How to prepare a resume sample. Do not provide false information

Sample resume for work 2019 free download form in word


Employers typically require your resume to consider you for a job. Below you can download various resume options: regular, with photo, without formatting, in English. You can download everything and choose the most suitable or convenient form. All samples to fill out are in word (doc) format.

General definition of the term Summary (source: Wikipedia):
Resume(from French résumé or Latin curriculum vitae - “course of life”, biography, pronounced curiculum vitae, often shortened to CV) - a document containing information about skills, work experience, education and other relevant information usually required during consideration candidacy of a person for employment. A biography, that is, a CV, differs from a resume in volume and, as a rule, is written by candidates for high positions. It provides more detailed information about yourself, your education and qualifications than a resume.

Resume structure
A resume usually consists of several sections, the information in each of which is intended to briefly familiarize a potential employer with all the information about the candidate necessary for hiring him. Your resume should not include information that has nothing to do with the proposed job. Your resume should only include information that will help describe you as best as possible.

There is no single standard resume form, form or template.
The resume is compiled in any form and usually contains the following information:
- Full name;
- year of birth (age);
- contact numbers (home and/or work), e-mail.
- Goal and/or desired position, what type of work you are looking for.
- Information about your education:
- date of commencement of studies - date of completion of studies;
- name of the educational institution;
- faculty / specialty, qualification.
- Work experience (in reverse chronological order, that is, starting from the last place of work):
- start and end date of work;
- name of the organization (field of its activities; perhaps a brief description);
- your position;
- number of subordinates (if any);
- description of your job responsibilities, powers, level of responsibility;
- examples of specific achievements.
- Additional education - courses, seminars, internships, etc.
- Additional skills (computer proficiency, foreign language proficiency, availability of a car, driver’s license, typing, etc.).
- Your advantages (you can indicate at the end of your resume several of your personal traits that distinguish you from others and help you achieve the desired results in your work).

Sometimes resumes also include information about membership in professional associations, scientific publications, and patents. You can also include information about your hobbies in your resume, preferably if they are active hobbies (for example, sports, tourism, dancing). You should not include information about your desired salary level on your resume. It is better to indicate this in a cover letter for your resume (English Cover Letter). Here you can give any additional explanations to your resume. The structure of a resume, or CV, may differ in different countries. Recently, Internet resumes have become widespread, filled out according to a specific template and posted on specialized websites of recruiting agencies. There are also professional services that offer writing "literate" resumes. Another type of resume that is still less common is a video resume, which is a short video in which the candidate talks about himself, his skills, etc. And just as in the case of Internet resumes, there are specialized sites for them, on which they can be posted, and the companies that record and post them. Source: Wikipedia.

Also, recently it has become quite convenient to store your resume “in the cloud” - on servers that can be accessed around the clock from any part of the world, for example, on specialized sites, for example, Head Hunter The service is convenient because you can fill out your resume in the specified fields. In addition, you can search for employers and vacancies that interest you there. You can also set up an auto search so that vacancies are automatically selected according to specified conditions by title, minimum salary, work schedule, etc. At the same time, the site has very flexible settings for the visibility of your resume. For example, if you want your resume to be visible only to those companies where you sent it as a response to a vacancy, this can be easily set in the settings and it will no longer be visible to anyone, according to the site description.However, many vacancies can still be found on specialized professional forums, company websites, etc., and such vacancies may not be published on such vacancy search sites. In such cases, the resume sample options presented above may well come in handy.

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The most common question is “How to write a resume?” visits newcomers who have just graduated from educational institutions. Young job seekers do not always know what they want, so it is even more difficult to imagine what a potential employer expects from them. As for professionals and those who are in a creative search for their path, they tend to be more confident in themselves, despite the fact that they make no fewer mistakes in writing a resume than former students. Today we will learn how to write a resume so that it is guaranteed to be your ticket to an interview.

There are different ways to write a resume. It has no set form. But there is a list of recommended columns. A good resume always contains:
  1. Personal details: full name, age, address, marital status, contact information of the compiler.
  2. Goal: what position are you applying for and why.
  3. Work experience: in chronological order, starting from the last job, years of work, company names, position, responsibilities and achievements are recorded.
  4. Education: years of study, name of educational institution, specialty.
  5. Additional information: all your additional knowledge, skills, talents and character traits that will make you stand out from other candidates and help you in your new job.
  6. Recommendations: an indication of the possibility of providing them.

You shouldn’t be creative in this regard and omit one of the points; the recruiter is unlikely to appreciate it.

On our website you can download:

Remember: your resume should be short, specific, and honest. Write using active voice. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, write not “trained,” but “trained 20 new employees.” As for volume, 1 A4 sheet is considered ideal. It’s not worth writing less, but it’s not worth writing more either. Anything else that needs to be said, you will say at the interview. In the “Work Experience” section, indicate only information that relates to the future position. For example, if you worked as a camp counselor and are applying for a secretary position, then you can keep silent about such a fact in your work history. This is especially true for those who have rich and varied work experience. If you list your entire career path, your resume may turn out to be too “motley” and lacking a common focus. This creates a negative impression, and the resume risks ending up in the trash.

Download on our website.

As for the “Training” column, it should be filled out as fully as possible for those who have just received a diploma, and briefly specified for those who have solid work experience. Writing a resume for a former student can be difficult; there is a great temptation to list all the “crusts” received in order to increase the volume of the resume. But, if you are planning to take the position of sales manager, do not write that you have completed courses in floristry; it is better to indicate that you completed an internship at a company where you had similar responsibilities for a month.

Download here.

Another mistake that job seekers often make is to write a resume and send it to all vacancies. For each case, a resume must be compiled separately! Especially if you are just starting your career and trying yourself in different professions. It cannot be the same as a web designer's resume, even if you are well versed in both topics. The resume should have a purpose, where everything below will be subordinate to it. Everything that is described should flow logically to the main goal and relate to one professional area. This way you will create the impression of an integral person who knows what she wants.

Before you sit down and write a resume, imagine yourself in the shoes of the person who will receive this resume. Find out more about the company you are going to work for, about the specifics of its work, think about what they can expect from a future employee, and what exactly will interest them in you. Believe in your strength, prepare carefully - and you will definitely succeed!

A good position is a very relative concept. For some, this is primarily (and perhaps only) high wages, which gives them a chance to fulfill old and very recent dreams with minimal energy expenditure; for others - an activity to their liking, ideally coinciding with a hobby; for others - the opportunity to learn something new every day and express themselves in previously unknown areas of activity.

But getting such a position by simply going to the HR department and writing is currently almost impossible - too many happy coincidences have to happen. If this happens, all that remains is to congratulate the lucky person; in other cases, the applicant, who has already looked at a suitable company for himself, will have to start by sending it by email.

The easiest way out is to download a ready-made, most suitable form in commonly used formats doc or docx, which open without problems in the “native” Microsoft Word program or in any other popular text editor.

A standard Word template is quite enough to design any resume:

  • regular text;
  • with a photograph;
  • with complex formatting.

However, filling it out without really thinking about the structure and opportunities that open up the very first, albeit written, contact with the employer is too easy for a true professional. I would like to personalize a document, turning it from template text with an attached photo into a small work of art. It will definitely attract the attention of a HR specialist; but in order to write such a summary, you must first learn more about the purpose and principles of drawing up the document. After all, this is not a questionnaire with pre-written questions - it is a way to demonstrate your strengths as successfully as possible.

A resume is a document that presents in a concise and succinct form all the information about the applicant that is significant for a potential employer. You shouldn’t get carried away: HR department employees, and in the vast majority of cases the email goes to them, work with large volumes of information and read many other resumes every day. With all due respect to your work, you should not overestimate a document that you have compiled yourself or written based on a sample: most likely, the employer has seen letters that are more interesting.

You shouldn’t completely abandon your creative approach by simply entering the required information into an empty template: last name, first name and patronymic, places of study and work. It’s better to choose a middle ground: after downloading a couple of really successful resume examples, create your own, unique and inimitable one based on them. Such that the HR specialist, after reading it, decides that the applicant is worthy of the next stage of applying for a job - an invitation to an interview.

Important: regardless of the type of work and requirements for a specific position, it is necessary to compose a document not only briefly and to the point, but also competently: an error or typo in the text can greatly spoil the impression of a resume, especially if the position for which the applicant is applying is related to intellectual labor. It is assumed that a person capable of serious mental stress can express his thoughts correctly; Therefore, before sending a letter, you should re-read it thoroughly - at least twice.

It is necessary to indicate in the document the information required by the employer, even if it seems unnecessary or superfluous to the compiler. Don’t be lazy: you can always, if the form itself is not at hand, find your military ID or certificate of advanced training. How successful a job application will be depends primarily on the person applying for the position and, in particular, on how much effort he is willing to put in at the first stage of acquaintance. It's easiest to open a blank sheet of paper in Microsoft Word and fill it with superficial information, but there are thousands, if not millions, of such resumes; a good document not only provides complete (within reason) information about its originator, but also answers non-standard questions from the employer.

The first step a resume writer needs to take is to plan out its structure. Since there is no single universally binding sample, deviation from the rules for drawing up which will immediately deprive the applicant of a chance of employment, you should not worry too much: The resume should be beautifully designed, well-written and interesting.- and how to achieve this, everyone is free to decide for themselves.

The document will look much better if you attach a photo to it. The requirements for the photo are simple, understandable and correspond to the interests of both the potential employer and the candidate for the position:

  1. Photo must meet business standards. Of course, you don’t have to wear a formal three-piece suit to take a photo; Casual clothes are quite enough. But there is no need to offer the HR specialist photographs taken on the beach or during a trip to barbecue.
  2. Only one person should be shown in the photo. If this is a group photo, the rest of its participants must be “cropped” in any photo editor or using the built-in option in Microsoft Word.
  3. The photo must be of good quality. A HR specialist is unlikely to be interested in trying to guess, by looking at pixels, what an applicant generally looks like. In the end, this is a matter of respect for the future employer: if a potential employee has not found the time or opportunity to take a decent photo, it is unlikely that he will continue to work hard, devoting his energy to the benefit of the organization.

Brief structure of a standard resume:

  1. Contact details:
    • last name, first name and patronymic (depending on national traditions, this list may change);
    • date of birth (day/month/year);
    • number of complete years;
    • mobile and (if available) landline phone number;
    • e-mail;
    • optionally - links to pages on social networks, Skype, and so on.
  2. Purpose of appeal: what position the applicant is applying for. If the author of the document would like to try himself in several positions at once, it would be logical to create a separate resume for each of them. This will avoid confusion and in further communication with the HR department employee, go straight to the essence of the issue. You may not indicate a specific position at all, but this sharply reduces the letter writer’s chances of getting hired.
  3. Education. Here it is necessary to list in reverse order (from latest to earlier) all the educational institutions that the author of the resume graduated from. Secondary schools need not be mentioned: this data is unlikely to be useful or interesting to the employer. You can arrange the list in the form of a table with the following columns:
    • start and end dates of studies (it is enough to just indicate the month and year);
    • name of the institution (it is better to decipher the abbreviations in order to save the specialist from unnecessary work);
    • faculty;
    • specialty and qualification (digital code and decoding);
    • additional information (honors diploma, incomplete education, etc.).
  4. Experience. As in the previous paragraph, you need to start from the end: first - the last place of employment, then the earlier ones. Contrary to popular belief, the applicant can indicate in this section not only the organizations in which he was officially employed, but also write about his experience of part-time work or working as a freelancer: it may well be that this information will be of interest to the employer. But there is no point in explaining why the author of the document left his previous position: if necessary, a HR specialist will find out about this at an interview. The information can also be tabulated with the following columns:
    • start and end dates of work (you can use employment contracts and orders to terminate them; as in the previous paragraph, it is enough to indicate the month and year of each event);
    • name of the organization;
    • the scope of the company’s activities and its small objective characteristics;
    • position held;
    • rate (half, full, combined, other options);
    • job responsibilities, powers, access to state secrets and other classified information;
    • presence of subordinates and their number;
    • service achievements: certificates, awards, social activity.
  5. Availability of additional education. If the applicant has attended advanced training courses, trainings or seminars, the topics of which directly or indirectly relate to the position he liked, it is necessary to list them, as before, in reverse chronological order. It makes no sense to mention courses that are not related to the specifics of the new job: for example, a resume writer applying for a programmer position is unlikely to use the massage therapist certificate he received several years ago.
  6. Other skills. At this point, you can mention everything that the author of the document considers important or capable of attracting the attention of a representative of the HR department:
    • PC skills;
    • familiarity with certain software products (text, video editors, design, engineering, computing software);
    • level of proficiency in foreign language(s);
    • availability of a driver's license (you can specify the category) and your own vehicle;
    • other information.
  7. Personal qualities. Perhaps this is the most standard and tedious section for an employer. The applicant should try to come up with something more interesting than boring communication skills or learning skills, especially if he positions himself as a creative employee.

Important: the desired salary amount (unless, of course, it is strictly fixed in the offer of the employing organization) is better to indicate not in the resume itself, but in the accompanying text - usually this is the body of the letter sent by e-mail. There you can also give other explanations regarding the document compiled, which are inappropriate in the summary itself.

If for some reason an applicant cannot cope with the formatting of the text, but does not want to use ready-made templates and forms downloaded from the Internet, he can turn to a company specializing in resume writing for help. The service, of course, is not free, but as a result, the potential employee will receive a high-quality, beautifully designed and well-written document.

Another option, which is increasingly gaining popularity, is storing resumes in the “cloud” of a large job aggregator, for example HH (HeadHunter). In this case, a potential employer can, on his own initiative, review the document and invite its author for an interview: the resume writer does not need to send it to every suitable place. However, it cannot be ruled out that under the guise of an employer there will be a fraudster who wants to lure money out of the applicant: despite all the efforts of the largest job sites, such cases are still quite common. Therefore, you should not lose your vigilance, especially if a person calling himself a HR specialist offers a deliberately inflated salary and working conditions that are disproportionately better than those of competing companies.

Whatever method of job search the resume author chooses, the main thing for him is, without abandoning his creative approach, to follow the generally accepted structure of the document, revealing all the truly important information in it and refraining from listing unimportant details. Such a resume, well-written, well-designed, detailed and succinct, will greatly increase the applicant’s chances of getting the position he is interested in.

What do you need to do to write the perfect resume? There is no, and there cannot be, a correct answer to this question, because there are no perfect resumes - in each case an individual approach is needed.

However, if you at least briefly read before creating a resume on the site, then you already know the main thing. Don't like reading rules and instructions? This article will help make the path to a new job shorter.

Resume Rule #1: Clearly state your desired position.
The title of the desired position is one of the most important points on a resume. The fate of your resume depends on how clearly you formulate it.

Do not use options such as “any position”, “specialist”, etc., as these formulations will not give the employer an idea of ​​​​what you want. Employers won't waste their time thinking about what to offer you. A specific position is not specified - the resume will be sent to the trash.

Do not indicate several mutually exclusive positions in one resume at the same time, even if you are equally proficient in the functionality. Create several different resumes, each focusing on the experience and skills needed for each specific position you might be applying for. Yes, you will have to spend a little more time, but the result will not be long in coming!

When sending out your resume for vacancies, in the first line indicate only the title of the position from the vacancy advertisement you liked.

Professional resume rule #2: Decide on your salary in advance
In the “Income level” field, it is better to indicate what you are applying for. Avoid options like “RUB 19,991.” - this will not attract the employer’s attention, but, on the contrary, will cause misunderstanding.

Resume Writing Rule #3: Avoid Humor
A resume is a business document. When composing it, avoid . Make a joke later, but for now the information style will bring you much better results than even the most appropriate joke in this case.

Rule of a competent resume No. 4: be concise
Don’t make your resume look like an epic novel by placing there the texts of articles, publications, and your thoughts about the meaning of life. All this is unnecessary. The resume should fit on one page, maximum two. Excessive brevity will also not add credibility - a resume with the main fields not fully filled out and the words “I’ll tell you everything in a personal meeting” will be immediately sent to the trash.

Resume Layout Rule #5: Remove Unnecessary Personal Information
For your own safety, do not include personal information in your resume - passport number, exact address of residence and registration, etc.

Rule of a Good Resume #6: Assess Whether You Need Links to Your Social Media Profiles
It is not always worthwhile to include a link to your VKontakte page or other social networks in your resume. If social networks do not characterize you as a professional, while looking for a job, you should even think about limiting the ability to view your pages in the visibility settings, leaving access only to friends and loved ones. And in general, you should not describe the details of your personal life, including intimate life, in your resume. Avoid information that is not relevant.

Sample Resume Rule #7: Check Your Resume for Spelling Errors
The resume should not contain grammatical errors or typos - such CVs make an extremely negative impression on the employer. By the way, our website has a spell check function.

Rule for posting a resume No. 8: check the accuracy and relevance of the information
When writing your resume, be honest. Knowledge of specific programs, the presence of certain skills - . If necessary, you will need to confirm the information you provide with documents or relevant examples.

Resume Rule #9: Supplement your resume with a recent photo
. But if you decide to accompany the document with a photograph, remember that it must meet a number of requirements. The photo should show only one person - you, and your face should be clearly visible. Remember: resumes with photographs depicting the applicant without clothes (partially or completely) will not be accepted for consideration!

It would seem, indeed, why? Job search web services provide the opportunity to fill out several resume options online. As a rule, on these services you can also find a sample resume form for a job 2019, download a free form in Word, which is really convenient for applying for various positions. You can create your resume for free and download and print directly from the site. And even adjust visibility. You can show it incognito (risking scaring off the employer).

But if it is not possible to understand web services or fill out something online, or the form needs to be filled out by hand (for a pensioner, for example), then a template with explanations and tips can help. For example, here is a standard resume form.

When are forms most often needed:

  • in order to generate a file for sending by e-mail or fax;
  • for the interview (in printed form).

When is it better to make a resume yourself?

There are situations when a universal template is not suitable and downloading a sample resume for a job 2019 and downloading a free form in Word is not an option for the applicant. For example, it is more effective for people in creative professions to use their own style. The use of forms is completely contraindicated for designers and showmen. It is important for them to demonstrate creativity and originality in order to stand out from the competition. Here is an example of a creative graphic designer resume.

And in general, a confident computer user who owns the Word text editor is quite capable of coping with the task of creating a blank resume form to fill out on their own. This will also be more useful - the applicant can show computer skills by creating a stylish, well-structured document that attracts attention (violent imagination is inappropriate here, good taste is more important).

For others, it’s easier to save time by filling out a suitable sample (including online). If desired, the file can be edited and its appearance changed.

When is it better to use a template?

Most employers expect a serious and concise text. Then a resume template is the right option. It is quite acceptable for a brief summary of the main facts of a biography. Anyone can create a sample resume for a job 2019 and download a free form in Word to their computer. The volume should not exceed one and a half to two pages.

When filling out, pay attention to the “Responsibilities” section. This is where it is important to reveal your qualifications.

For example, for the driver:

  • delivery of goods and correspondence;
  • preparation of accompanying documentation;
  • execution of orders;
  • routine maintenance and monitoring of vehicle condition;
  • passing a technical inspection;
  • accounting of fuels and lubricants and consumables, preparation of advance reports.

And this is what a driver’s resume might look like on paper:

What to write in your resume

In your resume, you must provide only truthful information about yourself; focus on describing your strengths. Design it in a business style, in a convenient, readable font. The photo is added at your request, be sure to check how it looks when printed in black and white. The maximum volume of a resume is 1.5-2 pages; be sure to duplicate your full name on the second sheet. in case the first one gets lost. You can download a free resume (Word template) below. As we have already said, how to format your resume is up to you. You can use standard forms, or you can come up with your own style, such as this one:

To create such a resume, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Indicate the name of the vacancy that interests you: “The goal is to apply for a position...”. If you are applying for more than one position in an organization, create a separate resume for each of them.
  2. Please highlight your first, last and patronymic names in bold.
  3. It is not necessary to indicate your date of birth (or age) and marital status, but this information is usually of interest to the employer.
  4. Contact information: phone number where you can always be in touch, e-mail. You can also indicate your home address, which does not have to be complete. Enough so that you can understand how far you live from your intended place of work.
  5. Education is listed in chronological order. Insignificant courses and trainings, highly specialized education can be omitted, especially if they are not related to future work. We mention the school only if it was specialized or if you have a certificate with honors.
  6. When describing your work experience, focus on those points that are most relevant to the position for which you are applying. List the names of organizations, positions and work experience over the past 10 years, indicating time intervals (month and year). If your work history is very long, list your last 3-5 jobs.
  7. In the description of achievements, indicate specific facts: “trained...”, “increased...”, “saved...”, “created...”, “organized...”, etc. If there are specific numbers. and statistics of your achievements, be sure to indicate.
  8. In a separate paragraph in the “Additional information” column, tell us about the skills that can help in your work: knowledge of foreign languages, a computer, a driver’s license, etc. Also here you can outline in a few words your strengths and differences from other applicants. Perhaps, if there are many resumes of the same type, this information will help the employer make a decision in your favor. Write, but don’t get carried away; your resume should remain a business document.
  9. If you have just graduated from an educational institution and have no work experience, describe your academic achievements, awards, participation in scientific work, and indicate the topic of your thesis.
  10. Don't forget to check spelling and punctuation. There should be no mistakes in your self-presentation. A text editor will always come to your aid, and it’s never a bad idea to show your resume to another person who can evaluate it with a fresh look. You can download free resume forms in Word format at the end of the article. Follow the rules of business correspondence: emoticons, slang, humor and quotes have nothing to do with it.

Decide for yourself what shape to give it.

What is better not to write on a resume?

As a rule, reviewing a resume by an employer takes no more than 2-3 minutes. It is important for you that the person reading your resume becomes interested in your candidacy during this time and wants to meet for a personal conversation. So think carefully about what is important and what is not, and focus on the former:

  1. Write briefly and to the point, don’t run wild with your thoughts. The information must be clear and structured, containing all the main points of a standard resume (see above).
  2. If you are not an artist, not a designer or not a showman, do not use any frills in the design, use our service to download a free resume form to fill out.
  3. You should not talk about your hobbies and interests if they are not related to your future job.
  4. Do not indicate (unless you are asked to do so) the addresses of your pages on social networks.
  5. Do not use standard, “hackneyed” phrases to describe your personal qualities.
  6. Be extremely accurate in describing your skills and abilities, do not exaggerate, write only the truth. If you are caught lying during an interview, all your efforts to get a job will be meaningless.

Also, the employer may not like frequent job changes or long absences. If there are facts of this kind in your biography, try to smooth them out and present them in a streamlined form, and in a personal meeting explain the reason if you are asked why this happened.

When in doubt, use a universal resume for all occasions.

Sample resume for work 2019, form in word

We have prepared several options. You can choose our sample resume template for a job 2019 and download a free form in Word if you think it’s suitable for you.

Download a sample resume to fill out in 2019

You can download a free template and create a sample resume for a job in 2019 below, using a blank resume form to fill out by hand.

Below you can view and download sample resumes for various industries and specialties.
