Sciatica symptoms and treatment. Sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve): causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

With sciatica comes pain that is sometimes difficult to bear. So, if you have any signs of this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor who specializes in diseases of the spine.

When visiting, the doctor examines the patient for symptoms of the disease, and in some cases prescribes a diagnostic examination. And only if necessary makes recommendations for treatment.

About sciatica in general terms

Sciatica is not an independent disease, and as noted above, it is only a symptom of neurological diseases. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. The beginning of the nerve is located at 5 levels spinal cord, and as a result of the union of the first 3 roots of the sacrum and the last 2 lumbar roots, its formation occurs.

The sciatic nerve is susceptible to diseases and hypersensitivity to a greater extent than others. It is responsible for the functionality of the lower extremities ( motor functions and sensitivity), because its length is along the length of the entire leg.

The nerve, going down, is divided into smaller nerves that branch into the fingers and feet, ankle joint, shin, knee, thigh.

The possible occurrence of sciatica is influenced by various factors:

  • this may also be a consequence of hypothermia;
  • complication due to infection - tuberculosis or influenza;
  • spinal injuries – osteochondrosis, tumor, intervertebral hernia;
  • various changes in the shape of the vertebrae;
  • degeneration of intervertebral discs and their deformation, as well as other factors, can injure nerve endings or lead to pinching.

The list of factors influencing the occurrence of sciatica is long. These are also gynecological diseases, birth injuries, arthritis, constipation and diabetes.

Diagnose inflammation sciatic nerve perhaps in various ways. Clinics often use examinations such as:

  1. radiography;
  2. MRI - magnetic resonance imaging;
  3. CT scan;
  4. electromyography.

With the help of diagnostics using instrumental examination methods, it is possible to examine in more detail the causes of the disease and clarify its localization.

But in most cases, to diagnose inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the doctor will only need to observe the symptoms, characteristic of the disease, as well as signs of deformation of ligaments and muscles.

About the symptoms of sciatic neuralgia

To correctly diagnose the cause of pain and to understand whether existing painful sensations signs of sciatica - it is necessary to take into account the main symptoms of nerve inflammation.

As noted above, the sciatic nerve is This essential element nerve plexus sacrum, which ensures the mobility of the limb and its sensitivity thanks to the nerve endings emanating from it throughout all parts of the leg. It exhibits the function of innervating a fairly large area of ​​the body, while ensuring full functionality of the pelvic organs.

That is why the symptoms directly depend on the area of ​​the nerve root in which the pathological changes are localized.

The symptoms of sciatica vary in nature, duration, severity and location of the lesion:

  • The nature of the pain can be shooting, burning, pulling, stabbing or aching.

    A characteristic feature of sciatica is the attack-like nature of pain: a period of unbearable pain alternates with a period of complete calm or temporary weakening.

  • With sciatica, the nature of the pain is descending: the pain starts from the lumbar region, gradually moving lower and lower, right down to the very tips of the fingers.
  • As a rule, pain is present only in one leg of the patient.

    If pain occurs in both legs, then it will be bilateral sciatica. This pathological process will have a painful effect on a person.

Sometimes such intense pain occurs that the patient is practically paralyzed and his slightest movement - an attempt to sit down, transfer body weight from one leg to the other, or stretching a limb - will cause sharp pain.

There are sometimes such severe pain sensations that a person is unable to carry out completely familiar actions:

  1. sleep well,
  2. stand,
  3. turn or bend.

To a greater extent, the symptoms of the disease are calmer: the pain is much more tolerable and calmer, only a disturbance in sensitivity is felt - tingling, “crawling”, numbness in a certain area.

Sometimes symptoms of nerve inflammation include partial atrophy or slow weakening of some muscles. It is also likely that complications may arise with flexing the lower leg or raising the foot.

With severe sciatica, there is a possibility of fecal and urinary incontinence, since there is damage to the sciatic nerve in the area that is responsible for the functionality of the internal organs.

Sometimes sharp, severe pain is present simultaneously in both the legs and the lumbar region.

Typical symptoms of sciatica are

  1. pain in the gluteal region, which tends to intensify with prolonged standing or sitting;
  2. pain that is constant and runs through the back of the leg;
  3. weakness of the leg muscles and their tension;
  4. sharp pain, which tends to intensify with additional stress - walking, bending, as well as coughing and sneezing;
  5. leg mobility is limited;
  6. sensations of numbness, burning or “crawling”, tingling in the lower part of the limb.

All of the above symptoms help make it easier for a doctor to diagnose the disease. without an examination procedure using instrumental methods. Although in some cases additional diagnostics may be necessary.

Timely identification of the cause of the spine not functioning properly, making a diagnosis as quickly as possible and starting immediate treatment is very important.

Naturally, the diagnosis of a disease that affects the spine will play an important role. Immediate examination and treatment can relieve a person of sciatica.

Therefore, self-medication is strongly not recommended.

For successful diagnosis and treatment, it is better to contact specialized clinics. Remember that every clinic has both positive and negative reviews clients. So the choice is always yours.

A few reviews of the clinics as a conclusion:

“I initially made an appointment with one specialist, but in the end I was seen by a completely different specialist. We had a heart-to-heart talk and it was all done...

He only asked me where I work and by whom, my place of birth and about my complaints. And it's all. The simplest deception is for my own money, which requires me to pay in advance.”


Medical Center "Spine Clinic" - St. Petersburg

“For a week I had a burning pain in my back. That is why I came to the spine clinic. The local doctor was unable to correct the problem with the prescribed treatment; the pain remained.

But at the clinic they did everything necessary and made a diagnosis: back pain, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Here I go and get treatment. The results of the examinations and the treatment were encouraging. When I arrived at the beginning, I barely got up to the office - I couldn’t straighten up. Now I already feel full of vitality.

And an experienced doctor was caught.”

Center for Spine and Joint Health "NATAMED" - Moscow


“I had sciatica, which they helped me identify at the clinic, so I had to go there and now I go once every six months or a year. Very pleased with the staff and the attending physician.

I have absolutely no regrets about choosing the clinic, and I wish you the same – good health and a suitable doctor! I also bought bonus coupons there. Now I want a few more for the full course of treatment.”

“Completely unsanitary. Full of various elementary inconveniences - no rugs, no screens, no toilet paper... I could go on for a long time. But that’s not what I came to the clinic for. Although the attitude towards patients is extremely disrespectful and consumerist.

Not only do they talk on the phone during the reception, the workers resolve issues, but they also leave the office while you are lying on the table, waiting. And the massage therapist is completely preoccupied. And it’s impossible to get medical documents there. And they don’t react to comments there at all.

You should probably contact higher authorities. I was amazed by such a negligent attitude towards clients.”

Sciatica, or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, is a condition characterized by severe pain. The sciatic nerves are the longest and largest. They begin in the lumbar region, pass along the surface of the buttocks, thighs, both legs and reach the fingertips. In case of sciatic nerve disease, it is recommended to immediately begin complex treatment, which consists of using medicines, physiotherapy and gymnastics.

What are the causes of sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is highly sensitive. When nerve endings are pinched or compressed, a person feels pain of varying intensity. It can be weak or unbearable, preventing you from moving normally and leading a normal lifestyle.

Experts identify the following causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve:

  1. Intervertebral disc displacement.
  2. Osteophytes of the spine.
  3. Piriformis syndrome.
  4. Consequences infectious pathologies(flu, and others).
  5. Hypothermia of the body.
  6. Strong physical exercise.
  7. Mechanical damage to the spine or pelvic organs.
  8. Poisoning of the body with alcohol, heavy metals or arsenic.
  9. Chronic diseases (,).
  10. Benign and malignant formations.
  11. Osteoarthritis and spine.
  12. Spinal deformities.

The disease is also quite often diagnosed in pregnant women, since during this period the pelvis shifts, which leads to compression of the sciatic nerve.


The main symptom of sciatica is pain of varying degrees of intensity. Pain often occurs in the buttocks, in the inner bend of the knee, the back of the thigh and lower leg. According to patient reviews, sciatica pain resembles blows sharp object or electric shock. It can bother a person constantly or appear periodically. At first, a mild attack of pain occurs, but over time it intensifies and exhausts the person, impairing his sleep and reducing his quality of life. With any movement, even coughing and sneezing, the patient feels pain.

Usually, with inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the patient is bothered by pain in only one of them, localized in the buttock, behind the thigh, behind the knee along the calf, reaching the foot

In addition to pain, sciatica causes the following symptoms:

  • difficulty bending limbs;
  • decreased sensitivity and numbness;
  • cold feet;
  • goosebumps;
  • muscle weakness in the legs;
  • burning when urinating;
  • chronic;
  • swelling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hyperemia;

With sciatica of the sciatic nerve, the patient cannot sit down or raise a straight leg on his own. The pain intensifies when you try to move your foot. If left untreated, over time the person's gait changes and he begins to limp on the affected leg.

Note! With sciatica, an attack of pain often begins at night. It can be called not only chronic diseases, but a severe stressful situation or nervous shock.

With extensive inflammation, pain can become chronic and constantly remind the patient of itself with relapses.


To determine the cause of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, you should undergo a series of laboratory tests. First, the neurologist checks the reflexes in the lower extremities using a special hammer, then prescribes additional tests.

The most common research method is radiography. It shows what changes have occurred in the lumbosacral spine. If this method turns out to be ineffective, then it will be required. This method is considered the most informative and helps a specialist correctly determine the cause of sciatica and the consequences of the disease.

Note! If benign or malignant formations are suspected, it is necessary to undergo a radioisotropic scan of the spine.

To determine the degree of change in nerve conduction of muscles, one should resort to electroneuromyography.

  • nuts;
  • cauliflower;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • corn;
  • garlic;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus;
  • chicken


To avoid the development of sciatica, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try to always maintain a straight posture.
  2. Avoid falling on your back and injury.
  3. Control your weight.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.
  6. Wear comfortable shoes with low heels.
  7. Don't overload yourself with weights.
  8. Perform strengthening physical therapy exercises daily.

Sciatica is not an independent diagnosis and is only a symptom that can occur in certain diseases.

Sciatica usually appears in middle age. The main peak incidence occurs at 45-55 years of age. In persons under 20 and over 60 years of age, the disease is relatively rare.

Sciatica is a clinical manifestation of irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve trunk in the human body. This nerve is formed by individual spinal roots that originate in the lower part of the spine (L4-S3). Next, this nerve passes through the gap formed by the piriformis muscle, moving to the back of the leg, and providing innervation to the muscles. In the area of ​​the popliteal fossa, it divides into two nerves: the tibial and peroneal.

Causes of sciatica

  1. Herniated disc in the lumbar region. With this disease, damage occurs to the fibrous ring of the disc and protrusion of its internal nucleus pulposus. This leads to pinching and irritation of the spinal roots, which is the cause of sciatica.
  2. . Degenerative changes begin in the intervertebral discs, gradually spreading to the ligamentous and articular apparatus of the spine. Instability of the motor segments and the development of reactive inflammation at the site of the lesion can lead to pinching of the spinal cord roots.
  3. Spondylolisthesis. This is a pathological condition in which there is some displacement (sliding) of the vertebrae in the horizontal plane relative to each other. Spondylolisthesis in the lumbar region may be accompanied by compression of the roots that form the sciatic nerve.
  4. Spinal stenosis. It develops as a result of the proliferation of bone, cartilage or other tissues with their subsequent penetration into the spinal canal. These changes can lead to compression of the spinal nerves. Sciatica caused by spinal stenosis is usually observed in people over 60 years of age.
  5. Piriformis syndrome. The sciatic nerve passes under the piriformis muscle, which can compress it. This provokes irritation, which is accompanied by pain similar to lumboischialgia. However, this condition is not a manifestation of true sciatica.
  6. Sacroiliac joint disorder characterized by an increase (or decrease) in its mobility. This can result in a pinched nerve at the L5 level, causing sciatica.

Clinical picture of sciatica

The sciatic nerve is formed by five pairs of spinal cord roots: two in the lumbar region (L4 and L5) and three in the sacral region (S1 - S3). Depending on the level of compression, pain can be observed in different areas lower limb. When the roots exiting at the L4 level are compressed, pain in the thigh is observed. The knee reflex is reduced. A symptom of sciatica with compression of the roots at the L5 level is pain in the lower leg and ankle. With compression of the roots sacral region pain occurs in the toes and on the outside of the lower leg. The described symptoms can be combined if several spinal nerves are affected.

Symptoms of sciatica

Sciatica can manifest itself with the following clinical symptoms:

  • Constant pain in the gluteal region or upper thigh (in rare cases, it can occur on both sides).
  • Feeling of weakness, numbness and tingling in the leg. Movement difficulties may occur.
  • Sharp pain in the back of the thigh that occurs when changing body position.
  • The pain in the leg increases significantly when sitting. It may subside when walking.

Sciatica can manifest itself as rare or constant attacks of pain, significantly reducing the quality of life. Although the pain of sciatica can be very severe, the likelihood of damage to the sciatic nerve trunk remains minimal.

Treatment methods for sciatica

In most cases it is carried out drug treatment sciatica, however, if the patient’s well-being worsens, surgical correction may be indicated, which is aimed at eliminating the cause of the pain.

Drug treatment is symptomatic and is aimed at reducing pain. For this purpose, use:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(COX-2 inhibitors) such as nimesulide, meloxicam are prescribed to reduce pain.
  2. Oral steroid hormones(hydrocortisone) may be prescribed to reduce reactive inflammation and pain at the site of sciatic nerve compression.
  3. Epidural steroid injections are used for severe pain, and are the option of choice for quickly relieving the symptoms of sciatica.

Treatment of sciatica with folk remedies

To relieve acute pain, especially on initial stage development of the disease, heat and cold compresses can be successfully applied, which can be used alternately. They should be applied to the site of pain for 20 minutes every 2-3 hours.

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is a long-known, well-proven method that is used to treat many diseases, including sciatica. Acupuncture is performed using thin needles that are inserted into the location of the pain.

Some forms of massage have a number of benefits for back pain. The therapeutic effect is achieved by stimulating blood circulation and relaxing muscles. For sciatica, a neuromuscular relaxation technique is used, which involves influencing spasmodic muscles to relieve tension and soreness.

Treatment in Tibetan medicine

In Tibetan medicine, there are several methods for treating sciatica. Good results provides the use of vacuum therapy. IN folk medicine Banks are used for this purpose. Vacuum therapy improves blood circulation at the site of treatment, thereby reducing pain. Along with this treatment method, in Tibetan medicine there is a special set of Ku-Nyo massage techniques, which is a method of massaging a painful area with a jar using various oils.

Also in Tibetan medicine wide use Heat has been used to treat many spinal diseases, including sciatica. One such method is cigar heating, known as moxa. Moxatherapy, carried out at special points, helps to significantly reduce the pain of sciatica.

Disease prevention

Most effective method sciatica prevention is a set of exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening the spinal column. Maintaining the correct position of the vertebrae at their articulations is achieved by strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Stretching exercises are recommended to relieve pain and prevent relapses of the disease.

Useful video

The program "Live Healthy!" about sciatica, its causes and treatment.

Clinic-Union. Issue on the compressive nerve.


Neuritis and neuralgia cause a lot of trouble: numbness, stabbing, cutting pain, lumbago. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, symptoms and treatment of which were previously noted in people 40–60 years old, is rapidly becoming younger. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and poor nutrition become prerequisites for the development of sciatica. Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a long process, which largely depends on the correct diagnosis and determination of the causes of the pain attack.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, otherwise sciatica, is a pain syndrome that occurs in the lumbar region and radiates throughout the leg. The well-known sciatica is one of the manifestations of sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body, very sensitive due to the presence of special fibers. It begins in the lumbosacral region, passes along the surface of the buttock, thigh, and in the lower leg it diverges into smaller processes to the fingertips.

Pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve is caused by compression of the nerve roots. Becomes a consequence of a number of reasons:

  • Intervertebral hernia. As a result of rupture of the fibrous ring, which protects the nucleus pulposus - the shock absorber of the spine during movement - the latter ceases to function normally and displacement occurs. When a vertebra protrudes, as in the photo above, the nerve endings of the sciatic nerve are compressed, causing inflammation. The danger is that the pain factor associated with a hernia is a signal of advanced disease, which in some cases may require surgical intervention.
  • Osteophytes of bones - arthrosis and chondrosis. These are growths that form at the junction of bones (vertebrae). They pinch the roots of the sciatic nerve, causing inflammation.

  • Displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other (spondylolisthesis). Often a consequence of spinal injuries or birth defects.
  • Transferred infectious diseases, often not fully cured.
  • Poisoning, intoxication. There are two types:
    • internal – under the influence of diabetes mellitus;
    • external – when chemical agents enter the body with food and drinks.

  • Tumors.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Inflammation of the piriformis muscle.
  • Pregnancy. A shift in the center of gravity when carrying a child often causes pain in the lumbosacral region.
  • Stress, nervous feelings, depression.

Main symptoms

The variety of causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve determines the difference in the symptoms of the disease. Main common symptom is pain, and symptoms such as elevated temperature, weakness, give a hint about an infectious or viral cause exacerbation of sciatica. For chronic osteoarthritis, destruction of the joint capsule, displacement of discs, intervertebral hernia Characterized by acute relapses with pronounced shooting pain, which gradually descends along the leg to the knee, and then to the foot.

Constant aching, periodically burning pain in a resting position at the initial stage of the disease subsides. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, inflammatory process will not go away: the symptoms may weaken slightly, moving down the leg. Numbness of the limbs, tingling, but no pain in the lower back are symptoms of advanced sciatica, untimely treatment of which sometimes leads to the need for surgical intervention.

What to do and how to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Pronounced symptoms or the first harbingers of the disease are a reason to consult a specialist. Need to put accurate diagnosis, because the specifics of treatment will depend on the identified causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. An X-ray or CT scan, MRI or electroneuromyography will help determine exactly what is causing sciatica.

At the same time, the neurologist examines the degree of damage to the sciatic nerve, conducting special tests for motor reflexes:

  • Achilles tendon,
  • knee joint,
  • checks for the presence of Lassen symptoms (pain on the back of the thigh and lower leg when lifting a straight leg up and forward independently), Bonnet (the same procedure, only the doctor lifts the leg).

Having compared the symptoms, found out the cause of the disease, the degree of damage to the nerve endings and the severity of the inflammation, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  • Drug treatment.
  • Prescribing a set of physical exercises, massages and special therapy.
  • Physiotherapy and radiology (in rare cases).
  • Homeopathic treatment. Special homeopathic ointments and creams will help relieve pain symptoms and reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  • Folk remedy.

Drug treatment

How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve? The first aid for a sharp exacerbation of sciatica will be painkillers:

  • analgin;
  • derivatives with a pronounced direction of action:
    • tempalgin - pain symptoms subside as a result of the action of tempidine - a mild tranquilizer;
    • sedalgin - codeine and paracetamol have an invigorating effect on nervous system, relieving inflammation of the nerve roots;
    • baralgin - antispasmodics in the composition remove muscle inflammation, relieving spasm of the sciatic nerve;
    • pentalgin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - tablets, injections for severe pain, ointments:

  1. Diclofenac (tablets) – anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, pain, swelling. Injections for inflammation of the sciatic nerve of this drug are more effective, but the degree of influence increases side effect on the liver and kidneys. Therefore, they are prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously by a doctor with a minimum interval of 12 hours.
  2. Movalis is a very powerful drug that quickly relieves pain symptoms. Quickly reduces inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The presence of significant side effects requires taking pills under medical supervision for no more than 5 days.
  3. Ibuprofen, Nise, Nurofen are NSAIDs with less pronounced effects. They are good because they affect the peripheral nervous system, relieving inflammation, and muscles, relaxing and removing spasms.
  4. Corticosteroids are prescribed for long-term, persistent pain symptoms. These are hormonal agents that relieve swelling and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

For pregnant women, the doctor will recommend a special treatment for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Taking most medications during this period negatively affects the health of the expectant mother and child, so it is strictly prohibited to use medications without consulting a doctor. The most gentle medicine There will be painkillers - suppositories. Homeopathy will also become one of the possible and safe treatment options.

Physical exercise

The acute period of inflammation of the sciatic nerve in most cases lasts from 5 to 10 days. During this time, it is necessary to ensure a reduction in physical activity and rest for the lumbosacral region, in other words, it is more in a horizontal position, preferably on a hard orthopedic surface. The subsidence of symptoms is not a reason to increase sports activity.

The neurologist determines the time when it is possible to begin treatment of chronic sciatica with therapeutic exercises and exercise. Based on the identified causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve and symptoms, the physiotherapist develops a special program. For pregnant women, it is drawn up by a medical commission, which necessarily includes a gynecologist, therapist, and physiotherapist. Yoga, Pilates, and swimming will be useful.

Massage and reflexology

The use of massage as a treatment method for acute symptoms inflammation of the sciatic nerve is very gentle: stroking and light rubbing. When the pain subsides, you can use more intense techniques - kneading and patting. Will be a good help essential oils and warming ointments. The result will be improved blood flow to pinched nerve endings, relieving tightness and muscle spasms, stimulating the production of endorphins, and reducing swelling.

Reflexology methods - acupuncture, manual acupressure - relieve pain symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Long-term treatment with needles (up to 3 months) can not only eliminate the manifestation of the disease, but also cope with for a long time with the reasons for its exacerbation. Oncology, skin lesions, pregnancy are contraindications to the use of this type of therapy.


In some cases of symptoms of sciatica, when NSAIDs and analgesics do not work, the doctor prescribes novocaine blockades. This drug blocks nerve impulses to the sciatic nerve, relieving the symptoms of inflammation. Nervous behavior (excitement or apathy), inability to move, feeling of pain both standing and lying down are grounds for prescribing a blockade with anesthetics.

How to relieve inflammation with folk remedies

Warming ointments will help relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve at home. Turpentine, camphor ointment, beeswax– will perfectly warm the inflamed area, improve blood flow to the nerve endings, and relieve spasm. A tincture of red pepper and vodka, used as a compress, improves the conductivity of the sciatic nerve and promotes the production of hormones - endorphins. Herbal infusions from calendula, horsetail, thyme and viburnum (2 tablespoons each) per half liter of water must be boiled and, when cooled, taken daily 3 times a day, 100 ml before meals.

Preventing pinched or inflamed nerves

Strong back muscles are the key to the health of the sciatic nerve and the ability to avoid relapses of the disease. Physiotherapy and moderate physical activity, yoga, Pilates will become effective means sciatica warnings. A straight back and slender posture when moving and sitting during the day are the basis for a healthy spine and the absence of inflammation of the nerve processes.

At the first symptoms of a previous attack, women need to give up heels. Swimming on your back and water aerobics treatment will strengthen your back muscles. Hypothermia is another friend of radiculitis, arthrosis and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Warm clothing appropriate for the weather, a closed lower back and warm legs are important conditions for the prevention of sciatica.

Which doctor should I contact to diagnose sciatica?

A neurologist or neurologist will help you identify the symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, carry out diagnostics and find out the cause of the disease. When prescribing treatment, you may need consultation:

  • gynecologist - if the patient is pregnant;
  • surgeon, orthopedist - when the question arises about surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapist – when prescribing physiotherapy.


Special gymnastics will help relieve tension in the lumbar spine and reduce the load on the sciatic nerve. As a preventive measure for sciatica, individual yoga exercises will unblock pinched nerve endings and strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks, and legs. To complete this you will need a gymnastics mat and a desire to get your health in order. Most elements of gymnastics are performed lying on your back or in the “cat” position. Watch our video and repeat the set of movements after the instructor. Within a week you will notice the absence of discomfort in the lumbar region.

Will be discussed in detail below. You will also learn about why this disease occurs and what its symptoms are.

Basic information

Pinching of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms of which are difficult to miss, as well as lumbar radiculitis, accompanied by pinching of the roots of the sacral region, are one and the same disease. The pain syndrome with it is localized in the thigh, lumbar region, foot and lower leg. It also gets worse when walking and coughing.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, it occurs as lumbago, lumbodynia or lumboischialgia.

It is impossible not to say that this is synonymous with pathological condition is sciatica. In medical practice, it is also called neuritis, inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve. Its main symptom is lower back pain that radiates to the leg.

In the absence of proper treatment, the pain syndrome associated with this disease can be weak and unbearable. In the latter case, the sick person can neither sleep nor stay awake normally.

Main reasons

Why does sciatic nerve entrapment occur (symptoms of this condition will be presented below)? Modern medicine states that such a disease may be associated with mechanical (for example, vertebral hernia, vertebral displacement or osteochondrosis) or temperature (for example, severe hypothermia) factors.

It should also be noted that in some cases this pathological phenomenon occurs due to a tumor, Reiter's syndrome, infection, etc.

Besides listed diseases, pain in the buttock radiating to the leg may be associated with the development of the following pathologies:

  • Sciatica, accompanied by compression of nerve fibers by hematoma or post-injection abscesses.
  • Sciatica, accompanied (including with syndrome
  • Neuropathy associated with metabolic disorders (including alcoholism, diabetes mellitus And so on).
  • Injury to the sciatic nerve caused by improper injection, fractures of the femur and pelvis.
  • Sciatica, which developed against the background of neuropathy under the influence of certain toxic substances.

Before I tell you about how to cure the sciatic nerve, I should tell you that adults most often suffer from this disease. Sciatica develops much less frequently at the age of 20-26 years. In addition, this disease can occur in the last months of pregnancy due to the fact that the load on the spinal column of the expectant mother increases significantly.

Other causes

Why does sciatica occur (symptoms and treatment of this disease will be presented below)? There are many reasons for the development of this disease. The most common factors are the following:


Where does the sciatic nerve hurt? What is its location? Experts say that these are the two longest and largest nerves in the human body. They run on both sides from the lower back to the fingers of the lower extremities.

As a rule, when this nerve is inflamed, the patient begins to experience pain in only one of them, localized at the back of the thigh, as well as behind the knee along the calf, all the way to the foot.

Main symptoms

How does sciatica manifest? The symptoms and treatment of this disease are known to few. With neuritis, pain can be burning, stabbing, sharp and cutting. They can appear suddenly and disappear just as suddenly. In more severe cases, the inflammation is chronic.

Typically, such attacks occur after physical or emotional stress. They can also bother you after hypothermia.

Along the course of the nerve, with this disease, the sensitivity of the skin may be impaired and tingling, numbness, goosebumps, etc. may appear.


What injections are prescribed for a sciatic nerve that is pathologically inflamed? Painkillers are the most effective non-steroidal drugs. They are drugs that can stop the action of the COX enzyme and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

So what medications treat sciatic nerve? Medicines related to the mentioned pharmacological group, are sold in all pharmacies. They usually use Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Ortofen, Sulindac, Ceberex, Ketorolac and Naproxen. All of these drugs have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and have a negative effect on the kidneys, and also reduce blood clotting. In this regard, their use should be limited.

Also, for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a neurologist can prescribe vitamins (especially B vitamins), mineral complexes and medications that improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, and also relax muscle tissue.


For sciatica, even the simplest exercises are very effective. However, they should be performed only after the acute process has subsided, that is, during periods of remission.

Gymnastics must be done slowly and smoothly, without much tension.

At acute course sciatica, the patient should observe. In this case, it is advisable to use a hard mattress. It is also necessary to limit physical activity (until the acute inflammation passes). In addition, it is possible to alternately use heating pads and ice, massage in the area where the pain is located, and other things.
