What is the resolution of an inkjet printer? How resolution works in printing

Updated 09/23/2017

Any technical equipment has its own qualification data and technical indicators, by which you can determine what exactly the equipment is, whether it is worth buying, and whether there is equipment better than what you found. While everything is quite simple with all devices, printers can raise a number of questions and sometimes simply confuse users who intend to buy them. This question is especially relevant at the moment, since there are a lot of different printers on the market with a huge number of different characteristics. Therefore, doubt arises as to whether it is still worth buying. True, there is one caveat, or rather a recommendation, which states that you must first of all pay attention to the print resolution, the so-called dpi indicator. It is he who determines how good the printer is, how well it prints and what quality of printing can be obtained. Thanks to this indicator, you will be able to determine which printer is the best and which one is overpriced.

What is dpi?

Dpi is a measure of the printer's resolution. In fact, this is the number of dots per inch of the image. If we talk in simple language, then this indicator shows how high-quality the image can be and how high-quality it is without grain.

Grain is the visual perception of image points. If the photo resolution is too low, then grain can be seen with the naked eye, and it significantly spoils the overall impression and quality of the photo. And if the resolution is high enough, then the photo will be of the highest quality and pleasant, devoid of grain and other dots per inch images. For example, a printer that has a reading of 300 dpi is significantly inferior to a printer whose reading reaches 1200 dpi. Therefore, when choosing a printer, it is worth taking into account such a technical indicator; it is this that will allow you to determine the best equipment. The difference in DPI is immediately visible (photo below):

Laser and inkjet printer

What is the difference between the print resolution of a laser printer and the resolution of an inkjet printer? In fact, there are no special differences, since the principle of applying and creating a seal is the same everywhere, so it is impossible to see any special differences. Perhaps an inkjet printer makes photographs and prints more contrasty and brighter than a laser printer, but do not forget that it is the print of an inkjet printer that begins to fade over time, so this advantage also has a negative connotation.

Other technical indicators besides dpi

We have figured out the main indicator of printer quality and can immediately determine which printer is better to use. But you shouldn’t immediately pay special attention to it, since other indicators should also be taken into account. Of course, printing speed, number of colors and other technical features have completely different directions, but it is the dpi indicator that has a connection with the printer’s internal memory. How could this be related? For example, you decide to print a high-resolution image. The principle of the printer is such that before printing, the image is placed in the printer’s memory in order to print it later with the highest quality possible. This is where the problem arises: if the device has a print resolution that exceeds 5000 dpi, and the device itself has a memory of 32 MB, then rest assured that you will definitely not achieve such quality, since the printer simply will not be able to load the image for printing in high quality. Therefore, before buying a printer, you should pay special attention to the technical side and performance in order to get what you want.

Other printing features

When choosing a printer, it is worth remembering that this technical indicator can be presented as one digit, for example, 1200 dpi, or have two digits, for example, 5170x1200 dpi. What is their difference? In fact, everything is quite simple, since if the printer has only one indicator, in our case 1200 dpi, then in this case the indicator is 1200x1200 dpi, they just don’t write it down. Therefore, you should not panic and misunderstand while studying the technical side of products in this area and make the right decisions.

Features of technology printers

In addition to everything we described above, it is worth considering this. That modern printers have unique technologies and their technical description contains an indication of how many passes the equipment has. What is a passage? This is a technical feature of some printers that print in several layers. Thus, equipment that does not have such an impressive resolution, but at the same time has a decent pass rate, has moderate and high-quality printing that the user will like. But it is worth considering that although this technology is unique, it consumes more paint. Therefore, in this case the choice is yours.

If you plan to use the printer exclusively for printing regular documents, then resolution does not play a special role here. Modern printers have a minimum indicator, which is quite enough to obtain normal document quality. But if you plan to print photos, then you should buy a printer with a resolution of more than 3000 dpi. Typically, photo printers have a similar resolution. If you plan to print various banners, advertising elements and images of interiors, then in this case you should pay attention to printers where the resolution exceeds 5000 dpi.

Now you can choose the printer that you really need. The main thing is to carefully read the characteristics and take into account some nuances when choosing. We hope that our article has given you all the necessary data, and you will now be able to understand the abundance of products on the printer market.

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How much does increasing the dots per inch (dpi) actually improve print quality?

Currently, there are several ways to “display”, show an image, output it - printers, monitors, tablets and smartphones (and the list can certainly be expanded). One way or another, they are all characterized by the output density of the "picture", called measured resolution, such as dots per inch ( dpi) or pixels per inch ( PPI). As a rule, according to established tradition, we use dots per inch to characterize print resolution, and when we use PPI, we are talking about the image, for example, on a display.
It is also important to note that laser printers (laser-class) form dots of a size completely different from what their inkjet counterparts “draw”. For example, a well-formed laser printer print is so pure, in terms of screen frequency and tones, that you can (theoretically) use it as a ready-made sample for camera duplication, i.e. color separation, for reproduction on printing press. (However, most designers would use the laser printer's output for verification, and then go one step further and print the individual colors onto film (color separation) for printing on a high-quality, high-image resolution offset press.)
Color separation (or color separation) is the process by which an original, original image is separated into separate color components for printing. The components cyan, magenta, yellow and black are known as ( cyan, magenta, yellow and black- CMYK). By combining these color components, you can get wide range colors printed on one page. In this four-color printing process, each color is printed on its own print plate. When colors are combined on paper (they are actually small dots), the human eye combines the colors and sees the resulting combined image. The use of separate plates for printing is part of a process known as lithography.
Color model CMYK Widely used in printing process. To understand it, it's best to start with the RGB color model. Flower model RGB(composed of red, green and blue- red, green and blue) used in your computer monitor - this is what you view on the screen. These colors, however, can only be seen in either natural (solar) or artificial light sources, and not on the printed page.
The RGB color model is based on the theory that all visible colors can be created using the fundamental components red, green and blue. These colors are known as the primary colors because combining them in equal quantities creates white. When two or three of them are combined in different meanings, other colors appear. For example, combining red and green in equal amounts creates yellow. Green and blue create cyan, and red and blue create magenta.
This way you change the values ​​of red, green and blue, creating new colors. Also, when one of these primary colors is not present, you get black.
And this is where the color model comes in CMYK. When two colors RGB mixed equally, they produce the model's colors CMYK, known as subtraction of principal components. As already mentioned, green and blue create cyan ( C), red and blue creates magenta ( M), and red and green creates yellow ( Y). Black color added to model CMYK, because it cannot be created by subtracting the 3 main components (when combined, they create dark brown). K or “key”, means black.

Means "Dots per inch". DPI is used to measure the resolution of an image during the printing process. As the name suggests, the DPI parameter describes how many image pixels fit into a linear inch. Therefore, the higher the DPI, the more detail can be shown in the image.
It should be noted that DPI is not dots per square inch. Thus, a 600 dpi printer can print 600 dots simultaneously both horizontally and vertically per inch, meaning the device is actually printing 360,000 (600 x 600) dots per square inch.
It should also be noted that since most monitors have a true actual resolution of 72 or 96 pixels per inch, they cannot display an image at 300 dots per inch (dpi) at actual size. Therefore, if you want to view an image at 100% size, it will look significantly larger than the printed version because the pixels on the screen take up more space than the dots on the paper.
Hard-copy output devices - printers, printing machines, slide recorders and plotters - print at different dots per inch resolution. Most laser printers, for example, typically print at 600 dpi, although many models have a maximum resolution of 1,200 dpi. Manufacturers also offer various technologies for increasing resolution and higher, which is software in nature, because hardware resolution is still not higher than 1200 dpi. Printing machines print from approximately 900 to 3,000 dpi or higher. The advantage of higher resolutions is, of course, smaller, higher dot densities. Which in turn means that closer-spaced dots mean more detail and finer lines - sharper, more contrasting curves - and, more importantly, cleaner halftone photos.

Raster graphics (Bitmap) versus vector graphics
While there is a wide variety various types graphic files, in reality they are all combined into just two types of computer graphics: bitmap (or raster) and vector. You're probably more familiar with raster graphics, such as JPEG and PNG, used in creating office images and other graphics from image input devices - scanners and cameras - made up of halftones - the types you'd typically edit or create with Photoshop.
When it comes to resolution, bitmaps are "device dependent", meaning that they support the resolution of the device they were created on - in this case, a digital camera, scanner, computer, tablet, smartphone. Bitmaps consist of a matrix of densely packed dots, and by increasing or decreasing the size of the bitmap you affect the dot density, or dpi. Stretching an image reduces the dpi, while compressing it makes the image smaller and the dpi higher.
As you can imagine, changing the DPI can make a dramatic difference to the overall image quality.
Vector graphics (or more accurately, vector drawings), on the other hand, are not arrays of mathematically arranged dots. Each line, curve or solid (fill) is created using thousands, sometimes millions of computer instructions. Vector drawings are edited and created in graphics editors such as Adobe Illustrator.
Instead of stretching and densifying areas of dots when you scale a raster image up and down, vectors simply resize themselves - to the resolution of the device they are rendered on, rather than the resolution of the device they were first created on. In other words, the vector drawing will be displayed optimally (in terms of resolution) at 72 or 96 dpi on the monitor and can also be printed at a printer output device resolution... 300, 600 dpi, or more, as if it were carefully created to be printed at this specific dpi.

Either way, being mindful of the resolution and file type of the photos and drawings you use, whether you embed them in your documents or print them as pictures, can not only save you time, but also significantly improve the quality of what you print. For example, photos unintentionally printed from the web at 72 dpi on a photo printer capable of much higher resolutions will of course result in much higher low quality prints of these images and documents.

Gone are the days when only organizations could afford a laser printer. Laser printers are still more expensive than inkjet printers, but the cost of a print (printed page) for laser printers is incomparably lower - so much so that the difference in price can pay off within a thousand or two pages.

The quality of the text on such pages will be better than that of an inkjet, and a laser printer prints much faster.

But one drawback prevents this type of printer from completely replacing inkjet printers from store windows: all its advantages relate to black and white printing. Although the price of color lasers is constantly falling, the cheapest color laser printer still costs ten times more than the average inkjet printer, and the color image quality (clarity, saturation and color rendition) of an inkjet printer will be higher.

But if you type a lot; If you print mostly text, and the presence of color is not very important to you, then the question of choosing the type of printer is not even worth it - only laser. It remains to understand the characteristics of laser printers and select a model, in the best possible way suitable for your tasks.

If, in addition to printing, you also need the ability to scan documents, pay attention to laser multifunction devices (MFPs).

Laser printer device

The principle of image formation for all laser printers is the same - the photodrum receives an electrostatic charge over its entire surface, then the laser beam removes the charge from those areas of the drum on which the printed image should be formed. Toner is attracted to these areas. When the photodrum is “rolled” over a sheet of paper, the image from it is transferred to the sheet. The image is fixed using a stove that heats the sheet to the melting point of the toner.

The image drum, toner and toner transfer mechanism on the drum are combined in a replaceable cartridge.

But there are also some subtleties. Thus, on HP, Canon and Xerox printers, the toner is electrified before contacting the photodrum and is attracted to areas of the drum that do not have a charge. On Epson, Kyocera and Brother printers, on the contrary, the toner is attracted to the charged areas of the drum.

Simply put, in printers of the first group the toner will be attracted to the areas where the laser beam passed, and in the printers of the second group - to the areas where the laser beam did not pass.

The first option provides crisp fine lines and is good for printing text and drawings. Second option would be better suited for printing images containing large monochromatic details - infographics, histograms, graphs, etc.

Different printers use different toners. Most printers use magnetic toner that is applied to the image drum on a magnetic shaft. In some printers, the toner is two-component - in them, the coloring powder is mixed with a developer - a magnetic carrier powder to which the coloring particles stick. In some printers, the ink particles themselves have magnetic properties - this toner is a single-component toner. And in many Xerox, Samsung and Brother printers, there is no magnetic roller in the toner application system, and non-magnetic toner is used.

Therefore, it is extremely important to use only compatible toner for your laser printer. Different models, even from the same manufacturer, may use different toner application technologies, and pouring toner from one printer into the cartridge of another can lead to its failure.

Characteristics of laser printers

Maximum print format.

Most commercially available printers have a maximum format of A4 (210 x 297 mm) - this format is sufficient for both home and most office documents. A larger format (A3 - 297x420 mm) may be required only for diagrams, drawings and large graphs. Large format printers cost several times more.

Maximum resolution for black and white printing.
Print resolution is measured in dots per inch (dpi – “dot per inch”) and determines the clarity of lines.

When comparing the resolution of inkjet and laser printers, keep in mind that laser printers reproduce halftones much worse than inkjet printers. If you are going to print only black and white images (diagrams, drawings) and text, this will not be noticeable. But if the image contains halftones, then when printed on a laser printer with a resolution of 600x600 dpi, it will be noticeably different from when printed on an inkjet printer with the same resolution.

If you need a printer primarily for printing text and drawings, then a resolution of 600x600 dpi will be quite sufficient.

If you need the ability to print black and white photographs, then choose among printers with a resolution of 1200x1200 dpi - with this resolution, “patterns” in halftones will no longer be noticeable.

Maximum color printing resolution.

For color laser printers, poor halftone reproduction is even more important - avoiding halftone printing on a color laser printer is simply pointless, so the closest attention should be paid to the print resolution of a color printer.

A color image printed on a laser printer with a resolution of 600x600 dpi, upon close examination, will be broken into multi-colored dots.

Print color.

Black and white laser printers are much more popular than color ones: firstly, color laser printers are much more expensive than both black and white laser and color inkjet printers. Secondly, with the same print resolution, the quality of a color image on a laser printer will be worse than on an inkjet printer. So what are the advantages of a color laser printer?
1. The price of a print on a laser printer is several times lower. Unfortunately, many manufacturers (especially on inexpensive models) install chips on cartridges that prevent them from being refilled. Since a set of new cartridges is comparable to the price of the printer itself, such models have practically no advantage in the price of a print.
2. The printing speed on a laser printer is many times higher.
Thus, purchasing a color laser printer will be justified if you need to print a lot of color images at high speed - for example, advertising leaflets, color packaging and other similar printing.

Printing technology determines how the electrostatic “image” is formed on the photodrum. With traditional laser technology, a laser beam is used for this; the beam moves along the drum using a rotating mirror. With LED technology, a line of LEDs is located opposite the drum.

The LED light source is more compact and has no moving elements.

An LED printer conveys fine details better, but when printing a single-color “fill,” stripes may be noticeable on it due to the uneven glow of the line’s LEDs.

Print speed will be important for large volumes. For home use, the speed of 12-20 ppm provided by most inexpensive printers is sufficient for most tasks. Office printers provide print speeds of 40-60 ppm, while the maximum print speed for commercially available printers reaches 80 ppm.

If this parameter is important to you, please note that the printing speed will be higher, the smaller the paper format used. Color printing speed may also differ from black and white printing speed(usually it is lower).

Some printers have the option automatic duplex printing. Duplex printing saves paper and is essential when printing brochures.

Most printers offer manual duplex printing, which requires you to run a stack of paper through the printer twice, moving it from the output tray to the input tray.

But if you plan to use duplex printing frequently, the manual method can lead to wasted time and increased paper consumption - shifting pages when printing booklets (which often happens when the printer picks up a couple of sheets from the tray at once) leads to damage to the entire booklet. It is better to immediately choose a printer with automatic two-sided printing.

Number of pages per month determines the permissible load on the printer. For home use, 3000-10000 pages per month will be quite enough. For an office this will not be enough; it is better to focus on 20,000-40,000 pages per month. Large offices will require a printer with permissible load 50,000-100,000 pages per month. Printers in printing companies experience the heaviest load - here the count is hundreds of thousands of pages per month.


LPT(IEEE-1284, parallel port) - the oldest printing interface, currently used very rarely, and few printers with such an interface are produced. Most modern motherboards do not have this connector, and choosing a printer with such an interface only makes sense if you need to connect it to an old computer without USB connectors at all. Just make sure that there are drivers for the selected printer model for the system installed on your computer.

USB– the most common interface today, which is equipped with most printers. Please note that the printers use a USB Type-B connector, which was designed for peripheral devices, but today is virtually only available on printers.

Some printers can also act as a USB host, increasing the number of available USB connectors and also allowing you to print a document directly from a USB drive. For the same purpose (printing a document directly from the media), printers are equipped with a card reader (memory card reader) - on such a printer, to print photos, you just need to insert a memory card from a camera or phone into it.

Ethernet. Connecting to a local network allows you to print to the printer from any of the workstations on the network. This feature is especially in demand for office printers; for home use, the ability to connect via Wi-Fi.

Such a printer can be installed anywhere in an apartment or house (of course, if there is a Wi-Fi network at this point) and print on it from any computer or laptop connected to the network.

Supported by mobile printing technologies, this printer can be used to print from tablets and smartphones, but before purchasing it would be a good idea to make sure that the printer supports the same technology as your mobile devices.

Almost all printer manufacturers are “promoting” their mobile printing technology, which can be used by installing the appropriate application. But there are also universal technologies supported by most printers: AirPrint, used on Apple gadgets, and Google Cloud Print– for devices running Android.


From this article you will learn

  • What is print resolution
  • What is it and how is it measured?
  • What does high quality printing mean?
  • What is the resolution of monochrome and b/w printing?
  • Why laser printing resolution is better

What is print resolution (dpi)

Print resolution is usually understood as the largest number of dots that fit in an area equal to one square inch, which the machine is capable of producing during the execution of a certain number of passes by the print head.

This concept is used to qualitatively characterize printing and evaluate the brightness of the colors of the resulting product. The number and diameter of applied dots is directly related to the level of printing resolution.

Let's consider a drawing with a low print resolution, in which the so-called grain of the print will be very clearly visible, in other words, the dots that form the drawing. Note that this is due to the fact that all the points are the same size and have a fairly large diameter.

To see the difference, look at a product made with a higher print resolution. The resulting picture will seem uniform due to the fact that the plotted points have different sizes and they are all significantly smaller in size compared to the previous example.

Resolution is measured in dpi (dots per inch), literally “dots per inch”. It is mainly installed in two directions: vertical and horizontal. Let's say the print resolution for a 600 dpi printer is 600x600 dots on an area of ​​one inch, or, in other words, this device is capable of applying 360 thousand dots to every square inch of paper.

However, there are printers that have different vertical and horizontal print resolutions. So, for example, there is a resolution of 600x1200 dpi, that is, 720 thousand dots will be printed in the same area.

But try not to confuse the metrics used to characterize the printer with the resolution of the screen itself. The second is the number of pixels. This figure, for example, 800x600, when converted to printed units of measurement, is converted into only 50-80 dpi. Remember, a device with the lowest print resolution is capable of producing an image with a greater number of dots than you see on your computer.

What does high resolution printing mean?

  • Increasing resolution

When transferring photographs onto paper, 90 thousand dots per inch are often low, while when printing texts with the same number, it is very likely that the characters will have additional angularity. This fact means only one thing - it is better to increase the print resolution. Most inkjet devices existing today have two types of indicators: 5760x1440 or 4800x1200 dpi. They are able to create better quality images.

  • Resolution improvement

Also, the applied image can be improved by changing only the diameter of the dots, without affecting the print resolution itself. This technology developed by Hewlett-Packard: small dots cover the corners formed by larger dots. So, by moving different points, you can quite simply achieve a clear elimination of the mosaic feeling.

  • Interpolation

A good print resolution for a printer is always associated with a large amount of memory required by the device. However, there are manufacturers who significantly improve the quality without affecting the amount of memory built into the device. Then he is able, having received a file with a resolution of 600 dpi, to convert it to 1200 dpi. When this operation is completed, the drawing looks better, but note that a device with good real resolution will print at a noticeably higher level.

  • Number of passes

To achieve richer, more vibrant designs while maintaining color print resolution, try increasing the number of passes. This is what affects the richness of the resulting picture. Remember a simple relationship: more passes – a brighter picture.

The technique is that the machine applies the fragment several times. But in this regard, more coloring matter is wasted than during the usual procedure.

This technology is used when applying an image to translucent films, on which the image should ultimately “float” among a translucent background. You can also choose it if you need to make the product brighter.

What print resolution should I use in this or that case?

The correct selection of dpi depends on the advertising media you are planning and the distance at which it will be located from the viewer. So 300 dpi today is the indicator used for high-quality products. Taking photographs at this print resolution allows the illustration to be reproduced in photographic quality. The product can look perfect even with a lower print resolution, but provided that the design does not use a photo, and the finished object should not have photographic properties.

  • 210-250 dpi is used for a good glossy image. Also, this print resolution is suitable for A4 sheet;
  • 120-150 dpi will be required for full-color offset printing;
  • 50-70 dpi will allow you to print a black and white drawing or photograph well in a newspaper;
  • 100-180 dpi is needed when creating an image for a firewall;
  • 150 dpi is already a traditional resolution used when creating interior objects;
  • files 1.2x1.8 m - up to 100 dpi, 2x3 m - up to 70 dpi, 3x6 m - up to 40 dpi - approximate figures for good solvent printing.

Are these indicators high or not? Some interior printing plotters produce products with a maximum color printing resolution of 1440 dpi, but this does not mean that all products should be printed with photo quality.

What if you always prepare files with a obviously high print resolution, close in level to photo printing? Of course, this is possible, but not always necessary. Moreover, here we will be limited by several shortcomings:

  • increasing cost of the finished object;
  • increased image printing time;
  • large “weight” of the layout: a poster 2 meters long with a resolution of 250 dpi will take up to 1000 MB;
  • limited ability of technology for certain most complex types of printing.

What is the resolution of b/w printing?

Printers and MFPs have a maximum black-and-white printing resolution of a large number of dpi. When working with a text file, this indicator practically does not change appearance products, but when printing pictures and photographs, the maximum resolution of b/w printing is of serious importance. The higher the resolution of black and white printing, the higher quality output with a higher level of detail can be obtained.

Today, inkjet printers and MFPs in horizontal and vertical modes can print with a resolution of 4800 dpi or more. The maximum print resolution of laser printers and MFPs is 2400 dpi.

What is the resolution of monochrome printing (dpi)

When printing monochrome images, only two colors are always used. Usually it is black and white. Mixing in different proportions, they form tones. However, this method is different from the line art method. During their creation, a mixture of base colors is taken in a ratio of 100%:0%. There are simply no other shades.

When reproducing monochrome images, it is possible to use 256 or 100 mixtures of basic colors. The figure depends on the technology used. If black and white are selected, there will be shades of gray. The monochrome printing process typically uses a single ink. Whereas the second base color replaces the color of the medium, that is, paper or other material.

Due to screening it is possible to play with shades. The paint is applied not in one even layer, but in standard shaped spots, which are traditionally round. The size of the spots is small, therefore, visually they form an indivisible whole. The brightness depends on the ratio of the size of the spots to the size of the gaps between them. This is called visual closure. The number of raster spots per unit length is the lineature.

The acceptable stain reduction is affected by the print resolution of the printer. The combination of spots and their size determine the number of tones available to a given device. The smaller the lineature and the higher the hardware resolution, the more variants of the base color you will get. The lineature is almost always set according to standard values; for example, in black and white printing with a resolution of less than 1200 dpi, it will not be possible to display all 256 shades of the base color.

At the stage of preparing files for monochrome printing, specialists use the standard CorelDRAW Grayscale RGB palette, which has all 256 shades.

Large format printing

Large format printing is a method of applying large images to various materials. It doesn’t matter what task is assigned to you: you are trying to attract customers with advertising, you want to decorate the facade of a building or a car, large format printing it will come in handy for you.

Resolution printing modes with different functions have been specially developed for large-format printing. The success of all work will depend on their correct choice, in accordance with your tasks.

Basic modes for large format and interior printing:

  • 360 dpi is used for images that are not intended to be viewed at close range (less than 10 meters). Typically large billboards are made in this format.
  • 720 dpi is a higher quality print mode. Here the picture will be clearly visible and pleasant already at a distance of 1.5-2 meters.
  • 1440 dpi involves printing technology with maximum resolution for the production of posters, wallpaper with photographs, and A4 printing resolution is also used.

Laser printer and its print resolution

Are you planning to purchase a laser printer or MFP or are you looking for a printing house that performs laser printing? Remember one thing: the law we derived “more dots - better image” is useless here. Because it is powerless in the case of laser technology, that is, with printers and MFPs. They are carriers of the multi-bit full-color printing method, that is, they produce objects comparable to products from devices with high printing resolution. Let's discuss in more detail.

As we said, any picture is formed from pixels, while the latter are formed by dots according to the principle: on or off, that is, there is a dot or there is not one. In the first case, one of the four existing color channels is used: cyan (cyan), red (magenta), yellow (yellow) and black (black). Let us clarify that points from one channel completely coincide.

Using the multibit method, printers and MFPs are capable of more than the usual on-off dot setting. With this technique, one color point can be assigned a maximum of 16 shades. They are formed by working with one toner, namely, changing its density. The colors in such an image usually appear much cleaner than in the usual production technology at the selected resolution.

In this regard, the concept “equivalent to a resolution of 9600 dpi” is traditionally used. It allows you to determine the level of products with a printer print resolution of 600x600 dpi using the multi-bit method. The advantage of this method is that it makes it possible to produce high-quality colored materials while maintaining the number of vertical dots per inch and the time spent on operating the equipment.

Look at the two examples given. It is immediately obvious: the left text, reproduced by a printer with multibit technology, is much clearer than the image from a comparable device with a print resolution of 600x600 pixels for a printer. Note that it is not inferior to the image produced by the machine with an indicator of 1200x1200 pixels.

Let us add that the difference in the quality of reproduction between a printer with a resolution of 1200x1200 dpi and a device with a resolution of 600x600 dpi from the same manufacturer is quite insignificant. This is all due to the peculiarities of the human eye: at a distance of 25 centimeters from an object, we cannot distinguish such small objects as points located at a distance of 0.04 mm from each other. Therefore, the human eye does not recognize the difference between a printer's print resolution of 600x600 and a resolution of 1200x1200 pixels. In the first case, the distance between the points is slightly greater than 0.04 mm, and in the next version it is within our range of perception.

Let's conclude: it is very important to remember that a large number of dots per inch is not always capable of providing a significantly higher level of printed product.

What to do if you are undecided what resolution you need for printing

If all of the above still does not make it easier to choose the desired print resolution, then we advise you to contact the professionals of the SlovoDelo printing house.

    We have been working in Moscow for more than 18 years and have the following advantages:

    • A modern fleet of German equipment allows us to carry out a full range of printing processes.
    • Automatic color control system that ensures strict compliance of printed material with pre-prepared digital color proofs.
    • An exclusive software product for accounting and maintaining orders, which allows you to optimize all production processes.
    • Managers trained in the “Project Management and Offset Printing Technologies” program.
    • A well-functioning system of work with additional services: convenient packaging and labeling for shipping to regions of Russia and the CIS countries.
    • Convenient location in the center of Moscow.
    • Free delivery in Moscow using our own vehicles.

    The resolution of an inkjet printer is an indicator that displays the number of dots per square inch. In general, this parameter is very important. The final quality of the resulting image depends on it.

    The higher the resolution of the inkjet printer, the better the contrast of the test. A setting of 10 dots per square inch will cause the image to appear grainy. Inkjet resolution may vary greatly. In order to understand this parameter, you must first become familiar with the general device.

    What does an inkjet printer consist of?

    Absolutely all models include the following: a head, a power supply, and a paper feeder. All these mechanisms interact with each other. The head is the most important part that is responsible for spraying ink and affects the print resolution of an inkjet printer. This happens with the help of special nozzles.

    Additionally, the inkjet printer has a motor that moves the head along with the cartridges. They are connected using a belt. The print head device is also equipped with a stabilizer rod. His responsibilities include ensuring the accuracy of the printing. In this case, various vibrations of the printer head are unacceptable.

    The paper feeding system includes a tray and a motor with rollers. Manufacturers use a wide variety of power supplies. This largely depends on the model of inkjet printer. The control unit is presented in the form of an electrical circuit. To control the entire printing process, the control system decodes the data. With its help, you can easily transfer information to a personal computer.

    Best Resolution Printers

    The most popular models these days are the company's and Canon's. The average resolution of an inkjet and laser printer is 600 by 600 dpi. Overall the image quality is excellent. Compared to laser printers, inkjet devices are much ahead. However, there are other companies that deserve attention. First of all, this is the “Brother” brand. It also boasts a good print resolution of 600 by 600 dpi.

    Model "NR 2020hc": characteristics, price

    The maximum resolution of the HP 2020hc inkjet printer is as much as 1200 by 4800 dpi. At the same time, it is possible to work with photo paper. When the resolution is optimized. Different paper sizes are allowed. The recommended sheet density is 70 g per square meter. m. Printing speed is generally average.

    Typically, a color inkjet printer runs through about 7 pages per minute. However, if you work with a black and white document, this parameter will rise to 20 pages per minute. At this time, color images are printed at a speed of 4 pages per minute. The boundaries of the image area are quite extensive. On an A4 sheet they are 210 by 297 mm. The cost of this inkjet printer (market price) is 3,500 rubles.

    Reviews of the HP 1015 inkjet printer

    Many buyers liked this model for high rate maximum print resolution. In this case, you can use sheets of A4, A3, and A5 format. Additionally, it is possible to print on stickers and envelopes. Many also noted the good speed of work.

    In draft mode, a color inkjet printer can print up to 7 pages per minute. At the same time, high-quality images are printed at a speed of approximately 4 pages per minute. Additionally, it should be noted that there are a large number of operating programs that are supported by this model. Considering all of the above, there should be no problems connecting the device to a personal computer.

    Many more owners have positively assessed the cost-effectiveness of this inkjet printer. In operating mode, the average consumption is approximately 10 W. When the device is idle, only 1.6 W is consumed. In sleep mode, as a rule, only 0.8 W of electricity is consumed. In general, this model can be characterized as multifunctional and economical.

    What is different about the "Canon iP2840"?

    The maximum resolution of the iP2840" is 600 by 4800 dpi. At the same time, the minimum drop size is as much as 2 pl. Additionally, you can note a wide range of supported formats. This model allows you to use A4, A5 and B5. You can also use photo paper 13 by 18 cm and 10 by 15 cm. In this case, the sheet density should be in the range of 60-105 g per square m.

    Not the best, but, in principle, acceptable. On average, 8 pages of documents can be printed per minute. In this case, color images are transmitted at a speed of 4 pages per minute. One of the features of this model is the presence of duplex. Unfortunately, borderless photo printing is not available. Additionally, there is no display to control the inkjet printer. Operating systems Windows 8.1, 7 and 8 are supported. Plus, the device can be connected to a personal computer with the Vista program (service pack 1 or 2).

    Characteristics of "Canon iP2840"

    The printer uses standard cartridges. For black pigment there are models Z-445, and for color printing - C-446. In general, the cartridge resource is quite high. On average, the printer can print about 300 pages with one refill. However, if you work with high-quality photographs, you will be able to skip about 150 sheets. In general, the model can be described as compact. Its weight is only 2.3 kg.

    The power supply is standard and is supplied from a 100-240 V network. The average frequency is 50 Hz. The operating temperature at which this model can be used ranges from 15 to 30 degrees. You also need to monitor air humidity. Acceptable parameters are within 80%. The tray of this model is convenient and can hold 60 sheets. The inkjet printer kit consists of a cable, cartridges and instructions. Additionally, manufacturers include an installation CD. The cost of this inkjet printer (market price) is 3,500 rubles.
