Energy rules for wearing jewelry. Chain around my neck

Who would have thought that a silver chain could cause a headache, and a wedding ring could cause hormonal changes?.

Metal jewelry that seems harmless at first glance, if worn incorrectly, can reduce vitality and even cause serious illnesses.

This is what reflexotherapists think. who constantly wear a wedding ring are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction than others.

The ancient Eastern teaching about energy and meridians is recognized today even by complete materialists.

There are special channels in our body through which a certain substance circulates, which is responsible for our well-being. In China it was called qi, in India - prana. This fundamental vital energy moves along twelve paired and two unpaired meridians - lines connecting biologically active points, like a tram along rails, like blood through vessels.

People die for metal

It turns out that looped metal objects are capable of squeezing energy channels, like a rubber band squeezing an artery. But the doctor puts a note under the tourniquet indicating when it was placed and when to remove it! And we often wear rings and chains without taking them off 24 hours a day.

It was not for nothing that in the old days, countesses and baronesses wore jewelry only during balls, and then hid it in boxes. Just imagine:

  • By putting a looped metal bracelet on our hand, we thereby block six meridians at once: heart, lungs, thick and small intestine, pericardium and meridian of three heaters;
  • A necklace or chain around the neck also blocks six meridians: the large and small intestines, the urinary and gall bladders, the stomach and the triple heater:
  • depending on which finger the ring is worn on, it can overlap different meridians: the little finger - the heart and small intestine, nameless - hormonal system (meridian of three heaters), middle - blood circulation and reproductive system, index - large intestine, large - lungs (as they say, if you don’t mind, wear a ring on that finger);
  • with the toes the situation is similar: the ring on the first finger blocks the meridians of the liver and spleen - pancreas, on the second - the stomach meridian, on the fourth - the gallbladder, on the fifth - the kidneys, only the third toe can be decorated without fear;
  • ankle bracelets inhibit the work of the meridians of the stomach, spleen - pancreas, kidneys, liver, urinary and gall bladders.

Perhaps it was precisely in order to dampen the vitality that slaves in ancient times were put on iron collars. Also, let’s not forget about the gold chains on the necks of the “new Russians,” which have already become part of the jokes. The thicker the chain, the dumber its owner - “a golden chain on an oak tree.” And handcuffs and shackles on the legs of criminals are needed not only as a means of preventing escape...

Silver or gold?

Gold is yang, masculine, active force, exciting. Silver - yin, feminine, passive strength, calms.

Even in ancient times, Chinese healers used acupuncture to remove excess energy from the biological active points silver needles, and saturated with energy - gold.

By the way, a wedding ring, which symbolizes the bond of marriage, is worn on ring finger also for a reason. It blocks the hormonal channel, and, therefore, reduces the desire of the spouses to go “to the left”. As recent research by scientists has shown, men who constantly wear a wedding ring are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction than others.

Why does the looped metal have such a strong effect on the energy meridians?

A more or less logical explanation for this fact is given by bioenergy. We all remember from school that if a current-carrying conductor is placed in a closed circuit, an electromotive force of self-induction arises in it. As a result, the current strength increases. Let's say the flow of energy in our finger is a conductor, and the ring is a circuit.

By putting on metal jewelry, we simultaneously strengthen the vital “current,” but the longer we wear it, the higher the likelihood that the energy meridian will “short circuit.”

How to prevent a “short circuit”?

  • Do not wear looped metal jewelry all the time. 3-4 hours a day is enough. The exception is earrings, because the earlobes are not connected to the energy meridians.
  • If you want to walk in your favorite chain all the time, open it. Make an inconspicuous insert in it near the fastener - a link of thread. Same thing with the bracelet.
  • It is better to wear a cross not on a gold or silver chain, but, as in the old days, on a gaitan - a special strong rope. To prevent metal (gold, silver, copper, stainless steel) rings from causing harm, choose those with stones without a frame or those that are initially open .
  • Wear jewelry only from those metals that suit your body. Compatibility testing is carried out using muscle testing (we take a thing made of the metal being tested in our hand: if the muscles of the hand weaken, it means the metal is unsuitable).

Medical jewelry

Jewelry can not only please the eye, but also bring health benefits - acupressure. In order to activate biologically active points, it is not necessary to press with your fingers, prick with needles or burn with cauterization. Light contact with jewelry (short-term!) will also work.

Tips from the ancient Indian teachings about healthy way life about what kind of jewelry and why to wear it have survived to this day.

The nose ring reduces the risk of infections in the nasal cavity and enhances the sense of smell. The points it contacts are connected to the heart meridian.

Tikka is an ornament that is placed on the top of the head and falls on the forehead. Presses on meridian reflex points bladder And pineal gland. Wearing a tikka regulates brain activity and gives a feeling of peace and tranquility of spirit.

Earrings placed at the bottom of the ear help regulate brain activity and improve memory. Earrings in the upper part of the ear can prevent a hernia.

The bracelets, which are worn on the arm, between the elbow and shoulder, affect reflex points located on the meridians of the lungs and heart. They strengthen the myocardium. Wrist bracelets apply pressure to reflex points associated with the ovaries and uterus. Thus, they help regulate the functions of the reproductive organs.

The ring on the fourth finger of the left hand stimulates the reproductive system.

Necklace hanging from neck to level chest, presses on points associated with the heart and lungs. A narrow necklace that fits tightly around the neck facilitates the work of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

The decoration that surrounds the waist puts pressure on points associated with the ovaries, uterus, kidneys and points on the spleen meridian. Promotes regulation menstrual cycle and improves digestion.

Anklets on the ankles apply pressure to reflex points of the ovaries and uterus, acting in the same way as anklets on the wrist.

Toe rings affect the reflex points of the eyes, ears and nerve centers. They correct imbalances in the solar plexus, regulate the ovulation process and reduce muscle pain caused by severe physical activity. Copper or silver rings thumb legs help normalize increased blood pressure and control the manifestations of mental disorders.

Consultant - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ponomareva Valentina Vasilievna

based on materials from the magazine "Health by Nature"

Many women simply cannot imagine their life without jewelry. But did you know that your favorite chain or wedding ring can cause serious illnesses? Reflexotherapists claim that metal jewelry can reduce vitality and cause hormonal changes.

The fact is that round metal objects are capable of pinching human energy channels. For example, a metal bracelet on the arm blocks the energy meridians of the heart, lungs, colon and small intestine. The chain on the neck covers the meridians of the urinary and gall bladders, large and small intestines, and stomach. The rings on the fingers compress the meridians of the heart, large and small intestines, hormonal system, blood circulation, reproductive system, and lungs.

Scientists suggest that in ancient times slaves were given metal collars to suppress their vitality. And recent studies have shown that men who wear a wedding ring all the time are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction. A wedding ring on the ring finger blocks a hormonal channel. Bioenergy can explain everything. The flow of energy in our finger, hand or neck is blocked by a circuit (ring, bracelet, chain). Thus, the vital “current” intensifies and after a certain period of time a “closure” of the energy meridian can occur.

But don’t be scared and give up your favorite jewelry, you just need to follow some “safety” rules:

1. Don't forget to take off your jewelry before going to bed.
2. It is better to wear a cross on a string or cord made of leather.
3. Try to choose open rings.
4. You can wear earrings without fear, since the earlobes are not connected to energy channels, so feel free to study the excellent catalog of earrings and buy. Moreover, if you wear earrings in the upper part of the ear, you can prevent the appearance of a hernia. And earrings in the lower part of the ear improve memory and regulate brain activity.

Of course, metal jewelry can also provide health benefits. For example, to activate biologically active points in alternative medicine they have always resorted to acupressure metal objects. Chinese healers knew how to remove excess energy from biologically active points using silver needles, and used golden needles to saturate them with energy. Silver is a feminine principle, a passive force, that is, this metal calms. And gold is the masculine principle, an active force that excites.

Also, metal jewelry can have a beneficial effect on the human body if you do not contact it around the clock and choose the right metal. Choosing the metal that is right for you is quite simple: you need to hold the product in your hand and if the muscles of your hand weaken, it means that this metal is not suitable for your body.

For many of us, a chain is simply decoration. But according to psychics and specialists in the field of esotericism, the chain has a number of magical properties, which everyone who wears this jewelry should know about.

The chain is a strong amulet. The range of protection may vary depending on how it is worn.

  • The chain on the hand protects a person from manipulation by others and saves him from illness.
  • If it is worn on the right wrist, the person will not be subject to the influence of others. He will always remain unconvinced and follow only his own plan. Wear a chain on right hand Recommended for those who are indecisive and easily influenced.
  • The chain on the left hand will help protect against diseases. In addition, if it is made of a noble metal, it will be able to restore energy and charge it with positive energy.
  • The chain around the neck has a wider range of magical effects. It protects against damage, the evil eye and other negative influences. This amulet jewelry will help cope with pressure from an energy vampire. Harsh words and offensive phrases will cause less energetic harm to someone who wears a chain around their neck. In addition, this amulet protects its owner from troubles and misfortunes. Wrapping around the neck, the chain seems to draw a magic circle around the person, through which dark forces cannot pass.

Can any chain become such a powerful magical talisman? It turns out that not every piece of jewelry has magical powers. A chain can become a talisman only if a person received it as a gift from a close relative, spouse. Also considered a strong amulet is jewelry with a long history, which was passed down from generation to generation. It is strictly forbidden to wear someone else's chain. Not only will she not be able to protect, but she will also attract problems for her former owner.

There are several signs associated with the chain. All of them are aimed at warning a person about danger or giving him a sign.

  • If the jewelry has darkened or changed color, this is a very unfavorable sign. Metal senses all changes in the human body. And if the chain becomes dim, this may mean either the occurrence of a serious illness or the presence of severe damage.
  • If the chain breaks, this is a harbinger of imminent misfortune. In this case, she couldn’t cope with the negativity, and that’s why she broke down. If the chain breaks, then the person loses the protection that it gave him and becomes more vulnerable.
  • Losing the chain means losing the favor of Fortune. It may also indicate that the person has been behaving incorrectly lately and needs to change.

In ancient times, the chain was used not only as a means of protection against dark forces, but also as a magical attribute for fortune telling. With the help of this decoration one could find out the answers to any exciting questions. They told fortunes on a chain like this: they tied a ring or a stone to its end, lit candles and, holding a pendulum made from the chain in their hand, asked any question. If the pendulum oscillated from top to bottom, it meant “yes,” but if it moved left and right, the answer to the question was considered negative. This fortune telling is still popular among those who are interested in magic and esoteric sciences.

The power of the chain as a talisman is great. It can not only protect against diseases, troubles and damage, but also warn about danger. But we should not forget that not everything depends on talismans and amulets. They only guide and help, and the person must do the rest himself.

For many of us, a chain is simply decoration. But according to psychics and experts in the field of esotericism, the chain has a number of magical properties that everyone who wears this jewelry should know about.

The chain is a strong amulet. The range of protection may vary depending on how it is worn.

  • The chain on the hand protects a person from manipulation by others and saves him from illness.
  • If it is worn on the right wrist, the person will not be subject to the influence of others. He will always remain unconvinced and follow only his own plan. Wearing a chain on the right hand is recommended for those who are indecisive and easily influenced.
  • The chain on the left hand will help protect against diseases. In addition, if it is made of a noble metal, it will be able to restore energy and charge it with positive energy.
  • The chain around the neck has a wider range of magical effects. It protects against damage, the evil eye and other negative influences. This amulet jewelry will help cope with pressure from an energy vampire. Harsh words and offensive phrases will cause less energetic harm to someone who wears a chain around their neck. In addition, this amulet protects its owner from troubles and misfortunes. Wrapping around the neck, the chain seems to draw a magic circle around the person, through which dark forces cannot pass.

Can any chain become such a powerful magical talisman? It turns out that not every piece of jewelry has magical powers. A chain can become a talisman only if a person received it as a gift from a close relative, spouse. Also considered a strong amulet is jewelry with a long history, which was passed down from generation to generation. It is strictly forbidden to wear someone else's chain. Not only will she not be able to protect, but she will also attract problems for her former owner.

There are several signs associated with the chain. All of them are aimed at warning a person about danger or giving him a sign.

  • If the jewelry has darkened or changed color, this is a very unfavorable sign. Metal senses all changes in the human body. And if the chain becomes dim, this may mean either the occurrence of a serious illness or the presence of severe damage.
  • If the chain breaks, this is a harbinger of imminent misfortune. In this case, she couldn’t cope with the negativity, and that’s why she broke down. If the chain breaks, then the person loses the protection that it gave him and becomes more vulnerable.
  • Losing the chain means losing the favor of Fortune. It may also indicate that the person has been behaving incorrectly lately and needs to change.

In ancient times, the chain was used not only as a means of protection against dark forces, but also as a magical attribute for fortune telling. With the help of this decoration one could find out the answers to any exciting questions. They told fortunes on a chain like this: they tied a ring or a stone to its end, lit candles and, holding a pendulum made from the chain in their hand, asked any question. If the pendulum oscillated from top to bottom, it meant “yes,” but if it moved left and right, the answer to the question was considered negative. This fortune telling is still popular among those who are interested in magic and esoteric sciences.

The power of the chain as a talisman is great. It can not only protect against diseases, troubles and damage, but also warn about danger. But we should not forget that not everything depends on talismans and amulets. They only guide and help, and the person must do the rest himself.
