Yulia Zimina, biography, news, photos. Yulia Zimina: “Men have a strange idea of ​​female sexuality - Yulia, who taught you to swim

— Julia, in our project “Swimsuits” the heroines and I discuss everything related to summer. Surely you, who grew up on the banks of the Eruslan River in Saratov region, there is something to remember...

“Eruslan is a wide river, but our Red Kut got only a small piece of it.

The biggest punishment for me as a child was the ban on swimming. All thoughts since late autumn have been about summer coming as soon as possible. I recently found my childhood diaries. How I laughed when I saw large phrases written on the checkered pieces of paper: “Nightmare!!! There are still 5 months until summer,” “A thunderstorm has begun, and we don’t swim...” Although I don’t remember not swimming in a thunderstorm. On the contrary, the most fun swims of my friends and I took place precisely under the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning. Dark sky, low clouds - the atmosphere around is somehow incredible. The water became warm, we dived and dived and could not stop. As a result, we returned home late in the evening, although every morning my mother made me promise that I would only stay on the river for a short time - an hour, maximum two. It was an absolutely unforgettable time... My friends and I took a matchbox of salt with us for the whole company and disappeared for the whole day.

- Why just salt?

- Because food is at hand: I ran into someone else’s garden, ate a tomato, snacked on a cucumber, grabbed a handful of green gooseberries and ran on. They lived simply and cheerfully. If you fell and tore your knee, you covered it with sand and forgot about it. And no one ever got sick.

Over the summer I was fried in the sun to the point of charcoal. My family called me Mowgli, Gypsy or Chingachgook. I had a very cool childhood.

— In my family they called me Mowgli, Gypsy or Chingachgook. I had a very cool childhood. On Julia: swimsuit - Gottex/Estelle Adoni. Photo: Kostya Rynkov

- And there were many of you like Mowgli? Did the adults have no control over the children at all?

— Times were much calmer than now. We lived in a closed town, where everyone belonged to us. Dad taught Latin and therapy at a veterinary college, and I was friends with the children of his colleagues. Now, having become a mother, I can’t even imagine what it’s like without mobile phone Letting a child go to the river for the whole day... It’s kind of a nightmare. Moreover, we were desperate, we chose the most dangerous places for swimming, with whirlpools, jumped from bridges, from bungees. If you don't dive with a pike, it means you're a weakling.

- What's that like with a pike?

— When you take a running start, you push with all your might with both legs and fly into the water upside down. At the same time, they hit it so hard that the panties ended up on the heels.

- Julia, who taught you to swim?

- I learned it myself. There were no stories about how a father threw his daughter from an inflatable rubber boat and waited for her to float, thank God. And yet, one day, although I was already able to stay on the water decently and swam well, I almost drowned. Suddenly I was pulled into the depths, like a calf on a leash - I don’t know how I got out.

Actually, I am a “diver”: more of a diver than a swimmer. For me, water means somersaults, various somersaults, jumping upside down from someone’s shoulders. It was so in childhood, and it remains so to this day.

- Let's remember your first swimsuit. At what age did he appear? And was it yours personally or, as often happens, was it inherited from an older sister?

“The first one, bright yellow with purple stripes and a frill on the chest, was bought by my mother for me. I adored him: he fit my boyish figure perfectly. But the next one - separate, dark blue with a coral outline - actually came from sister Lena. Mom made fun of me: “What are you covering up there, ha-ha-ha.”

The fact is that until the ninth grade I was thin and small. I could have swam in swimming trunks - there really was nothing special to hide - but since Lena and her “adult” swimsuits were in front of my eyes, I wanted the same ones. Actually, I’m my father’s breed, the Ziminsky: I’m very similar to him. Dad was lean, thin-boned, mom called him cypress. She is completely different for me: short, curvy - in the female line, we are all like that. To be honest, deep down I was afraid that I wouldn’t become curvy like my mother. Galka, my mother’s sister, an impossible laugh, told me with a serious face: “Don’t be upset, Yul, there is a sure remedy - chicken droppings. Apply it and everything will grow by leaps and bounds.”

— Until the ninth grade, I was thin and small. I could swim in swimming trunks - there’s nothing special to hide. But soon my figure filled out and I could easily have been photographed for Playboy magazine. I changed a lot then. Julia is wearing: swimsuit - I.D. Sarrieri/Estelle Haute Creation, vest – Pin-Up Stars/“Estelle Adoni”, earrings – Mango. Photo: Kostya Rynkov

- Did you believe it?

- Of course not. I understood that he was joking. When I turned 14, the reasons for all these harmless jokes disappeared. My figure had plumped up and I could have been photographed for Playboy magazine.

I changed a lot then: I learned to line my eyes and paint my eyelashes thickly. The boys from my grandmother’s village, where we often visited in the summer, once didn’t recognize me at all: and this is Yulka?! Then for the first time I felt the guys’ increased interest. And I even kissed some of them at a disco - also for the first time in my life!

— After school, you went to Saratov and entered the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. The city is located on the Volga, so it probably couldn’t do without access to the beach. What swimsuits accompanied you during your student years?

— We were friends with my classmate Natasha, her parents were engaged in the shuttle business - they traveled to Turkey for

things - and dressed my daughter to the highest standard. She had a lot of swimsuits. When we were going to the beach with her, she offered me to take some of her things. But almost nothing fit: I was bleeding and I needed a swimsuit with a narrow back and large cups. But one day Natasha presented it to me just like that - complete chic. More precisely, there were two of them: the first was deep blue with a light green stripe on the chest, the second was blue and white with stripes. In an era of scarcity, this became a fabulous gift: then no one really bothered, they just swam in their underwear.

“But times, fortunately, have changed, and now you probably just have tons of swimsuits!”

- No, I don’t have many of them. The figure is still non-standard, so if I suddenly come to the store and find several suitable styles at once, I take it without hesitation - and I don’t regret the money. Since I swim very actively, swimsuits wear out quickly - they only last a couple of seasons. But I don’t throw them away, because each one has a piece of life and pleasant memories associated with it.

I’m surprised how quickly fashion and my preferences change: I look, for example, at a swimsuit that I was delighted with when I bought it six months ago, and I think: “How could I buy that?” Not that it’s anything out of the ordinary, but I just didn’t like it, the mood was different. I have half a closet of such things, if not more. My friend Anya recently said: “Zee, if fifteen years ago they showed you a photo of you today, you would be surprised.”

— I swim very actively, so swimsuits quickly wear out and only last a couple of seasons. But I don’t throw them away: each one is associated with a piece of life, pleasant memories. On Julia: swimsuit - Melissa Odabash/Estelle Adoni, baseball cap - Dockers. Photo: Kostya Rynkov

- Why is this?

— Because before I always had heels and tight clothes, but now my wardrobe is visually simpler, although more expensive. I became free, I don’t depend at all on fashion, on other people’s opinions about how I look. In a word, I dress for myself.

Time makes its own adjustments to everything. Before, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to not swim once during the summer. Now there are so many worries that there is no time for the river. Although if I have the opportunity to dive, I don’t miss it. Let's say, I was filming once in Veliky Novgorod, on a tributary of Lake Ilmen. The nature there is incredible! The episode in which I was involved was filmed, they say: “Yulia is free.” I'm right there - rrrr! - and jumped into the water headlong, just the way I love it. I tumble, dive, and suddenly I hear: “Zimina, into the frame!” I get out, and my face is like a panda’s from running mascara - the make-up artists are horrified. (Laughs.)

Or there was another funny incident. Filming took place on a yacht in the Black Sea. And again I filmed and heard: “Yulia is free for today.” Suddenly, can you imagine, a school of dolphins emerges from under the motor! Without thinking about what I was wearing, I dived towards them like a pike! Dolphins scattered. I shout: “Where are you going?” - and I knock on the water: it seems that this is how they are called. The director is shocked: “Yulia, stop! What are you doing?! They’ll drag you into the sea and start playing!”

— Julia, I can’t help but ask: is your beautiful figure the result of diets?

— There are no diets as such, but I limit myself in food - for example, I don’t eat various buns. This is easy for me, because I prefer roach to any baked goods. And, of course, no one has canceled sports: for your own confidence, it is advisable to have toned muscles. I don't like classes gym- I'm bored there. Body ballet and crossfit are another matter! I found a good place that teaches them well. The classes are held to catchy music - just what I need!

By the way, are you aware that the gym also has its own fashion? It would seem like a gymnastic leotard, but there are so many styles! Tops with high briefs, one-piece swimsuits with long sleeves, short sleeves, open back, closed back. I try to experiment: I have a classic swimsuit, and some non-standard ones - even hooligan hippie options! Vigorous color with mesh, for example!

I have been on the move all my life, since childhood. In winter there were always skis: I came home from school, threw my briefcase, changed clothes and headed out onto Yeruslan, covered with thick ice. Five kilometers with a classic move, then with skating, and then on steep jumps - turning somersaults in the air. In the summer, as I already told you, I swam continuously. I was like a cyborg - all embossed, chiseled. Then she entered the conservatory, where folk dance, barre, fencing, and stage movement were taught.

Already in Moscow she participated in “Dancing with the Stars” and in “Ice Age”. In general, the body requires movement all the time. I don't mind: it cheers me up. If I suddenly feel blue, I think: “I’ll go to the gym!”

— I was invited to the show “Vyshka” on Channel One, but I refused. I would have proven myself taking into account the experience from childhood, but there are other stakes - to consider artists in swimsuits. No sporting interest. On Julia: swimsuit - Gottex/Estelle Adoni. Photo: Kostya Rynkov

— You mentioned gymnastic swimsuits, but what can you say about beach fashion? What styles are trending this season?

— For some reason I never follow fashion. Not that it’s old-fashioned... I just often don’t like what everyone wears. Let's say I won't wear a thong to the beach. I choose what suits me.

— If your beloved man presents you with an indecently revealing but beautiful swimsuit and asks you to wear it, will you wear it?

— Men’s idea of ​​sexuality, seductiveness, and the correct selection of underwear is radically different from women’s. For some reason they like some kind of circus outfits - with roses, beads, tassels, Swarovski stones. I can't stand walking

shopping with men. Agree: choosing underwear and perfume is a very intimate process. Remember, in every store, men wait for hours at the fitting booths for their wives - they sit with sad faces.

- But they will pay for the purchase! Some beach outfits cost a fortune. I saw with my own eyes a bikini for 50 thousand rubles!

“I’m sometimes shocked by the price tags in our stores: I’d rather send that amount to my mom or buy the three of us—my mom, myself and my sister—swimsuits.” So that you understand correctly: I treat clothes and brands calmly. In my wardrobe there are four pairs of shoes, very beautiful, with high heels, which I bought for some performances. What came over me? It would be better if I flew to Paris with this money... One day I was filming somewhere near Adler, when my friend, actress Anya Ukolova, called me and invited me to join her at the Kinotavr festival. I flew without hesitation, fortunately it was a day off. Anya and I go to the Zhemchuzhnaya Hotel. Some woman is sitting in the lobby selling beach accessories: rubber ducks, circles and sundresses are laid out on the table. I liked one, it looked decent, like it was from a cruise collection of an expensive brand, and it cost 3 thousand rubles. The saleswoman recognized me and also gave me a discount. The sundress fit my figure very well, and I felt great in it. At the party, Anya and I had a blast, while some actresses in couture dresses were frankly bored: the expensive look didn’t lift our spirits. (Laughs.) So, if there is a choice - to get impressions, enjoy pleasant company in an inexpensive outfit, or sit back and not go somewhere just because I am not dressed in Gucci and Versace - I choose the first! And I don’t care how much the thing I’m wearing costs. I go shopping out of desperation - when I’m already at my wit’s end and have absolutely nothing to wear. All the coolest things I have, I bought spontaneously. That sundress, by the way, is still alive.

— I go shopping out of desperation - when I’m already at my wits’ end and have absolutely nothing to wear. I bought all the coolest things that I have spontaneously. On Julia: swimsuit, tunic - everything Gottex/Estelle Adoni. Photo: Kostya Rynkov

— “Kinotavr”, as you know, is held on the Black Sea coast. Tell us, when did you first go to sea?

— I was already 22 years old, and I starred in “Carmelita.” It was not a vacation, but a nightmare: people found out literally at every step. And not because I, like my heroine, walked along the shore in a gypsy skirt, thickly made up, scattered roses and said: “ Have a nice summer! No, I was wearing a huge hat and dark glasses. One fan caught up with me right in the sea: she said that she saw me on the shore and recognized me by my gait. It seemed strange to me: I would understand if I had something special, like Sergei Yursky, for example, in the film “Love and Doves.” I don’t know what kind of gait Carmelita has. I was terribly tired, I wanted to hide from the annoying gazes. I’m not saying all this like Michael Jackson. (Laughs.) But there was really too much attention. My mother was relaxing with me and said: “Yulia, I want to see you in full dress - stop sitting, let’s go for a walk!” She couldn’t wait to go somewhere, go on an excursion, sit in a cafe. And I couldn’t please her.

— I wonder how you like to relax?

- Baking on the beach - I love the sun. A mandatory program is to go to the sea for a couple of weeks at least once a year. Eat, sleep, lie down, watch the waves, just sit down. I can endlessly look at the sea, listen to the cries of seagulls.

— Have you already taken the child with you?

- Three times! I know what to do with my daughter, - my friend Albina, a mother of three children who knows a lot about education, recommended an excellent way. I buy a small inflatable rubber pool, put toys in it, pour sea ​​water- and two hours of peace are guaranteed! Simone, like me, really likes water.

“Water means somersaults, somersaults, jumping upside down from someone’s shoulders.” It was so in childhood, and it remains so to this day. Photo: Kostya Rynkov

— Is she already fashionable in swimsuits?

- She’s only a year and three months old! But we have two swimming trunks and even a cool fashionable swimsuit with white polka dots—my friend Natasha brought it from Paris. They sew for such a baby! We recently flew to Barcelona to visit our Albina. There was an incredible sea there, clear to the point of transparency, warm, deep even from the shore - some kind of miracle... It seems to me that you can only be happy next to your loved ones. I don’t even watch movies alone: ​​I need to discuss my impressions with someone, meet their eyes. Of course, there are times when I find myself alone in some wonderful place and feel absolutely happy. But even in such moments, no, no, I’ll think: “Oh, what a pity that Anya, Yulia, Lena, and mother are not with me now.” It’s funny, but it’s my mother who is a fierce opponent of the kind of rest that I prefer. I would like to go to a desert island, but give my mother some company so that she can look at others and show herself off. I absolutely don’t want all this. I have been broadcasting “Good Morning” on Channel One for six years. The schedule is complicated: during the week I get up at three in the morning, return home at half past ten in the morning and go to bed. This regime does not make me healthier or more beautiful. Therefore, when vacation comes, I rush to “wild” places where there are fewer people.

- Julia, but you’re unlikely to meet any prince there! By the way, do you believe that beach romances can end in a happy ending?

— It always turned out that I went to the sea either with my mother or with my boyfriends. It's the same as going to Tula with your samovar. Mom doesn’t interfere, but I feel so good with her, so much fun, we see each other so rarely that I don’t have time to shoot my eyes around. One day, she and I flew to Sochi. We checked into the hotel, took a shower and went to the terrace to drink white wine. I remembered some stories from childhood, my mother shed a tear, and so did I. And a man sat at a distance and watched us. After some time, the waiter put a huge bouquet of flowers on the table in front of me - I realized that it was from that man. She thanked me and that was the end of it. As he was leaving, he walked past our table and said: “You’re so cool!”

“When I’m really tired, I sit down and write... a fable!” This is such tomfoolery. On Julia: T-shirt - Derek Rose / Estelle Haute Creation, swimsuit - AGOGOA / "Estelle Adoni", necklace, earrings - all UNOde50. Photo: Kostya Rynkov

- Years later, life will take a turn, and now you and your adult daughter will be sitting on the terrace with a glass of wine and remembering her happy childhood...

- And someone will give her a luxurious bouquet! When I found out that I would soon become a mother, I asked God for my child to grow up good person and so that he gets from me and my mother enthusiasm and an optimistic attitude towards life. Dad was also a positive person, but he loved to philosophize, and mom was a big hooligan. And I really want Sima to approach life simply, ironically, to walk through it laughing.

I don’t want my daughter to get upset over trifles, react to criticism and be sad. This does not mean that she needs to go ahead, but let no one lead her astray.

Family: mother - Zoya Grigorievna, teacher primary classes; sister - Elena, music and drawing teacher; daughter - Simona (1 year)

Education: Graduated from the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. Sobinova

Career: starred in more than 15 films and TV series, including: “Carmelita”, “Contract for Love”, “I am a Detective”, “Between Two Fires”, “The Heiress”, “Montecristo”. Since 2010, host of the Good Morning program on Channel One

Yulia Zimina is a Russian actress who quickly rose to the cinematic Olympus, playing the main role in the TV series “Carmelita”. This was her first film work, which gave her a whole army of fans and the interest of directors.

Soon, Zimina’s filmography was replenished with the projects “Exchange Brothers”, “Heiress”, “I am a Detective” and others.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Zimina was born on July 4, 1981 in the town of Krasny Kut in the Saratov region. According to her zodiac sign, the girl turned out to be Cancer. Her parents were respected people in the city: Alexander Petrovich, Yulia’s father, worked as a veterinarian, and later taught Latin and therapy at a technical school, and Zoya Grigorievna, who is the mother of the future actress, is a chemist-biologist by training, taught at primary school schools. Julia has an older sister, Elena, who was interested in music and later became a choir director.

The girl grew up as a mischievous child who knew no restrictions. Every summer Yulia and her friends spent on the river; for her dark tan at home they called her, Gypsy or. Her mother, who once dreamed of becoming an actress, loved to stage plays at home, where her daughter got the main roles and real costumes that the woman herself sewed for the girl.

Yulia Zimina was seriously interested in music and dreamed of becoming a singer. She studied piano at a music school and tried to sing at every opportunity. Her family subscribed to the magazine "Tram", which included children's records. After 9th grade, Zimina tried to enter a music school, but she was not accepted. The girl was upset, but firmly decided to fulfill her dream and become a popular artist, as well as do voice acting for cartoons or dance on stage.

In 1999, Yulia graduated from school and decided to enter theater school. At the same time, she heard on the radio about recruitment to the acting department at the Saratov Conservatory.

The girl began to prepare for admission, but the family was against such initiatives, her parents tried to dissuade her. In their opinion, their daughter did not have sufficient preparation to compete with other applicants, but it was precisely the lack of acting training that played a decisive role for Zimina. At the entrance exams, teachers gave preference to teenagers who had no theatrical experience, but with a reserve of innate artistry. The girl was taken to Rimma Belyakova’s workshop, where she studied until 2003.

The best student of the faculty received offers to play in theaters in Saratov and nearby cities, but Zimina firmly decided to work in Moscow.

Yulia packed her things and, together with her friend, went to the Russian capital. She settled in an apartment with friends and began auditioning for all the theaters. Soon she was accepted into the troupe of the Cool Theater on Belorusskaya, where she participated in both children's plays and serious productions - "Family of Ghouls", "Hero of Our Time" and "Woe from Wit". At first, theater became the main thing in her professional activity.


In 2004, the active creative biography of Yulia Zimina began. She learned about the upcoming filming of the long-running TV series “Carmelita.” Thanks to her bright appearance and artistry, Zimina fit into the image of the main character of the series. Initially, the actress was invited to play the role of the gypsy stepmother Zemfira, since in the photo from the portfolio Yulia looked older. Then the girl auditioned as the negative character Lucita. She was the last to be cast for the role of Carmelita.

Yulia Zimina became a star of Russian cinema. During the filming, she had to ride a horse, jump over a burning fire, and she also sang the song “Wormwood” on her own. Carmelita Zaretskaya, the main character of the film, immediately fell in love with television viewers, and the series about the gypsy was popular. The actress began to be recognized on the streets, and she gained crowds of fans.

The film tells the story of the love of the daughter of a gypsy baron for a Russian youth, Maxim Orlov (actor). Carmelita, contrary to old traditions, does not want to marry the charming and noble gypsy Miro Milekhin (actor). A fascinating love story captivated millions of TV viewers to their silver screens. The film became a real success in creative biography Yulia Zimina.

Yulia Zimina in the series “Carmelita”

After such a stellar debut, Zimina began to be invited to famous television projects: the game “Fort Boyard”, the series “Students International”, the full-length films “Rublyovka Live”, “Contract for Love” and “Clairvoyant”. In the multi-part television film “I am a Detective,” the actress appeared in the leading role of an employee of a detective agency, where her partner was the hero. But these works could not surpass the image of the gypsy in popularity.

In 2009, a sequel to “Carmelita” was released. This time the film was shown for 2 years, and the number of episodes in the project increased to 228. The series returned Zimina to the top of popularity.

Host of the Good Morning show Yulia Zimina

In 2010, Yulia was invited to the role of TV presenter of the morning show “Good Morning” on Channel One, where she still works in the program’s on-air studio. Together with other presenters and correspondents, she entertains TV viewers for 4 hours with stories about the latest news and interesting events.

The actress at one time hesitated before accepting this offer, because Yulia could not imagine filming in an empty studio and communicating with television viewers who were not visible. This is why the girl loves to have guests on set with whom she can have a lively dialogue.

In 2010, Zimina received the main role in the feature film “What Love Hides,” where she played the practical and ambitious girl Albina Sergeevna. The actress is gradually being offered leading roles in various films, for example, in the series “The Heiress,” which was released in 2011.

In the same year, Zimina became a participant in the show “Dancing with the Stars.” She danced together with Nikolai Pantyukhin, and later with the actor. In 2013, the actress took part in the filming of the dance show “Ice Age,” where the famous figure skater performed with her.

Yulia Zimina in the project “Dancing with the Stars”

In 2016, the film “The Woman of His Dreams” was released, in which the actress played the role of the beautiful Veronica. Zimina’s heroine is a journalist in a women’s publication. The girl got into an argument with her colleagues - Liza Pakhomova (Fatima Gorbenko) and Olya Pyshnenko () - about who would better write the article “What Men Want”. The editor of each of them gave a month to collect material. In the same year, filming of the detective series “The One Who Reads Minds” was completed, in which Julia got a supporting role.

In the summer of 2016, information appeared on the Internet that the Russian actress had cancer, but it soon turned out that she was healthy. Users confused her with another famous actress, Yulia Latysheva, who was diagnosed with cancer. And Yulia Zimina feels great. She is constantly traveling, participating in filming and television shows.

On March 7, 2017, the artist, together with TV presenters, visited the “Evening Urgant” program, talking about the process of preparing for the morning broadcast of Channel One. Julia often gives interviews to various publications, where she talks about unfamiliar facts of her childhood and youth. One of the topics that journalists touch on is how the actress manages to maintain excellent physical shape, which she demonstrates in numerous photographs in a swimsuit or attractive outfits.

With a height of 165 cm, the artist’s weight does not exceed 52 kg. According to Zimina, she only limits herself to flour, habitually replacing buns and pies with roach.

In 2019, the celebrity continues to collaborate with the Good Morning program.


  • 2005 – “Carmelita”
  • 2007 – “I am a detective”
  • 2009 – “Court”
  • 2009-2010 – “Carmelita. Gypsy passion"
  • 2013 – “Exchange Brothers”
  • 2016 – “The Woman of His Dreams”
  • 2018 – “Ivanovs-Ivanovs”
  • 2018 - “Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova!”
  • 2018 – « Eternal life Alexandra Khristoforova"

Yulia Zimina spoke about the unusual hobby of her husband and his family.

The star of the series “Carmelita” and TV presenter of Channel One Yulia Zimina has retreated a little into the shadows over the past few years. She began filming less and almost did not attend social events. However, the reason for this was well founded. Julia got married and gave birth to a child. However, details personal life she hid it until the last moment. However, Yulia Zimina came to the last Bridge of Arts film festival accompanied by her husband.

The actress has never been to this festival, although she was invited here many times, but did not succeed. But this time it worked. Yulia and Andrey had a great time and gained many interesting impressions. We looked at the embankment and cafes. " We were surprised by the following: when we walked along the embankment past the warehouses, we saw three springs where people were swimming. It looked so interesting and surreal: people swimming among historical ruins. Of course, the desire to swim arose because it was hot, but we dealt with it", says Zimina.

This summer, the actress managed to combine business with pleasure. There was filming in Crimea, and she came there with her family. Yulia was accompanied by her mother, daughter, Andrei and cousin with his wife. They rented a house on the shore and lived well there. Zimina managed to work and rest. For some time, of course, the family lost her, but then gained her.

In fact, the shooting was not stressful, it was a pleasure. According to Yulia, she did not overwork. And they weren’t relaxing on the beach anyway. Andrey is an athlete, he pulls everyone to the mountains. " True, half of the group merged in the persons of my mother and my cousin’s wife. They squatted down and said: “We won’t go any further - it’s high, it’s scary.” I also had an impulse to leave, but Andrey was persistent. In general, we managed to get up. At that moment, of course, I was on edge, but now I look at these photographs, and Andrei says: “Well, I took the photographs anyway!", the actress admits.

Yulia Zimina assures that she is still far from extreme sports. While she is not drawn to it. They did not climb with equipment, it was a tourist climb. Although Andrey’s mother is a climber, as well as his grandfather and others. " In general, I'm stuck...", concluded Yulia Zimina.

4 July 2010, 13:24

It is not surprising that the beauty has an abundance of swimsuits. At the same time, the TV presenter gives preference to a bikini. And the point here is not only the desire to reveal more of your priceless body to the sun. It’s just that, with a height of 179 centimeters, Oksana can’t find a one-piece swimsuit that fits - most of them are simply too short for her. But, looking at the long-legged Fedorova in a bikini, men mentally send praise to heaven. But once upon a time, the future Miss Universe did not pay much attention to the beauty of a swimsuit. Since the third grade, Oksana was seriously involved in swimming and had only one requirement for a swimsuit - convenience. So I got used to closed sports models. Everything changed when high school student Fedorova went to modeling school. The girl participated in countless photo shoots, often showing off swimsuits. It was then that she realized that “a swimsuit can become a true adornment for a woman.” The most memorable thing in Oksana’s life was the small white bikini in which she performed at the Miss Universe competition in 2002: “All participants were given a uniform: white swimsuits, transparent sandals and white pareos. I was the last one to pick up my kit. In the end, I got a swimsuit whose top was too big. But the stylists added push-up inserts, which visually enlarged the breasts and filled in the voids. As a result, it was I who won the swimsuit fashion show and became Miss Universe.” Since then, Oksana has worn mostly tiny bikinis: “They look very sexy. At the same time, I almost never use hard cups equipped with the same “push-up” or various inserts to enlarge the bust. After all, large breasts add to age. Designer Roberto Cavalli once told me this, and I agree with him.
In addition, I love an even tan and, since I tan very quickly, I choose bras without straps.” During her last holiday in the United Arab Emirates, Oksana bought some very impressive bikinis: a turquoise one embroidered with glass beads and a white one with leather trim, the bottoms of which were trimmed with pleats in the style of a miniskirt. Despite the fact that Oksana takes the purchase of a beach suit seriously, it happens that she buys swimsuits in duty-free. But since this happens in a hurry and without trying on, sometimes it misses. “Then I give the swimsuit to my mother - she is also slim and tall,” says the TV presenter. Oksana will never forget one of her spontaneous purchases.
One day she was urgently summoned to Yalta to hold some kind of concert. When getting ready quickly, Oksana didn’t take care of her swimsuit. When I had two free hours, I decided to go for a swim. “Friends took me to a store and convinced me to buy a bright swimsuit made of a strange fabric. There was no time to look closely, I paid and went to the beach with the company. Imagine my horror when, having entered the sea, I realized that the swimsuit began to swell - the fabric turned into paper, which was spreading right on me. In a matter of minutes, the suit dissolved in the water, and its remains floated away! Laughter was replaced by tears, I couldn’t get out of the sea naked for a long time, and my friends made me laugh and had fun themselves on the shore, then they brought me a long T-shirt. Now I remember this problem with a smile. And I don’t hold any grudges against the guys. What can I do?! Our whole life is one continuous joke! For Laysan Utyasheva, a swimsuit has been work clothes since childhood, so the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics and TV presenter clearly divides swimsuits into work and beach ones. “A gymnastics swimsuit reminds me of victories or tears of defeat. And the leisure swimsuit smells of carefree fun, sun, sea, palm trees and tanning oil!” Laysan kept her most beautiful sports swimsuits as souvenirs. For four years now (since the end of my gymnast career) they have been lying in a neat stack in the closet. But the flexible TV presenter’s collection of beach outfits is constantly growing. Utyasheva loves the sea, including swimming the best way restore strength. Laysan swims excellently, in different styles and very far from the shore, which always worries his friends. The athlete's chiseled figure allows her to wear the most daring bikinis. And to give a thin body more femininity, Laysan chooses models with “push-up”. On the beach, the girl attracts increased attention not only thanks to her chiseled figure: there are two mysterious tattoos on the athlete’s body. One just below the navel. The second one is on inside left wrist. Laysan made the first one as a talisman at the height of her sports career at the age of 16: “We weren’t allowed to wear any jewelry, even crosses could play a cruel joke during a performance. So I chose this amulet in the shape of an eye with two wings. It’s no secret that in many countries the eye is considered a weapon against the evil eye.” Utyasheva also chose the second tattoo in the form of a panther not by chance: “When I was little, my great-grandmother and I (this was in Bashkiria) went for a walk around the village and met a local fortuneteller. In a conversation with my great-grandmother, she mentioned that according to all occult characteristics, I am a panther. This thought haunted me for a long time. So last year, when I decided to get another tattoo, I chose a panther design.” Irina Saltykova considers herself a practical young lady, so she tries not to make irrational purchases: “Now, for example, incredibly beautiful one-piece swimsuits decorated with rhinestones and multi-colored stones are in fashion. Sometimes these are real works of art, but in my opinion it’s stupid to wear them to the beach. Firstly, the body must sunbathe, and secondly, the complex finish quickly deteriorates from salt water. I'm not even talking about the SPA! Last year in Italy I also made a mistake: I took a bath with mineral water at the spa. I put on my favorite sky blue swimsuit with embroidery, and came out of the bath in faded gray!” Irina's ideal choice: a traditional plain bikini, simple, with a little trim - embroidery or ruffles.
The sexiest color is beige. Saltykova immediately clarifies: “And without any push-ups: why do I need them?!” Actress Elena Zakharova always goes to the beach in full dress, and what’s more, she changes her swimsuits after every swim! To everyone summer season begins to prepare almost in winter. It is not surprising that Lena has a myriad of beach outfits. But this does not stop the girl from updating her wardrobe again and again. During the May holidays, the actress traveled to Spain, where she came across a store with a huge selection of swimsuits. “I couldn’t resist - I went in! I spent three hours there, no less! I bought seven swimsuits, but I liked them much more...” Lena justifies herself with a smile. Actress Valeria Lanskaya has recently had less and less opportunities to soak up the sun by the sea - filming and rehearsals follow each other without interruption. Maybe that’s why she uses even a free couple of days to go to the sea. This year, such an unplanned weekend coincided with the Kinotavr film festival and turned into a real holiday. Lanskaya believes that in the wardrobe of every vacationer there should be swimsuits of all styles: with ties at the neck, with straps over the shoulders and without them at all: by alternating swimsuits of different models, it is easier to achieve an even tan and avoid pronounced marks from beach attire. By the way, Valeria never purposefully prepares for summer - she doesn’t go on diets, doesn’t go to the solarium. And any physical activity acting in the theater replaces her: in one performance Lera loses from one and a half to three kilograms! Evelina Bledans also never specially prepares for the beach season. “What kind of prejudice is this?! You need to stay in shape all year round. But you can’t really lose half a kilo in a month!” - says Evelina. - “Yes, nowadays even in winter you often find yourself on the sea!” Bledans tries to go to the sea once every three months - at least for a couple of days. He flies to Israel more and more often. Fortunately, there is a good reason for frequent absences - the actress’s husband lives there, and her 16-year-old (!) son, who is studying in Switzerland, often visits there.
By the way, one can only envy the ideal shape of the mother of such an adult son. Well, the key to success on the beach, according to Evelina, is not only a good figure, but also a bright swimsuit: “After all, it’s still unknown what will attract attention first!” Actress Yulia Zimina has loved swimming since childhood. Arriving at her parents’ house a couple of years ago, Yulia found a stack of old diaries on the mezzanine, almost all of them began the same way: “It’s already the second of June, and we haven’t bathed yet!” In the place near Saratov, where Zimina’s family lived, it was impossible to swim at that time: the water in the river was icy. But as soon as the water warmed up, Yulia could only be pulled out of the river with rods. And everything would have been fine, but only in the seventh grade did Yulia’s mother face the question: where to get a swimsuit for her daughter?
Nature so decreed that at this time Zimina acquired a significant dignity, which to this day does not allow her fans to sleep peacefully. With a thin figure and an impressive bust, it is almost impossible to choose a swimsuit for the actress even today - in an era of abundance. If swimming trunks are suitable, then upper part catastrophically small. If the bra fits (this is provided that the volume will still have to be sutured), then the lower part of the set is the size of Zimina herself. So there are only two swimsuits in Yulia’s wardrobe, and even those were altered in a studio for money equal to the cost of the swimsuit itself. However, even such a modest (for an actress) beach wardrobe does not save Zimina from fans on the beach. Julia has not yet decided whether to thank or reproach nature for this rich inheritance...

Yulia Zimina is a Russian celebrity known to viewers thanks to her active work in film and television. She works as an actress and TV presenter, and therefore recently her face can be seen on TV very often.

But is this the only thing that makes this or that person a real star? Of course not. After all, behind popularity there must always be considerable talent hidden. And our today's heroine is an excellent example of this.

Early years, childhood and family of Yulia Zimina

Yulia Aleksandrovna Zimina was born on July 4, 1981 in a small town called Krasny Kut (Saratov region).

Her parents were ordinary representatives of the Soviet middle class, and also had only an indirect connection to the world of art. My father worked as a veterinarian and then taught at the corresponding technical school. Yulia’s mother, in turn, was a biological chemist.

The only creative person, besides Yulia Zimina herself, in her family was her older sister. At one time, she graduated from the Faculty of Art History and began working at the local cultural palace as the director of a folk choir. Perhaps it was her example that first made our today’s heroine think seriously about a creative profession.

As Yulia Zimina’s relatives recall, as a child the girl loved to make faces at people and publicly parody celebrities. However, the acting talent of our today's heroine for a long time remained in the shadow of her musical successes.

Yulia regularly attended music school and always remained among the best students in her class. It is for this reason that for a long time all the girl’s acquaintances were completely confident that in the future the girl would choose a musical career for herself. But after graduating from school, unexpectedly for everyone, our today’s heroine announced to her parents that she was going to enter the acting department. All the close girls were surprised by this decision, but they still did not oppose Yulia’s choice.

So, our today's heroine ended up at the Theater Institute of the Saratov State Conservatory named after Sobinov. Over the years, Oleg Yankovsky, Evgeny Mironov, Sergei Puskepalis and many other famous actors studied at this educational institution. Therefore, the choice of the university was not accidental in many respects.

Star Trek actress Yulia Zimina

While still studying at the theater institute, the girl began to often perform in the student theater. During this period, she performed roles in the plays “Slave Women”, “Family of Ghouls”, “Mad Money”, “An Ordinary Miracle”, as well as some others.

Yulia Zimina in the project “Pin-Up”

For a long time, she was considered one of the best students in her year, and therefore, after graduating from university, our today’s heroine often began to receive offers from various theaters in Samara, Belgorod, Syzran and some other cities. However, striving for more, the girl rejected all these offers.

In 2003, having just received her diploma, the actress went to Moscow, hoping to make a successful career in the Russian capital. At first things didn't go well. The actress worked as a promoter, played in children's plays, and also participated in advertising campaigns. However, Julia never thought of giving up and giving up, and therefore at one fine moment fate smiled on her.

The young provincial actress was accepted into the Class Theater, where she immediately began to receive fairly large roles in various productions. She played in the plays “Woe from Wit”, “Hero of Our Time”, as well as in some others. And therefore she soon became a real star of the local scene.

But real success came to our today’s heroine a little later. In 2005, Yulia Zimina accidentally learned about the casting of actresses for the series “Carmelita”. The girl came to the project, and, thanks to her “scorching” appearance, managed to get the main role. Having played a gypsy in love in the aforementioned television series, the actress instantly became a real star of Russian television, and therefore subsequently new roles began to appear in her career, as if by themselves.

Yulia Zimina and Pyotr Chernyshev. "Ice Age 2013"

Over the next five years, the talented actress starred in several striking projects. She appeared in the TV series “Uncomplicated Murder”, “Strip Club”, and also played in the films “Clairvoyant”, “What Love Hides” and some other films. Separately in this list it is worth highlighting the project “Carmelita. Gypsy Passion”, in which Yulia Zimina again tried on the image of a famous gypsy.

In parallel with her work in films, the actress played in the theater and also participated in various television shows. So, in particular, our today’s heroine appeared in the projects “Fort Boyard” and “Dancing with the Stars.”

In 2010, Yulia Zimina appeared on television as a TV presenter. The actress made her debut in a new capacity as part of the Good Morning program of the Russian Channel One.

Yulia Zimina today

Recently, our today's heroine has been organically combining the work of an actress with other projects. She continues to work as a presenter, and also appears as an invited guest on various show programs (“Ice Age”, “Property of the Republic”).

Among Yulia Zimina’s later acting works, the films “The Heiress” and “Exchange Brothers” stand out. It is known for certain that in 2014 at least one more film with the participation of the actress will be released - the Kazakh film “Fake”.

Personal life of Yulia Zimina

It is known that for some time the actress dated her colleague on the set, actor Vladimir Cherepovsky, who is known to viewers as the gypsy Stepka from the TV series “Carmelita.” Their relationship did not last long.

Subsequently, Yulia Zimina dated another actor for about two years - Maxim Shchegolev. However, this love union also did not stand the test of time. Currently, according to press reports, the actress is single.
