Preparations for controlling pests and plant diseases. "Alatar": instructions for use

Tank mixes are a common solution of different (usually two or three) pesticides. For gardening needs, one watering can of pesticide solution will never be enough. To treat fruit trees and shrubs, a whole barrel of working solution is usually consumed.

Often, garden and vegetable crops show signs of fungal and other infections and pests at the same time. If you prepare solutions of fungicides and insecticides separately, summer will not be enough to eradicate the infection. But in a week you can lose the entire planned harvest.

However, not all pesticides are compatible with each other; they may or may not react chemically. If you mix incompatible ones, then at a minimum, the active ingredients will disintegrate and there will be no effect. In the worst case scenario, a negative chemical reaction may occur.

Soap solution in tank mixtures

The surface of the leaves of most plants is covered with hairs; if you look closely, you will notice them on the leaves of an apple or currant tree; water simply rolls off them, flowing into the ground. But the bulk of fungicides and insecticides are contact or systemic-contact. Therefore, if the solution does not linger on the leaves, there will be no effect from the treatments.

For better wettability and adhesion of the pesticide solution to the leaves, soap can be added to the solution with pesticides. But ordinary soap has an alkaline reaction, and many pesticides, for example, Fitoverm, cannot be mixed with alkaline solutions.

Which exit? Use neutral acidic hand or dishwashing detergents.

This is, for example, Prill, Cinderella, Sonett dishwashing detergent, Silk Hands liquid soap, any neutral shampoos - most children's shampoos and gels.

However, don’t take the manufacturers’ word for it; it’s better to stock up on litmus tests and test each solution separately before mixing.

How to dilute a mixture of pesticides

Usually gardeners and gardeners use everything that is at hand - these are buckets, troughs and iron barrels, and plastic bottles and glass jars, old enamel baths.

But choosing a container for a pesticide solution is a very important issue. For example, it is undesirable to use galvanized utensils and iron barrels.

The best containers are those that obviously will not oxidize (some drugs lead to corrosion of metals) - glass and plastic. We don’t use glass containers for obvious reasons - they break easily. What remains are plastic barrels and bottles.

Can be diluted in an enamel container - a bucket, basin or bathtub.

Preparation of tank mixtures

Anyone who remembers a school chemistry course will realize that you can’t just take a barrel and pour everything into it. If we have already selected compatible drugs, we prepare the tank solution in a certain order.

We dilute each of the preparations in a small amount of water in a separate container until completely dissolved. Then we connect them in the tank. Add water to the recommended volume (usually no more than 10 liters).

If you have drugs on hand for which there is no information about miscibility, you need to proceed with caution.

To begin, prepare, according to the instructions, a separate solution of each drug in a small amount, for example, 1 liter of working solution.

Then measure out a glass of each solution, combine in a common container, be sure to be transparent! Best in a large glass jar. Wait 30 minutes.

Watch how the solution changes. If the pesticides are compatible, then you will not see precipitation in the form of grains or flakes, no foam or bubbles will form, the temperature of the solution will not change (it should not heat up), and color separation will not occur. Those. An absolutely homogeneous liquid is formed. It can be colored, cloudy, but uniform.

In some cases, some separation of the liquid is allowed after it has infused. If you stir and the solution becomes homogeneous again, then these chemicals are also considered compatible, but the mixture will have to be shaken or stirred periodically.

You cannot mix drugs of the same group in common tanks - this increases toxicity and the risk of resistance, but does not increase efficiency.

When preparing tank mixtures, take into account the conditions of use of each active ingredient. For example, avermectins (biological products against ticks - Akarin) are used at a temperature of 28-30 ° C; at temperatures below 18 ° C, the effectiveness drops sharply.

General rules for compatibility of chemical protective agents

  • preparations - cannot be mixed with any oils and oily liquids;
  • boron preparations - cannot be mixed with any oils and oily liquids and lime;
  • preparations with an acidic solution reaction - cannot be used with alkaline solutions;
  • preparations containing calcium cannot be mixed with solutions with a large proportion of phosphorus and sulfur;
  • preparations containing iron and magnesium cannot be mixed with calcium solutions;
  • preparations containing live cultures (and biological products) cannot be mixed with any others;
  • do not make explosive mixtures of 3-5 components; mixtures of two pesticides are the safest;
  • doses of pesticides in tank mixtures are taken in the recommended concentration, unless otherwise specified for mixed solutions;
  • prepare tank mixtures only in cases where there is a need for simultaneous application or delay threatens crop loss.

What should not be mixed with copper-containing drugs

Copper-containing preparations: copper oxychloride, hom, oxychom and others.

They cannot be mixed, first of all, with any organophosphorus preparations that decompose in an alkaline environment.

These are herbicides and fungicides:

Agrokiller, Glaisel, Glider, Glifor, Glyphos, Ground, Zeus, Liquidator, Mitak, Napalm, Rap, Roundup, Sniper, Sprut Extra, Typhoon, Tornado, Hurricane Forte, Chistogryad, Previkur Energy and others.


Alatar, Apollo, Aktellik, Aliot, Antiklesch, Barguzin, Vallar, Grizzly, Grom and Grom-2, Zemlin, Iskra M, Karbofos, Kemifos, Medvetoks, Anteater, Anteater, Flycatcher, Nissoran, Parachute, Previkur Energy, Pochin, Provotoks, Profilaktin, Terradox, Phenaxin Plus, Fufanon-Nova and others.

As well as drugs from the chemical class of benzimidazoles - Topsin-M, Benomyl (Fundazol).

Sulfur preparations

In private farms, sulfur preparations are very often used, for example, Tiovit Jet or Colloidal sulfur. They are both fungicides and acaricides and are quite effective.

They have limitations - you cannot use sulfur-based preparations for 15 days before and 15 days after treating plants with mineral oils and with oil emulsions, but they are compatible with any non-oil-based preparations.

Sulfur preparations are effective at temperatures not lower than 18 degrees, and therefore are effective in a mixture with acaricides.

Application of tank mixtures

We must not forget that in addition to the reactions of various chemical substances in solution with each other, chemical processes can also occur in the future under the influence of temperature, air oxygen, and sunlight.

Those. if you made up a solution, it performed properly - there was no change in color, separation, precipitation, heating of the mixture, this does not mean that such a tank mixture is ideal for plants.

Firstly, substances can enhance or weaken each other’s actions.

Secondly, further reactions are possible after spraying or watering.

This means that before using any solutions, even those recommended in smart books or by experienced gardeners, you need to test them on some less valuable plant.

Spray one branch of a grape or raspberry bush with the prepared solution in the evening. In the morning, carefully examine to see if any burns have appeared. There should be no stains or leaf shedding.

Please also take into account the fact that pesticides for personal use are often counterfeited. Falsified fungicides, insecticides or stimulants may not only be ineffective, but also produce a completely unpredictable reaction. The same goes for expired medications.

Never store prepared solutions. Prepare the tank mixture - use it while it is fresh - within 2-3 hours. Do not prepare an increased amount of solution, otherwise how will you get rid of the excess?

At least 3-7 days should pass between different tank mixtures, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for the drugs.

Recipes for tank mixtures against pests and diseases

  • Topaz (fungicide), Aktara (insecticide) and Zircon (growth stimulant)
  • Alirin-B (biofungicide) and Iskra Zolotaya (insecticide)
  • Topsin-M (fungicide) and Fitoverm (insecticide)
  • Topaz and Thiovit Jet (fungicide, acaricide)
  • Thiovit Jet and Fufanon (or Kemifos)
  • Systemic agromedicine (fungicide) – with any pesticides
  • Benomyl (foundazole, fungicide) with any pesticides.

The order of adding pesticides to the tank

  • water-soluble granules - VG,
  • wettable powders – SP,
  • water-dispersible granules – VDG,
  • suspension concentrates – KS,
  • emulsion concentrates – EC,
  • water-soluble concentrates - VK,
  • aqueous solutions,
  • alcohol solutions.

If you are preparing a tank mixture from different components, then consider this order. For example, if you use Topaz and Tiovit Jet according to the recipe, then first prepare a sulfur solution (Tiovit Jet), stirring thoroughly. Then add Topaz emulsion concentrate to it.

Safety measures in the use of tank mixtures

When preparing tank mixtures, it is necessary to take into account the hazard class of each product in the solution. In addition, the overall toxicity of mixtures increases.

For example, the drug Delan (the active ingredient dithianone from the quinone group) is incompatible with mineral oils and preparations containing sulfur, since the solution will have high phytotoxicity.

Pay more attention to your health, do not hesitate to wear a respirator and gloves, hide your hair under a cap, bandana or scarf.

Spray only in calm weather, preferably before the rains, a day or two. Spraying is carried out either in the morning or in the evening, when there is no scorching sun.

Read the instructions carefully - some pesticides decompose in light, for example, many growth stimulants.

Do not exceed the recommended doses of the drug; many of them, primarily copper-containing drugs, can cause burns to plants. In addition, copper-containing preparations are washed into the soil by rain and can accumulate there. After frequent use or excessive dosage, the soil becomes unsuitable for growing plants. Copper penetrates into vegetables, plant tops, berries, and fruits. Sooner or later it will cause poisoning. Symptoms of copper poisoning can occur in both humans and animals that have eaten grass from treated areas. Poisoning is acute and very severe and can be fatal.

Think not only about yourself, but also about your loved ones and neighbors. Warn your neighbors that you will be spraying the garden with pesticides, in case they have a baby running around who puts everything in his mouth!

Read the instructions for pesticides

Currently, in conditions of fierce competition, pesticide manufacturers are trying to maximize the effectiveness of their products and even protect their products from counterfeits.

For this purpose, fungicides and insecticides are created, to which, in addition to the active substance, components are added that improve their quality - various solvents, process catalysts, antioxidants, adhesives and substances for pH regulation.

This is usually mentioned in the instructions, so carefully re-read all the attached information. If they sell you a bag at the market with only one name, ask for instructions; if there are none, refuse to purchase.

Special drugs are used against them - acaricides or insectoacaricides(they work against ticks and insects). Are there special remedies for spider mites?

List of effective drugs

Is there a better remedy for spider mites? List the most effective chemical and biological preparations for spider mites.



  • Agravertine;
  • Akarin;
  • Fitoverm.

About the use of anti-spider mite products Fufanon And Aktellik An experienced gardener will tell you in this video:

Description of drugs


Aktara's anti-spider mite product contains thiamethoxam from the group of neonicotinoids and is not an acaricidal agent.

According to official data, it does not act on ticks, but many plant growers have noticed reverse effect.

After treatment with Aktara, not only insects die, but also phytophagous mites.


Biological insectoacaricide, belongs to the 4th generation of biological products. Fitoverm against spider mites has a very broad spectrum of effects and works against mites and many insects.

Antiklesch and Fufanon

Two insectoacaricides produced by different companies containing same active ingredient in the same concentration. Because of this, the drugs are identical in action and other parameters.


Insectoacaricide from the group of organophosphorus compounds. Is also fumigant, penetrating through the breathing holes.


Acaricide with ovicidal property, destroying the eggs. It does not kill adults, but it sterilizes them, depriving them of the ability to reproduce.

  • Release form. Suspension concentrate, packaged in bottles of different sizes.
  • Compound. The main substance is clofentesine, concentration 500 g/l.
  • Mechanism of influence. It enters the body of ticks by intestinal and contact methods and sterilizes them, disrupting the normal functions of the reproductive system. It has a highly toxic effect on eggs and larvae, destroying them.
  • Duration of action. It works 2 times longer than other acaricides - the protective period is about a month.
  • Compatibility. Combines with non-alkaline growth accelerators.
  • When to use? Under standard conditions - in the absence of precipitation, wind and high solar activity. Use at home is not prohibited; it is recommended to use a respirator and gloves when working with the drug.
  • How to prepare the solution? Pour 2 ml of the product into 5 liters of cold water and stir. This is usually enough to process 10 sq.m. landing
  • Mode of application. Carefully spray all plant surfaces, trying to treat even hidden areas. The better the bush is moistened with the product, the greater the chance of destroying the entire pest colony.
  • Toxicity. Apollo is practically harmless to bees and other insects; it is toxic to people and animals, but very weakly. Belongs to toxicity class 4.


Innovative a drug that is guaranteed to reduce colonies of any vegetarian ticks.

  • Release form. Emulsion concentrate, packaged in ampoules with a capacity of 2 and 5 ml.
  • Compound. The main substance is bromopropylate. Concentration 500 g per l.
  • Mechanism of action. It is used for contact penetration, after which it disrupts the activity of many systems of the tick’s body.
  • Duration of action. Depends on and varies from 10 to 40 days.
  • Compatibility. Combines well with modern fungicides and insecticides. It is not recommended to mix with other acaricides and alkaline agents.
  • When to use? At the time of applying the acaricide and 3-4 hours after this there should be no wind, precipitation, high humidity and strong solar activity. Perfect for use in the home, however, before treatment, protect the skin with clothing and remove animals and children from the premises. After the procedure, do a wet cleaning to prevent contact of the drug with the skin.
  • How to prepare a working solution? Depending on the number of pests, use 10 to 20 ml of the product dissolved in a bucket of water. This amount is enough to process 10 bushes, 2-5 trees or 100 square meters. m of planting area. Storage of the solution is allowed for no longer than 2 hours.
  • Mode of application. Since the route of entry of ticks into the body is exclusively contact, it is very important to thoroughly wet all accessible parts of the plants. And do not allow the drug to flow onto the ground.
  • Toxicity. It is slightly dangerous for insects, as it has low toxicity, classified as class 4. May cause severe irritation to the skin or mucous membranes in humans.


The big advantage of acaricides is that they do not pose a high toxic hazard for people, animals and insects, so they can be used without danger.

And the extensive range of modern tick repellents allows each consumer to choose the optimal product.

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Pest control products are constantly changing. The old ones, which are more dangerous to the environment, are being replaced by new ones that are effective and less toxic. Manufacturers from Denmark offer the products “Fufanon” and “Fufanon-Nova”, which retain all the properties of their effect on insect pests, but differ from previous drugs in their extended spectrum of action, convenient release form (plastic ampoules), and safety for people and animals.

Characteristics of the drug Fufanon

"Fufanon" is a universal, reliable product for protecting plants from a whole range of insect pests. It belongs to the class of organophosphorus compounds. If all standards of use are observed, it is not phytotoxic.

Reference. Organophosphorus pesticides are effective pest control agents that can quickly degrade in the external environment. Phytotoxicity is the ability, when accumulating in a plant, to have a toxic effect.

Release form. The insecticide is available in the form of an emulsion concentrate, in ampoules from 2 to 10 ml. The ampoules are packaged in special lightproof bags on which all the necessary information is printed.

Active substance. The active ingredient of the drug is melation, which has a contact-intestinal, fumigant effect. When using Fufanon, the active substance not only covers the surface of the leaves and stems of the plant, but also spreads over the treated object for some time (fumigation). This enhances its effectiveness, since pests obtain the toxic substance by feeding on parts of the plant and from the air. Melathion is not resistant to external influences (rain, wind), is quickly neutralized, and does not change the taste or smell of the fruit. The protective effect lasts 5 days in greenhouses and greenhouses, up to 10 days in open space. Insects die 2-3 days after treatment.

Fufanon is a plant protection product.

Purpose of the drug. Manufacturers recommend using Fufanon to combat many types of garden and vegetable pests. It is equally effective for sucking (aphids, mites, scale insects, copperheads) and herbivorous, leaf-eating insects (leaf rollers, moths, moths). Due to its versatility and safety, it is popular among indoor plant lovers.

"Fufanon Nova" is a more modern product, from the same range of pesticides. Manufacturers claim that there is not a single insect pest in the garden that Fufanon Nova cannot cope with. The drug is available in plastic ampoules that are easy to open, unlike Fufanon, which is available in glass ampoules that are difficult to open. Another advantage is the low consumption of the product, water base, and lack of odor.

Compatibility of the drug with other drugs

In tank mixtures, Fufanon is often used with other pesticides.

  1. “Kurzat R”, “Poliram DF” are fungicides for the prevention and treatment of viral and fungal plant diseases.
  2. “Preparation No. 30” against insects overwintering in the roots and on dried leaves of plants.
  3. “Colloidal sulfur” is added when treating grapes against oidium, powdery mildew and scab of berry bushes.
  4. “Zircon” is an enhancer of root growth, fruit formation and “Epin Extra” is a stimulator of the plant’s own powers.

Compatibility with these drugs has been tested experimentally and is successfully used in household plots.

To check compatibility, one drug is added to another; if a precipitate forms, the drugs are not compatible.

Reference. “Tank mixture” is a mixture of various drugs that not only quickly deal with pests, but also fight plant diseases at the same time.

Instructions for use of the insecticide Fufanon

“Fufanon” is used for spraying, the solution is prepared before processing, the remains are not stored, but disposed of.

Harvesting is carried out no earlier than 20 days after processing the plants.

Pest name Name of culture Product dilution rate, consumption Type of treatment, recommended amount
Weevil, spider mite, leaf roller, sawfly, cherry fly, codling moth Fruit tree seedlings 1 ml per 1 liter of water, consumption 2 liters per seedling For prevention - 1, if pests appear - 2
Mature plants of apple, cherry, sweet cherry, quince, pear and plum 5 ml per 5 liters of water, consumption 5 liters per tree Preventative before flowering – 1 During infection – 2-3
Aphids, scale insects, bud moths, weevils, raspberry beetles Garden and berry bushes: gooseberries, black and red currants 10 ml per 10 liters of water, consumption 1.5 liters per bush
Raspberries, blackberries 10 ml per 10 liters of water, consumption 1 liter for 5 bushes In case of pest infestation - 2
Mealybug, scale insect, spider mite Young grapevine 5 ml per 5 liters of water, consumption 1-2 liters per 1 piece
Fruiting grapevine 10 ml per 10 liters of water, consumption 3-5 liters, depending on size For prevention – 1, for infection – 2
Spider mite, mealybug, whitefly Citrus plants 3 ml per 5 l of water, consumption depending on size from 2 to 5 l Do not process during flowering! When infected - 2
Aphids, whiteflies, mites, thrips, flies, bedbugs, cutworms, whiteflies Vegetables: peppers, cucumbers 5 ml per 5 liters of water, consumption 3 liters per 20 sq.m. When treating during flowering, reduce the concentration. When infected - 2
cabbage 5 ml per 5 liters of water, consumption 10 liters per 100 sq m When infected - 2
tomatoes 5 ml per 5 liters of water, consumption 2 liters per 10 sq. m. When treating during flowering, reduce the concentration. When infected - 3
Pest complex Decorative flowering plants 1 ml per 1 liter of water, consumption 1 liter per 10 sq. m. Do not treat during flowering, if infected - 2
Ticks, melon beetles, melon flies Melons: melons, watermelons 10 ml per 10 l of water, consumption 30 l per 100 VK m For prevention – 1, for infection – 2

Treatment of house plants

Fufanon copes well with whiteflies, mealybugs, and aphids.

Almost every lover of house plants always has Fufanon or Fufanon Nova in stock. They are effective even when other plant protection products are powerless: the fight against whiteflies, mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects. Fufanon treatment of indoor flowers begins with preparing the solution and preparing the place where the spraying will be carried out.

  1. In summer, treatment is best done outdoors; in winter, use a room inaccessible to animals and children.
  2. Pots with flowers to be processed are placed on the prepared surface (table). It is better if the plants do not touch each other.
  3. Pour 1 liter of water into the sprayer and add 1 ml of product (20 drops), stir well.
  4. The plants are sprayed, thoroughly wetting the upper and lower parts of the leaves, and left until the product dries completely.
  5. Despite the fact that the drug has no odor, the door to the room must be closed.
  6. Carry out processing only with gloves and a mask.
  7. After treatment, you need to change into different clothes, wash your hands and face with detergent, and rinse your mouth with clean water.
  8. After a day, the plants are put in their places.

First aid

“Fufanon” is classified as Group III of danger for humans and animals; it is dangerous for fish and bees. It is not recommended to carry out treatment on a personal plot during the flowering of honey plants.

In case of drug poisoning, the following measures are taken:

  1. The poisoned person is undressed and allowed to wash with soap and water.
  2. In case of nausea, the stomach is washed out, inducing vomiting.
  3. In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, rinse with plenty of clean running water.
  4. They put you to bed and call a doctor at home.


Many people note that the drug Fufanon is very effective.

The drug "Fufanon" is stored in sealed packaging for 2 years, in special places that exclude access to children and animals. Do not store the product together with medications and food. Storage temperature from -20 to + 30 degrees.

Insecticides are very popular among gardeners. They help keep pests out of your garden. Agree, it is very unpleasant when an abundance of aphids leads to the death of seedlings, and caterpillars spoil fresh fruit. Every year, many summer residents have the same question: what product is safe enough, effective, and most importantly, universal, which can protect the entire garden. The drug “Fufanon-nova” is used quite actively. Reviews emphasize its ability to quickly rid the garden of insects that attack green spaces. In fact, this is an analogue of the well-known product “Karbofos”.


What ensures the guaranteed destruction of all garden pests? The answer lies in the active substance included in its composition. In this case, it is malathion, which forms the basis of the drug Fufanon-nova. Reviews confirm that this modern insecticide leaves no chance for insects, because it has a contact, intestinal and fumigating effect. This allows it to be used to combat any type of insect.


This is a concentrated emulsion, which is packaged in 5 ml ampoules or 10 ml bottles with the Fufanon-nova logo. Judging by numerous reviews, it dissolves easily in water and is very easy to work with. Externally, the emulsion is a transparent liquid of light yellow color. When diluted in water, a white solution is formed, which clears up after a few minutes.

Instructions for use

What is especially attractive is that the product is safe for humans and pets, and relatively harmless to bees. This is a huge plus when choosing the drug “Fufanon-nova”. Reviews from agricultural technologists say that not everyone pays attention to this, but the safety of the environment and your family members is the determining factor.

This is a universal and very reliable product used to protect garden plants. But you should be careful - in concentrated form the drug is toxic, so it must be diluted with water in accordance with the instructions.

Compatibility with other drugs

When preparing mixtures for garden treatment, various pesticides, as well as additives for better plant growth and development, can be added to one tank. Among the variety, the most commonly used are:

  • "Kurzat-R" is a fungicide that is used for the prevention and treatment of viruses and fungi;
  • “Preparation No. 30” helps protect the garden from pests overwintering in the roots;
  • Colloidal sulfur. It is added if there is a need to protect the garden from powdery mildew. Grapevines and cucumbers are especially often affected.
  • "Zircon" - improves root growth and fruit formation.
  • "Epinom" - serves to protect and support natural immunity.

The list doesn't end there. Summer residents also use other combinations, testing their effectiveness experimentally. Unfortunately, there is no verified data yet. At the same time, the drug “Fufanon-nova” is first mixed with a small amount of water, and only then the working solution is brought to the required volume.

For indoor plants

House flowers are quite often affected by various pests. The insecticide "Fufanon-nova" helps preserve the beauty of ornamental plants. With its help you can carry out complex spraying of the garden. Moreover, this can be done both to prevent and treat diseases. The contents of one standard ampoule must be diluted in five liters of water. After this, the solution is poured into a spray bottle and the entire above-ground part of each indoor plant is carefully treated. It is best to do this in the bathroom, placing all the pots in it at once. After processing, you can return them back to their places.

Processing berry bushes

  • A solution of this drug can be sprayed on currants and gooseberries. This is an effective measure against gall midges and aphids, scale insects and sawflies. The drug helps well in the fight against bud moths and leaf rollers. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5 ml per 5 liters of water. The consumption of the drug is one and a half liters per berry bush.
  • The drug “Fufanon-nova” is also used to process raspberries. How to dilute it with water is already indicated above. Consumption - two liters per bush. This is an excellent remedy for weevils, bud moths and ticks.
  • Garden strawberries also suffer from pest attacks. These are mainly whiteflies and spider mites. In this case, 10 ml of the drug is diluted in a bucket of water. Consumption - 5 liters per ten m2. Instructions for use of Fufanon-nova recommend using the insecticide in this way. Many gardeners claim that the result is visible immediately; there is no need to repeat this treatment many times.
  • The grapevine is also protected. This allows you to protect it from damage by spider mites and mealybugs. The proportions are as follows: 10 ml per bucket of warm water. Consumption - three liters per bush.

Do not forget that only high-quality processing can ensure reliable protection of your plants. Therefore, it is necessary to process the entire above-ground part. There is no need to rush; the more thoroughly the procedure is completed, the less chance there is for pests.

Using the drug "Fufanon-nova" against aphids

Perennial shrubs and trees must be protected from insect pests, but it is equally important to provide good conditions for the growth and development of annual fruit plants.

Fruit trees

To process garden crops, it is advisable to choose a windless and cloudy day. Do not forget to strictly adhere to the timing and dosage. The entire garden is subject to treatment. These are apple trees, pears, quinces, plums, cherries and cherries. All fruit and berry crops need to be sprayed regularly to protect them from weevils, scale insects, leaf rollers, and codling moths. This product has very good reviews. Instructions for use of Fufanon-nova recommend preparing a solution of 5 ml of the drug and five liters of water. Consumption - approximately 2 liters per tree.

Features of use in residential premises

The drug destroys insect colonies almost instantly. It is used by special services for processing industrial basements and attics. "Fufanon-nova" for bedbugs is a liquid substance. The insecticide penetrates the insect's body almost instantly, blocks the activity of the nervous system and causes the death of the insect. The product is safe for warm-blooded creatures.

The big advantage is the prolonged action, which lasts for two weeks. This allows you to destroy an entire colony in one treatment. The hatched larvae will also receive their dose of poison and there will be no change of generations. Reviews about "Fufanon-nova" are very good. The only drawback is the unpleasant smell, but it disappears fairly quickly. The main thing is to ventilate the room well afterwards.

Calculating consumption

To treat large areas, the drug is available in large canisters - 1 and 5 liters. When calculating the required amount of the drug, it is very important to take into account not the living area of ​​the room, but the area of ​​the surface being treated. For an ordinary apartment, standard ampoules of 5 and 10 ml are quite suitable. Its price is quite affordable. The average cost of a five ml ampoule will cost 10 rubles. A five-liter canister costs approximately 700 rubles.

Two varieties

Today there are two modifications of this product. This is the “Fufanon-nova” already discussed above, which contains 44% of the toxic component. It can be used in the fight against garden pests and bedbugs. However, to protect against blood-sucking insects, Fufanon-super, which consists of 57% malathion, is more often used. In addition, it is supplemented with components that are harmless to humans, but prolong the residual effect of the insecticide. Its concentration may be lower, which means the consumption is much less.

The issue of using “chemicals” on a summer cottage is controversial. There are both opponents and supporters of the use of chemicals. Opponents of “chemistry” advocate for the environmental friendliness of grown vegetables and fruits, while supporters of “chemistry” strive to obtain a guaranteed result with the least amount of labor.

Of course, the most environmentally friendly and safest method of growing vegetables is not to use “chemicals” at all in the country, but to make do, for example, with herbal infusions, ash, tobacco dust - i.e. products of natural plant origin. However, in this case, two factors need to be taken into account: 1. Treatment with herbal remedies requires consistency, because Typically, such products work on the principle of repelling insect pests due to the content of essential oils, phytoncides and other chemical compounds that are contained in plants (for example, garlic, wormwood, tobacco dust, etc.) and which are quickly eroded/washed off. Usually it lasts for a couple of days, then you need to repeat the treatment. 2. Precipitation (rain, dew) instantly washes such solutions from the plants, which reduces the result to zero if you do not have time to quickly re-process.

If you have the opportunity to constantly be at your dacha, keep the condition of the plants under control, and are also ready to instantly respond to emerging problems, then “life without chemicals” is quite feasible for you.

If you come to your dacha, like most working summer residents, 1-2 times a week, then most likely you won’t be able to do it with natural remedies alone. During a week's absence, plants can be attacked, for example, by caterpillars, and almost completely destroy cabbage plantings, leaving the owners with corroded leaves with handfuls of moving green creatures. Therefore, from time to time you still have to resort to “chemistry” that guarantees a lasting result, but it is better to do this consciously, within reasonable limits, choosing the most suitable and gentle means.

Nowadays, gardening stores have a huge selection of all kinds of chemicals for different applications in the summer cottage. For people not associated with the chemical industry, and generally far from chemistry, it can be very difficult to understand the differences between drugs, the nuances of their use, and most importantly, to understand which drug is most suitable for your specific problem and is the safest.

In this article we will consider only one group of chemicals - insecticides.
“Insecticides are a group of chemicals included in the group of pesticides and intended to kill insect pests.”

Types of insecticides

Hazard Class

The hazard class of substances is determined according to GOST and depends on the degree of exposure of the harmful substance to the human body.

According to the method of penetration into the pest’s body:

1. Contact insecticides They destroy only those pests that were exposed to drops of the substance during spraying. If the insect “successfully hid”, it will avoid death and successfully acquire offspring. Preparations of this type are able to protect only those parts of the plants directly to which they are applied. They are washed off by rain and are therefore very dependent on weather and climatic conditions. The advantage of contact preparations is that they act quickly and the plant immediately feels relief.

2. Systemic insecticides penetrate the plant cells and spread throughout it - from the tip of the root to the crown. The pest is damaged by feeding on poisoned parts of the plant. Such preparations are very quickly absorbed by plants and therefore practically do not depend on weather conditions. They provide protection for 2-3 weeks, but act more slowly than contact medications.

By the nature of the impact:

1. Continuous action insecticides - capable of combating several different types of pests simultaneously.

2. Selective insecticides - directed against certain types of pests.

According to the active substance and principle of action:

The main basis of insecticides is the active substance, which is indicated on the packaging in small print. Various preparations prepared on the basis of the same active substance have the same effect on pests. At the same time, the trade names of the drugs vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. When choosing a product, it is better to pay attention to the active ingredient, because Manufacturers change, and the trade names of drugs change accordingly.

1. Commander, Confidor Extra, Biotlin, Colorado, Bison, Golden Spark, Monsoon, Tanrek are manufactured on the basis of imidacloprid, a systemic insecticide. The drug is easily absorbed by plants and works well systemically through the roots. Imidacloprid has gained particular popularity due to its effectiveness against the Colorado potato beetle. It is also used to combat a complex of pests: aphids, whiteflies, thrips, incl. spider mites and soil-dwelling pests (wireworms, cabbage flies, etc.)

The effect is observed 3-5 days after treatment. The active substance exhibits high residual activity. The period of protective action is 14-28 days. The mechanism of action eliminates the emergence of resistance.
Imidacloprid is a highly toxic substance; its decomposition period in the soil is from six months to two years. For summer residents and gardeners it is allowed on a limited number of crops.
The drug Aktara also belongs to this group. Its active substance has a different name, but is of the same chemical group. This is a systemic drug that acts both from the inside - when watering, and through the plant tissue - when spraying. Works especially well against scale insects, aphids, and mites. Has no smell. Recommended for treating roses and ornamental shrubs.
I personally classify Aktara as “heavy artillery”, so I use it exclusively on flower and ornamental crops in closed ground, for example, if potted crops at home or on a loggia have been attacked by pests.

2. Iskra M, Antiklesch, Fenaxin-Plus, Fufanon-nova (malathion emulsion concentrate), Inta-CM, Karbofos (malathion powder) are produced on the basis of malathion - a non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with a broad spectrum of action. It is used to combat harmful insects and mites on fruit crops, highly effective against a large number of pests of vegetable crops: aphids, caterpillars, red mites, thrips and whiteflies, and poutine mites. When used in open ground, malathion has only a short period of action, and it is also unstable to wind and water. Its systematic use can influence the proliferation of pests, although its somewhat pungent odor may deter you from using it too often. Malathion is a moderately toxic substance for humans and animals, with a decomposition period in soil of 1 day. Therefore, it is permitted and recommended for use on private plots on almost all crops. The period of removal from plants is 7 days.

This group also includes Aktellik- a broad-spectrum drug. Actellik, unlike a number of less harmful drugs, evaporates strongly, it has a high vapor pressure, so it is not recommended to use it in enclosed spaces. In addition, the drug has a rather pungent odor. Hazard class for humans - 2.

3. Inta-Vir, Iskra, Iskra Double effect(tablet; additionally contains potassium to increase the immunity of the affected plant), Kinmiks, Tsunami, Senpai, Lightning KE, Decis(powder; if used correctly, can be used 1 day before harvest) - these drugs have different active ingredients (cypermethrins, lambda-cyhalothrin, permethrin), but they all belong to the same chemical group - pyrethroids. This is a new generation of insecticides. These compounds were first isolated from Damask chamomile - pyrethrum (Piretrum), receiving their name from it. They have also been found in tansy and chrysanthemums. Pyrethroids have been used to control insects for a long time. They are used in mosquito repellent plates and smoldering coils, and in flea shampoos for cats and dogs. These are non-systemic substances to combat many chewing and sucking insects. They are very effective against aphids, whiteflies, fungus gnats and thrips. Approved for use by summer residents and gardeners on many vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops. The group of these insecticides has the least toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals. They have good residual activity with minimal negative impact on environmental objects, easily decompose in the soil (under the influence of soil microorganisms they decompose within 2-4 weeks) and almost do not penetrate into plants.

4. Complex drugs with several active ingredients:

Inta CM(cypermethrin + malathion) - tablet form
Alatar(cypermethrin + malathion) - emulsion
Knockdown(cypermethrin + creolin) - emulsion

This group of drugs is highly toxic, so it is used in cases of heavily infected areas.
Of particular note is the drug Prestige(analogue - Prestigator) is a complex preparation, insecticide + fungicide, for treating (spraying) planting material (tubers) against wireworms, Colorado potato beetles and potato scab. The active ingredient in it is imidacloprid, the same as in Komandor, Biotlin. It takes about 60 days for the chemicals to be completely removed. It is not recommended to use Prestige for processing early varieties, but only for middle or late varieties, so that the chemicals that have entered the tubers have time to be neutralized. The mechanism of the protective action is as follows: immediately after planting the treated tubers, soil moisture partially releases the active substance, which diffuses into the soil, forming a protective area around the tuber. The growing plant absorbs the active substance both from the mother tuber and from the soil through the roots. Due to its pronounced systemic properties, imidacloprid is evenly distributed throughout the vegetative organs of the plant, providing them with reliable protection from sucking and gnawing pests during the growing season (information from the website).

5. Anteater, Anteater, Muratox, Muratsid, Flycatcher, Thunder, Thunder-2, Zemlin, Medvetoks, Pochin, Provotoks- all are produced on the basis of the active ingredient diazinon, only in different concentrations. These are non-systemic drugs with a broad spectrum of action. They are effective against soil-dwelling pests such as wireworms, cabbage and onion flies, weevils, cutworms, aphids, and flea beetles. They have a number of significant disadvantages: they are highly toxic to humans and animals (hazard class 3); with regular use, pests develop resistance to the action of drugs of this group. The half-life of diazinon in soil is 2-3 weeks, but after application of granular forms it is detectable in small quantities even after 14 weeks. Previously, medications for household use were made based on diazinon, but then it was banned for home use due to its ability to accumulate in the human body.

6. Akarin, Fitoverm, Iskra-Bio, Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin- this group of biological preparations is made on the basis of various microorganisms and fermentation products of soil bacteria. They are effective in the fight against white moths, cutworms, Colorado potato beetles, spider and red fruit mites, moths and leaf rollers on currants and apple trees; with spider mites, peach and melon aphids, tobacco and western flower thrips on cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and roses in protected soil; also used in greenhouses. The peculiarity of biological products is that they are effective only in a warm (at least 20 degrees) and humid environment. Under the influence of natural factors, the effect of the drug ceases in 5-7 days. The maximum effect is achieved 3-5 days after treatment of the plant. The toxicity of biological products should not be underestimated. At high concentrations they are dangerous to humans and animals.

Special notes about the drug Fitoverm- death of pests occurs 2-3 days after treatment, and the maximum effect is achieved on 5-7 days. The effect of the drug on the leaf surface under favorable weather conditions lasts from 7-20 days. Even slight precipitation or heavy dew significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Personal experience - Fitoverm works more effectively if used in a higher concentration than indicated in the annotation, 2-3 times. And treatments need to be done 3 times every 10 days. Experience of summer residents: Fitoverm does not work effectively from all manufacturers; there are good reviews of Fitoverm produced by August and Bashinkom.

* It must be remembered that with prolonged use of only one group of drugs, pests develop resistance to this type of influence, in other words, resistance. To avoid such addiction, it is recommended to alternate different types of preparations for treating plants.

* In the spring, when planning the location of beds and flower beds, you need to consider whether these plants will be treated with insecticides. For example, if you are planting potatoes and plan to spray them with insecticides against Colorado beetles, then it is better not to place beds with herbs or berry plantations near the potato plot. The same considerations are relevant when planning decorative areas - mixborders, flower beds. For example, lily buds are often attacked by various pests. During the season, you need to spray them several times with any insecticides, which means it is better not to place berry bushes or plantations near lilies. These precautions will help prevent accidental and unnecessary contact of sprayed insecticides with berries, greens and other plants.

When preparing the article materials, reference information from the site was used
We thank the consultants for their help in preparing the article: Irina Vladimirovna Suslova, chemist and biologist
