Professional oral hygiene air flow whitening. Air Flow ultrasonic teeth cleaning algorithm. Video: Teeth cleaning and whitening air flow

One of the important factors influencing the aesthetics and attractiveness of our smile is the color of our teeth. To maintain their whiteness and health, it is very important to carefully and properly care for them. And for this, toothpaste and brush alone are not enough.

Doctors recommend periodically performing professional teeth cleaning which is successfully performed in dental clinics. Mechanical cleaning is already quite outdated. It has been replaced by more advanced Air Flow technology, which does not damage the enamel or injure the gums.

The result of the Air Flow cleaning procedure: before and after photos

Professional teeth cleaning Air Flow

The name of the device of the Swiss company EMS Air Flow (“Air Flow”) is translated from English as “air flow”. In modern dental practice, this very useful device is intended for removing soft plaque and pigmentation from the surface of teeth (including artificial structures: crowns, veneers, dental implants).

The principle of hygienic cleaning Air teeth Flow consists of softening plaque and removing it from the enamel surface.

The Air Flow system acts on plaque with a strong jet consisting of a special treatment mixture based on an abrasive agent, water and compressed air. This solution is supplied under pressure, thoroughly cleaning surface pigmentation and plaque in hard-to-reach areas oral cavity.

The abrasive is based on sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), so this procedure does not pose any danger to human health. The size of the soda crystals is too small to damage tooth enamel, but they are excellent at removing plaque.

Air Flow teeth cleaning system

Description of the ultrasonic cleaning procedure

  1. The patient must wear a special cap and safety glasses, place a saliva ejector under the tongue, and lubricate the lips with Vaseline to prevent them from drying out.
  2. The dentist points the tip of the Air Flow device at an angle of approximately 30-60 degrees to the teeth and, without touching the gums, brushes each tooth in a circular motion. The medicinal mixture is supplied through 2 channels of the tip: internal and external. Soda and air enter the tip through the internal channel, and water through the external channel. After combining all the components, a powerful stream of particles bursts out, which quickly and effectively cleans teeth. The pressure force of the abrasive solution on the enamel is adjustable.
  3. The waste material is collected with a special dental vacuum cleaner.
  4. At the end of the cleaning, a special protective coating is applied to the tooth enamel, prolonging the effect of the procedure.

When cleaning with the Air Flow device, both dense dental plaque, soft subgingival plaque, and biofilms with harmful bacteria are removed. In addition, pigmented areas are cleaned, pathological granulations are removed from periodontal pockets, and the surface of the teeth is polished.

During the cleaning process, the organic film covering the tooth is lost, so the first couple of hours after the Air Flow procedure:

  • Smoking is not recommended;
  • You should refrain from drinking certain drinks: coffee, strong tea and colored carbonated drinks.

Depending on the condition of the periodontal tissues and the type of dental plaque, the frequency of visits to the hygienist for teeth cleaning varies from 3 to 6 months.

Benefits of Cleaning

The advantages of this method include:

  • The procedure for brushing teeth with the AirFlow device absolutely painless, therefore, during its implementation, patients do not feel physical discomfort.
  • The powder used in Air Flow whitening is fine and soft, which means it does not scratch enamel and does not disrupt its structure.
  • Cleaning is carried out under strictly limited pressure, therefore soft fabrics periodontal tissue is not damaged.
  • After professional cleaning, Air Flow occurs lightening the enamel by 1-2 tones, returning teeth to their natural whiteness.
  • The procedure is short in duration, requiring only one visit to the dentist and only 30-45 minutes time.
  • Unlike chemical whitening methods, cleaning using the Air Flow method causes less harm hard tissues tooth because does not break protein bonds. After such cleaning there is no need to carry out a course of remineralization.
  • After the procedure almost no increase in sensitivity to chemical, tactile and temperature stimuli.
  • This technology gives ability to clean hard-to-reach interdental spaces. Air Flow is the only suitable cleaning for owners of crowns, braces and implants.
  • Due to the fact that the main abrasive substance in Air Flow technology is soda, this procedure will never does not provoke the development of allergic reactions.
  • Brushing your teeth with the Air Flow device is excellent prevention development of caries and gum disease. Teeth are whitened by removing tartar, plaque, and harmful bacteria that cause many oral diseases.

Cleaning with the Air Flow system is especially effective at cleaning tartar: photos before and after the procedure


  1. Asthma and chronic bronchitis. For people suffering from these diseases, there is a risk of difficulty breathing during the procedure.
  2. Air Flow is contraindicated in patients suffering from intolerance to citrus smell and taste.
  3. Air Flow plaque removal will not benefit people on a salt-free diet because the abrasive contained in the solution contains salt.
  4. An obstacle to the use of this method is some periodontal diseases.
  5. Contraindications include thin enamel and increased tooth sensitivity.
  6. Air Flow technology is not recommended for use by children, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

What to choose: whitening or Air Flow?

The Air Flow method is often credited with whitening properties. However, at its core, teeth cleaning using Air Flow technology is not true whitening, radically changing the color of teeth, but serves only as an additional hygienic procedure that restores natural color enamels.

Many people will have a question - what to choose: real teeth whitening or cleaning with the Air Flow method?

If you are satisfied with the natural color of your tooth enamel, then the Air Flow technique is a great way to transform yourself and maintain oral hygiene.

If you are unhappy with your natural color, you can make your teeth truly snow-white by lightening them 7-10 shades. In this case, photo whitening, laser whitening or chemical teeth lightening is indicated.

Air Flow teeth cleaning can also be carried out as an additional method of polishing after ultrasonic whitening - this combination allows you to achieve even more best results. Ultrasonic enamel whitening can effectively remove hard stone and deposits on the gums, which cause the development of a number of health problems.

After using AirFlow, ultrasonic teeth cleaning and other technologies, your teeth will become smooth, clean and sparkling white.

Professional cleaning of the oral cavity, carried out by a qualified specialist, will create favorable conditions for the most effective implementation of daily hygiene procedures.

The main cause of tooth decay during life and the appearance of pain, and in rare cases, premature tooth extraction, is poor oral hygiene. The formation of plaque on teeth due to gastritis, smoking, and improper brushing provokes a change in their shade and disruption of the enamel structure. As is known, the most effective treatment– disease prevention, in other words, this means professional cleaning teeth. Timely brushing of teeth makes it possible to prevent and avoid caries treatment.

Hygienic cleaning is carried out by a dentist using cleaning pastes or one of the new treatment methods. It is believed that hygienic cleaning of enamel is a kind of bleaching. But that's not true. Professional cleaning makes it possible to prevent caries and restore the natural color of teeth. Remember that it is with hygienic treatment that treatment of the oral cavity should begin, since the main condition for high-quality treatment (filling, prosthetics, surgical treatment, implantation, orthopedic treatment) is a healthy and thoroughly sanitized oral cavity.

In addition to dental plaque, there are also invisible deposits under the gums, and their existence can lead to periodontitis, loosening and loss of teeth. The presence of these diseases is determined by the doctor during examination.

Teeth whitening using the modern Air Flow method

There is currently a strong increase in patient interest in teeth whitening using the new Air Flow method, which improves health and appearance teeth.

Such methods of tooth enamel whitening are focused primarily on increasing the brightness of teeth without mechanically changing the structure of the tooth surface. The simplest method of whitening in this sense is professional hygiene, which can remove plaque and dental deposits, as well as ensure thorough cleaning of the spaces between the teeth.

Among the large number of different factors that influence the attractiveness and aesthetics of teeth, one of the most important is their color. The return of natural light color due to chemical or mechanical removal of pigmented surface plaque is commonly called bleaching. But it is worth noting that the use of the method of removing plaque using Air-flow water-air-powder technology in reality is not real whitening and serves only as an auxiliary procedure that returns the teeth to their real color. As a result of using professional hygiene Air-flow, the amount of reflected light increases, and this leads to the fact that teeth appear lighter, and no changes occur in the structure of natural enamel and dentin.

Air-Flow, or in other words professional removal of pigmentation and tartar, is recommended for those patients who have a large amount of pigmented plaque accumulated on their teeth. Also, doctors recommend professional hygiene using the Air-Flow method for people with crowded teeth. A significant role in pigmentation is played by the abuse of coffee, tea, and especially red wine and smoking. Black spots on the enamel can be removed using an Air Flow device, or a sandblasting device that is configured to treat the tooth surface with a powerful air flow with abrasive. The main components in this matter are: sodium carbonate - soda, which removes pigment. At the same time, no damage to the enamel occurs and the patient is left with a clean, beautiful smile.

  • Removing plaque from tooth enamel and pigmentation.
  • Prevention of periodontal disease.
  • Preparing teeth before home and clinical whitening.
  • Removing pigment after removing braces.

If teeth whitening using the Air Flow method is not enough, another whitening method is used. One such method is clinical professional teeth whitening using the Zoom system.

Remember that in modern dentistry, the Air Flow method of tooth enamel whitening acts as an excellent alternative to the outdated method of mechanical whitening. Both doctors and patients have already assessed the affordable cost of teeth whitening using this method. Reviews of whitening using the Air Flow method indicate that the procedure is as painless as possible; as for reviews of Air Flow teeth whitening from dentists, they are also positive.

Areas of use of Air Flow whitening technology

  • In aesthetic dentistry;
  • In the treatment of caries;
  • The process of the procedure.
  • In orthodontics.


Patients do not require any special preparation before whitening with the Air Flow method. But, in any case, it is better to consult a dentist about possible complications.

The duration of this procedure is one hour. Air Flow whitening technology is suitable for whitening tooth enamel from coffee, cigarettes, tea and many other tooth surface pigments.

Whitening process using air flow technology

The technology for teeth whitening using air flow goes like this:

  1. The patient wears special safety glasses and a cap to prevent dust from getting into his hair or eyes;
  2. In order to protect the lips from drying out, the dentist applies Vaseline to them;
  3. The saliva ejector tube is placed in the mouth under the tongue;
  4. Next, they turn on a special apparatus that supplies a mixture of air, powder and water under pressure. The basis of this powder is sodium bicarbonate. The powder has a pleasant taste;
  5. The dentist brings the nozzle of the device close to the teeth, as a result of this, plaque is removed from the surface of the tooth enamel, and the tooth acquires natural whiteness. The enamel is not injured during the procedure.
  6. At the final stage of the procedure, a protective gel is applied, which increases the effect of this cleaning.

Rehabilitation period

Further, after teeth whitening using the Air Flow method, it is recommended to temporarily refrain from smoking, drinking coffee, tea and other products that lead to contamination of tooth enamel. Over time, the protective film destroyed during cleaning, the organic film that covered the teeth, is restored


Despite the fact that the procedure is safe, there are still certain contraindications. This procedure cannot be performed:

  • Patients with bronchitis and chronic asthma;
  • Patients with poor tolerance to citrus smell and taste;
  • Not recommended for people on a salt-free diet, since the powder contains salt;
  • Patients with periodontal disease.

After teeth whitening using the Air Flow method, complications usually do not arise.

Cost and clinics

The procedure for whitening tooth enamel using this method can be done both in regular dental institutions and in private hospitals. It should be noted that compared to other methods of teeth whitening, Air Flow prices are relatively low. The cost of a standard procedure in an average Moscow clinic including a minimum package of services is around 2,500 rubles. In free clinics, this procedure is performed free of charge once a year (depending on your policy and the type of compulsory health insurance).

Cleaning process

The jet gently and carefully affects the surface of tooth enamel, practically without injuring it. What are the benefits of teeth whitening using the Air Flow method? This cleaning of tooth enamel makes the tooth surface more even and smooth, which means harmful microbes will not stick. Further, after cleaning, patients experience no unpleasant odor from the mouth and no bleeding. Whitening is performed at a professional level using advanced equipment and modern materials.

The powder hits the tooth surface under strong pressure and thus removes plaque. The dental assistant brings a special vacuum cleaner to the other side of the tooth being treated. Waste powder, water, and plaque particles are collected by this vacuum cleaner in the mouth without scattering throughout the office.

In a paid clinic, patients are usually offered professional comprehensive teeth cleaning using the Air Flow method:

  • Removing plaque (including from food dyes and smoking).
  • Washing of periodontal gum pockets.
  • Effective removal of subgingival tartar.
  • Polishing the surface of the teeth.

Air Flow Teeth Cleaning Powders come in a variety of delicious flavors.

Benefits of the Air Flow teeth brushing method

  • Using the Airflow method, you can also lighten your teeth without damaging your enamel. Brushing your teeth will also provide an excellent polishing effect.
  • Professional cleaning AirFlow is the least traumatic method of preventing oral cavity and periodontitis.
  • Since the main cleaning material in the Air Flow method is simple soda, the cleaning procedure with this method will never provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Although the procedure is safe for your health, you should consult your dentist before visiting a hygienist.

Professional cleaning must be done at least once a year, because under the influence of the environment, after a year the varnish will lose its quality, which will lead to the appearance of caries and plaque. To maintain results, we recommend using.

Prophy-Mate - device for Air Flow

Prophy-Mate guarantees unsurpassed cleaning and polishing results in the oral cavity. World experts “strongly recommend having Prophy-Mate equipment in every dental office,” say specialists in the production of dental medical equipment from NSK.

The visually attractive rounded shape is the result of NSK's in-depth research into ease of use and ease of operation. The grooves on the top of the handpiece provide a secure grip for the dentist's hand and simplified control of the handpiece. Convenient design and pleasant to the touch rounded shape, all this allows specialists to more accurately perform an important procedure related to Airflow oral hygiene - cleaning the dental surface from plaque.

Special dual nozzles direct air into the powder container, thus ensuring a stable flow of powder into the nozzle located in the container. Thanks to the power and continuity of the jet, an exceptional degree of polishing and cleaning is achieved.

The Prophy-Mate professional cleaning device has 2 joints on hinges, making it possible to rotate the head of the mechanism 360° for its mobility. The head rotates freely even at maximum air pressure, and the lightweight body reduces hand fatigue.

The front nozzle can be easily removed. This also further simplifies sterilization and oral hygiene.

Remember that good hygiene is the key to your natural beauty and health!

(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)

A snow-white smile emphasizes the external attractiveness of its owner. But not only is it not affordable for everyone, but it also has a number of contraindications, negative consequences for health. An alternative is Air-Flow cleaning. Today, this procedure is offered by both private and public clinics. medical institutions. What this manipulation is, how effective and safe it is, we will tell you in this material.

What is Air-Flow teeth cleaning?

Despite the innovative name, the procedure itself is quite simple and does not require special professional equipment and materials. In fact, Air-Flow cleaning is a method of eliminating using targeted high pressure jets of air and water with soda. Sometimes calcium crystals are used as an abrasive. This solution filler gently cleanses the enamel, but is more expensive, so it is rarely used. A special Air-Flow device sprays the specified mixture onto the teeth, destroying deposits even in places inaccessible to other cleaning methods (between the teeth, on the gums). In addition, gentle polishing of the enamel occurs, “soft” whitening by 1-2 tones due to the elimination of plaque and deposits.

In dentistry, this method is neither classified as chemical methods of cleaning teeth (since no chemical components are used), nor mechanical (since there is no direct contact with the equipment during the procedure). Air-Flow cleaning is an auxiliary method of oral care.

The procedure is completed by polishing the teeth with special pastes using a soft rotating brush. In this way, the remains of dental plaque and plaque are removed. Some clinics offer patients to coat their tooth enamel with dental varnish to seal the results of professional cleaning.

The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 40 minutes (depending on the initial state of the dentition).

Is Air-Flow teeth brushing painful?

The procedure is absolutely painless. Although some discomfort is still noted during cleaning. Despite the use of special suction, the patient swallows some of the liquid sprayed by the device. Although the solution is aromatized with lemon flavor, it is still not suitable for internal use. In addition, soda irritates the mucous membrane of the oral cavity - some patients experience a burning sensation in the mouth directly during the cleaning process, and after the procedure there is dryness and soda deposits in the mouth and lips. If swallowed, the solution may cause heartburn and indigestion.

Indications for the procedure

Professional cleaning with Air-Flow is carried out as an independent procedure for caring for the teeth, namely, it is used to prevent the formation of tartar and persistent plaque, and as preparatory work before dental implantation, prosthetics or whitening.

Indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • The appearance of plaque and minor dental deposits (prevention of diseases such as caries and periodontal disease is necessary).
  • Pigmentation of the tooth.
  • The problem of crowded teeth (too close together). With this problem, other methods of cleaning the interdental space will be ineffective.
  • Scheduled removal of braces.
  • Upcoming chemical whitening, dental implantation or prosthetics.


Professional teeth cleaning Air-Flow has a number of advantages compared to other types of hygiene procedures, including ultrasonic treatment of enamel:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • lack of mechanical contact with the device, which often leads to tooth damage (therefore Air-Flow is recommended for patients with dental implants);
  • the ability to treat hard-to-reach areas;
  • effectiveness (the result is noticeable after the first procedure);
  • non-toxicity of the solution;
  • enrichment of tooth enamel with fluoride.


Despite the safety of such teeth cleaning, there are contraindications to its implementation. The Air-Flow procedure cannot be performed under conditions such as:

  • Periodontal disease (cleaning can cause inflammation and swelling).
  • The presence of a large volume of dental plaque (Air-Flow cleaning will not cope with multiple deep deposits). The photo before the procedure, presented below, demonstrates in what initial condition of the dentition the procedure will be effective.
  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma, other diseases respiratory system are a direct contraindication to brushing your teeth using this method.
  • People who are assigned salt-free diet, it is also impossible to carry out such a hygienic procedure.
  • Air-Flow is not recommended for patients with allergies to citrus fruits.
  • The procedure should be performed with caution on pregnant and lactating women.

Cleaning result

The result of hygienic dental cleaning using the Air-Flow method is noticeable immediately after the procedure:

  • Tartar deposits and plaque are eliminated;
  • teeth become lighter due to the removal of dirt;
  • The dentition becomes shiny as a result of grinding.

In the photo below you can see how effective Air Flow cleaning is. Before and after the procedure, teeth look completely different.

  1. For 3 hours after the procedure, you should not eat food that can stain the enamel (beets, juices, coffee, etc.).
  2. You should also refrain from smoking for several hours.
  3. If further chemical teeth whitening is planned, then this procedure can be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after Air-Flow.


The price of one professional Air-Flow dental cleaning procedure averages 1,500–2,000 rubles. But clinics often provide various promotions for such hygiene services: a pre-holiday price reduction or cleaning as an incentive bonus, subject to other dental procedures, for example, filling.

Air-Flow (cleaning): patient reviews

Despite the simplicity of the procedure for brushing teeth using the Air-Flow method, there are mixed reviews about this dental procedure. More often negative opinions arise as a result of insufficient awareness of patients about the essence of such a procedure. Namely: people expect instant, noticeable whitening of their enamel. In fact, as we found out above, Air-Flow only removes plaque, dirt, and stones, returning the patient to the natural original color of the teeth.

Therefore, there are often reviews in which patients note the ineffectiveness of such cleaning. Also, visitors to the dental office indicate discomfort during the process of brushing teeth, a burning sensation in the oral cavity. According to patients, gum bleeding increases after Air-Flow (cleaning) has been performed.

One of the solutions to the issue of dental care could be a Swiss device that provides cleaning using the air flow method. What exactly is he?

The main therapeutic effect is created by an air stream in which air is mixed with sodium bicarbonate powder (soda), as well as with water. The mixture is supplied under pressure, providing a gentle, pinpoint abrasive effect. This removes plaque and cleans small superficial pigment spots.

This procedure requires very little time. Also, it is completely painless. The result of this treatment process is not only cleaning, but also removing stains from tea, coffee or cigarettes and returning your teeth to their pearly natural color and shine.

Since this procedure wastes the protective dental film, the patient is not recommended to smoke or drink tea or coffee for the first 2-3 hours.

This cleaning method is considered one of the mildest in its effects. It is important to note that no special chemicals, which ensures the safety of the enamel as a result of this procedure. As a result, teeth become several shades lighter.

For maximum and harsh cleaning, you will need to use something else. Cleaning occurs precisely from various contaminants. If a person has a yellow color by nature, then in order to whiten them you will need to use other methods.


In order to use this cleaning method, you need to prepare for this by visiting a doctor.

Indications for air flow may be as follows:

  1. Prevention of caries and other similar diseases.
  2. It makes sense to resort to this procedure if you have tartar.
  3. If there is a suspicion that you have a hidden carious process.
  4. If the whiteness of your enamel is insufficient.
  5. It is also important to carry out this procedure in cases where there is a suspicion of gum disease associated with poor quality
  6. When preparing for prosthetics, such cleaning would be quite appropriate.

How is the procedure done?

First, the patient must decide how harsh the cleaning should be. The fact is that this procedure uses a dispersed mixture, which is supplied under pressure. Depending on its characteristics, cleaning can be soft or somewhat hard.

If your teeth require serious attention, then it is better to use a harsh cleaning method. If they are constantly and carefully maintained, then a gentle cleaning will be enough.

At the first stage, stones are removed using an appropriate ultrasonic attachment. The operating principle that is used here is vibration. This method of removing tartar is more comfortable than mechanical.

Next, the cleaned teeth are processed using a special rotating brush using dental abrasive paste. After this, they are no longer just white, but become smooth and shiny.

The next step is fluoridation. They are coated with a protective varnish that has a remineralizing effect. To avoid damaging it, it will not be possible to clean them in the evening. Fluoridation performed in this way will reduce sensitivity and help strengthen tooth enamel.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  1. This procedure makes sense for those who care about the cleanliness and beauty of their teeth and at the same time avoid things that worsen their color (for example, smoking). If you do not set such a goal, then the need for this procedure arises quite rarely.
  2. Air flow does not improve their color, it only removes plaque.
  3. This procedure is relatively gentle, so the lightening occurs by only a few tones. For those who need more stringent procedures, this cleaning method is not suitable.

Cost and contraindications

Treatment of one tooth will cost 390 rubles.

The entire oral cavity can be cleaned for 5,000 rubles.

Cleaning one jaw can cost up to 2190 rubles.


  1. The air flow method should not be used by persons who suffer from attacks of bronchial asthma.
  2. There are also restrictions for pregnant women.
  3. Some types of allergies (citrus fruit allergies) are not allowed to use this method of oral care.
  4. If you do not have the contraindications that are listed here, then before resorting to this procedure, you need to carry out the necessary treatment from a dentist and take into account the recommendations that he will give you.


Olga says.“A year ago my sister went for such a cleaning. It stopped me public opinion. For some reason, some people believed that this cleaning could damage the surface of the teeth and in the future they could darken faster and more severely than before.

Then you will become more and more attached to this procedure. But a year has passed, my sister’s teeth look great, but I have dark spots. It was time to make a decision on this matter. I came to the reception. They sat me down in a chair. The procedure turned out to be completely painless. There was a tube in the mouth to suck out saliva, right. That I was able to keep my mouth open all the time, as was required of me.

After the procedure, I rinsed my mouth. Then the doctor cleaned my teeth using some kind of professional paste and a special electric attachment. The entire procedure was completed in less than half an hour.

The teeth have acquired a pleasant white color. I was told that I should not eat anything during the day. coloring products. They also advised me to buy a different toothbrush and use mouthwash.”

After finishing the procedure, I felt some discomfort in my mouth for about an hour. The increased sensitivity of the teeth continued for several days, then it all went away.

With this method, cleaning occurs precisely from plaque and dirt. The color of the teeth themselves remains unchanged after this procedure.”

Irina shares her impressions.“I’m used to having my teeth treated. I have never done bleaching. I decided to find an inexpensive dentist and searched the Internet. When I arrived for my appointment, I was given a cape, special glasses to keep my eyes safe, and a mouth dilator.

The dispersed solution used to clean teeth smells like citrus. The jet is directed at the teeth under strong pressure. This powder has an unpleasant taste and during cleaning it ends up almost everywhere. It feels unpleasant and tastes salty. You cannot swallow during the process, your mouth becomes dry and you really want to drink.

After finishing the cleaning, the dentist gave me the opportunity to rinse my mouth. After the procedure is completed, the dentist uses mint toothpaste and special brush brushed my teeth. The end result was unexpected. It felt like all the bad stuff had been cleaned out of my mouth.

I want to note that air flow does not whiten the teeth themselves, but it cleanses everything that has accumulated on them over a long period of time. After the procedure, I was not allowed to eat or drink anything that could stain the enamel (tea, coffee and similar types of food and drink) for two hours.

Also, smoking is not recommended. It is important to remember that not all dentists perform cleanings well enough. In fact, the jet should be directed from the gums to the tips of the teeth. This is necessary so as not to irritate the gums. I am pleased with the results of the cleaning, although it seemed to me that my teeth began to turn yellower than before.

But it should be taken into account that I am used to drinking a lot of coffee. I must say that if you avoid coffee, tea, smoking and the like, then it makes sense to go on such a cleanse. If not, your teeth will quickly turn yellow again.

Now healthy teeth and a snow-white smile is not just a fashion statement. Recently, not only people with oral diseases have begun to visit the dentist’s office, but also those who simply want to have a beautiful smile and maintain healthy teeth into old age. Some people decide to have it professionally cleaned, while for others home remedies are enough. However, many whitening and cleaning methods can negatively affect the health and condition of tooth enamel. To prevent this from happening, you need to use high-quality methods that will not cause any harm to the enamel. One such remedy is air flow teeth cleaning. What is it and how does it work?

Air flow teeth cleaning. What is it and why is it so popular?

It is worth saying that such a system does not whiten teeth completely. In essence, this is simply a very high-quality cleaning of plaque and bacteria. As a result, the teeth get their true natural color. Of course, the smile becomes brighter, but you don’t need to expect a completely snow-white effect. Air flow teeth brushing is simply a procedure that helps to give your teeth a natural shade. This will be especially noticeable in those who suffer bad habits, drinks a lot of tea or coffee.

How is professional air flow teeth cleaning performed?

So, how is air flow teeth cleaning done? What is it? The entire process is carried out using a sandblasting machine. Under high pressure, the device begins to spray a mixture of air, baking soda and water. There is no need to be afraid that soda will harm the enamel - its particles are so small that they will not destroy the enamel, but will do an excellent job of removing plaque. Regular soda harms enamel, but this mixture is even more effective than many toothpastes. The procedure itself does not cause discomfort or discomfort. The solution has a lemon flavor. Cleaning itself refers to special hygiene procedures that help maintain the health and beauty of the oral cavity.

We have been taught to think that drugs help us get better. In fact, medications only relieve symptoms and aggravate the situation in the future, as they additionally pollute the body with harmful substances. chemical compounds. It is best to be treated with herbs, since only herbs contain all the beneficial microelements for our body. Research on this topic is constantly being carried out; you can read about it in detail at the link. Therefore, we increasingly understand that pills do not cure us and try to turn to folk remedies, which were tested by our grandmothers.

Here, for example, is the popularly known monastery collection of Father George. Clinical trials The monastery collection was held at the end of 2014. In total, more than 1,000 people with various ailments participated. All of them drank a decoction from the monastery collection for a month. The test results surprised even the doctors! The collection had a positive effect on all subjects without exception. For some, the illnesses went away completely (including severe ones, such as diabetes and hypertension), for others there was serious progress in treatment, for others they simply became healthier. The monastic collection of Father George is as highly effective as the most powerful chemicals, but at the same time it is completely safe and not only not harmful, but also beneficial for health. The history of the monastery collection dates back to ancient times. It first appeared in the northern monasteries Ancient Rus', where it was used to get rid of a wide variety of ailments. The monastic collection turned out to be so life-giving that those wishing for healing from all over the former Soviet Union began to come to Father George for it. This collection has already helped many people find long-awaited health and return to normal life. And if he helps others, then he will help you too. Take an additional look at the page at this link; this will help you become healthier, because the collection includes 16 types of different herbs and it can help you cope with your illness without drugs or doctors.

Brushing teeth with the air flow system has the following advantages:

— speed of the procedure and absence pain, which are inherent in many other systems;
— the solution is absolutely harmless to enamel;
— cleaning not only the teeth, but also braces and other structures;
effective removal dental plaque and soft deposits;
— high-quality cleaning of even the most inaccessible areas;
— lightening the enamel and getting rid of bacteria.

Indications for the procedure:

age spots on the teeth, coloring of the teeth yellow. The procedure is especially recommended for smokers and those who drink a lot of coffee and black tea;
- use of braces and other systems that require careful cleaning;
— as preparation for a professional whitening method;
— as a prevention of periodontitis and other gum diseases;
- reduction pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Video: Brushing teeth with air flow


Despite the availability and popularity of the method, brushing teeth with air flow is contraindicated for some people. These include:

— too sensitive and thin enamel. It is recommended to first carry out a series of procedures to strengthen tooth enamel;
— pregnancy, lactation period;
- kidney diseases;
chronic diseases upper respiratory tract(asthma, bronchitis);
- the use of drugs that regulate salt exchanges in the body;
- severe stages of caries and other inflammatory processes oral cavity;
- individual intolerance to the body, allergy to citrus fruits.

If you are still not confident in using this method, you can consult a dentist.

What is the procedure for brushing teeth with an air flow device?

The whole process is very fast and painless. The doctor puts a cap on the patient’s head and covers his eyes with glasses. This stage is called preparatory.

The doctor then inserts a special dental vacuum cleaner under the tongue, which is designed to suck out unnecessary fluid and clean the results. If such an instrument is not used, the patient will have to constantly spit or swallow the contents.

Then the doctor begins to work on each tooth in turn, using the device and holding it in a certain way. The procedure does not affect the mucous tissue of the gums. After the process is completed, the specialist applies fluoride gel to the client’s teeth, which strengthens the enamel and reduces sensitivity.

Video: Teeth cleaning and whitening air flow

At the time of cleaning, the natural protective film is removed, which will restore itself after several hours. That is why the patient is not recommended to smoke or drink tea, coffee and other coloring drinks after the procedure.

Within a few days it will be felt increased sensitivity teeth, which will then go away on its own. Don't worry about this.

Usually, after cleaning, the doctor gives some recommendations that you should definitely listen to. For example, you need to change your toothbrush to a new one. There are still bacteria on the old one, which will again lead to the appearance of plaque. You also need to buy a special mouthwash. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure at least once a year.

This technique is very popular at the moment. It is harmless, carried out quickly and does not cause discomfort. However, air flow teeth cleaning also has its disadvantages. For example:

— the system does not have a way to make teeth whiter. It just clears plaque;

— hard parts of tartar cannot be removed in this way. In this case, ultrasonic cleaning is used;

- sometimes there is a possibility of gum damage, especially if the work is performed by an illiterate specialist.

Prices for the service depend on the qualifications of the doctor and the prestige of the clinic. Usually the price is about 1000 or 1500 rubles per session. Many people are quite happy with it.

However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with just brushing your teeth using the air flow method. Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from stone is often also required. After the procedure, the teeth need to be polished. This also costs money. Also, a certain amount is charged for treating the dentition with a solution containing fluoride. Therefore, the entire procedure will cost about 4,000. In many clinics, doctors first provide free consultations, determine the condition of the oral cavity and recommend one or another set of procedures. If there is acute diseases, you need to get rid of them first.
