“Who's who in the Saratov region. Lyudmisha

Representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the executive body of state power of the Saratov region, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bokova continues to remain silent and does not amend her autobiography. She probably thinks that some article on one of the portals is not a decree for her. By her attitude to this problem, she thinks that she is expressing disrespect for this resource. In fact, Bokova clearly shows her attitude towards the voter, towards the citizens of Russia.

Let us briefly recall the history of the issue. In the publication " Lyudmisha. What is Lyudmila Bokova hiding?"(http://vremenynet.ru/headings/?SECTION_ID=10&ELEMENT_ID=1002), we talked about some oddities in the senator’s autobiography. In particular, they talked about a number of inconsistencies, or even simple misunderstandings, in the information about the senator’s past, which raised many questions. Having posed these questions to Bokova, we never received answers from her. I had to reconstruct her biography bit by bit, although it seemed easier to post comprehensive information about myself on the official resource, thereby eliminating all misunderstandings.

The deputy has become strange today! Not only has he recently lost the prefix “folk”, but he has also severed even the formal connection with the people. The current deputy communicates with the electorate not at the request of the electorate, but at his own request. If a deputy wants to “go to the people,” he goes; if he doesn’t want to, no amount of tricks can lure him to the people. A quiet and imperceptible revolution has taken place in the minds of the modern Russian deputy: he realized that his deputy mandate does not depend in any way on the expression of the people’s will. He needs to please not the electorate, but some very influential “big guys.” If they like you, they will include you in the lists, but if they don’t like you, you can campaign for yourself until you’re blue in the face, the electorate won’t notice you. Even though a “negro of advanced years” can be included in the lists, the voter will not be indignant, since he has nothing to do with the elections of this very “negro”. In our country, recently, not those who have the right to vote vote, but those who are included in the voting lists, and these, as they say in Odessa, are two big differences.

That’s why, if any representative of this s…th electorate suddenly becomes indignant at the boorish behavior of a deputy towards himself, nothing will happen to this representative.

We will not analyze the activities of such a deputy as Lyudmila Bokova. With such an attitude towards even one single voter, this activity will be of interest only to the “big guys”, but it will have the most indirect relation to the electorate. But we will still restore the gaps in her biography, just as justice is restored by those who were among those deceived for a long time. If it were my will, I would introduce into the regulations the norm of liability of a deputy for disdainful attitude towards a voter. No, not in terms of attributing votes, but in terms of incorrect information about your past. It’s an interesting thing, if a deputy provided incorrect information about income and property, he can (no, not punished, we don’t punish for this) at least reproach him for “inaccuracy,” but if he hid information about his past, he is absolutely punished for it nothing will happen.

A few words about the legitimacy of not only deputy Bokova, but senators in general, especially those appointed by the heads of regional executive power. In my opinion, this appointment procedure has nothing to do with legitimacy, much less with voters. Walk the streets and ask a voter who represents his interests in the upper house of parliament? I am convinced that hardly every fifth person will answer this question! And the representation of a senator does not sound like the representation of voters in the Federation Council, but like the representation of the executive branch in the Federation Council. And to be even more specific, the representation of one person in the Federation Council, namely the head of the region.

My concerns about the legitimacy of senators can easily be supported by provisions from the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

For example, Article 3 Part 1 of the Basic Law of the country states that “The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people,” and not Governor Valery Radaev, who appointed Lyudmila Bokova as his representative in the Federation Council. Part 4 of the said article of the Constitution warns that “No one can appropriate power in the Russian Federation. Seizure of power or appropriation of power is punishable by federal law." Further, Article 32, Part 2 guarantees that "Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to government bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as to participate in referendums. If, suppose, an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation wants to be elected to the upper house of the Federation Council, he will not be able to do this physically, and yet, according to the Constitution, not only Lyudmila Bokova can be elected to the Senate, but every citizen who has the right to vote and be elected upon reaching legal age.

If a representative of the legislative body of power in the Federation Council, albeit formally, is elected by deputies of the legislative body of power of the subject of the federation, then a representative from the executive power is simply appointed by the head of the region.

Apparently, having realized that this procedure for “electing” members of the Federation Council was contrary to the Constitution, a new law was adopted that took into account the interests of voters. But it also has rights restrictions. It is assumed that voters will vote for the governor, who will be supplemented by 2-3 candidates for the Senate, and whom he himself will select. By the way, did you know, dear readers, that during the elections of regional heads on September 14, 2014, citizens voters where elections were held also elected members of the Federation Council. How is it unknown? Not a word was said about this on TV? Wow! But they were elected! More precisely, they extended the stay in the Northern Fleet of those who were already sitting there.

That is why I believe that until the norm of elections to the Senate of the 1993 model is restored, there can be no talk of any legitimacy of elections of members of the Federation Council. For all other norms exclude the main thing: every citizen of the Russian Federation who has the right to vote and be elected has the right, upon reaching the age established by law, to be elected to the Federation Council. Everything else is from the evil one.

Let me remind you that in December 1993, elections of members of the Federation Council were held in two single-mandate constituencies in each subject of the federation by direct secret ballot by the entire population of the region having the right to vote. And although the procedure under which Lyudmila Bokova was appointed to the Federation Council does not contradict the one in force at that time legislation, this does not mean that such legislation does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

We should not forget about how Bokova was appointed to the senatorial position. Before Bokova was introduced into the Senate, the patriarch of Soviet-Russian politics, Vladimir Gusev, sat there on behalf of the government of the Saratov region. During the changing of the guard, it turned out that neither Gusev nor Bokova were in the know. As for Gusev, I believe that he did not know, but as for Bokova, it’s hard for me to believe that she learned about her appointment “from the newspapers.”

Vladimir Gusev was simply presented with a fact. Here's how it happened. On the eve of the changing of the guard, journalists contacted Gusev. “I don’t know anything about this at the moment,” said old senator Gusev. — I spoke with Valery Vasilyevich Radaev yesterday. Until he said. I will talk to him,” he added.

According to the ex-senator, the issue of resignation was not discussed during the conversation with the regional governor.

Lyudmila Bokova also stated that she knew nothing about the decision made by Governor Valery Radaev and his resolution on this matter.

“I'm not aware of this. I’ll find out later, probably,” said Lyudmila Nikolaevna, complimenting the press’s awareness. “I can’t comment on this information to you yet,” she added.

Her last words clearly demonstrate that she knew about her appointment, otherwise would it have been worth refusing to comment.

Of course, the elderly man was treated dishonestly, to put it mildly. Radaev didn’t even have the courage to call him and inform him that he (Radaev) had decided to replace Gusev with Bokova, not to mention the fact that in a telephone conversation with Gusev, on the eve of the rotation, Radaev did not even mention that Senator Gusev’s days were numbered...

But let’s return to the secrets of Lyudmila Bokova’s biography, reminding her that our close attention to her person is due solely to the fact that she is a public figure endowed with power and capable of influencing the position of ordinary citizens. If Bokova were a simple teacher, enthusiastically sowing rational, good, eternal things, no one would bother to deal with her biography.

The main intrigue in Bokova’s biography lies in that very 10-year period, about which nothing is indicated on the official websites and, above all, on the website of the body that delegated her to the Senate. Therefore, we must find out where the future senator was and what she was doing all these years.

Let’s say right away: it wasn’t easy for us. Wading through the jungle of secrecy, sifting through a huge amount of information garbage, we still managed to get something, filling in the “blank spots” in the biography of Senator Bokova.

Graduation party either at a pedagogical institute or at a military school, acquaintance, love at first sight, quick marriage and moving to the place where the husband is assigned. This is just a reconstruction. In fact, everything could be cooler or more prosaic. From Borisoglebsk, Lyudmila Bokova goes to... Rtishchevo. According to the latest information, a military communications unit was located here. It can be assumed that Bokova’s husband graduated from the Military Institute of Radio Electronics. The young graduate of the pedagogical institute herself gets a job as a history teacher at secondary school No. 7 in the city of Rtishchev. Bokova worked at this school from 2000 to 2002, and then moved to secondary school No. 3, also in the city of Rtishchev, where she worked as a history teacher from 2002 to 2006.

Judging by the information that we managed to obtain, then in 2006 Bokova (probably together with her family) moved to the city of Balashov, where, as we already know, with the support of the director of Gymnasium No. 1 Sergei Izverev, she got a job history teacher. She works at this educational institution from 2006 to 2011, i.e. before his election to the State Duma in December 2011. Could this information really not have been indicated in the official biography, since there is nothing shameful in it? Moreover, in 2009 Lyudmila Bokova became the winner of the district teacher competition and a finalist in the regional one, and in 2010 she won the All-Russian teacher competition.

What is top-secret here that did not allow Bokova to post this information at least on the website of the government of the Saratov region? Not clear.

Bokova is a deputy, senator, she constantly travels around the country, communicates with many people, tells them about the plans of the party, the Federation Council. She has to be torn between Balashov and Moscow. How does the family feel about this, because thanks to our investigation, we found out that Bokova still has a family!

My husband still serves in Balashov, says Lyudmila Bokova. “He gave me great support, because my 10-year-old daughter stayed with him for six months. He took over everything - both braiding and lessons. He even began to criticize school programs, appealing to me as a “state official.” This is what a real family idyll looks like. While mom sits in Moscow, dad takes care of his daughter, learned the art of braiding and criticizing school curricula.

It can be assumed that Lyudmila Bokova’s husband, for some reason, ceded leadership in the family to his strong-willed and focused wife. But maybe that's not true. Maybe Bokova is so decisive and verbose only in the Northern Fleet, but at home she is a real “sparrow”, tenderly loving her husband and only daughter...

However, the following fact may testify in favor of the first version: on the eve of the final decision to “move to another job,” a serious conversation took place in the Bokov family (we do not know for sure whether Lyudmila Nikolaevna bears her husband’s surname or left her maiden name). “I immediately told them (probably my husband and daughter) that if serious upheavals happen in my life, I will need support,” recalls Bokova. And indeed, while participating in the Popular Front, the family did not see their mother so often at home, just like students do with their teacher at school.

Finally, the decision has matured: “ Everything new must be supported. We are for you!“- family members and work colleagues decided, as if by agreement...

In the fall of 2011, as part of the “Best Student Class” project, Lyudmila Bokova visited the State Duma. They walked along the long corridors and red carpets of parliament, met Vladimir Zhirinovsky, took pictures with Joseph Kobzon...

Having carefully studied the ten-year ordeals of Bokova and her family, first in Rtishchevo and then in Balashov, we came to the conclusion that over these years the family never acquired their own housing. It should be noted that Bokova and her husband are from the category of those state employees who have long since ceased to be given apartments in our country. They lived in Rtishchevo for almost 6 years, in Balashov (if you count until now) for almost 8 years. Somewhere in 2004, a daughter was born, but, apparently, there was no housing. This is understandable; the best years of family life passed during the period when Russia had not even begun to rise from its knees. Journalists learned that the Bokov family had a housing problem. At a meeting of the parliamentary commission to check the income declarations of deputies, it turned out that the representative of the “People's Front” from the Saratov region, a teacher from Balashov, Lyudmila Bokova, indicated in her declaration that she, along with her husband and child, were registered in her husband’s office, had no living space and registered in the military unit at her husband’s place of work.

The commission asked Bokova to clarify the number of square meters of “housing” and indicate that she has it for free use... Closing the “white pages” of the biography of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bokova, as well as answering the question of all those who still continue to wonder how “our sparrow" found himself in the highest echelons of power, I would like to quote the statement of the “godfather” of many Saratov deputies and politicians, Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin.

“Someone asked what she thought about the two-tier education system, and everyone was scared: “She doesn’t know what it is!” ", continues the meeting participant. - And she answered: “What do you think about this? »

The vice-governor suggested to Bokova, the interlocutor recalls: “Who will you vote for on March 4? And she answered: “For Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.”

“I can say that in these half an hour candidate Putin was killed in our eyes,” he concluded.”

Bokova Lyudmila Nikolaevna was born on May 17, 1978 in the village. 3rd Aleksandrovka, Ternovsky district, Voronezh region in a large family.

In 1995 She graduated from high school in her native village.

In 2000, she graduated from the Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute (now the Borisoglebsk branch of Voronezh State University) with a degree in teacher of Russian language, literature and history.

In 2014, she graduated from the non-state accredited private educational institution of higher professional education, the Modern Humanitarian Academy in Moscow, with a major in Jurisprudence.

In 2016, she received a master's degree in Jurisprudence.

Pedagogical activity

She worked as a history teacher at secondary school No. 7 in Rtishchevo (2000-2002), secondary school No. 3 in Rtishchevo (2002-2006), and gymnasium No. 1 in the city of Balashov (2006-2011). At the same time, she studied archeology.

Member Saratov regional branch of the public organization “Pedagogical Society of Russia”.

In 2009, she became the winner of the regional teacher competition and finalist of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2009”. In 2010, Winner of the regional competition for the best teachers.

Political activity

In 2011, at the suggestion of the director of gymnasium No. 1 in the city of Balashov, Sergei Izgorev, she took part in the ONF primaries and won them. In December 2011, she won the elections and became a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education.

Since April 24, 2012 - member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the executive body of state power of the Saratov region. In the Federation Council she was a member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy.

On July 20, 2013, she was elected Co-Chairman of the Regional Headquarters of the All-Russian public movement “People's Front “FOR RUSSIA” in the Saratov region at the Founding Conference of the Regional Branch of the ONF.

In September 2013, she became a member of the delegation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC), a member of the PABSEC Committee on Culture, Education and Social Issues. In June 2015, at the PABSEC General Assembly L.N. Bokova was elected deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly for a period of two years. Ex officio member of the PABSEC Bureau and Standing Committee. As part of international parliamentary activities, L.N. Bokova is a member of the groups for cooperation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the parliaments of Latin American countries, with the Senate of the National Congress of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with the Council of Cantons of the Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation.

Since November 2013, she has been elected Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Legal and Judicial Issues, Civil Society Development; since April 2014, the Committee has been renamed the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

Since February 2014 L.N. Bokova is the Chairman of the Federation Council Temporary Commission for the Development of the Information Society. As of December 2016, under her leadership, more than 40 meetings of the Temporary Commission were held, of which 5 were on-site, including 2 joint ones with the Working Group of the Council on Regional Informatization of the Government Commission on the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and conditions for doing business.

During his parliamentary activities L.N. Bokova took direct part in 80 meetings of the Federation Council in accordance with their schedule and made a report on 62 issues.

He is a member of the Presidium of the Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation at the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and is also deputy chairman of the Commission of the Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation at the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on information policy, information technology and investments

L.N. Bokova is a member of the Government Commission on Migration Policy, a member of the Government Commission on Communications, and is a member of the Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on local self-government.

In March 2015, she was included in the list of persons included in the reserve of management personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation. In November 2016, she entered the “improved” reserve of management personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.

Legislative initiatives

As of December 2016, in order to exercise the right of legislative initiative, member of the Federation Council L.N. Bokov submitted 35 draft federal laws to the State Duma, of which 12 were adopted by the State Duma, approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President of the Russian Federation:

    Draft Federal Law No. 96146-6 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in order to create additional favorable conditions for studying in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons" (about establishing a preferential regime for admission to work in the Russian Federation in relation to foreign students and creating favorable conditions for foreign workers to receive education in the Russian Federation, as well as expanding opportunities for attracting to the Russian Federation for the purpose of studying within the framework of international treaties of the Russian Federation foreign compatriots) (adopted by the State Duma on June 19, 2012, published on July 25, 2013);

    Draft federal law No. 164510-6 “On patronage activities” (adopted by the State Duma on November 1, 2012, published on November 7, 2014);

    Draft Federal Law No. 173958-6 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in order to improve the rights of victims in criminal proceedings” (in terms of expanding the rights and responsibilities of the victim, as well as improving the legal status of minor victims) (adopted by the State Duma on November 19 .2012, published 12/30/2013);

    Draft Federal Law No. 186614-6 “On measures of influence on persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma on December 10, 2012, published on December 29, 2012);

    Draft federal law No. 190238-6 “On amendments to the Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of legal regulation in the field of use of the Russian language” (adopted by the State Duma on December 14, 2012, published on May 7 .2014);

    Draft federal law No. 222457-6 “On amendments to Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” (on the issue of deferment from conscription for military service in connection with training in educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education) ( adopted by the State Duma on February 13, 2013, published on October 17, 2014);

    Draft Federal Law No. 346786-6 "On Amendments to Article 108 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (in terms of granting special rights to orphans and children without parental care when applying for undergraduate and specialist programs ) (adopted by the State Duma on September 25, 2013, published on February 5, 2014);

    Draft Federal Law No. 378362-6 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" (in terms of clarifying the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation to determine the procedure for protecting special institutions of the Federal Migration Service in order to ensure the safety of foreign citizens staying in them and stateless persons subject to administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation or deportation) (adopted by the State Duma on November 6, 2013, published on December 30, 2013);

    Draft Federal Law No. 410633-6 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Communications” (in terms of establishing the procedure for sending short text or other non-voice messages over the mobile radiotelephone network) (adopted by the State Duma on December 17, 2013, published on July 25, 2014);

    Draft Federal Law No. 411152-6 "On Amendments to Article 13-2 of the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" and Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"" (in terms of adjusting the existing criterion for classifying foreign citizens as highly qualified specialists) (adopted by the State Duma on December 18, 2013, published on March 13, 2015);

    Draft Federal Law No. 752446-6 “On Amendments to Articles 5 and 17 of the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” (on the obligation in certain cases for an educational organization to send a petition to the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of Russia to extend the period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation) Federation of Foreign Students) (adopted by the State Duma on March 25, 2015, published on January 12, 2016);

    Draft Federal Law No. 850952-6 “On amendments to Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Communications” (in terms of clarifying the procedure for reorganizing a legal entity when allocating radio frequency bands and permitting the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels) (adopted by the State Duma on July 30, 2015, published 05/06/2016).

In addition, with the direct participation of L.N. Bokova developed and submitted by the Federation Council to the State Duma draft federal laws No. 984349-6 “On the general principles of the organization and activities of public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in terms of the creation and activities of public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) and No. 984351-6 “On amendments to Article 26-3 of the Federal Law "On the general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On the general principles of the organization and activities of public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" (in terms of organization and provision activities of public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), and also, together with deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, she submitted to the State Duma draft Federal Law No. 186614-6 “On measures of influence on persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms citizens of the Russian Federation", which was adopted and signed by the President of the Russian Federation.

Social activities

    Member of the organizing committee of the All-Russian competition “Pedagogical Debut - 2015” and “Pedagogical Debut - 2016”.

    Leading expert of the Iranian Expert Council, “Analytics” ecosystem.

    Member of the regional public council of the FSSP

    Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian State Children's Library

    Member of the governing council of GBOU School No. 880 of Moscow

    Member of the Trustee Fund for Comprehensive Support of Talented Children and Youth "Intelligence Plus"

    Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations


    Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin for active participation in the election campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation.

    Gratitude from the Government of the Russian Federation for active participation in legislative activities and the development of parliamentarism.

    Thanks to the Chairman of the Federation Council for his active participation in the preparation and holding of the 21st session of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum and active parliamentary activities, as well as his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the Forum for Social Innovation of the Regions.

    In January 2017, she was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

April 24, 2012 - until 2017 2011 - 2012 Birth: May 17(1978-05-17 ) (41 years old)

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bokova(b. May 17) - member of the Federation Council from the Saratov region, former deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation (2011-2012).

Pedagogical activity

After graduating from university, she married a military man and moved to the Saratov region.

She worked as a history teacher at secondary school No. 7 in Rtishchevo (2000-2002), secondary school No. 3 in Rtishchevo (2002-2006), gymnasium No. 1 in the city of Balashov (2006-2011).

Political career

In 2011, at the suggestion of the director of the gymnasium Sergei Izgorev, she took part in the primaries of the ONF and won them. Then she was elected to the State Duma, and in December 2011 she became a deputy of the lower house of parliament of the sixth convocation, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education.

Since April 24, 2012, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Saratov region. Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy. In February 2014, she was included in the government commission on the country’s migration policy.

Personal life

During the Soviet years, my father was a rural deputy. Mother died in 2009.

Has two older sisters and an older brother.

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  • on the website of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

An excerpt characterizing Bokova, Lyudmila Nikolaevna

“But you’re still afraid,” continued the first familiar voice. – You’re afraid of the unknown, that’s what. Whatever you say, the soul will go to heaven... after all, we know that there is no heaven, but only one sphere.
Again the courageous voice interrupted the artilleryman.
“Well, treat me to your herbalist, Tushin,” he said.
“Ah, this is the same captain who stood at the sutler’s without boots,” thought Prince Andrei, recognizing with pleasure the pleasant, philosophizing voice.
“You can learn herbalism,” said Tushin, “but still comprehend the future life...
He didn't finish. At this time, a whistle was heard in the air; closer, closer, faster and more audible, more audible and faster, and the cannonball, as if it had not finished everything it needed to say, exploding spray with inhuman force, plopped into the ground not far from the booth. The earth seemed to gasp from a terrible blow.
At the same moment, little Tushin jumped out of the booth first of all with his pipe bitten on his side; his kind, intelligent face was somewhat pale. The owner of the courageous voice, a dashing infantry officer, came out behind him and ran to his company, buttoning up his boots as he ran.

Prince Andrei stood on horseback on the battery, looking at the smoke of the gun from which the cannonball flew out. His eyes darted across the vast space. He only saw that the previously motionless masses of the French began to sway, and that there really was a battery to the left. The smoke has not yet cleared from it. Two French cavalry, probably adjutants, galloped along the mountain. A clearly visible small column of the enemy was moving downhill, probably to strengthen the chain. The smoke of the first shot had not yet cleared when another smoke and a shot appeared. The battle has begun. Prince Andrei turned his horse and galloped back to Grunt to look for Prince Bagration. Behind him, he heard the cannonade becoming more frequent and louder. Apparently, our people were starting to respond. Below, in the place where the envoys were passing, rifle shots were heard.
Le Marrois (Le Marierois), with Bonaparte's menacing letter, had just galloped up to Murat, and the ashamed Murat, wanting to make amends for his mistake, immediately moved his troops to the center and bypassing both flanks, hoping to crush the insignificant one standing in front of him before the evening and before the arrival of the emperor. him, squad.
“It has begun! Here it is! thought Prince Andrei, feeling how the blood began to flow more often to his heart. “But where? How will my Toulon be expressed? he thought.
Driving between the same companies that ate porridge and drank vodka a quarter of an hour ago, he saw everywhere the same quick movements of soldiers forming up and dismantling guns, and on all their faces he recognized the feeling of revival that was in his heart. “It has begun! Here it is! Scary and fun! " the face of every soldier and officer spoke.
Before he even reached the fortification under construction, he saw in the evening light of a cloudy autumn day horsemen moving towards him. The vanguard, in a burka and a cap with smashkas, rode on a white horse. It was Prince Bagration. Prince Andrei stopped, waiting for him. Prince Bagration stopped his horse and, recognizing Prince Andrei, nodded his head to him. He continued to look ahead while Prince Andrei told him what he saw.
Expression: “It has begun!” here it is!” it was even on the strong brown face of Prince Bagration with half-closed, dull, as if sleep-deprived eyes. Prince Andrey peered with restless curiosity into this motionless face, and he wanted to know whether he was thinking and feeling, and what he was thinking, what this man was feeling at that moment? “Is there anything at all there, behind that motionless face?” Prince Andrei asked himself, looking at him. Prince Bagration bowed his head as a sign of agreement to the words of Prince Andrey, and said: “Okay,” with such an expression, as if everything that happened and what was reported to him was exactly what he had already foreseen. Prince Andrei, out of breath from the speed of the ride, spoke quickly. Prince Bagration pronounced the words with his Eastern accent especially slowly, as if instilling that there was no need to rush. He, however, started to trot his horse towards Tushin's battery. Prince Andrei and his retinue went after him. Following Prince Bagration were: a retinue officer, the prince's personal adjutant, Zherkov, an orderly, an officer on duty on an anglicized beautiful horse and a civil servant, an auditor, who, out of curiosity, asked to go to battle. The auditor, a plump man with a full face, looked around with a naive smile of joy, shaking on his horse, presenting a strange appearance in his camelot overcoat on a Furshtat saddle among the hussars, Cossacks and adjutants.


Born on May 7, 1978 in the village of 3rd Aleksandrovka, Ternovsky district, Voronezh region


2000 - Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute (teacher of Russian language and literature; history teacher)

2014 – Modern Humanitarian Academy (Bachelor)



A candidate for State Duma deputy from the region will join Putin’s headquarters

“History teacher Lyudmila Bokova noted that it is “a great honor to enter the campaign headquarters of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The election campaign will be built on the basis of the “People's Program” of the All-Russian Popular Front. At subsequent meetings with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, each of us will make our own specific proposals for the work of the headquarters. In this case, we will proceed from practical experience and take into account the shortcomings of previous campaigns. If we talk about the sphere of education, which is closest to me, then first of all, we will continue the reform to improve the social status of teachers and bring wages to the average for the regional economy. Unfortunately, not in all regions of Russia teachers experienced a real increase in wages,” party members note.

Deputies and mandates: Saratov media about newly minted parliamentarians

Deputy Nikolai Pankov has now been promoted twice in the Duma; at the first meeting, his candidacy was approved for the post of head of the committee on agrarian policy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation of the Russian Federation. Newbie deputy Lyudmila Bokova received another high appointment. A history teacher from Balashov joined Vladimir Putin’s election headquarters.

“ER” named the names of State Duma deputies from the Saratov region

Thus, six people receive mandates as deputies of the lower house of parliament on the party list from the Saratov region. These are Lyudmila Bokova (teacher at gymnasium No. 1 of the city of Balashov), Nikolai Pankov (current deputy of the State Duma), Timur Prokopenko (leader of the MGER), Olga Batalina (vice-rector of the Volga Institute of RANEPA), Mikhail Isaev (deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma) and Sergei Kancher (director of the brick plant and member of the Engels district assembly).

Lyudmila Bokova: Today the authorities have a clear idea of ​​how to achieve their goals

State Duma deputies Lyudmila Bokova and Sergei Kancher commented on the “direct line” with the participation of Vladimir Putin.

Lyudmila Bokova: “Parliament will become a place for discussion”

State Duma deputy Lyudmila Bokova commented on the website of the regional branch of United Russia on the results of the first meeting of the lower house of Parliament of the 6th convocation:

“The new convocation includes doctors, teachers, lawyers, athletes, business representatives, and public organizations. This composition of the Duma is, of course, another important step towards the development of the country’s political system. I believe that the new Duma will work fruitfully, since every vote in it is decisive. This means that, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, parliament will become a place for discussion and debate.

Lyudmila Bokova: “The elections are going calmly, the turnout is very good”

History teacher at gymnasium No. 1 in Balashov, candidate for State Duma deputy Lyudmila Bokova told how elections are being held in the city of Balashov: “In general, in the city, elections are going calmly, the turnout is very good! Most residents have already voted. It’s great that more and more young people are going to the polls. They choose their future. I hope that the elections will be held exclusively in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Elections are a reflection of the opinion of the people, everything must be fair and according to the law.

Lyudmila Bokova: I believe that the new Duma will work fruitfully

State Duma Deputy Lyudmila Bokova commented on the results of the first meeting of the Duma of the sixth convocation

Ivan Baboshkin and Lyudmila Bokova share their impressions of the United Russia congress

The work of the sections at the XII Congress of the United Russia party, held today in Moscow, has ended. Delegates from the Saratov region shared their impressions of the congress as a whole and the work of the sections: the head of the Dergachevsky district, Ivan Baboshkin, and the finalist of the Nationwide preliminary vote, Lyudmila Bokova.

State Duma Deputy Lyudmila Bokova visited the Rtishchevsky district

As a member of the election headquarters of V.V. Putin on the election of the President of the Russian Federation, L.N. Bokova outlined the prospects for the new election campaign.

Lyudmila Bokova spoke about the results of the first meeting of the Duma

Yesterday, State Duma deputy Lyudmila Bokova commented on the results of the first meeting of the Duma of the sixth convocation:

“The Plenary meeting of the State Duma took place. The new convocation includes doctors, teachers, lawyers, athletes, business representatives, and public organizations. This composition of the Duma is, of course, another important step towards the development of the country’s political system. I believe that the new Duma will work fruitfully, since every vote in it is decisive. This means that, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, parliament will become a place for discussion and debate. One thing I am sure of is that the deputies of the new Duma will continue to promote the adoption of programs to modernize the country. Organizational arrangements became the key issues. These are the selection of the speaker, leadership and composition of committees. I am glad that the candidacy of Duma Speaker Sergei Evgenievich Naryshkin was supported. “He is a politician with extensive experience, an intelligent and responsible person.”

A history teacher and a plant director became State Duma deputies from the Saratov region

Lyudmila Bokova is new to the State Duma, and to politics in general. Until now, she worked as a teacher in a regular school. Teaching experience more than 10 years. Colleagues note that the newly-minted deputy has something to brag about: her students have more than once become winners and prize-winners of Olympiads and competitions of the highest level. They hope that Lyudmila Bokova will also do everything perfectly in her new role.

Lyudmila Bokova will join Govorukhin’s headquarters

On December 8, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin invited Lyudmila Bokova, a history teacher from Balashov who received the mandate of a deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation, to join his election headquarters, which was headed by director Stanislav Govorukhin. The Russian presidential candidate said this at a meeting of the federal coordination council of the All-Russian Popular Front.

Volodin and Grishchenko will be able to become deputies at any time

Thus, taking into account the withdrawals, the regional list of deputies from United Russia looks like this: history teacher Lyudmila Bokova, current deputy Nikolai Pankov, MGER leader Timur Prokopenko, vice-rector of PAGS Olga Batalina, regional Duma deputy Mikhail Isaev and director of the Engels brick factory Sergei Kancher .
