Celosia how to grow. Celosia pinnate: growing from seeds at home

Celosia, which means “burning,” got its name for its bright large inflorescences of red and orange shades. Sticking up above the leaves, the fluffy “candles” of celosia pinnate resemble fiery torches. The flower has long been loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, decorativeness and long flowering.

Celosia pinnate is one of the varieties of the genus Celosia, belonging to the Amaranthaceae family (previously the plant was classified as Cheloaceae). Its homeland is the hot and humid regions of China, India, Africa and the Americas. There the flower grows as a perennial, but in a garden near Moscow it is grown as an annual crop. In addition to celosia pinnate, the comb or comb type, with an inflorescence shape similar to a cockscomb, is popular among gardeners. There is also a spikelet, which has an inflorescence shape similar to a spike. This is the most capricious of the flower varieties, so it is almost never grown in our climate. In total, there are about 40 plant species in the genus.

Celosia pinnate is a neat pyramidal bush up to 70–90 cm high. The leaves are oval or elongated. An inflorescence rises above the bush in the form of a fluffy diamond-shaped spike, red, golden, fiery or yellow. The flowering is very spectacular and lush. Blooms in July and blooms until autumn.

Popular varieties for the Moscow region

Many varieties of celosia pinnate have been bred, including low-growing ones, for container growing.

  • Goldfeder - golden inflorescences, low-growing bush.
  • Feuerfeder - scarlet inflorescences look harmonious against the background of green foliage with burgundy veins.
  • New Look - the foliage of this variety is blue in color and the flowers are bright red.
  • Geisha is a varietal mixture with different shades of petal color. The height of the bush is 22 - 25 cm. Suitable for growing in a pot.
  • Pampas - the height of the bush is up to 80 cm, the color of the inflorescences is orange.
  • Glorius is a pink celosia.

Growing conditions

The flower is very sensitive to low temperatures, comfortable weather for him is +22…+25 degrees. Celosia is planted in a well-lit and draft-free place.

The plant needs fertile and well-drained soil, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Heavy soils are improved by adding sand for digging, up to 12 kg per square area, and a little expanded clay is poured into the planting holes as drainage.

To provide nutrition, well-rotted manure or compost is delivered to the site in an amount of 8–10 kg per 1 sq. m. meter.

Fresh manure cannot be applied under the plant!


The flower reproduces by seeds, which can ripen in our climate. You can buy celosia seeds at garden stores. Also, it will not be difficult to collect them from your own plants. To do this, faded inflorescences are cut off and hung to ripen in a dry place, wrapped in thick cloth. Ripe dry seeds have a shiny black shell. Store them in paper bags.


In our climate, in order to admire the bright bloom of the flower longer, celosia is sown as seedlings at the end of March. The seeds have a dense shell to speed up germination; they are soaked in warm water for 3–4 hours. Adding a couple of drops of epin or zircon to the water will have a good effect, and adding aloe juice, a natural stimulant, will also help.

Then the seeds are immersed in loose and nutritious soil. You can purchase a ready-made soil mixture for flowers or mix equal parts of humus and sand or perlite. It is better to sow celosia in separate cups, since the flower does not tolerate transplantation very well. You can use peat tablets or pots, then when transplanting into open ground the roots will not be damaged. But you need to remember that in such a container the soil dries out faster, so you will have to water the seedlings often.

The seeds are not buried in the soil, but only lightly sprinkled with sand. The container with the crops is covered with film and put away in a warm, bright place. Within 1.5 - 2 weeks the crops will hatch. In anticipation of germination, the film from the pots is removed daily for ventilation, and the surface of the soil is moistened with a spray bottle.

Celosia seedlings need good lighting. If there is not enough natural light and the seedlings begin to stretch, install additional fluorescent lamps. A good effect of increasing the brightness of natural light is provided by installing reflective screens made of foil or mirrors.

Water the seedlings moderately, strictly at the root, without soaking the stems. To prevent blackleg disease, watering clean water alternate with watering with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of “phytosporin”.

During the period of growing seedlings, they are fed twice with a complete complex mineral fertilizer for flowers (Kemira Lux, Agricola, Rainbow).

Planting in a flowerbed

Before planting in open ground, young celosia plants are hardened off by taking them out into the open air for several hours. Planted in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has completely passed.

If the seedlings are not sitting in peat pots, they are transplanted into the ground using the transshipment method, being careful not to damage the roots. The distance between celosia bushes of low-growing varieties should be 20 cm, for tall varieties - 30 cm. There is no need to thicken the plantings; celosia does not like crowded spaces.


The flower does not require care. It does not need to be watered often; celosia does not tolerate waterlogging. In a normal summer, it has enough natural precipitation. Only in severe drought is it necessary to water the roots with warm water from a barrel.

It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, simultaneously removing weed seedlings. When the bushes rise to full height and the leaves will close together, there will be no need for loosening.

Every month, throughout the summer, celosia is fed with solutions of mineral fertilizers. Preference should be given to phosphorus-potassium compositions. Excess nitrogen in flower nutrition can lead to excessive development of green mass, to the detriment of flowering.

Pests and diseases

In addition to blackleg, celosia can also be affected by other fungal diseases. Excess moisture, dense non-breathable soil structure, and high soil acidity contribute to the development of diseases.

If there is a lack of iron in the diet, it can develop chlorosis.

Role in the garden

Low-growing flower varieties are placed along paths, in the foreground of mixborders. The red and yellow “torches” of celosia pinnate look spectacular together with the silvery foliage of wormwood, cineraria, white petunia and blue ageratum.

Dwarf varieties selected by color and planted in pots will decorate a balcony or veranda.

Celosia is used in dry bouquets. Inflorescences dried in the dark for a long time do not lose color brightness and retain their shape.

1. Growing temperature: moderately warm throughout the year at temperatures from 16 to 22° C.
2. Lighting: well-lit location with shading from direct sunlight in spring and summer during the daytime. In the morning and evening, celosia can take sunbathing for 2 - 3 hours daily.
3. Watering and air humidity: in spring and summer, the soil surface is dried 2 - 3 cm deep between waterings; in autumn and winter, the frequency of watering is adjusted to the air temperature. It is better to increase air humidity.
4. Peculiarities: celosia is quite unpretentious and at the same time very undemanding; it is easy to grow even by novice gardeners.
5. Priming: a slightly acidic or neutral and well-drained substrate that easily allows moisture and air to pass to the roots of the plants.
6. Top dressing: in the warm season, plants are fed with mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks. In the fall, fertilizing is gradually reduced and in winter it is fed once a month.
7. Reproduction: stem cuttings in spring and summer, seeds.

Botanical name: Celosia.

Celosia flower - family . Amaranthaceae.

Origin. Tropics of Africa.

Description. Celosias are annual or perennial herbaceous plants.

Leaves light green, with pronounced branched veins, lanceolate, heart-shaped. Some varieties have burgundy leaves.

Celosia is distinguished by a very bright color flowers and unusual shapes of inflorescences.

By shape inflorescences distinguish: celosia comb, paniculate and spikelet.

Height. Height ranges from 20 cm to 1.3 m.


2.1. Celosia - planting and care in open ground

Celosia is planted in open ground using previously obtained or purchased seedlings. It is also possible sowing seeds directly into the ground, however, celosia will only have time to form inflorescences in the southern regions; in the middle zone, flowering may not occur.

Pre-seedlings temper, placing containers with young flowers in the fresh air for 2 - 3 hours during the day. Gradually the time is increased and before planting the plants can be left outside and at night.

Depending on the climate in a particular region, planting times will be different - in the middle zone, plants are planted outside in the second half of May - when the threat of return frosts has passed.

For planting, select a location that will satisfy the plant’s need for good lighting.

The landing site should not have close groundwater and should not be located in a lowland; it is also worth choosing a place protected from strong gusts of wind.

Since celosia prefers soils with neutral pH, then before planting it is necessary to deoxidize the soil using lime milk or adding simple crushed chalk, dolomite flour or ash left over from burning a tree to the soil.

Nutrient-poor soils are further enriched mineral fertilizers for flowering plants, and in soils that are too heavy and dense add coarse-grained river sand And wood ash for loosening and improving drainage.

The planting area is first dug up and weeds are removed.

The planting pattern will depend on the specific plant variety and growing method - celosia can be grown as single plants or in group plantings.

Planting holes are prepared, between which they are kept distance from 15 to 30 cm. You can place a nutrient at the bottom of the planting holes. organic layer in the form of well-rotted horse or cow manure. Celosia does not like the use of fresh organic fertilizers and may even die from their use.

Young bushes are transferred to planting holes carefully, using the transfer method, trying not to destroy the old lump of earth.

The flowers are placed in the center of the hole and sprinkled around the perimeter with earth, which is then lightly compacted to remove air pockets.

Only transplanted plants water generously and regularly, over time, the flowers will begin to tolerate short-term drought.

Further care of the planted plants will consist of timely watering and fertilizing, as well as weeding and loosening the soil.

For the onset of bright and abundant flowering, minerals are added to the soil. fertilizers for flowering plants monthly.

Since celosia is an annual plant, on fine autumn days you can cut flower stalks from the bushes, dry them and use them as dried flowers, which can decorate any interior and will maintain an attractive appearance until spring.

Drying is carried out in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight with a warm and dry atmosphere. The drying room must be intensively ventilated.

Perennial varieties in the autumn months, when the temperature at night drops to 5°C, dig up And carry in pots that are placed in the house.

2.2.Reproduction, growing from seeds

Seeds are planted into the ground in the spring- in the second half of March or April. For sowing, you can use your own collected seeds.

They try to collect them in dry and warm weather. Fading inflorescences are removed from the plants and hung upside down. A white sheet of paper or white cloth is placed under the inflorescences.

As they dry, the seeds will spontaneously fall out onto the leaf.

Since the seeds have an outer shell that is too hard, the planting material will require pre-sowing treatment for successful germination.

  1. The seeds are soaked for 3 - 4 hours in warm water with the addition of drugs such as epin and zircon. If you sow dry seeds, the germination rate will be low and they will germinate only after 2 - 3 weeks.
  2. After soaking, you can carry out cool stratification in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator - the seeds are placed like this for 3 - 4 hours.
  3. Sowing is carried out in a container with a moist, nutritious and loose organic-based substrate - for example, a mixture of humus with coarse river sand or vermiculite.
  4. Since seeds need light to germinate, the crops are not covered with soil from above, but the planting material is simply lightly pressed into the soil surface.
  5. You can sow the seeds directly into separate cups - in this case, you can avoid picking young plants.
  6. The substrate is kept moist using a fine spray bottle, moistened with water at room temperature or slightly higher.
  7. The top of the container is covered with transparent plastic, glass or plastic film to maintain a high level of humidity and create a greenhouse effect.
  8. Every day the shelter is removed and the seedlings are ventilated, and any condensation that appears from it is removed.

Seedlings are kept in a warm place at a temperature 23 - 25 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, some seeds will not germinate.

The location should be brightly lit, but protected from direct sunlight.

For 7 - 10 days The first shoots may appear - the shelter is removed at this time.

With the emergence of seedlings, organize daily artificial lighting in the form of fluorescent or phytolamps. If there is insufficient lighting, the sprouts will be elongated and ugly.

Since celosia will develop better with long daylight hours, it is increased to 14 - 16 hours.

Dive done when each small bush has 2 - 3 true leaves - the bushes are carefully transferred to small cups, trying to minimally disturb the root system.

First feeding young plants are carried out 7 - 10 days after diving, using a very weak solution of mineral fertilizers with high content nitrogen.

Second dive carried out if necessary, with the appearance of 5 - 6 true leaves, increasing the volume of the pots in which the plants are grown.

5 - 7 days after the second dive, the plants begin temper- gradually reduce the temperature to 17 - 20°C.

Vegetative propagation or cuttings, but plants obtained from cuttings often do not retain their attractive appearance.


The plant tolerates soils poor in nutrients, but prefers well-drained soils with a high content of organic matter, preferably with neutral or slightly acidic pH ranging from 6 to 6.5.

The mixture for growing can be made on the basis of foliage and turf soil, humus with the addition of coarse river sand, perlite and vermiculite to improve drainage.

As additional nutrition and for loosening, a small amount of charcoal can be mixed into the soil.

The substrate should not only easily allow moisture to pass through, but also allow the root system to breathe.

2.4.How to grow celosia at home

The plant is extremely unpretentious, but requires compliance with certain agricultural techniques.

Tips of young shoots pinching for better branching and subsequent abundant flowering.

Take it out indoor plants to the street in the warm season, placing them there under cover from strong gusts of wind, rain and direct sunlight.

Stems of tall species may require support for growth and development.

2.5.When celosia blooms

From mid-summer to mid-autumn, flowering continues until 2 months. When grown in open ground, only frost can interrupt the flowering of celosia.

2.6. Diseases and pests

  • Flowers are susceptible to root rot, especially in poorly drained soils.
  • Insufficient hydration leaves celosia lose turgor and fall, and the plant stops forming new flowers.
  • When there is an excess of nitrogen in the plant substrate, it is abundantly increase green mass to the detriment of flowering.
  • Blackleg appears when there is insufficient air movement and severe waterlogging of the soil - young plants are often susceptible to this disease.
  • Chlorosis appears in plants when there is a lack of such a nutrient as iron - the leaf blades become light, almost yellow, and the leaf veins remain green.

From harmful insects aphids may appear.

Insects - pests

Insect name Signs of infection Control measures
Sticky droplets appear on the leaf blades, the leaf blades curl and become deformed, tender buds and young leaves wither. Colonies of insects can be seen on the tips of shoots, buds or the underside of leaf blades. The flowers of plants affected by aphids may become deformed. Traditional methods: infusion of nettle, decoction of rhubarb leaves, wormwood, soap solution, infusion of tobacco and dandelion, onion, marigold, yarrow, tansy, dusting with wood ash. Chemicals: Sulfur powders, treatment of green mass with green potassium soap without getting into the ground, Decis, Actellik, Fitoverm.


Annual plants do not need to be replanted - as they grow, they simply increase the size of the pots for seedlings.

Dive young shoots are carried out only by the transshipment method, keeping the root ball intact. Seedlings transplanted in this way receive less damage to the root system and begin to grow faster.

Perennial varieties are transplanted into new pots and fresh substrate in the spring, when they appear first signs new growth.

The need for another transplant will be indicated by the tips of the roots that appear in the drainage holes of the pots.

  1. To grow celosia, select pots with large drainage holes.
  2. A drainage layer in the form of expanded clay, river pebbles or fragments of clay pots must be placed at the bottom of the pots.
  3. The flowers are carefully removed from the old pot and simply placed in a new container along with the root ball.
  4. Fresh soil is added around the perimeter, which after planting is compacted with your fingertips.
  5. After planting, the bushes are watered generously with warm water and, if necessary, a small amount of substrate is added after watering.

Frequent transfers and damage to the root system don't like plants and may even die.

Overgrown plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Feeding of such specimens is suspended for a couple of weeks, since the new substrate already has enough nutrients, and the plant disturbed during transplantation root system may get burned from too much early use fertilizers

2.8.Conditions - temperature

The ideal temperature for room celosia is from 16 to 22°C, these plants do not tolerate frost and do not like extreme heat - it can shorten the flowering time.

The onset of coolness - when the night temperature drops to 5°C, the plant stops forming flower stalks and dies.


Celosia is fed twice a month fertilizers with high content nitrogen in the first half of the growing season. For abundant formation of buds, fertilizers with a high content will be most preferable. potassium And phosphorus.

Mineral fertilizers can be diluted with water to half the dose recommended on the package. Fertilize only in moist soil, after abundant watering, since contact of an overly concentrated solution on the root system in a dry substrate can cause a chemical burn.

Celosia does not like organic fertilizers with fresh organic matter - they contain too much nitrogen, so they should not be used. Plants respond well only to well rotted manure.

You should not feed newly transplanted or diseased bushes.


likes lots of bright sunshine morning and evening, some shade is needed during the day.

For abundant flowering, good lighting is a decisive factor.

The most suitable for placement are windows eastern, southern or southwest orientation where the plants will be bathed in sunlight daily.

If there is insufficient lighting, the plants will become loose and elongated. When there is a lack of natural light, you can successfully use additional lighting fluorescent or phytolamps.


These plants, grown as house flowers, love regular watering during the period of growth and flowering.

Watering should be abundant- until the earthen clod is completely soaked.

Excess moisture that appears in the tray after watering must be drained a few minutes after it appears.

Keep the soil always moist during the growing season - spring and summer, but remember that too much water will lead to rot. During the period of active growth and budding, dry the surface of the substrate between waterings to a depth 2 - 3 cm.

For watering, use only well-settled water at room temperature. You can also water the plants with melt or rainwater collected away from city roofs.

When watering, droplets of moisture should not fall on the flowers, as this can reduce their decorative value and lead to the appearance of unsightly brownish spots.

Water using a watering can with a narrow spout, adding moisture along the edge of the pot. Can be used bottom watering by immersing the flower pot in a large container of warm water for a few minutes and allowing excess moisture to drain through the pot's drainage holes.


Normal indoor humidity is well tolerated by celosias if the soil is kept evenly moist.

Plants don't spray- to increase air humidity, you can simply place any vessel with water next to the flower or place several plants in limited space.

The plant should not be placed near heating systems during the winter months or expose them to cold drafts. Take pots of flowers to another room when ventilated in winter.


Excellent flowers for cutting fresh and also as dried flowers.

Several plants planted in one pot look extremely attractive.

Celosia rightfully retains its popularity among flower growers - its spectacular appearance and variety of colors and varieties allow it to be widely used in landscape design.

Celosia spicata or Hutton's - Celosia spicata – inflorescences are cylindrical, often writhing spikelets.

The flowers of all plants are extremely diverse color scheme, including yellow, orange, purple, crimson, red, pink shades.

Celosia is an ornamental crop that belongs to the Amaranth family. If we translate the name of the flower from Greek, it will mean “burning, flaming.” This name is quite justified, because the shape and color of the inflorescence resembles flames.

Description and types

Planting seeds

Planting containers must be filled with nutritious and loose substrate. Lightly compact it and water it. Distribute the planting material evenly over the soil surface. Sprinkle earth on top of it. After planting, the substrate should be irrigated using a spray bottle. Cover the top of the container with glass. Install it in a heated room where the temperature is 20 degrees. After 8-10 days, shoots can be observed. After this, the glass can be removed.

You can also sow seeds in separate peat cups. Thus, it will be possible to discard the picking of plants. To grow healthy and strong seedlings, you need to take care of additional lighting. At the beginning of March, daylight hours need to be extended using additional lighting.

In the video - celosia from seeds:


When the plants have managed to form several leaves, you can pick them by planting the seedlings in different cups. For this purpose, you should choose the same soil that was used for sowing. A distance of 5 cm must be maintained between seedlings.

As soon as the seedlings have strengthened and grown, they, together with a lump of earth, must be placed in separate containers. Further cultivation of seedlings comes down to fertilizing and regular watering. For fertilizer it is necessary to use complex mineral compositions.

Planting in open ground

Planting in open ground should occur at the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed. But before that, you need to choose the right site. To do this, you should give preference to warm and well-lit areas. The plant will not be able to grow in an area where there are strong winds. So make sure there is no draft.

The soil should be nutritious and loose, but do not apply organic fertilizers. The culture is demanding on the acidity of the substrate. If the soil in the selected area is acidic, then lime must be added during digging.

Planting seedlings in the chosen place is carried out according to standard rules. But there are several nuances that should be taken into account:

  1. Since celosia does not tolerate excessive soil moisture, it is necessary to take care of drainage.
  2. The roots of a young flower are fragile, so when transplanting seedlings it is necessary to do this with peat humus cups.
  3. Place the holes at a distance of 25-30 cm.
  4. If the seedlings were grown in containers, then replanting should be done by transshipment, together with a clod of earth.

How to care

Celosia is a picky plant. But nevertheless, you need to know simple rules that will allow you to grow a strong and beautiful plant. Do not forget that celosia is afraid of cold weather and will not tolerate stagnation of water.

Water the plant only on the hottest days. Then the bush drops its leaves and stops forming flower stalks. It is very important to perform monthly feedings, without which celosia will not be able to fully develop. But it is important not to overdo it with them, since then the crop will form lush foliage, and the number of flower stalks will decrease. The soil around the plants needs to be regularly loosened and weeds removed.

Video on how to care for flowers:

As for pests, celosia can often be affected by blackleg. As soon as you notice the first signs of damage, you should loosen the soil and add a thin layer of wood ash. But stop watering for a while. Sometimes the plant is attacked by aphids. To combat it, it is necessary to treat the plant with a composition consisting of 20 ml vegetable oil, 40 ml of liquid soap and 500 ml of water. Perform the treatment several times a day.

Celosia is one of those plants that decorate any flower bed or flower garden, because it has abundant and very bright flowering. Different varieties of the crop allow you to plant several types of celosia in a flowerbed to get an original flower arrangement that is sure to attract the attention of passers-by.

Celosia is an unusual plant with a rather exotic appearance. It can be seen in almost any flower bed and in any flower greenhouse. Florists love to use celosia in various flower arrangements, both live and dried. Today you will get acquainted with one of the most popular varieties of plants - celosia pinnate. You will learn all about the features of growing it at home from seeds (photo and video materials are included).

This graceful annual plant comes from Asia: it was first discovered in India and African countries. Currently, it can most often be found in small gardens and greenhouses, where gardeners carefully grow this beautiful flower.

Celosia is a flower with a rather powerful stem, about 0.3-0.9 m high. The plant is well leafy, the leaves are green in various shades (depending on the variety) with clearly defined veins. Some varieties have decorative foliage.

There are two main types of celosia. One has bright flowers that resemble a cockscomb and come in yellow, burgundy and other shades. The other has flowers that are very soft to the touch (like bird feathers), painted scarlet, golden or dark red.

Bright celosia flowers

There are about 60 species of this plant in the world, but three are the most popular: comb, pinnate (paniculate) and spikelet. As for feathery celosia, it is very popular among gardeners around the world due to its bright appearance. This species is distinguished by its high “growth”: sometimes it can reach a height of 1 m, although there are also dwarf varieties. The plant has a straight, thick stem, at the top of which there are bright panicles of yellow, orange and red shades. The leaves can be not only green, but also red and even pink.

The best varieties to grow

Among the most popular varieties of pinnate celosia for growing are the following:

  • Golden Flitz. A very popular variety, reaching 0.8 m in height. The tops are decorated with lush inflorescences of an orange-golden hue.
  • Feuerfeder. Quite unusual in appearance, a dwarf variety with bright red inflorescences surrounded by luxurious green foliage with burgundy veins.
  • New Look. Another dwarf variety with very beautiful yellow-orange inflorescences and purple foliage.

Variety New Onion
  • Tomsoni Magnifica. Almost a “classic” variety, reaching 0.8 m in height. The plant is decorated with burgundy inflorescences and soft green foliage.
  • Torchshain. The plant has almost the same “growth” as Tomsoni Magnifica, but the panicles are bright red.

Advice. When choosing a variety of feathery celosia suitable for home growing, remember that this plant requires a lot of solar heat and light, so choose the warmest room with the maximum amount of time illuminated by light.

Features of growing celosia from seeds

Celosia is a plant that is very demanding in terms of growing conditions and requires competent and comprehensive care. Let's consider all the subtleties.

Planting a plant

As mentioned earlier, celosia only grows with enough sun, so the room for its cultivation should be just that. Particular attention should also be paid to the choice of soil for planting. The best option– soil mixture, 2/3 consisting of loam, 1/3 – leaf humus. It is also advisable to add a little sand and rotted manure. Don't forget to drain the soil well.

Before planting seeds, the soil should be slightly moistened with warm water. It is better to plant at the end of winter, and even better at the beginning of spring - March-April. A small layer of sphagnum moss is laid out at the bottom of the planting container, then the soil mixture is filled in. You should not load the soil to the edge - leave a couple of centimeters empty.

Celosia seeds

The seeds are immersed in a container with soil substrate to a shallow depth. You can even just scatter the seeds on the surface, since they are very small. You should not compact the soil on top of the seeds: they may simply not germinate. It is better to press them lightly into the soil.

Advice. Keep in mind that when planting celosia, the soil must be moistened, but under no circumstances pour water into the container in the traditional way: use a spray bottle.

Be sure to cover the seedlings with film or glass. At least once a day, the protective covering must be removed to remove condensation and ventilation. If the soil dries out excessively, lightly spray it with water. After 5-7 days, the first sprouts will appear. The film can be removed immediately.

Subtleties of caring for seedlings

When the sprouts reach 3 cm in height, you can plant them in separate pots and move them briefly to a very warm room. After some time, you can remove the plant to a cool environment and stop watering to allow the soil to dry completely. By doing this, you actively stimulate the flowering of celosia.

After this, you can safely transplant the young shoots into the main pots and return them to a warm place. Further care for celosia is very simple, but it must be done regularly. Remember, a plant can be destroyed only in two cases: if the temperature regime is not observed (no cold, temperature above 20 degrees) and if the soil is excessively moistened.

Speaking of moisture. Celosia loves moist soil, so watering should be regular and fairly generous, but do not overdo it if you do not want its root system to rot. It is better to water on the hottest days or when the flowers droop slightly.

Sufficient light is very important for celosia.

In the autumn-spring period, this plant needs fertilizing especially strongly, so try to add nutritious mineral mixtures diluted with water at least once every 3 weeks (at the rate of 15 g of fertilizer per 5 liters of water).

Celosia pinnata rarely gets sick, but sometimes this happens, especially at a “young” age, which is still quite immature. In this case we are talking about black leg, which can appear when the soil is over-moistened. Therefore, try to water the plant very carefully, early in the morning and only when the sun is shining. If you miss the moment and the plant gets sick, immediately loosen the soil, sprinkle it with ash and stop watering for a while.

As you can see, in general, celosia pinnate is not a particularly picky plant and if all the requirements for its cultivation are met, it will delight you with its luxurious flowering all year round. Good luck!

Growing celosia from seeds: video

Undoubtedly, celosia pinnate will become a bright accent for the attention of others in a flower bed. By appearance, celosia resembles a multi-colored broom. With its incredibly bright and fluffy inflorescences, it can conquer any person. This plant glows with various bright colors, and therefore the Greeks called it “fiery, flaming, burning.” The flowers of some species of celosia look like birds with bright plumage, they are soft and fluffy to the touch.

General description of celosia

The genus Celosia includes approximately 60 perennial and annual plants, and belongs to the Amaranthaceae family, although until recently it was classified as a Chenopodiaceae. Celosia can grow one meter high, but each variety has its own exclusivity. High varieties of celosia pinnate are grown to decorate bouquets, and low varieties are grown in flower beds.

In order for a flower to grow well, good lighting is very important. The better the lighting, the longer, sometimes until late autumn, celosia blooms.

This is what celosia looks like:

  • The stems of Celosia pinnate are straight and branched;
  • The leaves have an oval egg shape;
  • The flowers themselves are small and collected in multi-colored inflorescences: yellow-red, golden-burgundy, etc.;
  • The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule.

Almost the only way to grow celosia pinnate in a flower bed is by seed. But before planting the seeds, their shell needs to be soaked, because... it is too tight for germination. This is done in a solution of Zircon and Epin, one drop per glass of water.

How to plant celosia seedlings

Sowing is usually done in late March-early April. Celosia is planted in a bowl, directly on the ground surface. The soil should consist of humus and vermiculite at a ratio of one to one. The seeds need to be pressed firmly into the soil; do not sprinkle them with soil. You should also lightly sprinkle the seeds with water. After this, the pots with crops should be protected from direct sunlight, covered with glass or film, and left in a bright place, at the desired temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.

Periodically, the crops need to be opened, ventilated, condensation removed, and moistened. If everything is done correctly and the seeds are viable, then seedlings can be seen within a week.

At the end of March and beginning of April, daylight hours are still short, and there is not enough natural light for seedlings. Therefore, the seeds need lighting. If we need group sowing of seeds, then the seedlings need to be planted twice. Initially, when the seedlings have two or three leaves. They need to be planted at a distance of about five centimeters from each other, to a depth of the same five centimeters. After this, the seedlings need to be watered with a weak solution of complex fertilizer with minerals that are suitable for flowering plants. As soon as the seedlings become stronger, they are again dived into a deeper container and transplanted into individual pots. A second fertilizing with mineral fertilizers can be done as soon as the plant becomes stronger.

  • When you first dive, you can use the blunt side of a fork or spoon to less injure the roots;
  • Use universal soil for amaranths or flowering plants;
  • Moisten the soil generously before sowing, and sow seeds very rarely;
  • If you have the desire and patience, you can separate one or two seeds at a time and plant them separately. This way you won’t have to do an intermediate pick;
  • It is better to water with settled room water using a fine spray bottle;
  • Plants need to be hardened off before planting in the ground. To do this, containers with seedlings are taken outside or onto the balcony. A week or two is enough to get used to the sun and open air;
  • It should be planted after the weather has settled without night frosts.

Celosia planting and care in open ground

The time to plant celosia in open ground comes with the final arrival of warmth and the disappearance of night frosts. The growing area should be well lit and not exposed to wind; it is important to install drainage there. The soil should not be too acidic; if so, then it must be treated with lime. There is nothing difficult about planting or transplanting celosia. The main thing is to be careful with the roots of the plant, especially young ones; to be extra careful, you can use transshipment. If your seedlings were in peat pots, then you should plant them together. For low varieties, the gap between plants should be at least 15 cm, and between high varieties 30. Caring for celosia is quite simple.

The most important thing is that in the spring it does not suffer from frost. Young plants are extremely vulnerable and cannot withstand low temperature. Another weakness of the plant is excessively damp soil. Watering the flower should only be done on hot days. Feeding is also important for celosia, which should be done once a month. But do not overdo it, otherwise the flower will grow too large leaves and will not bloom. The soil around the plant needs to be fluffed up and weeds removed from time to time. The main shoot of celosia needs to be pinched. If you have indoor celosia, then it should also receive a lot of light, but diffused. The suitable temperature for growing indoors is 15-18 degrees. Watering should be done with water at room temperature. Do not allow the soil in the pot to dry out excessively or become too moist. Once every two weeks, the flower requires feeding with mineral fertilizers (but not nitrogen). Basically, the flower is grown as an annual and disposed of after flowering.

Varieties of celosia pinnate

Since this plant is often used to create a flower arrangement in a flower bed, varieties of different heights were bred:

  • tall (60-100 cm) - “Tomsoni Magnifica” (burgundy), “Golden Flitz” (yellow-orange);
  • medium-sized (30-60 cm) - “Feuerfeder” (bright red), “New Look” (scarlet);
  • dwarf (up to 30 cm) - “Goldfeder” (golden-yellow) and multi-colored mixtures “Geisha”, “Malyutka”, “Kimono”.

The first two types of varieties are planted in open ground, but the last (dwarf) are planted in pots, that is, they are used to decorate balconies or as indoor flowers.

Celosia is considered an unpretentious plant to grow, but still this process has its own secrets that you need to know about.

Celosia propagation

The seeds are collected from dried flowers. The inflorescence is simply floated over the paper and the seeds fall out on their own. Before sowing, they need to be immersed in a solution of epin and zircon for three hours (a drop per 200 ml of water). It is better to sow celosia in March in a mixture of vermiculite and humus soil. It is necessary to sow rarely, without covering the seeds with soil, you should simply press them down and sprinkle them with water. Next, the container is covered with glass and kept in conditions of good lighting (diffused) and a temperature close to 25 degrees. Ventilation is carried out from time to time. In the interval from a week to ten days, shoots appear. If a lot of seeds are sown nearby, then you need to plant them in shallow containers (depth up to 5 cm). When the seedlings take root, you need to start fertilizing with a solution of mineral fertilizer (but you need to dilute it more than indicated on the label). When the celosia grows a little more and gains strength, it can be planted in permanent pots. Some time later, after the second picking, when the plants have already taken root, you will need to start fertilizing again.

Celosia pinnate diseases

Young celosia seedlings have the most frequent illness is the so-called black leg. When it occurs, it is necessary to loosen the soil well, sprinkle coal ash from wood, and keep watering to a minimum.

To prevent the appearance of blackleg, you need to be very careful about the procedure for irrigating plants. Watering should be done no later than 9 a.m. and only in sunny weather. If it is cloudy outside, the plant can remain without water.

Celosia pinnate will be able to decorate not only a flower bed with its inflorescences; its other varieties will look great in a room or on a balcony, as well as decorate a holiday bouquet. If celosia is dried before the fruits ripen, then the inflorescence will delight the eye for a long time, and from the photo it will even be impossible to distinguish it from a living flower.
