Dill water for a newborn: recipe, dosage and storage of dill water. All about dill water for babies How to brew dill for colic

Due to the immaturity of the digestive system, newborns often experience colic. They are caused by the accumulation of gases in the intestines. The baby experiences bloating and paroxysmal pain. Visually, this is expressed in tucking up the legs, loud crying, which is difficult to calm down. Relief usually occurs after defecation or release of gas. When a baby has colic, every mother tries to alleviate his suffering. Dill water will be a safe and affordable assistant in this.

Useful properties of dill water

At home, dill water is most often prepared from the fruits (seeds) of the common fennel. Its other name is dill. You can take dill seeds, but although the fruits of these plants are similar in composition, content of essential oils and medicinal effects, fennel is still more effective for intestinal problems.

Several beneficial properties of fennel and dill can be noted, thanks to which water prepared on their basis becomes beneficial for newborns:

  • have a carminative effect;
  • help relieve spasms of smooth muscles of the intestines and stomach;
  • promotes increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • have anti-inflammatory, soothing properties.

IN folk medicine Dill water has long been used:

  • in the treatment of intestinal and stomach diseases;
  • from flatulence;
  • as a mild sleeping pill;
  • as an expectorant for bronchitis.

For many years, mothers and grandmothers have been using dill water for children's colic. It's safe and cheap medicine. Due to the ability of dill water to relieve spasms of intestinal smooth muscles, it helps in the passage of gas in newborns. With regular use, discomfort in the tummy decreases and the digestion process improves. Even if dill water does not completely relieve colic, it will alleviate the child’s condition.

Pay attention! For other digestive disorders in children (vomiting, constipation, diarrhea), dill water will not help; only a doctor should prescribe appropriate treatment.

Despite all the positive characteristics of dill water, there are babies for whom this medicine does not bring relief from colic.

Cooking at home

Every mother can prepare dill water on her own, but it is imperative to keep your hands clean and the utensils sterile (it is doused with boiling water before use).

From fennel fruit

Fennel fruits are freely sold in pharmacies. There are several options for preparing a remedy from them to alleviate the suffering of a baby with colic.

Option #1

Cooking method:

  1. Crushed fennel seeds (1 tsp) should be poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave to brew for 45 minutes.
  3. Strain through a wide bandage or gauze.
Fennel fruits can be bought at any pharmacy

Option No. 2

Cooking method:

  1. Grind 2 g (1 tsp) fennel seeds and pour them into a container.
  2. Pour 1 glass of boiled water.
  3. Keep in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  4. Let it brew for about an hour.
  5. Strain through cheesecloth.

Such infusions cannot be stored for a long time; you need to prepare as much as the child drinks during the day.

Babies under 1 month should be given only a freshly prepared portion of the infusion.

Option #3

For this preparation method you will need fennel seed essential oil (sold at the pharmacy). You need to pour 5 ml of oil into 1 liter of boiled water and shake the mixture thoroughly. This water can be kept in the refrigerator for 30 days (after this period it is unfit for consumption). Before use, shake the container vigorously, then measure out the required amount of product and heat it until warm.

The basis for preparing dill water at home can be the essential oil of fennel seeds.

From dill seeds

You can make water from dill seeds using the same recipes as from fennel.

Advice! In summer, it is good to brew tea from fresh dill leaves.

You need to take fresh dill sprigs, rinse well and 1 tbsp. l. chopped greens, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. The tea is left to brew for 1 hour and filtered. Use it in the same way as dill water.

Rules for use in colic

It is advisable to consult a pediatrician before using dill water. But usually it is used according to the following rules:

  • the age of a newborn from which you can drink dill water is older than two weeks;
  • Give a baby no more than a teaspoon of this water at one time; a two-week-old baby needs 15 drops on the tongue;
  • a total of 3–6 doses per day are allowed.

It is preferable to drink dill water before feeding. You can use a teaspoon or baby bottle. If a newborn refuses to drink dill water, it is diluted with mother’s milk or formula (depending on the method of feeding). You can pour the product into the baby’s cheek from a syringe without a needle.

Dill water begins to act after 15–20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can place a heated diaper on the baby’s tummy and make light stroking movements.

On the first day of treatment, it is enough to limit yourself to 2 doses of 1 tsp. It is necessary to monitor the baby’s reaction: does he tolerate this medicine well, is there any allergies, does the colic go away. If the result is positive, the dosage is subsequently increased to 4–6 spoons per day.

Use dill medicine until digestion normalizes and colic stops. But if the water is discontinued, and the baby’s gas formation increases and discomfort resumes, treatment must be continued.


It is contraindicated to treat newborn babies with dill water if they have an individual intolerance or allergy to fennel fruits (dill).

In rare cases it may appear side effect from using the product in the form of itching, hives, red spots on the skin.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about infant colic

The most difficult test for a nursing mother after childbirth is tummy problems, which especially often arise in the first months of the baby’s life. What to do in this case, what means to give - this is what most parents are interested in. It turns out that there are traditional medicinal methods of getting rid of pain, and there are folk ones.

The latter are not only effective, but also accessible to everyone. What kind of products are these, how they are prepared and used - read about it below.

Almost all newborns suffer greatly from bloating at first. This is due to adaptation to the outside world, since the baby’s body is not yet accustomed to such food. In the future, intestinal problems may arise with the introduction of complementary foods and new foods.

Doctors consider this to be the norm, but parents feel sorry for a child who constantly cries and strains hard to pass gas or poop. This usually happens some time after feeding and continues until the flatulence process is over. What can be done in this situation?

Doctors recommend giving various medications to help get rid of colic. You can find a lot of them on the shelves in pharmacies. These can be teas, ready-made suspensions or powders that quickly cope with gas formation in babies. The simplest and effective means Dill water, which is prepared from fennel oil, is considered.

Fennel is a medicinal herb that looks similar to dill, but has a more pungent odor. Since ancient times, dill water for newborns has been a real salvation. After giving the baby it, the parents saw that the baby was no longer bothered by pain, and the intestines very quickly adjusted to the desired mood.

You can find this miracle remedy in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. We suggest that you read the instructions for the drug and find out the recipe for your home remedy.

This drug is sold only in prescription pharmacies, which manufacture it themselves. As written above, dill water is made from fennel. This medicinal plant It has good carminative properties, which is why it is used to eliminate intestinal colic in newborns. It is produced in 100 ml bottles and has a limited shelf life of 30 days.

This is a completely natural product that is made from distilled water and essential oil sweet fennel plants. For 100 ml of solution, 0.1 ml of oil is required. The drug should be stored in the refrigerator and used before the date indicated on the label.

Dill water should be given to improve the functioning of the newborn’s intestines and eliminate gases. This is a symptomatic remedy, since it does not cure, but only helps to remove the exacerbation. In addition, the medicine helps relieve intestinal spasms and facilitates the movement of feces and gases through it. In a more concentrated form, this drug helps adults cope with a similar problem.

In most cases, dill water for nursing mothers is a “lifeline” that helps babies get rid of pain and gives them a restful sleep. When used correctly, the drug has virtually no contraindications, only occasionally allergic reactions may occur in the form of rashes. For excess permissible norm the child’s body reacts with intestinal disorder, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea.

How is it recommended to give dill water to infants? It is recommended to give the pharmaceutical drug in its pure form 3 times a day, after meals, a teaspoon. If the baby does not drink water, then the nursing mother is recommended to mix the same amount of the drug into expressed milk or formula for feeding.

If this remedy is not available in the pharmacy, then you can try giving Plantex tea. It is also made from fennel, but only from the fruits of this plant. The drug is sold in the form of small bags of powder, which significantly increases its shelf life. This analogue of dill water must be brewed with boiling water; it can be given to a newborn starting from 2 weeks of age.

In addition, now on pharmacy shelves you can find many other drugs that help cope with intestinal colic. These are children's "Espumizan", "Happy Baby", fennel tea from various manufacturers and "Sab-Simplex".

How to drink them is written in the instructions, which are in the box or on the packaging. If pharmaceutical drugs not satisfied, mothers can always prepare dill water themselves.

Today, dill water is quite problematic to find in a pharmacy, since there are quite a few establishments left that make medicines to order. And since most of the well-known analogues are not cheap, it makes sense to brew the medicine yourself. To prepare it, a nursing mother will need the fruits of fennel. You can buy them freely at any pharmacy, they are inexpensive.

How to brew dill water correctly? Pour 300 ml of filtered water into a small container and put on fire. After boiling, add a full teaspoon of fennel fruits and, covering with a lid, leave to boil for 2 minutes. After this time, remove the container from the heat and leave for another 40 minutes. After this, the broth must be filtered and can be given to the child.

Many mothers prepare dill water daily and do it right. The baby should receive only fresh medicine. Some housewives not only manage to make an infusion on their own, but also grow fennel in the garden, which means the medicine is free! After ripening, grown umbrellas must be cut and dried. Then the fruits are separated from the husks and dill water can be prepared.

Pediatricians recommend giving a self-prepared infusion one tablespoon three times a day after breastfeeding. If the mother is not nursing and the baby is bottle-fed, then water should be added directly to the prepared formulas.

Some young parents believe that dill water does not cope well with tummy pain, and imported teas are more reliable preparations. This is wrong. Most of the newfangled medicines to reduce gas formation in children are made from fennel. That is, in fact, these are analogues of this drug, but at an inflated price. So, why spend more?!

In any case, you should first consult with your pediatrician and find out what he thinks about this. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, even if you are completely confident in the safety of the drug. A carminative can be given only with the approval of a doctor, strictly observing the dosage.


Dill water for newborns against colic: instructions for use.

Contents of the article: This entire adaptation process lasts approximately 3 months. Mothers begin to run to pharmacies in search of a miracle cure, leafing through books with recipes of folk wisdom. But in fact, everything is simple. The most effective remedy, which has long been used for such problems, is ordinary dill water for newborns.

Dill water for newborns: its composition and properties

You can prepare the product yourself or purchase it at a pharmacy. Of course, the main component is dill (seeds, extract from the plant), or fennel, which has similar properties.

The main properties of dill water are:

Eliminates waste metabolic products from the baby’s body; promotes the spread of beneficial microbes; reduces convulsive contraction of intestinal smooth muscles; reduces and eliminates pain in the intestines; activates blood circulation; facilitates the passage of gases; and even calms. According to reviews from mothers, drinking dill water has a very beneficial effect on the baby’s tummy, and the effect of the product occurs much faster than from other drugs with a similar effect.

Instructions for using dill water

In the pharmacy, dill water is sold in the form of filter bags, briquettes, granules, bulk, etc.

Indications for use are:

Colic; spasms; stomach pain. Dill water is also shown as a carminative.

Of course, like any drug, there are also contraindications: individual intolerance to the composition.

Application depends on the form in which the product was purchased. There are always instructions on the box or inside. The main thing is to prepare the solution or tea correctly according to the instructions. If this liquid extract, then you only need 1-2 drops per tablespoon of boiled water. Filter bags are brewed at the rate of 1 bag per 200 ml of boiling water (infuse for a long time, about an hour). The baby needs to be given water 3 to 6 times a day. At one time, you should consume 1 tablespoon of solution (teaspoon of decoction). For newborns, water is mixed into expressed milk, formula, or clean water. If the baby does not drink expressed milk, then the nursing mother can drink dill water, necessary components absorbed into mother's milk. Granules of dill water are least recommended due to the sugar content and other additives that enhance the taste. The effect of the product occurs approximately a quarter of an hour after the baby has consumed it.

How to make dill water at home

This product can be prepared independently at home. The main thing is to know that the prepared broth cannot be stored for a long time. The maximum shelf life is one day.

For preparation, either fennel herb or dill seeds are used.

Dill water is prepared as follows:

Take 5 grams of seeds or herbs and add 200 ml of hot boiling water. It is necessary to insist for about 1 hour, then filter the broth. That's it, it's ready for use. Maximum 6 small spoons per day.

What is the result?

Usually, the result of taking dill water (whether from a pharmacy or homemade), most importantly, when prepared correctly, is: a calm baby; normalization of stool in a child; normal discharge of gases; peaceful sleep for the baby. Constant use leads to lasting results and helps even with fairly severe colic. After some time, mainly after reaching three months of age, the use of dill water ceases to be a necessity. This happens due to the establishment of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract and its adaptation.

Dill water for adults and older children

The product can be used not only for newborns. It will help adults too. Pregnant women often have intestinal problems. So, instead of any medications, ordinary dill water will relieve bloating, eliminate pain and spasms. It's very easy to prepare. For one tablespoon of seeds or herbs, one glass of boiling water. The decoction can be infused for about an hour, or it is better if it stands in a water bath. You should take 25 ml of this decoction several times a day.

How much dill water can be given to a newborn?

The dosage of the product is individual for each child. Like any other new component in a baby’s diet, it is better to start with the smallest dosage - 1 teaspoon per day. Of course, you should watch the child's reaction. It is unlikely, but an allergic reaction to such a simple remedy may occur. After a small organism gets used to a new product, you can increase the dosage. Maximum 2 small spoons 6 times a day.

How to brew correctly?

Every mother needs to know how to properly brew dill water for a newborn. First of all, you need to worry about the sterility of the container in which the colic remedy will be prepared. Dill seeds for babies must only be pharmaceutical grade. It is prohibited to use raw materials that are not 100% certain. The seeds must be poured with boiling water and left to steep, as mentioned above. You can give it to your baby only when the infusion has cooled to a temperature of 36 degrees. This decoction should be stored for no more than a day and only in the refrigerator. But we must not forget to warm it up before giving it to the baby. You can give water starting from two weeks of life. It is also necessary to distinguish between ordinary colic, associated with the baby’s body adapting to life outside the mother’s belly, from a real threat to the child’s health. If the baby sucks poorly, screams, or with severe intestinal upset, you should urgently consult a pediatrician. It’s also a good idea to consult a doctor just before taking dill water for the first time.

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Dill water for newborns against colic

Many parents are faced with the concept of colic in a newborn. From this acute constant pain in the tummy, not only the child suffers, but also the entire household, since it is very difficult to listen to the constant crying of a child. Parents sometimes resort to whatever means they can to calm their child. After all, it is very difficult to watch the torment of a small creature.

Children are all different, some are able to endure pain from infancy, others perceive any pain very intolerantly. Colic needs to be experienced, as it often goes away after three months of adaptation to the new world. During this period, the intestines will be colonized with bacteria, the child will stop overeating, which most provokes colic. Your task is not to treat, but to help yourself and your child reduce pain and survive this difficult period.

What to do if you don’t have the strength to do nothing?

The pediatrician, of course, can prescribe a lot different drugs, but the most effective of all is a folk remedy called “dill water.” Our grandmothers brewed a tincture using the seeds of ordinary dill, but today it is known that the tincture of fennel, a close relative of dill, is more effective. Its seeds are larger and rich in many useful elements. The essential oils of this plant are still used for various purposes, and its effect is much stronger than dill.

Fennel helps nursing mothers increase milk supply, regulate digestion processes, improve metabolism, relieve bloating, and improve intestinal function. Today, fennel teas and infusions can be purchased at the pharmacy. Fennel seeds are also sold there, so dill water for newborns against colic can be made at home by hand.

Cause of colic

Of course, before you begin to treat, you first need to understand the cause of the disease. What causes colic? Of course, due to the gases that form in the intestines. What provokes them? Among the common causes of gas formation in the intestines are:

  1. The child’s digestive system is also imperfect and immature. It takes a long time to assimilate or does not assimilate food, which is why active processes of fermentation and gas formation begin, which the system itself is unable to cope with.
  2. When eating, the child swallows a lot of air. Air mixed with milk causes colic.
  3. Mom's poor diet, sweet, fatty, spicy foods, cabbage, peas and many other vegetables cause gas.
  4. Overeating.

With regular use of a product such as dill water for newborns, all digestive processes are normalized. Colic goes away thanks to the positive relaxing effect of fennel on the intestinal muscles. By relieving the spasms, the pain is relieved and the child calms down.

Positive aspects of the drug

  1. Removes spasm, due to which gases are calmly removed from the body;
  2. It has a diuretic effect, thereby promoting the removal of all harmful substances from the body;
  3. Helps dilate blood vessels and even intestinal walls, as a result of these actions pressure drops;
  4. Has a beneficial effect on the heart;
  5. Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  6. Helps with coughs, promotes sputum production;
  7. Choleretic;
  8. Carrying;
  9. Helps increase appetite.

How often and when is it forbidden to give dill water to a child? When, in addition to colic, you observe more serious symptoms, diarrhea, for example, severe bloating, etc. Then the child must be examined by a doctor, because there are no trifles here, the main thing is to see changes in the child’s mood and condition in time, because there are different diseases and their treatment also different.

Fennel is not allergenic and has no contraindications, but it is necessary to follow the dose, otherwise you can overdo it and get the opposite effect. Everyone knows that a large dose of dill can cause bloating. And fennel is several times stronger than dill.

What types of dill water can you find and how to prepare a remedy for colic?

Fennel water can be ordered at a pharmacy only with a prescription; it is made by hand. The preparation is as follows: 0.05 gr. fennel oil per liter of water. Store in a place protected from the sun for no more than a month. Costs about 150 rubles. 100 ml.

But, you can use a ready-made soluble powder called Plantex. This is the same fennel tincture in the form of 5 gram bags. There are 10 pieces in a package. Plantex dissolves in 100 g. water and take one sachet in two batches of 50 ml each. If your baby doesn’t like the taste of the water, try diluting it with milk or formula. Children after one year can take two sachets per day.

You can also purchase filter bags herbal tea or fennel seeds. The most famous company in this field is Healt. These teas are easy to take from a bottle or by pouring into the cheek from a syringe. One sachet of 1.5 g. steam with boiling water at 200 grams for 15 minutes.

A dose of 1 teaspoon 4 times a day is considered optimal. It is better to drink between feedings.

We prepare dill water at home. Full instructions

3 gr. (teaspoon) grind fennel seeds in a blender or coffee grinder. Pour boiling water over it for half an hour; it is best to brew it in a thermos. Take gauze or chintz and strain. We fold the gauze several times, and take thick chintz. Homemade recipe dose: 1 tbsp. spoon - 3 times a day. It is better to add it to milk.

Having bought fennel essential oil, you can make water according to the pharmacy prescription - 1 drop per liter. Our grandmothers made this water from ordinary dill. Finely chop 100 gr. fresh green leaves, and pour 100 milliliters of boiling water. Wrap in a towel and let stand for about an hour. Strain and store for no more than a day. Take a tablespoon no more than 4 times a day.

Even knowing how to take it, you need to remember that dill water only helps in combination with all the procedures recommended by the doctor. After all, feeding, regimen, diet are a whole complex of mandatory factors, without which even dill water will not work a miracle. After all, judging by the reviews of those parents who are looking for an easy salvation, dill water itself has a very short-lived effect and its effects are limited in time.

Therefore, every mother should remember the key to the correct daily routine. We woke up, washed, changed clothes, pampered ourselves, did gymnastics. Then they stroked the tummy with circular movements of the index finger, ate, carried the child in their arms in a column, you can even press the tummy a little to your shoulder, burped, maybe fell asleep, but still, looked to see if the process of defecation had passed, stroked the tummy, sang, lulled , slept again. We saw that the child was tucking his legs under him in his sleep, gave him fennel to drink, put a warm diaper on his back, warmed him up, and slept.

In addition, a nursing mother must carefully monitor what she eats; her diet should be more strict than during pregnancy. After all, while in the womb, the baby was more protected from external factors; many elements did not enter his diet thanks to the placenta. Having been born, he must rely in everything on the prudence of his mother. Therefore, mothers, be vigilant, because the health and life of your child depends on your behavior, mood, even what you eat.

Yes, being parents is a lot of work, but you can do it. After all, who else, if not you, will take better care of your baby? Stay healthy and keep fennel in your medicine cabinet unnecessarily.


Dill water for newborns against colic

Contrary to popular belief, a newborn baby is not a small copy of an adult. All the systems of his body work differently from those of adults. The first month after birth, the child’s body adapts to our usual living conditions. For the first time he uses his digestive system, so it often fails. How will dill water help cope with this?

What is dill water

You might think, based on the name, that dill water is made from dill. This is not an entirely true statement. To prepare it, they actually use dill, but not garden or fragrant dill, as in cooking, but pharmaceutical dill. Pharmacy dill is popularly called fennel.

According to taxonomy, fennel and dill can be said to be relatives. Moreover, they are similar in appearance. However, from a medical point of view, their properties differ, which is why fennel is used for dill water.

Fennel contains many essential oils and flavonoids; it is used to treat many diseases as a folk remedy. It helps newborns cope with the main problem familiar to every young mother - intestinal colic.

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Why does a baby experience colic?

The baby's digestive tract has just become acquainted with real food. During intrauterine development, the fetus received all the necessary substances from the mother’s blood, and now it has to digest food on its own. The activity of the intestine is not yet sufficiently coordinated, its innervation is underdeveloped, hence a number of problems arise, such as impaired motor skills, spasms, flatulence. They arise due to:

  • Violations of child feeding rules;
  • Baby swallowing air;
  • Incorrect application to the chest;
  • In premature babies due to an unformed gastrointestinal tract;
  • Improper preparation of the mixture by artificial people;
  • Overeating;
  • Using pacifiers;
  • Individual intolerance to components of milk or formula;
  • Improper nutrition of the mother, consumption of cabbage or legumes.

It is worth knowing that colic occurs more often in artificial babies. This occurs due to swallowing air from a bottle or due to insufficiency of enzyme-forming systems in the child’s body. Mother's milk itself contains enzymes, therefore, figuratively speaking, it breaks down itself, putting a minimal burden on the baby's gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the likelihood of colic decreases.

How does dill water work?

Compared to other drugs for intestinal colic in a newborn, dill water has a number of advantages. First of all, it's natural herbal product. Secondly, it can be easily prepared at home. Thirdly, in addition to eliminating colic, it has other beneficial properties. Dill water promotes:

  • Relieving spasms in the intestines;
  • Normalization of gastrointestinal motility;
  • Elimination of bloating of intestinal loops;
  • Reducing the formation of gases in the intestines;
  • Stimulation of lactation in the mother.

In addition, dill water has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and bronchodilator effects.

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Where to get dill water

There are two options for purchasing this product: buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself at home. The first method is simpler because you don’t need to look for the herb, process it and calculate the dosage. However, finding dill water is not so easy. Most often you have to look for pharmacies that prepare this water themselves, and even in large cities there are only one or two of them.

In pharmacies you can find dill water produced pharmaceutical companies. The most common.

When the baby is born, big changes begin to occur in his work. gastrointestinal tract. The baby needs to adapt to a different eating process, but it is not calm. For the first 3 months, the baby suffers from colic, bloating, and increased gas production. A similar process occurs in all children, without exception, because it is natural. The main thing is to relieve the baby’s abdominal pain at this time. Our grandmothers also used dill seeds for colic in newborns, and today this method is still very popular.

Causes of colic in babies

Colic and increased gas production in infants under 3 months are common, but there are factors that can increase the discomfort. Most newborns undergo the same intestinal adaptation. Before you begin to treat intestinal colic, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence.

The first reason is intestinal immaturity. For nine months the baby was fed through the umbilical cord, then he was born with a sterile intestine that needed to get used to regular food.

The second reason is “gas” or bloating. This sensation occurs due to excess accumulation of gases in the intestines. If a baby drinks only breast milk, the cause of colic is improper attachment to the breast, as a result of which the baby swallows excess air. The same thing happens when bottle feeding.

The third reason is that after feeding the child was in a lying position for too long. Many mothers have probably heard that after feeding the baby, it is necessary to carry it in your arms in an upright position so that excess air escapes through the mouth. When this is not done, gases begin to look for another way out, accumulating in the intestines.

The fourth reason is the emotional state of the mother. The composition of breast milk directly depends on its hormones. That is, the composition does not change for the better under the influence of negative hormones.

Knowing the cause of colic, it can be prevented to some extent. If the measures used do not help the baby, you should consult a doctor, as this may already be a serious illness.

Beneficial properties of dill seeds

In order to understand the benefits of dill seeds for newborns and adults, it is necessary to analyze its composition. Dill seeds have a very rich biochemical composition. These small grains contain microelements such as:

  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.

Dill seeds are also rich in vitamins such as A, C and group B. Dill seeds cannot boast of a high content of vitamin C, unlike greens, but they contain essential oils used in medicine. Dill seeds consist of 18% fatty oils, containing oleic, petroselinic, palmic and linoleic acids. Dill seeds are also rich in flavonoids, carotene, thiamine and riboflavin. All these substances provide invaluable benefits to the body.

The composition of dill seeds shows that they are good not only for treating colic and gas formation in babies. Dill seeds wide range actions for an adult. Dill extract can clear mucus from the bronchi and cure coughs. It also normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle. Dill infusion is also recommended during breastfeeding to increase lactation; in addition, the use of dill infusion by a young mother has a positive effect on the functioning of the baby’s stomach.

Uses dill seeds for colic during headaches and problems with the genitourinary system, including enuresis. Also, the mood of dill seeds is used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • cystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gastritis;
  • poor metabolism;
  • lack of appetite.

Use of dill seeds for enuresis

Enuresis is a disease of the genitourinary system that causes urinary incontinence. In children, enuresis occurs quite often between the ages of 5 and 12 years. Childhood enuresis has its main causes:

  1. Immaturity bladder and nervous system.
  2. Heredity. If the child's parents had similar problems in their childhood.
  3. Stress (moving, changing schools, family quarrels)
  4. Infection of the genitourinary system.

This illness also affects the child psychologically, the child becomes withdrawn, he feels embarrassed in the children's group and at home. Only a doctor can diagnose and treat enuresis in children; self-medication is not recommended. Doctor besides medicines may prescribe a decoction of dill seeds. Dill seeds have a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, allowing children to be relieved of such an unpleasant scourge.

You can brew dill seeds for enuresis in children yourself:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds with a glass of boiling water (200 ml.).
  2. Let the broth brew for about 3 hours. For adult children (9-12 years old), drink the entire glass in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed.
  3. For younger children - half a glass a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. If the disease is in an advanced state, the course of treatment with dill seeds should be repeated with a break of a week.

Many people simply do not know how to brew dill seeds for newborns or do it incorrectly. Exists classic method how to brew dill seeds for newborns, the recipe for which includes the following steps:

  1. They are first ground in a blender or coffee grinder, then poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for about 30 minutes.
  2. Leave for about 3 hours. The finished broth is cooled and filtered.

How to prepare dill water

Dill water is usually made from fennel. Fennel is a pharmaceutical dill. It differs from ordinary dill in the composition of essential oils. But fennel is better for dealing with cramps and coughs, and dill is a diuretic.

Recipe with fennel seeds: Pour one teaspoon of fennel seeds into 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for about 45 minutes. Strain the broth and can be consumed.

If you can't find fennel seeds, you need to know how to make dill water from dill seeds.

Recipe with dill seeds: Pour one small spoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. The broth must be filtered.

Dill water for newborns made from dill seeds is almost as effective as fennel decoction, so if you can’t buy fennel, use dill growing in the garden.

At the pharmacy, dill water is prepared using fennel essential oil. Take a liter clean water and 0.05 ml of essential oil. This infusion can be stored for about a month in the refrigerator. It is better to consume freshly prepared decoction during the day, and prepare a new dill decoction the next day.

Dill water can be prepared from dill and fennel:

  1. Chop the greens (1 tbsp) and pour in 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for about 1 hour, strain and use.

To increase lactation, young mothers can drink half a glass of dill water half an hour before feeding.

How and how much dill water to give to a newborn

Many mothers give their infants dill water by mixing it with formula or breast milk; this can be done, especially since the baby has a positive attitude towards this medicinal drink. The taste of fennel is pleasant to him and does not cause disgust. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then you can give dill water from a bottle, if he drinks breast milk, give a decoction using a teaspoon.

The only advice that can be given to young parents: start giving dill water to the baby gradually, first 1 tsp. 3 times a day, gradually increasing to 100 ml. And be sure to monitor your baby’s reaction to see if he has allergies.

Storage rules

Dill water, which is prepared according to pharmacy prescription, using essential oil, can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month in a closed jar. A decoction prepared from fresh dill and fennel seeds should be stored for no more than 3 days. For newborns, it is recommended to use only freshly prepared decoction.

Dill seeds are usually collected at the end of summer, but seed collection can begin when the seeds begin to fall off the umbrellas. Then the seeds are dried and placed in an airtight jar.


Dill seeds have virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance and low pressure, since the substances included in the composition can reduce it.

There is also no evidence that dill seeds for colic in newborns will not cause allergies, but allergy sufferers should use this plant with caution.

If, after using dill seeds, dizziness begins, vision deteriorates, nausea and weakness appear, you should stop taking the dill seed infusion immediately; this is most likely a sign of an overdose.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dill seeds are not a panacea for all diseases. Don't forget to take antibiotics and other medications if necessary. The seeds are often used as an additional therapy to promote rapid recovery of the body after illness and as a prophylactic agent. If a decoction of dill seeds does not help cope with colic in a baby, you should seek help from a doctor. Be healthy!

This is one of the popular remedies for the treatment of intestinal colic in infants. Only a doctor can prescribe it, like any other medicine. The use of dill water for newborns according to a pediatrician's prescription often quickly gives a positive result, but it is important to follow the dosage and rules of administration specified in the instructions for the product. The medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form or made independently from fennel fruits.

What is dill water

The liquid is a 0.1% solution of fennel oil, which is also called “pharmacy dill”. Dill water for babies helps get rid of intestinal colic, and it can be given almost from birth. According to reviews from parents, the product does an excellent job of removing gases in babies due to its ability to relieve intestinal spasms. Regular use of water with fennel extract will relieve your child of abdominal pain and improve the digestion process. Benefits of dill water for newborns:

  • relieves inflammation digestive tract baby;
  • cleanses the intestines, normalizes microflora;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • relieves spasms of intestinal muscles;
  • helps cure cough by stimulating the formation and removal of mucus from the body;
  • calms down nervous system.

Is it possible to give dill water to a newborn?

As a rule, parents encounter the problem of colic at 2-3 weeks of the baby’s life, and the only approved remedy for eliminating the problem is dill water for babies. Dill and fennel are extremely rarely given allergic reaction However, it is important to monitor the newborn's condition during fluid intake. If your baby has digestive problems in the first days after birth, you should consult your pediatrician and only then give the baby the solution.


The pharmaceutical preparation contains an infusion of fennel seeds as a base. By beneficial properties And appearance the plant is almost identical to ordinary garden dill. However, its use for preparing a solution is due to more pronounced medicinal properties. Dill tea for newborns against colic, which is sold in pharmacies, is made from fennel essential oil. You can make a remedy at home using fresh dill or fennel seeds.

How does dill water affect a newborn?

An effective folk remedy for improving intestinal motility and relieving spasms, it has a mild effect on the baby’s body, rarely causing negative consequences. Dill water for newborns against colic has the following properties:

  • breaks up gas accumulations in the intestines, helps them to be eliminated naturally naturally;
  • relieves pain caused by colic;
  • provides a light disinfectant effect without worsening the condition of the intestinal microflora;
  • strengthens the newborn’s immunity due to the content of vitamins and minerals;
  • activates the production of food enzymes that help prevent unpleasant symptoms associated with deterioration of intestinal function in the future.

Instructions for using dill water for newborns

Regardless of how the solution was prepared, dill water is always taken the same way. Before giving the baby medicine, it is necessary to check the body's reaction for allergies. To this end:

  • give the newborn ½ teaspoon of fennel solution (preferably the day before breastfeeding);
  • Monitor your baby throughout the day to determine if there is an allergic reaction;
  • if the test went well, the next day give the newborn water 1 tsp in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For small children with a bloated tummy, it is necessary to correctly measure and give fennel water with a teaspoon. If the newborn does not want to drink it, mix the solution in a bottle with an equal amount of breast milk or formula. Fennel infusion can be given to a baby in this way:

  • take 5 ml of dill water with a syringe;
  • Try giving the newborn a syringe as a pacifier, slowly pouring the medicine into the mouth.

How much dill water to give to a newborn

Pediatricians recommend taking dill infusion for infant colic 3-4 times a day. With increased gas formation and severe pain in the tummy, the number of doses of the product can be increased. As a rule, after 10-15 minutes after the baby takes the medicine, the intensity painful sensations decreases. One glass of solution is designed for a child to take during the day. For small babies, this daily dose should be divided into more doses, since they are unable to drink a lot of liquid at once.

Is it possible to add dill water to baby's water or mixture?

Fennel infusion is fragrant and has a spicy, bright taste, so children are reluctant to take it. To improve the taste of the medicine, it can be diluted with breast milk or infant formula. In addition, dill water for newborns at home can be diluted with plain water, and then poured into a bottle, from which the baby will then drink.

Side effects

With the right home cooking and following the dosage specified in the instructions, dill water extremely rarely causes side effects. However, sometimes safe remedy from colic gives the following negative consequences of taking:

  • allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea).


Infants should be given fennel solution strictly according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. Despite the naturalness of the drug, significant use of it by a newborn can lead to negative consequences. When consuming an increased dose of dill water, as well as if it is taken too often, the baby may experience increased gas production or diarrhea. In addition, fennel solution in excessive quantities helps lower blood pressure.


Dill water has no contraindications, however, the product can cause an allergic reaction due to the slow adaptation of the baby’s body to a new product or individual intolerance to this plant. In this case, you can replace the colic medicine with an analogue by buying fennel tea for children at breastfeeding. The preparation is simple:

  1. The next morning, a small amount of the mixture is brewed with boiling water.
  2. Afterwards, give the baby a little throughout the day during meals.

How to prepare dill water

There is nothing complicated in preparing a decoction, but it is important to take into account all the nuances so that the product has medicinal properties. How to make dill water for a newborn? There are several recipes for preparing the solution:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of fennel seeds, then close the lid and let it brew for an hour. Afterwards, strain the infusion and give to the newborn throughout the day.
  2. You can brew the product in a water bath, for which a spoonful of dill or fennel seeds should be poured with boiling water (200 ml) and kept for 30-40 minutes in a container filled with hot water. The finished infusion is filtered using gauze. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator or room with a low temperature for no more than a day, but for newborns up to one year old, only fresh dill water is allowed.


Buying ready-made water for newborns is sometimes problematic, since it is sold exclusively in pharmacies that have a prescription department. An alternative option is to purchase dill/fennel tea in bags (Plantex), but you will need to prepare the tea yourself. This form of the product can also help the baby quickly get rid of colic, and cooking the product is not difficult. Below is a table with prices for products in the capital's pharmacies:


From the first days of a child’s life, the process of adapting the gastrointestinal tract to changing conditions begins, first of all, the transition to feeding with breast milk or artificial formula. This process is quite complex, as a result of which almost every baby has symptoms caused by it.

Symptoms of colic often appear during feeding or at its completion, when the baby draws in his legs, cries, and his skin color takes on a reddish tint. All this goes away only after natural bowel movements, as well as the passage of gas. And here it is quite logical that every mother wants to at least somehow help the baby, easing his suffering. Since ancient times, it has been used precisely for these purposes. dill water . True, the opinion of pediatricians regarding the use of this folk remedy don't always match. Let's try to figure out what this medicine is, Is it possible to give dill water to a newborn and how to do it correctly .

Dill water is a solution of fennel oil - a close relative of dill, and it is used in the fight against colic from the first days of a baby's life. In modern pharmacies, dill water is offered as an analogue medicine Plantex, made from fennel seed extract. This drug Available in powder form, it is dissolved in breast milk or water in a certain proportion, which can be found in the instructions for the medicine.

The benefits of dill water

Dill- This is a very useful medicinal plant. The advantages that medicines made on its basis can boast of include:

The ability to cleanse the body of putrefactive formations, help in the formation of beneficial microflora;
Relaxing effect, reducing spasm of smooth muscles;
Facilitation of blood flow throughout the body, dilation of blood vessels, stabilization of cardiac activity;
Reducing pressure on the intestinal walls;
Diuretic, laxative properties;
Decongestant effect on respiratory tract, improved sputum removal;
Beneficial effect on the processes of bile secretion, kidney function, and nervous system;
Beneficial effect on the baby's appetite and mother's lactation.

The effectiveness of using dill water is explained by the ability of fennel to relax the intestinal muscles, reducing spasms, thereby relieving the child of pain and improving digestive processes.

And the property of dill water is very useful for nursing mothers, who, in addition, with the help this tool can calm the nervous system and improve digestion.

Moreover, the positive effect of dill water, if consumed by a nursing woman, also affects the baby directly. By drinking ½ cup of the product 30 minutes before feeding, a woman increases the volume of milk produced, improves its composition, and also automatically relieves the baby from subsequent painful colic. In addition, many mothers have a negative attitude towards feeding their baby if they are breastfeeding. Therefore, the method when a woman takes dill water herself may be a solution to this problem.

Ready-made dill water is sold in the pharmacy

How to prepare dill water for a newborn

Buying ready-made dill water for a newborn is not so easy. This can only be done in the prescription department of pharmacy stores, and the cost for 100 ml is approximately 150 rubles. Instead of the product, you can purchase the above-mentioned Plantex, or similar medications such as Espumisan or Sub-simplex.

You can prepare dill water for a newborn at home using a fairly simple recipe:

Pour 1 tsp into a regular glass. fennel seeds, ground in a blender. Pour hot water over everything and leave for 40-45 minutes, then strain the infusion and add 1 teaspoon to expressed breast milk or water. You can also drop 15 drops of water onto the tongue of a newborn. The infusion prepared in this way is stored for a day.

Instead of dry fennel seeds, you can use essential fennel oil, 0.05 g of which dissolves in 1 liter of water. This solution has a longer shelf life - a month. But you need to store it in the refrigerator, warming it to room temperature each time before use.

Another way to prepare dill water for newborns, if you don’t have fennel on hand, take the seeds of the usual dill, pour boiling water over them at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 teaspoon of seeds, leave for a couple of hours and strain. And having fresh dill, you can make dill tea. In this case, 100 ml of boiling water is poured into 1 tablespoon of green dill and the tea is allowed to brew for about an hour. After which it is cooled and used according to the same rule as dill water for a newborn.

It is worth noting that in each of the described recipes it is necessary to use purified water, boil the cooking utensils and follow all basic rules of hygiene.

Instructions for using dill water for newborns

The principle of how to give dill water to a newborn is determined by the way it is fed. If we're talking about about breastfeeding, then dill water is given to the child from a spoon, but if he is on artificial nutrition, then in addition to the spoon it is allowed to use a bottle. Accept medicine immediately before the feeding process. If the child does not show any particular desire to take the infusion, it means that he does not really like the taste of the medicine. In this case, it should be mixed with breast milk or formula.

Start drinking dill water follows with a very small dose - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day . It is important to carefully monitor how the baby’s body reacts to the medicine. If you do not observe any negative manifestations, the dose can be increased to 5-6 times a day. Further, as the baby develops and painful colic gradually subsides, the use of dill water can be stopped, but if problems are still observed, treatment should be continued. In most cases, the need for dill water for newborns disappears after reaching 6 months, when the child’s body fully adapts to new conditions and independently copes with all the difficulties of digestion.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dill water is not effective for all newborns. It happens that its use causes excessive bloating of the abdomen, as well as allergic manifestations. Therefore, you should not completely rely on the use of this tool. For combating colic in a baby a nursing mother must first normalize her diet, but if artificial feeding, then you need to approach the preparation of the mixture quite responsibly. In addition, the baby needs to regularly massage his tummy, spend more time with him in the fresh air and try to give him a lot of positive emotions.

Doctor Komarovsky about dill water:
