Radial nerve entrapment. What you need to know if a nerve is pinched in the hand: methods of treating neuropathy Pinched radial nerve

The radial nerve in the hand is a common pathology that can be obtained even after sleeping in an uncomfortable position. The disease is fraught for the patient with excruciating pain in the arm and loss of its functions.

Let's consider the main symptoms and methods of treating a pinched radial nerve in the hand in order to recognize the development of the pathology in time and begin therapy.

The radial nerve is formed by the roots of the cervical spinal nerves C5-C8, passes through the axillary fossa, descends through the cubital fossa to the thumb, index and middle fingers.

The radial nerve consists of motor and sensory fibers. Thanks to it, coordinated work of the arm muscles is performed and the sensitivity of the skin is ensured.

Causes of pinched radial nerve:

  • uncomfortable posture during sleep, especially if you put your hand under your head - a similar condition is often observed in people under the influence of alcohol;
  • “wedding night” syndrome - when one of the spouses lies on the shoulder for a long time;
  • “crutch paralysis” develops with prolonged compression of the arm by a crutch;
  • various hand injuries: fractures, bruises, dislocations, knife wounds, prolonged compression with a tourniquet;
  • lead poisoning;
  • infectious diseases - influenza, pneumonia, typhus and others;
  • incorrect injections into the shoulder area;
  • nerve compression or scar;


The symptoms of the disease depend on where the nerve is pinched. In medicine, this pathology is called radial neuropathy. If the nerve was compressed in the armpit, then when raising the arm, the hand remains hanging down. It is difficult for a person to straighten his hand, the first two fingers lie tightly to each other, and they become numb.

Attention! If you don't start on time correct treatment, then due to muscle atrophy you can completely lose the functional abilities of the hand. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the nerve is damaged in the middle third of the shoulder, then the extension mobility of the hand and fingers is limited, the back of the hand becomes numb. When there is compression in the elbow area, the palm does not turn upward, and it is not possible to grasp and hold objects with the fingers. Compression in this area is often observed in tennis players.

Nerve entrapment in the wrist results in two main syndromes: Turner syndrome and radial tunnel syndrome. In such conditions, strong painful burning sensations appear on the back of the thumb, which radiate to the forearm or shoulder. The patient also feels numbness on the outside of the hand or fingers. If a nerve is pinched in the hand, pain and a feeling of muscle weakness may occur.

Autonomic disorders in the innervation zone occur in the form of cold temperatures, “blue discoloration,” paleness of the fingers, and impaired sweating of the skin. Trophic - muscle nutrition is disrupted due to nerve damage - the muscle loses weight, becomes flabby, the skin on the sore arm is dry and thin.

Diagnostic methods

Primary diagnosis is carried out on the basis of complaints, anamnesis and examination of the patient.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is advisable to carry out some diagnostic tests:

  • the doctor asks the patient to stretch out his arms, stretch out his arms and hold them horizontally - the affected hand will hang down;
  • the back of the hand and the patient’s fingers cannot simultaneously touch a flat surface;
  • if you lower your hands, then on the affected hand it is impossible to abduct the thumb or turn the hand outward;
  • with the hand on the palmar surface, it is difficult to place the third finger on the adjacent one.

To eliminate the consequences and find out what the cause is, how serious and deep it is, it is necessary to carry out instrumental diagnostics, which includes:

  • electromyography;
  • electroneurography;
  • CT or MRI.

Treatment methods

What to do if your hand is pinched? Go to the doctor immediately. For effective treatment It is necessary to first eliminate the cause of the disease. Treatment should be comprehensive and aimed at restoring and maintaining the functioning of the radial nerve (metabolic and vascular therapy), as well as restoration of strength and functionality of muscle fibers.

Important! If the radial nerve is pinched, it is necessary to begin treatment no later than the first day, then there is a chance for complete restoration of all functions of the hand.

95% of patients receive conservative treatment. To alleviate the patient's condition, it is recommended to immobilize the arm.

Drug treatment

To eliminate pain and relieve inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Ibuklin and others. People suffering from diseases should be careful when taking such drugs. gastrointestinal tract, since they can have a negative effect on the mucous membrane and cause an exacerbation of existing diseases. It is better to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Diuretics help reduce tissue swelling, which slows down recovery: Furosemide, Torsemide. To improve microcirculation, vasoactive substances are used: “Pentoxifylline”, “ Nicotinic acid"and other drugs.

B vitamins nourish nervous tissue, improving impulse transmission from neuron to neuron: Neurorubin, Milgamma, Neurobion. “Proserin” and “Neuromidin” are also prescribed. To relieve muscle tension, muscle relaxants are used: Mydocalm, Sirdalut, Tolperisone.

If the disease is caused infectious processes, are appointed antibacterial drugs. In case of poisoning, detoxification is carried out with various solutions.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of radial nerve neuropathy positive effect provide folk remedies in the form of compresses, ointments and infusions. Before using them, consult your doctor.

  1. Mix 50 g of propolis and 100 g of alcohol. Leave for a week. Ready infusion and mix with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:5 and make compresses, they can be worn for a day. Compresses are applied for no more than 10 days.
  2. Take equal proportions of ground hop cones and unsalted lard, mix them and rub into the sore arm twice a day.
  3. Tie the lemon peel overnight by adding a few drops of olive oil to it.
  4. Warm baths with a decoction of chamomile, oregano or sage have a positive effect on nerves. The bath lasts no more than 30 minutes.
  5. Combine raspberry and strawberry leaves in equal proportions, pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. Take tea after meals twice a day. Prepare a fresh potion every time.

Surgical treatment

In case of injuries, when the integrity of the nerve is compromised, an operation is performed to suture the nerve. When the ends of the nerve are far removed and it is impossible to stitch it together, plastic surgery of the nerve trunk is performed. Plastic surgery is performed using an autograft from superficial nerves responsible for skin sensitivity.

If the nerve has undergone cicatricial degeneration after injury, a neurolysis operation is performed. It involves freeing the nerve from connective tissue growths of scar tissue.

When the radial nerve is compressed by a tumor or other formation, surgical intervention is necessary to remove them and eliminate the pinching.

Surgery is also recommended by a doctor if conservative treatment is ineffective. At the recovery stage, electrical stimulation of the radial nerve, acupuncture, electrophoresis, massage and therapeutic exercises are important.

Exercise therapy and massage

Massage and therapeutic exercises are prescribed during the rehabilitation period. Massage relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation, reduces pain. Regular exercises with a gradual increase in load help restore the functionality of the arm.

An approximate set of exercises, each exercise should be repeated up to 10 times:

  1. Gather the fingers of the injured limb into a fist and straighten them.
  2. Place your arm bent at the elbow on the table, your forearm should be perpendicular to the table. Lowering thumb down, index finger up and vice versa.
  3. Starting position, as in the previous exercise, only now use your middle and index fingers.
  4. Using your healthy hand, pull your numb fingers back one at a time. Repeat the procedure ten times.

Prevention methods

Prevention of pinched radial nerve involves combating the causes causing disease. If there are diseases that can cause pinching, they should be promptly treated or monitored: arthrosis, arthritis, diabetes mellitus, flu and others.

To prevent the development of pathology, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Quitting alcohol consumption and a balanced diet will have a positive effect on your condition. nervous system. Eat foods rich in vegetable fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements: lean meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals.
  2. Watch your weight. Extra pounds create additional stress.
  3. When working sedentarily, watch your posture and take breaks.
  4. A firm mattress and an orthopedic pillow will provide favorable conditions for sleep and night rest.
  5. It is better for women to alternate carrying the bag on different shoulders so as not to put pressure on the nerve.
  6. Stay physically active by playing sports.


Pinching of the radial nerve in the arm worsens the patient’s quality of life and renders him unable to work. Conservative treatment methods include the use medicines, physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic exercises and folk remedies.

For injuries and some other conditions, surgery is performed according to indications. The timing and degree of nerve recovery largely depend on the depth, degree of its damage and the timeliness of the patient seeking treatment. medical care.

A pinched nerve in the hand is a pathology, in most cases temporary. It usually develops under the influence of external factors. Sometimes chronic joint diseases contribute to its occurrence. To completely eliminate the unpleasant condition, comprehensive treatment is required.

Characteristic symptoms

Signs of pathology appear depending on the location of the pinching. The most common symptom is numbness of certain areas of the skin and fingers. Painful sensations sometimes missing.

The main symptoms of a pinched nerve in the right or left hand:

  • limitation of the extension and flexion function of the hand and its fingers;
  • pain - localized in the joint area and caused by chronic disease or appear as a result of a hand injury, worsen with sudden movement;
  • poor circulation - accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the limb, which is gradually replaced by pain;
  • muscle weakness or excessive muscle tension;
  • numbness in the area of ​​the little finger, ring finger or thumb, less often - all fingers at the same time.

If there is no improvement and if you refuse to see a specialist, the signs of a pinched nerve in the arm intensify. The prolonged presence of pathology can lead to necrotic processes in tissues, but this complication occurs quite rarely.


All examination methods are aimed at determining the location of the pinched nerve and the cause of the symptom. Pathology can occur in the shoulder, elbow or wrist area or as a result of the effects of spinal diseases. To receive complete information When a condition arises, several types of diagnostics are prescribed:

  • medical examination - assessment of the condition of the hand, its motor activity, determination of the presence of or radiocarpal nerves based on the patient’s complaints and accompanying signs;

  • X-ray of the arm and spine - identifying possible joint pathologies, including those resulting from injuries;
  • MRI of the affected limb, cervical and thoracic spine - determining the location of the pinched nerve, the condition of the joints, adjacent soft tissues and blood vessels, the possible presence of tumors;
  • electromyography - assessment of the degree of muscle damage;

  • study of the conductivity of the radial, brachial and ulnar nerves - determination of their condition and muscle fibers of the arm, degree of functionality.

The results obtained indicate the condition of the joints of the limb and spine, the presence of degenerative processes in them, the location of the pinched nerve and the severity of the symptom. Using this information, it is determined what to do with the hand and how to treat it.

Therapeutic measures

All treatment procedures are aimed at eliminating signs of pinching, alleviating the patient’s condition, and restoring the conduction of nerve impulses. First of all, a course is prescribed drug therapy, consisting of the following types of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve inflammation, reduce the manifestation of pain;
  • muscle relaxants - relieve muscle spasms, which alleviates the patient’s condition and normalizes limb mobility;
  • painkillers - necessary for severe attacks of pain;
  • warming ointments and gels - improve local blood supply, relieving muscle spasms and eliminating numbness;
  • chondoprotectors, calcium preparations - prescribed for degenerative processes in the joints;
  • B vitamins, magnesium - improve the condition of nerve and muscle fibers, restore their functionality.

Physiotherapy courses consist of 5–15 procedures and quickly restore pinching in the hand:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • thermal wraps;
  • mud therapy.

Additionally, courses of massage and manual therapy may be prescribed. Such procedures should be performed by a specialist - if you have certain skills, you can achieve a positive result after the first session.

When the main symptoms of pinching are eliminated, therapeutic exercises should begin, which consists of performing arm swings, rotational and flexion-extension movements of the hand. If your fingers are affected, you need to clench and unclench them.

During the treatment period, it is forbidden to heavily load the arm. You should not carry heavy bags, engage in active sports or do household chores that cause discomfort to the affected limb. It is allowed to resume physical activity only after the main symptoms of the pathology have been relieved.


Prevention of pinched nerves in the hand is to follow these recommendations:

  1. Regular moderate physical activity. Helps improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles, and prevent joint diseases.
  2. Warm-up during sedentary work. Light exercises should be performed several times during the working day to eliminate stagnation in tissues.
  3. Avoiding hypothermia. Often, pinching in the hand is caused by wearing clothes that do not correspond to weather conditions, or being in drafts.
  4. Timely treatment of joint diseases. The worsening of any diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be prevented by regular treatment - this will also relieve possible complications pathology.

Additionally, to maintain general immunity and improve the functionality of joints and nerve fibers, you should regularly take courses of multivitamins - this is especially true in the spring-winter season. If a nerve in your hand is pinched, you should immediately contact a specialist - this will speed up the healing process and prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms.

The radial nerve is one of the longest radial plexuses that supplies nerve cells to the muscles and skin of the shoulder, forearm and hand. It is considered a kind of hybrid due to the fact that it not only conducts sensitivity to the tissues and muscles of the human hand, but also has motor endings. A pinched nerve in the arm (radial neuropathy) is considered pathological condition and happens in everyday life quite often. Manifests painful sensations when extending, for example, the wrist, fingers or forearm. This may occur due to compression of the radial nerve during sleep (with severe alcohol intoxication), fractures of the humerus, infections and intoxications of the body, long walks on crutches, or occupational diseases. Pinching of the hand can be classified as an occupational disease; this occurs due to the fact that the hand takes a forced position rather for a long time. As a rule, these are hairdressers, artists, programmers, etc.

The distribution of nerves in the arm originates from the posterior bundle of the brachial plexus. The radial nerve has fibers that are part of the brachial plexuses. For the most part, it is part of the upper humeral trunk and, to a lesser extent, the middle and lower ones. Its widest part is at the level of the armpit, and in the area of ​​the middle of the shoulder it becomes narrower, as it carries innervation to the hand, wrist and forearm. This nerve has branches such as the articular, posterior cutaneous and inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of the shoulder, muscular, posterior cutaneous of the forearm, superficial and deep branches. The nerve of the human hand forms many connections with neighboring nerves.

Risk factors are usually:

  • fractures of the shoulder and sometimes forearm;
  • intoxication of the body with alcohol or lead;
  • pinched nerve during sleep;
  • long-term stay of a person on crutches;
  • there is “honeymoon palsy”, in which case the radial nerve is pinched due to the fact that the partner lies on the inside of the shoulder for a long time.
  • Infringement also occurs when hugging a person sitting on the next seat, if the hugger’s hand is pinched between the back of the seat and the partner’s back directly;
  • Dislocations of the radius can lead to pinching;
  • radial neuropathy develops due to prolonged wearing of tight bracelets or handcuffs;
  • pathology can develop due to compression by benign neoplasms located on neighboring tissues, malignant tumors in such places they are rare;
  • pinching of a nerve in the hand occurs during operations, pressure with hooks, or during surgery in the place where the radial nerve passes;
  • pinched nerve endings in the hand are also quite common and are considered an occupational disease.

This type of pathology can be primary or secondary. Primary - in case of fractures or dislocations, secondary - this is, for example, edema, tumors growing in neighboring tissues.


If compression occurs in the shoulder area, the extension function of the shoulder, forearm and hand is immediately impaired. The hand hangs like a whip, the fingers take a forced bent position. If compression occurs in the lower part of the shoulder and in the upper forearm, then the triceps muscle retains its functions, but paralysis of the phalanges of the fingers occurs. Swelling of the tissues and blue discoloration of the hand can occur due to damage to the triceps muscle, due to pinching in the area of ​​the wrist joint. But this happens quite rarely. Symptoms of pinching in the wrist joint include numbness of the hand or, conversely, sharp pain.

The human condition is characterized by weakness in the muscles of the hand, pain and shoulder joint, burning and tingling in the fingers, difficulty in moving and abducting the thumb, numbness in the back of the hand. It is difficult to straighten the forearm, the shoulder constantly hurts. If you palpate at the site of pain, you will feel an increase in pain along the nerve. Muscle atrophy is observed.


If the radial nerve is pinched, treatment must be timely and professional. First you need to find out the cause and area of ​​the pinching. Treatment is divided into conservative and surgical methods. The conservative method is to relieve pain and restore the damaged area itself. Before prescribing medications, and it is better to avoid at the first sign physical activity. The healing and restoration process takes a long time. Treatment should begin with the very first signs of pinching.

During drug treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestants and painkillers, vitamin therapy, and drugs that prevent scar formation are prescribed. Physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massages are often added to the treatment complex.

If during three months the effectiveness of the drug treatment missing, then they decide to have surgery.

In case of breaking ends nerve tissue it is stitched. If a tumor is detected during pinching diagnosis, it is recommended to remove it. Surgeries are performed with extraction from scars, that is, the nerves are isolated, released and due to more better conditions restore it, this method is called neurolysis. Neuroraphy is a surgical treatment method, its essence lies in the fact that the ends of the nerves are compared and sutured using microneurosurgical techniques. At surgical intervention Adhesions adjacent to the tissue may be detected. In this case, their dissection and prevention of pinching of the nerve in the arm are indicated.

A pinched hand can be treated at home, but always after consulting a doctor. To do this, the doctor may prescribe exercises to restore the functionality of the arm. Exercise will be aimed at flexion and extension of the fingers. Massage as the pain progresses; you can rub in warming ointments. You can take herbal baths based on sage, Jerusalem artichoke and oregano. But before that, you should make sure that you are not allergic to herbs. Dates are good for neuralgic ailments; you need to take them in small quantities after meals for a month. But remember, dates have a lot of fructose, so this option may not be suitable for everyone.

Nerve pinching of the hand is a fairly common occurrence and at the first symptoms you should pay attention to it and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If treatment was carried out adequately and on time, the following results can be achieved:

  • first of all, relieving pain at the pinched site and along the nerve;
  • absence of relapses or long remission;
  • increased performance, physical activity;
  • improvement of blood circulation at the site of infringement;
  • complete or at least partial restoration of impulse transmission through nerve tissue;
  • if there was an inflammatory process, then completely exclude it.


The first diagnostic decision when a hand is pinched is a neurological examination. The doctor conducts tests to determine the general performance of the arm and muscle strength, and examines the sensory sphere. To diagnose drop hand syndrome, the doctor asks the patient to stand and extend his arms parallel to each other in front of him. You may be asked to move your thumb to the side to identify supination - the arms are lowered along the body, and the hands are turned so that the palms “look” forward. Sensitivity testing and functional tests are performed to differentiate radial nerve neuropathy from ulnar and median nerve neuropathy.

When diagnosing a pinched nerve, electromyography is used; it is based on a study of the bioelectrical activity of muscles and neuromuscular transmission. Another method for studying radial nerve neuropathy is electroneurography, which examines the slowing of nerve impulse transmission.

When diagnosing, it is imperative to identify why the hand is pinched; consultations with an orthopedist, traumatologist, and endocrinologist are prescribed. An x-ray of the shoulder, forearm and hand is required. Appointed laboratory tests blood and urine.


Measures to prevent neuropathy include the following:

  • First of all, you need to monitor your weight. BMI (body mass index) healthy person should not exceed 25; if the index exceeds this mark, then obesity is already diagnosed. You should immediately bring your weight back to normal, otherwise excess body weight may be a potential cause of neuritis;
  • active image life is also a guarantee of health. This also has a direct bearing on preventing infringement. This is especially true for people who have sedentary work at a computer;
  • avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes, dress appropriately for the weather. Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • the sleeping area must be equipped with an orthopedic mattress and pillows;
  • avoid unilateral compression, for example, if you carry a bag on one side for a long time, this can also lead to pinching;
  • timely seeking medical help.

The disease must always be prevented rather than treated later!

This is a condition where methods of roots that depart from treatment spinal cord, quickly adjacent vertebrae or means of “obstacle” begin - tumors, hernias, stress and spasmed muscles are called a pinched nerve.

Pinch measures almost all the time to roll over severe pain(cutting, somewhat, burning). The most common pinching removals are pinched nerves and cervical nerves.

Nerve damage and its symptoms

Damage to the nerves of the hand is a fairly common occurrence and can lead to pain, limited mobility, etc. unpleasant symptoms. Main reason– partial or complete rupture of a nerve in the arm caused by trauma.

The most severe option is exposure of the damaged nerve, which is possible in the case of open fractures or gunshot wounds (a common occurrence during combat). With closed injuries, the prognosis for recovery is more favorable.

The main problem that accompanies damage to the nerves of the hand is their poor ability to heal. Unlike the same bone, the nerve does not grow together for a long time and in some cases can be replaced connective tissue, which leads to complete loss of sensitivity in the affected area.

Symptoms of hand nerve damage

If compression occurs in the shoulder area, the extension function of the shoulder, forearm and hand is immediately impaired. The hand hangs like a whip, the fingers take a forced bent position.

If compression occurs in the lower part of the shoulder and in the upper forearm, then the triceps muscle retains its functions, but paralysis of the phalanges of the fingers occurs.

Swelling of the tissues and blue discoloration of the hand can occur due to damage to the triceps muscle, due to pinching in the area of ​​the wrist joint. But this happens quite rarely.

Symptoms of pinching in the wrist joint include numbness of the hand or, conversely, sharp pain.

The human condition is characterized by weakness in the muscles of the hand, the shoulder joint may also hurt, burning and tingling in the fingers, difficulty in moving and abducting the thumb, numbness in the back of the hand.

It is difficult to straighten the forearm, the shoulder constantly hurts. If you palpate at the site of pain, you will feel an increase in pain along the nerve.

Muscle atrophy is observed.

Diagnosis and treatment of brachial nerve entrapment

Having understood the symptoms and causes, we will answer the question of how to treat a pinched brachial nerve and expand our knowledge of the topic “treatment of pinched ulnar nerve.”

To identify lesions, special tests are used, which are carried out by a doctor who clarifies the diagnosis. Is carried out and X-ray examination, the purpose of which is to find a fracture or other injury.

Treatment is determined only after the causes of the disease have been established. If the nerve is injured, but at the same time retains its integrity, then they are limited conservative treatment: conservative medications are prescribed that relieve swelling, muscle spasms and prevent inflammation; painkillers are used to relieve pain.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also common.

The first diagnostic decision when a hand is pinched is a neurological examination. The doctor conducts tests to determine the general performance of the arm and muscle strength, and examines the sensory sphere.

To diagnose drop hand syndrome, the doctor asks the patient to stand and extend his arms parallel to each other in front of him. You may be asked to move your thumb to the side to identify supination - the arms are lowered along the body, and the hands are turned so that the palms “look” forward.

Sensitivity testing and functional tests are performed to differentiate radial nerve neuropathy from ulnar and median nerve neuropathy.

When diagnosing a pinched nerve, electromyography is used; it is based on a study of the bioelectrical activity of muscles and neuromuscular transmission. Another method for studying radial nerve neuropathy is electroneurography, which examines the slowing of nerve impulse transmission.

When diagnosing, it is imperative to identify why the hand is pinched; consultations with an orthopedist, traumatologist, and endocrinologist are prescribed. An x-ray of the shoulder, forearm and hand is required. Laboratory tests of blood and urine are prescribed.

Treatment of a pinched nerve


What about awkward

sudden movement appears


If the radial nerve is pinched, treatment must be timely and professional. First you need to find out the cause and area of ​​the pinching.

Treatment is divided into conservative and surgical methods. The conservative method is to relieve pain and restore the damaged area itself.

Before prescribing medications, or better yet at the first sign, avoid physical activity. The healing and restoration process takes a long time.

Treatment should begin with the very first signs of pinching.

During drug treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestants and painkillers, vitamin therapy, and drugs that prevent scar formation are prescribed. Physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massages are often added to the treatment complex.

If within three months there is no effectiveness from the drug treatment, then a decision is made to undergo surgery.

Prevention of hand nerve diseases

    No injuries

    Avoiding hypothermia

    Timely treatment of pathological processes in the tissues of the hand,

    Hardening and healthy image life.

    Balanced diet.

If you feel that something is wrong with your hand, do not go to the pharmacy for “some remedy for pain.” Go straight to a neurologist so as not to start the disease and eliminate it at an early stage.

If you have a hand injury, also immediately contact the emergency room for proper diagnosis and timely and correct treatment.

Do not neglect doctor's prescriptions and do not self-medicate. In the case of hand nerves, this can be expensive, even leading to disability.

Measures to prevent neuropathy include the following:

  • First of all, you need to monitor your weight. The BMI (body mass index) of a healthy person should not exceed 25; if the index exceeds this mark, then obesity is already diagnosed. You should immediately bring your weight back to normal, otherwise excess body weight may be a potential cause of neuritis;
  • An active lifestyle is also a guarantee of health. This also has a direct bearing on preventing infringement. This is especially true for people who have sedentary work at a computer;
  • avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes, dress appropriately for the weather. Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • the sleeping area must be equipped with an orthopedic mattress and pillows;
  • avoid unilateral compression, for example, if you carry a bag on one side for a long time, this can also lead to pinching;
  • timely seeking medical help.

The disease must always be prevented rather than treated later!

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) Well, I’ll duplicate it, it’s not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars

Editor's response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Okay then! Everything is fine - for sure, if payment is made upon receipt. Thanks a lot!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Numbness of the fingers and hands, a feeling of muscle weakness, rapid fatigue when performing monotonous movements, the appearance of awkwardness and, of course, pain. All these are signs that a nerve has been pinched in the hand - pathological changes in the structures of soft or bone tissue have occurred, as a result of which the path of the nerve fiber has been damaged.

A pinched nerve in the hand can be the result of numerous medical conditions. It is very difficult to differentiate them. it is necessary to take into account the patient’s age, the presence of other clinical signs diseases, examination and diagnostic examination data. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make a diagnosis in absentia.

If you have symptoms associated with a pinched nerve in your hand, we invite you to schedule a free consultation with our chiropractor. Admission is completely free. During it, the doctor will conduct an examination and, after comparing all the data, make a preliminary diagnosis. Additional examination methods will be recommended to you as needed. You will also learn about all the treatment options available at our manual therapy clinic.

A pinched nerve in the arm is a dangerous condition that requires emergency medical attention. It is important to restore the normal position of the nerve fiber in order to prevent the risk of its degeneration and atrophy. If compression atrophy occurs, then restore full motor functions upper limb it will be very difficult in the future.

Why does the radial nerve become pinched in the hand?

The causes of nerve conduction disorders can be associated with mechanical, traumatic, inflammatory and trophic (circulatory disorders) effects. Let's look at all of them in more detail.

Why the radial nerve becomes pinched in the arm can only be determined by examination and evaluation of radiographic images. At home, it is very difficult to understand the cause of pathological changes.

Most often, this condition occurs as a result of disruption of nerve fiber conduction against the background of tunnel syndromes:

  1. narrowing of the carpal valve is accompanied by numbness of the thumb, index and middle fingers;
  2. Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by characteristic numbness of the little and ring fingers.

Tunnel syndromes can have a traumatic, inflammatory and deformational etiology. In case of injury, callus growth may occur, preventing the normal position of the nerve fiber. Inflammatory processes often associated with arthrosis of the wrist joint. And deformation is the development of arthrosis with the appearance of bone growths and spines.

If a nerve is pinched in the hand, pain and a feeling of muscle weakness may occur. Other reasons include radial fractures in a typical location, tendovaginitis, elbow bursitis, glenohumeral periarthritis, cervical osteochondrosis, etc.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the hand: pain and numbness in the fingers

Clinical symptoms of a pinched nerve in the hand manifest themselves in the form of impaired sensitivity and motor function. In the first case, the signs are expressed in a feeling of numbness of the skin in a certain part of the hand. Limitation of mobility or the inability to bend fingers or clench them into a fist is also a manifestation of damage to motor axons.

As a rule, pain in the hand due to a pinched nerve is localized at the site of pathological changes and in distant areas that suffer from impaired innervation. A complex pathogenic mechanism is at work here:

  • when a nerve is pinched in the elbow joint, two innervation branches are immediately affected;
  • pain in the elbow area may be due to the disease that caused the pinching (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, etc.);
  • pain in the elbow area may also be associated with the primary point of nerve damage;
  • distant (distal) areas of pain can be located in the fingers, the back of the hand, or the wrist joint;
  • this is due to the fact that the innervation of the vascular wall is disrupted, due to which the process of disruption of blood microcirculation develops;
  • stagnant and trophic changes cause acute pain in those tissues that do not receive an influx of fresh blood;
  • compression syndrome with tissue necrosis may develop.

Numbness of the hand due to a pinched nerve develops gradually with increasing amplitude. First, a slight tingling sensation occurs, then a decrease in skin sensitivity occurs, after which complete numbness suddenly develops (the person ceases to feel individual fingers or the entire hand, back or inner side palms.

If numbness in the fingers is observed when a nerve is pinched, then there is a high probability of obstruction of the median or carpal branch. Based on which fingers are numb, a preliminary diagnosis can be made.

To confirm the diagnosis, special examinations must be carried out. If necessary, your doctor may order wrist and elbow x-rays, arthroscopy, or an MRI.

Treatment of a pinched nerve in the hand: what to do?

The first thing to do if you have pinched nerves in your hands is to seek immediate medical attention. Long-term compression of the nerve fiber can lead to atrophy and loss of all functions. It is important to visit a doctor immediately after a feeling of numbness or pain appears. If shortly before the onset of unpleasant sensations there was an injury (fall on your arm, bruise, whiplash, dislocation, sprain), then you need to go to the nearest emergency room.

If the feeling of a pinched nerve appears suddenly against the background of general well-being, you should contact a neurologist. An experienced doctor will be able to identify the potential cause of the pathology during the initial examination and palpation. After this, effective treatment will be prescribed.

You can sign up for a free initial consultation at our manual therapy clinic. We see an experienced neurologist. Once diagnosed, you may be offered appropriate treatment.

Usually, to treat a pinched nerve in the hand, it is enough to influence the cause of such a pathological change. If it is cervical osteochondrosis, then traction traction of the spinal column helps. During recovery normal intervals compression of the radicular nerves is eliminated between the vertebral bodies. With glenohumeral periarthritis, it is necessary to act on those planes of the joints that are deformed and disrupt the conductivity of the nerve fiber. Osteopathy and massage, kinesitherapy and reflexology can help here.

Carpal tunnel and carpal valve syndromes can also be treated as an emergency with osteopathy and manual therapy. In the long term, an individually developed rehabilitation course is prescribed. It can be based on therapeutic exercises, massage, osteopathy and reflexology.
