcohol itself, its taste and effect. little child sitting behind festive table, waits for sweet water, “children’s wine” to be poured into his glass, and he, to the approving roar of the guests, will reach out to clink glasses with everyone, while learning the external ritual of drinking wine. Experiments carried out in older groups kindergarten, have shown that if children are asked to play a “wedding” or “birthday party,” then in the game they quite accurately copy the external attributes of an adult feast with an imitation of clinking glasses, toasts, and the swaying gait of guests. Already at this time, the idea of ​​alcohol began to form as a special, obligatory companion to celebrations and meetings, an attractive symbol of adult life.

Schoolchildren whose parents allowed them to drink alcohol with adults on holidays were several times more likely than their peers who were forbidden to do so to subsequently drink as friends. Thus, even the unintentional introduction of children to alcoholic customs can be an initial, triggering mechanism for their further independent acquaintance with alcohol.

Schoolchildren! If you do not want to descend into the state of an alcoholic, get into a drunken company, lose your ability to work, or lose your good name - do not touch wine, even if it is offered by adults and close people!

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