How to treat laryngitis for a child at home. How and with what to treat laryngitis in children at home

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


In children, the immune system is not fully formed, so they often develop infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Usually the problem is faced by kids who have just started preschool. In this article we will look at how and with what to treat laryngitis in children at home.

Regular viral diseases weaken local protection, resulting in recurrent or chronic pathologies. For example, during one cold season, laryngitis in children may appear several times.

How to help a child with laryngitis, because at such a young age this disease is fraught with complications? Let's talk about the causes, symptoms, treatment and methods of preventing laryngitis - an unpleasant infectious disease. Let's start with a definition.

Laryngitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. The muscular and submucosal layers are also exposed to infection.

It is rare in children under 3 years of age, but recently the disease is sometimes diagnosed even in infants. This is due to the emergence of new strains of viruses and an increase in the frequency of allergic reactions.

The first symptoms of laryngitis in children

The infectious disease discussed in the article manifests itself in children with a number of nonspecific and specific symptoms. The information below will help you identify the disease at the right time and begin treatment.

  • Hoarseness. With laryngitis, the lumen of the larynx narrows, and the vocal cords do not close completely. This leads to a change in timbre child's voice.
  • Cough. Children's laryngitis at the initial stage is accompanied by a dry, paroxysmal cough, which intensifies in the evening and at night and interferes with sleep. Correct treatment within a few days it starts the process of sputum separation, which indicates the beginning of recovery.
  • Sore throat . Laryngitis in children is accompanied by a sore throat, the intensity of which varies in each individual case. One child simply has a sore throat, and the second suffers from an unbearable burning sensation. The pain intensifies when food is swallowed.
  • High temperature . In most cases, we are talking about low-grade fever. But in the case of inflammation of the larynx caused by a virus, the temperature often rises to 40 degrees.
  • Dyspnea. When the disease occurs, the larynx narrows, resulting in respiratory failure.
  • Feeling worse . The child is capricious, eats poorly, becomes lethargic and inactive.

I think by now you have gotten an idea of ​​the first symptoms of the disease. As you can see, the picture is unpleasant. I wonder why the disease appears.

Causes of laryngitis in a child

Medical practice shows that the development of childhood laryngitis is determined by constitutional, allergic, infectious and other factors. Let's consider the reasons for the appearance of this infectious disease in children.

  1. Allergies contribute to the appearance of laryngitis in a child. The list of allergens is represented by animal hair, food, and odors of paints and varnishes.
  2. Laryngitis also appears due to a bacterial or viral infection entering the respiratory tract. In this case, the baby is contagious.
  3. Laryngitis appears after using medications for the nose or throat in the form of a spray. The impact of the jet causes a spasm. It is not surprising, because in children the tissues of the pharynx are loose and characterized by an immediate reaction.
  4. Often a spasm of the pharynx is the result of emotional shock. This is explained by the poor development of children nervous system.
  5. The list of causes of the disease also includes individual characteristics of the body, including the presence of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis.

Common causes of laryngitis include high dustiness in the room, overstrain of the vocal cords, consumption of hot drinks, and passive smoking.

Features of the treatment of acute laryngitis

Treatment of the disease in children is aimed at eliminating inflammation of the throat. The patient is not recommended to talk much. Since it is difficult to explain to young children that talking makes the situation worse, playing the silent game helps.

Home treatment laryngitis is carried out in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Self-treatment is unacceptable. Using medications or folk remedies without the approval of a doctor will harm the developing child’s body.

With laryngitis, cold or hot foods, spicy and salty treats are excluded from the diet. Such products irritate a sore throat, which can lead to complications.

In addition to medications, auxiliary procedures are carried out to help relieve throat swelling. It's about about hot foot baths and alcohol compresses for the throat. Let's talk about this in more detail below.

First aid for an attack of laryngitis in a child

If your child is having a seizure, call ambulance. A child who has difficulty breathing has nothing to do at home. Before the doctors arrive, give your baby first aid. This will ease the pain.

  • Don't panic or make your child nervous. Crying, accompanied by emotional shock, will narrow the larynx and contribute to increased spasm.
  • Warm alkaline drinking will help relieve swelling. Borjomi will do. If there is no alkaline water, make a solution yourself by dissolving a spoonful of soda in a liter of boiled water. Give your baby a spoon every 15 minutes. It is not recommended to give milk, coffee, juice or compote. These drinks contain many allergens.
  • Take a steam bath. Take him to the bath, close the drain and open hot water. The room will quickly fill with steam. After 10 minutes in the steam room, the cough will become moisturized.
  • Foot baths will also help in this situation. After the procedure, wrap your feet and give them warm water.
  • If the air in the room is dry, humidify it. To do this, wash the floors, hang wet towels around the room, and place a container with liquid.
  • To prevent an allergic reaction, use antihistamines. Loratadine or Suprastin will do. And No-shpa will help relieve the spasm. When calculating the dosage, consider the age of the child.
  • For a severe dry cough, a nebulizer with saline solution will help. If the temperature is very high, give an antipyretic.

This is enough to alleviate the child’s suffering until doctors arrive. They know what to do in such a situation and will definitely help. Be patient.

How does Dr. Komarovsky treat laryngitis in children?

Komarovsky is the most famous of doctors with extensive work experience. When treating childhood laryngitis, he advises using common sense as a basis. Parents should know what symptoms the disease has, how to treat it, and what the consequences of inaction are. The doctor recommends that treatment be focused not on eliminating the cause of the disease, but on creating comfortable conditions that will contribute to the child’s recovery.

Almost all children experience laryngitis. The disease is caused by a viral infection. As for complications, they are deadly. But if parents know how to help their child, this reduces the likelihood of severe disorders.

In most cases, symptoms of laryngitis appear in daytime, and at night the baby’s condition worsens. To prevent false croup, Komarovsky recommends taking a set of measures.

  1. For treatment, antipyretics are used, including Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.
  2. To alleviate the condition, the patient is given sweet tea, rosehip decoction or compote.
  3. The room creates optimal conditions for recovery. In the summer, open the windows in the house and humidify the air. The humidity in the room is adjusted to 60%.
  4. To distract the child’s attention from the illness, they read a book, engage him in games, play a cartoon, or give him a drawing set.

These four points are the key to recovery, Komarovsky believes. According to the doctor, the symptoms of the disease have been well studied, and the cause of complications is improper care. The doctor advises that treatment be based on common sense and if signs of difficulty breathing appear, immediately go to the hospital.

Video information

Komarovsky is against the use of antiallergic drugs and antibiotics in the treatment of laryngitis, since in most cases the problem is caused by a viral infection. The doctor does not advise giving expectorants and steam inhalations, since such measures are fraught with worsening of the condition and subsequent hospitalization.

How to treat laryngitis in children under 3 years of age and older than three

Currently, there are no medications that can instantly eliminate the disease. In order for recovery to occur, comprehensive treatment is carried out, including the use of medications and drugs. traditional medicine. And to increase the effect, accompanying procedures are performed.

Folk remedies

Doctors do not deny the effectiveness of folk remedies. Homemade medicines made from natural ingredients, used as a supplement, speed up the healing process.

But before using any such remedy, consultation with an otolaryngologist is required.

And even if the doctor has encouraged the folk remedy, it is recommended to carefully monitor the child, and if the condition worsens at the slightest, call an ambulance. Now let's look at popular folk recipes used for laryngitis in children.

  1. Pumpkin cake . A piece of pumpkin is peeled and passed through a coarse grater. Add to pumpkin mixture rye flour and milk, knead a thick dough. Two cakes are made from the resulting composition, placed on a fabric folded in half and applied to the chest and neck. Warm and keep for 2 hours.
  2. Sea buckthorn decoction . Pour a tablespoon of sea buckthorn berries into two glasses of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes and leave for an hour under the lid. Give the product to the child by spoon 5 times a day or use it to gargle three times a day.
  3. Onion compress . Finely chop a medium onion, place it in a gauze bag and hang it over boiling water in a saucepan. After heating, the bag with onions is applied to the child’s neck. It is important that the compress warms and does not burn.
  4. Carrot juice and milk . Fresh carrot juice mixed in equal quantities with warm milk and given at least 5 times a day. The dosage for children under two years old is equal to a teaspoon, and older children are given a tablespoon.
  5. Cranberry and honey . Cranberries are doused hot water, put in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Half a glass of juice is mixed with the same amount of honey and given a small spoon once every half hour throughout the day.
  6. Gargling. For children's laryngitis, use an infusion of violet, chamomile or linden color. A spoonful of raw materials is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for 2 hours. It is recommended to gargle with warm infusion up to 6 times a day. Upon completion of the procedure, the child should not drink for at least half an hour.
  7. Inhalations. Steam inhalations soften the mucous membrane and make breathing free. The solution used is mineral water without gas, a solution consisting of water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day for 15 minutes.
  8. Foot baths . The procedure is most effective at the initial stage of the disease. The child’s feet are lowered into a basin with water heated to 40 degrees for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the child is put on warm socks and placed in a crib.
  9. Peace. If symptoms of the disease manifest themselves, it is recommended not to talk, because during conversation the larynx along with the vocal cords become tense. When treating an illness, rest is required.

Using folk remedies To combat laryngitis at home, be careful. Remedies, including milk, honey, lemon, sage and St. John's wort, can cause allergies, which can lead to dangerous swelling of the throat mucosa. The listed products cannot be used to treat illness in a child under three years of age. For older children they are given in small doses.

Pharmacy products

Used to treat childhood laryngitis medications prescribed by a doctor. Usage pharmaceuticals at will is unacceptable. Medicines prescribed by doctors are divided into six types.

  • Antihistamines . Medicines are good for calming and relieving swelling. Among such drugs are Zodak, Cetrin, Parlazin and others.
  • Expectorants . Pharmacies offer a wide range of expectorants, but only a doctor can choose best option. The drugs soothe the larynx, eliminate coughing and help you sleep. Before bedtime, the child is given Libexin or Sinekod. In the case of wet cough Bronhosan or Alteyka is prescribed.
  • Absorbable . List the most effective means, helping to eliminate swelling of the throat, is represented by Strepsils, Faringosept and Stopangin.
  • Rinse. Among medications, used for gargling, most often used by Evcar and Ingafitol.
  • Antipyretics . They come to the rescue when the temperature rises above 38 degrees. In this case, the doctor prescribes Paracetamol, Efferalgan or Panadol. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibufen have also been used.
  • Physiotherapy . Used in severe cases after the baby is admitted to the hospital. The doctor usually prescribes microwave therapy, ultraviolet irradiation or laryngeal electrophoresis.

As for antibiotics, their use in cases of illness is not always justified. Such drugs are used if the disease is caused by a bacterial infection or there is intoxication of the body. Antibiotics are often used as a measure to help prevent complications.

Bacteria rarely cause laryngitis. More often the causative agent is an infection. Therefore, antibiotic treatment is ineffective. But if their use is justified, the doctor prescribes Augmentin, Suprax, Fartum or Azitrox.

How to avoid getting laryngitis

Remember, laryngitis is a disease that must be cured completely. Otherwise, the disease will become chronic. As a result, all associated factors will lead to inflammation of the larynx.

Fortunately, there are several general rules prevention, the observance of which helps protect the child from the disease.

  1. Do not allow your baby to interact with children with laryngitis or frequently appear in crowded places.
  2. Make sure your children's clothing is appropriate for the season. Hypothermia is fraught not only with laryngitis, but also with other diseases.
  3. Maintain a healthy microclimate in your home. In the children's room the air should be humidified and clean.
  4. Temper your child. Take your child for a walk more often and introduce your child to the technique contrast shower.
  5. Try to include in your baby's diet fresh vegetables and fruits. They will help improve your body's health and strengthen your immune system.

Laryngitis in childhood is a common occurrence. In one case, serious treatment cannot be avoided, and in the second, the problem is solved through distraction therapy, supplemented with inhalations. Only a doctor can choose a medicine.

Monitor your child to avoid general diagnosis and excessive therapy. If the condition worsens, consult a doctor. In the case of a baby or a one-year-old baby, it is better to call an ambulance.

In childhood, the disease is incredibly dangerous. Complications include laryngeal stenosis. Without treatment, this emergency will result in death. Do not treat on your own, listen to the recommendations of doctors, get vaccinated, because only the correct actions of parents provide children with good health.

– inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (larynx), accompanied by damage to the vocal apparatus and respiratory distress. With laryngitis, children experience a “barking” cough, hoarseness, fever, difficulty breathing, and sometimes the development of false croup. Diagnosis of laryngitis in children is carried out by a pediatric otolaryngologist based on the clinical picture, laryngoscopy, virological or bacterial smear examination. Treatment of laryngitis in children involves compliance with the voice regime; taking antihistamines, antiviral or antibacterial drugs; carrying out inhalations, physiotherapy.

General information

Laryngitis in children is an inflammatory process involving the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. Children of early and early age are especially susceptible to laryngitis. preschool age. In pediatrics, laryngitis is detected in 34% of children with acute respiratory infections under the age of 2 years. Laryngitis in children is rarely isolated and usually occurs together with tracheitis and bronchitis in the form of laryngotracheobronchitis. Against the background of laryngitis, children may develop acute obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, requiring medical assistance. emergency care. From the above it follows that laryngitis in children is far from a harmless disease and requires serious attention from parents, pediatricians and pediatric otolaryngologists.


The development of laryngitis in children may be associated with infectious, allergic, constitutional, psycho-emotional and other factors. Most often, laryngitis in a child is of a viral nature and is caused by parainfluenza, influenza, herpes simplex, measles, PC viruses, and adenoviruses. Laryngitis of bacterial etiology is less common in children, but is much more severe. In this case, the main pathogens are Haemophilus influenzae type b, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, group A hemolytic streptococcus (the causative agent of scarlet fever), Bordet-Gengou bacillus (the causative agent of whooping cough), etc. Thanks to mandatory vaccination against diphtheria, diphtheria laryngitis in children is extremely rare.

The peak incidence of laryngitis in children is observed in the cold season. This is facilitated by hypothermia, impaired nasal breathing, hypovitaminosis, weakened immunity, and exacerbation of rhinitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis, and tonsillitis in the child. Children with lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis are more predisposed to the development of laryngitis.

Laryngitis of allergic etiology in children can develop when inhaling vapors of varnishes, paints, household chemicals; particles of house dust, animal hair; irrigation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and oral cavity with medicinal aerosols; consumption of food allergens. Sometimes the cause of laryngitis in children is overstrain of the vocal apparatus (during strong screaming, choral singing, etc.), severe psycho-emotional shocks resulting in laryngeal spasm, laryngeal injuries, aspiration of foreign bodies, reflux of acidic contents from the stomach due to GERD (reflux -laryngitis).


The specificity of the course of laryngitis in children is associated with age-related anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the respiratory tract, namely the narrowness of the lumen and the funnel-shaped shape of the larynx; looseness of the mucous membrane and connective tissue, their tendency to edema; peculiarities of innervation of the larynx, weakness of the respiratory muscles. That is why, with laryngitis in children, acute obstruction of the upper respiratory tract and acute respiratory failure often occur.

It should be noted that with swelling of the mucous membrane and an increase in its thickness by only 1 mm, the lumen of the larynx in children is reduced by half. In addition, a predisposition to reflex muscle spasm and mechanical blockage of the lumen of the larynx with an inflammatory secretion or foreign body also play a role in the genesis of obstruction. Narrowing of the lumen of the larynx and respiratory failure usually develops at night due to changes in the lymph and blood circulation of the larynx, a decrease in depth and frequency breathing movements during sleep.

Taking into account the nature of the course, laryngitis in children can be acute or chronic; complicated and uncomplicated. In accordance with endoscopic criteria in otolaryngology, acute catarrhal, edematous and phlegmonous laryngitis are distinguished; chronic catarrhal, hypertrophic and atrophic laryngitis. With catarrhal laryngitis, inflammation affects only the mucous membrane of the larynx; with phlegmonous - submucosal, muscular layer, ligaments and perichondrium. With hypertrophic laryngitis, growth and hyperplasia of the laryngeal mucosa is noted; with atrophy - its thinning. Catarrhal and hypertrophic laryngitis usually occurs in children.

Depending on the distribution of the inflammatory reaction, subglottic laryngitis, diffuse laryngitis in children, and laryngotracheobronchitis are distinguished.

Symptoms of laryngitis in children

Clinical manifestations of acute laryngitis in children usually develop 2-3 days after an acute respiratory infection. The child complains of malaise, pain when swallowing, sore throat. There may be an increase in temperature (up to 37.5° C), headache, increased frequency and difficulty breathing.

With laryngitis in children, the voice changes dramatically: it becomes dull, hoarse, weak or soundless - dysphonia or aphonia develops. A dry, rough superficial cough appears, which after 3-4 days is replaced by a wet one, with the discharge of mucous sputum. Uncomplicated acute laryngitis in children usually lasts 5-10 days.

Rapid progression of laryngitis in children early age often accompanied by spastic narrowing of the larynx and the development of acute stenosing laryngotracheitis or false croup. Most often, false croup occurs in children aged 6 months to 6 years. Clinical course false croup in children is characterized by a triad of symptoms: barking cough, hoarseness, inspiratory shortness of breath (stridor). An attack of false croup due to laryngitis in children usually develops at night or in the early morning hours. The child wakes up with a sharp cough and choking; he is overcome with anxiety and excitement. Objectively, forced wheezing, tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, acrocyanosis, sweating, etc. are detected. In severe cases, cardiovascular failure and asphyxia may occur against the background of false croup.

Chronic laryngitis is observed in older children. It is characterized by transient or persistent dysphonia, fatigue during vocal stress, rawness and sore throat, and reflex cough. With exacerbation of laryngitis in children, these phenomena intensify.

Diagnosis of laryngitis in children

To make a diagnosis of laryngitis, a pediatric otolaryngologist usually has enough information from the anamnesis and clinical picture. A special otolaryngological examination of a child includes pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy, otoscopy, palpation of the cervical lymph nodes.

The main role in the instrumental diagnosis of laryngitis in children belongs to laryngoscopy, during which hyperemia, edema, increased vascular pattern or petechial hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the larynx are detected; thickening and incomplete closure of the vocal folds during phonation. To identify the causative agent of laryngitis in children, a bacteriological, virological or PCR study of swabs from the upper respiratory tract is carried out.

False croup in children must be differentiated from laryngeal diphtheria (true croup), foreign body larynx, retropharyngeal abscess, laryngeal papillomatosis, allergic edema of the larynx, epiglottitis, congenital stridor caused by laryngomalacia, laryngospasm due to spasmophilia, etc.

Treatment of laryngitis in children

Therapy of laryngitis in children involves the organization of therapeutic and protective measures: bed rest, vocal rest, temperature comfort, sufficient humidity. The child's diet should be gentle, excluding cold, hot, irritating foods, and carbonated drinks. Warm alkaline drinks, dry heat on the neck area (bandages, warm compresses) have a good therapeutic effect for laryngitis.

Laryngitis in children is one of the most common forms of ARVI. Over the course of a year, a baby can get laryngitis several times, with varying degrees of symptom severity. We will tell you in detail how to properly treat laryngitis in children at home, and how to distinguish this disease from all other forms of respiratory infections.

Children can have two forms of laryngitis - acute and chronic. The second, it is reasonable to assume, is more dangerous and heavier. However, if parents correctly and promptly treat their child with laryngitis, they will not have to worry about any risk of developing a chronic form of the disease, as well as complications.

What is laryngitis

The disease laryngitis develops in the larynx, approximately in the place where our vocal cords are located. In fact, inflammation of the larynx is classic laryngitis, one of the most common and common forms.

Especially often, laryngitis in children takes a form in which the larynx not only becomes inflamed, but also narrows, causing difficulty breathing, discomfort and painful sensations, especially when talking or swallowing. Sometimes the walls of the larynx narrow so much that the baby cannot even drink, let alone eat or talk.

This form of laryngitis appears in the medical lexicon as “stenotic laryngitis” (stenosis is a narrowing of an organ). And naturally, it is most dangerous for children, especially the smallest ones, because it can cause sudden suffocation.

Stenotic laryngitis in children can be caused by various reasons - for example, an allergy attack, a rapidly developing infectious disease, a burn of the respiratory tract, etc. Stenosing laryngitis, caused by infection, often develops into the so-called.

Laryngitis in children: symptoms

As a rule, laryngitis in children is well recognized - any parent is able to suspect the disease based on the following signs:

  • 1 In a child elevated temperature(and this is a sure sign of infection);
  • 2 At the baby's barking cough;
  • 3 There is a change in voice (or the voice disappears for a while);

In addition to high temperature, the baby may have certain “classic” signs of an infectious disease: general weakness, etc.

How to treat laryngitis in children

Laryngitis in children in 99% of cases is a manifestation of a viral infection (and in rare cases, an allergic reaction). Therefore, it is understandable that in the vast majority of cases it is not treated with antibiotics or antiallergic drugs. Antiviral drugs also have little effect on the course of laryngitis, although partly with their help it is possible to relieve a sore throat in a child and. But what really helps effectively is clean, fresh and cool air in the room and drinking plenty of fluids.

With laryngitis, it is many times more beneficial for a sick baby to breathe frosty air while sitting at home in a fur hat than to breathe dry and hot air while walking around the apartment in only a diaper. For a child with laryngitis, who really has difficulty breathing, the optimal microclimate in the room is: temperature no higher than 18 ° C, humidity - 55-70%.

Drinking plenty of fluids is also of great importance for recovery. The fact is that excess fluid in a child’s body thins not only his blood, but also his mucus. Becoming more liquid, it does not accumulate in the inflamed larynx, but on the contrary, it is easier to expectorate.

From the side of infection it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment:

  • If a child's temperature rises above 38°C, it must be brought down by giving the child antipyretic drugs, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
  • To alleviate the condition of the larynx, it is necessary to maintain nasal breathing “in working order” - this means that if the nose is “clogged” and cannot breathe freely, you need to instill a vasoconstrictor.

If your baby is unable to breathe through his nose due to laryngitis, use vasoconstrictor drops, and if the temperature rises above 38°C, give an antipyretic drug.

Since with laryngitis in children, the vocal cords “failure” for some time due to inflammatory process in the larynx, ideally they should be disturbed and strained as little as possible. To do this, the baby should maintain vocal rest for several days.

A very common mistake made by many parents who as soon as they hear a loud cough from the nursery is trying to use expectorants. But precisely with laryngitis, any expectorant can lead to blockage of the larynx.

The fact is that with laryngitis, the inflamed larynx already barely allows less air to pass through than usual. However, the very essence of cough expectorants is to further stimulate the production of sputum, that is, mucus. The narrow neck of the inflamed larynx simply cannot cope with such a “burden”, trying to cough up a large amount of phlegm, and will be clogged.

Another taboo in the treatment of laryngitis in children is the use of hot steam inhalations. The reason for the prohibition is the same as when using mucolytics (expectorants): hot steam promotes the swelling of dried mucus crusts, increasing their size. And accordingly, causing the risk of blockage of the larynx.

To reduce inflammation in the larynx, you can give the child one of the special pharmaceutical drugs for resorption or for irrigation in the mouth (such as Faringosept, Septolete, Ingalipt, Sebidin, etc.)

Prevention of laryngitis in children

Since laryngitis in children is a form of viral respiratory infections, prevention of this disease is similar to prevention against all other acute respiratory viral infections - it is necessary to strengthen the child’s immune system. But without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs, but with the help of natural conditions:

  • the child should live in a room with a normal, “healthy” climate;
  • the baby should eat properly and variedly;
  • Frequent and long walks in the fresh air are a must!
  • If a child suffers from ARVI (including laryngitis) more than three times a year, this is definitely a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician.

Every parent is familiar with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract firsthand. Children are most often affected by these pathologies.

What is it?

A disease in which the mucous membranes of the larynx become inflamed is called laryngitis. The development of this pathology in children is caused by the influence of various factors. Laryngitis is reported equally often in both boys and girls. Exists huge amount various clinical variants of the disease. Such diversity influenced the creation of a classification that included the main nosological forms.

Doctors usually note some seasonality in laryngitis infection. Most cases occur during the cold season. Every year at this time, mothers whose babies get sick turn to pediatricians. Children are susceptible to laryngitis somewhat more often than adults. This pattern is due to the characteristics of their physiological development.

Pharyngeal tonsils (local immune formations) in childhood are not yet effective enough to fight various microbes. This facilitates the rapid penetration of any pathogenic microorganisms into the respiratory tract.

Imperfect immunity or reduced performance immune system promotes the rapid spread of microbes inside the body, which provokes an increase in the inflammatory process.

The larynx is the organ responsible for conducting air from the external environment into the body. It connects the pharynx to the trachea. In a child, the lumen of the larynx is somewhat smaller than in adults. As he grows older, the size of all organs increases. respiratory system. The larynx is also involved in voice formation. When inflammation occurs in it, the child experiences numerous unfavorable symptoms.

Common reasons

Laryngitis can be caused by various causative factors. To date, scientists have identified more than 50 different causes of the disease. All factors can be divided according to similar characteristics into several large groups.

The development of inflammation of the larynx can lead to:

  • Bacterial infections. In pediatric practice, streptococci and staphylococci are often the culprits of the disease. Anaerobic flora causes disease a little less frequently. Bacterial laryngitis usually occurs quite brightly and violently. In some cases, it is necessary to provide medical care in a hospital setting.
  • Viral diseases. The small size of viruses allows them to be easily absorbed on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Once in the bloodstream, they easily reach the larynx. Within a few hours from the moment of penetration into the child’s body, the inflammatory process begins. Viral laryngitis is somewhat milder than bacterial laryngitis.

  • Infection with fungal flora. Overgrowth of the Candida fungus often leads to the development of laryngitis. Fungal forms of the disease are more common in frequently ill and weakened children. There are frequent cases of overgrowth of candida in children who suffer from immunodeficiencies or have diabetes mellitus. Treatment of fungal laryngitis is usually long-term with the mandatory prescription of antifungal and immunostimulating agents.
  • Local hypothermia. Abuse of ice cream or chilled drinks, especially in the cold season, significantly contributes to damage to the mucous membranes. The cells that create the inner lining of the larynx are very sensitive to any temperature changes. Excessively hot food can also trigger the disease.
  • Inhalation of polluted air. The external environment has a tremendous impact on the condition and functioning of the respiratory system. If the inhaled air contains toxic chemicals, this can contribute to damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Children living in large industrial cities or living near highways are usually more susceptible to this disease.

  • Sick teeth. The oral cavity quite often becomes a source of infection for the respiratory system. Untreated teeth are the root cause of inflammatory diseases of the larynx. The infection very easily penetrates this respiratory organ along with the bloodstream. The presence of chronic laryngitis in a baby is often a consequence of the presence of carious teeth.
  • Singing or shouting too loudly can damage your vocal cords and larynx. In this case, a pronounced mechanical effect occurs. Excessive stress on the vocal apparatus leads to the development of chronic forms of laryngitis.
  • Consequences of operations. Quite often after surgical treatment on thyroid gland signs of laryngitis appear. In this case, damage to the organ occurs due to mechanical stress. Typically, laryngitis in such a situation is chronic. To eliminate adverse symptoms, regular use of various medicines.

  • Excessive use of cough sprays or aerosols. When taken for a long time, many drugs lead to the development of chronic pharyngitis or laryngitis. To eliminate the adverse symptoms that arise after such use, complete discontinuation of the use of the drugs is required.
  • Consequences of severe stress or psycho-emotional shock. Babies have a very sensitive and sensitive nervous system. The larynx is a very well innervated organ. When exposed to severe stress, a child may experience various symptoms of laryngitis. They are usually transitory.
  • Allergic conditions. They are found quite often in children's practice. Exposure to various types of allergens leads to the development of uncomfortable symptoms. Allergic laryngitis can occur suddenly and even cause an acute obstructive variant.

All sharp forms are treated in a hospital setting. In some cases, the prescription of hormonal drugs is required.

  • Features of the constitution. Children suffering from lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, according to statistics, have a greater chance of developing laryngitis than their peers. This feature is associated with the physiological characteristics of a baby with this disease. Usually these children look similar: they have soft and streamlined facial features, rather pale skin, loose subcutaneous cells, and a tendency to edema.
  • Chronic diseases internal organs. Thus, symptoms of laryngitis often occur with decreased functioning of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism. In children suffering from chronic gastritis with increased secretory function, reflux of gastric contents into the larynx may occur. This leads to the appearance of signs of laryngitis.

How is it transmitted?

Most laryngitis is of infectious origin. Bacteria and viruses cause damage to the larynx in approximately 80% of cases. The source of the disease can be any person (adult and child) who has in their body pathogenic microorganisms. It is contagious to others throughout the illness.

Typically, all infectious diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets. Children attending educational institutions are more likely to become infected. Infectious variants of laryngitis are also characterized by contact and household transmission. In this case, infection occurs through dirty hands. This type of infection is most common in children attending kindergarten or nursery.

During the cold season, “family” outbreaks are common. In this case, all family members become ill with laryngitis.

Staying in any crowded groups only contributes to the spread of the virus. It is important to note that microorganisms can remain in unfavorable environmental conditions for quite a long time. Only the use of bactericidal agents can reduce their concentration.

If there are several children living in a family, then they begin to get sick “in a chain”. This is due to the fact that viruses and bacteria are easily transmitted through breathing from a sick child to a healthy one. The severity of symptoms will vary for each baby. This depends on his age, characteristics of physiological development, as well as the presence of chronic concomitant diseases.

The incubation period for laryngitis may vary. At viral infections first clinical signs Diseases usually appear within a few days from the moment the viruses enter the body. The peak incidence of viral laryngitis occurs between the ages of 2 and 12 years. However, newborns and one-year-old babies can also develop this disease.

For bacterial laryngitis, the incubation period is 6-7 days. Usually at this time the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Only after a week can laryngitis be recognized in a sick baby. Bacterial forms of laryngitis usually occur with an increase in temperature to febrile levels. These diseases also cause widespread outbreaks.


To make diagnosis easier, doctors use various classifications. They help to establish all variants of the disease, indicating the main criteria of pathology.

All clinical forms of laryngitis can be divided into several options:

  • Spicy. They usually occur after respiratory viral or bacterial infections. As a rule, they are not isolated. They can also appear as a result of exposure to toxic substances and dust. In acute laryngitis, adverse symptoms, as a rule, disappear completely within two weeks and complete recovery occurs.
  • Chronic. In most cases, the development of these forms is preceded by the same reasons as in acute forms. The disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. In weakened children, laryngitis can worsen up to several times a year. To eliminate unfavorable symptoms, complex treatment is required.

  • Stenotic. Characterized by severe respiratory distress. This occurs as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, due to a strong inflammatory process and swelling of damaged tissues. At an early age, stenosing laryngitis often occurs as a consequence of acute respiratory viral infections or after respiratory viral diseases. In children in the first years of life, the disease is most severe.
  • Allergic. The development of these forms is facilitated by various allergens that enter the body. Allergic laryngitis occurs only in children who have individual hypersensitivity to any foreign component. Characterized by a chronic course.

To eliminate adverse symptoms, a prescription is required antihistamines, and in severe cases of the disease - even hormones.


After the end of the incubation period, the sick baby develops various unfavorable manifestations of the disease. The degree of their severity may vary. In infants in the first months of life, the disease is most severe. You can suspect the disease at home. When the first signs of illness appear, you should definitely show your baby to a doctor.

The inflammatory process in the larynx manifests itself:

  • Changing your voice. The baby begins to wheeze or speak in a lower tone. In severe cases, the child cannot pronounce words, speaking only a few syllables. Some babies experience complete loss of voice.
  • The appearance of a cough. It can be either dry or with phlegm. The intensity of the cough can vary: from a slight cough to an annoying one. It bothers the baby mainly during the daytime, however, it can also occur at night. Bacterial laryngitis is accompanied by the appearance of a productive cough.

  • Marked weakness. The child's well-being is greatly affected. He becomes lethargic and drowsiness increases. The baby often refuses his favorite treats, and infants do not attach well to the mother’s breast. During the night the child often wakes up. If there is a persistent cough, the baby’s well-being only worsens.
  • Increasing temperature. Mild forms of laryngitis occur with low-grade fever. With a more severe course of the disease, body temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees. Against the background of such an increase, the child often experiences chills or fever. Typically, fever can be reduced very well with antipyretics.
  • Swelling of the throat. The inflammatory process in the larynx leads to severe breathing problems. The mucous membranes become loose and swollen. Severe swelling contributes to impaired voice production and breathing.

  • Pain when swallowing. Often appears when a child has signs of pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Eating solid foods increases pain and reduces appetite. Excessively cold or hot drinks can also increase pain when swallowing.
  • Sore throat. This symptom can be of varying intensity, however, it always brings discomfort to the baby. Eating foods that are too sour or spicy can make your irritation worse.
  • The appearance of a whistling sound when breathing. Occurs in the stenosing form of laryngitis. The more pronounced the narrowing, the more pronounced this clinical sign appears.

This symptom is extremely unfavorable. If a whistling sound occurs when breathing, be sure to immediately show your baby to the pediatrician.

  • Violation of behavior. Severe breathing defects lead to tissue oxygen hypoxia. With a long course of the disease, this affects the baby’s behavior. The child becomes more capricious and often gets irritated over little things. Many familiar actions become uninteresting for him.
  • An attack of suffocation. Occurs with severe stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx. Usually appears suddenly, in the midst of complete well-being. This condition requires emergency medical care. In some cases, the baby’s condition becomes critical: he may lose consciousness and even fall into a temporary coma.


If you notice the first signs of difficulty breathing, be sure to show your baby to the doctor. If your child has a high temperature, you should not take him to the clinic on your own. In this case, it is better to call a doctor at home. The doctor will conduct a full clinical examination and be able to establish a presumptive diagnosis.

To verify and confirm laryngitis, additional tests are required. They help to establish the cause of the disease, and also allow us to determine the severity of functional disorders. Most tests can be done at the clinic completely free of charge. The list of studies is compiled by the attending physician after examining the child.

For diagnostics various forms laryngitis is used:

  • General blood test. An increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the presence of children's body infections. To identify a virus or bacterial cause diseases, the leukocyte formula is analyzed. An increase in neutrophils indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. Almost all forms of laryngitis occur with accelerated ESR.
  • Bacteriological culture of sputum to establish sensitivity to antibiotics and bacteriophages. The test is prescribed only if the child has a productive cough with sputum. This laboratory test quite accurately allows you to clarify the source of infection. The disadvantage of the study is the duration of the study. It takes 10-14 days to clarify the causative microorganisms.

  • Radiography. The study is of an auxiliary nature and is used to exclude complications of the underlying disease. X-rays of the lungs are performed only in children over two years of age.
  • Laryngoscopy. The study is carried out by a pediatric otolaryngologist. The doctor uses a special instrument - a laryngoscope - to examine the larynx from the inside. This visual examination allows the specialist to identify all inflammatory changes and pathologies present in the this body breathing. Typically, laryngoscopy does not cause pain or significant discomfort in the child.

First aid

If an acute cough occurs, first of all, the attack should be relieved. Antitussives are suitable for this. If suffocation occurs, then first of all you should ensure a flow of fresh air into the room. To do this, you can open a window or window. Fresh air will help relieve the symptom of difficulty breathing.

Usually during an attack the child becomes very restless. Be sure to try to calm the baby. Infant you can take it in your hands.

Under no circumstances should parents panic! This will only complicate the situation and prevent them from making decisions adequately.

Various bronchodilators are used to relieve difficulty breathing. These include short-acting bronchodilators. For example, inhaled drugs based on salbutamol. Combination medications are also suitable for improving breathing. Usage " Beroduala» through a nebulizer will help normalize breathing and promote good bronchial conduction.

If a child has signs of allergic laryngitis, then it may often be necessary to eliminate an attack of suffocation. hormonal drugs. In pediatric practice, medications based on prednisolone or dexamethasone are used. Sometimes it is quite difficult to quickly cure a severe cough attack at home. In these cases, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.


Treatment of laryngitis in children is usually complex. To eliminate unfavorable symptoms, several groups of medications are required. Viral laryngitis can usually be cured in 5-7 days. Bacterial forms require longer-term regimens drug therapy. On average, such variants of the disease can be cured in 2 weeks.

The choice of treatment remains with the attending physician. The treatment regimen depends on the cause of the disease, as well as the age of the child and the presence of chronic diseases. The choice of dosage, frequency and timing of use of drugs is made taking into account age indications. The effectiveness of the prescribed therapy is monitored in the middle of the prescribed treatment cycle and at its completion.

To treat laryngitis in children, the following are used:

  • Antitussives. Helps eliminate annoying cough. Can be used in the form of inhalations, sprays, syrups or tablets. Typically, drug manufacturers try to offer medications in a variety of fruit flavors. Kids like these sweet additives.
  • Antiseptics for the throat. They help eliminate soreness and “scratching” in the baby’s throat. They are prescribed for 7-10 days, 3-4 lozenges per day. Usually used in children over three years of age, who can keep the drug in their mouth until completely absorbed. Long-term use of these drugs may cause adverse side effects in the child. Treatment of tonsils " Lugol"In a child with laryngitis, it often does not bring a positive result.
  • Antipyretic. Prescribed by a doctor when body temperature rises above 38 degrees. In pediatric practice, medications based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are used.

The use of aspirin in young children is extremely undesirable, as it can cause various side effects. The effect of using drugs is usually assessed 4-6 hours after administration.

  • Antihistamines. Used when allergic forms laryngitis Prescribed mainly in the form of tablets or sweet syrups. Well tolerated by children, practically without causing side effects. Suitable antihistamines include: "Loratadine", "Suprastin", "Claritin" and others.
  • Immunostimulating. May be systemic or local. For mild forms of the disease, lozenges are prescribed that have a stimulating effect on the cells of the immune system. If the baby has an immunodeficiency state, then these drugs are prescribed in the form of injections for a course of treatment. The decision to prescribe such treatment is made by an immunologist.
  • Bronchodilators. They are used for bronchial conduction disorders and severe respiratory deficiency. To achieve the best effect of treatment, doctors suggest using a nebulizer. With its help, the smallest particles of the medicine quickly enter the respiratory tract. Bronchodilators are used in children with signs of bronchial obstruction.

  • Therapeutic and protective regime. For a quick recovery, the child should follow the correct daily routine. For the entire acute period of the disease, he is prescribed therapeutic, gentle nutrition. The duration of daytime and night sleep is also regulated, and active games are also limited.
  • Antibacterial agents. Prescribed for the treatment of bacterial forms of laryngitis. Usually written out for 7-14 days. Modern antibiotics are used to eliminate microorganisms from the body. wide range actions. Monitoring the effectiveness of prescribed therapy is assessed 3-4 days after the first dose of the drugs.
  • Antiviral and antifungal drugs. Prescribed for the treatment of relevant clinical forms. For mild cases of the disease, they are prescribed in tablet form. Laryngitis, which is quite severe with numerous unfavorable symptoms, requires the prescription of injectable forms of medications.

  • Physiotherapeutic methods. They are used when the exacerbation subsides and for the treatment of chronic forms of laryngitis. Ultrasound, magnetic therapy, electrotherapy and light therapy are indicated to eliminate unfavorable symptoms of the disease. Physiotherapy can also significantly improve the child’s well-being and strengthen the immune system.
  • Hormonal drugs. They are discharged extremely rarely. They are used mainly for the treatment of persistent forms of allergic laryngitis. Long-term use can cause numerous side effects. The use of drugs without appropriate doctor's prescriptions is unacceptable.
  • Antispasmodics. Used to eliminate spasms from internal organs. They help normalize breathing in babies who have a spastic component in their breathing. It is often used as an antispasmodic in children's practice. "No-shpa" or "Drotaverine".


Currently, there are a huge variety of different medications that help eliminate the adverse symptoms of laryngitis. Most of them have a good spectrum of tolerability and are approved for use in children.

When using medications, remember that they may cause allergic reactions! To prevent this, you should always consult with your doctor before using the drug.

To eliminate the adverse symptoms of the disease, the following medications will be useful:

  • Ambrobene. Helps cope with productive cough. Eliminates phlegm and improves breathing. Often prescribed in syrup form. Can be used on its own for up to 4-5 days. Longer use is discussed with your doctor.
  • Miramistin. Used as a local antiseptic for the mouth and throat. Copes with various pathogens. The drug is safe and is used in very young children. Miramistin is prescribed for the treatment of both acute and chronic laryngitis.

  • Lazolvan. An antitussive that improves sputum discharge. Prescribed for the treatment of cough that occurs when various diseases respiratory tract. It is well tolerated and does not cause side effects in children.
  • Sinekod. Refers to centrally acting antitussives. It acts directly on the cough center located in the brain. The drug is not addictive. Taking this medication helps improve breathing and normalize spirometry (external lung function tests).

  • Erespal. Has bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used for spastic and obstructive types of laryngitis. Not for use in children under two years of age. Taking the drug allows you to eliminate even severe cough.
  • Tonsilgon. A complex product containing several active biological substances: marshmallow root, chamomile, horsetail, walnut leaves, yarrow herb and others. This natural composition helps the drug have a pronounced therapeutic effect. The use of the product helps to cope with the unfavorable symptoms of laryngitis and has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the immune system.

Treatment at home

You can treat laryngitis yourself at home. However, such therapy is only suitable for diseases that occur in fairly mild form. Laryngitis with severe intoxication symptoms or occurring with complications should be treated in a hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. The pediatrician observing the baby must decide whether the baby needs to be hospitalized.

If the doctor allows the child to stay at home, then you can use some traditional medicine methods. They are usually based on the use of various medicinal herbs. Such home remedies help to effectively cope with various adverse symptoms of laryngitis in a fairly short time. They help eliminate cough and also normalize breathing.

The following home remedies are suitable for treating laryngitis at home:

  • Sage decoction. It is used both for rinsing and internally. To prepare the medicine, take 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Use the decoction to gargle 3-4 times a day.
  • Chamomile decoction. Helps relieve sore throat. Chamomile has an excellent antiseptic effect. Use this remedy You can do it 3-4 times a day for a couple of weeks. Chamomile decoction can also be used for chronic laryngitis during remission to prevent new exacerbations.

  • Rinse with calendula decoction. This wonderful budget medicine from your home medicine cabinet will help cope with inflammatory changes in the oral cavity. Calendula has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and also has a detrimental effect on various types pathogenic microorganisms. Rinsing with calendula decoction should be done 30-40 minutes after eating.
  • Phytocollections. They contain various combinations of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Can be used in children even at a very young age. Most often used in the form of phytopackages. To enhance the immunostimulating effect in ready-made tea you can add a teaspoon of honey (if the baby is not allergic to this product).

Daily routine

During the acute period of illness, the child must comply with the medical and protective regime. During this time, all active games should be limited. During the cold season, any walks are excluded. Frosty air entering the inflamed respiratory tract can provoke an attack of hacking cough or even cause suffocation in the baby.

You can go for a walk with your baby after his health has stabilized. During high body temperature, it is unacceptable to go outside. If there are several children living in a family, then, if possible, they should be placed in different rooms. This forced measure will help reduce the likelihood of a healthy child becoming infected from a sick one.

During the acute period of illness, all children are prescribed a special diet. It contains no fatty or fried foods. The food consumed must be prepared in a gentle manner. Cooking in a double boiler and slow cooker, as well as stewing, are perfect for this.

During the acute period of illness, meat and fish products are best consumed in crushed form (cutlets, meatballs, quenelles and soufflés). Such gentle treatment will help prevent additional trauma to the inflamed mucous membranes.

The baby's food should be high in calories. A large share of the diet comes from high-quality protein products.

Drinking plenty of warm fluids is required to eliminate bacterial and viral toxins from the body. Various fruit and berry fruit drinks, juices and infusions are well suited as drinks. Compotes made from dried fruits are also suitable. On average, a sick child should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. Infants can be fed with boiled water.

As additional sources useful substances During the acute period of illness, various multivitamins are suitable. They contain all the necessary micro- and macroelements needed for a quick recovery. The use of these drugs also helps strengthen the immune system and improve the child’s well-being.

When can you swim?

In the acute period of the disease, it is better to limit long-term water treatments. In children with high temperature body, they can significantly aggravate the course of the disease. After normalization of indicators, you can return to your usual lifestyle. During the period when the exacerbation subsides, it is better to give preference to a hygienic shower rather than sitting for a long time in the bath.

Hygiene procedures should be carried out daily. To do this, children should use regular washes. You can add a decoction of chamomile or calendula to the water. These medicinal herbs have a pronounced antiseptic effect and help strengthen the immune system.


Doctors believe that laryngitis is not dangerous. However, this belief is true only for mild forms of the disease. Even a simple illness can cause various adverse effects. If the disease is severe or occurs in a child in the first months of life, complications often develop.

Adverse effects of laryngitis include:

  • Changing the timbre or volume of your voice. It often becomes hoarse or quite quiet. This condition may be temporary. Various physiotherapeutic procedures are well suited to eliminate hoarseness in the voice.

  • Transition from an acute to a chronic process. Usually observed after poor quality treatment or due to late diagnosis of the disease.
  • Development of purulent formations in the neck area. The most dangerous of them are abscess and phlegmon. When purulent formations break through, critical health complications can arise. In some cases, this leads to the development of sepsis.


To prevent illness, use the following recommendations:

  • Follow the flow of any infectious diseases in a child. Children who often suffer from colds are at risk. Such kids must undergo preventive measures to strengthen the immune system.
  • All carious teeth must be treated on time! Presence of infection in oral cavity is often the root cause of laryngitis in children. Regular visits to the pediatric dentist should become a good habit for every child.
  • Do not allow your child to drink very cold or hot drinks. All liquid entering the body should be at room or comfortable temperature. This will help prevent many diseases of the larynx and pharynx, and will also be an excellent prevention of sore throat.

  • Teach your baby to healthy image life. Correct and good nutrition, enriched with protein foods, promotes excellent health and helps strengthen the immune system. Make sure that your child has fruits and vegetables on his table every day.
  • Observe quarantine. During mass outbreaks of infection, the child should be at home. This will help prevent infectious diseases in children attending various educational institutions.
  • Strengthen your immune system. Regular physical activity, selected by age and taking into account physiological characteristics baby, will help to significantly improve his health indicators. Hardening is also an excellent way to normalize and strengthen the immune system.


Treatment of laryngitis in children at home should certainly be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. As a rule, a local pediatrician visits a sick child at certain intervals and monitors the condition over time.

Laryngitis is quite often diagnosed in children and is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Acute laryngitis is more common in older children. Symptoms can develop either gradually or progress rapidly, causing a rapid deterioration in the general condition. Depending on the severity of the disease, body temperature may not increase or, on the contrary, reach febrile levels (38.1–39 °C).

Acute laryngitis is characterized by hypersensitivity of the larynx. Children may complain of a dry, sore, and burning throat. Hoarseness of voice and a dry, painful, convulsive cough appear. There may be pain when swallowing. A dry cough may be replaced by a wet cough with the release of mucous or mucopurulent sputum.

Causes and mechanism of development of laryngitis

When studying the causes and mechanism of development of laryngitis, it is necessary to take into account the age-related anatomical and physiological features of the development of the larynx in children:

  • the larynx in young children is located high, in boys and girls under 3 years old it has the same length;
  • intensive growth of the larynx, vocal and vestibular folds, and epiglottis begins at 4 years of age;
  • the funnel-shaped shape of the larynx begins to change to cylindrical from the age of 5;
  • an abundance of lymphatic slits and vessels in the larynx, a large number of thin-walled blood vessels, mucous glands, extensive accumulation of lymphoid tissue is typical for children of all ages;
  • the tendency of the larynx to convulsions and spasms when irritated is explained by the lability of the nervous system in children, mainly of an early age;
  • the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx in young children very quickly spreads to the larynx, which is associated with the small distance from the oral cavity to the glottis with a high larynx;
  • the lumen of the larynx in children is narrow, and the vocal folds are short, so even a slight inflammation of the mucous membrane can lead to stenosis, significantly aggravating the child’s condition;
  • vocal folds in children under one year of age are more susceptible to inflammatory and traumatic damage due to anatomical and physiological immaturity.

The cause of inflammation of the larynx can be:

  • viral, bacterial or fungal infection;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • domestic injuries;
  • presence of a foreign body;
  • surgical interventions;
  • burns: chemical, thermal, electrical, radiation;
  • inhalation of cold air;
  • overstrain of the vocal apparatus;
  • difficult nasal breathing, in which the child begins to breathe through the mouth;
  • drinking cold drinks;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vegetative neuroses.

Under the influence of an exogenous or endogenous irritant, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx occurs: hyperemia, pinpoint infiltration, and serous permeation of the tissues appear. Increased penetration of leukocytes through the interepithelial spaces and increased work of the mucous glands contribute to ruptures, desquamation and partial rejection of the columnar epithelium of the larynx.


Depending on the course of inflammation, acute and chronic laryngitis are distinguished.

According to the prevalence of the inflammatory process, acute laryngitis can be:

  • diffuse, or diffuse;
  • limited.

Forms of pathology according to the nature of the course:

  • catarrhal;
  • stenosing;
  • hyperplastic, or hypertrophic;
  • atrophic;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • phlegmonous;
  • diphtheria.
Before you start taking any medications, especially antibacterial ones, you must consult a doctor and select a treatment regimen depending on the etiological agent that caused the inflammation.

Depending on the etiology, laryngitis can be:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal, or laryngomycosis;
  • traumatic;
  • allergic.

Acute laryngitis can be a manifestation of many infectious diseases (influenza, measles, scarlet fever, etc.).

If treatment is untimely or inadequate, a chronic form of the disease may develop.


The diagnosis is made by a doctor based on examination data, complaints from the child and parents, test results and instrumental studies.

The main diagnostic method is laryngoscopy. In young children, the examination may be difficult due to the narrow, grooved shape of the epiglottis. Modern fiber laryngoscopes allow you to display images on the screen and record videos.

In the diffuse form of acute laryngitis, diffuse hyperemia and swelling of the laryngeal mucosa are determined. In a limited form of the disease, hyperemia and swelling of the vocal folds, interarytenoid and subvocal space are noted. On the surface of the mucous membrane, dilated blood vessels. A viscous mucopurulent secretion is detected in the lumen of the larynx. During phonation, the vocal folds do not close completely, and the glottis has an oval shape.

Dr. Komarovsky and many other pediatricians recommend using folk remedies only in addition to the main therapy, having previously agreed with your doctor.

To identify the causative agent of the infectious lesion, secretions from the mucous membrane of the larynx are collected. Bacteriological culture allows you to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

To exclude bronchopneumonia, a chest x-ray may be prescribed.

Treatment of laryngitis in children

How to treat laryngitis in a child 2 years old and younger? How to effectively and safely treat laryngitis in a child 3 years old and older? In order to analyze these issues, it is necessary to take into account not only age characteristics, but also a form of laryngitis, general condition body, the presence of concomitant somatic pathology.

  • bed rest;
  • voice rest;
  • exclusion of irritating drinks and foods;
  • plenty of warm drinks;
  • alkaline mineral waters.

Distractive procedures are used: hot foot baths or mustard plasters on the calves.

To relieve cough, expectorants are prescribed (marshmallow root, Gerbion, Lazolvan). It is unacceptable to take expectorants and antitussives at the same time.

Among herbal remedies, it is recommended to use Tonsilgon N, containing expectorant herbs (marshmallow root, chamomile flowers, dandelion, pine buds). The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Due to the normalization of lymphocyte function, it has an immunostimulating effect.

If a bacterial infection is suspected, etiotropic treatment plays an important role. Given the global spread of antibiotic resistance in infectious agents, the use of antibiotics must be taken seriously.

Before you start taking any medications, especially antibacterial ones, you must consult a doctor and select a treatment regimen depending on the etiological agent that caused the inflammation.

Duration antibacterial treatment on average is 7–10 days. Depending on the suspected pathogen, protected penicillins, cephalosporins, and macrolides are prescribed.

To reduce tissue swelling, antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil) are used.

Carried out in a hospital setting local treatment, which includes infusion of an emulsion of peach oil, hydrocortisone and an antibacterial drug into the larynx.

Among physiotherapeutic procedures positive effect provide:

  • inhalation of humidified oxygen;
  • infusion of trypsin and chymotrypsin into the larynx;
  • electrophoresis of hyaluronidase or 1% potassium iodide;
  • the effect of a therapeutic laser on the larynx area.

When the tissues of the larynx become inflamed, stenosis is possible, accompanied by difficulty or even impossibility of breathing. It occurs due to swelling and infiltration of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, muscle spasm and hypersecretion of glands with accumulation of mucopurulent discharge in the lumen of the larynx.

The child develops a barking cough, shortness of breath when inhaling, the skin and visible mucous membranes turn pale, and the nasolabial triangle and fingers become blue.

Infection of the larynx most often occurs in a descending manner when inhaling contaminated air, inflammation of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses or tonsils. An ascending path is also possible - with tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

What to do during development emergency with specific and nonspecific laryngitis?

Providing first aid for laryngitis in children at home in case of development of laryngeal stenosis includes the following points:

  • call an ambulance;
  • ensure maximum air flow into the room;
  • help the child take a sitting position (for the participation of auxiliary muscles in the act of breathing);
  • free from restrictive clothing.

For mild attacks, a warm alkaline drink is often given; for fever, paracetamol or ibuprofen (orally or rectally).

Inhalation of budesonide suspension through a compressor nebulizer helps well.

Judging by positive feedback and recommendations of doctors, one of effective drugs is Berodual. It has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, normalizes the secretion of mucous glands. For inhalation it is recommended to use a nebulizer. As a result of the procedure, the child’s cough decreases and breathing becomes easier.

Dr. Komarovsky and many other pediatricians recommend using folk remedies only in addition to the main therapy, having previously agreed with your doctor. Anti-inflammatory effect is exerted by:

  • chamomile extract;
  • nut leaves;
  • yarrow herb.


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