Update your wardrobe. Ideas to help you update your wardrobe without breaking the bank

Today I propose to talk about how to update your wardrobe so that it is thoughtful and functional. What is it inspired by? Personal experience. Has it ever happened to you that in a store something seemed to fit well, but at home, after trying it on, it turned out that it didn’t fit so well? Or, after wearing a thing once or twice, you realized that, in general, you were not on the right track?

It is important to update your wardrobe not only with basic things (+ decide what the “base” in your wardrobe is for you)

Write down styles/colors/prints that don't suit you

Surely, you already know from experience that some things don’t suit you. Knowledge comes from understanding the characteristics of the figure, color type, lifestyle, and sometimes simply intuitively: the thing is good, but you feel stupid or uncomfortable in it. Don’t be lazy and write down on a piece of paper those options for clothing, jewelry, and shoes that don’t suit you. As clear as possible. The larger the blacklist, the better: it is impossible for everyone to benefit from everything. Don't be alarmed if it contains a lot of items. In my experience, a big blacklist is a sign that you've taken a good look at your appearance and body shape and are truly ready to create a wardrobe that reflects you.

How to organize your clothes closet? Read

For example, I have for a long time I had a passion for the beige color: I really liked it, and I wondered why in all the cool beige things I looked pale - like after an illness :). I tried different models, different shades, until, after 5 years, I came to the conclusion that beige simply does not suit my color type.

By the way, on your personal black list there may be things that suit many people - don’t let this bother you, your task is to rid yourself as much as possible of things that don’t suit you specifically.

Carry a piece of paper with the black list with you and look through it during the next attack of shopaholism.

Shoes are the basis of a well-thought-out wardrobe

We decided to update our wardrobe and allocated a certain amount for this task... At the next stage, many women think like this: I’ll buy more clothes, and what’s left will be used for shoes. But, as a rule, a good pair of shoes costs more than jeans or a cardigan. And by the way, an expensive, high-quality pair will pull off even an inexpensive look. Don't underestimate shoes!

Look for your stores

It is unlikely that you will like all the clothes in every store. Look for your stores, your brands. Sometimes, in order to create a diverse, rather than monotonous, wardrobe, it is worth looking into new places, but usually 3-5 favorite stores are enough to create a sufficient number of practical and stylish looks.

Don't get carried away with sales

Sales to update your wardrobe are not a bad thing, especially if you need to buy inexpensive basic items. And sometimes sales are a big help. But only until the moment they become an end in themselves: they say, you really need to buy something, since there are such discounts! If you catch yourself thinking this way, run so as not to buy unnecessary things!

Functional wardrobe: no - identical styles

Once upon a time you realized that a certain style or color suits you, and now you only buy things that fit into these narrow frames. The beaten path sometimes helps a lot, but over time the wardrobe becomes boring and you yourself will be bored in it too. Having mastered one suitable style, do not stop - look for other styles, models, combinations that go perfectly. So, bit by bit, you will build a wardrobe that will delight you.. When you have enough suitable styles, you can stop for a while and stop experimenting, enjoying the wealth you have collected.

Is wearing 33 things for 3 months a reality for you? Read about Project 333

Build a wardrobe of things that make you look great, not just “okay.”

When updating your wardrobe, search and search until it clicks in your head: this is great! Then take it and be happy) It will, of course, take more time, but the purchase will make you happy. Well, you can wear something that makes you look great for a long time, but you will want to change something that is just “normal” very soon.

Don't add fashionable items to your wardrobe just because they're trendy.

On the one hand, trendy things are an opportunity to try something new for yourself. But if you don’t like yourself in a fashionable thing, then don’t buy it. If some trendy item is on your personal white list, great; if not, don’t force it there.

How do you update your wardrobe? Do you have your own tricks and secrets that allowed you to create a practical and thoughtful wardrobe?

In fact, “the impossible is possible” and updating your wardrobe without money, or having little money, or even becoming a stylish fashionista with an average salary is very possible. But you must understand that if you are in trouble with one resource (money), then you must sacrifice your other resources - time and labor. Now let's look at everything possible options updating your wardrobe.

What to do if you have no money at all, but really want to dress beautifully.

The first thing you should do in this case is to thoroughly shake up your wardrobe. Everyone knows the situation when the closet is full and there is nothing to wear.

Firstly, you need to get rid of substandard items without regret (worn, with holes, terribly old-fashioned, etc.) - this operation will free up the closet, because it is known, according to Feng Shui, if you free up space from something unnecessary, then the this place will definitely bring you something you need. In addition, you can dig up those things that you completely forgot about, perhaps they will be completely new.

Secondly, clean and wash the remaining items. It often happens that girls don’t wear their favorite blouse because of an ingrained stain, or their favorite trousers are covered in cat fur. You will have to work hard to wash and clean all your clothes.

Thirdly, all you need is to put together ready-made sets from the remaining clothes - trousers with blouses, skirts with blouses, etc. and complement everything with existing shoes and accessories. If you have problems at this point, then you should take a look, watch, get inspired and develop your style and taste.

It happens that there is neither money nor a full closet(((unfortunately, our Russian reality is such that there are families in which there really is nothing to wear and no money for clothes, especially in rural areas.

In this case, you need to strain your other resources: relatives, friends, familiar relatives and friends (especially from large urban centers). It’s a common thing when girls get rid of almost new, but boring things, your task is to get these things. Don’t be shy about asking for this, because people will be happy to help others in difficult financial situations, and it will be much more pleasant to think that your things were useful to someone, rather than lying in the trash.

What to do if you have very little money to update your wardrobe.

Let's say you can allocate from 500 to 2000 rubles monthly to update your clothes. There are several options for spending a little to get more.

Firstly, it’s good if you know how to sew and you have everything you need for this: the main thing is a sewing machine, magazines with patterns, threads and other accessories. By spending not a lot of money on material, you can get something that looks much more expensive. For example, for 1000 rubles you can buy a low-quality blouse on the Vietnamese market, or you can buy 2 meters of fine wool material, from which you can sew a skirt suit that will look much more expensive. If you don’t have all this - neither a sewing machine, nor skills, then it’s never too late to do it.

Another way to update your wardrobe with your own hands is to repurpose your old items.

You can do anything: shorten a boring coat and make the sleeves half leather, an old denim jacket turn it into a vest and attach spikes to the shoulders, make holes in boring jeans, you can also sew, glue and weave accessories from leather and store-bought beads, studs and rhinestones, etc. - . Such a modification will cost quite cheap.

You can easily find ideas for your new clothes online or by looking at fashion magazines.

Secondly, find stores in your city with cheap goods, besides, there are now a great variety of them, these are: all kinds of stocks, second-hand stores, thrift stores, social stores, etc. By carefully studying the assortment, as well as visiting them as often as possible, you can catch really beautiful and fashionable things in them.

And of course, you can combine the two above methods: find high-quality and cheap things and remake and customize them to your taste, making them unique and even more beautiful.

Now let’s say you earn from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, but you still have a family and natural expenses, in total you can allocate from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles monthly for your loved one (or loved one).

In addition to the above methods, you can already feel more relaxed by ordering clothes from online stores, or dressing in inexpensive branded youth stores such as OGGI, Mango, Naf Naf and others. On average, the cost of the assortment in such stores ranges from approximately 700 to 2000 rubles per item, depending on whether it is a blouse or a full-fledged dress. As for the quality of materials, the composition of clothing in such stores is approximately as follows: 30% natural material (cotton, linen, wool), 70% polyester. In addition, the same knitwear looks very thin (to be honest, sometimes it looks like a rag for washing floors), although it is difficult to compare these same products in a country where they are produced of much better quality. You might think that when foreigners sew for export, they think: “Oh well, it will suit them anyway))).”

What to do in this case? After all, you really want to spend your money on a good thing, but the quality leaves much to be desired. So we get it: after taking the jumper a couple of times, we no longer want to put it on, since it’s all in pellets, and we bought it for 1,500 rubles. It turns out to be a little expensive and the closet is full, but there is nothing to wear.

I’m sharing a secret: how I do it. I order things directly from abroad, specifically from Spain, and all this while sitting at home at the computer. All the same Mango, Zara and Bershka and much more, but almost 2 times lower, even with the cost of shipping to Russia. The quality of things is significantly different from what is sold here, and not the entire range is presented in our stores. And they also have real sales over the hill - not the same as ours - on the store they write in large letters “70% discount sale” - you go in, and the discounts on the most substandard goods are not 70%, but 20% at best.

Large sales occur after Christmas and in October, at this moment it is important not to click your beak and quickly take your size before it is stolen from under your nose. For example, at the last autumn sale, I grabbed a super-cute denim sundress with a knitted lace back at Bershka for only 8 euros (320 rubles), I can’t even imagine how much it would cost here - they’re not even sold and fashionable bag- a shopper for 12 euros (490 rubles), which I wear everywhere I can. Even without sales, prices are much lower. For example, these Snickers

Ours costs 3,200 rubles, and if you order in Spain - 1,800 rubles. I always order through one trusted person - this girl is very pleasant, polite in communication, and always fulfills orders quickly and efficiently. Here is her website - http://fashionofspain.livejournal.com/, through which you can order, as well as read the latest news on Spanish sales.

In the meantime, everyone who still has ideas for updating their wardrobe - don’t skimp on sharing, together we’ll make the world a more beautiful place!

New fashion :

A new wardrobe is good. Every girl is used to making new clothes at least once a season, even if her wallet is sorely short of money for food. If finances sing romances, but at the same time you want to look attractive and wear fashionable clothes, you can try to cope with updating your wardrobe on your own. This means: do not spend money on new expensive things, but try to revive old ones or find new places to shop. Taking advantage simple tips, you can become stylish without spending money.

Five steps to success and a fresh look

In the desire to be beautiful girl go to any tricks. But everything ingenious is simple, and new wardrobe It starts with a fashionista revising her old one.

Anti-crisis ways to transform yourself are as follows:

  • throw away the old;
  • sell, give away, exchange unnecessary things;
  • change parts;
  • get creative.

The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments. Any action is better than inaction.

Throw away the trash

The first thing you need to do before you start updating your wardrobe is to sort out what you already have. It is necessary to audit your closet and throw everything away:

  • old, torn, with defects;
  • unnecessary;
  • what is small, large, fattening - in a word, fits poorly.

The remaining items are divided into two categories.

The first category includes those that look good on the figure and are planned to be worn this season. They occupy a solid place on the shelves.

You can sort clothes by color and style to easily find an outfit for all suitable occasions - a walk, a banquet, work.

It’s a good idea to create your own “lookbook” - that is, a selection of looks (on the computer or in a separate album), which will contain photographs of looks in different clothes. This will make it easier to choose from a wide variety of things and combine them. Situations when “there is nothing to wear” will no longer arise, all that remains is to open, view, choose!

Change details

Some things have been hanging in the closet for a long time, you have to wear them less and less, but the opportunity never presents itself. It happens that there is something wrong with the clothes. What should I do? You just need to change the parts!

On an old coat, you just need to change the buttons, change the strap, and it will sparkle with new colors.

Make fashionable cuts or frays on worn jeans.

Trim the sleeves of the shirt and attach additional elements (stripes, lace, brooches).

Shorten your pants, turning them into shorts.

Lots of options! And all the manipulations will not take even five minutes.

Particular attention should be paid to accessories and do not be afraid to experiment. By trying on even “incompatible” items of clothing, you can be pleasantly surprised and create a new look.

Change things

Sometimes you can try to update a thing. To be stylish, you have to become a seamstress and a designer rolled into one.

After looking through fashion magazines, it is worth noting for yourself the images and wardrobe elements you like, and then trying to translate them into reality, having an old wardrobe at hand.

For example, if you have an old denim or leather jacket in your arsenal, you can turn it into a stylish sleeveless vest. To do this, eliminate the sleeves and increase the armholes, sew on additional elements (rhinestones or stripes). The same can be done with a Bolognese jacket - adjust the armhole line and lightly sew in the side seams on the shoulders.

A stylish wardrobe item is ready!

You can create a sundress from a T-shirt and a piece of fabric. And working in the opposite direction, you can turn an evening dress into a fashionable top - simply by cutting top part and hemming the edges, or skirt. The latter can subsequently be worn with a sporty or formal top. And altering the product will not take much time.

An old floor-length dress can be sewn into a stylish mini. Or turn a long skirt into a light one summer sundress. Or change a man's shirt into a walking tunic.

Sometimes, with simple manipulations, an old grandmother's dress with long sleeves can turn into a charming object. By eliminating unnecessary ruffles and sleeves and altering the item to suit itself, a novice seamstress can easily acquire a new and stylish dress.

fashionable from unfashionable

There are a lot of ideas for remaking things. The main thing is to turn on your imagination, understand the end result and not be afraid to act.

Dress crossing

An interesting way to get a new item in your wardrobe without spending money is to take it from someone else. The simplest thing is to exchange a friend. One doesn't wear one thing and the other doesn't wear another, so why not swap clothes?

There are entire “dress crossing” communities where strangers exchange things. There are services on the Internet, paid and free. You can consider all the options, find a suitable set of clothes and at the same time get rid of yours. It's convenient and fun!

You can also profitably sell an old item on the Internet (for example, a ball gown that doesn’t fit in size or outerwear), and use the proceeds to shop in a store.

Trying is not torture! Just post an ad on popular boards: Avito, From Hand to Hand, etc.

Shopping at stocks

Keeping up with fashion, but at the same time shopping at stocks - is this possible? Yes, if you have a clear idea of ​​what you need from shopping. Modern second-hand stores today offer good clothes at ridiculous prices. And at nondescript flea markets you can find exclusive things that no one else has. Therefore, you can go through the “secret” stores and look for something for yourself.

Even if the clothes found are not in perfect condition, there is a way to transform them - for example, sew on additional elements, make fashionable patches, etc.

Blindly following fashion is stupid, but following currents and trends is the right thing to do. If you follow and change according to trends, you can always look fresh and stylish.

Don't despair if you don't have money for new things. You just need to think, imagine and go a little deeper into creativity. Praise from others and admiring glances will not keep you waiting.


At little or no cost, you can change your wardrobe to a more fashionable one. This is easy to do by simply changing parts on existing items, working with old things, or exchanging clothes with friends.

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Most women love to go shopping and update their wardrobe. But sometimes you have to restrain yourself, arguing that there are already a lot of clothes. If your closet is filled to overflowing with clothes and it still doesn't make you feel happy, perhaps you need to radically reconsider your approach to your style.

Today website shares several points that can be a good reason to go shopping. If you recognize yourself in at least one of them, don’t put it off and please yourself with new clothes as soon as possible.

You're stuck in one look and never experimented

If you still can't part with the haircut and clothes you were used to back in college/before marriage/in a previous life, perhaps it's time for a new look. Look at photographs of stars or a fashion magazine, choose what you like, and boldly embrace change. Remember that we live once and that very day is today.

You get confused when almost identical things have different names

You come to the store for something specific, such as low-top casual shoes. And my head begins to spin from the abundance of names. In order not to get confused on the spot, it is useful to think in advance about what exactly you want from shoes. For example, do you need a heel and how flexible should the sole be? Today there is a wide range of shoes available, and everyone can find something of their own.

For example, boat shoes were originally shoes for yachting; in the classic version, they have a white sole (so as not to dirty the yacht) and circular lacing. Moccasins came to us from the Indians; they are distinguished by a flexible sole. Loafers are similar to moccasins, but they have a stiffer sole and a small heel.

You don't like to be photographed full-length

Certainly, fashion trends have a tendency to come back, but with some things it’s just stupid to wait for this. Make it a rule to get rid of old things (your own and inherited ones) and declutter at least once every six months.

When you put your winter clothes in the closet, at the same time look to see if there is anything superfluous there. Ruthlessly get rid of things that are out of order and no longer fit you. But the most main advice from Japanese tidying consultant Marie Kondo: throw away everything that doesn't bring you joy.

This will free up space and get rid of the idea that you already have too much stuff, which often prevents women from going shopping. But remember that you need to be especially careful when choosing new items of clothing so as not to buy unnecessary items again. Minimalism is in fashion today, and it helps free up space for living.

Have you ever thought that choosing a style is a whole science?

There are different approaches to choosing a wardrobe. Some people believe that anyone can wear absolutely anything if it suits them. Others take the issue more seriously and determine the color type and even the psychotype of a person to help him create an image. Therefore, for a professional stylist fashion is important and so is you.. Your figure, age, occupation, haircut and even voice.

It is in accordance with this that he will offer you clothes. However, when you do without the help of a stylist, you can follow the same principles. Evaluate yourself objectively: you don’t need to buy a miniskirt if you are over 30 and have two children. Buy yourself a great trench coat and mid-heeled shoes.

Clothes no longer suit your status

One of the most common problems when contacting a stylist is related to a change in social role. For example, a woman worked and studied all her life, and in the evenings she went out to have fun. Then she became a mother, but her wardrobe remained the same. In such a situation, the stylist helps to choose the right image, based on the where and how do you spend the most time.

Yes, for office worker the basic wardrobe will consist of office clothes, and for a young mother it will be clothes in a casual style, which are convenient for walking with the children.

You find it difficult to combine different items from your wardrobe

The problem with “nothing to wear” most often lies in the random purchase of things that do not have a single style. Later it will be difficult to combine them with each other. If this sounds like you, then you should decide on a style and buy wardrobe items, thinking through the whole look in advance.

Also, do not forget that fashion today gives you much more freedom. You can mix different prints and textures, so experiment. Polka dots with checks, flowers with stripes, vertical and horizontal prints together - nothing limits you.

Do you always think that stylish clothes are not for your age?

The style of Victoria Beckham, who has her own clothing brand, is admired all over the world today. It’s hard to remember what she looked like at the beginning of her singing career as a member of the Spice Girls.

Victoria Beckham: “It’s necessary, what uncomfortable things I used to wear. I thought it was sexy. Now I'm 44, the idea of ​​sexuality has dissolved. I feel more confident because I am a mature, fulfilled person. I don't want to show everything off in a tight dress anymore. Perhaps the way I dressed only emphasized how inwardly insecure I was.”

Each season dictates more and more new trends and, of course, we always want to look stylish, fashionable and beautiful. However, you may not always have enough money to update your wardrobe. Find out how to update your wardrobe at minimal cost!

The women's magazine Women's Tricks confidently declares that even in a crisis you can and should look stylish, beautiful and attractive!

How to dress stylishly if you have no money?

First of all, you need to sort out your wardrobe. And it’s not just changing winter things to spring-summer ones, but dividing all things into three conditional categories:

  1. Those that are out of fashion, but can be worn.
  2. The ones you'll definitely wear this season.
  3. Those that are impossible to wear due to appearance(holes, stains, snags, etc.)

Tip #1. Rework

It is not necessary to have the skills of a professional seamstress, because even a young schoolgirl can sew on a lace ribbon, sew up buttons or carefully make cuts! The main thing is to show a little imagination, besides, there are now many master classes on remaking various things.

For example, old jeans can become super fashionable thanks to ripped details or lace inserts, and an ordinary T-shirt can be turned into a super designer original item!

Tip #2. DIY things

Yes, you heard right! For those who don't know how to sew, there are many ways to sew clothes without patterns.

For 500 rubles you will buy a blouse of dubious quality, or you can buy a meter of good fabric and sew yourself a blouse, dress, skirt or cape!

Tip #3. Parts and accessories

Beautiful stylish accessories can instantly transform and update your look. Most importantly, they will never go out of style and will serve as your magic pieces to create a fashionable, elegant look!

Designer brooches, handbags, clutches, straps, voluminous pendants, bracelets, headbands, earrings, scarves and more.

By the way, you can also make accessories yourself.

Tip #4. We sell old ones.

Those things that are in good condition, but you don’t wear them (or have never worn them) can be sold on special boards on the Internet or social networks.

This will also free up space in your wardrobe and replenish your piggy bank for purchasing new things!

Tip #5. Stocks and sales.

Stocks are special stores where things are sold at incredibly low prices and you have the opportunity to become the owner of a new wardrobe for literally pennies!

Tip #6. Exchange things with friends.

Every girl has several of these things that she bought in case she loses weight or goes to the sea and will definitely “walk” this dress or hat there. Arrange a meeting with your friends and agree to take things that they do not wear for mutual exchange. At the same time, this is a great reason for great gatherings!

Tip #7. New appearance.

Maybe it’s not the wardrobe at all, but the fact that you haven’t changed your look for a long time? Try changing your haircut, hair color, a new shade of lipstick, or experiment with makeup! Believe me, even the most boring set with new makeup and hairstyle will sparkle with the most fashionable bright colors!
