Larisa Kopenkina - biography, information, personal life. Kopenkina is horrified by the relationship between a pregnant Kalashnikova and her son Dreams of having a child together

Rumor has it that Anna is expecting a child from Larisa’s son Yuri Bezzubov. Such rumors began after a joint candid photo shoot of young people. In the photographs, Kalashnikova is sitting on a guy.


Having learned about the incriminating evidence on her son and the model, Kopenkina was shocked. At one time, she divorced Prokhor Chaliapin, after which the singer began an affair with Kalashnikova. The artist broke up with the model with a scandal when he found out that her first child was not his. And now Anna is pregnant again, and Kopenkina’s son is now called the alleged father. There's no way to figure this out without a stack.

Arriving at the studio and seeing Kalashnikova, Chaliapin’s ex-wife could not resist barbs. “If I had a size three, like Anya, and not a size five, my life would also improve,” Larisa appreciated her rival’s new, artificial breasts.

The businesswoman speaks with indignation about the affair between Kalashnikova and her son. “I’m really in shock. I haven’t been in Moscow for three weeks... Anh, I don’t know whether you’re pinning all the children on my family, or whether you’re not indifferent to me... I’m just confused! Prokhor is the father, now it turns out that it’s my son... Thanks to you, I haven’t been able to find my child for three days!” - worries the worried mother.

Larisa prays to heaven that the gossip will not be confirmed. “I hope it’s nonsense when they write that the child is not my son’s. I’m even ready to donate DNA myself!” – Kopenkina was dumbfounded. Andrei Malakhov suggested to this that Kalashnikova seduced Kopenkina’s son out of revenge. The businesswoman continued to reproach the model. “Your out-of-wedlock conceptions all happen during drinking parties. So I went to Prokhor’s for his birthday, and you accidentally conceived a child there,” Larisa is indignant.

The results of an ultrasound done in Malakhov’s studio showed that Anna was pregnant. The model showed black and white photographs to viewers. “We’ve been here for more than ten weeks, I won’t say the exact period. So handsome, pretty,” Kalashnikova said lovingly, without revealing the secret of who the father of her baby is.

But this is definitely not Kopenkina’s son. When asked whether Yuri Bezzubov is the father of Anna’s unborn child, the girl answered negatively. “We really communicate, I treat him well, but Yura has nothing to do with the changes in my personal life. I’m glad that I met the man I love who accepted me and my son Danila,” Kalashnikova dotted all i’s.

Chaliapin, by the way, allowed himself a few jabs at his ex. From the first minutes, he declared that he was not the father of Anna’s unborn child; moreover, he believed that the girl was not pregnant. “It seems to me that in a couple of months she will say that she lost her child due to stress,” Prokhor admitted. “Anya is a wonderful actress.”

Larisa Kopenkina. Born on September 13, 1955 in Moscow. Russian media personality, businesswoman, TV presenter. Ex-wife of Prokhor Chaliapin.

For a long time It was believed that she was born in 1962, but at the end of 2015.

Larisa does not like to talk about the years of her childhood and youth. What kind of education she received is also not known.

By the time Kopenkina became a widely recognizable person and burst into the domestic media space, she was already an accomplished businesswoman, engaged in the sale of real estate.

According to some sources, she has her own real estate agency, which she opened in the early 2000s. He makes money by selling luxury real estate.

According to other information, Kopenkina worked in a real estate company owned by another owner, and data about her multi-million dollar fortune are significantly exaggerated. Her colleague Svetlana Klimova told the media that Larisa worked for 15 years at a real estate agency on Petrovka, becoming the head of the luxury real estate department.

In particular, he talked about this after their divorce, thanks to the connection with which Larisa became widely known. Chaliapin said: “Larissa never had millions... I signed a contract with the owner of the real estate company where Larisa works. We were supposed to advertise some real estate properties and construction complexes together... The contract amount was about a million euros. The tasks were simple “Mention in the press as often as possible the construction complex that is supervised by the company where Larisa works.”

The fact that Larisa was not a millionaire is also evidenced by the biography of her son, who by no means led the life of a major, and in his youth was even forced to work in far from prestigious jobs.

At the same time, Kopenkina certainly showed herself to be an energetic and enterprising woman. She herself said that her life and career were full of ups and downs, but she never lost heart and therefore was able to achieve good success, becoming a successful realtor.

Having gained fame through her marriage to Prokhor Chaliapin, she made good money from clients whom her young husband introduced her to. It was after the wedding with Chaliapin that Larisa entered into million-dollar contracts with her clients for expensive objects in Russia and abroad.

She is a regular participant in talk shows on central channels, maintains interest in her person, and skillfully promotes herself in various scandals.

She positions herself as a woman beyond age, with broad views on life, without complexes and prejudices. “On the screen I look like a crazy pensioner with a crazy head, constantly looking for adventure. But in life I am completely different - cheerful, not creating absolutely any problems,” she told herself.

She has repeatedly resorted to plastic surgery, which she does not hide - she even published pictures from the clinic plastic surgery. resorted to in different ways rejuvenation - rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facial skin tightening, changing the shape of the eyelids and eye shape. In 2014, when Larisa made herself another plastic surgery(on rejuvenating the eye area), next to her was a TV presenter who broadcast the process of Kopenkina’s rejuvenation and rehabilitation for the audience.

In 2016, Kopenkina announced that together with her friend, TV presenter Milena Daenga, she. The establishment, according to the announcement, should be completely focused on recreation for women.

At the beginning of November 2017, she made her debut as a singer - she recorded a duet with Prokhor Chaliapin. As Prokhor noted, Larisa has a future in the music industry. The duo performed the song “We Are Not Like That” on the reality show “House 2”.

Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina - We are not like that

Larisa Kopenkina's height: 167 centimeters.

Personal life of Larisa Kopenkina:

The first husband is Boris Bezzubov, a builder by profession. He was 7 years older than her. They got married in 1982.

The marriage produced two children: daughter Anastasia and son Yuri.

Boris Bezzubov had his own business in the construction industry - his company Galva-Energoremont specialized in the construction of substations and electrical installation work.

At the time of the divorce, their son Yuri was 14 years old. Boris left Larisa an apartment. He himself later built a house outside the city and left Moscow. Son Yuri recalled: “Apparently, the parents had accumulated disagreements. Although they never fought in front of me.”

The eldest daughter Anastasia died tragically in 1997.

As Kopenkina said, Nastya was a problem child - she dropped out of school at 16 and left home, falling in love with a guy who was older than her. Larisa admitted that she did everything to destroy her daughter’s relationship, but Nastya married her lover.

Nastya’s family life did not work out and she was going to leave her husband, who, moreover, did not work anywhere. She went to study herself. However, tragedy struck.

Kopenkina said: “They had a fight. Nastya went to him for things. Her husband did not let her go. The daughter was sitting on the windowsill, smoking. The guy, in the heat of the moment, apparently by accident, waved his hand and pushed her... An accident... She fell out of the window . Eighth floor..."

According to Kopenkina, she doesn’t even know whether a criminal case has been opened. Officially, Anastasia’s death is recognized as an accident.

Son Yuri Bezzubov lived with his father for five years after his parents’ divorce. Larisa said: “Boris Bezzubov, my ex-husband and Yura’s father, after the divorce, took the boy to him. How? As it often happens now - brazenly, meanly. He picked me up from school and took me out of Moscow. For five years I tried to get my son back. And I found him. But when we met, Yura opened my eyes: “I don’t care whether you and dad love each other or not! You remain my mom and dad under any circumstances!” That's it. And what was more important - my selfish love for my son or hatred for my husband? Children are smarter than us."

Yuri, according to Kopenkina, received two higher education: graduated from the Russian State Social University (commercial department), receiving two specialties - “finance and credit” and “state municipal management”.

Yuri Bezzubov himself said: “At the age of 16, I already started working. First, at a construction site. I was engaged in assembling houses using Canadian technology. Then I changed 18 jobs in different fields. I even worked as a stripper in the Red Riding Hood club. My mother constantly said that I should earn money yourself."

On December 3, 2013, Kopenkina married 30-year-old (at that time) singer Prokhor Chaliapin. This marriage became one of the main scandals of 2013.

They met in the winter of 2012 in Jamaica. Then they began to appear regularly in public, allegedly demonstrating great love. And then they played a wedding, to which 200 people were invited, including a number of stars, etc. The TV presenter made a special episode of the “Let Them Talk” program dedicated to this wedding.

However family life didn't last long. In December 2014, Prokhor Chaliapin officially announced on the talk show “Let Them Talk” that he was dating model Anna Kalashnikova and that the marriage with Kopenkina was concluded under a contract. At the same time, he noted that the wedding with Larisa is the biggest mistake in his life, based on a lie, which he sincerely regrets. From his ex-wife, Chaliapin demanded a public confession that he had never lived at her expense.

In turn, Kopenkina denied that this marriage was concluded under a contract: “I didn’t need this marriage at all. We would live and live. We got married two years ago, and the construction project that he talks about, for which we allegedly got married, was laid only a year ago! As for the contract that Prokhor is talking about, I would not have signed any papers in my right mind and good memory. I swear, at the time we met the singer Prokhor Chaliapin, I didn’t even know why I had to sign it with him. an advertising contract? If I needed something like that, I would have found another person... Although I’ll be honest, during this time Prokhor became dear to me.”

For some time the couple exchanged mutual accusations, but then Larisa and Prokhor improved their relationship and even began to confess their feelings to each other.

Chaliapin and Kopenkina: loved or tolerated? In fact

Soon after breaking up with Chaliapin, Larisa found herself another young boyfriend - a certain 25-year-old Yuri Sharapov. There were rumors that Kopenkina was ready to walk down the aisle again, but in January 2016 she announced that she had broken up with the young man. “He threatened me: he wrote that he would kill me! That he would get married at any cost! He sent 30 SMS, waited at the office, persuaded me to come to him in the Caucasus and even called my son to find me. I think this is not entirely adequate behavior. Our communication in the form it was before, it stopped. I liked the ease and ease that we had: they didn’t blow my mind, but they looked after me and gave me compliments. And at some point he just confused something. “I thought we were friends. But, apparently, Yura began to think differently,” she said.

In 2018, it became known about Larisa’s relationship with entrepreneur Oleg Semenov, who is 15 years younger than her. The couple publicly announced their intention to get married. Before this, Semenov was married to ex-participant of “Dom-2” Daria Lymar, who was 13 years younger than him. But he gave preference to Larisa. As Oleg said, Kopenkina captivated him with her positivity and radiant energy.

They met in Astrakhan, where Kopenkina came to present a housing complex. Semenov recalled: “Larissa was sitting in the front row and constantly interrupted the presenter. I tried to stop her, and we argued. I liked this woman for her playful disposition. We exchanged phone numbers and maintained friendly communication.” Then they went on vacation to Jordan. “My wife, having learned that Lara Kopenkina was my companion, started a huge scandal, which continued from month to month. At one point I realized that this could not continue. Lara did not support me in this. But I came to the conclusion that it was necessary get a divorce,” Semenov said.

When Larisa Kopenkina first appeared on a Russian talk show several years ago, many could not understand why an older woman would attract so much negativity by demonstrating an affair with Prokhor Chaliapin. The singer was 30 years younger than his chosen one, so their union was perceived by many as PR from the very beginning.

Over the course of several years, many events happened, but Lara Kopenkina never disappeared from television screens. Now Chaliapin’s ex-wife appears on various talk shows as a guest or expert.

The other day, Dmitry Shepelev’s program went on air, where Larisa Kopenkina had to meet with her former son-in-law. Behind the woman’s constant smile and cheerfulness lies a very great personal tragedy. About 20 years ago, Larisa’s daughter fell out of a window. The girl died on the spot from her injuries. The investigation determined that it was an accident. However, Larisa still suspects that her former son-in-law is to blame for the death of her daughter.

The man had to take a lie detector test, which confirmed his innocence.

After Dmitry Shepelev’s program, Internet users expressed many reproaches to Larisa Kopenkina, believing that the woman was promoting herself on the death of her own child. However, many supported Larisa, understanding how difficult it is for a mother to bury her children.

Larisa Kopenkina regrets that her son suffered

Today on her Instagram, Larisa Kopenkina thanked everyone who supported her after the broadcast. The woman told how difficult it was for her son Yuri, because the grief-stricken mother actually left the child alone with the tragedy. Much later, Larisa realized how difficult it was for the boy to deal with grief alone. Now Larisa feels enormous guilt before her son and urges others not to forget about loved ones in difficult times:

I just now realized, or has it finally dawned on me, that my pain is nothing compared to my Son!!! He was little and all these years it was worse and worse for him than for me, I am very guilty before him!!! I'm writing about this so that you don't make the same mistakes! Over the years, pain becomes a memory, not because it has passed, it’s just different - it’s melancholy with sadness and the memory-understanding that it will no longer be... Look who is nearby, at your family, loved ones - they feel bad too, helping others, we ourselves will feel better easier!

Yuri Bezzubov - handsome, successful and appearance quite a cheerful young man. The guy gained popularity thanks to his mother, Larisa Kopenkina, who not so long ago was a member of love relationships with the finalist of “Star Factory-6” named Prokhor Chaliapin. What is known about Yura Bezzubov? What is the guy doing now and how is he doing? personal life? We will talk about this in our article.

The childhood of Yuri Bezzubov

Yuri's biography begins with his birth in September 1989 in Moscow. His mother, businesswoman and TV presenter Larisa Kopenkina, gave birth to a son in her second marriage to a man, Boris Bezzubov (a builder by profession). From her first marriage, the woman gave birth to a girl, who was named Nastya. However, at the age of 16, the girl left home, citing the fact that she would now live together with her boyfriend.

After living together for two years, Yuri Bezzubov’s sister announced her breakup with her husband. But here a terrible tragedy happened - Nastya fell out of the window of an apartment on the 8th floor. Kopenkina began to experience severe depression, as a result of which Boris left the family, taking his son Yuri with him. At the time of the divorce, the boy was 14 years old.

Yuri's work history

After his parents’ divorce, Yura lived with Boris Bezzubov for 5 years. As it turned out, dad took the boy from school and took him out of Moscow. All these 5 years Larisa tried to get her son back. With a lot of effort, she was able to achieve what she wanted.

According to Yuri himself, he had a rather difficult youth. Starting at the age of 16, he had to get a job in construction. The guy was assembling houses. Then he changed about 18 jobs in various industries (these were far from prestigious fields of activity). The young man even managed to work as a stripper at the Red Riding Hood nightclub.

Yuri has two higher educations: he graduated from the commercial department of the State Social University, where he received two specialties. The first is finance and credit, and the second is state municipal management.

Now young man 29 years old. He has his own small business. Yuri works as a leader of cooperatives and also organizes various entertainment events. He is currently single. However, it is known that Yuri has a girlfriend. What is the name of Yuri's chosen one? Who is she and what does she do?

Kopenkina's son - Yuri Bezzubov

From the photo of the guy, we can conclude that Yuri has a fairly pleasant appearance and a well-built figure. Upon close examination of the photographs depicting the young man with his mother Larisa, their strong similarity is noticeable.

When it became known about Larisa’s upcoming marriage to Prokhor, Yuri expressed his thoughts on this matter in the media. The guy said more than once that he does not approve of this marriage and believes that the future husband of his mother, Prokhor Chaliapin, is a real gigolo.

Despite their negative son, Larisa and Prokhor got married. However, after a short period of time (the couple lived from December 3, 2013 to the beginning of 2015), Chaliapin announced a break in relations. IN live famous project “Let Them Talk,” Prokhor officially announced that he is in a romantic relationship with a young singer and model named Anna Kalashnikova. Chaliapin also said that Anna was expecting a child from him. But a few years later, the born son Daniil was given a DNA test, the results of which showed that Chaliapin was not the biological father of the baby.

Guy's personal life

Currently, information has begun to appear in the media from which it can be concluded that Kopenkina’s son, Yuri Bezzubov, is having an affair with Anna Kalashnikova, to whom Prokhor left Larisa. That's how fate decreed.

Larisa Kopenkina and Anna Kalashnikova entered into a secret conspiracy and Anna’s fiancé unexpectedly turned out to be Larisa’s son Yuri Bezzubov.

The world of show business is such that everyone plays their role and sworn enemies can suddenly turn out to be good friends, such as Philip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov.

But the answer turned out to be stunning - in the photo is the son of Larisa Kopenkina, Yuri Bezzubov.

At first glance, the version is completely insane, since Kalashnikov and Kopenkina are opponents who shared one man. But, on the other hand, we all now know that no one divided anyone. Larisa and Prokhor were working out an advertising contract, and Anna had to come up with a romantic story about the birth of an illegitimate child. So, why don’t they unite again and perform a new performance?

There can be no doubt that Yuri is in the photo, since his shoulder is adorned with a characteristic tattoo.

But about the groom, there is a big question. He is too poor to satisfy Anna Kalashnikova's needs. So, Anya and Lara decided to once again amuse the audience with love adventures.
