How to lift the corners of the lips with hyaluronic acid and other methods - photos before and after procedures. Exercises against wrinkles and to lift the corners of the mouth The corners of the mouth have drooped, what to do

After 30 years, it is difficult to retain your former beauty and hide your bad mood. Your emotions are often “written” on your face, but sometimes the corners of your lips creep down on their own, regardless of your desire and internal state. The corners of the mouth droop, nasolabial folds appear. AnySports will tell you how you can get rid of the “mask of sadness.”

Why do drooping corners of the lips appear?

The corners of the lips are that part of the face that signals our mood and age. Over the years, the volume of the cheeks becomes smaller, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, the face begins to sag, sliding down. Over the years, this part of the mouth begins to deform and becomes a literal headache. After all, a woman with drooping corners of her lips looks stern, tired, weary, and also looks older than her years.

There is an opinion that a bad mood or mental imbalance leaves its mark on the face. Worries about a failed exam at a driving school or a missed deadline at work, a painful breakup with a partner, or simply despondency and sadness form the so-called “mask of grief.”

Start doing facial gymnastics with a course from Anastasia Burdyug right now.

Why mouth literally shrinks when you're in a whiny mood? The fact is that at the moment of experience, many muscles on the face are activated, which “imprint” such a sad image. Another common reason is why lip descends on one side or on both sides at once, is a congenital form of nasolabial folds. To delay the moment of aging, you need to smile more often, relaxing the triangular muscle.

Considering the location of the muscles on the face, it becomes clear that the triangular muscle is attached to the orbicularis muscle. It is in this place that she experiences maximum tension. The cheek and zygomatic muscles are also included, which are constantly in motion (in static tension). Initially, all this tension is uncontrollable, but over time the muscles themselves become hostage to this position: they are tense, while the rest are relaxed and gradually atrophy.

On topic:

How to lift the corners of your lips using face fitness

If there is already a problem with drooping corners of the lips, it needs to be solved in a painless, safe and preferably non-surgical way, without harm to health and while maintaining your own budget. Face fitness will help you exchange the “mask of grief” for a happy face!

Some people try to hide the problem with lip liner, but sooner or later you may end up with a clown smile. Don’t indulge yourself with a short-term solution to the problem, try face fitness. After all, training the facial muscles is the key to longevity of beauty and good mood.

A set of special exercises that have no age restrictions allows you to take care of yourself at home, correct cosmetic problems, or use them as a preventive measure. With daily exercise for 10–15 minutes, face fitness gives stunning results. Here are a few exercises that can easily help you get rid of drooping corners of your lips:

  • Fold your lips into a “tube” shape and pull them forward as far as possible. Feel the muscle tension. The main rule is to watch the position of your chin, it should be motionless.
  • With your mouth slightly open, turn your lips inward as much as possible, as if clasping your teeth. And now, from this position, try to smile at your reflection.
  • Blowing yourself a kiss is a great workout for toning your face and also effective method to lift your spirits.

Eternal youth is the dream of every woman. This is a kind of source of happiness. Moreover, a youthful appearance is achieved even with a smile. But with age, the corners of the mouth treacherously creep down, giving the woman a suffering look. Fitness trainer Evgenia Baglyk has developed her own method of training facial muscles. As a result of performing the lip exercise, the most sexually attractive part of the face will acquire an attractive appearance. The lips will become plump, the corners of the mouth will take a “cheerful position”, wrinkles above upper lip will smooth out.

Evgenia Baglyk advises anyone who experiences unwanted facial changes with age due to excessive facial expressions to start doing face-building. The proposed exercises are especially useful for women with narrow mouths.
Desirable: for young girls aged 18-20, in whom one half of the mouth is more actively involved in the manifestation of emotions (joy, sadness, sarcasm, etc.). Evgenia Baglyk claims that the training will help get rid of a bad habit and prevent unwanted facial asymmetry later in adulthood. In addition, it is easier for energetic young ladies to develop healthy habits. Moreover, at this age, making antics still gives pleasure to most girls.

Required: mature women over 40 years old. By this age, most ladies develop a “chicken butt” to one degree or another, the corners of the lips treacherously creep down, asymmetry of the mouth appears, and the natural attractive contours of the face disappear. The exercises proposed by Evgenia Baglyk will have a positive effect not only on restoring a beautiful mouth shape, but will also make the face as a whole attractive.


  • feeling unwell;
  • excessively plump lips from nature or after injections;
  • wounds in the oral cavity;
  • the presence of skin diseases in the lower part of the face;
  • neoplasms of unknown origin located around the mouth;
  • fresh wounds and scars located in the trained area;
  • recent dental treatment procedures.

Attention: those who experience diarrhea after regular exercise should be careful when exercising.

  1. "Smile". We hide both lips “behind our teeth” and smile. We hold the middle fingers in the corners of the mouth (we control the raising of the corners upward).
  2. "Chewing". We tuck both lips “by the teeth” inside the mouth and bite the closed lips. We start from the corner, move to the middle of the jaw, then to the other corner. We repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  3. "Fish" We pull the sponges forward with a tube. Open and close the fish mouth. We make sure that only the lips (both) move, and the chin remains motionless (you can hold it with your hand). During this exercise, Evgenia Baglyk advises holding your ring fingers in the corners of your lips, and using the remaining fingers to lightly rock your cheeks to monitor the work of the muscles.
  4. "Hugging." Cover one lip with the other one at a time. Top - bottom, then bottom - top.
  5. "Blow Kiss" The name speaks for itself - we literally perform an air kiss (we kiss and blow, relax our lips).
  6. "Eight". We stretch our closed lips forward and draw the number “8” in the air. This is quite a difficult exercise. Ladies who are advanced in facial fitness succeed the first time. Beginning “athletes” can try to “draw” circles.
  7. "For the cheekbones." On both sides, the zygomatic muscles are woven into the edges of the orbicularis muscle, which, when contracted, pull the corners of the lips upward. Training these muscles not only increases the volume of the cheekbones, but also smoothes out wrinkles above the upper lip. So, stretch the closed lips into a horizontal line and pull the corners vertically upward (in the direction of the eyes, not the ears). The face expresses sarcasm.
  8. "Horse's Breath" This is a relaxation exercise. We blow through closed lips and let them vibrate freely. The result is a sound: “prrrrr...”. In this case, the teeth are closed, the tongue is motionless.

How to do the exercises?

Sitting comfortably in front of the mirror alone (or with like-minded people), you can begin the lesson. It is advisable that only initiated persons be present during this activity.

Pre-cleanse the pores of the face (with wash or milk). Remove lipstick.

Basic principles:

  • Systematicity (training must be carried out daily, otherwise there will be no result);
  • Exercises should be performed until a burning sensation appears in the trained area. On average, it is recommended to do each selected exercise two “sets” of 20 times;
  • An integrated approach (together with exercises for the lips, it is advisable to train and, the position of the corners of the lips is influenced by many muscle fibers adjacent to the orbicularis oris muscle);
  • Work only one type of muscle during each exercise (control is carried out with your fingers);
  • If the exercises are performed correctly, no folds should appear above the upper lip (check in the mirror);
  • Alternating exercises to contract muscle fibers with relaxation exercises (see point 8 above);
  • If for some reason the author’s method of Evgenia Baglyk is not suitable, you need to choose several exercises (4-5) from the proposed complex for regular practice.

Drooping corners of the lips are a very unpleasant problem that women often face after 30 years of age. At the same time, the facial expression becomes unfriendly and embittered. All the charm is lost and strangers They may even avoid such a person.

Of course, when the corners of the lips droop, psychologists immediately recommend reconsidering your positions in life. But the problem may lie not in psychological motivation, but in the most basic thing - age. Cosmetologists say that in our time this cosmetic defect is easily solved. You just need to be patient and be prepared for some financial costs.

How facial expressions work

There is such a thing as circular muscle fibers. They are located in the thickness of the labial tissue. These tissues do not have bones, so they can, like plasticine, change their shape. Thus, this muscle causes the mouth to narrow into a tube. Other muscle fibers are drawn to the muscle, which form the cheek. As if in a chain, the fibers of the circular muscle pull the rest of the muscles attached to it. Namely:

  • muscle that raises the angle of the mouth;
  • muscle that lowers the corner of the lips;
  • the muscle that is responsible for laughter (by the way, not everyone has this muscle);
  • a muscle that pulls the corner of the mouth upward and inward.

In principle, it is somewhat similar to a doll that is pulled by strings. Pulling one string, according to the principle of a chain reaction, pulls other strings and connecting chains. Many will ask, why do you need to know this information? But, if you do lip gymnastics, you need to correctly understand the principle itself. Which thread should you pull to raise the desired corner of your mouth?

The problem of drooping corners of the mouth can arise as a violation of blood circulation, as well as a decrease in the tone of muscle fibers. To avoid this, you need to know which muscle groups should be redistributed the load in order to avoid such troubles as the appearance of wrinkles.

Methods to lift drooping corners of lips

So, what to do if the corners of your lips are drooping. This problem can be dealt with in several ways. Which method to give preference to is up to you. But it is recommended to do complex therapy and seek advice from a cosmetologist.

  1. Lifting the corners of the lips with cosmetics;
  2. Injection methods to solve the problem;
  3. Gymnastics and lip massage;
  4. Botox injection;
  5. Plastic surgery.

Lifting the corners of the lips with cosmetics

This is the most in a simple way to visually lift the corners of the lips. At the same time, makeup artists recommend using not too bright shades and doing it in such a way that the upper contour does not reach the edges of the lips, and painting the lower lip so that the shade covers the entire lip and, as it were, lifts it up.

You can also complement the picture with a lip pencil and preserve the integrity of the lipstick, preventing it from leaking. You can also secure the pencil by powdering its lines.

Never use matte lipsticks. Not only do they dry out the lips, but they also lay down in a thick layer, making it difficult to evenly distribute the color of the lips.

Makeup artists also recommend making a lip mask. To do this, mix honey and sugar in equal proportions. You should evenly moisten your lips with this mixture, wait until the cream is absorbed, and then apply a thin layer of semi-gloss lipstick directly on top evenly over the entire lip.

The procedure is the simplest and drooping lips are almost invisible. But this method is really a camouflage method. And so that the corners of the lips are always tightened, it is necessary to constantly paint them. The following methods allow you to lift the corners of your lips at the muscular level, without the use of “masks”.

Injection methods to solve the problem

To make your facial expression brighter, you can use fillers if the corners of your lips are drooping. Hyaluronic acid is a natural and natural wrinkle smoother. In this case, the muscles are not paralyzed as with Botox, but the effect lasts for 6 months. Up to 1 year. You can do the injections yourself, but it is better to go to specialized institutions.

To do this, an injectable drug is injected under the skin, in the area of ​​folds, which smooths out wrinkles and lifts the corners of the lips. This procedure is quite harmless. Since the fillers themselves are natural ingredients. But you should know that this drug may have contraindications:

  • severe forms of skin diseases;
  • acute diseases of internal organs;
  • any types colds which are accompanied by an increase in temperature (respirator, influenza, etc.);
  • intolerance to hyaluronic acid or some additional component;
  • scars and scars at the site of hyaluronic acid injection;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hemophilia (incoagulability of blood);
  • the use of anti-aging procedures before the introduction of hyaluronic acid.

Before using fillers, you should consult with a specialist and pass all the necessary tests, otherwise the consequences can be very disastrous.

Exercises to tone your lips

This procedure will not take much time and will help normalize the tone of the lips, improving blood circulation and saturating the cells with oxygen.

  1. For this exercise you need to smile, but not completely, but only with the corners of your mouth. In this case, you need to make sure that the corners are pulled up and at the same time stretched to the sides. But the middle of the lips should be relaxed. Need to repeat 10 times.
  2. Using your fingertips (except the index finger), fix the entire area of ​​the nasolabial area. Raise the corners of your mouth upward and resist with your fingers. At first, this exercise should be done slowly and then (every 5 times, or every 10 times) increase the pace. Do 30 passes, and after 30 times, exhale deeply.
  3. In the next exercise you need to connect your index and ring fingers. Then the index finger is fixed with an edge on the corner of the mouth. Stretch your smile as long as possible and use your fingers to resist. And then, with a rolling motion, move your ring finger to the middle of your lips and vice versa, do not let the corners close. This exercise must be repeated 10 times.
  4. Place your hands vertically on your cheeks and use your index and ring fingers to close some of the skin on the corners of your lips. Slowly raise the folds and slowly lower them. In this case, your fingers should lightly press the tissues of both lips. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  5. Place your index and ring fingers on your lips. In this case, the index fingers are located near the corners of the lips, and the ring fingers are closer to the center. It is necessary to squeeze the tissues with your ring fingers so that the lips seem to turn out. The exercise should be repeated 10 times.
  6. This exercise can be done anywhere, as long as those around you don’t mind singing. You just need to sing the following sounds: “I”, “E”, “A”, “O”, “U”, “Y”. You need to sing with inspiration, and imagine yourself in the place of opera singers. You need to sing at least 5-6 times and do this several times a day.

Experts believe that this type of technique is effective if repeated several times a day and for several months. But you need to do these exercises regularly, without breaking the rhythm. Although experts assure that you should not expect instant results. The effect comes gradually, like in sports training.


This is a really working method, but we should not forget that Botox can be accompanied by many side effects.

Botox is an injectable method similar to hyaluronic acid. But, unlike fillers, Botox completely paralyzes nerve endings and temporarily blocks nerve impulses. Those. you won't even feel the kisses. The use of Botox should be supervised by an experienced specialist. Otherwise, the wrong dosage can distort your face so much that later you can only act in horror films. Although, with the right and competent approach, the corners of the lips actually tighten and remain in this position for a long time.

After six months, the nerve connections are completely restored.

If you decide to lift the corners of your lips with Botox, then before the procedure itself you should:

  • stop any intake medicines that affect blood clotting;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • postpone physical exercise, do not visit fitness centers and spa centers.

To tighten the corners of the lips with Botox, first the doctor assesses the depth of the problem, appearance tissues and determines the number of units that must be injected under the skin. Then the skin is disinfected, and using a syringe, the required amount of Botox is injected under the skin into the desired points where it is necessary to block nerve impulses. After the procedure, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic and “cooled”.

Injections can be performed without anesthesia, but doctors take precautions and apply a local anesthetic cream before injections.

Plastic surgery

Most effective way solving the problem. This option does not paralyze nerve endings, and the effect lasts for for many years. But, most importantly, contraindications to plastic surgery are kept to a minimum.

To do this, the muscles that pull the corners of the lips down are carefully cut and the lips are automatically raised. To do this, an incision is made from the side of the mouth so that the seam is invisible. But if the “mask of grief” is an age-related problem, then surgeons recommend a general facelift. At the same time, modern technologies make this process painless for the patient.

Surgical plastic surgery is a big breakthrough in medicine and cosmetology. The operation allows you to significantly improve the condition of the skin without “camouflage” tricks. The effect is noticeable and does not require additional techniques.

Skin prevention

We all need constant care. If you don't pay special attention to your skin, it will fade faster. Cosmetics are good. But remember - women who are already over 30 use it. For young girls, whose skin is already toned, cosmetics are contraindicated.

If the “mask of grief” appears at a young age, this indicates an unhealthy lifestyle: alcohol, cigarettes, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle.

Doctors recommend that to maintain normal skin balance, start active image life. Run in the morning, visit gyms and fitness centers. Give up bad habits. And talk to your doctor about healthy eating. After all, our skin reflects what is happening in our body.

At home they will help to raise the corners of the lips gymnastic exercises for lips, as well as cosmetic “marathon”.

Nowadays, raising the corners of the lips is not a particular problem. The main thing is to decide for yourself which method to use. Each of the listed methods has its own pros and cons. And, before starting treatment, you need to weigh the pros and cons. And then decide which method to give preference to.

About the author: Ekaterina Nosova

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, leading Moscow specialist in thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast replacement, performed more than 11,000 operations. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

The depressor anguli oris muscle is responsible for the drooping corners of the lips, which give the face a dull expression. Otherwise it is also called the “contempt muscle.” This muscle is triangular in shape, starting from the lateral surface lower jaw, is woven into the orbicularis oris muscle and, when tense, pulls the corner of the mouth downwards.

Unfortunately, if the corners of your mouth droop, you have to admit that you are most likely carefully hiding your general dissatisfaction with the world around you. Suppressed emotion manifests itself in muscle tension and sad folds that appear as a result.

To restore a youthful curve to the corners of the lips, or (which is better) to prevent them from drooping at all, we need:
1) train the antagonist muscles of the triangular oris muscle (the levator anguli oris muscle, the zygomatic muscles and the laughter muscle);
2) relax the triangular muscle of the mouth.

The “Smile” exercise does an excellent job with the first task, and the interoral mouth massage with the second.

Stage 1. Exercise “Smile”

Starting position: sitting or standing, spine straight. The muscles of the cranial vault are pulled back and upward. Place your fingers at the edges of your lips, lightly and without pressing, fixing the skin in places where they are wrinkled.

Execution: create an “artificial” smile, tensing the corners of your lips and lifting them slightly upward, while using your fingers to provide slight resistance to the movement of the muscles. Feel the muscle tension under your fingers. Relax. Make 10 “smiles”, then pause for 10 seconds. and “smile” again ten times. Gradually increase the number to 20 in each set. After performing the exercise, exhale through relaxed lips, gently tapping the corners of your mouth with your fingers. Do an internal massage.

Important! Feel the muscle tension under your fingers. If it’s difficult to master the exercise the first time, imagine that you have a piece of lemon in your mouth and you are sucking it, while tightening the corners of your lips

Safety precautions: do not allow wrinkles to form near the corners of the lips on the cheeks - your fingers should prevent this. Also make sure that the cheekbones do not rise; work only with the corners of the lips.

Stage 2. Interoral massage

Starting position: sitting or standing, spine straight. The muscles of the cranial vault are pulled back and upward. The mouth is open and relaxed.

Execution: Gently smooth the lips from the inside with your tongue, paying special attention to the corners of the lips.

Execution option: you can massage not with your tongue, but with cleanly washed fingers. In this case, we place the palm of one hand outside, using it as a support, and thumb With the other hand, carefully smooth and knead the muscles around the mouth from the inside, from the mucous membrane.

Important: under your tongue or fingers you may feel some nodules or bumps. Externally, these are the places where the most noticeable wrinkles will be. Try to “iron” them or knead them from the inside.

Safety precautions: do not strain your lips to prevent wrinkles from forming. Do not pull the skin of your mouth too much or displace it during massage. Work extremely carefully.

Don’t forget also that you need to get rid of the habit of pursing your lips urgently. Make it a rule whenever you are not talking to keep the tip of your tongue on your gums. upper teeth. This will keep your lips in a relaxed position. And, of course, if you have the habit of “biting” or “chewing” your lips, get rid of it as soon as possible! This is a terrible enemy of our beauty.

In youth, when muscles and skin are elastic and elastic, you don’t have to worry about excessive expression of emotions. With age, all processes occurring in cells slow down, including the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The muscles also lose their former strength and elasticity, which is reflected on the face: a symbol of serious age-related changes wrinkles appear around the mouth and drooping of its edges.

The best way to lift the corners of your lips is with fillers. Technique for performing the procedure:

  1. treating the area where the drug is introduced with an antiseptic;
  2. applying an anesthetic;
  3. injection of filler based on hyaluronic acid;
  4. repeated disinfection of the area;

Problems that may arise after reversing the corners of the lips:

  • violation of facial proportionality;
  • destruction of anatomical features;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • even more drooping corners;
  • deformation and inflammation.

Medium viscosity preparations are used to perform the procedure. They fill the desired area quite well and keep their shape.


Surgiderm 24 XP is intended for use after 35 years. The result after use can last up to a year; it does not concentrate, creating sphere-shaped lumps.

There is also “30 XP” - a remedy from the same manufacturer, but it has a much stronger composition than “24 XP”.

Ultra Smile Designed for use exclusively in the mouth area. Contains lidocaine. The duration of action of this filler reaches a year.
Belotero Basic

Contains hyaluronic acid with varying densities.

The principle of action of the drug: the most viscous part forms small implants, and the slightly less dense composition performs the function of tissue regeneration. The external result lasts for about a year.

To minimize the risk of various complications or even poor shrinkage of the injection gel after the procedure, the following rules should be followed:

  • eliminate sudden temperature changes;
  • give up decorative cosmetics for the next 24 hours;
  • Avoid physical exercise for a week.

Correction of drooping corners of the lips can be carried out not only with the help of fillers, but also with some other types of intervention, for example:

  • Lipofilling. This is the introduction of your own fat tissue from some other area of ​​the body. Despite the fact that this substance will not be perceived by the body as something foreign, the procedure will have to be repeated often to improve its appearance, since the fat is absorbed quite quickly.
  • Botox. This is a very dangerous effect, since if the drug is administered incorrectly, the facial muscles can be immobilized, which is why the client at the beauty salon will not be able to smile or even talk as before.
  • Resection of the depressor muscle. A rather complex method that involves excision of the muscle responsible for the drooping of the edges of the mouth and filling the resulting empty area with fatty tissue. The result has no time limits, however, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, it is impossible to correct the effect instantly.
  • Corrective threads. Installing a special thread takes no more than half an hour, and the procedure itself does not require a long recovery period. The result is noticeable almost immediately after the end of the operation: the edges of the area are tightened, the perioral wrinkles are reduced, and the patient’s appearance is instantly transformed.

Home massage:

Read more in our article about using fillers in the corners of the mouth.

Read more in this article

Causes of drooping corners of the lips

Any movement of the corners of the lips expresses a person’s mood: if they are raised, then he is happy, and if they are lowered, he is upset. However, with age, this area of ​​the face spontaneously droops and the appearance becomes gloomy and sad.

To know exactly why this unpleasant phenomenon occurs, you should refer to excerpts from anatomical reference books. There are muscles that “give out” your mood: levators and depressors. The first of them are responsible for the smile, for the joy reflected on the face, while the second just give the appearance a gloomy appearance.

If in youth, when the muscles and skin are elastic and elastic, you don’t have to worry about excessive expression of emotions, then with age all the processes occurring in the cells slow down, including the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The muscles also lose their former strength and elasticity, which is also reflected on the face: wrinkles around the mouth and drooping of its edges become a symbol of serious age-related changes.

Technique for lifting the corners of your lips using fillers

Techniques for carrying out procedures aimed at improving appearance It is not complicated, as it is carried out in 5 stages:

  1. treating the area where the drug is introduced with an antiseptic,
  2. application of anesthetic,
  3. injection of filler based on hyaluronic acid,
  4. repeated disinfection of the area,
  5. applying a soothing gel.

However, despite the apparent ease of performing the intervention, it should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist with a medical education.

Problems that may arise after reversing the corners of the lips

Like any other procedure, the injection of filler to lift the edges of the lips can be fraught with serious consequences that can completely ruin the patient’s appearance. These results of medical errors include:

  • violation of facial proportionality,
  • destruction of anatomical features,
  • facial asymmetry,
  • even more drooping corners,
  • deformation and inflammation.

To avoid such problems, you need to be as careful as possible in choosing a doctor and a clinic where the operation will be performed.

Preparations for the procedure

To perform this procedure, medium-viscosity preparations are used. They fill the desired area quite well and keep their shape.

Among the fillers for raising the corners, the following stand out:


Surgiderm 24 XP is intended for use after 35 years, when the problem of particularly pronounced age-related changes arises. The result after use can delight the beauty salon client for a year and amaze with the fact that the drug does not concentrate, creating sphere-shaped lumps.

There is also “30 XP” - a remedy from the same manufacturer, but it has a much stronger composition than “24 XP”.

  • Resection of the depressor muscle. A rather complex method that involves excision of the muscle responsible for the drooping of the edges of the mouth and filling the resulting empty area with fatty tissue. The result has no time limits, however, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, it is impossible to correct the result instantly.
  • Corrective threads. Installing a special thread takes no more than half an hour, and the procedure itself does not require a long recovery period. The result is noticeable almost immediately after the end of the operation: the edges of the area are tightened and the perioral wrinkles are reduced, therefore, the patient’s appearance is instantly transformed.

Watch this video on how to tighten the corners of your mouth with threads:

Prevention of drooping corners of the mouth and home remedies

You can also raise the corners of your mouth without using surgical methods. The following ways will help you improve your appearance at home:

  • In order to please yourself with your attractiveness for as long as possible, you need to take care of protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation. The radiation produced by the sun negatively affects the condition of the epidermis: it becomes drier, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and, in fact, the aging effect.
  • Taking special care of your back, or more precisely, your posture, will also help. In order to delay the appearance of especially pronounced wrinkles, you need to watch your gait: your shoulders should be straightened and lowered down.
  • Jaw tension can also negatively impact the appearance of the area around the mouth. To neutralize constant pressure, you need to monitor the condition of this zone, or rather, ensure that the muscles are relaxed even during sleep.

Massage, which can also be performed at home, plays a special role in preventing the occurrence of undesirable effects:

  1. tilt your head and make tapping movements in the mouth area for a minute;
  2. Make a sliding movement with your thumbs and middle fingers from your mouth to your ears 10 times;
  3. pronounce the sound “O” and smooth the skin around the mouth towards the middle and middle ears ring finger 6 times.

The use of a preparation based on hyaluronic acid in the mouth area helps to refresh the appearance of the face: lifting the edges of the lips will help create the image of a friendly and joyful person. The duration of the result after using filler depends both on the characteristics of the patient and on the product used by the doctor.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to lift the corners of your lips with massage:
