How to increase the immunity of an adult using natural means. Products to boost immunity for adults

Nobody likes to be sick, because at this time a person not only suffers from unpleasant symptoms- His performance decreases sharply. Find out what folk remedies for immunity for adults will help you quickly overcome ailments. By strengthening the body’s natural protective resources with their help, you will practically not remember illnesses.

How to boost immunity for adults

Nature is wise: guarding your health human body costs the immune system. She is constantly responsible for ensuring that pathogens that enter the body are neutralized in a timely manner. Immunity is actively formed in childhood; as a result of previous infections or vaccinations, the child develops antibodies. Their function is to prevent future illnesses.

Why then, every year in the cold, most people get colds, and the immune defense does not always work? It decreases under the influence negative factors. Poor nutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions, stress lead to the fact that the immune system cannot cope with its assigned tasks. If an adult often catches colds, feels lethargic, and exhausted, he needs to think about raising the level of his defenses.

To enhance immune system You don’t have to buy pharmaceutical drugs – you just need to know how to boost your immunity folk remedies to an adult. The main condition for resisting diseases is a proper diet, rich in valuable vitamins and beneficial microelements necessary to improve health. If you stick to proper nutrition It doesn’t always work out, then you should pay attention to homemade recipes for dietary supplements that will help improve your health.

How to boost immunity for an adult

In order for the diet to be optimally balanced and help strengthen the defenses as much as possible, it is worth adding simple drugs to it that can quickly be prepared at home. It is worth understanding that folk remedies for increasing immunity in adults are an excellent alternative to drugs from the pharmacy. If used for prophylactic purposes medicinal plants, products that help strengthen immune defense, then neither viruses nor bacteria will simply be able to harm the body, and you will not have to suffer from the symptoms of the disease.

What food should an adult put on the table to strengthen the immune system? A prerequisite is to add healthy foods to your diet:

  • containing the strongest antioxidant vitamin C, it contains:
    1. oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits;
    2. various berries: viburnum, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, etc.;
    3. part of plants and herbs: actinidia, rose hips.
  • containing phytoncides - these substances that can suppress pathogens are found in high concentrations in garlic and onions;
  • seasonings - ginger, turmeric, celery;
  • honey and propolis are the most valuable beekeeping products;
  • fermented milk products - they improve intestinal function.

To boost immunity, you need to eat foods containing zinc - for example, meat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. It is also important to monitor the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in food - they are found in fatty fish, nuts, olive and flaxseed oil. Adults need to know one more thing effective method Boost your immunity - take courses of tinctures of medicinal plants, for example, echinacea, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea. Check out some of the simple recipes folk remedies that will help you maintain your body’s defense system in good shape.

How to boost immunity with healing decoctions

Making such home remedies is not at all difficult, and they have an excellent effect. Consider several ways to strengthen the immune system of an adult using folk remedies in the form of decoctions:

  1. You need to take 10 g of herbs from the following plants: chamomile, nettle, lingonberry leaves, St. John's wort, mint. Next pour 1 tbsp. l. such fee 1 tbsp. water, boil it over low heat for 20 minutes, then strain and leave for a day. Drink the product 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. in 5-10 minutes. before meals.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried chokeberry fruits and add 250 ml of water, boil for a couple of minutes and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. You should take 1/3 cup of the product throughout the day, half an hour before meals.
  3. Dry crushed Manchurian aralia root - 20 g - pour a glass of boiling water, cook in a closed container for 30 minutes over low heat. Then the broth must be infused for half an hour, strained and brought to the original volume by adding boiled water. To strengthen the immune system, take 1 tbsp. l. before eating. Important note: an adult must drink this decoction for at least three weeks.

How to boost immunity with vitamin mixtures

This method of improving the body’s defenses is very popular, because it involves consuming a specially selected combination of products. The compositions not only contain valuable vitamins, but are also tasty. Thus, increasing immunity with folk remedies in adults often involves the use of restorative mixtures based on honey. Using “home medicine” is also useful in cold weather – as quick way raising and strengthening protective forces, and in the spring, when it is necessary to restore the body after vitamin deficiency.

Here are simple home recipes on how to quickly boost immunity for adults using folk remedies:

  • Pass 220 g of ginger root and 2 lemons, 1 glass of honey through a meat grinder. Use this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 tsp before bed, and keep it in a jar in the refrigerator.
  • Take 200 g of dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins, dates and grind the products with a blender. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. honey, mix the mixture and refrigerate. Eat 1 tsp. three times a day before main meals.

How to strengthen your immune system with flax seeds

This product is considered an excellent natural immunomodulator. How to boost immunity with folk remedies for an adult if you have flax seeds at home? You can make the following useful potions:

  • Grind 3 tsp in a coffee grinder. flax seeds, combine them with 1 tsp. honey The product should be taken before meals, 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.
  • You can support your immune system with flaxseed oil - drink 1 tbsp in the morning before meals. l. pure product or add it to food.
  • Flax seeds will fully demonstrate their beneficial properties if you simply add them to food - salads, main courses, cereals, baked goods.

Boosting immunity with celandine

This plant also effectively helps to boost the immunity of adults. Here is a recipe for preparing a product based on celandine:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs 200 ml of vodka and leave the mixture for 14 days in a warm, dark place.
  2. Next, strain the tincture and take it according to this order: 1st day – 1 drop, 2nd day – 2 drops, etc., increasing the dose by 1 drop per day.
  3. If you feel unwell, do not increase the dose for 2-3 days.
  4. The volume of tincture should be increased to 15 drops. The course of taking this remedy for immunity is 1 month. An important condition is to follow the dosage!

Strengthening the immune system with aloe balm

This houseplant known for many beneficial properties. An adult can use it to tone up the immune system as part of this balm:

  1. Grind 500 g of aloe leaves.
  2. Separately, make a decoction of St. John's wort: pour 30 g of dry herb with half a liter of boiling water, simmer the product over low heat for 30 minutes, leave for half an hour.
  3. Combine the strained broth with aloe, add 400 ml of honey, 500 ml of dry white wine. Pour the resulting balm into a dark glass bowl and leave for a week.
  4. Drink a monthly course three times a day in the dosage: the first 5 days - 1 tsp., 6th day and further - 1 tbsp. l.

Depends on the state of the immune system general condition the body as a whole. Therefore, if signs of a decrease in the effectiveness of protective forces appear, one should be concerned with the issue of increasing immunity, and, preferably by safe means. If done incorrectly, you can cause even more harm and worsen your health. To prevent this from happening, we suggest increasing immunity in adults with a list of effective folk remedies and medications.

Causes of decreased immunity

The following factors contribute to a decrease in immunity:

Constant stress;

Overwork due to excessive physical exertion;

Long-term use of antibiotics;

In diseases, only the symptoms are relieved, but the disease itself is not completely cured due to the choice of incorrect therapeutic measures;

Seasonal weather changes - most often a decrease in the body's defenses occurs during the spring-autumn period;

Improper diet with a predominance of canned foods, lack of vitamins and microelements;

Living in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Signs of decreased immunity

It is appropriate to talk about decreased immunity when:

A person has acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections more than 10 times a year;
there is a persistent feeling of drowsiness, lethargy;
headaches, aches in joints and muscles occur regularly;
fungal diseases often recur - candidiasis, lichen;
The body temperature remains elevated - 37C.

What do adults need to boost their immunity?

The following actions will help the body restore its own protective functions:

1. Get adequate sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.

3. Playing sports with feasible physical activity.

4. Streamlining your diet.

Boosting immunity with folk remedies

Folk ways to increase immunity include:

Foods rich in nutrients;
special plants, herbal remedies that restore protective functions.

Important! It is advisable to use an integrated approach, then the results will appear faster, the effectiveness of increasing immunity will be much higher, and the result will last longer.


Plan your diet so that you get enough of the following vitamins and minerals every day:

1. C and D. They are found in large quantities in citrus fruits (it is advisable to make fresh juices), sauerkraut, garlic, black currants, herbs, tomatoes, apples, seafood and butter, rose hips.
2. A - cottage cheese, eggs, beef liver, fish oil.
3. E - it is found in high concentrations in nuts (cashews, almonds, peanuts, pistachios), cereals (barley, oatmeal, wheat), vegetables (spinach, sorrel), berries (rose hips, sea buckthorn), fish (salmon).
4. B - you can get it in the right quantity by eating beans, buckwheat, spinach, eggs, nuts, corn, wholemeal bread, fish, broccoli, meat, green vegetables, offal, carrots, cheeses.
5. Zinc. There will be no shortage of zinc if you regularly eat pumpkin seeds, almonds, rice, lentils, sardines, yogurt and roasted turkey.
6. Iron. To get the required amount of iron, include meat (lamb, pork, beef), cereals (buckwheat, oats, millet), offal (tongue, kidneys, liver), fruits (apples, figs, persimmons) in your menu.

Important! Don’t forget about normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, consume daily:

curdled milk;

Limit smoked, salted and fried foods and dishes, large doses of alcohol.

Herbal remedies, herbs to improve immunity in adults

1. Rosehip infusion: 4 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 5-10 hours. Add some honey and drink small amounts morning and evening.
2. Lingonberry, hawthorn, raspberry puree: for 1.5-2 kg of sugar, take 1 kg of berries. Grind and boil a little, but do not boil. Store in the refrigerator and eat 1-2 tbsp during periods of greater likelihood of decreased immunity. l. morning and evening.
3. Cranberry puree: grind 0.5 kg of berries with 1 lemon. Add a little honey and use 1-2 tbsp with tea. l.
4. Nettle infusion: 1 tbsp. l. leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for up to 10 minutes. Strain and take ⅓ tbsp of this decoction. 3 times a day. Take breaks after 1 course for 7-10 days.
5. Dried fruit mixture: take equal parts prunes, lemon, raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, scroll everything through a meat grinder until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add honey, place in jars for storage and take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. courses of 10 days.
6. Fruit and vegetable tincture: 1 kg each of pomegranates, lemons, beets, carrots, any honey. Everything is crushed, poured with honey, and infused for a day. Take 1 tsp. in the morning and at night.
7. Herbal infusion: leaves of black currant, lemon balm, rose hips, strawberries, echinacea are poured with boiling water in equal proportions and left for up to 5 hours. Take in small portions throughout the day for 2 weeks. Then - a break.

Pharmaceutical preparations to boost immunity for adults

1. Extract, tincture of Rhodiola rosea. Usually take 6-10 drops 2 times a day before meals (30 minutes before) in courses of 7-10 days.
2. Echinacea tinctures. Used in medicinal purposes 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
3. Tincture of Eleutherococcus. The course of therapy is 1 month with regular doses 3 times a day, 20 drops.
4. Infusion of marshmallow root. Used not only to increase immunity, but also to relieve various diseases. Dosage regimen: 10 drops 3 times a day.
5. Ginseng tincture. Before use, dilute 10-15 drops of tincture cold water. Scheme - 1 time a day no more than 4 times a week.

Important! Be sure to check your preferred regimen with your doctor, pharmacist, or in the instructions directly for the chosen drug. Before choosing one of these immunity boosters, read the contraindications for each of them. Take into account the presence of chronic diseases, blood pressure surges and other ailments for which the use of such tinctures is unacceptable and it is recommended to replace them with other folk remedies.

Drugs to prevent immunosuppression

The simplest and safest medicines:

1. Saline solution (analogues - “Aqualor”, “Marimer”, “Aquamaris”, “Salin”). They put them in the nose and irrigate the throat several times a day. Used to wash away airborne bacilli. Effective within 5-6 hours after the infection has settled on the mucous membrane.

2. - an absolutely harmless product that is used to lubricate the nasal mucosa during periods of risk of decreased immunity.

Important! You can also use vitamin complexes or each type of vitamin separately in concentrated dosage form. But the main thing here is to follow the dosage, since an excess useful substances may also cause negative reactions.

More efficient medical supplies Use only after consultation with a doctor. Often this is:

Immunal tablets and drops, Echinacea tincture, Immuno-tone syrup, Amiksin Is tablets, Immunoplus tablets, Timusamin tablets, Timalin intramuscular solution.

IN modern conditions rhythm of life and ecology, it is impossible not to get sick at all. Therefore, if the frequency of your diseases does not exceed the norm, the general condition of the body does not cause serious health complications - it copes on its own without aggressive therapeutic measures, do not rush to use complex medications to increase immunity. Most likely, all you will need to do is balance your diet, include healthy infusions in your diet, and properly organize your work and rest time.

The human defense mechanism against viruses, infections, fungi and other hostile agents is immunity. During certain seasons, the immune system weakens and there is a risk of getting sick. At such times, you should know how to increase immunity in an adult. It is not necessary to buy medicines, that's all important elements can be obtained with food.

How to boost an adult's immunity at home

The immune system will protect your health if you take care of it yourself. Stress, too strict diets, poor nutrition, and frequent medications lead to the body losing strength and being unable to provide adequate resistance to the disease. You need to know how to increase immunity in an adult in order to prevent the development of the disease. There are several directions that should be used:

  1. Maintaining a correct lifestyle. Physical activity or active recreation strengthens the immune system. Hardening also plays a significant role in this matter. Avoiding alcohol and smoking will only benefit your immune system.
  2. Taking vitamins in the off-season. As a rule, a person gets the necessary substances from food, but in autumn, winter and early spring it is difficult to find fresh vegetables, fruits. For this reason, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes for preventive purposes, which will help restore the elements the body lacks.
  3. Folk remedies. An alternative to medications. There are recipes for tinctures and decoctions that will help strengthen and improve immunity at home for an adult.

How to boost immunity for an adult

Health problems always appear suddenly and the question becomes, how to boost immunity at home urgently? You should start with foods that are rich in beneficial elements that strengthen the immune system. Be sure to include the following in your diet to boost your immunity:

  • protein foods: legumes, lean meat, eggs;
  • fruits: persimmons, citrus fruits, peaches, apples, apricots;
  • seafood: shrimp, seaweed, fish, crabs, mussels;
  • cereals: buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, millet;
  • root vegetables, vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, beets;
  • fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt, yogurt;
  • horseradish, berries, garlic, onions, nuts, turnips.

Strengthening the immune system in adults with lemon and honey

When the first signs of a cold appear and the question arises of how to boost an adult’s immunity at home, two main products come to mind: lemon and honey. These are both healthy and tasty ingredients, their healing effect has been proven and is not in doubt. They can be used to fight a respiratory infection that has just begun or, if desired, to boost immunity. The recipe is as follows:

  1. You need 500 ml of liquid honey, 1 kg of lemons.
  2. Pour boiling water over citrus fruits, grind through a meat grinder or cut into small cubes.
  3. Be sure to remove the seeds so that the drink does not become bitter.
  4. Pour the resulting mass with honey, stir, pour into glass jar.
  5. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 4 days so that the ingredients mix well and turn into a thick, homogeneous mass.
  6. An effective immune stimulator is ready. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

Boosting immunity in adults with rosehip decoction

Another effective option for increasing the immunity of an adult is a rosehip decoction. This product has a huge amount vitamin C, beats even lemon in this indicator. In addition to this element, there are substances from groups E, B, A, which have positive influence on the production of interferon and immune cells. When you brew the product, be sure to control the temperature of the liquid, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost. The recipe for preparing a remedy to boost immunity is as follows:

  1. Heat two glasses of clean water to 80 degrees.
  2. Wash dry rose hips and crush them.
  3. Take two tablespoons, add to heated water, stir.
  4. Cover the container with something and place it in a water bath.
  5. Simmer the broth for 15 minutes.
  6. Let the liquid cool, do not remove the lid.
  7. Filter the solution. Take 3 cups per day. If the drink turns out too sour, you can sweeten it with honey.

How to boost immunity at home with propolis

  1. Add half tsp. grated propolis into a glass of hot milk. Wait until everything dissolves, drink in small sips before going to bed.
  2. You can use propolis extract in liquid form; you need to add 20 drops to a glass of milk. Stir the drink and take before bed.
  3. Tincture. To do this, you need to take clean, fresh pieces of propolis, cool, and grate coarsely. Pour 70% wine alcohol into the container and place the shavings here. Close tightly and leave for 10 days. Add a few drops of propolis tincture to tea or dilute in milk. Use as a preventive measure daily during times of risk of contracting the flu.

How to improve immunity in adults with chamomile tea

It is known that many herbs have healing properties Therefore, they are often used to strengthen the immune system. Chamomile contains a lot of essential oil, which has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and analgesic effects. It can be used to strengthen the immune system as an herbal tea additive. The product is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of chamomile flowers into 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the infusion.
  4. Drink tea throughout the day, adding 1 spoon of infusion per cup.

Boosting immunity in adults with ginger

This product has a huge list of beneficial properties. Experts say that ginger root juice helps not only strengthen immune protection body, but also lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood, tones the skin, accelerates weight loss, and increases the potency of men. The root contains different types minerals, vitamins, essential oils. The preparation method is described below.


  • ginger – 8 cm piece;
  • orange – 3 pcs.;
  • lemon;
  • clean water– 0.5 l.


  1. Grind the root, cut the orange and lemon into slices.
  2. Add all ingredients to a blender and add water. The liquid will help the juice to be absorbed in the human body.
  3. Add honey and shake the mixture well.
  4. Drink the product in small sips 3 times a day.

How to boost immunity at home with garlic

Anyone who thought about how to boost immunity at home for an adult remembered garlic. Some people avoid this product because of the strong smell, but for good reason. The main substance found in garlic that helps strengthen the immune system is allicin. This is a natural antibiotic that helps destroy viruses, bacteria, strengthens immune properties body. During the winter period, it is recommended to use the following remedy for the prevention of diseases:

  1. Take half a lemon with peel and a head of garlic.
  2. Grind the ingredients, pour 0.5 liters of cold water.
  3. The product should infuse for 5 days.
  4. Strain and drink the tincture 30 minutes before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

The question of how to boost immunity with folk remedies becomes especially relevant in spring and winter, when we so need vitamins, microelements and other useful substances.

The defenses of our body are the foundation of health. After all, it is thanks to the immune system that we are protected from all kinds of infections. If a gap appears in it, we begin to suffer from headaches, increased fatigue, insomnia, joint pain and weakness. A decrease in immunity is observed with constant stress, improper sleep patterns, unbalanced diet, various types of infections and long-term use of antibiotic drugs. How can you strengthen the body's defenses? Let's look further at how to boost immunity using folk remedies.

Rosehip infusion

The berries of this plant are rich in many useful microelements, including ascorbic acid, vitamin P, pectin and flavonoids. Rosehip can be called an inexhaustible source of natural multivitamins for little money. Healthy drink cooking is not that difficult. One tablespoon of carefully chopped berries should be poured with a couple of glasses of boiling water and kept in a water bath for fifteen minutes. The resulting broth must be strained and allowed to brew for at least half an hour. It is recommended to take the healing remedy twice a day, half a glass before meals. The duration of one course of treatment is four weeks.

Vitamin decoction

This highly effective folk remedy for immunity will significantly strengthen your body's defenses. To prepare it, you will need two lemons, one hundred grams of rose hips, five tablespoons of raspberry leaves and the same amount of honey. First of all, we pass the unpeeled lemons through a meat grinder. Place the resulting mass in a thermos. Add finely chopped raspberry leaves and honey there. Leave it for a while. Next it is taken for rose hips. Place the berries in an enamel container and fill with a liter of water. Bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. Now take a thermos, strain the resulting drink into it and close it for three hours. The resulting vitamin decoction can be taken up to three times a day for two months. It is recommended to drink this remedy in courses in the autumn and spring.

Healing balm

A well-known remedy for immunity is aloe. This plant is the basic component of the miraculous balm. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to take one hundred milliliters of juice from aloe leaves, a glass of forty-proof vodka, half a kilo of walnuts, three lemons and two hundred and fifty grams of honey. All of the above ingredients must be placed in one container and mixed thoroughly. The resulting balm should be taken 3 tbsp. spoons before one of the meals. The duration of one full course is ten days. Consider that this remedy Contraindicated for use in pregnant women, children, and persons suffering from alcohol dependence.

Infusion of celandine

Raising immunity using folk remedies is a process that does not require special skills or large financial investments. One of the most affordable options is celandine. When listing herbs that boost immunity, they remember it first. For cooking medicinal infusion you should pour a tablespoon of finely chopped celandine leaves with a glass of boiling water. Then it is allowed to brew for a while. The resulting infusion should be divided into three equal parts and taken warm 3 times a day.

It should be understood that celandine is poisonous, so before preparing and using such a remedy, you should definitely consult a doctor. You should not give celandine to children! For adults, when using it, it is important to follow the dose, because... overdose can cause various side effects. Treatment with celandine begins with a diluted infusion, the body must get used to it.

Flax mixture

This is an excellent folk remedy for immunity. Flax seeds are a storehouse of microelements and vitamins. The mixture is easy to prepare. So, you need to fry the plant seeds in a hot frying pan (without oil), and then grind them in a coffee grinder until flour-like. This powder should be placed in a glass jar and tightly closed with a lid. Take the product twice a day - an hour before going to bed and just before breakfast. The dosage for a child is half a teaspoon, for an adult - twice as much. The course of treatment lasts a month. It is recommended to repeat 2 times a year.

Turning to home cooking

Often the immune system is weakened due to an unbalanced diet. Here is a list of foods that boost immunity:

  • Garlic, onion. Not everyone likes them fresh due to their strong taste and not very pleasant smell. However, it is these products that are recommended to be the first to pay attention to when symptoms characteristic of a cold appear. The fact is that they contain a large amount of phytoncides that reliably block the development pathogenic microorganisms.

  • Radish also very healthy vegetable. It provides essential support for the body's defenses.
  • Blueberries, raspberries. Since childhood, most of us have known how beneficial these delicious berries are for colds. Competitors to raspberry jam in the fight against runny nose, cough and elevated temperature No.
  • Products with high content fiber. Among them are the following: apples, beets, tomatoes, pears, green peas, pumpkin, cucumbers and zucchini. They can not only improve digestion, but also absorb harmful substances, and then naturally remove them from the body.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C. These include sweet peppers, black currants, lemon, orange, and Brussels sprouts.
  • Honey no less useful for the immune system. It helps to quickly cope with many diseases and actively resist viruses. The main rule: do not dissolve honey in boiling water, otherwise it will lose all its invaluable properties.

Amazing mixture

How to boost immunity with folk remedies? If you are asking this question, we recommend that you prepare a special healing mixture. You will need to take a glass of nuts (walnuts), raisins, dried apricots and natural honey. In addition, you need one lemon. Grind all the above ingredients through a meat grinder and add honey to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly and eat one tablespoon (tablespoon) three times a day. This remedy can also be given to children (it is recommended to reduce the dosage by half).

An alternative option for preparing the mixture is this: grind one hundred grams of figs, dried apricots, raisins, almonds, cashews, dried cranberries and figs through a meat grinder. You can grind them using a blender. Add honey to the crushed mass. Then add vanilla (one stick is enough).

Healing cranberry

You don’t know how to boost your immunity using folk remedies? Drink cranberry juices, juices or teas more often. Healing berries prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, since they contain many trace elements and vitamins.

Available and useful plants

You can boost your immune system using folk remedies using lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea, liceweed and rhodiola rosea. Echinacea is especially valued in this regard. It helps answer the question of how to boost immunity after antibiotics. You don’t even have to prepare a tincture from this plant yourself, since it is freely sold in pharmacies. Rhodiola rosea has similar properties. It protects us from infections and activates mental and physical performance. You can buy its tincture at the pharmacy.

"Seven Glasses"

How to boost immunity with folk remedies? We offer a recipe that will help cleanse the body. To do this, you will need to take two hundred grams of radish, carrot, beet, garlic and lemon juice, as well as honey and Cahors. Mix all these products and place them in the refrigerator in a glass container. Take the medicinal mixture three times a day, a tablespoon (about a quarter of an hour before meals). The funds received should be enough for at least a month and a half.

Secrets of Tibet

For a long time, the following recipe has been passed down from generation to generation: mix one hundred grams of St. John's wort, chamomile, and immortelle herbs, add the same volume of birch buds. The miraculous mixture is ready. Every day you should pour one tablespoon of this product with half a liter of boiling water and leave it in a thermos for four hours, and then drink 1 glass before going to bed, after adding 1 tsp. honey The next morning, drink after warming up, half an hour before meals. Do this daily until the mixture runs out. It is recommended to repeat the above course after five years.

Healing infusion

How to increase immunity with folk remedies? We advise you to prepare medicinal tincture. To do this, take a glass liter container, pour a couple of glasses of pine nut shells and half a glass of pre-dried bird cherry into it. Next, add 0.5 teaspoon each of golden root, birch buds, lingonberry leaves, bergenia, Leuzea safflower, yarrow, wormwood, St. John's wort and nettle. Pour enough vodka into the container to completely cover the resulting mass, and leave it in a cool, dark place for three weeks. After this period, strain the infusion and pour it into another container. Keep in mind that it is usable for the next six months. Don't be upset if you can't get your hands on safflower leuzea and goldenseal. The main thing in this remedy is bird cherry and cedar nuts. All other components are mostly sold in pharmacies.

The remedy described above will be an excellent help if you are interested in how to boost the immunity of an adult. It can be taken a teaspoon a couple of times a day with coffee, tea and other drinks.

Medicines from the forest

While walking through the forest, collect spruce needles. Rinse two tablespoons of needles under running water (it’s convenient to use a sieve for this), pour into an enamel pan, pour a glass of boiling water, close the lid and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Thirty minutes is enough to insist. Then strain and add honey or sugar if desired. Drink one glass up to three times a day.

Recipe for everyone

Not everyone is ready to take this folk remedy. It is proposed to boost immunity with the help of onions. To prepare a medicinal drink, take several large heads of this vegetable, chop them thoroughly and mix with sugar (you will need two hundred grams). Then add half a liter drinking water and keep on low heat for at least an hour and a half, then leave the mixture to cool. Stir, strain and pour everything into a glass container. Take up to five times a day in the amount of one tablespoon.

Above we have listed all kinds of recipes. traditional medicine, however, it is important to take into account the fact that they will not bring the desired effect if a person does not adhere to healthy image life. The first and most important step on the path to excellent health should be giving up bad habits. Here are some simple tips about how exactly you can change your life:

  • Walk more. Hiking help strengthen the immune system in the best possible way. Ventilate the room in which you work or relax more often.
  • Eliminate chronic diseases in a timely manner and carry out regular preventative measures.
  • Sleep at least seven hours a night. Otherwise, your immune system will be seriously tested.
  • Take regularly contrast shower in order to improve blood circulation. Remember that this procedure has its own contraindications, including high blood pressure, blood and heart diseases.
  • Try not to worry unnecessarily and avoid stress.
  • Plan your diet correctly. Avoid fried, smoked and salted foods.
  • Be sure to take rehabilitation courses after taking antibiotics. Eat more kefir, yoghurt, fermented baked milk and yogurt. They will have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

Let's turn to vitamins

Can be used to strengthen the immune system different drugs. The first group includes the so-called herbal medicines. Among them are the following:

  • Eleutherococcus extract (not only strengthens the immune system, but also normalizes blood pressure).
  • Echinacea tincture.
  • "Immunal".
  • Ginseng extract.
  • Tincture of Chinese lemongrass.

In addition, there are vitamins on the market that boost immunity. Among the most popular are such products as “Imudon”, “Likopid”, “Bronchomunal”, “Ribomunal”. The drug "Immunap-Forte" has proven itself well. This mineral and vitamin complex belongs to the group of phytotherapeutic drugs. It has virtually no contraindications, since most of the components are medicinal plants. This drug It is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with heart problems and high blood pressure. The medicine "Bittner Immuno" contains a wide range of vitamins that help maintain the body's immune strength. Thanks to its intake, a surge of energy is felt and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. The standard release form is gelatin capsules. A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase this medication.

As scientists have established, a lack of vitamins B5, A, PP, D negatively affects the body's defenses. On pharmacy windows you can see a wide variety of vitamin complexes, including the substances listed above.


Most of us know firsthand that health is a priceless gift. To maintain it, it is important to carry out regular preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of various diseases. Also, don't forget about active image life and giving up all bad habits. And even if nothing worries you at the moment, think about the future. Take care of your own health - and you will not have to undergo expensive and unpleasant treatment.

The immune system is interconnected with the nervous system, endocrine systems. It is impossible to quickly increase the immunity of a working adult who is in a state of chronic stress by simply taking medications. What needs to be done to boost immunity, how to improve the health of an adult, what foods and pills increase the body’s resistance to infections?

Before moving on to medications that can be taken to boost immunity, let’s look at when it is considered insufficient in an adult. Let's look at how to restore immunity for an adult, and whether it's worth running to the pharmacy for immunostimulants the first time.

Per year an adult with good health can get a respiratory infection up to 4 times. If infections occur more frequently and are severe, lasting for weeks, then we can talk about a weakening of the body’s defenses.

An appearance even once a year can be considered an indicator of a malfunction of the immune system. If herpes appears more often, then this is already an alarm bell, signaling a health problem.

Nervousness, bad dream they say that the brain does not receive enough oxygen, microelements, amino acids to function properly. There are plenty of factors that negatively affect immunity. Here we have poor nutrition, an unhealthy environment, disrupted circadian rhythm, family history, acquired diseases, and stress.

Let's dwell on the stress factor that depresses the immune system, find out how to raise it for an adult, and how you can improve your health with drugs and folk remedies.

What affects immunity

Strong negative emotions and physical overload cause a surge in the human body. stress hormones. One of them is cortisol.

In the morning, when its quantity is maximum, it helps to wake up and move from sleep to wakefulness. By evening, the natural level of cortisol in healthy person decreases, makes you sleepy.

But if there is no evening decrease in cortisol levels, the amount of the hormone in the blood is much higher than normal, then deep disturbances occur in the body, weakening the immune system.

A person becomes susceptible to respiratory infections and easily catches colds and flu.

The negative effect of the hormone on the immune system is manifested:

  • decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the blood;
  • inhibition of cellular immunity;
  • suppression of the humoral response of local mucosal immunity to the introduction of infection.

Nutrient supplements that help fight stress can help reduce cortisol levels in the body:

  • B vitamins;
  • macro-, microelements Ca, Mg, Cr, Fe;
  • coenzyme Q;
  • alpha lipoic acid.

Cortisol blockers are:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • protein-carbohydrate foods;
  • antioxidants – vitamin E, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, Se, Zn;
  • omega 3.

All of the listed nutrients must be present in the daily diet; this is the basis of a strong immune system. To strengthen the immune system, an adult needs to provide the body with amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.

Only under this condition can one expect positive effect from the use of immunostimulating drugs. If you provide everything you need to build your own immunoglobulins, it will be much easier to survive the cold season.

How to increase the immunity of an adult, can this be done very quickly, what medicines, folk remedies to use?

Strengthening the immune system with drugs

The immune system is stimulated by preparations prepared on the basis of bacterial lyalysate - destroyed fragments of microorganisms.

These drugs include Ribomunil, a complex that stimulates specific immunity, especially effective for frequent infections. respiratory tract, used in adults, children - from 6 months. Likopid, Imudon, IRS-19 have a similar effect.

Interferons are used in the first 3 days of illness. You can improve immunity in an adult with medications such as Viferon, Interferon, Intron, Betaferon, Reaferon, Roferon-A.

The group of inferonogens includes drugs that stimulate the production of its own (endogenous) interferon - Arbidol, Amiksin, Cycloferol, Neovir, Curantil (dipyridamole), Kagocel, gasolidone.

The use of herbal immunostimulants (adaptogens) increases the stability of the immune system:

  • Mylife;
  • Apollo Willow;
  • Atlant-Iva;
  • Marina;
  • Immunorm;
  • Petilam;
  • Tonsilgon N;
  • Estifana tablets;
  • Tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis;
  • Aloe preparations;
  • Kalanchoe juice.

Adaptogenic agent increases the body's ability to resist colds Russian production Mylife.

The basis of the drug is the mycelium of the fungus Fusarium sambucinum. Milife contains B vitamins, essential and non-essential amino acids, including tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, glutamic acid.

The drug contains micro and macroelements, organic acids, ubiquinones, and unsaturated fatty acids necessary to enhance immunity.

Adaptogens of animal origin include drugs that are obtained from animal organs, these include:

  • Pantohematogen Altamar;
  • Thymusamine;
  • Tsypagan;
  • Epifamin;

Among the medicinal synthetic adaptogens with an immunostimulating effect is the well-known anthelmintic drug Dekaris (active ingredient levomisol). This group includes medications:

  • Dibazol is a vasodilator;
  • Diucifon is an anti-tuberculosis drug;
  • Galavit is an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Glutoxim is an immunomodulator, hemostimulant, hepatoprotector;
  • Gepon – immunomodulator, antiviral agent;
  • Alloferon is an immunomodulator, antiviral drug;
  • Polyoxidonium is an immunoprotector and antioxidant.

All of the listed drugs to boost immunity in adults can only be used as prescribed by a doctor., since these products were not created to strengthen the immune system, but to treat certain diseases. The immunomodulatory properties of drugs have been discovered in practical use.

Homeopathy for adults

The mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines is not fully understood. It is also not known why drugs in this group affect people differently.

But, if you are not allergic to the components, you can resort to homeopathy, which is not prohibited traditional medicine, although its effectiveness has not been proven.

What homeopathic medicines increase the protective properties of the immune system, what should an adult drink to boost immunity? To the drugs that are recommended by homeopaths to strengthen the ability to resist respiratory infection, include:

  • Echinacea Compositum;
  • Aflubin;
  • Antigrippin N;
  • Engystol;
  • Influcid;
  • Immunar;
  • Delufen;
  • Dr. Theiss for influenza;
  • Mucosa Compositum;
  • Engystol;
  • Edas 308;
  • Edas-131;
  • Edas-150;
  • Galium-Hel.

For children and adults, Aflubin absorbable tablets are used. How exactly the drug works has not been established, but manufacturers claim that the use of Aflubin stimulates local immunity.

The drug Mucosa Compositum (Germany) has a positive effect, as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the drug, on the condition of the mucous membranes, increases immunity in cases of damage to the intestines, stomach, and ENT organs.

Folk remedies

Foods high in amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids will help boost your immunity. Walnut satisfies almost all of the above requirements.

This one is exceptional useful product contains B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acid, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium. This natural medicine for immunity is enough for an adult to take 5-8 nuts daily.

Recipe 1

An excellent folk remedy for increasing immunity in adults is walnuts with honey. To prepare this medicine, you just need to peel (preferably immediately before cooking) the nuts and pour honey over them.

Another, no less tasty, folk remedy that is very quick to prepare and does not require cooking is a great way to help an adult increase and strengthen their immune system. To prepare it you will need, in addition to walnuts, almonds and pine nuts.

Recipe 2

Take 200 g, crush, mix well:

  • nuts in equal parts - walnuts, pine nuts, almonds (all together 200 g);
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • lemon with zest;
  • raisin.

The resulting mass is poured with honey and stored in the refrigerator. Daily dose – 3 tablespoons. It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach, before meals.

Garlic does not lose ground at all in strengthening the immune system. This vegetable is not just a natural antiseptic, it is an important supplier of selenium - an antioxidant, without which the functioning of the hormonal system is disrupted.

There are many known uses for garlic folk ways increasing immunity. One of them is a mixture of garlic and lemon.

Recipe 3

  • Chop the lemon and zest very finely;
  • Peel the head of garlic and crush it;
  • mix;
  • pour the mixture with water so that it covers the mixture by 0.5 cm;
  • leave in a dark place for 4 days;
  • keep in the refrigerator.

Take a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Berries for immunity

Products containing ellagic acid have high antioxidant activity and the ability to enhance immunity. There is especially a lot of this acid in raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries, and blackberries.

Preparing berries for the winter in the form of jams and preserves is a well-known folk remedy for strengthening the immune system in adults and children. And, as it turned out, our grandmothers did everything right.

The amount of ellagic acid in strawberry jam only increases during storage, which is believed to be associated with the gradual extraction of ellagic acid from the seeds.

Ginger, honey, garlic, rose hips, mumiyo, and propolis have immunostimulating activity. Using these products in the autumn and winter will support the immune system and strengthen the defenses of an adult in the fight against viral infection, protects against stress.

Adults benefit from moderate exercise to strengthen the immune system. When drawing up a training plan, you must take into account both your age and health status, since overtraining is a severe stress for the body.

What is important to remember

When using immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system, we must not forget that any extremes are harmful to the body. Including too active immunity. Hyperfunction of the immune system can be even more dangerous than decreased immunity.

Before using any remedy to enhance immunity, you should visit a doctor and consult on this issue.
