Aspen bark, useful properties. Aspen bark - medicinal properties and contraindications Decoction of aspen from what

What helps aspen bark? For what diseases is it taken? It is the first cough remedy chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, whooping cough, pleurisy. Also, aspen bark is included in complex therapy for diabetes mellitus and helminthic invasions, digestive and urinary system disorders.

The impact of this herbal remedy compared with the efficacy of aspirin. The analgesic and antipyretic properties are so strong in aspen. But this is just one of the medicinal "merits" of this plant material. This folk medicine is famous for its bactericidal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, wound healing, antirheumatic properties. Attributed to this drug and miraculous medicinal properties. For example, some healers note that this plant treats venereal and oncological diseases.

Features of a medicinal plant

The medicinal properties and contraindications of aspen bark have long been described in folk medicine. Interest in this valuable medicinal raw material is gradually reviving. Held laboratory research, open useful material in the chemical composition of the plant, but so far it is not included in the state pharmacopoeia. In phytopharmacies, it is offered as a dietary supplement.

Distribution area

Aspen. Botanical illustration from O. V. Tome's book "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885.

Common aspen is a plant that does not require a detailed botanical description. This deciduous tree, with fluttering leaves and smooth gray bark, is ubiquitous. Average life expectancy - 90 years, height - 35 meters. The wood is susceptible to diseases, so you rarely see an old massive aspen with a healthy trunk. The tree can be found in deciduous and mixed forests; it grows next to alder, oak, birch, and pine. It can also form an area of ​​pure aspen forests. In the forest-steppe zone, it can form small aspen groves (chops), often near water bodies. Does not like too dry regions of the Eurasian continent.


  • Time and place of collection. It is recommended to harvest raw materials in March, when sap flow begins. It is also important to choose an environmentally friendly area.
  • Tree selection. The bark should be about 5 mm thick, it is removed from young, healthy aspens.
  • Care collection. Cuts on the trunk must be done carefully so as not to damage the wood itself. They also need to be small in size so that the tree can recover. It is recommended to remove the bark from the trees in the area of ​​the planned felling. You can also remove the bark from young branches of mature trees.
  • Drying and storage. The bark is cut into small pieces, dried in natural conditions (dampness and direct sunlight should not be allowed). Can be packed in linen bags. Store raw materials for 1 year. Some sources indicate a different period - 3 years.

Aspen buds and leaves are also harvested, which have similar (albeit less pronounced) properties.

pharmachologic effect

Medicinal properties of aspen bark:

  • anthelmintic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antitussive;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • secretory;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • appetizing;
  • antipyretic;
  • antioxidant;
  • restorative.
  • painkiller.

Useful properties of aspen bark are explained by the unique chemical composition:

  • glycosides (in particular, salicin, populin);
  • carbohydrates;
  • fatty and organic acids;
  • bitterness;
  • phenol carbon compounds;
  • fatty oil;
  • ethers;
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • rich composition of tannins.

List of indications

What does aspen bark treat? Under what diagnoses is this remedy most effective?

What else helps aspen bark? It is believed that this folk remedy has antibacterial properties. In particular, it can stop the growth of staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is especially useful to drink infusions from aspen buds for bacterial infections.

What are the contraindications of aspen bark? These include: individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy and lactation (internal intake). Before use in children, a doctor's consultation is strictly required. It is also not recommended to drink the medicine with frequent constipation due to the astringent properties. For any chronic diseases The gastrointestinal tract and urinary system, diabetes mellitus, with obsessive coughing attacks, a medical consultation is required before taking.

The use and preparation of aspen bark at home

What is the use of aspen bark in folk medicine? What can be prepared from this medicinal raw material? How to take aspen bark?

Decoction and infusion

A decoction of aspen bark is used for all the above symptoms and diagnoses. For external use, concentrated decoctions and infusions are prepared. They relieve inflammation of the throat, oral mucosa, act as antiseptics, antimicrobials and painkillers.

Preparation of a decoction of aspen bark

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour in a glass of water.
  3. Boil over low heat for 3 minutes.
  4. Set an hour.
  5. Strain.

Preparation of the infusion

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 2 hours.
  4. Strain.

Taken in the same dosage as the decoction. In the spring, you can use the raw bark to make homemade medicine. In the treatment of diabetes with aspen bark, water decoctions and infusions are most often used. They are included in complex therapy, which is carried out under medical supervision.


Tincture on vodka from aspen bark is used internally and externally. Especially helps with coughing (can be taken orally or added to inhalations), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, female diseases inflammatory nature, mastopathy, gout, rheumatism, migraines, urinary incontinence.

tincture recipe

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. shredded bark.
  2. Pour 10 tbsp. l. alcohol 40% (vodka).
  3. Insist 7-14 days in a warm place.
  4. Strain.

Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. Can be diluted in a small amount of water.


A lot of positive feedback about ointments based on aspen bark. They are used externally for the treatment of wounds, boils, burns, trophic ulcers, cracks. From the ashes of aspen bark and wood, ointments for eczema are often prepared. Also, the remedy is rubbed into the muscles and joints for neuralgia, rheumatic and gouty pains.

Ointment preparation

  1. Take 10 g of aspen ash.
  2. Mix with 50 g fat.
  3. Stir.

As a base, you can use pork, goose fat, homemade butter or petroleum jelly. You can also prepare ointments from aspen bark powder.

Preparation of oil extract

  1. Take 1 part of the crushed bark.
  2. Pour in 5 parts olive oil.
  3. Insist 14 days in a warm place.
  4. Strain.

Such an oil, like an ointment, is used to treat the skin.

More about the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma

What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of aspen bark in male diseases?

  • Aspen bark for prostate adenoma. This is one of the most popular folk remedies, which has absorbable, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. However, doctors warn that self-medication can lead to a worsening of the situation and the growth of adenoma. With the most minor symptoms, you should consult a specialist and undergo a full examination. Treatment with folk remedies, in particular with aspen bark, is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. Advanced forms of the disease in traditional medicine are offered to be treated surgically.
  • Aspen from prostatitis. Folk remedy relieves swelling, inflammation of the prostate gland, which reduces pain and normalizes the process of urination. It is also an excellent prophylactic for diseases of the urogenital area, including bacterial ones. With prostatitis, therapeutic microclysters and baths can be prescribed.

Alcohol tincture is considered the most effective in male diseases. They drink it in a long course, after a break they take a second course. It should be remembered that the medicine has an astringent effect and can provoke constipation with prolonged treatment.

Application in cosmetology

The medicinal plant is not so popular in cosmetology, although it has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating effect. The plant contains a large supply of vitamins, organic acids, trace elements necessary for healthy hair and skin. How can this remedy be used?

  • Hair . It is useful to do rinsing with water decoctions and infusions for brittle, dry hair. The tool can also be rubbed into the hair roots to strengthen them, nourish the scalp.
  • Face . Alcohol tincture can only be used locally - for the treatment of boils, inflamed acne, pustules. As a lotion, water decoctions and infusions are used. These products do not dry the skin, are effective for acne, problem youthful skin. For acne, ash or powder ointments can also be used. The product softens rough, weathered skin, makes it more elastic and elastic.

For what symptoms and diagnoses is the most effective treatment with aspen bark? The tool is used to stop coughing attacks, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, genitourinary system in women and men, gout, rheumatism and neuralgia. Used externally to treat burns festering wounds, eczema, boils, acne.

She became the heroine of many fairy tales, legends and other types of folklore. You will probably agree that it is not in vain. On the one hand, she deserved such recognition due to her incredible beauty and benefits to humans. On the other hand, this was so respectfully treated because of superstition and fear, knowing that the “aspen stake” could overcome even evil spirits. Modern people they don’t believe in devils and witches so much, but this did not make the aspen lose its reverence. In this article, we will talk in detail about the medicinal properties of aspen, its use in various formulations and, of course, contraindications for use.

Tree Description

The common aspen belongs to the genus Poplar. This is a species of deciduous trees, the natural habitat of which is the latitudes of the temperate and cold climates of Europe and Asia. It is also found in America, but very rarely.

Did you know? Aspen is even mentioned in the Bible, which is why the plant was called the "tree of Judas."

The description of the aspen is not much different from the characteristics many large European trees. It is very tall, has sprawling knotty branches, a lush and dense green crown, huge roots that go deep into the ability to survive any wind, flood or forest fire. It is also often found in the landscape gardening area, and the phrase "poplar fluff" evokes in many a feeling of romance, spring and warmth. In the forest, aspen bark always has some damage, this is due to the fact that hares and other forest animals love it very much. Poplar wood is perfectly preserved in the aquatic environment, so earlier baths and wells were often made from this plant.

Biological characteristic

From a biological point of view, this is diversified plant. Its columnar trunk reaches 1 meter in diameter, and the height of the tree can reach up to 35 meters. Scientists say that poplar grows very quickly, so it is beneficial to use it for landscaping large areas. Aspen can live up to 120 years. The roots tend to grow strongly and actively form offspring, respectively, the reproduction of the tree occurs quite quickly. The bark is gray-green in color and is usually smooth and hard. The wood itself has a light shade.

The foliage is alternately arranged on the branches. The sheets themselves are large, reaching a length of 7 centimeters. Depending on the variety, they can be round or rhombic in shape. In autumn, the foliage takes on a golden-red hue, so the look of the poplar at this time is especially beautiful.

Aspen flowers stand out very strongly for their shape - they collected in earrings. In the male plant they are reddish, and in the female they are greenish. Poplar blossoms before the leaves bloom, somewhere in the middle of April, and bears fruit. The last incredibly small boxes with seeds, and from the seeds comes such a legendary fluff.

Chemical composition

The tree is very famous, so chemical science has not deprived him of attention. The study showed that The composition of poplar is not poor in rare substances. Aspen bark contains tannins, glycosides, pectin, sterols, legnans, iron, zinc, potassium, cobalt, molybdenum, salicin, semilin, malic and ascorbic acids and other useful elements.

Carbohydrates of different groups, B-carotene, anthocyanins, glycosides, tannins, ascorbic acid were found in poplar leaves. The tree has an unusual juice composition: vitamins of different groups, carbohydrates and glucose.

Poplar buds contain various enzymatic substances, essential oils(valuable for cosmetology), resins, waxes and triglycerides.

Main medicinal properties

Due to the rich composition of aspen, it It also has many medicinal properties. So, for example, a tree good antiseptic. Our ancestors claimed that its foliage can be applied to the wound, like plantain, and the effect of this will not be worse. It's no secret that with the help of aspen healing abilities, you can remove the inflammatory process, lower body temperature, and stop heavy bleeding. Poplar can relieve pain in chronic padagra, relieve swelling and speed up the elimination of harmful substances for the body. It is said that the aspen is a male tree. They believe that she gives the stronger sex male power and energy, prolongs life.

In the old days, and even now in the villages, people of the “old school” when pickling cabbage put aspen rods or logs in a barrel in order to destroy harmful microbes and enrich the product with additional minerals. Experienced housewives say that this way the food is even tastier.

Did you know? Poplar gave humanity the world's first aspirin.

Collections of buds and aspen leaves are especially effective. It has been scientifically proven that they are good for use in diabetes mellitus, pneumonia, tuberculosis, acute viral infections, problems with bile secretion, worms.

Healing properties of the bark

The bark of this tree find for medicine. It has a lot of benefits, but in some cases it can also have some harm. Aspen bark in the form of a tincture is used for diseases of the teeth as a rinse, helping to relieve inflammation of the gums and get rid of excruciating pain. If you have problems associated with increased anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, then you can try to prepare a decoction. It will also help normalize blood sugar levels. A unique effect will give an ointment or balm from poplar bark. It is used for skin diseases: herpes, dermatitis, acne, eczema.

Despite the impressive list of what aspen bark helps with, it can also adversely affect your health. This specific ingredient of medicines, as a result of its use with some incompatible substances, can cause poisoning, allergies and even suffocation. That is why a doctor's consultation is required before using any traditional medicine recipes.

Important! To avoid the negative consequences of using poplar bark, it is necessary to abandon spicy, spicy foods, as well as animal products.

Experts say that you can drink decoctions or tinctures from aspen bark for no more than 3 weeks, otherwise you risk breaking normal exchange substances, cause gastritis or ulcers, since such drugs contain a lot of acids.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, there are thousands of recipes using the respected aspen tree. Let's consider the main ones.

Decoction recipes

The easiest medicine to prepare is a decoction based on aspen bark. This is a very popular remedy, especially since the use of an unwritten ingredient helps to reveal it as much as possible. beneficial features:

Infusion from the bark

Infusion from the bark on water will help from adenoma. Take fresh poplar bark and fill it with cold water in glassware, in a ratio of 1:3. Let stand 12 hours. Take early in the morning 30 minutes before meals, 150 grams per day.

Kvass- everyone's favorite drink, and from aspen is also healing - it helps to heal diabetes. The recipe is as follows: a 3-liter jar is half filled with fine poplar bark, covered with 1 glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of fresh sour cream (preferably homemade) is added. The container is placed in a warm place and allowed to ferment for 2 weeks. You can drink kvass in large quantities - 3 glasses a day. The recipe is also good because for 3 months, pouring a glass of kvass from a jar, you can add the same amount of water with 1 teaspoon of sugar there, after a couple of hours the taste will be the same. Thus, a fairly large amount of drink is obtained, which is enough for the whole family.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol tincture from the bark of poplar has been treating arthritis and arthrosis for several centuries. Adults still treat colds with it, and also use it as an antiseptic. To make it, fill the chopped bark with vodka in a one-to-one ratio. The finished mixture needs to stand in a cold dark place for a week or two. You need to drink it strictly according to the recipe: 20 grams 3 times a day. In this form, aspen bark has incredibly healing properties. True, there are contraindications for people who have been diagnosed with alcohol intolerance.

Recipe against worms

Did you know? Today, on the basis of aspen bark, they launched the industrial production of anthelmintic drugs.

It is quite possible to prepare a cure for worms at home. To do this, take 50 grams of powder from the bark, pour it with 0.5 liters of water, boil on fire for 15 minutes, let it cool and stand for 3-5 hours. Take a decoction for 2-3 weeks, one sip 5 times a day. You can repeat the course of treatment in a month.

Infusions from aspen buds

Infusions from aspen buds are a miracle cure for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. 30 grams of the product is poured into 0.5 l hot water, let stand for a day. Consume 3 times a day, before meals, one tablespoon. The course of treatment does not exceed three weeks.

Not everyone knows that antibiotics known to everyone today, modern antirheumatic, analgesic and antipyretic drugs of synthetic origin are derivatives of active substances aspens. In this article, we will consider several issues: a description of the tree, the beneficial properties of aspen bark, its use in traditional and folk medicine, contraindications.

Tree Description

Aspen is a tree with a fairly high trunk up to 35 meters, while in diameter it reaches 1 meter.

This plant is distinguished by leaves of a rounded shape with rather large teeth along the very edge. Due to the flattened and long roots in the middle, the leaves of the plant begin to tremble with a slight breath of wind.

Aspen is a dioecious tree, due to which whole pieces of stands can be from females or males. At the same time, male flowers have earrings of red or pink color, and female flowers have green ones.

This is a fast growing breed, growing up to 20 meters in 40 years. But aspen does not differ in durability, it lives up to a maximum of 90 years (sometimes the age of the plant reaches 150 years).

Exist different kinds trees of this breed, which differ in the structure of the bark and color, the period of leaf blooming, as well as other signs. Although in traditional medicine it is the common aspen that is used.

Places of growth

Aspen is rightfully considered one of the most important forest-forming species in our country. It grows in its European part, in the Far East and Siberia.

Collection and storage

Aspen bark is collected from the moment the sap flow begins - from April to the end of May. At the same time, it is collected from young trees, in which the bark thickness is 8 mm.

It is collected with a sharp knife, with which an incision is made around the trunk. Then, through a thirty-centimeter segment, a further incision is made, and through another segment of the same length, the next one. Then a vertical incision should be made on each tube, and then the bark should be removed. At the same time, it is undesirable to plan it from tree trunks (otherwise the wood will come off along with the bark, and this will reduce its medicinal qualities). The bark can be removed from the trunk of the plant, as well as from thin branches.

The bark is always dried under a canopy or using an oven or oven, pre-cut into small pieces 4 cm long (in the oven, the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees). If the raw materials are dried in a room, it should be properly ventilated.

Aspen in traditional medicine

Buds, bark, shoots and leaves of aspen are very common medicines that have proven themselves in the treatment of various diseases, including opisthorchiasis and helminthiasis.

The healing properties of aspen bark are used for diseases of the bladder (it is especially useful for the elderly, as it does not have any side effects and is well tolerated by the body), for cystitis, gastrointestinal diseases, urinary incontinence, rheumatism, prostatitis, hemorrhoids and gout. Aspen preparations are used externally for difficult-to-heal wounds, burns and ulcers.

Besides, traditional medicine uses aspen everywhere as a remedy that increases appetite, eliminates pain, relieves fever.

bark benefits

Aspen bark, the medicinal properties of which are detailed in this article, contains a huge amount of carbohydrates and tannins, due to which this plant is used as a good antimicrobial agent.

In a tree, the core has an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, it is used in the manufacture of effective and complex ointments that accelerate the healing process of burns, ulcers and wounds and relieve inflammation.

Aspen leaves and buds are used in the manufacture of medicinal antitussives that thin sputum, thereby accelerating its removal from the bronchi, in addition, facilitating coughing.

It deserves special attention that for many centuries people have been using aspen buds to produce propolis, which is actively used in the treatment of various diseases. Propolis is also used in cosmetology: for example, creams with it have a rejuvenating, moisturizing and soothing effect.


Freshly ground aspen leaves are used as compresses and poultices for gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids. To do this, a couple of spoons of raw materials are steamed, wrapped in gauze, and then applied to diseased areas of the body. Such poultices will also relieve the course of arthrosis and arthritis by reducing or eliminating joint pain.

The leaves of the plant accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers and weeping eczema.


Aspen bark (its medicinal properties are described in this article) has found application in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • hernia;
  • scurvy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • feverish conditions;
  • prostatic hypertrophy;
  • sciatica;
  • neuralgia;
  • syphilis;
  • bladder disease;
  • radiculitis.

45 g of raw materials must be boiled in 0.5 liters of water, while evaporating to ½ of the original volume. Then the broth is filtered, then granulated sugar or honey is added to it for taste. A decoction of 80 ml is used, three times a day.

Pounded aspen buds, mixed with vegetable or butter, are used in the form of an ointment for healing bruises and wounds, in addition, for inflammation in all kinds of skin diseases.

aspen buds

Infusion of the kidneys is also used as an effective external agent that can soften hemorrhoids, in addition, relieve pain in gout and arthritis.


The medicinal properties of aspen bark and its leaves are manifested in an alcoholic tincture used in the form of drops for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, painful urination, diseases of the bladder in the chronic and acute stages, hemorrhoids.


Aspen root, ground into a fine powder and mixed with butter or vaseline in a ratio of 1: 4, is used for rubbing joints with arthritis, gout, rheumatism.


The healing properties of aspen bark can heal lichen and get rid of warts. To extract the juice, it is necessary to take a log of this tree, which warms up a little in the oven or in the fire (it is during heating that the aspen gives a little foamy juice, warts are smeared with it before going to bed). Hands should be washed in the morning. This procedure is repeated for 2-3 consecutive nights.

Treatment of diseases

The healing properties of aspen bark allow you to heal from the following list of diseases:

The healing properties of aspen bark make it possible to cure dysentery, gastritis, hemorrhoids and cystitis. The tincture is prepared from proportions of 1:10 (ten parts of alcohol are taken for 1 part of the medicinal raw material, the raw material is infused in it for 4 days, after which it is filtered). This infusion is taken three times a day for a teaspoon.


With gout, arthritis, inflammation of the bladder, hemorrhoids, painful or involuntary urination, the healing properties of aspen bark can also come in handy.

A decoction of the bark of the plant is also prescribed for diarrhea, dyspepsia and gastritis. In addition, it can normalize the functioning digestive tract and improve appetite. The decoction should be used in the treatment of malaria and fever.

A spoonful of dry raw materials should be poured with a glass of water and put on fire. The resulting product is boiled for 10 minutes, after which it is infused for another 20 minutes. The broth is then filtered and completely drunk for 3 uses.


This form of aspen preparations is used for prostate enlargement and fever as an antipyretic. In addition, decoctions and infusions from the plant are indicated as an external or internal remedy for the diseases listed above.


The benefits of aspen bark, prepared in the form of an extract, are manifested by the following spectrum of action:

  • with allergies, immunodeficiencies, anemia of various origins, normalizes the process of hematopoiesis;
  • improves immunity;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • normalizes sleep.

The oncoprotective effect of the extract was also revealed. The pharmaceutical preparation is taken three times a day, 10 drops.

How to brew bark?

The bark can be infused or brewed, while you can use the pharmacy version of the product, or you can prepare it yourself. In this case, the pharmacy version is brewed like tea for several minutes.


Drugs are used that contain aspen bark, mainly on an empty stomach. The regimen and dosage depend on the disease, as well as its severity. In this case, to determine the dosage, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will select for you best option applications.


Is aspen bark shown to everyone? Medicinal properties, contraindications, this remedy has a variety of. We have already dealt with the first point, it's time to talk about the second. Plant preparations are very easily tolerated, although it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the duration of the course of treatment and dosage before using them.

When taking preparations from aspen bark, it must be remembered that infusions and decoctions from the kidneys have a pronounced astringent effect, therefore, it is undesirable to use them for chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by constipation. In addition, aspen is taken with caution in case of dysbacteriosis.

Aspen bark: medicinal properties, reviews

According to reviews, it becomes clear that aspen bark is an excellent remedy for a wide variety of diseases. So, people suffering from kidney diseases say that after a course of using a decoction of this plant, they feel much better, their kidney function is restored. Others note that bark preparations help normalize digestion and cope with gastrointestinal diseases.


The healing abilities of plants were known in antiquity, and today they chemical composition studied pharmacology and is actively used for the manufacture of medicines. Positive reviews the healing effect of aspen bark is given not only by adherents of traditional medicine, but even by the doctors themselves.

This tree is also called the trembling poplar. It has a columnar trunk, the maximum height of which reaches 35 meters, and a diameter of up to 100 cm. The plant has rounded leaves with large teeth along the edge. Due to the flattened, long roots, the foliage begins to tremble even with a light wind. Aspen belongs to the category of dioecious plants, which is why entire sections of trees can consist of only male or female individuals.

Flowers on male stands have catkins of red or pink color, and on female stands they are green. Aspen is a fast-growing species that reaches 20 meters in four decades. The plant does not differ in longevity, living only about 90 years (rarely, the life span reaches 130-150 years).

Where does the aspen grow?

Trembling poplar is one of the most important forest-forming species of the Russian Federation. Aspen grows in the Far East, Siberia, in the European part of Russia. Exist different types trees, differing in the structure of the bark and color, the period of leaf blooming, etc. But in folk medicine, only common aspen is used.

What is useful

Aspen buds, bark, foliage and shoots are common medicinal components that have proven themselves in the treatment various pathologies including opisthorchiasis and helminthiasis. Plant-based medicines are prescribed for such ailments:

  • cystitis, urinary incontinence and other pathologies of the bladder;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • burns, hard-healing wounds;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • sorry, ex.

In addition, in folk medicine, aspen is used to stimulate appetite, relieve fever and eliminate pain. Consider the useful properties of each part of the tree:

  1. Bark. Thanks to tannins and a huge number carbohydrate is effective antimicrobial agent. The component is able to have an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used to make ointments that accelerate the healing process of tissues, relieve redness and swelling. The bark has also found application in the treatment of hernias, gastrointestinal diseases, scurvy, febrile conditions, sciatica, etc.
  2. Kidneys. They are used for the manufacture of antitussive drugs that dilute sputum, thereby accelerating its removal from the bronchi and facilitating cough. Propolis, produced from the kidneys, is actively used to treat a variety of pathologies and for cosmetic purposes. This substance has moisturizing, rejuvenating, soothing properties.
  3. Leaves. Compresses and poultices are prepared from this component for hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis. In addition, aspen leaves contribute to rapid healing wounds, weeping eczema, ulcers.

Medicinal properties of aspen bark

The benefits of this natural component are explained by the content of a number of valuable substances in it, for example, salicyl, a natural analogue of aspirin. The latter owed its creation to the bark of willows, to which the aspen belongs. Due to the presence of salicyl in the composition of the plant component, it has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. After taking the medicine, its diaphoretic effect is felt. In addition, along with profuse sweating, the blood begins to thin. Aspen bark contains:

  • fatty and organic acids;
  • phenol carbon compounds;
  • glycosides;
  • resins;
  • carbohydrates (thanks to them, the medicine is quickly absorbed);
  • tannins;
  • glycine;
  • pectin;
  • carotene;
  • populin;
  • esters (oils);
  • salicin;
  • vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The combination of these useful components helps in the fight against serious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, etc. The healing product normalizes metabolism, helping the digestive tract, improving intestinal motility and stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. Thanks to stearins and pectins, aspen promotes weight loss by reducing the level bad cholesterol in blood and tissues. The component stimulates the elimination of toxins, heavy metals and salts. In addition, aspen bark has the following medicinal properties:

  • anthelmintic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antitussive;
  • secretory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • painkiller;
  • antioxidant;
  • restorative.

Aspen bark treatment

Some substances in the composition of the product are able to effectively stop pain, eliminate the feeling of aches in the body. The healing properties of aspen bark are aimed at improving the digestion process, complex treatment of gastritis and diarrhea. The medicine should be used for diseases such as:

  • bleeding (including internal);
  • fever;
  • skin damage (ulcers, burns, wounds);
  • painful menstruation;
  • skin diseases (lichen, eczema, acne, psoriasis, etc.);
  • toothache, headache;
  • cold, flu;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • joint pathology (arthritis, rheumatism);
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • infection with helminths (including opisthorchiasis);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (incontinence, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.);
  • kidney ailments;
  • diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, dyspepsia, etc.);
  • diabetes.

The medicinal properties of the plant component can be useful for arthritis, gout, inflammation of the bladder, hemorrhoids, involuntary urination and other unpleasant pathologies. A decoction of aspen bark can be prescribed for gastritis different types, diarrhea, dyspepsia (inability of the digestive organs to digest food normally), malaria and fever.

Aspen treatment can normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, improving appetite. The decoction is consumed 200 ml per day, divided into three doses. To prepare a remedy, 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and put on fire. The resulting product should boil for 10 minutes, then brew for half an hour.


To prepare a remedy, you will need vodka or alcohol (10 parts) and crushed aspen bark (1 part). The mixture must be insisted for 4 days, after which it is filtered. Aspen bark tincture is taken in 1 tsp. three times a day before each meal. This remedy is especially effective in dysentery.

There is another recipe for preparing aspen bark tincture for internal use, but it is more suitable for the treatment of arthrosis, gout, joint pain, teeth, and skin problems. The remedy is also prepared for 4 days, but the proportions in this case are different: for 1/5 cup of dry raw materials, 500 ml of alcohol / vodka will be needed.


The healing properties of aspen extracts have wide range action, the extract can be used to treat allergies, anemia, diseases respiratory tract, immunodeficiencies, pathologies of the hematopoietic organs and nervous system. In addition, the pharmacological effect of the extract is aimed at fighting cancer. You can buy a remedy at a pharmacy, take it in courses of 2 months, while drinking the extract three times a day, 15 drops each.


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Aspen is a species of deciduous trees growing in the temperate zone of the Eurasian continent. It is unpretentious to the soil and grows very quickly, so it is often used as an ornamental plant for landscaping parks and squares. But the tree is not famous for this: its bark, leaves and buds have long been used for medicinal purposes. It is about the medicinal abilities of aspen that we will tell in the article.

Chemical composition

The bark of the tree is rich in the following substances:

  • glycosides ( organic compounds carbohydrate and non-carbohydrate fragments);
  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene (provitamin A);
  • fatty acid;
  • carbohydrates;
  • flavonoids (plant organic compounds of the aromatic series);
  • resinous substances;
  • pectins (high molecular weight carbohydrates);
  • mineral salts;
  • sterols (natural organic compounds);
  • wax;
  • proteins;
  • lignans (phenolic compounds of plant origin).

Did you know? Aspen bark is used for tanning leather, and yellow and green dyes are made from it.

Medicinal properties

They are due to the high content of biologically active substances in the aspen bark.

Therefore, it has such effects on the human body:

  • anti-inflammatory (tannins, anthocyanins, flavonoids);
  • emollient (mineral salts);
  • astringent (tannins, wax);
  • antimicrobial (glycosides, tannins, resinous substances);
  • antitussive (glycosides);
  • anthelmintic (resinous substances);
  • hemostatic (coumarins);
  • antipyretic (tannins, anthocyanins, flavonoids);
  • diaphoretic (essential oil);
  • diuretic (glycosides);

  • antiseptic (coumarins, wax, resinous substances, glycosides);
  • general strengthening (organic acids, vitamin C, carotene, carbohydrates, proteins);
  • antiviral (glycosides, tannins, resinous substances);
  • antibacterial (tannins, resinous substances);
  • wound healing (resinous substances, wax);
  • oncoprotective (carotene, coumarins);
  • antirheumatic (vitamin C, mineral salts, proteins, anthocyanins, flavonoids).
  • What helps: from what diseases

    Used to treat:

    • scurvy;
    • hernia;
    • syphilis;
    • febrile conditions;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • prostatic hypertrophy;
    • problems with the genitourinary system;
    • problems with the nervous system;
    • radiculitis, rheumatism;
    • arthritis, arthrosis;
    • gout;
    • angina, gingivitis;
    • burns, blisters;
    • acne and other skin diseases;
    • dandruff and excessive sweating;
    • dysentery, diarrhea;
    • colitis;
    • oncological diseases;
    • diabetes
    • pancreatitis;
    • colds;
    • malaria.

    • Application in traditional medicine: benefits

      As you can see, in folk medicine, aspen bark easily fights stomach problems, bladder problems, colds. In addition, she perfectly copes with gynecological and andrological problems.

      For men

      • temperature rise;
      • feeling of weakness;
      • pain in the perineum;
      • frequent urination;
      • sensation incomplete emptying Bladder;
      • cloudy urine and the appearance of mucous secretions.
      These symptoms indicate the presence of prostatitis or prostate adenoma. Aspen bark contains tannins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, carotene, coumarins.
      The action of these substances is aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process in the body, inhibiting the development cancer cells, as well as to strengthen the body as a whole.

      Also, the bark has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood circulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels and muscles.

      For women

      In gynecology, the spectrum of action of the aspen bark is narrower than in andrology. Here it is used only in the treatment inflammatory processes in the ovaries. But it is effective in the fight against extra pounds, as it is able to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, excess fluid.

      It is widely used in cosmetology as a component of creams, masks, lotions, whose action is aimed at rejuvenating the skin, making it fresh, clean and smooth. Included in anti-dandruff shampoos.


      Children's ailments are not recommended to be treated with aspen bark. It is contraindicated for children under four years of age, and for older children, a doctor's consultation is required. The only thing for which the plant can be used with virtually no restrictions is in the fight against worms. But, nevertheless, it is not recommended to treat young children without talking with a doctor.

      Harm and side effects

      Harmful action no. Side effects possible only in case of excessive abuse and when taking medicinal product persons to whom it is contraindicated: we will talk about them later.


      Aspen bark is contraindicated:

      • those who have an individual intolerance to its components;
      • people with chronic constipation;
      • those who have gastric diseases, dysbacteriosis;
      • pregnant and lactating;
      • children under four years of age.

      Without consulting a doctor, you should not take people with:

      • hemorrhoids;
      • oncology;
      • hypertension and hypotension;
      • diabetes
      • problems of the cardiovascular system;
      • intestinal obstruction.

      Procurement and storage of raw materials

      Aspen is a tall tree (20-30 meters in height) with a rounded crown and a cylindrical trunk covered with light green bark. Usually included in mixed forests. It can also be found on the outskirts of coniferous forests, on the edges, and along rivers, in swamps, in the mountains.

      Some experts believe that it is best to harvest the bark in the spring, in March, when the juice is just beginning to circulate through the tree. Others argue that a more favorable time is autumn, November, when the plant falls asleep.

      Most likely, both periods are suitable for harvesting raw materials, since at the time described, the circulation of sap through the tree is minimal, which means that the damage to the tree is also almost absent.
      It is recommended to cut the bark from young trees that are two to three years old, and their bark thickness is more than 5 millimeters. To get raw materials, it is necessary to make cuts with a knife at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other.

      Important!In no case should you make cuts in a circle and cut off large pieces of bark.

      The incision should be shallow so that it does not harm the wood. It is better to remove the bark from the branches, and not from the trunk: this way the plant will recover faster. The extracted raw materials are cut into small pieces and laid out to dry on paper in one layer in a dry place, away from sunlight.

      The finished raw materials are collected in cloth bags and hidden for storage in a cool place. Under such conditions, the healing properties will remain for about three years. If it was noticed that the bark changed color, smell, became moldy, then it becomes unsuitable for any purpose - it must be thrown away.

      Recipe: how to take

      In folk medicine, infusions, tinctures and decoctions are used to treat aspen bark. Here are a few healthy recipes to fight various ailments.

      Vodka tincture


      Water infusion can treat colitis, pancreatitis, diseases of the urinary system, digestive disorders, use it as a tonic for the body. Recipe: 50 g of bark is poured into 500 ml of cold water, put on fire and boiled.
