Gymnastics for the joints of the fingers. Physical therapy: exercises for fingers, hands, physical therapy for wrists

Our hands work every day. But we pay very little attention to the condition of the ligaments, the health and the skin on them. This comes back to us with a feeling of constant tension in the hands, cracking joints, as well as deterioration appearance. These problems will help to solve for the hands (physical therapy).

This is a solution to emerging problems, an excellent prevention of diseases of the joints and ligaments, while for children they are a mechanism for the development of fine motor skills, speech, attention and memory. During rehabilitation in following cases exercises for the hands and fingers are used: stroke, traumatic brain injury.

No special conditions are required for their implementation. Exercises to strengthen your hands and fingers can be done even while sitting at a table. In order to increase their effectiveness, follow simple rules:

  • do all the complexes at the same pace with both hands;
  • perform exercises systematically and regularly;
  • do a couple of repetitions of the complex during the day;
  • without holding your breath, breathe freely;
  • Concentrate on each exercise, do not get distracted.

Tibetan monks began every morning by doing exercises for their hands and fingers. They recognized them as a miraculous method for restoring the flow of energy, in addition, they considered them a source of maintaining the necessary vitality. Availability huge amount reflex cells on the palms serves as scientific confirmation of this fact.

Relieving fatigue

These exercises for fingers and hands are recommended for people who work at a computer keyboard for a long time or fill out a lot of paperwork by hand. It is even better for each person to perform these exercises every day to maintain youthful skin, as well as maintain healthy joints. Let's consider exercises for fingers and hands:

Such easy exercises for the fingers and hands serve as an excellent prevention of joint diseases and relieve fatigue.

Tendon exercises

Performed as follows:

  1. Starting position: fingers closed, palms open. We spread our straight fingers apart (“spread”) and close them at the same time. You need to do 10 repetitions.
  2. Starting position: fingers closed, palms open. We move our fingers away from each other one by one, starting with the little finger and ending with the index finger. We close everything together in one movement. A total of 10 repetitions are needed.
  3. Starting position: fingers closed, palms open. We close and spread our fingers 2 at a time - the middle and ring fingers, while the index finger fits tightly to the middle finger, while the ring finger fits tightly to the little finger. Need 10 reps.

Extension and flexion of the fingers in the phalanges

The exercises are performed as follows:

Movement of each finger separately

In general, all the exercises given here for the fingers and hands are aimed at this. Main problem lies in the ability to move the little finger separately, while the ring finger is the most difficult. What exercises for fingers and hands are effective for working out these moments? See below:

  1. Starting position: hold your arms vertically, freely. We extend our fingers one at a time perpendicular to our palms.
  2. With the help of this exercise, the ligament of the middle and ring finger. It is very important, since this ligament is the slowest of the other muscles of the hand. This exercise is performed on each hand in turn. Initial position - we hold our hand freely, and with our middle and ring fingers we make circular smooth movements like a “bicycle” - the legs have the same trajectory when pedaling. As your fingers develop, you need to do the exercise clockwise and counterclockwise. It can cause discomfort, it is quite complex - an unpleasant pulling sensation may appear in the back of the hand. To reduce them, you can grab your wrist with your free hand and slightly move the upper layers of muscle and skin upward towards the back of the fingers.

Relaxation of fingers and hands

For every workout, it is important to learn how to relax all muscles. You can do this as often as necessary. This will only benefit you. The following methods can be used:

Strengthening wrists and ligaments

The following exercises for fingers and hands are also suitable. Strength training is often necessary for many people. A man's forearms and hands should be strong. The ancient Greeks paid great attention to this, since the weapons of those years could not be used with weak hands. The legendary Bruce Lee is the record holder for the strength of his hands and forearms - he exhausted his hands with “hellish” training, thanks to which he had very powerful ones.

The first method that can be distinguished is push-ups with fists. Next, you can start doing push-ups on your fingers, and also press the expander. These are available simple ways, which can relieve you of pain in your fingers and hands in just a few days. Of course, it is likely that your hands will hurt even more at first. Only this will be pain of a different nature, associated with the release of lactic acid and muscle growth. It goes away completely after a week of regular training.

Hand expanders

Eat various types- spring and rubber rings. Rubber ones lose their elasticity over time or tear. However, they are rather weak.

Push-ups on fingers

Along with regular push-ups on your fingers, you can also practice a more complex version, which is very effective for your fingers and the whole body. To do this, you need to put your feet on a chair, while doing push-ups from the floor.

Carpal gyroscopic trainer

This cunning “device” functions in an amazing way. It went on sale recently, and has proven its effectiveness despite its ease of use. This is a sphere with a fairly heavy roller located inside. This roller unwinds with a sharp jerk using a cord, after which you need to feel its inertial rotation inside the sphere, trying to accelerate and maintain it.

A few minutes of such work, out of habit, can work on the biceps, forearm and shoulder. It does not train your fingers, but is very effective for the forearm and wrist. An excellent remedy for the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Finger Fitness and Greg Irwin

This is the man who invented finger fitness. Greg has turned finger exercises into an art. He performs certain “performances” only with the fingers of both hands. He developed a complex designed specifically for guitarists, and also recorded training videos and published books. All of this is also great for finger development.


Summarizing everything said above, I would like to note once again that for the development of each skill, the main thing is regularity. Water wears away stone. If this is considered her “goal”, then she always achieves it. Likewise, training will definitely bring you closer to excellent results, but only if you do it regularly. Take breaks, rest, but under no circumstances give up, returning with renewed vigor every time to achieve what you want, always take another, even a small step.

Children's gymnastics

The development of the hand in a child under 5 years of age is promoted by modeling from plasticine or clay, assembling mosaics, tying knots, and playing with a ball. At the same time, with schoolchildren, due to the heavy load on the hands when writing, it is necessary to do special exercises for the fingers.

To make these exercises interesting for children, accompany the activity with funny sounds or stories.

During the day, a person performs many operations with his hands, using his hands and fingers. In many professions, high hand performance is very important, so the hands need to be regularly exercised and kept in shape.

Special exercises for the hands will help not only increase the strength of the hands and fingers or restore the hands after injury, but also prevent problems with the joints, especially those related to occupational diseases.

A set of exercises for fingers

Each exercise is performed 10-20 times with a constant increase in the number of repetitions. We do the first movements in the mode, without putting a sharp load on the joints, but gradually increase the amplitude of movements and bring it to the maximum.

  • We clench our fingers into a fist and make circular movements with our hands left and right.
  • We bend and straighten our hands, raising the hand up and down.
  • Forcefully clench your fingers into a fist and spread your fingers to the sides.
  • Straighten your fingers and thumb We perform circular movements first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • We straighten our fingers and, in turn, bend and straighten only the first two phalanges of the fingers.
  • We spread our straight fingers and bend our fingers sequentially in a fan-shaped motion, starting with the little finger. Then we do the same thing, but from the thumb.
  • We place the hands on the table and lift one finger at a time, while the other fingers remain motionless.
  • Bend your index finger right hand and cling to them thumb left, like a hook. We make strong pulling movements with each finger in turn, with the thumb playing the role of a fixed support and providing resistance.
  • We clench our fingers into a fist and extend each finger individually, making sure that the remaining fingers are held together into a fist.
  • Place your bent fingers on the table without touching the table with your hands. We tear the bent finger off the table, straighten it, bend it again and put it in place. We do the exercise with each finger separately.
  • Bend the hand so that the thumb reaches the forearm on the inside. We help the finger with our free hand.
  • We press our fingers together, palms not touching. We make springy movements with our fingers, without tearing them apart from each other.
  • We grab the fingertips of the other with one hand in turn and slowly pull them.
  • Rub the cream into the skin of your hands while simultaneously rubbing them well.

After completing the complex, we lightly shake the hands, three palms against each other and stroke the hands from the outside and from the inside.

Massage of individual fingers, like exercises, has a positive effect on the vital organs of the body, as fingers and internal organs connected to each other. Thus, massage and exercises for the thumb increase the functional activity of the brain. Massage of the index fingers has a positive effect on the stomach, and massage of the middle fingers has a positive effect on the intestines. feels connected to the ring finger, and the little finger relieves nervous fatigue and significantly improves heart function.

How to pump up your hands

The hands can be pumped up with the help of special exercises, and then the grip strength, so necessary for, will increase significantly. Not everyone uses brushes, and besides, different types grip corresponds to its own method of muscle development. Exercises to develop hand strength should be performed according to the principles of strength training, and equipment can be built independently at minimal cost.

Training compressive grip force(as with a strong handshake) occurs primarily with the help of an expander: you buy this simple device at a sports store and squeeze the handles throughout the day, doing many approaches.

Grip holding force(squeeze and long time hold an object) develops, for example, when used with thick handles and a thick neck. A wide bar makes the exercises more difficult because it is difficult to control and you will have to exert force when performing the press. However, the hands and forearms swing constantly.

Pinch grip strength(holding an object between the thumb and palm) is related to the strength of the thumbs and does not develop well when working on other types of grip, since the load is evenly distributed between all fingers. The pinch grip is best trained when the weight is held only by your fingertips. The easiest way to do this is by holding two smooth pancakes for a while - start with five-kilogram pancakes and increase the weight to 20-kilogram pancakes. By the way, in addition to hand expanders, there are also special finger expanders on sale.

Wrist strength(holding a chair by the front legs) is developed by bending the wrists with a weight (preferably with a weight plate, but a barbell or dumbbells are acceptable). You can take the dumbbell by the end free from the weights and rotate your hand or move it back and forth without using your elbows.

Additional exercises for hands and fingers

The performance of the hands is perfectly restored if on the fingers, fists or edge of the palm. Rope climbing works well on your hands (the effort should be at least 30 seconds). The hang is also suitable for these purposes, and in addition to gripping with the entire palm, you can use the hang on the fingers. Holding a chair by the legs with outstretched arms and doing exercises with it. Squeezing a regular tennis ball or stretching a rubber band can also strengthen your hands.

Household exercises with training effects on hands and fingers

  • Hand washing clothes (wringing and wringing clothes is generally an excellent exercise for brushes)
  • Splitting and sawing firewood
  • Carrying heavy weights in your hands
  • Kneading dough by hand
  • Medical massage
  • Mowing
  • All household work using a shovel, rake, fork, hoe, crowbar, ax or sledgehammer

As you can see, to fully train your hands and fingers, you don’t need special, expensive ones. Ordinary things around us can provide high-quality exercise to our fingers and hands, but the main thing to achieve results is consistency of training.

The therapeutic exercises described in this article will help strengthen your hands and fingers affected by osteoarthritis, increase your range of motion, and reduce hand pain, bringing long-awaited relief.

Perform these finger squeezing and stretching exercises until you feel enough tension, but no more.

Please note: you should not feel pain when performing the movements described below! Before performing the gymnastics described below, be sure to consult with your doctor and obtain his consent to perform these movements.

1. Make a fist with your hand

Start warming up your joints with this simple exercise (as shown in Figure 1):

  • Gently clench your hand into a fist, while pressing the other fingers to the palm with your thumb (position 1);
  • hold your hand in this position for 30 to 60 seconds;
  • Unclench your fist, then spread your fingers so as to maximize the distance between them (position 2);
  • Perform this exercise with both hands at least four times.

2. Stretching the hand

Try this simple exercise to help reduce arm pain and increase range of motion in your hand joints.

  • Place your hand, palm down, on a table or other flat, firm surface (as shown at the top of Figure 2).
  • Gently and slowly straighten your arm so that your hand appears as flat as possible (see bottom of Figure 2), while being careful not to put too much pressure on the knuckles.
  • Hold your hand in this position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat this exercise at least four times (for each hand).

3. Claw stretch

This fun exercise will help increase the range of motion in the metacarpal joints and finger joints.

  • Hold your hand in front of you with your palm facing you.
  • Bend all the fingers of your hand so that each of them, if possible, can reach the tubercle of the palm at the base of each finger (see Fig. 3). As a result, your hand should look a little like a claw.
  • Hold your palm in this position for 30 seconds to a minute, then slowly release.
  • Perform this movement at least four times for each hand.

4. Strengthen your movements with additional objects.

Doing this exercise regularly will help you improve your door handle and hand grip skills. various items without letting go or dropping them.

  • Take a soft ball in your hand and squeeze it as hard as you can. (Remember that you should not feel any pain while doing the exercises!)
  • Hold your hand in this squeezing position for a few seconds and then slowly release.
  • Repeat this exercise 10-15 times with each hand (see Fig. 4). Perform this exercise 2-3 times a week so that your hands “rest”, i.e. could regain their strength between such exercises for 48 hours.

Do not perform this exercise if you have an injured thumb joint!

5. Pinch with force

The useful exercise described below helps strengthen the muscles between the thumb and the rest of the fingers. This skill allows you to more confidently use keys to open and close doors, open food packages, and make it easier to use a gas stove (turning burners on and off).

  • "Pinch" the ball (made from soft materials), the tip of the 2-5 finger and the thumb, as shown in Figure 5.
  • Repeat this movement ten to fifteen times with each hand.

This exercise, like the previous one, must be performed two or three times a week so that the period of rest and recovery of the hands is at least 2 days. It also cannot be done if you have a damaged joint of the first (thumb) finger.

6. Raising your fingers

This therapeutic movement is very useful for increasing the range of motion and flexibility in the joints of the hand.

  • Place the brush on a flat, hard surface (for example, on a table) and press your palm against it as tightly as you can, so that the brush is as flat as possible.
  • Gently lift one finger off the table (as shown in Figure 6) and then slowly lower it.
  • Do this with all other fingers. You can also raise all your fingers at once, with or without your thumb, and then lower them just as slowly.
  • Repeat this movement 8-12 times for each palm.

7. Thumb Retraction

Regular practice of this highly beneficial therapeutic movement can allow you to improve your grasping, holding and lifting of a variety of heavy objects such as cans and bottles.

  • Place your hand flat on the table. Wrap the elastic band around your hand at the base of your knuckles.
  • Gently move your thumb away from the rest as far as you can, as shown in Figure 7.
  • Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then release and relax your finger.
  • Repeat this manipulation 10 to 15 times on each hand. As in ex. 4 and 5, it is necessary to perform this movement two to three times a week so that the period between sessions is at least 48 hours.

8. Thumb flexion

This exercise, like many of the procedures mentioned above, helps increase the range of motion in the joints of the hands.

  • Starting position: arm extended with palm in front of you.
  • Move your thumb away from the others as far as you can. Then bring your thumb toward your palm so that its tip touches the base of your little finger (as shown in Figure 8).
  • Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat this movement at least four times for each hand.

9. Touching the thumb

This exercise helps increase the range of motion in your joints, which can improve important everyday skills such as using a toothbrush to brush your teeth, using a fork and spoon, and using a ballpoint pen to write.

  • Starting position: Hold your hand straight in front of you, your wrist should be in a horizontal line, as seen in Figure 9.
  • Gently touch first with your index finger and then 3-5 fingers to your thumb to form the letter “O”.
  • Hold the hand in this position with each finger for a period of 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Repeat this stretch at least four times on each arm.

10. Thumb Stretch

Try these two relatively simple movements to stretch the joints, ligaments, and muscles of your thumb:

1) Hold your hand with your palm facing you.

  • Gently bend the tip of your first finger downward, closer to the base of your index finger.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute.
  • Release and repeat four times.

2) Hold your hand so that your palm is also facing your face.

  • Gently stretch your thumb toward the opposite edge of your palm, using only the bottom knuckle, as shown in Fig. 10.
  • Fix your hand in this position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Release and repeat four times for each brush.

11. Warming up your hands

If, in the process of performing the physical therapy movements listed above, you feel pain and stiffness in the joints, inactivity in them, then try warming up the joints of your hands before you start such gymnastics.

This will help your joints gain greater flexibility and a wider range of motion. To do this, you can apply a warm heating pad to your hands or warm your hands in warm water for 5-10 minutes.

If you want to get deeper warming of muscles and joints, you can use this method. Take a small amount of oil (vegetable or massage) in your hands, cover your hands with it, then put rubber gloves on your hands and soak your limbs in warm water for a few minutes.

12. Play with playdough or clay

Doing crafts with clay or play dough is a great way to increase range of motion in your joints while building muscle strength in your arms.

Thanks to the game, such manipulation-entertainment is not even perceived as physical exercise.

Blind the plastic material you have into a ball, and then roll it into a long snake, as children do. Use your fingertips to sculpt small pieces of crafts or pictures like the one shown in Figure 12. Just follow your inspiration and sculpt whatever your heart desires from plasticine - from boats to dinosaur spines!

Exercise therapy for hands rheumatoid arthritis plays an important role in the recovery of the patient. Indeed, under the influence of the pathological process in the joints, destruction of bone and cartilage tissue occurs, mobility is limited and degenerative processes progress.

Principles of physical therapy

The basic rule for the successful use of exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis is that it can only be done during the period of remission. During an exacerbation of the disease, exercise is strictly prohibited.

You should start doing gymnastics only after consulting a specialist, so as not to provoke a deterioration in your health. Exercise therapy cannot be done independently, since only certain exercises are allowed for this disease.

A physical therapy specialist develops a special set of movements for each patient. After all, the duration of classes, intensity of loads and range depend on the stage of the disease, the severity of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joints of the hands and other parameters.

The first classes should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist; in the future, exercises can be done at home. Exercises for rheumatoid arthritis of the hands should be done several times a day. Up to 5-8 approaches per day are allowed. Sports for joints will help improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation in tissues. Regular exercise will stimulate lymphatic drainage, which will reduce swelling and redness. An additional advantage of doing gymnastics is training the muscles, increasing their tone and elasticity.

Rheumatoid arthritis responds much better to treatment if the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions, incl. and intensively engages in physical therapy.

In the photo - hand massage

The main thing is to do a set of movements calmly in order to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sensations; It is strictly forbidden to perform exercises through force. If rheumatoid arthritis affects only one hand, exercises should be done on both hands. After all pathological process tends to further damage the joints, and exercise will help prevent this.

Sports for the hands begin with performing several exercises. Gradually, each movement must be done more and more often (at least 8-10 times), expanding the range. At first it may be quite difficult, but over time the muscles will be trained and the exercises will only bring pleasure. In the video below - therapeutic exercises for joints:

Exercise therapy for damage to the joints of the hands

Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis includes several basic exercises. With their help, blood circulation is activated, swelling and painful manifestations are reduced, the range of motion in the affected joints increases, grasping abilities are restored and dexterity increases.

Therapeutic exercise for rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. Clench your hand into a fist for 30-60 seconds. This must be done carefully, without sudden movements. The thumb should be on top of the rest. Then spread your fingers so that they are as far apart as possible. The exercise must be repeated at least 4-5 times.
  2. Stretching the brush. Place your hand on a flat surface and press firmly. The brush should remain in this position for 30-60 seconds. The number of approaches is at least 4-5 times.
  3. Stretching for the phalanges of the fingers. Turn your hand with the palmar surface facing you and bend your fingers so that each of them reaches the tubercle at the base of the phalanx. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. Visually, the hand will look like a “claw”. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  4. Strengthening with additional items. Take a soft ball in your hand and squeeze it as hard as possible for a few seconds. It is important that there is no pain. There is no need to exert excessive effort when performing the exercise. You need to repeat the movement 10-15 times with each hand. This finger sport cannot be done every day, as the muscles must rest and recover before each subsequent exercise. It is allowed to carry out the exercise 2-3 times a week.
  5. Training the muscles between the thumb and other fingers. To do this, you need to pinch a soft ball and stay in this position for 15-30 seconds. A full workout consists of 10-15 exercises, which should be done 2-3 times a week. This movement is prohibited if the rheumatic process has affected the thumb.
  6. Removing the thumb. Place your hand on a hard surface and retract 1 phalanx as much as possible; repeat the movement 10-15 times every 2-3 days.
  7. Flexion of the first finger. Raise your hand with your palm facing you, move 1 phalanx as far as possible to the side, then reach the base of your little finger and fix this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  8. Touching the thumb. Touch your index finger to your thumb, forming the letter "O". Repeat the movement with your middle, ring and little fingers.

Yoga for rheumatoid arthritis can also provide invaluable help. The main thing is to find a trainer who has the necessary knowledge on how to restore damaged joints. After all, inept actions can provoke a significant deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

A set of exercises for fingers and hands with arthrosis will help strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, various muscle groups, and increase the range of motion of the hands and fingers. These exercises are recommended for people suffering from arthrosis of the fingers and wrist joint. It is best to coordinate them with your doctor. They should be performed by stretching the fingers sufficiently, but not to the point of pain. This is not ordinary gymnastics, but therapeutic, and a patient diagnosed with “arthrosis of the hands” should not forget about this.

Exercise No. 1: warming up our fists

The set of exercises begins with warming up the hand. To begin, we make a moderate clench of the palm into a fist. Fix your hand in a fist for up to 30 seconds. Then we unclench our fingers so that they are as wide apart as possible. Perform such squeezing and unclenching of your fingers into a fist several times with each hand.

Exercises No. 2: Palm stretching

The second exercise is designed to relieve pain effects and increase the range of movements performed by the hand. Typically, arthrosis of the hands and fingers leads to a decrease in range of motion. Therefore, restoring the full range of action in the fingers and in the wrist joint is one of the main tasks facing therapeutic gymnastics.

The exercise is as follows. Place your palm on a flat surface, such as a table. Let the brush be slightly “humpbacked”, i.e. The middle of the palm is raised, and the fingers and wrist touch the table. The next movement is to straighten your hand completely in the palm so that it becomes completely flat. But don't put too much pressure on your joints. Let it be soft, painless for the brush.

Hold your palm in this position for about 30 seconds. The number of repetitions is at least four times for both palms. You can do these simple exercises one at a time, or you can do them with both hands at the same time.

Exercise No. 3: “tiger claw”

The exercise is designed to stretch the hand in the wrist and wrist joints.

Turn your palm towards you. Squeeze your fingers into your palms as if you were imitating the paw of a tiger or an eagle with claws. That is, so that the fingertips reach toward the “hills” of the palm and are widely spaced.

Fix your hand in this “tiger claw” for up to 30 seconds, then relax your fingers and return to their normal position. You need to do this at least four times on each hand.

Exercise No. 4: the ball will help us

For the next exercise we will need a small soft ball. At the initial level of arthrosis of the hands, you can try squeezing the expander with a simple degree of compression. Exercises with a ball will improve the grip of the fingers, which is especially difficult for patients with osteoarthritis when opening doors, when holding handrails in public transport, when the fingers lose mobility and the grasping reflex is lost.

The exercise itself is simple, like the previous ones. Its essence is to compress a ball or expander with a flexible spring. With maximum compression, lock this position. Make sure there is no pain! And relax your palm after 10 seconds. The number of contractions is 10-15 times. For arthrosis of the thumb, these exercises are not recommended.

Exercise No. 5: “playing the piano”

It is reminiscent of playing a keyboard instrument. Manipulations with the fingers are aimed at improving the mobility of the joints of the hand. People call this exercise “drumming with your fingers.”

Place your outstretched palm on a horizontal surface, say a table. And we imagine ourselves as a pianist, pretending to play the keys. Raising one finger, lowering it, the nearest finger connects, rising and falling to the surface. Select the pace of movements based on the degree of arthrosis, so that the actions performed do not bring sharp pain to the hand. The number of such “piano games” when all fingers are charged is 10 times.

Exercise No. 6: training the thumb

To do this, you will need a narrow elastic band that is placed at the base of your palm. The exercise helps increase the range of motion of the thumb and improves the grip required in everyday life when lifting objects.

So, put the elastic band on the wrist of your palm so that you can stretch it with some effort with your thumb. Move your thumb away from the others as you tighten the elastic band. At maximum stretch, hold the position for 30 seconds. Then relax your palm, returning your finger to its normal position. Repeat up to 10 times.

Exercise #7: “Hocus Pocus”

Remember the children's favorite trick, when a palm with a protruding thumb is shown, it spins and “comes off” in front of the child? In fact, with a simple, quick gesture, the finger hides behind inside palms. Our task is to perform such “tricks”, sometimes “hiding” the finger, sometimes showing it.

Starting position: straightened palm. We move the thumb to the side and then place it on the inside of the palm, reaching to the base of the little finger. We fix this position for about 30 seconds. Do it at least 4 times.

Exercises No. 8: playing with plasticine

An optional, but useful and interesting exercise that involves the fingers and all the joints of the hand. Plasticine or clay is a very malleable material. Manipulating them will be pleasant, and white (gray) clay has healing properties and is recommended in physiotherapy in the treatment of all types of arthrosis.

In addition to increasing finger motor skills, the muscles of the palm and the ligaments of the hand improve. Try to get creative: you can make a ball, various geometric shapes. If you have children, grandchildren or younger siblings, then have fun modeling with them.


The presented exercises for arthrosis of the hands and fingers are far from a complete set of measures to improve joint mobility. Based on the presented actions and their purpose, it is possible to create dozens more therapeutic manipulations. Consult your doctor about gymnastics, be patient, and success in treating arthrosis will certainly come.
