Vessels under the skin on the legs. Why do blood vessels on the legs burst and bruises appear? Treatment? General principles of treatment

Weak vessels are main reason frequent subcutaneous hemorrhage. Thin capillaries can easily burst, which is what causes unsightly red spots to appear on your legs. At first they are very small, more like dots, but gradually they become larger. Why do blood vessels burst, and how to get rid of this problem? Read the article to the end to get answers to these questions.

After a mechanical shock or any other injury to the lower extremities, fragile blood vessels in the leg begin to burst. A small rash remains even after the hematoma or bruise completely disappears. However, sometimes a patient notices that a blood vessel in his leg has burst without any obvious reason. This is a rather alarming symptom, which may be the first sign of the development of a more serious vascular disease.

Doctors identify several of the most common causes of vascular fragility, namely:

  • for food, medicine, pollen, etc.;
  • Infectious blood poisoning;
  • Autoimmune pathologies;
  • Complications after skin diseases;
  • Natural aging.

Varicose veins - causes of weak blood vessels

Often, weak blood vessels begin to burst in women after childbirth. Giving birth to a child is a huge stress and strain on the body, so some capillaries cannot withstand such stress. Blood vessels become fragile due to a significant decrease in the elasticity of the walls. Certain hormonal imbalances can also cause burst capillaries.

If you often experience symptoms of weakened blood vessels, you should definitely consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a full medical examination. The thing is that sometimes this symptom can be a sign of the development of very serious and dangerous pathologies, such as leukemia, meningitis, sepsis, etc.


If you notice burst blood vessels on your legs, be sure to consult a doctor. In some cases, the cause of this pathology can be determined after a superficial examination and careful study of the medical record. However, in some cases a more complete medical examination may be necessary.

Be prepared to answer the doctor the following questions:

  • When did you first notice .
  • Do you have any additional symptoms - itching, swelling, soreness, etc.
  • Have you played sports or suffered any injuries?

Often weak blood vessels burst after or other professional cosmetic procedures. If you regularly take any medications, dietary supplements, or herbal infusions, be sure to inform your doctor about this.

Sometimes for staging accurate diagnosis The doctor needs to further examine the urine and blood tests. This will help identify infectious or viral diseases, which often cause damage to subcutaneous vessels. Abnormal damage to the soft tissues of the lower extremities will help to identify.


Weak blood vessels can cause a person a lot of discomfort. Red dots on the body look unsightly and sometimes cause pain or itching. To prevent vascular fragility, you must follow the recommendations of doctors.

If red dots appear on your leg, immediately abandon any cosmetic procedures during which vacuum or strong mechanical impact is used. The break should last at least 4-5 weeks.

A blood vessel on the leg often bursts due to the use of too rough a scrub or fruit peeling. Before the procedure, be sure to make sure that the active components of the product used do not cause you allergies.

Damaged areas of skin should never be rubbed or pressed on. Swim in warm, but not cold, or hot water. It is better to perform hygiene procedures in the shower.

Until the signs of subcutaneous capillary damage completely disappear, it is strictly forbidden to visit the sauna or sunbathe in the solarium. A nourishing, fatty cream will help protect weakened subcutaneous vessels from frost.


If a damaged vessel causes you a lot of discomfort, and the red mark on the skin does not disappear for a very long time, a doctor may prescribe an electrocoagulation procedure. Using special equipment, low-frequency current is applied to the damaged area of ​​the body.

This method of removing subcutaneous hemorrhages is completely painless. It can be used for both adult patients and children. In modern clinics, broken capillaries can be removed using laser equipment. Special pulses of light allow you to completely destroy the damaged vessel and clear your skin of red spots.

If you decide to have a laser procedure, be prepared for the fact that short-term complications may occur after it, expressed by redness, swelling, etc.

Many women are faced with the problem of blood vessels bursting on their legs, although the male part of the population rarely worries about this problem. What to do if this trouble persists?

The main signs of burst blood vessels

Vessels can burst anywhere in the leg - from the thigh to the shin, but how to distinguish this problem from others? Let's describe characteristic features so that you can accurately diagnose:

  • If a network of small vessels appears on the leg, this means that the capillaries have burst - these are the smallest veins, they are located close to the skin and always appear in case of damage. The mesh may take the form of a branching tree or an asterisk, and may be bluish or reddish in color, depending on which capillaries have burst. Such damage does not cause inconvenience, but it cannot be ignored, and the legs do not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  • If a medium-sized vein bursts, a hematoma appears at this place; it can be of different sizes. The bruise begins to hurt, a “aching” pain appears.
  • In case of damage to a large artery, a life-threatening situation arises, because it is accompanied by internal hemorrhage. In this situation, a bruise will quickly appear on the leg, which will increase in size. The person feels severe weakness, dizziness, nausea, this situation requires the immediate presence of a doctor, hurry up and call ambulance. To stop the bleeding, you need to quickly apply a tourniquet above the bruise, and then lie down and not disturb your leg while waiting for the doctor.

Treatment and strengthening of blood vessels

If you find yourself with the listed symptoms, you should not let the situation take its course. But what measures need to be taken in this case?

Drug treatment

It is clear that in the event of a ruptured artery, immediate medical attention is necessary, but also in two other situations that do not require emergency care, you can’t do without a doctor. If you do not treat and strengthen blood vessels, the problem will remind itself more and more often. A competent doctor will identify the causes of irregularities in work circulatory system and prescribe appropriate treatment. The specialist dealing with this problem is a phlebologist, but the woman is also advised to consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist, since the problem is often caused by hormonal imbalances.
Currently there are several ways drug treatment burst vessels. The most common of them is the injection of a special solution that glues the vessels together and helps them recover. New methods of laser and light therapy are also gaining popularity; their effectiveness has already been proven clinically and by many reviews from patients who have been treated. Minor damage can be completely eliminated using only creams.
But any treatment must be supported and preventive measures to strengthen blood vessels, we will consider them below.

Diet to strengthen the venous system

Fragility of blood vessels can be caused by insufficient variety in the diet. Veins are especially affected by a lack of vitamins C, P and E, as well as calcium. Vitamin C can be obtained in sufficient quantities from rose hips, cabbage of any type, citrus fruits, kiwi, dill and parsley, as well as gooseberries and strawberries. Vitamin P is also called rutin; there is a lot of it in gooseberries and black currants, and it is also sold in any pharmacy in the form of vitamins in a jar. Vitamin E is found in legumes, eggs, green onions and wheat germ.

Seafood, dairy products and cottage cheese are also very useful for problems with veins. vegetable oils and coarse fiber.

Drinking regime

The thickness of the blood and the amount of moisture in the body depend on the amount and type of liquid you drink. Drink at least two liters of water a day to keep the blood fluid and move easily through the veins - the load on them will be reduced and the likelihood of damage will be less.
At the same time, do not forget that you cannot prevent water from leaving the body; to do this, eat no more than a tablespoon of salt per day and do not drink alcohol - this contributes to “stagnation” of water in the body and increases the load on the venous system.

Load reduction

Often the cause of vascular damage is overly intense training, as well as physical damage, overheating or frostbite. If you have had to deal with a burst blood vessel at least once, reconsider your training regimen. It is better to temporarily throw energy into exercises to strengthen the veins - these are any exercises that are performed lying down with your legs raised up, for example, “bicycle” - a person lies on his back and alternately bends his legs, pressing them to his chest, and then straightens them and moves them back, like as if he were pedaling.

Your health is in your hands! Treat broken blood vessels and strengthen the venous system, and your legs will always remain the standard of beauty and health.

Rupture of blood vessels is a common phenomenon with varicose veins, resulting in unsightly bruises. The size of hematomas may vary depending on the intensity of the hemorrhage, but in any case this is a reason to consult a doctor. So, why do blood vessels burst in the legs and what does this mean?

This disease develops against the background of poor circulation in the legs. Due to the malfunction of the venous valves, which are supposed to direct blood flow back to the heart, blood stagnates. As a result there is an increase in pressure in the blood vessels of the legs, the walls gradually become thinner and sooner or later break.

Rupture of veins leads to:

  • sepsis;
  • gangrene;
  • thrombosis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • open bleeding.

At the same time, with open bleeding, pain may not be felt, so a person sometimes notices the injury when the blood has already flowed into the shoes. The main signs of varicose veins are:

  • feeling of heaviness;
  • pulsation in calves;
  • convulsions;
  • veins are visible;
  • subcutaneous nodes.

Most often women experience varicose veins due to hormonal changes in the body with age or. For these reasons, it is especially important for women to monitor the health of their feet and undergo periodic examinations by a specialist.

What else leads to varicose veins:

  • work “on your feet”;
  • clothes that are too tight;
  • high heels;
  • alcoholism;
  • genetics;
  • obesity;
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • injuries;
  • frostbite.

If you notice symptoms of varicose veins, you should contact and start treatment early.

A vein has burst in the leg - what to do?

What happens if a vein in the leg bursts can be seen in the photo below, what to do in such a situation? Regardless of whether the bleeding is open or closed, as long as the victim is in an upright position, it is almost impossible to stop the bleeding.

It is best to place the person on their back; it is also important to avoid sudden movements of the leg. Further actions depend on the extent of the damage.

If the bleeding is internal

If small vessels rupture, there is no need for emergency first aid or hospitalization. If a small vessel bursts on your leg, The bruise won't take long to appear.

It is often accompanied painful sensations when touched and slight swelling.

In most cases, it is enough to apply cold to the injured area and use special ointments that speed up the healing of bruises.

It is much more dangerous if an artery or vein ruptures; this can lead to significant blood loss and death in the absence of medical assistance. The main symptoms of severe internal bleeding:

  • large bruise;
  • pale skin;
  • weakness;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • leg pain.

What to do:

  1. Place the victim in a horizontal position.
  2. Apply a tourniquet above the injury.
  3. You can put ice on the hematoma site (for no more than 15 minutes).
  4. Take the victim to the hospital or call an ambulance.

Important! The injured leg should be higher than the level of the body.

If the bleeding is open

First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by bandaging it. It’s great if you have bandages on hand, but in a pinch, you can use any clean cloth, including a shirt, T-shirt, scarf, etc. How to apply a bandage correctly:

  1. Place a clean napkin or handkerchief on the wound.
  2. Place a thick roll of bandage or whatever material you have on hand on top.
  3. Secure the roller with a regular or elastic bandage.

If the situation is completely urgent and the case occurs on the street or outside the city, you can use belts, scarves, neckerchiefs, etc. If possible, the victim should be in a horizontal position.

If a vein or artery is damaged, you need to act quickly:

  1. Fix your leg above body level.
  2. Apply a tourniquet.
  3. Make a dressing.
  4. Call a doctor.

If possible, you can put cold on the rupture site - ice or at least a bottle of cold water. Any delay in arterial or venous bleeding may cost the victim his life.

How to treat

In case of injury or vascular disease, you should consult a phlebologist.

Most often, to treat injured veins, surgery is prescribed, after which therapy is carried out aimed at strengthening the blood vessels.

Surgery in the event of a burst vein cannot be avoided. Such treatment is primarily necessary to remove the damaged section of the vein.

At the earliest stages, when varicose veins manifest themselves only in spider veins and small bruises on the legs, sclerotherapy and phototherapy are used. Such services are provided by beauty salons, but for your own peace of mind it is best to undergo treatment in a professional medical clinic.

One of the newest methods for removing spider veins is elos coagulation. In this case, damaged capillaries are removed using a laser and high-frequency electric current. The procedure is painful, has contraindications, but is quite effective.

Broken blood vessels during pregnancy

During pregnancy, blood vessels burst in the legs of at least a third of women. Moreover, all subsequent pregnancies only increase the risks to 80%.

There is a high risk of rupture of blood vessels in the legs in those women who are initially predisposed to varicose veins due to heredity.

If the first signs of the disease appeared before pregnancy, you can be almost 100% sure that during the “interesting period” varicose veins will only worsen.

At best, a vascular network will appear on the legs if the capillaries and small vessels are damaged. The “cobweb” does not cause physical discomfort and is not felt above the skin, and its removal in most cases is a purely cosmetic procedure.

It’s worse when the veins begin to expand due to varicose veins. They not only become clearly visible under the skin, but also appear above it. To avoid this during pregnancy, it is recommended to wear compression stockings or at least use elastic bandages.

Important! Compression stockings should be selected only taking into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Prevention of varicose veins

It is easier to prevent varicose veins than to treat serious consequences such as bleeding or thrombosis.

Prevention is useful not only for women planning a pregnancy soon, but also for anyone whose work is primarily on their feet.

What to do:

  1. Wear compression stockings or tights; you need to put them on in the morning while lying down. The phlebologist will not only give advice on choosing a product, but also teach them how to put them on and wear them correctly.
  2. You can use elastic bandages, but they require some skill and are not always comfortable.
  3. Clothes should not be allowed to pinch the veins in the legs, especially skinny jeans or boots with high tops that are not the right size. It is also important to ensure that the elastic bands of your underwear are not too tight.
  4. Don't wear high heels. For everyday wear, it is better to choose shoes with small heels (no higher than 5 cm).
  5. When working sedentarily, you need to periodically take a break to walk a little or at least do a little warm-up for your legs. There are a lot of exercises - rolling from heel to toe, squats, leg swings, circular movements of the feet, bending the knees, etc.
  6. It is better to sleep on the right side to improve blood flow.
  7. Blood should not stagnate in the legs; the sitting position should be comfortable and relaxed. You should not allow numbness in the limbs, so it is better not to sit with your legs crossed.
  8. If your job requires you to constantly stand or walk a lot, it is important to choose comfortable shoes. You should also not stay in one position for too long.
  9. It is important to monitor your weight so that it does not exceed the norm. Proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will allow you to stay in shape.
  10. It is necessary to check regularly with a doctor, especially for women.


So, to avoid the appearance of varicose veins, you need to keep yourself in shape, prevent circulatory problems in the legs and periodically visit a phlebologist. The earlier the disease is detected, the faster and easier it is to treat.

If a blood vessel bursts in your leg and the bleeding is too severe, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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Brittleness and fragility blood vessels caused by loss of elasticity of the vascular wall. In patients, blood vessels in the arms burst due to minor injuries or spontaneously. Clinically, this is manifested by the formation of hematomas (bruises) and bruises. Blood due to traumatic injury upper limb penetrates the skin and accumulates there.

U healthy people The walls of blood vessels are strong and elastic, they can withstand short-term pressure. When a certain amount of force is applied, blood vessels in the arms burst and bruises appear. If hematomas occur for no reason, you should think about it and consult a specialist.

Bursted blood vessels in the hands indicate existing disorders in the body that require proper treatment. Patients complain that capillaries periodically appear on their fingers. After some time, they burst and a hematoma forms under the skin. Such phenomena are accompanied by severe pain and require treatment for medical care see a phlebologist.

Older people are more likely to burst blood vessels in their hands than young people. This is due to the deposition of salts, lipids on the walls of blood vessels, and deterioration of blood supply due to. Blood vessels in older people wear out, become fragile and brittle.


Vessels can burst in the hands for no apparent reason. To understand why this happens, it is necessary to examine the patient and analyze the results obtained. Formation of bruises and hemorrhages - pathological process, caused by the influence of certain factors. If you do not pay attention to them, unpleasant consequences may develop.

The main reasons for the appearance of bruises on the arms include external and internal factors.

Endogenous (internal) etiological factors of pathology:

If a blood vessel on your finger bursts or spider veins on the forearm, you should not wait for continuation. These phenomena are quite enough for a visit to a specialist.

Exogenous factors:

  1. Traumatic injury.
  2. Peeling, solarium and some other cosmetic procedures.
  3. Physical inactivity.
  4. Jumps in atmospheric air pressure and temperature changes.
  5. Burns or frostbite.
  6. Negative effects of direct sunlight.
  7. Long-term use of antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory or anti-asthmatic drugs.
  8. Stress and strong feelings.
  9. Physical overexertion and heavy strength training.
  10. Chemicals, poor quality household chemicals: detergents, liquid soap, shower gel, hand cream.


The fragility and fragility of blood vessels is clinically manifested by the formation or appearance of.

In warm weather, patients with increased fragility of blood vessels experience cold and blue extremities. Spider veins appear on the skin caused by deformation of the capillary walls. Such patients do not tolerate heat well, suffer from frequent and causeless dizziness, darkening of the eyes upon sudden rise, and aching joints. They get motion sickness in transport, weather sensitivity develops, pressure surges are observed, tachycardia appears, and short-term fainting is possible.

Such symptoms indicate weakness and fragility of blood vessels, as well as existing circulatory disorders.


To determine the patient's increased fragility of blood vessels and find out the cause of this pathology, several diagnostic tests are performed.

For people with increased fragility of blood vessels, therapists recommend consulting with specialized specialists, donating urine and blood for a general clinical analysis, blood for a coagulogram, and undergoing electrocardiography and capillaroscopy.

Capillaroscopy- a non-invasive method for studying soft tissue capillaries, allowing to determine the state of microcirculation in humans. Using a stereomicroscope, you can examine each specific capillary individually or the entire capillary network in this area. When the vascular walls are damaged and the integrity of the capillaries is disrupted, red blood cells enter the interstitial space. When several small pinpoint hemorrhages merge, large foci are formed. Another microscopic sign of increased vascular fragility is a change in the shape of the capillary loop.


The main reason for the appearance of burst blood vessels on the hands is the fragility and fragility of the vascular walls. Treatment of this problem begins with a comprehensive examination by specialists in related specialties.

The diet of people who have burst blood vessels in their hands should consist of foods enriched with vitamins and angioprotective substances. Patients are recommended to include chicken or rabbit meat, veal, beef, low-fat fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals and pasta, nuts, beans, and lactic acid products in their daily menu. They are prohibited from fried foods, baked goods, smoked meats and marinades, and spices. Salty and sweet foods should be consumed in limited quantities. Coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited.

  1. If a vessel bursts due to injury, this is not a reason to take emergency measures. A small hematoma will go away on its own.
  2. Impact chemicals leads to rapid aging of the skin of the hands and damage to the capillaries on the hands. To prevent this from happening, you must use protective gloves.
  3. To strengthen blood vessels, it is useful to do exercises that activate the venous system, perform massages that improve blood circulation, harden the body, and quit smoking.

Drug therapy

Among the instrumental methods of treatment, the most effective are.


In every person, in the skin and in deeper soft tissues small capillaries, arteries and vessels are located. They are, as a rule, difficult to notice in normal cases, but if there is a violation of their integrity, then this pathology is characterized by a visual change in the color of the skin at the site of the lesion.

If the capillaries on the legs, vessels or arteries burst, then blood begins to seep out from the site of damage to their walls and accumulates in the subcutaneous tissues, forming a bluish spot on the human skin. The most common cause of burst vessels in the legs is traumatic impact in this area, but there are many other factors that can cause similar changes in various parts of the limbs.

Information statistics from reliable medical sources say that in most cases, female representatives suffer from bursting of capillaries and blood vessels in their legs due to their stressful pastime.


The reasons why a person has a burst vein in his leg may be the following factors:

  • intense, prolonged and too frequent load on the lower extremities;
  • all kinds of traumatic effects;

Most often, blood vessels burst due to various types of injuries.

  • excess excess weight(presence of obesity of various stages);
  • diseases affecting the blood supply system;
  • deterioration of the strength of vascular walls;
  • changes in the level of hormones in the human body during pathological conditions (abortion, malignant neoplasms) or physiological (pregnancy, lactation, climatic period) processes;
  • occasional use pharmacological drugs containing hormones;
  • sharp effects on the body of excessively high or low temperatures;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases that negatively affect the integrity of blood vessels ( arterial hypertension, increased level sugar, the presence of varicose veins, vascular diseases, etc.);
  • negative impact on the body various types radiation (ultraviolet, radiation, etc.);
  • side effects that occurred after taking certain medications;
  • lack of vitamins K, C, B in the body;
  • pathological disorders of the blood coagulation process;
  • genetic diseases of connective tissues, which increase the likelihood of violating the integrity of vascular walls;
  • decreased platelet count.

Every person must know how this pathology manifests itself and what to do if blood vessels in the leg burst.

Clinical picture

If a vein in the leg bursts, a bruise quickly forms in the affected area, the size of which can vary from the most insignificant (a few millimeters) to a large bruise, the diameter of a human palm. We know that the most common cause the formation of a hematoma becomes an increased mechanical effect on any part of the lower limb. And in the event that blood accumulation occurs without traumatic intervention, then qualified specialists recommend immediately contacting the nearest medical institution to identify the true cause of a burst vessel on the leg and promptly prevent the development of all kinds of complications.

Minor pathology can disappear on its own after a couple of days. Therefore, if the self-regeneration procedure does not occur quite long time, then it is also recommended to visit an experienced specialist who will advise you on this matter. Very often, if a vessel on the leg bursts, this means that this phenomenon is only a sign of the presence of an unnatural pathology in the human body, requiring immediate medical intervention.

Mostly there is excessive darkening of the injured soft tissues

There are also accompanying symptoms that indicate that the human body is progressing serious illness, which significantly worsens the victim’s quality of life:

  • sudden appearance of intense pain at the site of damage to the vascular walls;
  • the formation of unnatural compactions in the affected area;
  • excessive darkening of injured soft tissues;
  • formation of swelling in lower limbs;
  • new bruises appear on the legs, which indicate that the integrity of the veins continues to be compromised;
  • there is a feeling of various manifestations of discomfort at the site of the affected vein.

If you notice any of the symptoms described above, immediately visit a qualified medical professional who will provide you with the necessary assistance.

A number of diseases that may be accompanied by signs such as burst blood vessels:

  • inflammation of the brain (meningitis);
  • blood cancer, myeloma;
  • various types of sore throat;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infection of the hematopoietic system;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hemophilia disease;
  • Wellibrand's disease;
  • pathological liver disorders.

Diagnostic technique

First of all, if a blood vessel bursts on the leg, a qualified physician conducts a thorough examination of the affected area of ​​the skin. At the time of this event, an experienced doctor becomes aware of whether such a pathology arose as a result of traumatic exposure or whether the provoking factor was any other disorder present in the victim’s body. If the cause of the bruise was not injury, the patient is referred to a number of complex medical research, which will help to identify the true cause of the pathology and determine what kind of serious disease is progressing in the human body.

The first thing you need to do is see a doctor

The following hardware and laboratory procedures can be used for diagnostic examination:

  • delivery of general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • bone marrow biopsy;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • blood clotting test;
  • ultrasound examination.

Based on accompanying symptoms, doctors can prescribe other, individual diagnostic measures.

After the results of the examination are received and carefully studied, a qualified medical professional establishes the diagnosis and the cause of its occurrence, determines the duration of progression of the disease and prescribes the most effective therapeutic methods.

Therapeutic measures

The method of treatment if blood vessels burst in the legs is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and depends on the individual characteristics of each organism (various contraindications, the patient’s age and the presence of other diseases). As a rule, the doctor prescribes pharmacological medications that are aimed at strengthening the vascular walls and restoring the process of blood clotting. At the time of drug treatment, the following drugs can be used:

  • fresh, frozen plasma;
  • vitamin complexes of groups K, P and C;
  • medicine Dicynon;
  • aminocaproic acids.

Medicine "Ditsinon"

The most common elements of venotonics that help improve the strength of blood vessels:

  • Diosmin – fights cramps and a feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • Rutoside – reduces capillary permeability, helps eliminate inflammatory processes and prevents the occurrence of blood clots;
  • Hesperdin - provokes an improvement in blood circulation and gas exchange in soft tissues;
  • Troxuretin - is used to prevent inflammatory processes in the body and improves the structural lining of blood vessels.

The following hardware measures can also cope with problematic veins:

  • undergoing microsclerotherapy - at the time of such a treatment procedure, qualified specialists inject a certain drug into the vessel, which promotes its complete regeneration;
  • removal of veins using a laser - an experienced doctor directs laser radiation to small affected vessels and they involuntarily dissolve;
  • elos-coagulation procedure - this therapeutic method is usually used in cosmetology. With the help of light energy radiation and bipolar current exposure, specialists eliminate all problems that have arisen.

In addition to the above-described methods for treating burst veins in the lower extremities, if the victim was found to have progression of a concomitant disease, qualified medical workers other therapeutic measures are prescribed. They, in turn, are selected exclusively by the attending physicians and are able to quickly and efficiently cope with unfavorable pathologies.

Preventive methods

To prevent violation of the integrity of the venous walls, the following preventive measures should be followed:

  • properly maintain water balance. An adult needs to take at least two liters of purified water per day (teas, coffee, juice do not count);

It is imperative to maintain water balance

  • maintain a proper and balanced diet. It is recommended to exclude fatty, hot and spicy foods from your diet, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, doctors advise taking as much dried apricots, grapes, pumpkin and nuts as possible - these products help strengthen the venous walls;
  • get rid of bad habits. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcoholic beverages can significantly worsen the condition of blood vessels and cause a number of diseases dangerous to human life;
  • moderate and periodic participation in sports activities. Various physical activities (swimming, yoga, gymnastics, running, going to the gym) have a very positive effect on the condition of the arteries in the lower extremities;
  • use correct and high-quality shoes. All people should be more careful about the shoes they wear. You should pay attention to the presence of orthopedic insoles and hard soles. For positive results, the heel height should vary from two to five centimeters;
  • take periodically contrast shower. With the constant practice of sharp temperature changes, the walls of the blood vessels undergo significant strengthening, and general condition human health improves effectively and quickly;
  • At the first adverse changes, contact specialists at the nearest medical facility.

If you and your immediate family adhere to the above preventive recommendations, then the risk of unpleasant vascular diseases is significantly reduced. And if they do make themselves felt, then in no case should you hesitate or self-medicate, since many such situations, based on medical statistics, ended very badly.
