The reason for the absence of menstruation other than pregnancy is what to do. Your period is late, but the test is negative: what to do? Against the background of breastfeeding

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When menstruation does not begin at the appointed time, a woman involuntarily thinks about what is wrong with her, what is the reason for the delay in menstruation other than pregnancy? The reason for the delay of menstruation other than pregnancy: factors that can provoke hormonal imbalances, huge amount. We will try to consider each of them in detail in order to fill the gaps in knowledge on this issue.

The main reasons associated with delayed menstruation

After contacting a gynecologist with a problem such as menstruation failure, the doctor states ovarian dysfunction, but this diagnosis, which presupposes constant disruptions in the menstrual cycle, has its own reasons. The patient must find out them together with her doctor. Otherwise, the problem will not move forward. So, to the root causes that influence failures monthly cycle, the following facts can be attributed:

  1. physical strain, hard work for wear and tear
  2. regular stress
  3. dramatic change in climatic conditions
  4. excess weight or lack thereof
  5. gynecological factors
  6. long-term use hormonal contraceptives
  7. intoxication
  8. hereditary factors
  9. polycystic ovary syndrome
  10. menopause
  11. long-term use of medications (hormonal, toxic)

Delayed menstruation: reasons in more detail

Overloading the body with strength exercises

If a representative of the fairer sex is actively involved in sports, namely, abuses power loads, then this can negatively affect women’s health. It is especially worth thinking about this for girls who do not have children, because these failures greatly affect the possibility of conception.

The same result can occur in cases where a fragile woman performs too hard physical work. Carrying heavy loads is the task of men, so you should think about your health and refuse backbreaking work.

Constant stressful situations

We need to figure out why menstruation is delayed. Reasons other than pregnancy may include constant stress. If the work atmosphere involves constant nervous breakdowns or there are tense relationships in your personal life, you can’t live with it. You need to change your job, seek help from a psychologist in solving domestic problems with your husband or children. A professional will help you look at difficult situations from a different angle, approach problems more simply, and correctly build a plan to solve them. The main thing to understand is that bad dream and moral exhaustion due to stress are a direct enemy of women's health.

Abrupt change in climatic conditions

Sometimes a woman, even with good health and a calm atmosphere in the family, menstrual cycle still gets lost. What causes a delay in menstruation, other than pregnancy, in this case? If a girl is a lover of long journeys and often spends time in distant countries, then the body can thus react to frequent climate changes. It is also worth thinking about excessively long exposure to the sun and abuse of solariums. Excess ultraviolet radiation negatively affects women's health and can lead to additional skin problems, including the development of cancerous tumors.

Obesity or underweight

Scientists have long proven for what reason a delay in menstruation, other than pregnancy, can occur in women. Very often the problem is excess weight. Excess adipose tissue or, conversely, exhaustion of the body equally negatively affects timely menstruation. Fat is directly involved in the distribution of hormones in the body, so its excess or deficiency leads to hormonal imbalances. The body decides that at the moment it is not the best good time for conception, and thus tries to protect herself from pregnancy.

In case of obesity, the culprit of cycle failure is an excessive amount of estrogen, then in case of depletion of the body the situation is even worse. If a woman’s weight drops below 45 kilograms, then, most likely, the body will begin to work in survival mode, the plans of which do not include pregnancy at all. In advanced cases, doctors can diagnose complete absence menstruation, and this problem will be much more difficult to correct.

Weight should be within the normal range, and the norm is determined by the doctor, and not by the woman herself. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain your weight within the designated limits so as not to wonder why your period is late. In addition to pregnancy, stress and weight problems, there are a number of factors that are responsible for disrupted cycles.

Gynecological factors

Often, delayed menstruation is caused by diseases of a gynecological nature (tumors, endometritis, enametriosis, advanced inflammatory processes, infections, etc.). Menstruation failures can occur as a result of poor-quality installation of contraceptives.

It is important to promptly diagnose the growth of tumors that may be malignant. Such neoplasms not only negatively affect cycle failure and reproductive function, but also pose a great threat to the patient’s life.

Infections and chronic inflammation in the genitourinary system, without appropriate treatment, can also negatively affect women's health and even lead to infertility. That is why it is necessary to undergo a routine gynecological examination at least once every six months, even if the woman does not observe obvious health problems.

After termination of pregnancy, no matter for physiological reasons or at the request of the woman, the body takes a break to recover, which can also cause a disruption in the menstrual cycle. The body regards such hormonal fluctuations as a sign of stress and may respond to this by delaying menstruation. If the curettage procedure does not cause serious damage, then after a few months the menstrual cycle is restored on its own. If strange discharge is noticed and the cycle has not been restored, it is recommended to consult your gynecologist.

Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives

Each contraceptive pill contains a certain amount of hormones, which, when entering the body, not only prevent unplanned pregnancy, but also improve the menstrual cycle. When a patient, after taking such pills for a long time, refuses to continue using them, then over the next few months the woman may experience delays that are caused by hormonal imbalance.

Sometimes the disorder may be associated with taking anabolic steroids, antidepressants or anti-tuberculosis drugs. In this case, you should contact your doctor so that he can adjust the treatment regimen and, if possible, replace inappropriate medications with analogues.

Basically, contraceptive pills are taken on the recommendation of a gynecologist and are a necessary measure, however, it is not advisable to prolong the duration of therapy, especially if the patient did not give birth before treatment. This is another of the main reasons why missed periods, other than pregnancy, are common. Sharp hormonal fluctuations can leave an unpleasant mark and provoke the development of infertility.

Poisoning (intoxication)

Bad habits such as smoking, alcohol addiction and drug addiction poison the female body. Due to the constant and long-term accumulation of carcinogens, intoxication occurs, which is why a delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, is inevitable. A similar reaction is observed during long-term work in hazardous conditions, for example, in the workshops of chemical plants.

If the cause of the failure or cessation of menstruation was precisely intoxication of the body, then health can be restored only after complete elimination negative factors. Namely, after the eradication bad habits or change of job.

Hereditary factor

If no obvious health problems are identified, but menstrual irregularities occur, then it is worth asking your mother and grandmother if they have had similar problems. After all, it is possible that the problem was transmitted precisely through line of descent. Unfortunately, doctors cannot always determine the cause of hereditary disorders, which affects the quality of treatment.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Very often, gynecologists diagnose a pathology such as polycystic ovary syndrome, when there is a 10-day delay in menstruation. Reasons other than pregnancy are associated with ovarian dysfunction. This pathology manifests itself as a result of increased production of estrogen and androgens. In this case, a malfunction in the functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands is additionally revealed.

We can assume the presence of this pathology based on the patient’s external data. Increased hormonal levels lead to rapid gain excess weight, increased male pattern hair growth (above the lip, on the face, legs, groin, etc.)

Based on the patient’s appearance, it is impossible to accurately determine the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome. Staging accurate diagnosis carried out based on the results of examination, tests and ultrasound examination.

Against the background of an overabundance of hormones, due to which a delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, is a normal phenomenon, infertility can develop. But don’t panic in advance, because initial stage the disease can be treated with hormonal therapy. This improves not only the patient’s health, but also her appearance. After the hormone level is restored to the required level, the cycle returns to normal.

Age-related changes (menopause)

After 50 years, most women experience changes in their bodies, triggered by a decrease in the production of female hormones, which is why a delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, is considered normal. Along with cycle disruptions, mood swings, hot flashes, dry skin and many other symptoms that are unpleasant for women are observed.

On average, over a period of one to five years, menstruation stops altogether. But you should not give up contraception, since the body, after a disruption in the menstrual cycle, can resume it after a few months, which is fraught with the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. And carrying and giving birth to a child at this age is a big risk for both the life of the mother and the child.

When a woman already considers herself a grandmother, she may mistake obvious symptoms of pregnancy for symptoms of menopause, which is very dangerous. There have been cases when a woman found out that she was pregnant just before giving birth. To avoid such troubles, even during menopause, you should constantly see your gynecologist and respond to every change in your body.

Other diseases not related to gynecology

Sometimes the cause of the failure is diseases not directly related to gynecology. Since the cycle is regulated by the cerebral cortex, disruption of any part of it can cause a delay in menstruation.

Endocrine diseases, high sugar, and hormonal disorders also negatively affect the regularity of menstruation. But all these diseases are surrounded by a number of unpleasant symptoms, against the background of which the delay of the cycle does not seem so scary.

Why are regular delays in menstruation dangerous?

The reason for the delay in menstruation other than pregnancy: the delay process itself does not pose a danger, but it is still worth thinking about the reasons for such a reaction of the female body. After all, often the reason is serious illnesses and even oncology, so a regular delay in menstruation should at least alert you and cause an unscheduled trip to the doctor for an examination.

As you can see, there are many reasons that can provoke disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and we have not yet considered all diseases as indirect symptoms, which are disruptions in the monthly cycle. It will be difficult to determine the problem on your own, so the help of a doctor is necessary.

Only the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, based on the results of which he will identify the cause of the failure and will be able to draw up an optimal treatment regimen or refer you to a specialized specialist (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, etc.). It is important to listen to your body and seek qualified help at the slightest sign.

Few women come to the gynecologist simply to inquire about their health. The most frequent visitors are pregnant women, those who need to undergo a medical examination, as well as patients with certain complaints, including delays in menstruation.

At the age of 12-14, every girl experiences menarche - the first sign of puberty, which is known as menstruation. Menstruation may be irregular for 1.5-2 years, since the girl’s hormonal system is still developing.

But in some cases, it happens that by the time the hormonal levels are fully mature, the delays continue. This is already a reason to consult a doctor and find out why this could be happening.

Possible causes of delayed menstruation

Regular menstrual cycle helps keep under control sex life and detect the first signs of pregnancy in time. Therefore, a failure usually causes anxiety and a question: what could cause a delay in menstruation?

Typically, women of childbearing age associate this exclusively with pregnancy. Girls during puberty will be calm about menstrual irregularities for 2 years if their mothers explained to them in advance what is happening in their body during this period.

Women of mature age may assume that the reason for this phenomenon is the imminent onset of menopause.

In reality, menopause does not come unexpectedly. Several years before menopause, periodic disorders of the menstrual cycle are observed. This warns the body that it is appropriate to consult a doctor.

The average duration is 28 days. If there is a delay of several days, it is necessary to find out why this happened.

Reasons for delayed menstruation of a gynecological nature besides pregnancy:

  • The period after childbirth. Throughout pregnancy, women do not have periods. After the birth of a child, renewal occurs in different ways; this process is individual in nature and depends on physiology, the state of health of the female organs and the entire body. During breastfeeding, the absence of menstruation is explained by the fact that the level of the hormone prolactin responsible for lactation increases significantly at this time. In the absence of milk, menstruation occurs after 1.5 months. In some cases, a woman becomes pregnant during breastfeeding, since the egg matures in spite of increased level hormones.
  • Ovarian dysfunction. Dysfunction refers to disruption of the activity of the ovaries, which regulate hormonal processes. If your menstrual cycle becomes shorter or increase, then a malfunction of the ovaries may be the probable cause of this.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Adenomyosis, the appearance of neoplasms, can cause a delay in menstruation.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. One of the external, but optional signs of the disease is abundant hair growth on the face, legs, and groin area. This cannot be a fundamental factor in making a diagnosis, since similar phenomena can occur according to physiological and genetic indicators in any woman. A more significant sign of polycystic disease is high content male hormone - testosterone. Its excess disrupts the menstrual cycle and can ultimately lead to infertility.
  • Abortion. After termination of pregnancy, the body needs to restore hormonal levels, so it will take some time before all ovarian functions are restored.

Other reasons:

  • Weight problems. Irregular menstruation and frequent delays occur in those who are obese. All processes in their body are sluggish. Most often, such women have impaired activity endocrine system. A slow metabolism affects the delay of menstruation, which is why all reproductive system malfunctions. With a sudden change in diet in order to lose weight and exhausting diets, the body can also react with a delay in menstruation. With rapid weight loss, eating behavior is disrupted and an aversion to food appears. useful vitamins products. As a result, he suffers nervous system. In medicine, this condition is called anorexia. This leads to a decrease in hormone production in the ovaries.
  • Hard physical labor. Physical activity associated with difficult working conditions affect not only general condition health, but also on the well-being of each organ, therefore, disruption of the menstrual cycle in this case is a fair indignation of the female organs at the backbreaking work, which is why a delay in menstruation happens quite often. Slowing down is the only way out of the situation.
  • Stressful situations. Much of the truth is that all diseases come from nerves. During emotional shock, the brain signals all organs about danger. A delay in menstruation cannot be ruled out.
  • Change of climatic conditions or time zone. In this case, the factor of the body’s adaptation to certain living conditions, work, rest and sleep patterns is triggered. When an established routine is disrupted, the body reacts differently.
  • Reception medicines. In the treatment of certain diseases, women are prescribed medications that can disrupt the intervals between menstruation. In this situation, it is necessary to stop taking them.
  • Chronic diseases. Diseases such as gastritis, diabetes mellitus, pathology in the kidneys and thyroid gland, make changes to the vital functions of the whole organism, and accordingly, affect the genital organs. The use of medications to help relieve symptoms chronic diseases, can negatively affect the activity of the ovaries.
  • Application OK. A missed period can also occur while using or after stopping birth control. The use of oral contraceptives provokes a disruption in the cycle, but this is considered normal, as the body undergoes adaptation. There may also be a short delay after finishing the medication or taking a break between packs. This happens because the ovaries need time to rebuild after a long period of inhibition.

Thus, there are many reasons why menstruation is delayed. If menstruation occurs within a week, then there is no need to worry. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the delay lasts more than 7 days.

Delayed menstruation happens to every woman. For small deviations(up to 5 days) it is considered normal. But regular fluctuations in the schedule and a longer period should alert you.

We can talk about the norm when there is no menstruation due to pregnancy. In all other cases, it is necessary to find out the cause and, if necessary, begin treatment.

What is the menstrual cycle?

Menarche, or the first menstruation, appears mainly at 12-15 years old. Then for about 2 years hormone levels are regulated and cycle setting. At this time, deviations are possible in the form of an earlier onset or delay of bleeding. It is also possible that they will be absent for a certain period of time.

The monthly cycle is counted from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of the next. In normal health duration these time periods should be the same. Their average duration is 28 days, but a period of 21-35 days is also considered normal.

At the beginning of the cycle Estrogen levels increase. The thickness of the uterine mucosa increases significantly (up to 10 times). It becomes soft and juicy as new lymphatic and blood vessels. In essence, the preparation of an ideal bed for the attachment of the embryo is underway.

In the ovary at this time occurs process of egg maturation. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, it enters the cavity of the fallopian tubes. Coming ovulation phase, at which conception becomes possible. If it does not happen, then the preparation of the bed is in vain, and the thickened juicy mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected. The described cycle is repeated monthly.

What factors may cause a delay?

It should be recalled that a period delay of 4-5 days is considered normal. The reasons for delayed menstruation can be different, we will look at the main ones. Diagnosis of a specific case is carried out at an appointment by a gynecologist.

Ovarian dysfunction

In fact, a delay in menstruation is dysfunction. This concept general plan, by which we mean disruption of ovarian hormone production. Its cause may lie in problems with the organs of the endocrine system - in particular, thyroid gland. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to study hormonal levels.


This factor can provoke not only a delay, but also a cessation of menstruation. A constant state of nervous excitement provokes hormonal imbalance. A stressful situation can be a lack of time, problems at work, at home, an exam, conflicts, prolonged mental stress, etc.

Physical activity

Heavy physical work often leads to disruption of the monthly cycle. In principle, overwork is also stress for the body, causing disruption of all systems, including endocrine. The solution is to change work, lifestyle, and normalize the working day.

Climate change

This situation, when the menstrual cycle is disrupted when moving, is familiar to many women. Its occurrence is due not only to a change in climate zone, but also to the fact that At the same time, the lifestyle and diet also change. Seaside holidays often have a negative impact on the female body due to excess ultraviolet radiation and iodine.

Weight problems

Delayed menstruation may be a consequence of deviations in body weight from the norm. Drastic weight loss provokes hormonal imbalances, which result in significant fluctuations in the monthly schedule.

To determine normal weight, you should calculate the so-called BMI (body mass index), dividing the weight by the height squared. If the value is more than 25, we can talk about obesity. If the indicator is less than 18, then there is a deficiency of body weight. If the delay is not very long (5-10 days), weight normalization is often a sufficient measure to regulate the cycle.


The cause of the disorders is long-term intoxication of the body as a result of:

  • smoking;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • drug addiction;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

The solution in such cases is to eliminate the risk factor.


Often the tendency to delays is inherited, which is due to hormonal characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether the patient’s mother or grandmother had any similar problems. Perhaps their reason lies in a genetic disease.

Gynecological factors influencing delayed menstruation


Menstruation is often delayed due to the presence of female pathologies:

  1. inflammation in organs reproductive system;
  2. uterine fibroids;
  3. endometriosis;
  4. adenomyosis;
  5. malignant tumor in the cervix or body of the uterus.

In these cases, the only solution to the problem is treatment of the underlying disease.

Miscarriages and abortions

Artificial termination of pregnancy is a real hormonal shock for the body, which is preparing for bearing a fetus: it has to urgently “cancel” all the processes that have begun and rebuild again.

In addition, when curettage significantly the lining of the uterus is damaged, which very often provokes complications leading to disruption of the monthly cycle. It generally returns to normal after a few months. For longer-term disturbances and the presence of discharge, medical consultation is necessary.

Hormonal contraception

Contraceptives taken by a woman contain a large amount of hormones that regulate the cycle and adjust it to the medication regimen. Refusal of pills can cause a fairly large delay in menstruation, since irregularities can persist for several months before final normalization of hormonal levels.

Emergency contraception is especially dangerous. The intake of a huge dose of hormones can lead to serious disruption of the reproductive system. Such methods of protection can be used in exceptional cases.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The disease is diagnosed based on characteristic changes in appearance resulting from increasing testosterone levels. They are identified during examination of the patient. This:

  • excessive male pattern hair;
  • increased oily skin and hair;
  • overweight.

However, these signs do not always indicate for the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): they may be a consequence of genetic or national characteristics. For example, small mustaches are not uncommon among Asian women: their appearance is not accompanied by a cycle disorder and is not caused by a pathological process.

An advanced form of PCOS can become cause of infertility. Treatment is carried out using oral contraceptives, which restore normal hormonal levels.

Taking medications

The active phase of the menstrual cycle is often delayed due to prolonged use of medications. The most dangerous in this sense the following are considered:

  • corticosteroids;
  • anabolics;
  • antidepressants;
  • antiulcer drugs;
  • hormonal agents;
  • diuretic medications.


At a certain age (from 45 years old), the cause of a disruption in the monthly cycle is often the beginning of menopause. Women themselves can feel the changes occurring in the body:

  • irregularity of menstruation and decreased intensity;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry skin;
  • tides;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • nervous tension.

All these signs indicate a decrease in the level of female hormones and gradual decline reproductive function.

Are missed periods dangerous?

The very fact of delayed menstrual bleeding does not pose a threat. The danger lies in the cause of constant delays in menstruation. Therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

For example, if menstruation is regularly delayed due to high levels of prolactin in the blood, the cause may be the formation of a microadenoma in the brain. Lack of treatment leads to irreversible consequences.

Untreated inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, diseases of the uterus and ovaries increase the likelihood of developing infertility.

If the reason is endocrine disorders, then, in addition to the failure of the monthly cycle, they also provoke a failure of almost all organs and systems.

Even if there are no visible reasons for concern and the delays are only related with a change in daily routine or a vacation at sea, if they appear periodically and last for a long time, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

When consulting women, an obstetrician-gynecologist often encounters the complaint of “delayed menstruation.” In this case, the patient has concerns and natural questions: “Is everything okay? What if I’m pregnant? Does this happen to others? Am I healthy?” Let's talk about the reasons for this condition, which can be different.

A little physiology

The menstrual cycle is the monthly changes in the female body that occur under the influence of sex hormones. The main feature normal cycle(its duration is 21-35 days) are considered regular - spotting from the genitals, the normal duration of which is 3-7 days. Normal blood loss during menstruation does not exceed 50-100 ml.

Menstrual function is regulated through the joint activity of a complex complex of nervous and humoral structures (cerebral cortex; hypothalamus and pituitary gland - endocrine glands located in the brain), as well as genital organs (ovaries, uterus). Since all levels of this system are interconnected, a delay in the next menstruation may be associated with a disruption in the functioning of any of the listed links. Therefore, the cause of delayed menstruation can be a “breakdown” at any level of regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Causes of delayed menstruation

Delayed periods may be caused by various gynecological diseases , such as the uterus (salpingoophoritis), uterus ( benign tumor uterus) and others. However, it should be noted that with these diseases bleeding from the uterus is more often observed.

Periodic delays in menstruation are characteristic of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This concept combines a number of pathological processes, in which the production of hormones is disrupted. In this case, ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) does not occur in the body and infertility occurs.

PCOS is observed when the function of various organs is impaired: the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and the ovaries themselves. Therefore, the disease can manifest itself differently depending on the causes of its occurrence, and the use of any one diagnostic sign or method is not enough to establish a diagnosis.

With polycystic ovary syndrome, the most common problems are menstrual irregularities (more often - delays from several days to several months), excessive growth of body hair, an increase in the size of the ovaries (but not always), and in half of the patients - obesity. When measured (in the rectum), it remains approximately constant throughout the cycle, and does not increase in the second half, as is normal. In the most severe (primary) form of the disease, these signs appear already in adolescence after the onset of menstruation.

Various medications are prescribed to treat this condition. hormonal drugs, drugs are used that reduce the level of male sex hormones (the formation of which increases with this disease), regulating metabolic processes in the structures of the brain, etc. If present, it is absolutely necessary to reduce body weight. When preparing for a planned pregnancy, an important stage of treatment is to stimulate ovulation - the release of an egg from the ovary. For this purpose they use medicines, and if they are ineffective, use surgical methods treatment. Currently, it is performed by laparoscopy: small holes are made in the anterior abdominal wall through which optical examination instruments are inserted. abdominal cavity and surgical instruments.

Delayed menstruation may also occur after termination of pregnancy. The reason is a hormonal imbalance, as well as the fact that during instrumental curettage of the uterus, an excessive amount of tissue can be removed, including that part of the inner lining of the uterus, which normally grows during the menstrual cycle and is released in the form of menstrual blood. To restore this functional layer sometimes takes a little longer than during a normal cycle. That is, after an abortion, menstruation may occur not after 28-32 days, but after 40 days or more. This delay is not normal: the woman requires examination and treatment.

The cause of delayed menstruation may be taking oral contraceptives. While taking the drug or after its discontinuation, absence of menstruation may occur for several menstrual cycles: this is the so-called ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome.

If ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome develops, oral contraceptives are discontinued. As a rule, within 2-3 months, maximum within 6 months after the end of their use, ovarian function is spontaneously restored. If the absence of menstruation persists for a longer period, drugs that stimulate the pituitary gland (CLOMIPHENE) or drugs that stimulate the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary (PERGONAL, CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN) are prescribed. Until normal menstrual function is restored, it is necessary to use other methods of contraception.

Stress- long-term or strong short-term - is the cause of a malfunction of the central structures (cerebral cortex, hypothalamus) that regulate the functioning of the ovaries and uterus. An example of such disorders is the so-called wartime amenorrhea, when women stopped menstruating under conditions of stress.

Another reason for a significant delay in menstruation may be significant and quick loss weight. So, doctors have such a concept as critical menstrual weight - this is the weight at which teenage girls, as a rule, begin menstruation. However, we are more interested in the fact that with a strong desire to lose weight, having reached this critical menstrual weight (45-47 kg), a woman can get not only the desired result, but also a long delay in menstruation.

Most often this effect occurs when anorexia nervosa- eating disorder, characterized by refusal to eat and/or its rejection. This is accompanied by a disorder in the functioning of such regulatory systems of the body as the nervous and endocrine ones. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by a sharp decrease in the production of pituitary hormones, which also regulate the functioning of the ovaries. In this case, reproductive dysfunction should be considered as a protective reaction in conditions of nutritional deficiency and mental stress. Therefore, to restore age-related hormone secretion, it is necessary to achieve ideal body weight and eliminate mental stress.

Anorexia nervosa in 50% of cases can occur with episodes bulimia(gluttony), after which the patient shows particularly obvious signs of anxiety, remorse and depression, and successful attempts to induce vomiting.

For this reason, when preparing for pregnancy, do not try to achieve the ideal “90 - 60 - 90”. If you are planning to lose weight, treat it wisely, or better yet, consult a nutritionist.

Pregnancy- this, fortunately, is the most common and most physiological cause of delayed menstruation in women of reproductive age. In this case, a delay in menstruation may be accompanied by such signs as changes in taste and olfactory sensations, engorgement, and soreness of the mammary glands. As a rule, a pregnancy test in this case gives a positive result. Delayed menstruation also occurs during ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube. At the same time, everything subjective feelings symptoms characteristic of pregnancy may also be present.

What can the doctor do?

In case of menstrual irregularities, you should immediately consult a doctor. An examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist will help rule out conditions that require immediate surgical intervention. This could be an ectopic pregnancy, frozen pregnancy, tumor diseases, etc.

To understand the cause of menstrual irregularities, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations:

  • measurement basal temperature and scheduling its changes- these measurements, along with other methods, make it possible to judge the presence or absence of such an event as ovulation - the release of an egg from the ovary;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs- uterus, ovaries;
  • blood test for hormones- with its help, the level of hormones of the pituitary gland, ovaries, and, if necessary, other endocrine glands is determined;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging- methods that can be used to obtain layer-by-layer images of brain structures to exclude pituitary tumors.

If there are concomitant endocrine diseases, the gynecologist will prescribe a consultation with other doctors - an endocrinologist, a psychotherapist, a nutritionist.

Ildar Zainullin
obstetrician-gynecologist, Ufa

Every woman of childbearing age experiences menstruation. Every female representative monitors the cyclical nature of this process. Well, if the cycle is disrupted and menstruation is delayed for a decent amount of time, but there is definitely no pregnancy, why? Let's look at the reasons for the delay and ways to solve this problem.

How do menstruation pass in women - features of the female body

Every woman monitors the regularity of her monthly cycle. “Control” over it is exercised by the cerebral cortex, and menstruation is “commanded” by the hypothalamic-pituitary system (HPA - the union of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus) , synthesizing special substances that affect the “direct performers” of the process - the uterus and ovaries.

In the female body, the menstrual cycle is inherent in nature as a complex and continuous process: the first half of it is occupied with preparation for the childbearing role - the inner layer grows in the uterus, the ovaries produce estrogens (ensuring the maturation of the egg); in the second phase, the follicles produce progesterone.

If fertilization of the egg does not occur, the synthesis of the “pregnancy hormone” stops and the enlarged endometrium is rejected - this is menstruation. A normal cycle is considered to be from 23 to 34 days. Any woman knows that a delay in menstruation is primarily associated with the onset of pregnancy.

Why there is a delay in menstruation without pregnancy - we understand the reasons and methods of prevention

But the reasons for the absence of menstruation can be different - this can always be a signal of “problems” in the body and a motive for a woman to contact a specialist. What are the most common causes of delayed menstruation besides pregnancy?

It is the most common root cause of cycle disorders; it can be cause any mental shock:

  • lack of sleep and fatigue;
  • family quarrels;
  • troubles at work;
  • exams.

During a period of constant stress, the brain “goes on strike” - the HPA does not produce hormones that are responsible for menstruation and the biocycle is disrupted. To prevent this from happening, you need to try to rest, be less nervous, and you may need to consult a psychologist or neuropsychiatrist.

It may cause deviations in women whose professional activities involve heavy physical labor, as well as in athletes. That is why the “weaker sex” should not engage in strength sports and remember that it is not for nothing that professions are “male and female”.

3. Sudden changes in body weight

Adipose tissue takes an active part in the regulation of biochemical processes in the female body and serves as a so-called “depot” for sex hormones. Women's health problems lie not only in obesity, but also in excessive thinness - the pursuit of the “ideal” weight can cause a lot of complications. When going on a diet, it is important for all women to remember that the diet must include all the necessary vitamins, biological and chemical elements. But fasting is not for everyone! It may be worth seeking advice from a nutritionist.

4. Pathologies of internal organs

There are a number of ailments that cause hormonal imbalance - these are diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, adrenal cortex. Also, many acute and chronic diseases of the genital area can cause disruption of the monthly cycle - endometritis, ovarian dysfunction, adnexitis, oncological pathologies of the uterine body and its appendages. One of probable causes absence of menstruation may cause genitourinary infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea). Violation of location intrauterine device also leads to a delay in menstruation. The causes can be eliminated only after a full examination in a medical institution and effective treatment.

5. Complications of drug treatment

One of the most important causes of menstrual irregularities. Long-term use corticosteroids, psychotropic and diuretics, drugs for the treatment of ulcers, tuberculosis, depression can lead to a number of complications. To solve the problem, you need to consult with your doctor about reducing the dosage.

6. Chronic poisoning of the body A

It can be voluntary (smoking, excessive drinking or drug use) or forced (professional activity is associated with harmful working conditions). Problems in the body should make a woman think - perhaps she needs to change her job or lifestyle.

7. Artificial or natural termination of pregnancy

Always entails intense hormonal changes in the female body and trauma to the uterine cavity. If menstruation does not come for a long period, you need to consult a gynecologist.

8. Emergency post-coital contraception

Method of protection against unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. However, this measure is a “devastating blow” to the relationship between hormones. You need to remember this and resort to this method as rarely as possible.

9. Refusal to take hormonal contraceptives

Causes “ovarian hyperinhibition” syndrome. If a woman has been taking contraceptive drugs for a long period of time, which “deceive” the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, forcing them to exclude ovarian function, then immediately after stopping taking synthetic hormones, the body cannot quickly adjust. You need to give him a little “rest” and the full functioning of the ovaries will be restored.

10. A sharp change in the rhythm of life (jet lag) and climate

It is associated with long-distance plane flights, which leads to changes in time zones and the usual rhythm of life, which is always fraught with great stress for the body. Moreover, it begins even when preparing for a vacation in “distant countries” - this can have a colossal impact on the female biocycle. In addition, excessive physical activity, exposure to water and sun leads to similar consequences. Typically, periods return after a few weeks.

11. Genetic predisposition

Sometimes periodic abnormalities can be transmitted to the daughter from the mother. That is why, when delays occur, you need to talk about it with your family, It is important for a mother to warn her daughter about such hereditary physiological characteristics.

12. Decline of reproductive function (menopause)

After 45 years of age, women experience menopause, transition to a new physiological stage. Age-related changes begin in the hypothalamic-pituitary zone, estrogen synthesis and the number of ovulations decrease - this leads to a delay or absence of menstruation. Menopause is a period when the delay of menstruation is due to a natural process; you should take it calmly.

Another useful video on why periods don’t start except during pregnancy

And finally

You can't be indifferent to your women's health! To control the cycle, every woman needs to keep a calendar in which she would mark the beginning of each period. This will allow you to notice deviations in time - the normal change in the duration of the biocycle (from the 1st day of one period to the 1st day of subsequent ones) does not exceed three days.

If your period is late, you need to do a pregnancy test (tests are freely sold in pharmacies). If it shows a negative result and there is no deterioration in your health, you should wait about ten days.

If, in addition to a delay in menstruation, there is abdominal pain, fever, or discharge from the genitals - you need to urgently apply for medical care. If menstruation is frequently delayed, you should visit a qualified gynecologist.
