Postinor after taking it when your period is due. How to induce menstruation if you are late

Few women can boast of periods that go “like clockwork.” From time to time, a delay appears, which is associated either with pregnancy or with internal disorders of the body systems. Violation menstrual cycle can be provoked by external factors - climate change, moving to a new place of residence or vacation. And internal - nervous tension, excessive physical activity, diseases. You can and should induce your period. But how to do this depends on the causes of menstrual irregularities. Quick effect is achieved thanks to medications, but folk remedies are used with no less frequency to induce menstruation.

A delay of 1 week in menstruation is not considered abnormal. The body is exposed to many factors, both external and internal, throughout the menstrual cycle. As a result, there is a delay in menstruation. A regular cycle indicates that everything is in order with the reproductive and reproductive system. In case of any violations, you should analyze the situation, pay attention to your diet, sleep, and rest. Rate painful sensations before menstruation.

A missed period is the first sign of pregnancy. If you have sexual intercourse during your monthly cycle, a test must be performed. This must be done at least 2 times, in the morning. At other times of the day, the test may show a false result. If your period is less than 2 weeks late, the gynecologist will not be able to see the pregnancy during the examination. The test will show it on the 2-3rd day of a missed period. You can find out about the presence or absence of pregnancy at home yourself. Option 3 for the development of the situation: have an abortion, give birth to a child, induce menstruation.

If you experience discomfort in the genital area, pain or other unpleasant sensations, you should visit a gynecologist. Perhaps the reason for the delay in menstruation is a gynecological disease. Taking steps to induce menstruation on your own can be harmful to your health.

It follows from this that it is imperative to consult a specialist and eliminate the true cause of the delay in menstruation. And then choose drugs or folk remedies to solve the problem.

Drugs for delayed menstruation to normalize the cycle

If during the examination the gynecologist did not find any diseases or visible pathologies, pregnancy is excluded, pay attention to hormonal levels and restoration of the monthly cycle. This can be achieved with medications and folk remedies. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe taking vitamin C 2-3 tablets per day before the onset of menstruation. The next cycle will begin with vitamin A. One tablet per day. After 12-15 days, vitamin C is taken again in the same amount once a day. The full course of treatment is 4-6 months. During this time, menstruation should begin at approximately the same time.

The problem is solved a little faster with the help of a well-known drug - aspirin. However, this treatment regimen is more about recommendations from the people. Aspirin has a large number of contraindications. It is not advisable for women who have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Taking aspirin begins on the 2nd day of delay. 1 tablet of the drug is dissolved in 100 ml of water. Add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of honey. Drink the product at one time. 1 dose per day. To induce menstruation, 3 days of treatment is enough. If menstruation cannot be induced, there is no point in continuing. You need to prepare yourself for an appointment with a gynecologist. It is advisable to tell your doctor about what you tried to induce menstruation.

The role of the hormone progesterone for the monthly cycle

Often the cause of delayed menstruation is an imbalance of sex hormones. In the first phase of the cycle, the hormone estrogen is responsible for the development of the egg. After ovulation, the role of primacy passes to progesterone. This hormone is involved in the formation of the corpus luteum. Ensures the preservation of pregnancy and the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus during a successful conception. Causes menstruation if this does not happen.

The level of the hormone begins to increase from the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, the normal indicator for women is:

  • follicular phase - 0.32–2.23 nmol/l;
  • ovulatory phase - 0.48–9.41 nmol/l;
  • luteal phase - 6.99–56.63 nmol/l.

If there is a lack of progesterone in the body, menstruation is delayed. There is no menstruation for up to 6 months. If there is an excess content of the sex hormone progesterone, uterine bleeding occurs during menstruation. Thus, medicines To induce menstruation, they contain analogues of natural progesterone. They influence its quantity, thereby speeding up the process of the onset of menstruation. In order not to overdo it with the amount of hormone, stop taking the drug immediately after the onset of menstruation. To avoid bleeding. To restore the menstrual cycle, treatment is continued according to an individual regimen. You can buy drugs to induce menstruation at the pharmacy without any problems, but it is important to use them correctly, without risk to health.

Professional drugs to induce menstruation

In the absence gynecological diseases and visible disorders of the reproductive system, medications are prescribed that can cause menstruation. The most common and effective drugs are Duphaston and. Sold in any pharmacy, dispensed without a doctor's prescription. There is nothing complicated in the instructions for use, especially since everything is clearly described in the insert.

  • Norkolut for delayed menstruation

The drug is produced in the form of white tablets, 10 pieces per plate. Reception is carried out 1-2 times a day. If your period is late, take 2 tablets at once or divide into 2 doses in the morning and evening. Or 1 tablet per day. The doctor must determine the regimen. Take the drug if your period is late for a maximum of 10 days. In some cases, menstruation begins after 3-5 days. Further use of the drug is stopped. Norkolut has a number of contraindications and side effects. In case of overdose, nausea, vomiting, and bleeding occur. This is why it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting the course. Norkolut blocks the development of the egg and prevents the onset of ovulation. However, it is not contraceptive. When pregnancy occurs, it does not provoke failure. He won't be able to induce menstruation. In some cases, on the contrary, it is taken to maintain pregnancy. The price of the drug to induce menstruation in Russian pharmacies is from 100 rubles per package.

  • Duphaston for delayed menstruation

Duphaston is a white tablet. There are 20 pieces in one Duphaston blister. The active component of Duphaston is dydrogesterone, which is similar in structure to natural progesterone. The drug is not a contraceptive; Duphaston will not be able to induce menstruation if you are pregnant. Dydrogesterone does not suppress ovulation and does not prevent conception. A contraindication to the use of Duphaston is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. If menstruation is late, take 2 Duphaston once a day, 1 tablet for a maximum of 10 days. Treatment may be continued to regulate the menstrual cycle. In this case, the next dose of Duphaston begins from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. Dosage: 2 Duphaston tablets per day. The drug is prescribed during pregnancy according to indications. Cases of overdose with Duphaston are unlikely. And side effects may be present from the gastrointestinal tract, nervous systems s, circulatory. Independent use of Duphaston to induce menstruation is extremely undesirable. The cost of the drug in pharmacies is from 500 rubles per package.

Duphaston and Norkolut are taken at home in tablet form. However, there is another form of release - injection solution. Duphaston and Norkolut are administered once. Moreover, one injection is enough to induce menstruation. Menstruation from Duphaston comes within 5 hours.

  • Progesterone to induce periods

The drug is available in the form of an injection solution in ampoules with a concentration of the hormone progesterone of 1% and 2.5%. Metabolic processes take place in the liver. To avoid excessive stress on the organ, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage. Progesterone is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Highest dose the drug per day is 25 mg. Progesterone is started to be administered at 5-15 mg per day. The course is 8 days. An overdose of the drug can lead to bleeding. It is highly undesirable to use progesterone on your own at home without a doctor’s recommendation.

Progesterone is administered to restore the menstrual cycle after examining a woman and establishing the amount of the hormone in her body. Duphaston is considered the safest for health when menstruation is delayed. It is often prescribed by doctors without first testing the hormone level. According to patient reviews, menstruation comes 3-5 days after starting treatment.

Drugs to induce menstruation during unwanted pregnancy

It is not recommended to take such medications on your own if your period is late. High risk of harm to health, causing heavy bleeding. Available in the form of tablets and injections. Used when medical abortion in early pregnancy. To induce menstruation this way, Mifegin is used.

Tablets are used for up to 42 days. Single dose 600 mg. High concentrations in the body are achieved after 1 hour. The woman should be under the supervision of doctors for 2 hours. Since during this period there is a deterioration in health: vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, dizziness. Forced menstruation will begin within 48 hours. After which it is necessary to do an ultrasound. The cycle should improve within 2 months. The pharmacy sells Mifegin only to medical professionals with a license and permits. It is not widely sold. Cost in ampoules from 600 rubles, in tablets - from 900 rubles. up to 2000 rubles.

You can induce menstruation with Mefigin without being pregnant. However, the consequences can be dire. It’s not worth risking your health for the sake of an upcoming holiday or planned vacation. It's better to postpone the celebration. Non-Ovlon has a similar effect. You can use it no more than once a year.

Means to induce menstruation have been used by people since ancient times. In the absence serious problems, you can restore the menstrual cycle with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Folk remedies for inducing menstruation

In ancient times, they fought any ailment with herbs. Gradually, a formula for effectiveness, daily dosage, and rules of use were developed. The most effective recipes that can induce menstruation have survived to this day.

  • Decoction of bay leaf. Use only 1 day. There are two ways to prepare the decoction. Throw 10 g of bay leaf into 0.5 liters of water. Boil over low heat for about an hour. Cool to room temperature, strain. Drink 1 glass of the prepared product in one gulp. The second method is to pour 200 ml of boiled water into 3 sheets. Leave for 20 minutes. Have a drink. Repeat the procedure 2 more times during the day. In ancient times, healers were used to terminate pregnancies. Exceeding the dose can not only cause menstruation, but also cause heavy bleeding.
  • A decoction of parsley leaves. The plant is crushed, poured with 1 glass of boiled water. Leave for about 20 minutes. Strain. To induce menstruation, drink a decoction of 0.5 cups 2 times a day. The maximum duration of taking the drug is 10 days. Usually menstruation occurs 3-5 days after the start of treatment. You can enhance the effect with dill. It is mixed with parsley and filled with water.
  • . It is considered the most effective means. The root is used to prepare a decoction. You can buy it in crushed form at the pharmacy. Only 1 tbsp remains. spoons of the product pour 200 ml of boiled water. Place on low heat, cook for 5 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. To induce menstruation, you can take no more than 50 ml per day. The product has a lot side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and reproductive system. Therefore, it is used no more than 3 days.
  • Chamomile flower decoction. The product has the fewest side effects. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and general condition. The effectiveness of the decoction is complemented by valerian root, mint herb, and lemon balm. You can take 1 tbsp of all ingredients. spoon. Pour 200 ml of boiled water. Let sit for about 15 minutes. Drink half a glass 2 times a day. You can continue to drink the decoction upon the onset of menstruation. Especially if it turns out to be painful. With the help of chamomile, you can regulate your periods and resume your cycle.
  • Onion peel decoction. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed husks 1 liter of water. Boil over low heat for about 15 minutes. To induce menstruation, take half a glass of the decoction 2 times a day. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before or after meals. Should not be taken during menstruation.

You can induce menstruation with a decoction of tansy, yarrow, knotweed, and rose hips. As when taking Duphaston, Norkolut and other drugs, you must follow the instructions exactly and do not exceed the dosage. The plant can cause poisoning, bleeding with all aggravating circumstances.

Delayed menstruation is a consequence of internal changes in the body. The main goal is not just to induce menstruation, but also to regulate the monthly cycle. Before making your own decision about this or that remedy, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Better yet, don’t delay your visit to the gynecologist.

Not a single type of contraception, be it a condom, a pill, etc., provides 100% protection against pregnancy, not to mention unprotected sex. Condoms tend to break during sexual intercourse; taking a pregnancy pill at the wrong time can lead to the birth of a baby.

If there is a possibility that the girl could become pregnant, you can take Postinor in the first three days - this drug is intended to ensure that menstruation does start.

After taking Postinor, a medication emergency contraception, the onset of menstruation indicates that the girl has not become pregnant. But when should they start to be absolutely sure that in 9 months you won’t end up in the maternity hospital?

Postinor is not one of those oral contraceptives that must be taken every day. This is a medicine that contains a high concentration of a hormone such as levonorgestrel, which can correct the error of other contraceptives. For example, if during intimacy the condom bursts at the most inopportune moment.

In order for your period to begin, you must take the drug a maximum of 72 hours after unprotected or unexpected sexual intercourse. In this case, whether menstruation will come or not (that is, whether fertilization will occur) directly depends on when the pills were taken.

So, for example, if you take them within 24 hours, then the probability of not getting pregnant is 95%, from 24 to 48 hours - 85%, but if after 48 hours, then Postinor helps only in 58% of cases.

You need to consider what to drink this drug for girls aged 16 years and older. The instructions also indicate that it is undesirable for those with strong hormonal imbalance.

The effect of the drug Postinor is that after taking the first tablet, a lot of gestagen enters the body, which can slow down ovulation and changes in the endometrium of the uterus, and also prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

If there are no serious health problems in the reproductive system, then periods after Postinor come on time. However, if they arrived a couple of days earlier or later, there is nothing to worry about. But if they are absent for 5 or more days, you should consult a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy or do a test.
The time of onset of menstruation also depends on what phase of the cycle the pill was taken.

In most cases, after taking Postinor, women's periods came on time, but there were situations when slight delays occurred.
According to the instructions, the consequence of taking the drug is cycle failure. Menstruation may start earlier or later by a couple of days. At the same time, the next one is also shifted by a couple of days.

The consequence of taking the medication is also mild bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation. They do not last long, 1-2 days. True, they can be repeated a couple of times per cycle.

There is a delay due to the fact that more than the required hormone levonorgestel has entered the body. So the body produces it in the amount of 0.35 mg, while in one tablet its content is 0.75 mg, that is, almost 2 times more. And you need to take 2 of them within 12 hours.

You should not take more tablets at one time than you should. The result does not depend on this, but you can easily get poisoned and end up in the hospital. And you shouldn’t drink more than once a month.

The reasons why your period did not come on time may be different. The main one is pregnancy, less often - hormonal problems, disruptions in menstruation (there is no regular schedule), problems or infections of the reproductive system. In addition, a woman may be allergic to any component of Postinor.

The absence of periods after Postinor for more than 5 days (especially if they have not been there for a month or more) may indicate pregnancy.

Your period has arrived - possible deviations

After Postinor, when menstruation begins, sometimes problems arise.

They appear if:

  • Previously, the cycle was unstable and irregular;
  • the girl is very young and does not yet have stable periods;
  • there is a hormonal imbalance.

So, when your period starts, a woman may encounter the following:

  • There was copious discharge from the uterus (heavy bleeding). It occurs mainly due to the fact that such a dose of gestagens has entered the body. As a result, the secretion of progesterone and pituitary hormones is suppressed. When these hormones are removed, the lining of the uterus is rejected, which causes such heavy bleeding. At the same time, there is no way to stop it at home;
  • periods last longer than usual and are more abundant. This is mainly faced by women who have hormonal imbalance.
    In fact, Postinor is not recommended for those who have problems with hormones, since the consequences after it are severe. But, unfortunately, not everyone takes this seriously.
  • severe uterine bleeding, which leads to iron deficiency anemia;
  • scanty or painful periods. This is not something women face very often;
  • cycle disruption due to malfunction of the ovaries and/or pituitary gland;
  • A few days of brown discharge is, in principle, a normal reaction to this medication.

If menstruation still does not occur

If there are no critical days for a week or more, then pregnancy is first suspected. But this is not always the case.

Only a gynecologist can find out the reason why your periods did not start on time after taking Postinor. At home, a girl can only do a pregnancy test.

If there is no menstruation, this may be due to:

  • any not very strong dysfunction of the ovaries. True, everything is restored within 2-3 cycles. If the 4th and 5th also did not arrive on time or are completely absent, then consultation with a specialist is necessary;
  • the fact that the ovaries cannot cope with their duties after frequent use of the drug. If you don’t fight this, you can remain infertile;
  • disorders of the secretion of ovarian and/or pituitary hormones. This threatens that the egg will not mature normally, and as a result, fertilization will not occur.

Postinor is a good and, in principle, safe contraceptive, but only in cases where the instructions are followed and not abused.
Treatment depends on the reasons why your periods did not come on time or were absent altogether. It is prescribed only after a full examination.

Means to prevent unwanted pregnancy- Postinor is known to many women firsthand. This is an emergency contraceptive drug that provokes hormonal imbalance. Therefore the delay after Postinora or, conversely, unscheduled menstruation is common.

The drug is based on a large dose of a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel. . Therefore, even one tablet causes not only a disruption of the cycle, but also changes in the entire woman’s body.

Characteristics of the drug

To understand how long it will take for the next regular discharge to come after taking Postinor, why there is no menstruation or it came too early, it is necessary to study the essence of the action of the drug.


The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation. This makes it impossible for the cell to fertilize once sexual intercourse has taken place. However, after Postinor there is a strong shake-up and a cycle failure. No one can predict when your period will come. Maybe it will happen in a week, and sometimes it happens much later. Sometimes a pregnancy test shows a negative answer, but regular discharge still does not come.

The effectiveness of the pharmaceutical product is guaranteed only when the first tablet is taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected intimate intercourse.

In this case, Postinor will lead to the desired outcome in 80% of cases. If a woman takes the medicine (the first pill) two days later, then her chance of not getting pregnant is 50%. After 72 hours, taking the drug will be useless.

The first tablet is taken as soon as possible after intimate contact. The second should be drunk exactly 12 hours after the first.

Effect of the drug

If you have not had your period for more than 2 weeks after Postinor, you should consult a doctor, and also take a pregnancy test after 5 days of delay.

A negative result indicates that the drug served its purpose, but serious complications could arise. The product acts in several directions:

  1. Causes a delay in ovulation, due to which the female reproductive cell remains in the ovary. She cannot be fertilized.
  2. After using Postinor, the structure of the endometrium changes. The influence is aimed at the functionality of the uterus. Its ability to reject and build up the inner layer changes. When there is no menstruation and there is a slight delay, it should be regarded as a normal occurrence in this case.

Thanks to these directions of action of the drug, a high probability of avoiding pregnancy is achieved. A home test will confirm this.

Effect on the body

When the girl has taken the required dose of Postinor, which the manufacturer indicated in the instructions, side effects may occur. The drug causes diarrhea, headache, nausea. The most striking consequences are cycle failure and hormonal disorders.

If you don't have your period 5 days after it was supposed to start, you need to take a pregnancy test. However, if the critical days have not arrived 2 weeks after using the pharmaceutical drug, you need to pay attention to the endometrial layer. After Postinor, various deviations in its development are possible.

Sometimes there are no periods long time. Even after a month, normalization of the cycle sometimes does not occur. Therefore, it is necessary to take this remedy only when as a last resort. If your period has not started, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Not every woman is allowed to use Postinor. There is a group of people for whom taking the drug is contraindicated:

  • It is prohibited for women who have an irregular menstrual cycle to prevent unwanted pregnancy using this product. The consequences of hormonal imbalance can be extremely serious.
  • If there were facts of liver, kidney, gall bladder disease, chronic diseases genitourinary system, the use of the drug should be discontinued. The drug has a particularly strong negative effect on the liver.

  • For teenagers who are experiencing puberty, the use of Postinor is strictly contraindicated. The consequences can be fatal. Up to the inability to have children.

This is a very strong remedy, after which it is sometimes necessary to carry out treatment. If menstruation does not begin within the first five days after taking Postinor, it means that the drug has caused complications of greater or lesser severity on the reproductive system. Therefore, you can use it only as a last resort, no more than once every six months. And it is better to never resort to such means at all.

Menstruation after using the drug

The critical days after taking the emergency medication should go at their usual time.

However, no doctor can answer how long to wait for this event. Due to the individual nature of the effect on the body, periods after consuming Postinor sometimes begin even after a few days.

This is normal if there is a small amount of bleeding. This phenomenon is called intermenstrual bleeding. It is caused by changes in the inner layer of the uterus.

If your period doesn’t come, it’s still gone, although the test gave a negative result, then a hormonal imbalance has occurred and recovery of the cycle sometimes takes quite a long time.

Prolonged absence of menstruation

After taking Postinor, sometimes there are no periods for a very long time. If regular discharge does not occur on time, this is due to a number of reasons. The main factors are the following:

  1. Disorders in the female reproductive system. A serious hormonal imbalance occurs.
  2. The action of the pharmaceutical agent disrupts the functionality and structure of the uterus.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Endocrine or gynecological diseases.

If your period after Postinor does not start even 14 days after its usual period, you should consult a doctor. Even using a test, it is sometimes impossible to recognize an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, a blood test will show an accurate result.

Heavy menstruation

If a woman has taken the medicine (two tablets of the drug), then spotting can occur almost immediately, depending on the day of the cycle when at e means. No specialist can say for sure how long to wait for menstruation. Everything is purely individual. Small discharge, which began no later than five days from the expected date of menstruation, are considered normal.

In case of unusual heavy discharge, you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps an overdose occurred or the drug had a detrimental effect on the endometrium of the uterus.

Effect on the fetus

If, after taking Postinor, pregnancy does occur, then a series of examinations should be carried out. If the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus and has survived a strong hormonal shock to its mother’s body, it means that it is quite likely developing normally.

A number of studies have confirmed that the pharmacological agent does not have a negative effect on the fetus. Not set

The drug changes the structure of the endometrium and affects the degree of functionality of the egg and sperm. The child is born absolutely healthy. Therefore, if a woman has decided to carry and give birth to her baby, she does not have to worry about the correctness of its development after she takes Postinor.

Submitted emergency means emergency contraception is quite unsafe for women's health. It should be used only as a last resort, without any contraindications for use.

Pills that induce menstruation are what women are interested in when they are late. This circumstance can be caused by various reasons. And if there is no pregnancy, a delay in menstruation can be caused by stress and moving to a different climate zone, colds and chronic diseases, changes in body weight, and even a change in the usual lifestyle in general.

It is sometimes necessary to call your period ahead of time due to some upcoming events - competitions, celebrations, vacations and others.

If the delay is no more than 7 days, then this can be considered normal. Absence of periods for more than a week often occurs after conception and the start of pregnancy.

If there is no pregnancy, the reason may be the presence of any diseases reproductive system. To identify pathology and timely treatment, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Reasons for delay

In addition to pregnancy, a woman may have the following:

  • Overwork. Constant fatigue, lack of proper rest leads to weakening of the body. The corresponding reaction of the reproductive system is the absence of menstruation. At the same time, a woman may experience a sharp weight loss, lack of performance, constant weakness and headaches. It is necessary to give the body a break. Good rest and a balanced diet will help normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Stressful situations. This is the other most common reason cycle disorders in women. Problems in the family or at work, passing exams and other troubles can cause amenorrhea.
  • Adolescence. For adolescence In general, irregularity in the onset of menstruation is characteristic. The reason is an unstable hormonal balance. Within two years after the first discharge, the cycle will improve on its own, if there are no pathologies.
  • Weight problems. Insufficient or excessive body weight is a direct path to failure of the reproductive system. It is necessary to normalize weight and adhere to the principles proper nutrition. This will help normalize your cycle and make it more regular.
  • Flights to other climate zones. Moving to a different time zone can affect a woman’s well-being and affect her cycle.
  • Taking medications. Some medications can change the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Chronic and infectious diseases. Suffering from acute respiratory viral infections and colds, exacerbations of chronic diseases often lead to failure. To restore function, you should wait until the body recovers; this may take a couple of months or more.

Pills that induce menstruation

Pills that induce menstruation when delayed can affect the functioning of the female body and “hurry up” the critical days. In addition to tablets, you can turn to remedies traditional medicine.

Vitamin C, which is contained in large quantities in ascorbic acid, has a positive effect on the body as a whole. It is necessary for normal functioning and maintaining normal immune forces.

Another effect of ascorbic acid is blood thinning. This is what significantly speeds up blood flow. Therefore, one option is to drink ascorbic acid if your period is late.

If menstruation is absent for no more than 5 days, a woman can take ascorbic acid in tablet form to induce menstruation if it is delayed. A longer absence of critical days is a reason to consult a doctor. Attempts to independently solve the problem in this case can lead to even more negative consequences.

As for the dosage, to induce menstruation, it should be several times higher than normal. High content of vitamin C in female body prevents the entry of progesterone into the uterine tissue. This leads to the onset of “red days on the calendar.”


When answering the question of which pills cause menstruation, it is worth mentioning. The action of the drug promotes the production of progesterone. When you stop taking the pills, the concentration of progesterone in the body decreases, menstruation begins prematurely.

The medicine is taken twice a day. Menstruation begins 2-5 days after stopping taking the pills.

It is important to make sure that before taking the drug. Possible during pregnancy negative consequences for both the embryo and the woman.


This homeopathic remedy, which causes menstruation, contains phytohormones. You can achieve the desired effect on the first day. For this purpose you need to drink up to 5-7 granules medicine, resulting in heavy periods starting a few hours later.

There is no need to drink the granules; they are dissolved on an empty stomach under the tongue until completely dissolved.

To avoid serious hormonal imbalance, it is better to consult a qualified doctor before taking it.

Birth control pills

Women who choose contraception birth control pills, have the opportunity with their help to shift the cycle in the desired direction.

To achieve the desired effect, you must stop taking the pills. Eventually, menstruation will begin.

Emergency contraception

The modern pharmaceutical market offers many means for emergency contraception. The most famous tablets are Escapelle.

Indications for their use are the prevention of unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. For this purpose, the tablet should be taken within 12 hours after intimate intercourse.

The method of inducing menstruation if there is a delay with Postinor is effective, but dangerous. Using the drug for this purpose can lead to hormonal imbalance.

It is unacceptable to drink Postinor regularly; this can lead to uterine bleeding, and in the future – problems in the functioning of the ovaries, the development of gynecological diseases and subsequent infertility.

Folk remedies

If a woman is in doubt about what pills to take in order to get pregnant, she should pay attention to traditional medicine. Some herbs lead to a similar effect and have the least harm to health.

You can use the following recipes:

  • Elecampane. To prepare the decoction, you should take the crushed root, which is sold at the pharmacy. You need one tbsp. Pour a glass of water over a spoon, bring to a boil and leave on the fire for 5 minutes. The broth needs to be filtered and cooled. To call for critical days, take 50 ml per day. It is used for no longer than three days due to many side effects from the reproductive and nervous systems, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Parsley. You need to take chopped parsley leaves, one tbsp. Pour boiling water over the spoon and leave for 20 minutes. Next, strain and cool to room temperature. Take half a glass twice a day. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days. Critical days often appear on the third to fifth day after starting to use the infusion.
  • Bay leaf. To prepare 3 leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then cool to room temperature and drink. Drink three times a day. The dosage should not be increased, as this may cause severe uterine bleeding.


Having decided for yourself, it is important not to forget about possible consequences. All of the above methods should not be used more than once or, at most, twice a year.

If, after artificially inducing menstruation, heavy bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen begin, you should call an ambulance.

Before taking any drug, pregnancy should be excluded, since any of them can cause serious harm to the fetus. In the absence of pregnancy and long delay you need to visit a doctor, undergo an examination, find out the reason for the absence of menstruation and begin treatment.

It should be remembered that any self-medication, including interference with the body’s hormonal system, can lead to serious disruptions and disastrous consequences in the future.

Video about the reasons for the delay

One of the questions that interests women is when should menstruation begin after Postinor. Many women are familiar with this drug firsthand. It refers to emergency contraception (EC), which prevents unwanted pregnancy. Postinor is specially created for those cases when during sexual intercourse the usual means of protection were not used or did not work (for example, sex was without a condom or the woman missed taking an oral contraceptive).

One of the signs that the drug helped prevent conception is the onset of menstruation. When should they start - on time or a little earlier? We need to find the answer to this question.

Absolutely all EC products disrupt the menstrual cycle. Postinor contains a large amount of the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, so even a single dose of the drug cannot but affect the body and lead to any consequences. For example, delay or unscheduled bleeding may occur. It is impossible to predict when menstruation will begin after Postinor. You just need to wait.

Quite often, after taking the pill, women experience spotting within a few days. Don’t be afraid that the critical days have come much sooner ahead of schedule. They confirm that the drug had the desired effect, and conception did not occur. Bloody discharge- This is the endometrium of the uterus. It is rejected every month if embryo implantation does not occur.

Menstruation after Postinor may take longer than usual. In some cases, severe bleeding occurs. If more than one pad is used in a three-hour period, you should immediately contact a specialist.

If there is a delay

Some women, talking about their experience of using EC products, report that their periods began within a week after Postinor. However, this does not happen for everyone. It is not uncommon for such side effect after taking EC, as a delay. If menstruation does not occur on time, then you should take a pregnancy test. In some cases, postinor does not help prevent conception.

In addition to the test, you need to donate blood for hCG. The level of this hormone increases sharply after fertilization. A blood test allows you to know for sure whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

If conception has occurred, then you should not think that the child will be born defective. Postinor only suppresses ovulation, prevents fertilization and causes changes in the endometrium, which makes implantation impossible. If the fertilized egg has attached to the uterus, then in such cases the drug is not effective. It cannot adversely affect the fetus.

But if your period does not start a few days after taking Postinor, this does not always mean pregnancy. Critical days after taking the drug may be absent for a long period of time due to serious hormonal imbalances. The drug is not harmless. Treatment may be required after taking it.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Postinor and other EC means should not be abused. It is not recommended to use the drug more than once during the menstrual cycle due to the increased frequency of acyclic bleeding. It is best to avoid EC products altogether or use them no more than once or twice a year, because sometimes after taking Postinor there are no periods at all or severe bleeding occurs that requires seeing a doctor.
