Recipes for onion hair masks: for growth, against hair loss and dandruff. Onion hair mask recipes Homemade onion hair masks

IN folk medicine Onion juice is widely used for hair. Masks with its participation comprehensively strengthen and nourish the hair, make it stronger and softer, and stop hair loss. Let's look at several effective recipes based on onion nectar.

Chemical composition

The medicinal effect of onions is due to the presence huge amount useful substances. Among them:

  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins C, K, T, PP;
  • alkaloids;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils;
  • minerals: zinc, iodine, potassium, calcium;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • polysaccharide inulin.

Benefits for hair and skin

Onion juice is an excellent remedy for hair and skin. It cleanses the skin of harmful compounds, eliminates wrinkles, warts and acne. It is also subject to calluses, cracks, and eczema. Masks based on onion nectar relieve acne, rashes, various inflammations, and regenerate tissue.

The product is of great benefit to the hair, strengthening it, making it more manageable and stronger, accelerating growth. The strands acquire a well-groomed shine, silky softness and health.

Attention! To obtain juice, finely chop the onion and then squeeze out the liquid from the mass using a gauze cloth.


To strengthen

In order to quickly strengthen damaged strands, use an assorted mask, which includes:

  • lemon and onion juice (one piece each);
  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • cognac (2 tablespoons);
  • yolk of one egg;
  • castor oil (50 g);
  • essential oil of sage or ylang-ylang (10 drops).

The mixture of all components is kept on the head for 40-50 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

Attention! This recipe not only strengthens the strands, but also eliminates dandruff and slows down the process of hair loss.

To accelerate growth

To restore damaged, weakened curls and stimulate their growth, you should regularly (1-2 times a week) make a mask, the main participants of which are:

  • onion, carrot and lemon juice - 50 g each;
  • castor oil – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • burdock oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • warm water – 50 ml.

Leave the mixture on your head for no more than 50 minutes. You will notice an improvement in the condition of your hair after just 2 treatments.

Another mask to stimulate growth includes: juice of one onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac, 0.5 cups of kefir.

Attention! Onion juice is suitable for all hair types.

Classic recipe

The simplest recipe for regenerating damaged curls is rubbing onion nectar into the roots. You can add castor oil to the composition in a 1:1 ratio. The frequency of the procedure is three times a week. Rub the product in gently, with light massage movements, then wrap your head in a towel. After 60-90 minutes, rinse the strands thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner.

This simple mask is universal: it eliminates excess oil, strengthens and restores strands, and prevents hair loss.

For nutrition and hydration

To prepare a nourishing mask, mix onion juice (2 tablespoons), honey (1 teaspoon) and yogurt (1 tablespoon). Apply the mixture to the roots and the entire length of the curls, cover your head with polyethylene and leave for 1 hour. Use shampoo when washing.

The mask can be used every other day for 15 days. It will completely restore the structure of the hair and provide it with useful substances.


Onion tincture with vodka or alcohol will help stop hair loss and eliminate dandruff. To create it, prepare:

  • onion liquid – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vodka (alcohol) – 2 tbsp. spoons.

The proportions can be doubled so that the product is enough for you 2-3 times. Mix the ingredients and leave to brew for 4-5 hours. The finished tincture should be treated with strands half an hour before washing your hair.

Attention! For dry hair, castor oil should be added to onion juice with vodka (for 5 tablespoons of tincture - 1 tablespoon of oil).

For baldness

Mix freshly squeezed onion juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and treat alopecia areata (baldness) with the mixture. Rub the mask into the scalp with light massage movements. You need to keep it for at least an hour. Wash off without shampoo or soap. The procedure should be carried out daily for two months. If after this period the disease does not subside, it is better to stop treatment.

Attention! When using onion juice for hair, do not forget that only regular procedures will give noticeable results.

How to “kill” the onion smell

Many women are afraid to make onion masks because of its unpleasant smell. But in vain. The following tricks will help drown out the specific aroma:

  • Wash off the masks with cool water, as hot water intensifies odors.
  • Avoid onion pulp and replace it with strained juice.
  • Add banana or lemon to the masks, and essential oil (lavender, rosemary, tea tree) or lemon juice.
  • Rinse your hair after the mask with decoctions of chamomile, mint, nettle, lemon balm, and burdock. With this you will kill two birds with one stone: eliminate the onion smell and provide your hair with additional nutrition.
  • Add citrus juice or apple cider vinegar to the water (6 tablespoons per 2 liters of water).
  • If you are short on time, you can simply dilute colorless henna with water and apply it to your strands for 10-15 minutes.
  • Kefir copes well with unpleasant aroma. To do this, keep it on your hair for 10 minutes and then rinse.

In order to prevent and strengthen hair, it is enough to repeat the above procedures 1-2 times a week. And for treatment you need to conduct entire courses consisting of 30-40 sessions.

Onion juice for hair is akin to a beauty elixir. It has a multifaceted therapeutic effect and solves all existing problems.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Updated: 08-11-2019

Everyone loves masks that have a pleasant consistency, are soft in action and smell delicious. However, most of them can solve the problem only superficially: temporarily make the hair silky and shiny, make it manageable and well-groomed. More serious tasks - eliminating dandruff, stopping hair loss, activating growth - are no longer possible for them, since they need irritating, aggressive ingredients that accelerate the blood and start the process of cellular regeneration.

The onion hair mask is one of these products - popular, but not everyone’s favorite because of the rather strong burning sensation it can cause and the unpleasant odor. However, if you learn to prepare it correctly and use it correctly, all these pitfalls can be avoided.


A homemade onion mask has a lot of beneficial properties, so with regular use, the condition of your hair improves significantly. It contains bioactive substances that can interfere with cellular processes:

  • vitamins (biotin, niacin, ascorbic acid);
  • glycosides;
  • minerals (cobalt, iron, manganese, potassium, zinc, phosphorus);
  • organic acids;
  • saponins;
  • sulfur;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids (one of the most active is quercetin);
  • essential oils.

Thanks to such a rich composition, onion masks have the most beneficial effect on the scalp and hair:

  • improve blood circulation and lymph flow, activate cellular metabolism - this provides follicles with nutrients and oxygen and strengthens the roots, which allows the use of masks against hair loss;
  • have irritating properties, which leads to rapid growth hair;
  • have an antibacterial effect, neutralizing microbes and fungal infections of the skin - this allows you to eliminate seborrhea and use onion masks for dandruff;
  • treat damaged, brittle hair, “seal” split ends, enhancing tissue regeneration;
  • control the production of subcutaneous sebum, eliminating oily sheen;
  • activate the synthesis of collagen fibers, which makes hair elastic and bouncy.

All this applies primarily to masks made from onion juice or puree. But they can also be made using husks. True, they differ exclusively in cosmetic properties and are completely devoid of medicinal properties. Their task is to have a beneficial effect on melanocytes, prevent the early appearance of gray hair, make the color bright and rich, and give golden and chestnut shades.

Interesting fact. Eric Block (chemist from the USA) discovered a new substance - lachrymator (lat. lacrima - tear). It, together with sulfuric acid, is released in large quantities when cutting onions and irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Indications and contraindications


  • weakened roots (most often onion masks are used for alopecia of various origins);
  • slow or stopped growth;
  • fungal infections scalp;
  • seborrhea;
  • dandruff;
  • damaged, brittle, thinning hair;
  • split ends;
  • oily hair type, impaired functioning of the sebaceous subcutaneous glands;
  • early appearance of gray hair;
  • faded, faded color;
  • bad coloring that needs to be tinted.


  • dry hair type;
  • individual intolerance to onions;
  • allergy to it;
  • damage to the skin on the head: fresh injuries, recently applied stitches, ulcers, pimples, scabs, wounds, eczema, etc.

Side effects:

  • excessive dryness;
  • increased fragility and cuts;
  • itching, burning;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reaction.

Keep this in mind. You can't cut onions contact lenses. The released enzymes, combining with tears, settle on them and spoil vision.

How to do


The cooking process depends on what part of the onion you will use for the mask.

From onion peel

Select bulbs with husks of a bright, rich color. It should not be rotten, moldy or rotten. After cleaning, it should be rinsed in warm (but not hot) water and dried in a slightly preheated oven. Then use it according to the recipe: either grind it and mix it with other ingredients, or decoctions and infusions are prepared on its basis. The latter are used not only for adding to masks, but also for rinsing.

The main purpose of onion peels is to give your hair a beautiful golden hue.

Onion puree

It is better to prepare this ingredient in a food processor or blender to protect your eyes, but not on a grater. The onion is peeled and turned into puree. Then it is mixed with other ingredients. It is not used in concentrated form as it can burn the scalp. Some people boil it first to block the irritating properties of onion, but in this form it is practically useless for hair, since it loses glycosides and esters during heat treatment.

With onion juice

You can squeeze the juice out of onion puree through multi-layer gauze and use it as one of the main ingredients of the mask (it cannot be used in its pure form). It has the same properties as puree, but it has two advantages: it leaves behind a less strong odor and is not as irritating to the skin.

Onion masks go well with additional ingredients such as honey, cosmetic and vegetable oils, fruit pulp, clay, glycerin, fermented milk products, herbal decoctions and infusions, eggs (it is better to take the yolk alone). All of them have moisturizing and softening properties. But it is better not to mix mustard, pepper, yeast, gelatin, dimexide, mumiyo into such products.

Honey and oils need to be heated to 37-38°C (microwave and water bath to help you), the remaining components should be at room temperature.


All onion masks are powerful allergens due to the glycosides they contain. Therefore, without preliminary testing, in no case should you immediately apply them to the scalp. First, spread the prepared gruel (a mixture of onion puree with other ingredients) over the thin skin behind the ear, the inner crease of the elbow or wrist. After 10 minutes, rinse off and watch for any reactions that occur: a slight burning sensation is acceptable, but if the itching becomes unbearable, severe redness appears, and even more so, rashes appear, from this tool must be refused.

If you are trying a husk mask to give your hair a golden hue, it is recommended to test it too, because light blondes will get one color, dark blonds will get a completely different one. So that the result does not come as a surprise, select a thin strand that is not noticeable under the main head, and treat it with the prepared mixture, and then evaluate the result.


The most important rule: onion gruel (juice) must be diluted with a large amount of softening and moisturizing ingredients to avoid thermal burns. Applying it in its pure form is strictly prohibited.

The second feature: you don’t need to wash your hair before applying. Firstly, this procedure will perfectly cleanse the hair of all contaminants deeply embedded in the hair shaft, better than any shampoo. Secondly, the sebaceous film will serve as a kind of shield against the corrosive properties of glycosides.

Where to apply?

It should be applied to those parts whose condition needs to be corrected:

  • for hair loss, dandruff, fungal infections and for hair growth - on the roots, but not rubbing, but simply moistening the scalp;
  • for damaged, brittle and thinning hair - directly on it;
  • when making cuts, only the ends are dipped into the mixture;
  • at fat type- both on the roots and on the hair itself.

If you need to prevent the early appearance of gray hair, renew the color, give it an interesting shade, onion peel masks are applied along the entire length of the hair, without affecting the roots.

Is it necessary to insulate?

Due to the burning properties of onions, some do not use insulation, as it intensifies the burning sensation. However, this is one of the most common mistakes: the mask must be activated using high temperatures, putting on a shower cap and wrapping everything in a towel. In addition, there is another significant advantage: such a wrap will protect your eyes from sulfuric acid.

How long should I leave it on my hair?

Taking into account the irritating properties of onions, the duration of action of masks made from onions should be limited, even with the presence of additional softening ingredients. If you wait too long, side effects can't be avoided. Optimally - 10 minutes, a last resort (allowed exclusively for oily hair) - 20.

However, for some people even this minimum is enough to feel unbearable itching and burning. If the sensations are so terrible, the mask is immediately washed off and is not repeated.

The tinted husk mask lasts longer - from half an hour to an hour and a half. It depends on the color saturation you are dreaming of.

Washing off

Onion masks do not leave behind a greasy film, like oils. Nevertheless, they need to be washed off thoroughly with shampoo for two reasons. Firstly, if residues remain, they may contain some amount of glycosides and esters, which will continue to irritate the scalp and eye mucous membranes. Secondly, there is no escape from the smell: some people think that it is almost impossible to remove it and it can be felt even after washing and changing clothes.

We solve both of these problems comprehensively:

  1. We actively use a mild (children's) shampoo without silicone, perhaps with fragrances or drops of perfume.
  2. We rinse our hair twice: first - with a decoction of medicinal herbs(chamomile, oak bark) to consolidate the effect, the second time - with water with the addition of essential oils (5 drops per 500 ml), lemon juice (glass per liter) or apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp per 500 ml) to destroy the odor.
  3. After drying, we carry out the aroma combing procedure.

Aroma combing can be done daily throughout the course of using onion masks. In this case, you will definitely not smell any smell other than the aroma of essential oils.

From the world - by thread. In 2015, a British farmer developed an onion variety that has no pungent odor and is not irritating to the eyes. He could have been perfect, but he never got it widespread, because along with these basic characteristics it has also lost some of its beneficial properties.

50% of success will depend on what recipe you choose. On the Internet you can find advice to simply rub concentrated onion juice into your roots and even reviews from those who allegedly did this and whose hair grew almost 5 cm in a month after that. Realistically evaluate all the pros and cons of each mask. There is a suspicion that it may harm you - look for more safe remedy(try - ).

When deciding to use, remember: all responsibility for the result rests solely with you. They are so annoying and aggressive that not a single salon or cosmetic concern will offer you something similar.

Lifehack. For hot brunettes and brown-haired women, it is useless to make masks from husks for the purpose of toning - the result will not be noticeable against the background of their bright color range hair.

To prevent onions from hurting your eyes when cutting and squeezing juice, use the following tips:

  1. Bring in kitchen appliances: food processor, blender, chopper.
  2. Do everything as quickly as possible and move as far away from the cutting as possible so that the enzymes do not reach your eyes.
  3. After peeling, place the onion in the freezer for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the peeled onion and knife under cold water.
  5. Light a burner or candle nearby: combustion will oxidize the sulfur.
  6. Start cutting from the top of the onion, as there are more irritating substances at the root.
  7. Put on glasses (any kind).

For complete treatment, the frequency of procedures should be 2 times a week (no more often). Full course - 15 masks. If only prevention is intended, 1 time every 7-10 days will be enough for 2 months.

The old fashioned way. To prevent onions from irritating your eyes when cutting, folk recipes(sometimes the most ridiculous) advice: take a mouthful of water, cover the cutting board with a thick layer of salt, chop onion skins and sprinkle it on your head, hold your nose and not breathe, stick out your tongue.


Classic onion juice mask

Peel the onion, cut into quarters, beat in a blender, squeeze out the juice using multi-layer gauze. Dilute in equal quantities with filtered or mineral (still) water at room temperature. Mix thoroughly. Apply to scalp. Designed primarily to eliminate dandruff and prevent hair loss. Used in treatment various forms alopecia.

Classic made from onion skins

Recipe No. 1. Grind the washed husks (pound with a mortar into crumbs, literally until it becomes flour), mix with a small amount of water to make a paste.

Recipe No. 2. Do not chop the washed husks, add water (50 g per 500 ml). Boil, turn off and leave for about half an hour. After this, filter and use either for rinsing or as a liquid (instead of water, milk, kefir, etc.) for preparing masks.

Classic onion puree

Follow the previous recipe, but until you squeeze out the juice. Puree cannot be used in its pure form to avoid thermal burns, so be sure to mix it with other ingredients. Preferably - softening or moisturizing.

With onions and honey

One of the most famous and effective masks against hair loss is made from onions and honey. Mix 50 g of juice (or puree), honey, olive or any vegetable oil, mayonnaise. Apply only to roots. Action time - 20 minutes.


Mix 30 ml of juice and cognac, 1 raw yolk, 15 g of honey, castor oil, concentrated lemon juice. Add 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Normalizes blood circulation and stimulates follicles to transition from a sleep state to an active phase. This leads to hair growth and stops hair loss. For this purpose, the mixture is rubbed into the roots for 15 minutes.

With kefir

Mix 50 ml of juice and 1.5% kefir, 20 ml of honey and cognac. Add 15 g sea ​​salt. Stir until the salt dissolves. When applying, a scalp massage is of great importance: grains of salt give the mask the properties of a cleansing scrub.

Due to aesthetic reasons (smell, eye irritation, burning), not everyone likes the onion hair mask. However, those persistent ones who have completed the entire course of treatment with them from beginning to end, again and again return to this particular home remedy. So, if these are your problems, it's worth a try, but keep all the precautions in mind.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with others, no less effective masks for hair:

Many people are confused by the fact that onions leave an unpleasant odor on the hair, but this is not a problem. The smell of onions will not remain if you rinse your hair with water acidified with apple cider vinegar after washing. You can learn how to rinse your hair from the article on the blog ““. In addition, you can add essential oils to the onion mask for hair loss. For example, oils of rosemary, lavender, cedar, etc.

Onion hair masks can be made at any time of the year. The onion-honey mask is very popular, especially for hair; it is prepared in different variations. The maximum effect of the onion mask is achieved with regular use. It is advisable to make onion masks in a course.

Hair bow. Benefit

Onion masks are very effective for hair loss, since after their use the hair roots are strengthened, blood supply to the scalp is improved, hair follicles receive nutrition, hair growth improves.

Onions have a fairly rich composition. Onions contain phytoncides, organic acids, essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamin E, C, carotene, B vitamins, potassium, chromium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, calcium.

  • Niacin helps strengthen hair roots, making color brighter and more saturated.
  • Phytoncides contained in onions have a bactericidal effect.
  • Organic acids restore damaged areas of hair, help in the “fight” against hair fragility and split ends.
  • Vitamin C accelerates blood flow, thereby improving the delivery of oxygen to the hair follicles.
  • Potassium contained in onions regulates sebum production.
  • Essential oils give onions a pungent odor and pungent taste, and by activating subcutaneous blood microcirculation, metabolic processes are improved, thereby providing the hair roots with nutrients.

Homemade onion masks are used mainly for hair growth, as well as to prevent hair loss.

But when preparing onion masks, you need to know some nuances, as well as familiarize yourself with the rules for using onion masks and contraindications.

Uses and contraindications of onion hair masks

For masks, it is best to use onion juice. To prepare onion juice, simply peel, wash, cut the onion and pass through a meat grinder or blender. Squeeze the juice from the onion puree using cheesecloth.

  1. Onion masks should be applied to the scalp, not to the curls.
  2. There is no need to wash your hair before applying the mask. But before applying the mask, you need to comb your hair.
  3. Hair does not need to be wetted with water before applying the mask.
  4. After you have applied the mask to the roots of your hair, warm your head, put on a cellophane cap and wrap your head in a towel.
  5. Leave onion masks on your hair for about 20 minutes. If a strong burning sensation of the scalp begins, the mask should be washed off immediately.
  6. Onion masks should be washed off with shampoo.
  7. Do not wash off the onion mask hot water, you need to wash off the mask with warm water.
  8. In order to remove the smell of onions, after washing your hair, you need to rinse it with water and apple cider vinegar. A spoonful of apple cider vinegar per liter of water. You can add a couple of drops of your favorite to the water essential oil.
  9. It is better to use the mask once every 5 days. How to make masks for hair loss better course, 7-10 procedures.

And now about contraindications. If you are allergic to onions or have an individual intolerance, then you will have to give up onion masks. You can check the mask for individual intolerance by applying a little of the prepared composition to the wrist area or near the ear. In the absence unpleasant symptoms such as itching, irritation and redness, the mask can be used on hair.

Onion masks are contraindicated for scratches and wounds on the scalp. The use of onion masks for dry hair is not recommended, as onion masks dry out the skin and hair.

Onion masks for hair loss and hair growth

To soften the effect of the aggressive substances that make up onions, various ingredients that are beneficial for hair are added to the masks. You can add essential oils to masks. There are a lot of recipes to help strengthen hair roots and enhance hair growth.

Folk remedies are always especially popular because they have an excellent effect, plus they are accessible and easy to use.

Honey and onion hair mask

  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice (can be replaced with an ampoule of aloe extract)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice

If the honey is candied, then it needs to be melted in a water bath, but not boiled. Mix the ingredients of the mask and apply to the hair roots, dividing the hair into partings, apply the mask using a cotton pad. Leave the mask on your hair for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Oil mask with onion for hair

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed oil
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • 1 teaspoon sea buckthorn oil
  • a couple of drops of lavender or rosemary oil, or ylang-ylang

Mix the oils with onion juice and apply to hair. Before applying the mask, mix the mask well and apply this mask from roots to ends. You need to put a cellophane cap on your hair and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the mask on for an hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo. You can rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon or water with apple cider vinegar.

Onion mask with yolk for hair.

  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice

You can add essential oil to this mask, just a couple of drops. The ingredients of the mask should be mixed and applied to the roots of the hair. Put a cellophane cap on your hair and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the mask on your hair for 30-40 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo. This mask is very effective for hair loss.

You can read more about hair masks with yolk in the article ““. In the article, you will also find other recipes for hair masks with yolk.

Classic onion hair mask.

To prepare this mask, we only need onion juice, which must be diluted with boiled water in equal quantities. Rub this mixture with cotton pads into the hair roots. Divide the hair into strands, soak cotton pads in a solution of onion juice and water, and rub into the roots of the hair. Leave the mask on your hair for an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Masks based on onion juice, which is an excellent stimulant and hair strengthener. Useful properties onions are undeniable.
Its versatility has been proven.

This amazing product is widely used in cooking, and its role in cosmetology is wide and limitless.

Onion is an antibacterial, antimicrobial agent, improves blood circulation, acts as an antioxidant, protects the skin from minor damage, helps hair growth, prevents fragility and prevents hair loss.

Stabilizes immune system human, normalizes the functioning of other systems (cardiovascular, circulatory, neurological, psycho-emotional, digestive).

Using onion mixture for good purposes

The preparation of onion-based compositions for the body, face, nails, and hair makes these compositions unique, capable of realizing the goal that a person pursues.

Onion is a stimulating substance that contains plant substances and vitamins.

The recipe for an onion mask involves the use of a pulp of this remedy, healing juice.

At school, during biology lessons, it was part of the educational process to conduct a practical experiment: onions and onion skins (husks) were soaked in ordinary water, and it all stood in a warm room under a lid for several days. The resulting composition was examined under a microscope.

To everyone’s surprise, a simple creature called an amoeba swam in the water. It began to grow in size and multiply, but that’s not what we’re talking about. The amazing thing is that a bow can give birth to the simplest creature. Isn't this what makes it unique?

The simplest organisms are the basis of all life on earth; they are able to influence the hidden corners of the body, conduct a targeted fight against malicious microorganisms and protect us from everything dangerous.

The scalp has a tendency to become greasy and clog pores. We are alive, and while a person is alive, processes occur in his body every second: the sebaceous glands work, the skin gives off heat to the outside.

If the excess of sebum is large, then parallel problems arise (eczema, redness, dandruff).

Masks made from onions and onion juice will help get rid of them.

Onion mask for hair growth

To prepare a mask against intense hair loss, you can simply use soft onion pulp without adding ingredients.
These masks are best used fresh (immediately after rubbing the onion).

You need to do this mask 2 times a week for a period of 2 -2.5 months. A natural mask, acting comprehensively on all parts of the head, will prevent natural hair loss and enrich the hair follicles with natural plant components.

All onion masks require subsequent rinsing with water. To avoid the pungent, unpleasant onion smell, the mask can be washed off with any flavored oils, products or herbal decoctions (chamomile, nettle). If the smell does not disappear after the first time, the rinsing procedure can be repeated.

For spot baldness on the upper surface of the head, it is recommended to rub the onion mixture into the places where baldness is observed. The mask is prepared: the onion mixture or juice is diluted with two tablespoons of a good alcoholic drink, honey and essential oil are added.

In a convenient container designed for this purpose, heat the resulting mixture over low heat and mix everything. We apply this mask until the problem is eliminated.

Onion mask that accelerates the growth process

The nutritional and nutritional properties of onions are invaluable. This is an amazing stimulant that promotes hair growth quickly.

Stimulating masks should not be used often. Enough - once every 2 weeks. Since special problems there is no problem with hair, but you just need to speed up its growth.

There is another old one original recipe, which can significantly speed up hair regrowth: a few drops of kerosene are added to the onion pulp. Conservative people will say that you can burn your hair.

But, I don’t know, a similar method has been tested in practice. And the result is stunning!

The classic recipe is the following: add kefir and butter to onion juice plant origin, honey, alcohol, mix everything. Apply to the head.

Onion yeast mask with yellow honey

A packet of nutritional yeast must be combined with unsettled light honey, covered with a lid, a towel, and put in a warm place. After the intensive action of the yeast, add a spoonful of onion juice and vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly and distribute through the hair.

Remove any remaining mask from your hair using a comb or a clean scarf. We comb the hair to the top of the head, cover it with polyethylene, leave it on for 45 minutes, and rinse it off.

Garlic mask for bangs and other hair

We extract onion and garlic juice in advance by squeezing the onion and garlic cloves. Add the yolk of a chicken egg to the resulting composition, add vegetable oil (or essential oil) in drops.

Distribute from roots to ends. We wrap it under a cap. Let stand for 20 minutes.

If a burning sensation is observed, the mask requires immediate rinsing.

Onion, carrot and citrus juice mask

Mix 3 types of juice: carrot, onion, lime juice. Add a spoonful of linseed or burdock oil, a spoonful of yeast, a spoonful of honey. We put on a warm cap or a cap designed for masks. After an hour, rinse with water.

Getting rid of dandruff

Onion juice is an excellent remedy for getting rid of dandruff and flaking of the scalp. For this problem, you can use ordinary onion juice without any additives. 5 of these rubs into dandruff-prone areas are enough.

Another approach: add an egg yolk to the onion juice. The mask gives good results. If dandruff is not eliminated, the procedure may be repeated several times.

How to get rid of the strong onion smell in your hair?

Onion masks are effective remedy.
Everything effective is natural, and everything natural has specific pleasant or unpleasant odors.
Onion juice has an exclusive, original, and moderately pungent smell.

Individual aroma, typical only of onions, it is impossible to confuse it with garlic and other aromatic seasonings. Its taste is also accurate, it is not the taste of gooseberries or black currants.

Sliced ​​onion rings or green onions are a seasoning. And all seasonings are endowed with these very taste elements. Our taste buds and sense of smell immediately identify the ingredient wherever it is.

But for sensitive people, and even for ordinary people, sometimes you want to eliminate the onion smell, and inhale a smell, for example, tangerine or a fresh spruce aroma, or, ultimately, the smell of a fresh cucumber, which instantly envelops you in invigorating freshness, evokes bright memories of the spring that follows warm summer.

The irreconcilable property of hair is that it absorbs all unpleasant, pungent odors, especially tobacco smoke. And what can we say about the products applied to the hair?

What other effective remedies exist that can quickly eliminate onion aroma?
Natural clay deposits. It comes in different colors, depending on the color its exact effect is determined.

There are white, blue, green, red, black clay. In terms of its properties and plasticity, it takes a worthy first place. It is used for various diseases, in the treatment of anemia.

Clay can be used either in lumps or ground into a fine powder.

Often it is simply poured into a glass or jar and filled with boiled water.

To prepare a clay mask, take a bag of clay (clay is even sold at the pharmacy), open it, pour it into a convenient container, and dissolve it in water. The consistency should be like liquid sour cream.

Apply to hair along its entire length. Let's not be afraid! Clay may dry out. Wash off the clay with ordinary water. To achieve best result and moisturize the hair, use a conditioner.

Another effective remedy against onion odor is apple cider vinegar. One tablespoon dissolves in a liter of clean water. We do not apply the resulting solution to the hair roots, but simply rinse the hair. Wrap your hair in a towel without rinsing with water.

An excellent rinse is citrus fruit juice. So widely used and known to everyone, lemon juice.

The amazing properties of onions are still used by women who have problems with their hair. As the woman argues: “Why buy expensive drugs when nature itself provides everything you need.”

Now find a universal recipe on the Internet to eliminate one or another problem related to hair growth or loss, hair volume or fragility, dandruff or another similar disease.

Let masks based on onion juice become a panacea and get rid of annoying problems!

To prepare an onion mask, remember that the onion must be pureed until smooth to avoid it getting stuck in the hair; small onion particles are a source of an unpleasant aroma.
Good health!

A variety of onion masks, their targeted effect on hair

Despite the smell, this effective mask stimulates hair growth and expansion.
Onions are the most versatile, irreplaceable product; they contain many useful substances, mineral salts, and vitamins.

Onion juice has everything you need to improve your health and maintain the excellent condition of your curls.

Not only does onion provide excellent nutrition thanks to its beneficial substances, it has an excellent degreasing effect and effectively fights bacteria and harmful microorganisms. Onions are an excellent remedy for treating skin irritations.

Onion juice nourishes, stimulates, reduces hair loss, provides a beautiful appearance, and eliminates dandruff.

Below are some great recipes using this juice that will help you keep your curls in great condition:

  • A simple recipe: rub 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice into the scalp, wrap your head in plastic, a towel, hold for up to 1 hour for those with dry hair, up to 2 hours for normal hair, and up to 3 hours for those with oily curls. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week, for at least a month. Dry? Then this option is possible - add a tablespoon of castor or burdock oil to the onion juice, keep it for at least an hour, the combination of onion and oil perfectly helps weak, depleted curls.
  • If you have a problem with hair loss, don’t give up: there is a solution! Grind 1 medium onion in a blender, apply to the scalp, cover with plastic, a towel, and leave for more than an hour. By carrying out this procedure on a regular basis, you will notice improvements in the first month, but do not stop there, at a minimum, the course of such treatment is 2 months, once a week. The same mixture guarantees protection against premature graying and stabilizes the strengthening.
  • If hair is not growing well, it can be stimulated using the following recipe: 2 tablespoons of juice from this vegetable, the same number of tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 yolks, a tablespoon of garlic juice, a couple of drops of good essential oil (rosemary, sage or even lemon) mixed, applied to the head. Then everything follows the standard procedure - wrap it up, keep it for at least an hour, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Do you want to stimulate growth and strengthen them? Mix the paste with a tablespoon of honey, apply to the roots, and rinse off after an hour. In a simple recipe, you can add a tablespoon of burdock oil and the same amount of kefir, apply it to your head, wrap it up, and wash it off after an hour. Mix a grated large onion with a teaspoon of honey. Rub into roots.
  • Those with golden curls will appreciate the following recipe: Brew a handful of onion peels with boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain thoroughly, then rub well into the scalp every day, you can also rinse your hair with this solution after washing.
  • If your hair is darker, you can use the following recipe: Brew half a glass of onion peel with a glass of boiling water, rub it into the scalp, later you will see how the shade you want appears. In the case of hair treatment with onions, others folk remedies Regularity is important, expect to have 30 to 40 treatments before you think about stopping.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of onions that is guaranteed to remain after masks, add a few drops of this essential oil and lemon to each recipe or rinse your curls with a weak aqueous solution vinegar.
