How to activate your brain. How to improve memory and brain function? — Exercises, folk remedies, drugs

Loss of memory and cognitive function can be a natural part of aging. The decrease in estrogen during menopause can also cause problems with memory and concentration. There are very serious illness brain disease, which most often affects people over sixty years of age - Alzheimer's disease.

Whether it's due to aging, hormonal changes, health problems, or other factors, many of us suddenly discover, without much pleasure, that our memory is no longer as reliable as it used to be.

Maybe you would like to know how to make your brain work at its full potential? If you encourage your thinking organ to work, as they say, at 100 percent, creating all the proper conditions for this, you can not only improve its functions now, but even prevent the possible onset of Alzheimer's disease in the future.

Seven ways to activate your brain

So, we begin to talk about how you can strengthen your intellectual capabilities, prevent mental aging and perhaps even increase your life expectancy. You might be surprised that not only do such strategies exist, but many of them are easily achievable. You just need to get rid of some everyday habits and acquire a few new ones instead. Here are the ways to activate the brain we are talking about:

Sports and physical activity

In addition, physical activity stimulates nerve cells to multiply, strengthening the connections between them and protecting them from damage. During exercise, nerve cells produce proteins known as neurotrophic factors; these proteins cause the appearance of numerous other chemicals, which ensure the good condition of neurons and even the growth of new nerve cells.

(Remember the popular saying that nerve cells do not regenerate? As it turns out, this is not true!) Proteins produced by the body during physical activity significantly improve cognitive function, including the ability to learn. In addition, exercise provides a protective effect for the brain by: producing new connections between nerve cells; increasing blood flow to the brain; improving neuronal development and survival; risk reduction cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke. In 2010, American experts conducted research on primates.

These studies showed that physical exercise led to amazing results: Monkeys began to learn and perform new tasks twice as fast. Additionally, such exercise stimulates mitochondria, which produce energy in every cell in your body; which means they help the brain work faster and much more efficiently. Researchers believe that this is true not only for monkeys, but, with 100 percent probability, for humans as well.

Full sleep

It is necessary not only to restore your physical body, but also to unload your psyche; in doing so, you get the opportunity to see new creative solutions to old problems. It’s not for nothing that they say that “the morning is wiser than the evening”! Sleep takes off the blinders and helps reset your brain to look at a problem from a different perspective, which is critical to creative resolution. Good sleep also helps strengthen memory and improves performance when required to perform complex skills. In fact, getting at least eight hours of good sleep can impact your ability to think clearly the next day.

So-called neural plasticity underlies the brain's ability to control human behavior, including learning and memory. And it is during sleep that connections between neurons strengthen and their plasticity increases. This is why lack of sleep significantly reduces a person's mental abilities. You've probably noticed that even a short nap in the middle of the day significantly improves brain performance.

Complete Nutrition: Omega-3 Fats

Even though it's not medical article, but it is simply impossible not to talk about the effect on the active functioning of the brain of some components that should be present in our diet. If you really want to make your brain work “at 100 percent,” then your nutrition should also be nutritious at “100 percent.” Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, is an essential structural component of our brain. Approximately sixty percent of our brain is made up of fat, twenty-five percent of which is DHA. DHA is also an important structural component of human breast milk, and this is believed to be the main reason why breastfed babies breastfeeding, always score higher on IQ tests than artificial children.

DHA is found in high concentrations in neurons - the cells of your central nervous system. When you don't get enough omega-3 fats in your diet, nerve cells become stiffer and more prone to inflammation as the missing omega-3 fats are replaced by cholesterol and byproducts of omega-6 fat metabolism. As soon as such a substitution occurs, the correct transmission of impulses from cell to cell and within the cell itself is disrupted.

The effects of omega-3 fats on mental health have been the subject of intense research over the past four decades, and there is strong evidence that these fats may help reduce the symptoms of various degenerative brain disorders.

For example, age-related memory loss and Alzheimer's disease are directly linked to low levels of DHA. Even more exciting results from such studies are data that directly indicate that with the use of omega-3 fatty acids Not only are degenerative diseases preventable, they are even potentially reversible! For example, in one study, four hundred and eighty-five older adults with memory impairment showed significant improvement compared to a control group after taking nine hundred grams of DHA per day for twenty-four weeks.

Omega-3 fats must be obtained from food, since our body is not able to produce them itself. Foods rich in omega-3 fats should be present in our diet daily, and in particular these are fish and seafood, liver, flaxseed oil, walnuts, soybeans, dark green leafy vegetables.

Complete Nutrition: Vitamin B12

This vitamin, or rather its absence, can be catastrophic for your brain health. According to recent research, people with high levels of vitamin B12 deficiency score lower on cognitive tests and also have smaller overall brain volume. Some confusion and memory problems should be warning signs that you may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Research conducted by Finnish scientists has shown that people who consume foods rich in this vitamin can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in old age; For every one unit increase in vitamin B12 markers, the risk of developing the disease decreased by two percent. Research by these specialists has also shown that supplements with B vitamins, including vitamin B12, help slow brain atrophy in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (brain atrophy is the most characteristic feature Alzheimer's disease).

Vitamin B12 is only available in its natural form from animal food sources. These are seafood, beef, chicken, pork, milk and eggs. If you are not 100 percent sure that your diet is sufficiently complete, then you can consult a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe these vitamins for you.

Vitamin D

This vitamin has a pronounced effect on the active growth of nerve cells in the brain and on metabolism in the hippocampus and cerebellum - areas of the brain that are involved in planning, processing information and the formation of new memories (i.e. the memory of what just happened). It is vital that mothers get enough vitamin D during pregnancy to ensure their baby's brain functions normally after birth.

In older people, low levels of vitamin D also lead to poorer brain function, while adequate levels help maintain mental health in older people. Vitamin D is produced by our bodies; the only condition is sufficient sun exposure.

Listening to music

It has long been assumed that by listening to tunes, you can stimulate your brain to work much more actively. You've probably heard of the “Mozart effect,” which suggests that listening to the composer's works sharpens the listener's intellect. Well, we would say that this is not 100 percent true, but only because it is not only about the genius of Mozart.

Research has shown that any classical music can make you smarter. It was experimentally found that listening to music increased the level of cognitive abilities of the subjects, with signs of improved speech fluency and fluency more than doubling. Listening to music was also associated with increased cognitive brain function and improved mental concentration in healthy adults. So take the first opportunity and turn on your player - you will both enjoy good music and benefit your mind.

"Charging" for the brain

The number and structure of neurons and the connections between them depend on how much you use your thinking organ. One of the most simple ways Keeping your brain healthy means constantly learning something new. Moreover, this does not have to be training in the literal sense of the word; you can read new books, travel, try to play a musical instrument, or speak a foreign language more often. You can try to perform familiar actions in a new way; for example, brushing your teeth, holding the brush not in your right hand, but in your left hand.

Well, actually “charging” is also very important for your brain! It could be something simple. For example, you can give yourself the task of remembering everyone famous people, whose last name begins with the letter "S". You can solve crosswords - it's banal, but they really train our memory well! Or you can play board games that force you to think about every move. Studies have shown that even surfing the web activates parts of the brain associated with decision-making and complex reasoning. Which, by the way, cannot be said about passively watching TV.

Memorize to improve your memory. The brain is like a muscle - if you don't use it, it will decline in function over time. This is especially true for memory. By forcing your brain to work - memorizing new songs, poems or first and last names - you will improve the performance of your memory subsystems. It is very useful to do calculations in your head, and not on a calculator, solve Sudoku, solve a Rubik's cube or other three-dimensional puzzles - all this will increase brain function and significantly improve memory.

Commandments for a healthy brain and good memory

It is important to understand that good memory important for our emotional well-being, as difficulties with this brain function tend to lead to stress and serious cognitive impairment. To increase the functionality of your brain, make it a rule to follow these natural ways memory performance improvements:

Avoid stress and depression

Clear your mind of negative thoughts and learn to relax. Learn to see positive things around you, and get used to treating failures as an opportunity to learn important lessons for yourself on the path to achieving success.

Ensure your sleep is healthy and truly restful

To do this, it is important to maintain a sleep-wake schedule, distribute tasks in such a way that by the evening your head is free from worries, maintain the optimal temperature in the bedroom and not overeat at night. Remember that sleep is critical to the normal functioning of your brain; it is a way of processing information received during the day.

Provide good oxygen flow to your brain

Try to give yourself physical activity or at least take regular walks - every day for at least thirty minutes. Do you want to get your brain working at full speed early in the morning? Try this simple technique: when you wake up, sit on the edge of the bed, rest your hands on the edges of the bed and pull your knees to your chest several times. Brisk walking for fifteen to twenty minutes is very beneficial. You can walk to work or to your place of study. By starting the day this way, you immediately increase blood circulation and provide your brain with a good portion of oxygen.

You will immediately feel the “fog” leaving your head, your mood will improve, and your thinking will become especially clear and fast. And don't forget to monitor your breathing - not only while physically exercising, but throughout the day. Breathing should be deep, not shallow, to increase the supply of oxygen to the blood.

Use your hands

Try using them to improve your brain function. Remember our suggestion to brush your teeth with your left hand rather than your right? This is one example where you use your opposite hand rather than your dominant hand to perform everyday tasks, and this ends up stimulating your brain. There are tasks that involve the use of fingers - these are various crafts, sewing, painting, building models - everything that is associated with the precision of finger movements. Doing such tasks will also increase the functionality of your brain.

Read more

This is a very good workout for your brain! Well, don’t neglect other opportunities to “pump up” your brain, which we have already talked about.

Stop smoking if you have this habit

According to a report from Harvard Medical School, nonsmokers show significantly higher levels of memory and thinking skills in tests of memory and thinking skills. best results than smokers. Smoking slows the flow of blood and deprives it of a significant amount of oxygen, which leads to a decrease in blood flow to the brain and to its oxygen deprivation.

Feed your brain

In addition to those already mentioned above, try to fill your diet with foods such as pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, carrots, cabbage, beans, nuts, seeds, apricots, oranges and a variety of berries. Very helpful green tea- it is known for its ability to improve brain function and block the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Cook with olive oil - it has a very good effect on the brain. Do not use refined vegetable oils; they do not have the same beneficial qualities as unrefined ones. And eat foods with high content fatty acids. But try to avoid foods high in saturated fat - chips, popcorn, fried foods and the like. They are very harmful both to your brain and to the whole body in general.

Drink plenty of clean liquids

The brain contains a very high percentage of water, so drinking water can increase your energy and apparently helps maintain focus and memory.

Pay attention to a supplement such as ginkgo biloba

Taking this supplement is one of the the best ways improve brain function and significantly strengthen memory.

The main idea we wanted to convey to you is the postulate that if you use your brain, it will remain strong and functional. If you don't use it, it will gradually atrophy.

You can improve your brain function by working on yourself every day, developing good habits and getting rid of bad habits. Increase the complexity of tasks for your brain, and it will always maintain its performance!

There is no limit to perfection! Every reasonable person is motivated to improve their life: an ideal body, comfortable housing, continuous self-development, caring for loved ones, peace of mind and harmony. To achieve all these goals, not much is required: a positive attitude, good health, physical and mental activity. In order to improve brain activity, you can use special medications. It is recommended to use them in courses for preventive purposes, or on the eve of important events - exams, interviews or difficult negotiations. Also, special medications are recommended for use during periods of high mental stress, in the off-season and during periods of nervous exhaustion. The use of medications to improve brain activity is indicated for individuals of different ages. For adolescents and young adults, it is recommended to take medications for the treatment and prevention of neurocircular and vegetative-vascular dystonia. At any age, the drugs are prescribed to persons suffering from osteochondrosis, which prevents normal blood circulation to the brain, as well as for therapy after traumatic brain injury. For mature and elderly people, the use of drugs is necessary to restore brain cells after a stroke, in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the nervous system.

Drugs to improve brain activity have the following actions:

  • Increase reaction speed;
  • Allows you to concentrate your attention;
  • Improve memory;
  • Normalize blood circulation;
  • Increases oxygen supply to brain cells and useful substances;
  • Stabilizes the central nervous system;
  • They have an antioxidant effect.

Brain pills

More and more often you have to repeat the phrase: “Completely out of my memory!”, you forgot about your best friend’s birthday, you can’t absorb the required amount of information at work - you need to take urgent action. You can change your lifestyle, train your memory, or use medicines that stimulate brain function.

All pills to improve performance " gray matter» usually used only when emergency– exams, urgent work, or in complex therapy. True, before you start taking any special means to improve memory and attention, you should weigh the pros and cons and, if possible, consult a doctor.

Popular drugs to improve memory


This drug is familiar to everyone without exception and is the leader in popularity in Russia. It is usually taken to increase mental performance and during stress. Often used by students in preparation for exams and during exams. Available in the form of lozenges. It is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day for a month.


It is usually prescribed to patients with memory impairment, but it is sometimes drunk by completely healthy people in order to improve brain performance. Available in tablet form. Directions for use: course of 30 days, 4.8 g per day. If you need to continue taking it, then the dosage is subsequently reduced and brought to 2.4 g per day.

Bilobil or bilobil forte.

The drug is recommended for decreased intellectual abilities and weakened memory, insomnia and poor concentration. Both drugs are available in capsule form. Bilobil is taken as a course for three months, 1 capsule three times a day. Bilobil forte is taken 1 capsule morning and evening for three months.


With constant stress and strong nervous tension sometimes it is impossible to do without drug treatment. Intelan copes well in such situations, and is also effective in cases of memory impairment and attention problems. Available in the form of tablets or syrup. Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule (2 teaspoons) twice a day after meals. Children under 15 years old should take no more than one spoon in the morning and evening.


The drug is indicated for memory and thinking disorders, sudden mood changes, and irritability. Available in capsule form. The recommended dose for adults is 2 capsules three times a day. The course lasts 1-3 months. Children from 5 years of age are allowed to take Fezam, 1 capsule twice a day, also for a course of up to three months.


Just like glycine, it is popular among students, helping to speed up the learning process and improve memory. It is advisable to take this drug only when prescribed by a doctor. For treatment, it is necessary to take up to 400 mg of the drug per day ( daily norm) three times. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to six months, depending on the disease.


The drug relieves tension, fights stress, normalizes sleep, improves memory and attention. Popular with students during sessions and with athletes, as it helps improve performance and IQ. Available in tablet form. It is recommended to use 100-200 mg once a day in the morning for two weeks.

Vitrum memory.

If there is a decrease in attention, loss of reaction speed and thinking, you can resort to this complex herbal medicine to improve cerebral circulation. Available in tablet form. It is usually recommended to take 1 tablet twice a day for three months.


Ordinary vitamins will not harm you for memory problems. To activate the work of the “gray matter,” vitamins B, E, and C are most needed. The optimal combination of these vitamins can be found in ordinary vitamin E oil capsules and in the simple preparation “Undevit” (available in the form of tablets yellow). You need to take two pieces a day.


Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves metabolic processes in the brain, improves memory and blood supply. Available in tablet form. Adults are recommended to take 0.5 g in the morning and evening before meals. After a week, the dose can be increased to 1 g. The drug should be taken in a course of three weeks to four months.


Normalizes metabolism and stimulates glucose metabolism in the brain, improves blood circulation, improves memory and increases performance. Available in the form of tablets and suspension. The daily dose of suspension for adults is 10 ml three times a day. Tablets are also recommended to be taken three times a day, 2 tablets. It is advisable not to drink encephabol later than three hours before bedtime.


Prescribed for memory and attention disorders, it improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, and activates the supply of oxygen to the brain. Available in the form of tablets and solution in ampoules. Adults should take 2 tablets three times a day. The course of treatment can last from two weeks to two months or longer. Only a doctor can prescribe a drip with Cavinton.


This drug (nootropic drug) stimulates brain function, improves mental activity, strengthens memory and is vascular medicine, increases the stamina and resistance of the body with great mental and physical activity. Available in tablet form. You can drink it at any time without having to tie it to a meal. The recommended dosage for adults with heavy mental stress is up to 0.08 g per day for 1.5 months.


Helps improve metabolism in the brain. Contains a large number of amino acids necessary to improve mental activity and restore memory. Available in the form of a solution in ampoules. It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Ginko biloba

Contains leaf extract of the ginkgo biloba plant. It has an active effect on brain function and is an excellent antioxidant. Available in capsule form. The drug should be taken with meals, 2 capsules twice a day. Usually the course of treatment lasts three months.

It is important what wavelength you tune your brain to after waking up.

Before moving on to specific actions to activate the brain, let's find out its main feature. Your brain adapts to environment, for the specific situation in which you find yourself. When you listen to music, your brain tunes in to receive information. When you play sports, your brain begins to overcome difficulties and strengthen your willpower. When you are engaged in learning, the process of memorizing information and generating new ideas is activated in your head. The brain adapts to every situation and does it quite quickly. This is a huge plus for you, but not knowing what happens next can be disastrous.

The brain adjusts quite quickly after waking up (in the first hour of the day), but it is quite difficult to rebuild the brain for another activity. To do this, you need to reboot, in the truest sense of the word. A full 7-9 hour sleep is a reboot for your brain. Of course, there are many other ways to get yourself into a working mood, but they require serious effort and at least losing 6 hours to adjust. Let's look deep into the problem and work with its roots. I guarantee you, if you do what is written below, your day will be one of the most productive of the whole year.

The root of the problem is in the morning setting of the brain. How you set it up is what you will live with throughout the day. Watching TV/videos in the morning will tune your brain to receive information. All you can do throughout the day is go with the flow and enjoy how your day is run by other idea generators (other people). I think you will not be happy with this situation. There is another important point - the morning meal. This is an important part of a good morning, but unfortunately, it sets your brain up to stay asleep throughout the day. It is better to postpone eating for 45 minutes and activate your brain to generate ideas.

How to activate your brain after waking up?

You only have one hour. How you use it will determine how you spend your entire day.

1. The easiest way is to read an educational book for 45 minutes. The effect will not come immediately, perhaps in the first couple of days you will struggle with sleep and strengthen your willpower, overcoming the temptation to sleep for another 30 minutes. In a week, your brain activity will increase significantly, you will walk down the street and new ideas and thoughts will come to your head. You will act and not put things off, because you spend the first hour of your day tuning your brain with the exact sequence:

1) Take and do - you take and read a book without putting it off for later.
2) Generating information in your head - at the moment of reading, the brain is actively working.
3) Generation of new ideas - at the moment of reading, new ideas come to your field of activity, which you will immediately put into practice. IMPORTANT: you must read educational literature.

2. Conduct an “internal dialogue” for 20 minutes. This will activate your brain to generate new ideas, improve willpower and concentration throughout the day. IMPORTANT: internal dialogue must have a specific goal that you set for yourself.

3. Morning jog for 10-15 minutes. The first couple of days will be difficult, but after two weeks you will be a generator of energy and positivity. Your willpower will strengthen, and your every day will begin with the skill of “taking and doing”, I don’t care that I want to sleep, I got up and ran. IMPORTANT: Listening to music while jogging is prohibited; this will tune the brain to receive information. While jogging, try to mentally concentrate on the question “What would my ideal day be like today?”

4. Do at least something useful that requires you to turn on your brain to generate ideas and thoughts.

Above are 3 examples. 3 working examples that have already been tested by more than 360 people at the “Performance Thinking” training. You can come up with something of your own, but you can use what has already helped many

Original message by Irzeis Thanks a lot!

At what percentage does the human brain work?

Today no one can give an exact answer to this question. Although this question has been interesting to many for a long time. All we can say is that each person uses a different percentage of their brain.

There are more and more options and assumptions every year, the maximum assumption: the human brain works at 18%, and the minimum - 3%.
They say that ordinary person the total number of activated brain clusters is approximately 2-4% of its total mass. The only thing that is reliably known is that no one uses the abilities of the brain 100% of the time. The human brain consists of two hemispheres, one of which is dominant, i.e. leading, and the second is not. Thus, the hemisphere that is not dominant is simply underdeveloped, because We practically don’t use it. Humanity has not yet learned to fully use the full potential of the brain.

The volume of a person's brain and his mental abilities are not directly related. If desired, mental abilities can be developed by giving the brain work.

An exercise to activate the brain and intellectual abilities, which has been known in India for many centuries. This simple technique, popularized throughout the world by Master Choa Kok Sui, quickly increases intellectual potential, sharpens memory and concentration.

Two minutes of exercise will change your life!

Yoga exercise to activate brain activity

For more “advanced” yogis, an ancient Yoga exercise is recommended, which allows them to increase the flow of blood to the brain and enhance the development of centers responsible for superpowers: o).
Moreover, this ancient exercise, taken from Kriya Yoga, is the highest secret eternal youth yogis. The fact is that inverted yoga poses increase activity pineal gland, responsible for all hormonal activity of the body. This is precisely what enhances the release of the youth hormone melatonin, which in people who do not engage in such practices ceases to be released by the age of 24...


There are two main variations of this exercise. It can be performed against a wall or without it.

Place a blanket or rug against the wall.

Lie on the mat in such a way that your legs could be placed on the wall, lie there with your legs raised until you feel a slight rush of blood to your head.

Then lift your body so that it forms a 45-degree angle from the floor.

Support yourself with your hands under your lower back, with your palms facing your fingers away from your body.

The first time, do it for 30 seconds, the next day for one minute. So you can increase the time you spend in this pose by 30 seconds every day.
To keep track of time, you can use the electronic alarm clock on your mobile phone.

After just 30 days, you can easily stay in this mudra for 15 minutes. And this, in turn, will significantly increase brain activity.
Your memory, logical thinking, and intuition will improve. Creative abilities will increase and new talents will be discovered.
The skin of your face will rejuvenate every day, you will no longer need expensive creams and plastic surgery. Truly, one can endlessly continue to describe the advantages of this exercise...


After completing this asana, it is not recommended to stand up suddenly to avoid pressure drop and adverse consequences. You need to lower your feet to the floor, relax and lie on your side for a few minutes. Only after this can you sit down, and only then can you gradually get up.


Brain activation

It is common knowledge that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic and rational thinking. The right hemisphere is responsible for imaginative thinking and intuition.

How can you develop lateral thinking by activating parts of the brain that were not used before? Brain training does not require much time from you, it is enough to spend only 15 minutes during the day.

There is a simple way to look at your brain's capabilities differently. Take 4 white sheets of paper. On the first one, write something in your usual hand from left to right. On the second - also with the usual hand, but in the opposite direction.
On sheets 3 and 4, do the same with the other hand.

The first sheet is the template you should aim for. Repeat your attempts day after day and you will see that you begin to think differently.

This simple exercise makes inactive muscles work. everyday life areas of the brain.
As a result, such training will allow you to make non-standard decisions and find a simple way out of even the most difficult situations, which will be required repeatedly at work and at home.

Activating and balancing both hemispheres of the brain

Psiactive audio program - the use of sound to awaken the limitless potential of human brain development.
It is believed that each person has his own capacity for processing the amount of information in the right hemisphere of the brain. The main part human society The left hemisphere dominates, which is very energy-intensive and consumes large amounts of vital energy.
The right hemisphere provides and regulates energy-informational processes of the whole organism, because by its nature it is associated with visceral (internal) systems.
Using the sound method of activating the right hemisphere, you can increase the energy capacity of the brain several times.

Preferably listen before bed and through headphones!

Some numbers about the brain

Volume human brain makes up 91-95% of the capacity of the skull.

The thickness of the cerebral cortex is 1-2.5 mm.

The brain of men weighs 100-150 grams more than the brain of women.

The speed of signal transmission from one neuron to another is 200 times per second.

Each neuron can store 1 kilobyte of information, and there are 100 billion neurons in the brain.

So, what percentage of the brain is used by a person? To satisfy his natural needs: thirst, hunger, and for reproduction, a person uses 3-4 percent. Communication skills will require another 5 percent, and training another five. If you like to solve puzzles, logic problems, write and learn poetry, read books, solve in your head and not on a calculator and force your brain to work, then you have passed the 14% mark.

We have the same brain as the people who invented string theory and canned beer. But when you can’t remember the capital of the Vatican for the third hour, it seems that it is not the same. And something needs to be done about this. Neurologist Alexander Gravchikov from the Atlas clinic told what exactly.

Ignat Sakharov

Eliminate interference

There is a myth that the brain works at 10%. In fact - always a hundred. But, if you have a feeling that you are still at ten, the reason may not be in the brain at all, but in other organs with which there is a serious disorder.

Liver diseases.

When they occur, bilirubin and ammonia increase in the blood. Both act on the brain like a glass of vodka in the morning on an empty stomach: the person feels sluggish, sleepy and doesn’t want to think. Donate blood for bilirubin, ALT, AST and GGT. If anything is elevated, go to the doctor. Among other things, he will prescribe glutamic acid to remove excess ammonia.

Chronic renal failure.

Ammonia again, even in larger quantities. In addition, diseased kidneys produce less erythropoietin. The number of red blood cells decreases, there is also less oxygen in the blood, and the brain starves. A sign of a problem is an increase in creatinine and urea in tests.

Hidden hypothyroidism.

Unlike the obvious, which is easy to notice by sudden impotence, here it is only difficult to think and makes you sleepy. This is because there are few thyroid hormones, and they affect the speed of thinking. Main sign- increase in blood TSH.

Elevated prolactin levels.

Again, a strong increase is easy to notice: your breasts will grow. Not very big, zero. But even a slight increase gives lethargy and dullness. Prolactin increases in pituitary tumors and a dozen other pathologies.

Strengthen nutrition

If you have not discovered any ailments in yourself, but your brain cannot guess the famous Russian president (five letters vertically), the brain may not have enough nutrition. This does not mean a three-course meal with a vitamin for dessert.


If you're not turning blue yet, it doesn't mean your brain doesn't have enough oxygen. Sedentary work indoors is enough to make him hungry. Banal exercise three times a week will revive your thinking, but as an urgent measure, portable oxygen canisters from a pharmacy and the drug Hypoxen can help.


It can be difficult to concentrate on a low-carb diet. This is because glucose, like oxygen, is the main nutrition of the brain. If diet is very important, but you also need to work, at least throw glucose tablets under your tongue.

Amino acids.

Some of them in the body are converted into neurotransmitters - substances that carry signals between neurons. If you add them to your diet, the signal will improve. These are tyrosine (the precursor of dopamine and norepinephrine) and tryptophan (the precursor of serotonin). They are sold as dietary supplements, but be careful with tryptophan; it cannot be combined with MAOI antidepressants.


Even if you do not have hypothyroidism, a lack of iodine can reduce thyroid hormone levels and slow down mental activity. Use iodized salt, that's enough.

B vitamins.

Almost all of them affect nerve signal transmission, and B6 also reduces prolactin levels. There is a drug called sulbutiamine - this is vitamin B1, modified so that it can easily penetrate the brain. It improves memory and relieves chronic fatigue, but you can take it no longer than a month.

Give acceleration

Suppose you are as healthy as Fedor Emelianenko and your diet is full of amino acids and vitamins. But by the end of the week they asked me to come up with a simple scheme for the takeover of Gazprom through the pledge of bills, and I needed to push my brain to work. Here's what there is for it.


None of them have been studied according to the standards of the American Drug Administration, so they are prescribed only in the countries of the former CIS and in some places in Eastern Europe. But they are actively prescribed, and many say that it helps.


The very first nootropic, born in 1972. Strengthens the effect of the neurotransmitter glutamate on brain receptors. This improves connections between neurons, and therefore memory. Plus, piracetam increases the level of dopamine, which is responsible for motivation.


Improves brain glucose consumption and increases the level of adenosine triphosphate - the main fuel for all biochemical processes. Slightly stimulates the speed of thinking and speeds up reactions.


Enhances the uptake and consumption of glucose, causing the brain to work at maximum speed if there is enough oxygen.



Those students who brew coffee with boiling Red Bull before a test are wasting their energy. Caffeine - main character all legal stimulants, including Red Bull. Even the famous guarana contains exactly this. And chocolate invigorates due to caffeine, and the story about the “love hormone” phenylethylamine is a beautiful fairy tale. It's in chocolate, but it disintegrates in the stomach and doesn't reach the brain.


It is prohibited in our country, but allowed in the West, but only with prescription. And only for the treatment of narcolepsy, apathy and autism. However, many there eat it like M&M’s - for vigor and to speed up thoughts. It’s about the same story with modafinil, which is banned in our country.

Yohimbine and synephrine.

The first is used as an aphrodisiac, the second is used by athletes for drying. Both improve brain function by stimulating the release of adrenaline. For the same reason, you can theoretically catch a stroke.
