Salt cave: benefits and harm. Salt caves: benefits and harms, reviews from doctors Benefits of a salt room

Visit our salt caves in St. Petersburg at the addresses indicated on the “Salt Cave” service page.

The healing microclimate of the salt cave has predetermined humidity, temperature, pressure, ionic composition of the air (characteristically high content negatively charged particles), complete absence allergens and bacterial flora.

The main component of the halochamber, which has a unique therapeutic effect, is a salt aerosol - microscopic salt particles sprayed into the air. The composition of the aerosol depends on what rocks were used to build the salt cave (potassium chloride, sodium salts, etc. can be used).

Aerosol particles penetrate the respiratory tract due to their small size (from 1 to 5 microns), reducing the activity of infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. In this case, active stimulation of general and local immunity occurs. It is thanks to these properties of the haloaerosol that it became possible to create an almost sterile atmosphere in the halochamber.

During treatment, the patient’s body adapts to the characteristics of the healing microclimate, all systems and organs rearrange their activities. According to some reports, one halotherapy session is equivalent to four days at sea.

The speleo chamber has gained recognition among doctors and patients as a very effective non-drug method of treatment as part of complex therapy for various diseases of the immune, cardiovascular, respiratory system. However, the widespread use of speleotherapy is hampered by the presence of strict contraindications to it.

Salt cave: contraindications

Contraindications to visiting the salt room are acute diseases and chronic processes in the acute stage, infections (brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.), severe stages and forms of diseases (for example, the last stage of heart failure), intolerance to haloaerosols. This list also includes:

  • mental illness;
  • oncopathology (especially malignant);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases circulatory system;
  • malnutrition, anorexia, cachexia;
  • the presence of ulcers (phlegmons, abscesses), bleeding ulcers or wounds;
  • any forms of severe addiction (drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

With extreme caution - pregnancy and lactation. In this situation, consultation with the attending physician is required to determine the presence of indications and contraindications.

Salt cave indications

The possibility of using different doses of haloearol and the controllability of the microclimate made it possible to use the technique in the treatment of almost all types of bronchial and pulmonary pathologies, as well as allergic and skin diseases.

Speleotherapy is also indicated for patients with diseases of the ENT organs, cardiovascular system, endocrine pathology, and patients of different age categories (children, elderly people). In addition, being in a speleological chamber has a positive effect on the vegetative department nervous system, helps to stabilize physiological processes, has a good effect on the psychological state.

Halotherapy is effective during the rehabilitation period for patients who have suffered acute, severe diseases of the respiratory tract.

The benefit of the procedure is obvious for patients with sluggish processes prone to chronicity, with bronchiectasis, after surgery, with recurrent bronchitis.

Staying in a salt room has a healing cosmetic effect on the skin, especially if it is prone to inflammation.

Salt cave for children: indications

Regarding pediatric practice: this procedure is most often used as part of complex therapy for children with bronchial asthma, other obstructions, and frequent bronchitis (especially with a protracted form of the disease). Exposure to a salt room can reduce the frequency of antibiotic use in a frequently ill child and thereby prevent the development of dysbacteriosis and allergies.

The immunomodulatory, decongestant and bacteriostatic effect of salt aerosol is especially useful for adenoids, rhinosinusopathy, frequent sinusitis and sinusitis, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis and other ENT diseases. In more than 90% of children suffering from frequent sinusitis, almost complete sanitization of the paranasal sinuses is achieved.

Neurocirculatory or vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the most common diagnoses that doctors give to a child in adolescence. Imbalances in the nervous system can also be treated in a salt cave. The unique relaxing effect reduces the external manifestations of the disease and will help reduce the frequency of exacerbations (attacks).

Speleotherapy is recommended for the rehabilitation of small patients with skin diseases: allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, some forms of ichthyosis, eczema. Pediatricians note excellent tolerability of the method, a rarity side effects, wide range use, as well as the pleasure that children receive from speleotherapy.

Salt cave: benefits and harm

The benefits of halotherapy are unconditional. The aerosol not only stimulates local immunity of the respiratory tract, but also has anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, and drainage effects. Its effects have been proven, such as a bacteriostatic effect, improving the local flora of the mucous membranes and increasing its resistance to external pathogenic influences.

In addition, when staying in a salt cave, contact with many allergens and toxic substances in the city air is interrupted. This helps to accelerate the restoration of the immunobiological qualities of the respiratory system. Negative ions in the air of the room not only activate metabolic processes in tissues, but also have an adaptogenic effect on stress-limiting systems.

Can a salt cave harm a patient in any way?

Cough after salt cave

There is such a thing as “halo-exacerbation,” which implies an exacerbation of symptoms or the appearance of such after two or three speleotherapy sessions. Thus, an increase in cough is often noted - this is a completely normal phenomenon, since the salt aerosol has a mucolytic, thinning effect on mucus stagnant in the respiratory tract, promoting its outflow.

Usually, coughing worsens after a salt cave during the second or third session, but there are also cases when an exacerbation begins after the first visit. Children are more often susceptible to this phenomenon due to the structural features of respiratory tract and high susceptibility to climate change.

The same applies to children suffering from frequent bronchitis or bronchial asthma - exacerbation can be very severe, the number of attacks becomes more frequent, and wheezing in the lungs intensifies. By the middle of treatment, the intensity of symptoms decreases, then there is a sharp relief general condition and improvement in relation to the underlying disease.

If the symptoms do not go away but increase, you should consult your doctor. Do not forget that there is an individual intolerance to the components of the air in salt caves. Remember also that treatment should not be started in the acute phase, especially infectious disease(including ARVI).

Snot after the salt cave

All of the above also applies to a runny nose, which appears after visiting the caving chamber even more often than a cough. Haloaerosol effectively dilutes and removes mucus (phlegm) accumulated in the paranasal sinuses. The symptoms of rhinitis sometimes begin right during the first procedure. For this reason, staff advise taking handkerchiefs into the haloroom. You should clean your nose after leaving the caving chamber. In children, rhinitis is especially severe due to the narrowness of the nasal passages.

Temperature after salt cave

The rise in temperature after visiting the halochamber is also due to the effect of the healing microclimate. The immunomodulatory and immunostimulating properties of salt aerosol help combat hidden infection, chronic, old foci of infection, the presence of which is not always known to the patient himself. Typically, deviations from the norm are small - up to 37.5 degrees.

Try to monitor your health and regularly measure your temperature after the procedure. Any changes should be reported to the doctor who is observing you.


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Medical research has found that staying in salt caves has a beneficial effect on human health and well-being, speeds up recovery and helps with various diseases. Today, salt caves are becoming increasingly popular. Equipped rooms and premises can be easily found in every city. In this article we will look at the benefits and contraindications to such treatment. Let's find out at what age and how often children can visit the salt cave.

Design and principles of operation

In a special block, a special microclimate is formed with air that is saturated with bromine and calcium ions, iodine and bromine, selenium, sodium, magnesium and other useful minerals. By the way, in artificial caves the process of ion release proceeds faster than in natural ones. This block is called a halochamber, and treatment with ions and salts is called halotherapy.

The essence of this treatment is that a person inhales saturated ionized air. It stimulates metabolism, quickly removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. As practice shows, five sessions of forty minutes in a halo chamber are equal to a week's stay at sea.

By the way, doctors recommend taking a child over three years old to the sea at least once a year. This is especially true for children who live in cold or harsh climates, in regions where there is little sun, and for children with chronic diseases.

However, not all parents can go to the sea every year. In addition, you also need to maintain your immunity throughout the year. In this case, your doctor may recommend visiting a salt cave. The main advantage of the halochamber is its immediate healing effect. So improvements are noticeable after the second or third forty-minute session.

Beneficial properties and effects of a salt cave

Ionized air cleanses the respiratory tract and saturates the body's cells with oxygen. Thanks to a visit to the salt cave, the lungs are cleansed and the functioning of the respiratory organs is restored. Allergens, viruses and harmful bacteria are removed from the body. This procedure speeds up the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, ENT organs and skin, allergies and various infections in a child.

Inhaling ionized air saturates cells with oxygen, stimulates the formation of the body's defenses, which increases and strengthens the immune system. Medical therapy does not require admission medicines, which creates advantages over other methods of treating a child.

At the same time, the kids will feel comfortable and interesting in the block. They can play in the salt sandbox. In addition, many rooms have playrooms and various activities for children. For adults, the salt cave has the same effect useful action. It helps with skin and respiratory diseases, helps cope with smoking, depression and insomnia. You can go to the room with your child, which will diversify your leisure time and allow you to spend time together.

Staying in the salt room calms and improves the functioning of the nervous system, improves sleep. Such procedures are suitable for both adults and children. After the second or third session, improvements are noticeable, including a decrease in runny nose and cough. However, in any case, there are indications and contraindications for children and adults.

Indications for visiting the salt cave

  • Weakened immunity, severe cough and runny nose. Cleanses the lungs and reduces inflammation;
  • Diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, ENT diseases, which include rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. Improves breathing, relieves headaches, improves sleep and prevents the transition to a chronic disease;
  • Chronic bronchitis. Regular procedures prevent exacerbation of the disease and improve breathing, eliminate wheezing;
  • Bronchial asthma in remission. The use of this therapy is possible only after the spasm has been relieved;
  • Skin diseases, including dermatitis and psoriasis, acne, eczema and seborrhea. Healing air improves oxygen exchange in skin cells, improves blood circulation, and gradually eliminates the symptoms of the disease;
  • Fatigue, stress, neurosis, depression, insomnia. Calms and improves sleep, relaxes, activates the internal forces of the body, increases performance and energizes;
  • Prevention of colds, lung and respiratory tract diseases. Restores and strengthens the immune system, relieves stress from the body;
  • Allergic diseases. Removes toxins, allergens, forms natural ventilation of the lungs. Read what to do if your baby has allergies.

Contraindications for children

We looked at the benefits of a salt cave. But are there any disadvantages to using this therapy? Please note that this is not a safe procedure and negative consequences may occur if recommendations are not followed. There are babies who may not tolerate salt sprays. In addition, for some diseases and manifestations, the use of healing ionic air is prohibited.

The procedure is contraindicated if the child or adult has the following signs or diseases:

  • Allergy to salts and salt aerosols, individual intolerance;
  • High temperature;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Exacerbation of infectious and chronic diseases, bronchial asthma;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Serious mental disorders, claustrophobia;
  • Substance abuse and drug addiction;
  • Severe poisoning of the body;
  • Chills and fever with ARVI;
  • Ischemia and hypertension;
  • Bleeding;
  • Spicy and chronic diseases kidney;
  • Purulent processes in the body;
  • Chronic coronary insufficiency.

Ionized air has a healing effect on children. To reduce the risk of colds Doctors recommend that patients regularly undergo health procedures in salt caves. However, parents are often unaware of contraindications that can worsen the baby’s condition. What's happened salt caves, what benefits and harms do procedures have on children?

How does ionized air affect the baby’s body?

Parents should know how the salt cave affects children, indications and contraindications for the procedure. There are several advantages of undergoing treatment courses using halotherapy:

  1. During the session, ionized air enters the child’s respiratory tract, which saturates the cells with oxygen.
  2. The salt cave cleanses the lungs and stimulates metabolism. The special microclimate has a beneficial effect on children who suffer from respiratory diseases.
  3. Ionized air prevents the development of infections that multiply on the mucous membranes of the baby’s nasopharynx.
  4. The beneficial properties of the cave help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses.

The presence of play equipment creates a comfortable environment for children younger age. A halogenerator is used to produce air saturated with microelements. Children's nervous system is restored, and symptoms of runny nose and cough are reduced.

Important! Patients note an improvement in their condition only after attending 2-3 sessions.

Contraindications to the procedure

Doctors take into account the negative effects that air saturated with sodium salts can have:

  1. The procedure is contraindicated for patients suffering from cancer.
  2. A salt room can worsen the condition of children whose temperature has risen sharply.
  3. A cramped room provokes attacks of claustrophobia.
  4. Kidney and liver diseases may worsen in children.
  5. It is better for patients with cardiac pathologies to avoid visiting the salt cave.
  6. Ionized air thins the blood and can cause severe bleeding.
  7. A contraindication to medical procedures is the presence of allergies to substances included in the salt aerosol.
  8. Infants under one year of age cannot undergo halotherapy.

Information about salt caves is needed not only by doctors. Parents should familiarize themselves with possible contraindications that could harm the baby.

Important! Before undergoing halotherapy sessions, you should consult your doctor.

Indications for treatment in a salt cave

Ionized air has a healing effect on children who are forced to miss classes due to colds. The benefit of a salt cave for children is that it helps improve immunity and eliminates coughing and runny nose attacks. Thanks to the procedures, children get rid of respiratory ailments. Their lungs are cleansed and damaged cells in the respiratory tract begin to recover. Staying in the salt room has a healing effect on children with rhinitis and sinusitis. Ionized air relieves headaches, improves breathing and relieves insomnia. When you inhale air rich in negative ions, natural ventilation of the lungs occurs, which helps remove toxins and allergens. The procedure has a bacteriological effect on the baby’s mucous membranes.

Doctors choose methods of getting rid of diseases individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. Children with chronic bronchitis or asthma report an improvement in their condition. Patients decrease painful sensations which occur due to muscle spasms. Salt aerosol helps eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis and psoriasis. It helps to cure eczema and seborrhea by restoring metabolism and improving blood circulation.


The beneficial effect of a salt cave on the patient’s body is to eliminate fatigue and depression. In children, the cells of the nervous system are restored and sleep improves. The procedure relaxes a person after nervous stress, increases performance and energizes.

The time of regular stay in the cave depends on age and the presence of concomitant diseases. Typically the procedure lasts about 40 minutes. The treatment course includes about 10-20 sessions.

What is speleotherapy?

Speleotherapy- a procedure that can only be completed in natural conditions. In Russia, salt caves are located in the Perm region and Khanty-Mansiysk district.

Air saturated with microparticles of salts suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. From the first minutes of being in the cave, a person feels an improvement in his condition, as his nasopharynx and bronchi are cleared. Speleotherapy for children allows you to speed up metabolic processes and improve microcirculation in the affected tissues. This method of healing with salt does not require the installation of special equipment.

Karst caves can be found in Belarus (Soligorsk) and Azerbaijan (Duzdag). You can be cured of respiratory diseases in Hungarian speleocenters.

Features of treatment using halotherapy

What is halotherapy and for what diseases is it recommended to be used? The microclimate in the salt room (halochamber) with this method of treatment is created artificially. A highly dispersed aerosol containing a certain concentration of salt enters the room. To maintain a given salt concentration in the air, a special device is used - a halogenerator. During operation of the installation, air passes through the salt blocks. Due to their small size, charged sodium chloride particles easily penetrate various parts of the human respiratory tract. Moreover, the equipment is capable of operating in 4 modes. Experts select the salt concentration depending on the patient’s age and state of health. In this way, you can control the intensity of the effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

The chamber consists of 2 adjacent rooms with good sound insulation. The therapy takes place in a room equipped with chairs or lounge chairs. Children are in the most comfortable conditions. Specialists select the light intensity and sound effects. It is not necessary to finish the ceiling and floor with salt blocks. To relieve stress during the session, audio effects are used that have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Halotherapy for children creates favorable conditions for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. In patients, bronchial secretions are liquefied, which are quickly eliminated from the body after the procedure. The procedures allow you to achieve high results. Children's immunity increases and damaged cells are restored. Air saturated with sodium salts destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which are present on the affected tissues of the respiratory tract.

What rules should you follow when visiting a salt cave?

When treating babies under one year of age, it is better to avoid halotherapy sessions. At this age, the formation of the child’s respiratory organs is just beginning. Therapeutic procedures are prescribed for children over 2 years of age. Healthy eating improves the effectiveness of disease treatment.

Salt caves, or speleological chambers, have been well known to our compatriots since Soviet times, but previously they were available mainly in elite sanatoriums in best resorts. Nowadays, such installations are available in any decent sanatorium or spa hotel.

What is a salt cave?

Those who have been to salt grottoes at least once in their lives know firsthand about their health benefits. A salt cave is a simple and enjoyable way to strengthen your immune system and prevent colds. They are also useful for chronic diseases ENT organs and allergies. Let's figure out what it is. What kind of room is this? A salt room (also known as a halochamber or speleochamber) is a room completely covered with salt blocks, from floor to ceiling. In addition, a special saline solution, containing tiny particles that have the main therapeutic effect. Interestingly, due to the high concentration of healing salt, there are absolutely no bacteria or viruses in the closed space of the halochamber. And the atmosphere in the salt room is a bonus to the healing effect. Coarse salt, like sand on the beach, tickles your feet, a darkened room with dim pleasant light, quiet music or sounds of nature from the speakers, sun loungers or comfortable chairs - an ideal place for relaxation.

What are the benefits of halotherapy sessions?

  • Staying in a salt cave has an extremely beneficial effect on the immune system and helps resist respiratory diseases. During the period of colds, you don’t have to worry about your health! A visit to the salt grotto is recommended for people with diseases of the respiratory system, as salt vapors have mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. After just a few sessions, the patient’s cough and even snoring weakens or disappears completely.
  • Microparticles of salt in the air of the halo chamber help cleanse the skin. Indications include acne, atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, not to mention teenage rashes. - As already mentioned, one of the main effects of a salt solution is to cleanse the lungs and respiratory tract. This makes the course of halotherapy mandatory for people who work with chemicals and harmful substances, live in places with polluted air, or smoke.
  • Being in a salt room speeds up your metabolism, which promotes natural weight loss.
  • This procedure is also recommended for hypertensive patients to improve blood circulation.
  • The halochamber provides a remarkable therapeutic effect in the fight against prolonged depression, depression, and nervous excitability. - Saline solution helps speed up rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries.
  • The benefits of halotherapy for children even exceed the benefits for adults! Firstly, it strengthens the immune system, and children’s resistance to viruses and infections increases from childhood. In addition, the course eliminates excessive excitability and solves sleep problems. As a rule, a separate space is equipped for children in the salt room, where they can play and have fun, combining business with pleasure.

To be fair, it should be noted that the desired effect cannot be achieved in one visit, which usually lasts about half an hour or a little more. Positive changes in well-being can be felt after 3-4 visits to the salt cave, and a full course consists of 10 sessions and is recommended to be repeated at least once a year during the period of spread of viruses.

Salt cave during pregnancy

Like any other procedure, visiting a salt cave at any stage of pregnancy is only possible with the approval of a doctor. And if there are no contraindications for the expectant mother, several sessions of halotherapy can help cope with toxicosis and regular fatigue, relieve swelling and relieve possible back pain.


It is prohibited to visit the halochamber in a state of exacerbation of any disease and in the presence of inflammatory process in the body. Contraindications also include tumors, tuberculosis and a number of other serious diseases, as well as severe addictions. Also, the procedure is not recommended for children under 1 year of age. To summarize, a salt cave is a wonderful and affordable opportunity to significantly improve your health and solve many well-being problems for the whole family. You can also relax and unwind in the halo chamber.

Respiratory diseases in children are common. Recently, pediatricians have noted that the number of chronic respiratory ailments in children has also increased. Among the numerous recommendations for such children, the name “caving chamber” is often heard. Is it useful to visit a salt room and is it possible to cure respiratory diseases with its help? pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

A little history

Procedures involving inhalation of clean air in a salt room are called halotherapy. This method was widely used in the late 80s of the last century. However, the properties of salt to disinfect the air were known back in Ancient Greece, where there are quite a lot of natural salt caves.

This method was first tested in Europe by the Poles, who tried to build a hospital simulating the climatic conditions of salt mines.

The first artificial chamber in which one could breathe salt aerosol appeared in Perm in 1982. The USSR Ministry of Health officially accepted and approved the technique in 1990. Nowadays, speleological chambers can be found in almost any decent sanatorium, in some clinics and health centers.

Operating principle

In speleological chambers, they try to create conditions as close as possible to the natural climate of salt caves and mines. Dry salt aerosol, according to experts, dilutes bronchial secretions, along with which allergens, toxins, and bacteria leave the human body. The ciliated epithelium recovers faster, which is why respiratory ailments such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergic respiratory diseases and some others can be cured faster.

The fact is that dry sprayed salt has a high penetrating ability, and even in small quantities microscopic salt particles penetrate deep into respiratory organs and fabrics. Salt on the walls and ceiling helps create a completely allergen-free space.

Usually a person spends 10-15 minutes in the caving chamber. The duration of the average course is about two weeks. Such procedures can be prescribed to children not only for diseases of the respiratory system, but also after a strong emotional shock that the child has suffered, for some skin problems, as well as during recovery period after surgical operations.

Officially, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza in the acute period, as well as children under 3 years of age are considered contraindications to such treatment.

Komarovsky on the effectiveness of the caving chamber

Parents who have long been struggling with chronic respiratory diseases in children or childhood allergies are ready for any procedures that promise them relief. Halotherapy is no exception.

At the same time, rarely do any adults pay attention to what the room itself is like. Now there are quite a lot of unaccredited “health resorts”, which are sometimes built right in apartments, covering the walls and ceilings with layers of salt. Such places cannot be considered speleological chambers. Without a device that produces an aerosol of sodium chloride, there can be no talk of any effect.

As for cameras with accreditation and aerosol, Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that they help a lot, but only to their owners, who have built a profitable business on it. The average cost of one session in Russia is from 500 rubles.

According to the doctor, the salt chamber does not affect the immune system in any way and does not have a preventive effect. An alternative that is equally effective is a walk in the fresh air. You just don’t have to pay anyone for it.

Serious illnesses respiratory diseases, according to Komarovsky, cannot be treated with salt chambers. But children with allergies really breathe easier in it. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to live life without leaving the salt room. Outside the chamber, the child again finds himself in an environment with a lot of allergens around, and the effect disappears.

It’s up to parents to decide whether to spend money on halotherapy or save it and buy their child an air humidifier for their room, which will help create excellent conditions for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.

See the program by Dr. Komarovsky about the benefits of a salt cave.

You will learn more about halotherapy by watching the following program.
