How to use pepper for hair growth. Pepper tincture for hair - benefits and application

Pepper tincture is especially popular with ladies who experience problems with slow hair growth, as well as hair loss. You can purchase this healing drug at any pharmacy. But why waste money, even if it’s not a lot of money. You can easily prepare pepper tincture at home with your own hands.

As the main component cayenne pepper is used(this is one of the hot chili peppers). Due to the presence of capsaicin ( active substance, an alkaloid) stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, activating the flow of blood and nutrients to the hair follicles. Hair grows faster, becomes stronger and healthier.

Fresh pepper is suitable for making alcohol tincture. For oil - ground. Oily pepper tinctures used for dry and sensitive scalp.

In its pure form, this remedy used with great caution to avoid scalp burns and allergic reactions. Before use, be sure to try the product on a small area skin.

A weekly course of treatment is recommended for dry hair. Bold - two weeks. Most often, red pepper tincture added as one of the ingredients into various hair masks. The basis of such masks are various oils and dairy products. Below we will look at how to prepare pepper tincture for hair growth using various recipes.

Recipe options

Recipe No. 1

This recipe Capsicum tinctures for hair growth, for preparation at home, must contain ingredients:

  • bitter cayenne pepper - 2 pods;
  • vodka or cognac (alcohol dries the skin, so it is better to use cognac) - 200ml;
  • dark glass bottle with stopper;

Cooking process:

  • rinse the pods well;
  • Finely chop the pepper, remove the seeds, they add excessive heat;
  • place pepper pieces in a bottle, fill with vodka (cognac)

  • leave in a dark, cool place for 10-14 days. Avoid exposure to sunlight; light can destroy carotenoids (one form of vitamin A);
  • strain.

Recipe No. 2


  • cayenne pepper - 3 pods;
  • vodka - 300 ml;
  • ginger root - 5 slices. Ginger contains a lot useful substances and helps nourish hair follicles, stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, and eliminate dandruff;
  • opaque glass bottle;

How to make pepper tincture for hair growth with these ingredients? The cooking process is as follows:

  • rinse the pepper;
  • chop the pods;
  • fill the bottle with pieces of pepper and ginger;
  • pour vodka over the components;
  • put in a dark place for 3 weeks. It is recommended to shake the bottle periodically;
  • strain.

Recipe No. 3

This recipe for pepper tincture for hair growth is intended for dry scalp.


  • red pepper - 1 pod;
  • nettle decoction (rich in multivitamins, acids that help strengthen hair) - 150 ml.;
  • castor or burdock oil (nourish the bulbs, prevent hair loss) - 1 tsp;
  • strain;

Pepper preparation process
for hair growth according to this recipe:

  • prepare a nettle decoction. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry herb, leave for 40 minutes, strain;
  • finely chop the pepper;
  • chopped pod, place oil (castor or burdock) in an enamel cup, pour nettle infusion;
  • place the enamel cup with ingredients on water bath for 15 minutes, then remove, cover, leave for 4 hours;
  • strain.

Recipe No. 4

Recipe for dry and sensitive scalp.


  • ground red hot pepper - 2 tbsp;
  • oil (olive, almond, coconut). The oil is used as a nourishing protective base for the scalp. - 200 ml;
  • dark glass bottle;

Pepper tincture for hair growth at home according to this recipe, is made as follows:

  • place pepper and oil in a bottle;
  • Shaking the bottle, mix all the ingredients well;
  • Place the bottle in a dark place for 10 days.

Where to store?

Course of treatment pepper tincture long enough, so store this medicine should be in a cool place, protected from light. A refrigerator is perfect for this purpose. The bottle with tincture must be tightly sealed.


Juice red cayenne pepper negatively affects exposed skin and mucous membranes, causing irritation, especially if there are wounds or cracks on the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to use gloves when working with it. You should also avoid getting pepper juice in your eyes.

Pepper tinctures for hair growth are very effective. The result after using them will not be long in coming: within a week your hair will become noticeably stronger and shine with health.

However, one should not forget to be careful. If you have elevated pain threshold If your skin is prone to irritation and is allergic to anything and everything, then first consult with a specialist - trichologist: can you use pepper tincture for treatment. After all, thoughtless self-medication sometimes may do more harm than good.

An example of a recipe for preparing pepper tincture for hair growth (see video below):

Hello, dear readers!

I made a mask of pepper tincture a year ago, but not regularly, so I didn’t understand the results of its use then. But this time I used it regularly for a month and was very surprised at the resulting hair growth. It amounted to 3 cm per month. I made a mask before each wash, and I washed my hair every three days.

I won’t tell you anything new in my review about this tincture, but perhaps someone will be inspired by the before and after photos.

This is my length a month ago. I cut my hair and started making a pepper mask on the roots of my hair.

This is my length after a month of regular use of pepper on the hair roots:

Before using the mask, you need to wet your hair, otherwise the pepper will not bake or will bake very weakly, almost imperceptibly. In this case, there will be no effect.

Wet the hair, especially the hair roots. Dry it a little with a towel. We take a regular syringe without a needle and fill it with pepper tincture, which you can easily buy at a pharmacy (I personally didn’t have any problems with this).

It costs 14 rubles, one bottle is enough for three masks.

So, put some pepper in a syringe, at first you can dilute it a little with water so that your skin gets used to it, especially if you have a sensitive scalp.

Gently squeeze a drop onto each row and rub a little into the skin.

After this, we put an old hat on our head or wrap our head in a towel and wait for an hour.

It should be nice to bake your head. But don’t burn, God forbid. If you feel an unpleasant strong burning sensation, run to wash it off! Be very careful, especially when rinsing. Pepper should not get into your eyes!

Please note, before first use, do an allergy test on your wrist. My pepper is not very strong, I don’t dilute it with water. But I read that pepper can be hot, in order to tolerate it, of course, you need to dilute it.

Wash off with shampoo, do not make the water very warm, it will burn. It is better to wash off with a little cool.

One more photo of the result. I don’t know exactly how much growth there is, but there is 3 cm, maybe more.

Keep in mind that pepper dries out the roots and skin.

A nice bonus is that pepper masks reduce hair loss.

I had a little hair left on the comb, but after the course of the mask there was very little left, this fact is also pleasing.

That seems to be it, if you have any questions, write in the comments! Good luck!

Capsicum tincture for hair

The benefits of capsicum

Hot peppers are used as a seasoning by chefs all over the world. It gives dishes a special taste due to the content of the alkaloid capsaicin, a substance that has a beneficial effect on the human body.

This type of pepper stands out from other varieties due to its high concentration of ascorbic acid. According to research, it contains twice as much vitamin C as lemons. The exotic fruit is rich in fatty oils, B vitamins, sugars, carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and other useful elements.

You can read more about the benefits of hot peppers for the body in our article.

Usage cosmetics based on hot pepper - effective way improve general condition, accelerate growth and appearance hair. Medicinal properties the fruits of this plant are recognized by folk and traditional medicine Therefore, there are many preparations based on hot pepper, as well as recipes for making masks and creams yourself.

Capsicum tincture for hair - method of use for men

Early baldness is a common problem among men. The cause of alopecia may be the environment, poor lifestyle, vitamin deficiency, stress and chronic fatigue. If you notice excessive hair loss and the formation of bald patches, you need to take immediate action. A tincture of capsicum pepper will help correct the situation, the method of use is quite simple.

To prepare the product, you must use ripe cayenne pepper or chili varieties. For half a liter of alcohol you will need 5-7 pods. The fruits must be cleared of seeds, thoroughly chopped, and filled with alcohol. The bottle of raw materials must be infused in a dark place for 14 days.

This product has the following properties:

  • eliminates increased oiliness of the scalp;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • accelerates hair growth.

The tincture can be used separately, but given its burning properties, it is allowed to combine it with other components. It is combined with egg yolk, yogurt, and various oils. Masks based on pepper are applied to the scalp for 30-40 minutes, after which they are thoroughly washed off with running water and medicated shampoos.

The use of hot capsicum tincture in masks for women

Women, no less often than men, face the problem of hair loss and increased fragility. This phenomenon can be caused by hormonal changes, side effects from taking medical supplies, frequent diets, perms, dreadlocks, tight ponytails, frequent use of hair dryers and curling irons.

When the cause of hair loss is pathological, consultation with a trichologist is mandatory. But if the problem is not too advanced, it is recommended to use hot pepper: a hair tincture, which can be used for all hair types, will help cope with many diseases.

All masks are individually carefully applied to dry scalp, parted at the roots. If your scalp is sensitive, pepper powder should not be used in its pure form. The following recipes are recommended for girls with alopecia:

  • 1 tablespoon of pepper mixed with a small amount of hair balm and 1 teaspoon of burdock oil;
  • In 100 grams of kefir, dilute 2 tablespoons of pepper tincture and 2 chicken yolks;
  • a decoction of St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile is mixed with pepper tincture in a 2:1 ratio;
  • For one mask use 1 tablespoon of honey, burdock oil and pepper.

All masks are individually carefully applied to dry scalp, parted at the roots. The head should be covered with a cellophane cap and left for 30-40 minutes, then thoroughly rinse the scalp and hair with a mild shampoo.

Contraindications for the use of pepper tincture

Trichologists do not recommend using pepper spray for people with delicate scalps, since the tincture causes a strong burning sensation. You should not use capsicum tincture for hair if the patient has been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • heart and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • open wounds on the scalp, psoriasis;
  • increased dryness of the scalp;
  • individual intolerance.

Before using the tincture, you must conduct an allergy test. If itching and redness appear at the site of application of the product, you should stop using the drug. The mask is immediately washed off, the burning area is lubricated with soothing ointments or oils.

Bottom line

Capsicum tincture for hair, the use of which we have described, is an excellent remedy for restoring the dermis of the head. If you follow the rules of use, you can count on the effect after just a month of use.

Hot pepper is used not only to add a spicy note to culinary delights, but also to prepare a tincture that effectively treats hair, relieving it of many problems.

Pepper infusion is very popular as it contains a large amount of useful substances necessary for the full health and attractiveness of hair.

Positive effect of using capsicum tincture:

  • Accelerates blood circulation, which promotes active hair growth;
  • Stops excessive hair loss;
  • Deeply nourishes hair follicles;
  • Treats seborrhea and dandruff;
  • Relieves itching and flaking;
  • Prevents the appearance of early gray hair;
  • Protects hair from negative environmental influences;
  • Restores hair structure;
  • Makes hair strong, strong, bouncy & shiny.

Pepper tincture, with regular use, will improve the health of your hair and give it the desired beauty.

Rules for using pepper tincture

Before using the pepper-based infusion, carefully read the instructions for using the product:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to do a test to identify allergic reactions and side effects.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use the tincture in its pure form. It must be added to masks.
  3. Blondes are not recommended to use pepper tincture, as the product can color light strands.
  4. Those with dry hair and sensitive scalps should not use pepper-based products., because the infusion can cause itching, flaking and dandruff.
  5. Apply the product while wearing rubber or cellophane gloves.
  6. Make sure that the mask does not get into your eyes.
  7. Rub the pepper tincture exclusively into the scalp.
  8. Do not apply the product to the length of the strands, otherwise you will dry out the ends, which will later have to be trimmed.
  9. The effect of the mask is accompanied by a slight burning sensation.
  10. If you feel a sharp headache, – wash off the product immediately.
  11. For 3 days after the procedure, try not to use hair styling products or hard combs..
  12. Apply the masks for 10-15 minutes.
  13. Use products based on pepper tincture once every 7 days for 1 month. Take a break for 60 days, then repeat the procedure.


  • Hypertension;
  • Scalp diseases;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin;
  • Individual intolerance to components;
  • Menstrual cycle.

Only if you follow the rules, pepper tincture will give excellent results!

Beauty recipes based on hot pepper tincture

A tincture based on capsicum can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store, but experts advise preparing the product yourself.

Red pepper tincture for hair

To prepare the tincture, stock up on:

  • 200 ml vodka;
  • 1 large red pepper.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Put on gloves and finely chop 1 pepper.
  2. Place the crushed pepper in a jar, add 200 ml of vodka, mix the ingredients and screw on the lid.
  3. Place the jar in a dark place for 21 days.
  4. After 3 weeks, strain the infusion using gauze.

Remember that in its pure form it is strictly forbidden to rub the mixture into the skin, otherwise you may lose your hair.

Firming mask based on pepper tincture

To prepare a strengthening hair follicles mixture, take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. onion juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pepper tinctures;
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  • 1 egg yolk.

How to prepare a mask at home and how to use it correctly:

  1. Pour onion juice, pepper tincture, liquid honey into a container - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Beat 1 yolk with olive oil - 2 tbsp. l. until creamy.
  3. Combine all ingredients and mix the remedy thoroughly.
  4. Using a sponge or foam rubber, rub the mixture into the skin, and generously soak the length of the strands with oil - 2 tbsp. l., so that the aggressive tincture of hot pepper does not dry out the hair.
  5. Put on a plastic cap or plastic bag. For effectiveness, wrap your head in a scarf or scarf made of natural wool.
  6. Rest for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with shampoo.
  7. To remove the onion aroma, rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs or water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per 1 liter of water).

The remedy is known for its strengthening, nourishing, moisturizing and softening effect. After the procedure, your hair will be pleased with its natural volume.

Hair growth mask based on pepper tincture

To prepare the remedy, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. pepper tincture;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 200 ml of full-fat kefir (preferably homemade).

Cooking recipe:

  1. Warm kefir – 200 ml to room temperature, add infusion of capsicum – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Beat 2 yolks until thick foam forms.
  3. Combine the mask components and mix thoroughly.
  4. Using a sponge, rub the healing mixture into the skin, and cover the length of the strands with olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Wrap your head in a scarf and towel.
  6. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask using baby shampoo.

The mask promotes active hair growth and prevents hair loss. In addition, it makes hair strong, elastic and silky.

Mask against hair loss with pepper tincture and chamomile

To cook effective mask to stop excessive hair loss, stock up on:

  • 1 tbsp. l. capsicum tinctures;
  • 3 tbsp. l. chamomile decoction;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Creation algorithm:

  1. Prepare chamomile infusion. Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. l. dried chamomile flowers, fill with water - 500 ml. Cook the product over low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Let the broth brew for 1 hour. Then strain the mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  3. Mix 3 tbsp. l. chamomile decoction with bitter pepper tincture - 1 tbsp. l.

Instructions for use:

  1. Rub the remedy into the scalp, and soak the length of the strands generously with burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Warm yourself with a scarf and a woolen scarf. Rest for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off the mask using shampoo or tar soap.

The remedy stops hair loss of any intensity. It also has a calming and restorative effect.

Nourishing mask with pepper tincture and yeast

To enrich your skin and hair with vitamins, prepare a healthy mixture using:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pepper tincture;
  • 1 tsp. liquid honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oils;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk (preferably homemade).

Rules for preparing the nutrient:

  1. Pour warm milk into a container - 3 tbsp. l., add yeast - 1 tbsp. l., mix the mixture thoroughly.
  2. Wait half an hour for the yeast to bloom.
  3. After 30 minutes, pour honey into the milk-yeast mixture - 1 tsp. (if sugared, melt in a water bath), pepper tincture - 1 tbsp. l., beat all ingredients until mushy.

Application. Rub the mixture into the scalp, and soak the length generously with burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l. Wrap your head in film and a woolen scarf to create a steam effect. After 15 minutes, rinse off the treatment using baby shampoo.

The mask saturates the skin and hair with beneficial substances, promotes healthy hair growth, and makes strands shiny and soft.

With regular use, masks based on capsicum tincture will help you grow luxurious hair!

Reading time: 12 minutes. Views 4.2k.

Beautiful hair- This is the dream of every woman. But volume, thickness, good length and lack of fragility can only be achieved by using a proven product. One of these is capsicum, which is most often available in the form of a tincture. Let's find out how to use it to get the maximum benefit.

Hot pepper contains huge amount minerals and vitamins, such as E, P, B2, B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and so on. Another component necessary for the beauty and health of hair is capsaicin. It is responsible for the hot and bitter taste of pepper, which has a warming and at the same time anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

What beneficial properties can I offer you some capsicum?

  1. It suppresses bacteria that can lead to gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Improves the immune system.
  3. Promotes elasticity of vessel walls.
  4. Affects cholesterol, reducing it proportionately.
  5. Improves appetite.
  6. Delays the aging process.
  7. Positively affects potency.
  8. Helps fight cancer.
  9. Relieves inflammatory processes.
  10. Promotes rapid burning of extra pounds.

As mentioned above, capsaicin has a warming and at the same time burning effect, which is very well felt on the scalp. Thanks to the heat and burning, the hair follicles are activated. Those that for a long time were in a state of sleep, awaken and begin to grow. Already growing hair is strengthened, and accelerated blood circulation allows beneficial substances to quickly penetrate the hair structure, thereby improving its nutrition from the inside.

Who should use capsicum tincture?

  1. People who suffer from excessive hair loss.
  2. Alopecia areata.
  3. Brittleness and split hair.
  4. Dullness, dryness, lack of volume.
  5. If the hair length stays the same and increases slightly over a long period of time.

Use this with caution effective remedy needed for people who suffer from hypertension blood pressure. Unfortunately, the use of tincture can become an activator of severe headaches and high blood pressure.

Overly sensitive scalp. There is a high chance that you will be able to dry out or burn your skin, causing your skin problems to worsen.

Cuperosis. This is the dilation of small vessels. Unfortunately, in this case, the pepper destroys the dormant bulbs on the scalp.

Which capsicum tincture is best to use?

It’s great if the pepper tincture is combined with other ingredients, for example, sea ​​buckthorn oil, burdock oil and so on. In this case, the hot properties of the pepper will be slightly suppressed, which will prevent you from burning your scalp.

How to use capsicum tincture for hair growth - instructions

Now that you are convinced of the effectiveness of pepper tincture, let’s find out how to use it on the scalp.

Recipes for masks with capsicum

Masks are effective method eliminate problems with hair and scalp. Masks quickly penetrate the hair structure, nourish and restore it well.

Yeast for volume

Yeast mask allows you to achieve good hair volume. It is recommended to use it before an important event or if you want to give your hair a healthy and well-groomed look.

Take two tablespoons of dry yeast. Pour four tablespoons of warm milk over them.

Add one teaspoon of sugar and mix the resulting mixture well. Place the composition in a warm place for 20 minutes. This will start the fermentation process.

Add 2 teaspoons of capsicum tincture to this mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly and distribute over the scalp. There is no need to distribute the mixture over the entire length, otherwise you may dry it out. Apply any hair oil to the lengths closer to the ends.

From pepper tincture with henna

It is known for its coloring properties. It gives the hair a copper or reddish tint, depending on the original base.. If you do not want to give your hair an additional shade, you can use white, colorless henna. It has all the positive properties of regular red henna, but does not leave unnecessary colors on your head.

To prepare a mask with henna you will need 2 tablespoons of powder. They need to be thoroughly mixed with three tablespoons of water to form a solid porridge. Add one tablespoon of capsicum. To ensure that the mask is well distributed over the scalp and does not burn it, be sure to add one teaspoon of your favorite base oil. It can be burdock, almond or castor oil.

Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, cover with plastic and leave for an hour.

Butter with pepper

The oil is mixed with pepper in order to weaken the burning power of the tincture, and at the same time, nourish the hair with useful substances.

In order to achieve the perfect result you will need almond oil, apricot kernel oil, and your favorite essential oil, for example, tea tree, rosemary and so on. Add 2 tablespoons of base oils. Then a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix with one tablespoon of tincture.

The whole mixture should be slightly warmed in a water bath.. After that, distribute it over the scalp and leave it under cellophane for a while.

Butter (with burdock/castor oil) with pepper

The positive properties of burdock and castor oil have long been known. They improve hair structure, promote rapid growth and strength.

By distributing these oils over the roots, you can strengthen the hair follicles. And if you distribute it along the length, you can easily revive it.

Mix two tablespoons of burdock or castor oil with one tablespoon of pepper. Heat the mixture in a water bath and distribute over the roots. Apply pure oil to the length of your hair. Leave for several hours for full interaction.

With mustard

Mustard is well known for its pungent properties. It is also capable of activating and launching hair growth, and also strengthening hair follicles. If the burning sensation that mustard gives you is not enough, we recommend using a tincture of capsicum. How is the mask prepared?

You will need one tablespoon of mustard powder. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Add one yolk. Mix all ingredients. Then add any base oil in the amount of one tablespoon. Stir again. If the mixture seems too hard, you can add a little water.

Once the mixture is mushy, add one teaspoon of tincture. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath. Then, apply to the roots of your hair. Treat the length itself with any oil. Leave under cellophane for several hours.

With honey to enhance hair growth and thickness

Honey contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients that have a positive effect on the beauty, thickness and growth of hair.

Mix one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of warm water. The honey should melt and transform into a liquid mass. Add one teaspoon of pepper tincture there.

The resulting liquid mixture should be distributed over the scalp and left under the film for several hours.

For a mask with egg yolk you will also need pepper tincture. Separate the white from the yolk. Mix the yolk well. Add one teaspoon of pepper tincture to it. A few drops of essential oil. If your hair is voluminous, you can use double the amount of ingredients. IN Distribute it all over the scalp and leave it under the film.

With kefir

Fermented milk products have a wonderful effect on the scalp and hair itself.

Warm kefir to room temperature. Distribute it not only over the scalp, but also along the entire length of the hair. Mix a little kefir with pepper tincture and go through it again, but only through the roots.

Leave under the film for a while. You will be surprised how good your hair will look after such a mask.

With castor oil and kefir

Castor oil together with kefir will strengthen your hair, make it shiny and manageable. Apply pepper tincture to the roots of the head. Rub well into the skin with a cotton pad.

In a separate bowl, mix three tablespoons of kefir and one tablespoon of castor oil. Distribute this mixture over the entire length of your hair and along the roots. Leave under plastic for an hour.

With yeast, milk and honey

Take two tablespoons of dry yeast. Pour in four tablespoons of warm milk. Add one teaspoon of honey. Mix the entire mixture thoroughly until smooth. Pour in one teaspoon of pepper tincture. Distribute over scalp and hair roots.

With egg and beer

Separate the yolk from the white. Mix the yolk well. Pour three tablespoons of beer into it. Add one teaspoon of pepper tincture. Mix the entire mixture and distribute over the scalp.

Uses of capsicum tincture for hair growth

For oily hair

For owners oily hair Pepper tincture can be applied in its pure form to the scalp. As a rule, representatives of such hair have wide pores, the pepper spray will reach its destination immediately. You should rinse your hair with cool water, otherwise there is a risk of getting a burn.

For dry hair

Owners of dry hair cannot afford to use pepper tincture in its pure form. Therefore, it is recommended to mix it with any base oil, for example, almond oil.

The oil moisturizes the scalp well, but does not dry out the hair, thereby aggravating the situation. A a slight burning sensation will cause the bulbs to grow.

For normal hair

To the owners normal hair It is also not recommended to use pepper tincture in its pure form. Add at least a few drops of your favorite essential oil to it. And in this case you will get the perfect result.

Other ways to use peppercorns

Peppercorn can be used together with lemon juice. This combination is ideal for blondes who are afraid of masks that can worsen their hair color. Just a few drops of lemon and pepper can preserve hair color and accelerate growth.

Possible side effects

Unfortunately, excessive use of pepper tincture can negatively affect the health of your hair and scalp. You can easily dry out your skin, thereby causing dandruff, and the hair will lose moisture and many nutrients, as a result of which it will look even more lifeless.

Another side effect- This is the oiliness of the scalp. It occurs as a result of the fact that pepper tincture starts the process of blood circulation in the scalp, which is why sweat and moisture secretions are formed in an accelerated manner. The skin gets used to this mode of operation and becomes oily.

How to make your own pepper tincture at home - recipe

What pepper to use

The best choice is red capsicum, which contains the required amount of capsaicin, which can burn the scalp, thereby affecting hair growth and thickness.

Use cayenne peppers with caution, which contain very high amounts of capsaicin.

Recipes for homemade pepper tinctures

With cognac

You will need:

  • 2 red or cayenne peppers;
  • cognac in the amount of 200 ml;
  • dark glass bottle.

Wash the pepper and chop it finely, removing the seeds in advance. Place the pepper in a bottle, then fill it with cognac. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. It is important that the bottle is not exposed to sunlight. Strain before use.

With vodka and alcohol

You will need:

  • cayenne pepper 3 pcs;
  • vodka in the amount of 200 ml;
  • one ginger root;
  • 100 ml alcohol.

Wash the pepper and chop well. Do the same with ginger. Place at the bottom of the bottle. Fill everything with vodka and alcohol. Place in a dark place for one month. Shake the bottle periodically.

Hot tincture for growth

You will need five cayenne pepper pods. Chop them finely. Add 2 tablespoons of mustard powder. Fill with alcohol in an amount of 300 ml. Leave in a dark place for 3 weeks.

With burdock oil

Grind two cayenne peppers. Add one tablespoon of burdock oil. Mix everything well. Pour in 200 ml of alcohol. Leave in a dark place for several weeks.

Alcohol-free recipe

You will need:

  • 1 pod of red pepper;
  • 150 ml of nettle decoction;
  • 1 teaspoon of burdock oil.

Mix all ingredients, put on fire and bring to a boil. Take it off. After cooling, strain and leave for 4 hours. After this, you can apply it to the scalp.

Efficiency of pepper spray

The effectiveness of a 10-day course of using pepper tincture

After just 10 days of use, you will notice that hair loss has decreased significantly. Now, with normal combing, only one or two hairs remain on the comb. My hair began to break less, and my hair began to gain incredible volume. All this is thanks to the pepper tincture

And after a month of use, you will see how small antennas appear on your head, which indicate that the dormant bulbs have awakened

Review of tinctures from the pharmacy - which one to choose?

  1. Capsicum tincture 25ml. Begriff, Russia.
  2. Capsicum tincture. 25ml. Tver pharmaceutical factory, Russia.
  3. Capsicum tincture. 25 ml. Tula pharmaceutical factory, Russia.

All of the above tinctures from these companies have a positive effect on the scalp when applied.

Will you buy capsicum for hair growth?

