Whole wheat cracker recipe. Healthy whole wheat crackers

I called these crackers healthy because, compared to classic ones, their composition is more suitable for a healthy diet. The cracker can also be suitable for vegetarian and lenten menus.

Whole wheat flour different manufacturers differs in properties, and its quantity or the amount of water for the test may vary.

Choose the amount of sugar, honey or sweet syrup to your taste. I used two tablespoons of agave syrup, and the cracker will be slightly sweet. Improvisations are also possible with vegetable oil; now there is still a large selection healthy oils. In addition to the traditional sunflower or olive, you can take some kind of nut, cereal, etc., but I have cotton.

To make a healthy cracker option using whole wheat flour, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Prepare coarse flour from peeled and dried sunflower seeds. The easiest way to do this is in a blender bowl.

Combine both types of flour, add sesame seeds (and/or flax seeds, chia seeds, etc.), and a pinch of salt. Adding baking powder is optional. I added 0.5 teaspoon.

Pour in cold water, sweet natural syrup (here - light agave) or liquid honey and vegetable oil(here - cotton).

Mix the ingredients together. To prepare the dough, I used a large blender bowl with plastic blades to knead the dough, but you can prepare the dough simply with a spoon or spatula. First you should get a loose mass in the form of crumbs, which you need to collect and mold into one ball. There is no need to knead the dough for such a cracker for a long time.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer 3-5 mm thick. Mark the lines of the future cookies.

I had plans to use wonderful rectangular cookie cutters from Sveta sago-cuisine, but... I forgot and mechanically cut the dough with a pizza cutter...

Bake the crackers on a greased baking sheet or lined with baking paper; a silicone mat is also convenient for baking. Place the cookie blanks, i.e. healthy cracker into the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, until well browned. Cooking time depends on the properties of the oven, but aim for 15-20 minutes.

Whole grain flour, also called wholemeal flour, is very beneficial for our body. Different high content fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. If you want to stick proper nutrition, then use whole grain flour instead of wheat.

Can baking be beneficial? Yes, of course, if it contains wholemeal flour, as well as a minimum amount of fat and sugar.

Is this pastry tasty? Yes, especially if you add nuts, raisins, dried berries, herbs, seeds, sesame, and flax seeds to the dough.
Today is one of these at the same time useful, and at the same time delicious recipes. So,

crackers made from whole grain and rye flour


  • whole grain flour 1 cup;
  • rye flour 1 cup;
  • water 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil 0.25 cups;
  • salt 1 teaspoon;
  • Provencal herbs 1 tablespoon;
  • white sesame 1 tablespoon;
  • yolk 1 pc.;
  • soda 0.5 teaspoon.

Kitchen gadgets:

  • oven.

Cooking time:

  • 40 minutes.


1. Pour a glass of whole wheat flour and a glass into a cup rye flour, add soda (can be replaced with a teaspoon of baking powder), stir.

2. Add provencal herbs, water and vegetable oil.

3. Knead the dough, you can add a little more water if the dough turns out to be too stiff.

4. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm, cut out various figures using molds.

5. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place cookies on it.

6. Beat the yolk with a fork, brush the cookies with the whipped yolk using a silicone brush. Sprinkle cookies with white sesame seeds. You can bake with sesame seeds delicious cookies according to another recipe - .

7. Place the baking tray with cookies in a heated oven, bake at 200 degrees until done, it will take about 20-30 minutes.

Helpful Tips:

  • If you don’t have herbs de Provence seasoning, you can replace it with a mixture of dry crushed herbs - oregano, parsley, thyme, marjoram. If there are no herbs, then the crackers will turn out delicious without them;
  • you can add a tablespoon of flaxseed to the dough;
  • On top of the crackers you can sprinkle not only sesame seeds, but also sunflower seeds and poppy seeds;
  • if there is no rye or whole grain flour, then you can use only whole grain flour or mix rye and wheat flour, or a mixture of whole grain and wheat flour.

Elena, good afternoon! Is it possible to replace the protein in the glaze with something for vegetarians?))) Thanks in advance!

Evgeniya corrected it to 170-180, baked them several times and this temperature turned out to be optimal. But you also look at your oven, I have a gas oven, electric creates different baking conditions, dries and bakes the top more.

Elena, hello! I don’t quite understand what temperature to bake at: first you advise preheating the oven to 150, and later the recipe says 200...

Irina, hello! Take 50/50 :)

Good day. Elena, tell me it’s better to replace whole-grain rye flour with just rye or whole-grain wheat. We don't have the one in the recipe :(

Olga, hello! But thanks to soaking, you reduced the phytic acid content in the seeds :)))

Sasha, baking crackers has turned into a real adventure for you!))) It’s so good that everything worked out for you and your family was pleased! Next time if the dough seems very dry, add water!

The same thing happened to me with soaking the seeds and turning them in a meat grinder - the seeds flew out untouched and a lot of them stuck to the meat grinder and my hands. I gave up this activity halfway through. I decided to knead it as is.
but suddenly it dawned on me that I could try grinding the soaked seeds with an immersion blender. and everything turned out, kneaded and baked!
Thanks for new recipe!!!

Elena, thank you very much for the quick response and advice! I'm reporting. I soaked the seeds for the dough, instead of sesame I took equal parts of the other 3 types of seeds. I put everything through a meat grinder. At the same time, the flaxseeds popped out untouched. And they stuck to everything (bowl, meat grinder, hands) mercilessly, and therefore not all of them got into the dough. When I had already done everything, I remembered that I had flaxseed flour. Perhaps next time I should just put this flour in the dough instead of ungrinded flaxseeds. Perhaps due to the fact that some of the seeds and their moisture were lost, the dough turned out to be somewhat dry: it was not possible to roll it out into an even layer - the edges cracked and crumbled badly. Therefore, I had to roll it out not as thinly as I would have liked (but I would have liked finn crisp crackers to be as thin as possible). And it was only possible to cut the middle of the layer into beautiful diamonds, and most of the crackers turned out to be uneven from torn pieces at the edges. The topping was “glued” with starch jelly. Either I made a mistake in preparing it, or something else, but the seeds didn’t stick very well - during the process of transferring, storing, and eating, a lot fell off.
And, to top it all off, the “target audience” :) turned out to be dissatisfied because the seeds in the topping were not baked and looked like “raw”, while my husband likes them fried. Then I transferred the already cooled crackers back onto the baking sheet and put them under the grill for 2 minutes. The crackers have noticeably darkened, but the seeds on top have also browned nicely. My husband was pleased with the result, and I, accordingly, am happy :). Next time I’m thinking of pre-drying and browning the seeds for sprinkling under the grill, so as not to bake twice and not risk overcooking the croutons.
I haven’t used the starter yet, since at the moment there is no surplus, but next time I will definitely try to utilize the starter instead of part of the flour, taking into account the recalculation of moisture.
In general, thank you again for the recipe and for the detailed advice, thanks to which we were able to make these wonderful crackers even with as many individual limitations as I have :)

Sasha, hello! I answer in order:
1) there is no need to soak the seeds.
2) Protein - so that the seeds stick. If you are allergic, you can use jelly in water: 1 tsp per cup of water. starch, boil.
3) You can leaven, but you need to count the amount of flour and water. For example, you have 300 gr. leaven, which contains 150 water 150 flour, keep this in mind when kneading crackers.
4) Instead of sesame, take flax or poppy seeds or any other seeds.
5) You can roll it out and pour it, but you need much less water. But I would try to soak the seeds in water with the salt required by the recipe (or in half the water, depending on how they cover it), then put them through a meat grinder to somehow refine and crush them, and knead the dough with this.
Good luck! Write how you did it and what happened :)

Elena, hello! Thank you very much for the crackers! They are my husband's dream :) I immediately had a whole bunch of questions:
1) don’t we pre-soak the seeds for sending?
2) protein on top for beauty and rosyness or without it the seeds will not stick?
3) is it possible to somehow use the remains of rye sourdough in such crackers?
4) allergy to sesame: (What do you recommend, replace these 114 g with other seeds (for example, increase the amount of the other three) or increase the flour accordingly?
5) and a completely seditious question (which arose in the absence of a coffee grinder and grain press, but in the presence of a strong desire for rye-crispy-seed...) Or maybe try just kneading flour with water/butter/honey/salt, roll it out, and the seeds are all sprinkle on top?
Thanks a lot!

Ilona, ​​hello! Bake them, they're easy and quick! :))

I always dreamed about these! Thank you!!!

I suggest making delicious PP crackers that you can enjoy without harm to your health and figure, and even with benefits. These crackers are based on wholemeal flour (whole grain flour), as well as other healthy and natural additives - sesame, flax and nuts. Not a single cookie from the store, of course, can compare in health benefits with such crackers, and you know that the baked goods do not contain trans fats or any taste improvers, and this is the main thing. In addition, pp cracker is easy to prepare; it takes no more than 20 minutes to prepare.

Some of the wholemeal flour can be replaced with white flour - in this case, the crackers will be looser and softer, although a little less healthy. I recommend trying to cook both and decide for yourself which cracker recipe is ideal for you.

Ingredients for pp crackers:

  • Coarse flour 160 g
  • Sesame seeds 1 tbsp.
  • Flax seeds 1 tbsp.
  • Sunflower seeds 2 tbsp.
  • Nuts (optional) 50 g
  • Baking powder 1/2 tsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Any vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water 1/3 cup

Recipe for making crackers:

1. Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients.

2. Sift the flour and mix with sugar, salt, baking powder.

3. Grind the nuts in a mortar or blender. You can also do this this way: put the nuts in a bag and crush them using a rolling pin to roll out the dough.

You can use any nuts, I used almonds and hazelnuts.

4. Add 2/3 of the total amount of flax seeds to the flour, 2/3 of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds, we will also add 2/3 - we will leave the remaining third of each type of seeds for decoration (for sprinkling). Add the nuts completely, or you can also add 2/3, and leave a third for decoration.

5. Add 3 tbsp. vegetable oil and water - enough to knead the dough, this is about a third of a glass. Knead the dough first with a spoon, then with your hands in a bowl or on the table. You should have an elastic dough that is easy to work with.

6. And now we have an elastic dough. Now roll it out and cut it into wide strips. We cut each strip into triangles or rectangles - this is the most convenient way to shape cookies.

We present to your attention a recipe for delicious crackers for adherents of proper nutrition.

Also, these delicacies are suitable for vegetarians and people who adhere to Lent. Making crackers is very easy, so anyone can do it. Save the recipe and dilute your menu with delicious and healthy treats.

Ingredients needed

  • 300 g whole grain flour
  • 100 g sunflower seeds
  • 3 tablespoons sesame or flax seeds
  • 50 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons syrup or honey
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of salt

Let's start the process

  1. First of all, you need to grind the peeled and dried sunflower seeds into flour. It should be coarsely ground. You can use a blender for this process.
  2. Then combine with whole grain flour and sesame seeds. We also add salt and baking powder.
  3. Then pour in cold water and syrup or honey. Add the vegetable oil here and mix again until the crumbs are homogeneous.
  4. Now we collect the prepared dough into a ball and roll it into a layer. The thickness should be approximately 5 mm.
  5. Then, using a knife, mark the lines of the cookies.
  6. Take a baking sheet, put parchment paper on it and place the prepared layer.
  7. Place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 15-20 minutes.
  8. After the tedious time has passed, let it cool, break it into pieces and serve.

You may also like the recipe for which you will find on our Recipe Ideas website.

Bon appetit!
