Deadline for obtaining a military mortgage connection bank. Mortgage of Svyaz-Bank: conditions of military mortgage and calculation calculator

The solution to the housing issue for military personnel is regulated at the state level by providing preferential mortgage loans. A reliable partner for issuing such loans is Svyaz Bank - military mortgages are issued here in the shortest possible time. Let's take a closer look at the loan terms.

Mortgages for military personnel of the Russian Federation are issued by Svyaz-Bank without any commissions, with the participation of a personal manager assigned to each borrower, and with the provision of free assistance at all stages of the transaction. We will analyze in detail the available programs, general lending parameters and the level of interest rates.

Loan programs

Currently, potential clients of Svyaz-Bank can take advantage of any of two available lending programs for the military:

  • “Ready housing” (the intended purpose is the purchase of an apartment, a separate house with a plot or a townhouse with land);
  • “New building” (you can only buy an apartment in an apartment building under construction).

Any purchased object must be accredited by the bank and a special body from the state - FGKU "Rosvoeipoteka".

General conditions

An applicant for a preferential housing loan with state support can be a Russian citizen who is serving in the Russian army and has been a member of the NIS for more than 3 years. During this period, an amount is accumulated in the military’s personal savings account, which can be partially or fully used to pay the down payment on the loan.

Further repayment of debt to the bank is carried out by Rosvoenipoteka using funds allocated from the state budget.

The key lending conditions under the Military Mortgage program at Svyaz-Bank are as follows:

  • amount of borrowed funds – from 400 thousand to 2 million 399 thousand rubles;
  • debt repayment period – 3 – 20 years;
  • the share of the down payment is at least 20% of the cost of the purchased property.

Svyaz-Bank has a wide regional network of its representative offices throughout the country (54 offices). A military mortgage is available in any of them.

Interest rate

For mortgage programs with government participation, a fixed interest rate is usually applied for the entire loan period. Svyaz-Bank now has a basic lending rate - 9.5% per annum .

There are no extras for it. It is also prohibited at the legislative level to change its value during the debt repayment period.

The interest rate will be the same for both existing programs - for finished and under construction housing.

Minimum and maximum amount

Many banks do not have a minimum loan amount limit for military personnel. Svyaz-Bank clearly states that applications for an amount less than 400 thousand rubles are not accepted for consideration.

The maximum amount of a mortgage loan for a military personnel is calculated based on the amount of the annual savings contribution, taking into account the projected level of inflation in the country. The contribution amount should be enough to pay off all debts until the military man reaches the age of 45.

In monetary terms, this is no more 2.399 million rubles. Participation of own funds in obtaining a military mortgage is not allowed.

Military mortgage calculator Svyaz-Bank

Loan amount

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated

Interest rate, %

Maternity capital

date of issue

Loan term

0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years old 26 years old 27 years old 28 years old 29 years old 30 years old

0 months 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months

Early repayments

Reducing the term Reducing the amount Monthly reducing the term Monthly reducing the amount


On the official website of Svyaz-Bank, a serviceman can use a visual calculator to obtain key lending conditions and preliminary calculations for issued obligations.

To do this you will need to enter the following information:

  • type of housing purchased (apartment, townhouse or house);
  • month and year of birth of the applicant;
  • approximate date of loan issuance;
  • the amount of the savings contribution that will be transferred as a down payment;
  • the price of the purchased property.

Based on this data, the service will calculate the optimal repayment period and interest rate.

Another option for pre-calculating a military mortgage is to use our mortgage calculator. In a simple and understandable form, the service will calculate the amount of the monthly payment, the total cost of the loan and the minimum income of the borrower.

You can obtain such information after filling out the basic loan conditions:

  • term;
  • amounts;
  • the amount of the down payment;
  • type of payments;
  • date of issue.

Requirements for the borrower

Svyaz-Bank does not impose strict requirements on clients submitting an application for a preferential military mortgage. Among the main restrictions:

  1. Russian citizenship.
  2. Age limit: from 21 to 45 years.
  3. No negative credit history.
  4. Temporary or permanent registration in the region where the lender is present.

PLEASE NOTE! Also, a military borrower must have the opportunity to enter into a mortgage insurance agreement and order a real estate appraisal report in the event of purchasing a secondary home. Both services are paid for by the military themselves.

Requirements for the property

The subject of collateral under an agreement with Svyaz-Bank can only be housing that meets its requirements. These include:

  • accreditation of Rosvoenipoteka;
  • availability of communications;
  • compliance with sanitary, epidemiological and social standards;
  • restrictions on location and distance from the city where the bank operates, etc.

The living space should not be municipal or social housing, nor should it be on the register of dilapidated, emergency real estate.

Objects with high liquidity and comfortable living conditions for a potential buyer are accepted as collateral.

Accredited facilities

On the Svyaz-Bank website, military personnel can study the list of accredited facilities for new buildings.

In a special form, using a filter, you can select the region of the Russian Federation of interest and available development companies that are partners in the sale of housing for military personnel.

After applying the filter, the user will have access to information about the residential property (residential building) and the address of its location.


The compulsory type of insurance for the military includes only property, which is designed to protect collateral property from loss and damage.

IMPORTANT! The borrower-military must include in advance the payment of the insurance premium in his expenses for obtaining a loan, since this item of expenses is not paid from the state budget.

How to apply step by step

Obtaining a mortgage loan for the military is subject to the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the necessary package of papers.
  2. Submitting an application to Svyaz-Bank.
  3. Submitting an application to the Credit Committee and making a decision within a period of at least 5 working days.
  4. Providing a housing assessment report (for secondary housing).
  5. Opening bank accounts for payments.
  6. Conclusion of a loan agreement (the participants are 3 parties: Svyaz-Bank, Rosvoenipoteka and a military serviceman).
  7. Conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement (or DSA).
  8. Payment of the down payment by transferring funds from Rosvoenipoteka from the borrower’s personal savings account.
  9. Buying insurance.
  10. Registration of the transaction in Rosreestr and encumbrance of real estate.
  11. Transfer the remaining amount of money to the seller.

Documents for mortgage

The list of documents required for obtaining a loan for military personnel will be minimal. Let's analyze its composition for the borrower and the purchased living space.

For application

To submit a mortgage application for consideration by Svyaz-Bank, the client will need only 2 documents: a Russian passport and a certificate of participation in the savings-mortgage system.

No documents confirming employment or receipt of wages are required. The provided certificate is a certain guarantee of meeting these requirements.

For real estate

For housing purchased under the military mortgage program, you will need to present:

  • certificate of ownership (+ purchase and sale agreement, exchange, donation, etc.);
  • assessment report;
  • cadastral passport;
  • certificates of absence of registered persons and utility debts.

If a new apartment is purchased at the construction stage, the bank will require a set of documents from the development company (registration documents, investment plan, documents for the plot under the house, etc.).

Pros and cons of military mortgages at Svyaz-Bank

The obvious advantages of obtaining a mortgage for the military at Svyaz-Bank are:

  • provision of a personal manager;
  • absence of any commissions;
  • minimum package of documents;
  • loyal attitude towards the borrower;
  • possibility of purchasing a home from a private seller.
  • purchasing insurance at the military’s own expense;
  • a limited list of accredited new buildings for military mortgages on a regional basis;
  • a small loan amount, for which it is difficult to purchase real estate in large cities.

The indicated disadvantages are more likely to be characteristic of the problems of this program in general, and not specifically of Svyaz-Bank.

Only after comparing the above-mentioned pros and cons, assessing his ability to pay for insurance and the assessment report, is it recommended that a serviceman make a final decision on the advisability of participating in the preferential mortgage program.

The terms of mortgage lending under the Military Mortgage program include:

Real estate requirements

A serviceman can choose any of the available types of housing at his discretion, this could be:

  • Private house.
  • Apartment in MKD.
  • Townhouse.

When choosing a future home, a citizen must take into account the real estate requirements set by Svyaz-Bank and Rosvoenipoteka.

Requirements for the borrower

  • Participation in NIS for at least three years.
  • The serviceman's age at the time of repayment of the debt should not be more than 45 years.
  • A good credit history of a citizen, although it is not a mandatory requirement for lending to a military personnel, the bank may pay attention to this.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Availability of registration at the place of residence/stay.


As a standard, banks require insurance of collateral., that is, a mortgaged apartment.

Registration procedure

Is a down payment required?

The minimum down payment for a military mortgage at Svyaz-Bank is 20%. The amount is usually paid by the state from the savings of the NIS participant.

The service member can also add funds from personal savings to the down payment. The maximum down payment is limited to 90%.

Pros and cons of a loan here



  • The procedure takes longer due to the participation of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” in it.
  • Double encumbrance of collateral property - it is pledged by the state and by the bank.
  • The maximum loan amount limit is 2.2 million rubles.
  • Benefits are valid only for the duration of the military service. Upon dismissal, he is obliged to repay the loan himself, and in some cases, return the targeted housing loan to the state in full.
  • Svyaz-Bank may increase the loan rate to 3% if the borrower refuses title insurance, which provides for the risk of invalidation of ownership of the apartment.

Svyaz-Bank is a large financial organization that has existed for about 23 years and is represented in all regions of the Russian Federation. The bank successfully implements mortgage lending to military personnel, providing favorable conditions and low interest rates.

Svyaz-Bank is one of the banking structures that successfully issues military mortgages to army employees. The bank has been implementing this form of providing housing for military personnel since 2011.

About the financial institution Svyaz Bank

Svyaz-Bank began operating in 1991. Over 23 years of operation, the financial institution has earned the status of a large credit institution with more than 50 branches in 52 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main shareholder of the company is Vnesheconombank, which owns the majority of the company's shares. The bank's work is organized in close cooperation with enterprises from various sectors of the economy.
The main partner of the company is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post, in whose territories 51 mini-offices of Svyaz-Bank are located.

The main activities of the financial institution are:

  • work with individuals and legal entities;
  • debt financing issues;
  • international entrepreneurship.

One of the priority tasks of Svyaz-Bank is lending, including to small and medium-sized businesses. The financial institution plans to take a significant position in the market through the development of the consumer and mortgage sectors, as well as attracting deposits.

As part of achieving its goals, in 2011 the bank opened a new line of activity - work under the “Military Mortgage” program, i.e. involves the issuance of targeted housing loans (CHL) to military personnel and participants in the savings and mortgage system (NMS).

Conditions for providing mortgages to military personnel

The program to provide housing for army personnel is being implemented through the latter’s participation in the savings and mortgage system (NIS). FGKU "Rosvoenipoteka" makes annual payments to the personal accounts of military personnel, which, after three years of participation in the project, can be used to obtain a mortgage loan.

NIS participants have the right to spend the accumulated funds both to pay the first installment on a military mortgage and to repay part of the principal debt. Repayment of monthly mortgage payments is also carried out through government appropriations.

The funds received must be sufficient to fully repay the mortgage obligations. The interest rate depends on the amount of the down payment, the characteristics of the property being purchased and the term of the loan agreement.

The age of the serviceman who took out the loan at the end of the contract should not exceed 45 years. The program is valid in all regions of Svyaz-Bank’s presence.

When drawing up a mortgage agreement, the borrower may be offered to conclude additional insurance contracts: personal and title. If the client refuses the services offered, there may be an increase in the annual interest rate on the loan.

Purchase of housing under construction

Svyaz-Bank is implementing a military mortgage program as part of the acquisition of real estate, both on the secondary housing market and under construction.

You can apply for a loan for the purchase of housing that is under construction only according to the list of accredited new buildings of the bank under an equity participation agreement (DPA).

The accredited ones include the Nekrasovka Park residential complex - microdistrict and the M-House residential complex in Moscow,

as well as microdistricts under construction in the Moscow region:

  • Residential complex "Sacramento", Residential complex "Mortongrad "Putilkovo", Residential complex "House on the street. Zarechnaya";
  • microdistrict "Katyushki", microdistrict "Butovo Park", microdistrict. "Butovo Park 2";
  • microdistrict "Solntsevo-Park", microdistrict. "Ilyinskaya Sloboda", microdistrict. "Enviable";
  • Residential complex "Pearl of Balashikha", Residential complex "Kvartal A101", Residential complex "New Vatutinki";
  • Residential complex "Lvovsky", Residential complex "Zhemchuzhina", Residential complex "Novoye Izmailovo".

A housing loan is available for military personnel from Svyaz-Bank for a military mortgage for new buildings in other cities: Blagoveshchensk, Kaliningrad, Na, and Smolensk.

Accredited developers of Svyaz-Bank include:

  • Lexion Development LLC, Granel Development LLC;
  • GC FSK "Leader", GC "Morton", GC "KORTROS", GC "MITS", GC "PZHI";
  • ZemProektStroy CJSC, Amur Oil Company CJSC, AUGUR ESTATE OJSC;
  • Investtrust LLC, TriadaStroy LLC, RenCapStroy LLC;
  • Baltrekomplekt LLC, Construction Companies of the Tenth Bearing Plant LLC.
This means that when choosing housing under construction according to the DDU from one of the listed developers, you can have hope for the integrity of the construction organization.

The basis for such hope is precisely accreditation with Svyaz Bank, which thereby expresses confidence in the developer.

Stages of obtaining a military mortgage at Svyaz-Bank

To calculate the preliminary loan amount, you can use a military mortgage calculator or contact the Svyaz-Bank consulting service. By contacting the nearest branch of the company, you should fill out a loan application, a sample of which is available on the bank’s official website.

To draw up a mortgage agreement, the following package of documents is required:

  1. Completed loan application;
  2. Russian Federation resident passport (with a stamp confirming registration on the territory of Russia);
  3. Certificate of participation in NIS;
  4. Additional document: driver's license, SNILS, TIN or foreign passport, military ID (for men under 27 years old);
  5. Work book or Pension certificate;

After choosing the appropriate option for the purchased apartment, the bank employee must submit:

  • a certificate confirming ownership of the property;
  • living space passport;
  • identification documents of all apartment owners.

After carrying out the procedure for assessing the residential premises, it is necessary to provide the Svyaz-Bank employee with the result confirming permission to sell the real estate.

Ed_73: Not a review, more of a warning. Don't believe it about 5 working days for consideration. At the same time, the Bank may increase the time frame for reviewing documents. As I understand from communicating with clients of this bank, he Always this period increases. And if you have deadlines with the seller, send an application to three more neighboring banks.


Dear Ed_73!
Indeed, the standard period for consideration of a loan application is 5 (Five) working days from the date of submission of a complete and correctly completed package of documents.
Due to the fact that during the consideration of the application, inconsistencies were identified in the documents submitted by you with the requirements of the current lending program, the period for consideration of your application has been extended. An employee of the Bank Branch informed you in a timely manner about any comments to the submitted package of documents and the need to provide correct documents from the place of work. However, the documents are currently not at the disposal of the Bank.

Kos46!: Hello!

Trusting the words of the bank employees that my loan application would be reviewed in 5-7 business days, and usually approved in 2-3, I decided to submit an application and did not apply to another bank additionally (which I already very much regret).

I brought a complete package of documents, as required by the bank’s conditions, and submitted an application on May 26, 2014. Today, June 4, 2014, is already the 8th working day and I have not heard a single clear explanation about the delay in consideration of the application. 2 days ago they called me from the bank’s security department and told me to wait for approval within a day, but there was no answer. For the 3rd day now, the hotline has told me that the application is at the last stage of consideration, but no one knows how long this stage will last and it does not depend on anyone! As I understand it, your bank is not aimed at satisfying the wishes of clients and at least fulfilling its promises about the processing time of applications, not to mention explaining the reasons for the delays when all the documents are in order!


Dear Kos46!
The standard period for consideration of a loan application is 5 (Five) working days from the date of submission of a complete and correctly completed package of documents. At the same time, the Bank may increase the time frame for reviewing documents.
We regret that the extended processing time for your loan application has caused you inconvenience.
After analyzing the entire package of documents submitted, on June 5, 2014, a decision was made on your application.
We hope that the incident will not affect further cooperation.

Consumer loan

So, after reading about this bank on the Internet, I decided to try my luck. I really wanted a used domestic car, but not with a car loan, to depend on the bank and insurance companies that they offer, but so, you have money on hand, you know the amount, and you try to meet it (buy, arrange, insure).
So, the amount required was 250,000 rubles. First of all, I called the bank, the bank employees communicate on the phone conscientiously and answer, which cannot be upsetting. They talk about the bank’s offers (by the way, the information is no different from the information on the Internet), and offer to drive up to the nearest office with documents.

The list of documents is minimal, this is 2 personal income tax, a copy of the employment document, passport, and one other document (in my case, the SNILS policy). I went to additional office No. 12 on Domodedovskaya, filled out everything, and gave me a quote, with or without insurance. By the way, insurance is NOT DIRECTLY IMPOSED, that is, they say that they are not going to impose it, and the conditions are such that with life, health, and job loss insurance = 19% per annum, without insurance = 21% per annum. In the statement it became clear that the difference was only 4 thousand, so in principle nothing was lost. I took it without insurance, because... I have a permanent additional income, that is, even if I lose my job, I can pay in any case.

The office told me that this is a preliminary amount of overpayments and a preliminary amount of the monthly contribution. As a result, on August 7, 13, I submitted an application, with documents, and they said I would receive an answer within 5 business days. As a result, today, 08/12/13 (only 2 working days have passed, on the third they already called), they called from the bank and asked for data from the questionnaire, I don’t really know why, apparently protection from fraudulent creditors and brokers, in general they answered the questions, and they told me “that’s it, thanks for the information, wait for an answer.”

Literally half an hour later you receive an SMS from the bank with the text “Your loan has been approved. Call the number... (bank number) to clarify the information.” I called and they said that they approved not even 250, but all 500 thousand. Well, I don’t need that much, I decided to take 300 just in case. I chose an office where I can drive up, arrived, heard the same conditions as on the website and by phone, only from the operator issuing loans; in an hour and a half I managed to read, sign the contract and other documents, and wait half an hour before the amount was issued, received the amount and went home satisfied. In general, no problems, stress, nothing. The office will once again clarify the amount you need and whether you need insurance. I’m happy with the bank, I hope no more adventures await me!

By the way, one minus is that their ATMs only work for cash withdrawals; you only need to pay for the loan in addition. offices. On the other hand, it’s good that if you pay it off early, you can immediately sign the application.
