Corn porridge for one year old child. Corn porridge for children: how to cook it correctly, its benefits, recipes

Corn porridge is a healthy and tasty product that will be an excellent option for a baby's breakfast. You can also prepare the dish for dinner. After a nutritious dinner, your baby will sleep better at night and gain better weight. A young mother just needs to get acquainted with some of the features of introducing her baby to this cereal and choose the appropriate recipe for her child.

Corn porridge is characterized by a valuable multi-component composition. It contains vitamins A, E, C, K, B, as well as a whole complex of minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and other trace elements. Product contains vegetable protein, folic acid, which are so important in the development of children. 100 grams of product contains 371 kcal, 8.8 g of protein, 1.2 g of fat, 72 g of carbohydrates.

Corn cob porridge is less digestible than rice or buckwheat. But the cereal contains fewer calories. It is often recommended by pediatricians for feeding infants prone to overweight.

The composition of corn grits has a beneficial effect on the following processes in the body of babies:

  • Corn porridge for children is rich in fiber. This component improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes bowel movements, and prevents metabolic failures.
  • Constant consumption of cereal helps to normalize work immune system;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • removes toxic compounds from the body;
  • regulates cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • has a positive effect on work nervous system.

Along with rice and buckwheat, corn does not contain gluten - a specific allergenic component. Due to this, allergies to corn grits or porridge occur in only 1% of children.

The product has some laxative properties due to its significant fiber content. If a baby suffers from constipation, corn porridge will improve intestinal function and alleviate the condition. Rice dishes are preferable in cases where the baby is prone to diarrhea. A decoction of this cereal will strengthen the stool and can be useful for.

Can cereal cause harm?

Like many other types of cereals, corn grits, in addition to the obvious benefits, require certain precautions when consumed:

  • The product should not be used frequently if the baby is prone to diarrhea. Fiber-rich grains can aggravate bowel problems.
  • You should not often use corn cob porridge in the diet of underweight infants.
  • Excessive consumption of dishes made from this cereal can cause problems in functioning musculoskeletal system, because the phosphorus contained in the product is capable of leaching calcium from bone tissue.

In cases with diseases gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, if the baby is registered with a gastroenterologist, he has a disturbance in the acid balance; the components of the cereal can negatively affect the health of the baby, cause pain, nausea and even vomiting. A similar reaction occurs if you start complementary feeding too early, when the toddler’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that the diet of a healthy child up to the age of 6 months should consist exclusively of mother's milk. This position is also shared by WHO pediatricians. In this case, both vegetable puree and porridge can be used. The doctor should decide what is best for the baby based on the individual developmental characteristics of the baby. For children with food allergies, iron deficiency, in iodine deficiency conditions, it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding the introduction of complementary foods.

At what age should it be included in the diet and some features of its introduction?

Before choosing suitable recipes and preparing aromatic corn porridge for babies, it will be useful for a young mother to familiarize herself with some of the features of introducing grains into the child’s diet.

  • Corn porridge is offered to a child no earlier than 8–9 months after being introduced to rice and buckwheat.
  • How much healthy cereal can be given to a baby depends on his age. The recommended one-time volume of the product for a 1-year-old child should not exceed 200 g;
  • after the mother offers an incomplete portion of a cereal product as complementary food, it is necessary to supplement the baby with breast milk or artificial formula;
  • We begin our acquaintance with a one-component liquid porridge of uniform consistency;
  • We offer the dish to the baby for the first time 0.5–1 teaspoon in the morning;
  • we monitor the baby’s reaction: we monitor the child’s well-being, changes in the nature and frequency of bowel movements, check for the presence of an allergic reaction on the skin in the form of a rash;
  • subject to a favorable reaction, gradually increase the portion to the required amount;
  • We temporarily exclude the product from the diet if disorders are detected: diarrhea, allergic rashes, increased excitability. This situation requires consultation with a medical specialist.
  • does not recommend using corn grits more than 2 times every 7 days;
  • carbohydrates and dietary fiber from porridges remain in the gastrointestinal tract longer, therefore, with the introduction of complementary foods, the number of feedings per day is reduced from 6 to 5 times;
  • cereals may have fruit or vegetable additions later in life;
  • The consistency of dishes for infants should be liquid. Gradually, you can make the dishes a little thicker, so that it is easier for the baby to learn how to manipulate a spoon independently;
  • from 8 months you can use bicomponent (from two grains), and then multicomponent (from several types of grains) porridges. Such dishes can be enriched with fruits and dried fruits, and cereal flakes can be used. This will help the baby learn to chew faster;
  • In the future, it is advisable to give fruit juice or puree, cottage cheese along with porridge. Corn porridge can become a side dish when the baby gets acquainted with meat and poultry products.

  • As a first introduction, it is recommended to use porridge cooked in water; in the diet of children over 1 year old, they are boiled in milk;
  • when preparing porridge for infants, do not use spices, salt and sugar;
  • add butter to the finished cereal dish (no more than 6 g by one year);
  • Cereal grains are carefully sorted, blackened grains are removed, and thoroughly washed several times;
  • The prepared dish is offered to the baby when it has cooled to a comfortable temperature;
  • Previously prepared porridges should not be stored for more than a day. In this case, after the temperature has dropped sufficiently, I close the dishes tightly and place them on the refrigerator shelf;
  • heat the dish in a water bath or in a double boiler no more than once;
  • To prepare porridge, you can use flour from this cereal or make it yourself using a coffee grinder or chopper.


Before cooking cereals, it is necessary to take into account that only a one-year-old child can chew food effectively, so it is important to give homogenized foods to children under 12 months of age. Pediatricians and gastroenterologists insist that it is better to give preference to cereals and grind them yourself.

Cereals made from corn cobs do not lose their beneficial characteristics when exposed to high temperatures.

  • color of the cereal - we give preference to bright yellow cereal;
  • grinding - it is better to give preference to rough, hollow;
  • choose a product with a low content of dark grains;
  • We pay special attention to the integrity of packaging and expiration dates.

Like all porridges, corn grits also tend to swell. It should be cooked in a ratio of 1:4, 1:3 with liquid. It all depends on the mother’s desire regarding the thickness of the future dish. Pour the thoroughly washed cereal into a container with boiling water. The optimal cooking time is 20–30 minutes. Then the porridge must be removed from the stove, covered with a towel and allowed to stand for about half an hour.

With milk, water or vegetable broth

Corn milk porridge can be offered to children over 1 year old. To prepare it you will need half a liter of milk. After it boils, add grains and reduce the boiling intensity. Stir the porridge periodically for half an hour to avoid burning. After the time has passed, remove the porridge from the heat, cover with a towel and leave for about 20 minutes. We give the finished porridge the necessary consistency using a blender. You can diversify the dish with fruits: banana, apple. Berries, honey, and chocolate should be used with caution. After using them, the child is more likely to experience allergic reactions.

In a slow cooker

There is nothing easier and faster than cooking corn porridge using a slow cooker. Mix grains and water in a ratio of 1 part grain to 4 parts water, select the required program. After cooking is complete, leave the food in the warming mode for 10–15 minutes. The porridge turns out aromatic and crumbly. Divide the resulting amount of food into several servings. You can give complementary foods using a special bottle with a spoon.

From corn flour

This porridge is ideal for introducing your baby to the product. It turns out to be a homogeneous consistency. In addition, it cooks quite quickly. Bring the water to a boil, add flour while stirring and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the treat for about 20 minutes.

With pumpkin

For older kids, corn porridge with pumpkin will be a tasty solution. To do this, you need to wash the pumpkin.

  • pumpkin pulp – 70 g
  • corn grits - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, and then boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Afterwards you can start preparing the porridge itself. The cereal should be fried in a frying pan, i.e. “dried”, this will avoid lumps, and then poured into water boiling over low heat.
  3. 15 minutes before readiness, add the boiled pumpkin and boil for another 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove and leave it under a towel for 20 minutes.
  4. Give the dish a uniform consistency using a blender. You can also cook this porridge in the oven.

With meat puree

To add nutritional value to the porridge and surprise the baby with a new taste, mothers often add meat puree or pate. In this case, you should boil the cereal separately and prepare the meat puree separately. It is better to use chicken, veal or turkey meat. A dish with meat additive is given to the baby no earlier than 9–10 months. In more early age The baby's gastrointestinal tract is not able to cope with such a load.

  • beef, turkey, veal, chicken or rabbit – 50 g
  • corn grits - 2 tbsp. l.
  • purified water for feeding children
  1. Place the meat in a container with water, leave until it boils, drain the meat broth and add a new portion of water, cook until tender.
  2. Grind in a blender to the required consistency along with a small amount of broth.
  3. At the same time prepare the side dish. Pour 200 ml of water over the washed corn kernels and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Let the porridge brew for another 30 minutes.
  4. We give the porridge the necessary consistency using a blender.

Meat puree can be mixed with porridge or placed separately on a plate.

Corn flake porridge with fruit

  • corn flakes – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • applesauce or apple – 1 pc.
  • banana – 0.5 pcs.
  • apple juice – 4 tbsp. l.
  • soft butter – 2 tbsp.
  1. Wash the apple thoroughly, cut off the skin, remove the core, and grate it.
  2. Place the apple in a cooking container along with the cereal, add 200g of water, cook, stirring continuously for 5 minutes.
  3. Mash the banana thoroughly with a fork, mix with softened butter, fruit and corn mixture and beat.
  4. Heat the apple juice and pour over the finished dish.

Corn porridge

  • corn grits (crushed) – 1 tbsp. l.
  • pear – 0.5 pcs.
  1. Pour 150 ml of water over corn grits and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Add peeled and diced pear, boil for another 5 minutes.
  3. Infuse the finished dish for about 10 minutes, giving it a puree-like consistency.

Polenta (from 2 years)

  • corn flour - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 2 tbsp.
  • salt, butter
  1. Bring the water to a boil, gradually add corn flour, stirring constantly.
  2. Move the pan to water bath stirring constantly. Cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Add water if necessary.
  4. Add butter to polenta and stir.
  5. Place in a mold to harden. Cut the cooled polenta into pieces and serve to the little ones for testing.

It is important to cook for your baby with love. Select high-quality products, try to approach the cooking process with imagination. So, eating food will become an interesting process for the baby, bringing only positive moments.

I believe that corn porridge is somehow undeservedly unpopular among many young mothers. In fact, this cereal is very healthy and porridge made from it is perfect for small children.

It's no secret that many mothers don't cook this porridge often because they "have to stand over it." Yes, this porridge tends to burn to the bottom of the pan if it is not stirred. But still, you should use a pan with a non-stick coating or a thick bottom and cook the porridge over medium heat, stirring it occasionally.

So, I will prepare one serving of porridge. My granddaughter eats corn porridge with gusto, both sweet and savory, with chicken or fish.

We will prepare the ingredients for making corn porridge for a child according to the list. We take the amount of cereal at the following rate: 1 part cereal to 3 parts water.

First of all, rinse the cereal well in several waters.

Rinse until the water runs clear.

Pour water into the pan and add salt to the water.

Pour the cereal into the pan and put the pan on the fire. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cook the porridge, stirring, for 20-25 minutes.

Do not wait until the porridge becomes completely thick, remove it from the heat, it will quickly thicken as it cools (this feature of corn porridge - it thickens quickly when cooling - should always be taken into account when you prepare it for your child).

You can add a little sugar and butter to the finished porridge, but all this is at your request and according to the indications for feeding your child.

Corn porridge for children is a great breakfast or dinner!

What cereals should I feed my baby? Today we are talking about corn porridge. The cereal is good and loved by everyone because it is gluten-free, which means it is completely non-allergenic. The benefit of this porridge is that its composition is extremely rich in vitamins, and this is very useful for small children. We will analyze in detail healing properties corn grits, we will study the timing of its introduction into the children's diet and offer you options on how to cook corn porridge for a child.

Corn porridge must be included in a child’s diet (see also:)

Is corn good or bad?

Corn porridge for children must be included in the diet and here's why:

  1. Children under one year old need a number of vitamins that contribute to the full development of the body. All of them are in the porridge we are interested in: A, E, H, PP, B, K, C. The cereal is also rich in microelements: iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, nickel.
  2. Fiber is needed for smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and there is a lot of it in cereals. When there is not enough fiber, babies suffer from constipation and have metabolic problems.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, stimulating its functioning, and is also useful for the general tone of the immune system, especially during the period of recovery of the body after taking antibiotics, as it perfectly restores the microflora.
  4. Porridge has soothing properties, which means it will be an excellent aid during teething in hyperactive children.
  5. Cereals protect the walls of blood vessels from the formation of blood clots, and also have a cleansing effect on the blood. All this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

Low-calorie corn grits are ideal for baby tummy. It is easily digestible and does not create a feeling of heaviness, given that the recipe does not include other high-calorie ingredients. Suitable as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, as well as in combination with vegetable salads. It is quite possible to use it as an independent dish.

Corn grits contain many vitamins and fiber, which have a beneficial effect on child digestion.

Heat treatment does not kill the benefits of the product. Cereals can be boiled, stewed or steamed. You can choose the option that suits you best.

Besides beneficial properties, corn grits also have harmful:

  • Causes calcium leaching. Eating corn grits in excessive quantities can lead to excess phosphorus in the body. Small doses of this microelement are useful, but exceeding them leads to the fact that phosphorus binds calcium present in bones and teeth and removes them from the body.
  • Causes acid imbalance. Corn porridge for infants is not recommended for children under 9 months, and it is also contraindicated for those babies who have stomach problems and duodenum. Excessive consumption of cereals leads to disruption of the acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism. Particular attention should be paid to corn flakes, which all children simply adore. Just 100 g of this product contains 600 mg of sodium, and an excess of this element leads to nausea, dizziness and a number of disorders in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

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When is the optimal time to try porridge for the first time? The most best time– 7-9 months. It is important to consider the following: the baby has been eating “adult” food for a long time, and he has already become familiar with rice and buckwheat porridge (we recommend reading:). When all the conditions are met, you can proceed to the first sample of corn porridge. High content fiber makes this cereal easily digestible and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. An artificial baby can try porridge a little earlier, at about 6-8 months of age.

You can start introducing corn porridge into your baby’s diet at nine months.

Is it possible to make porridge yourself from corn flour? For best result It is advisable to buy coarse grains and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine floury consistency. This way you will help it retain maximum nutritional properties.

Store-bought corn flour is poorer in vitamins and richer in starch, proteins and carbohydrates, which greatly increases its calorie content. You won’t find vitamin E in store-bought flour, which is so important for a baby’s full growth. There are also significantly fewer B vitamins. For newborns, you can use ready-made formulas that preserve vitamins and save mother’s time.

Whole grain porridge: when can it be given? When your child is 1 year old, you can cook him porridge from whole grains. A choice of coarse, well-polished cereals is ideal. The bright yellow tint of the cereal will indicate the high quality of the grain.

What about milk, should I add it to the porridge? For a baby who has not yet tried milk, you can sweeten the porridge with breast milk. Starting from 10-11 months, of course in the absence allergic reactions, you can add banana, pear, apple, dried apricots or raisins to your complementary feeding porridge to taste. This will decorate the dish and make it more appetizing. It is better to cook porridge with milk after a year.

Frequency of use: how many times a week can you give your baby this dish? It is not recommended to eat corn porridge too often. The best option– 1-2 times a week. We have already talked about the dangers of overusing this cereal: disruption of the water-salt balance, leaching of calcium and potassium from the body, but they are extremely important for the smooth functioning of the heart and blood vessels and the condition of teeth and bones.

You can add fruits and berries to the porridge from those that do not cause allergies in the child and have already been tried before

Corn porridge recipes

Helpful Tips:

  1. It is advisable to pour the cereal into already boiling water, this way the maximum possible amount of nutrients is preserved, although an option is possible when the cereal is poured cold water.
  2. Cereals should be thoroughly washed before cooking. Remnants of cobs left in the cereal can cause discomfort when eating. These particles float when the grains are poured with water.
  3. We recommend steeping the finished porridge in the oven or stove, so it will become even tastier and noticeably increase in volume.

From corn flour

Corn grits should be ground almost into dust. This can be done using a coffee grinder. Preparation:

  1. For a 250 ml volume of liquid (water + milk or just water), you need to take 4 tablespoons of flour.
  2. Boil the water.
  3. Place a sieve over the pan and sift the flour. The free hand constantly stirs the porridge.
  4. Without ceasing to stir, cook the porridge for 2 minutes. Using a blender for grinding, the flour could remain coarse, then the cooking time will be 20-25 minutes. As a result, you should get a homogeneous and soft consistency.
  5. The pan should be removed from the stove, closed tightly with a lid and left to swell for 10 minutes.
  6. For taste, you can add a couple of grams of butter. We do not recommend sweetening the dish with sugar.

To make the porridge finer, use a blender or coffee grinder

Let us offer you another cooking method. In this case, the already cooked porridge is ground in a blender to a finer structure:

  1. For 1 cup of boiling water you will need ½ cup of cereal.
  2. Wait until it boils, reduce the heat.
  3. Cook until thick, about 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the stove, cover with a towel and let sit for about 45 minutes.
  5. Grind the finished and frozen porridge using a blender.
  6. You can add a little butter and give it as complementary food.

In the oven

For cooking, it is ideal to take a clay pot, and even better, it has a thick bottom. Preparation:

  1. Pour ½ cup of milk and the same amount of water into it.
  2. For this volume of liquid you will need 2 tablespoons of cereal, as well as a little salt.
  3. Place a pot of porridge in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  4. After 20 minutes, the porridge should be stirred to avoid burning.
  5. After another 40-50 minutes, the porridge can be removed.
  6. You can make the porridge even tastier with the help of butter and dried fruits.

In a slow cooker

You will need:

  • equal amounts of milk and water (1.5 cups each);
  • ¼ cup of cereal;
  • a little salt;
  • butter – 25 g.

Can be cooked in a slow cooker different recipes porridge, one of them is porridge with pumpkin


  1. The cereal should be thoroughly washed, then poured into the cooking bowl of the multicooker, seasoned with oil and added salt.
  2. Pour in the milk-water mixture.
  3. Click on the “Milk porridge” mode (or another one corresponding to the type of your multicooker).
  4. As soon as the program ends, stir the porridge.
  5. Turn on the heating mode and leave to simmer for 30 minutes.

Corn porridge with vegetable broth

A tasty and nutritious lunch in the form of broth-based porridge will be an excellent option for children in their first year of life. It is better to use vegetable broth rather than meat broth. For the broth, take onions, carrots, potatoes, and broccoli. You should boil the vegetables in a saucepan or slow cooker, and then boil the cereal in it.

Corn porridge for babies will be very healthy and satisfying. For the first tests, it is better to take vegetables that are already familiar to the baby, those that you are sure do not cause allergies. For the first complementary foods, you should limit yourself to a small portion size. This dish smells very pleasant, which means the child will eat it with pleasure.

By choosing corn grits as a complementary food, you guarantee your baby the health benefits and nutritional value that a growing body needs. Thanks to the delicious porridge, your little one’s stomach will always work perfectly, and there will also be no problems with the nerves, heart and blood vessels.

Corn porridge is not as popular among children and their parents as other types of porridge. But this in no way detracts from its beneficial properties. Children for whom their mothers prepare this dish usually enjoy eating the natural product. Let's find out why corn porridge is useful and harmful, at what age it can be given to a child, and how to prepare it correctly.

About the product

The uniqueness of corn porridge lies in the fact that it can be made with almost anything - milk, plain water, meat or vegetable broth. In any culinary version, the product will be directly related to a healthy and balanced diet, since no heat treatment destroys the beneficial substances contained in such porridge.

Cereals are produced by crushing dried corn grains. Depending on how finely and thoroughly the grain is crushed, the grinding class depends. There are five types of maize groats. The fifth is the coarsest, the first is extremely delicate; for example, it is used to make not only delicate and tender porridge for toddlers, but also corn sticks, beloved by children.

It should be said that the resulting porridge is high in calories. One hundred grams of the finished product contains at least 300-320 kcal. That’s why you shouldn’t overeat.

The Aztecs began to use corn separately and in cereals; mentions of this are preserved in historical sources. It is known for certain that it was fatty corn porridge that the hospitable Indians greeted the conquistadors even before hospitality “backfired on them.” Columbus brought not only tobacco to Europe, but also corn seeds. In Russia, since the 17th century, it was grown in the Caucasus and southern regions, and its widespread distribution became possible thanks to Nikita Khrushchev’s special love for culture.

Corn porridge is known in all cuisines of the world. Georgians call it gomi, Italians call it polenta. Moldovans and Ukrainians call the product mamaliga.

How is it useful?

For a child, corn porridge is a rich source of energy, which children require much more than adults. But the advantages of maize porridge do not end there. Firstly, it contains the least amount of gluten compared to other cereals - rice, wheat, oats.

Secondly, corn grits are rich in B vitamins and contain vitamins A and E. A large amount of fiber in such a dish will help cope with constipation. Corn “sludge” in water is a great way to relieve pain after many days of difficulty with bowel movements. Even a large amount of porridge does not strengthen at all.

For the harmonious development of the child’s nervous system, his blood circulation, blood vessels, and heart, corn porridge contains a large number of microelements and macroelements.

The product is very rich:

  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • gray;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

Porridge is quickly absorbed by the human body, gently digested, and eliminates toxins and waste. If you give this porridge regularly to a child from an allowed age, you will notice that it strengthens the immune system, nails, hair become stronger and more beautiful, teeth and bone tissue become stronger.

Corn porridge is considered an excellent food for the prevention of tumors and neoplasms, as well as for the treatment of anemia, since mineral composition cereal helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Porridge is good for hyperactive children because it is rich in magnesium, which is an excellent sedative.

The combination of calcium and silicon makes corn porridge very useful for children's teeth, especially during the period of their intensive growth, and then when milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. If a child eats maize porridge regularly, he will not gain weight, as happens with semolina. The balanced composition and rapid digestion of the corn product helps maintain weight and reduce it, even with an impressive stated calorie content.

Age restrictions

Despite all the benefits of the product, nutritionists and pediatricians do not recommend introducing corn porridge in the form of crushed cereal for infants. Enzymes that would help such porridge to be digested faster with maximum benefit for child's body, at an early age the baby does not produce it in sufficient quantities, and corn porridge will be somewhat heavy for him. The exception is special children's dietary corn porridge, which is actually sold ready-made and labeled “for baby food" It comes in dairy-free and dairy-free varieties. Dairy-free food is more suitable for complementary feeding, since it is less likely to cause allergies, in particular to milk protein.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

It is recommended for a child to buy cereal in a store and cook porridge from it no earlier than 8 months. For an eight-month-old baby, porridge is introduced gradually, starting with small portions. You should carefully monitor your reaction to this product.

If redness of the skin, itching, signs of indigestion, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, belching appear, then it is better to postpone the idea of ​​​​feeding this porridge to an 8-month-old baby until a later age.

Children with allergies who are prone to food and other types of allergies should not be given corn porridge until they are 1 year old. After this age, you can give the product in small portions. First in its pure form, then, in the absence negative reaction body, you can give maize porridge with fruits and berries.

The allergenic component of corn grits is quite arbitrary. It is believed that the body's immune response can be provoked by natural substances that color the cereal in a beautiful yellow-golden color. It should be noted that allergies to this natural dye rarely occur in children.

Nevertheless, it is believed that it will be better if the child begins to eat such a product after his digestion has adapted to some other cereals, and therefore corn porridge should not be considered for the first complementary feeding.

A child should be given this porridge no more than 1-2 times a week. In terms of receiving useful substances child's body, this will be quite enough.

When should you not give?

The glycemic index of this tasty and healthy dish is quite high. This should be taken into account by mothers of babies with congenital and acquired diabetes mellitus. The diet plan for such children does not include corn on the menu at all, neither in the form of grains nor in the form of cobs. Such a product will only cause harm.

If a child has an individual intolerance to corn and products made from it, such porridge should also be abandoned in favor of another, which will be approved by the pediatrician and allergist.

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract do not imply the presence of maize porridge on the menu. First of all we're talking about O peptic ulcer, about inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, the corn dish can be taken only after the exacerbation of the disease has resolved with the permission of the attending physician.

How to choose?

When choosing cereal for a child, you should pay attention to the degree of grinding. If the child is not even a year old, it is best to buy corn grits of the first degree of grinding, the finest. It produces ready-made porridge of uniform consistency, without large fragments. It does not cause an increase in stomach acidity, does not lead to fermentation processes in the intestines during digestion, and therefore such porridge will not make your tummy bloat.

Porridge for children aged 2-3 years may contain more large fractions. Coarsely ground bright yellow grits are suitable, the kind used to make corn flakes. The crushed grain particles in it have different sizes, but for a child who already has a mouth full of milk teeth, this is not a problem.

You can also give preference to polished corn grits. It also has different sizes, but the grain particles are smoother, since grinding is carried out after crushing, therefore, the porridge from such grains is more tender.

For a baby up to one year old, you can cook porridge from corn flour, but this is a higher-calorie option.


If porridge is introduced into complementary feeding for the first time for a child under one year old, it can only be cooked in water. Do not consider any options that involve the presence of butter, milk and cream for infants. The simplest and healthy porridge It’s very easy to prepare for a baby:

  • cereal - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - glass.

The porridge is cooked over low heat for a little over half an hour, with occasional stirring. After this, it should be rubbed with an immersion blender until smooth.

Whatever porridge you cook from maize, remember the basic rules for culinary processing of this cereal:

  • always rinse the cereal thoroughly and remove any foreign matter if found;
  • cook the porridge longer than other types of cereals, since undercooked corn grits will be quite tough;
  • for cooking, use only dishes with thick walls and a bottom, otherwise your porridge will quickly burn to the thin bottom or walls, and it will be very difficult to wash the dishes;
  • You can store the finished dish for no more than a day in a container with a tight lid; it is best to heat it for your child in a water bath.

Cooking maize porridge correctly is not difficult at all. Here are a few recipes that will definitely come in handy for the mother of a child of any age.

Classic dairy

This dish must be cooked in milk. But first, it is advisable to boil hard grains in water. Place the cereal in a saucepan, add water and simmer over low heat until the water has completely boiled away. Then add milk and simmer the porridge under the lid for at least half an hour. Before serving, it is advisable to add oil and let the finished dish sit for a little longer under the lid. The result is a delicate, beautiful milk porridge that can be decorated with anything - fresh berries, raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

For a hearty and healthy breakfast for the whole family you will need: 2 glasses of water, 1 glass of milk, 140 grams of corn grits, 30 grams of butter, sugar, salt to taste, as well as everything you consider appropriate to decorate the finished dish with when serving.

In a slow cooker

Today, when such a useful kitchen appliance as a multicooker is found in almost every home, the task of preparing maize porridge is greatly simplified. Put this porridge to cook and go for a walk with your child. In order to prepare a dish correctly, it is not at all necessary to stand at the stove.

Place clean cereals in the bowl of the appliance, immediately add sugar, salt and a piece of butter, if you plan to use it. ready dish. Mix the amount of water and milk required by the recipe and pour into the bowl. It is possible to cook porridge in the “Rice” or “Milk porridge” modes with the heating function set sequentially. In just an hour, tender, tasty porridge will be ready for you and your child.

To learn how to prepare corn porridge for your child, watch the following video.

After rice and buckwheat porridges, you can introduce corn porridge into your baby's complementary foods. By this time he should already be 9 months old. It is priceless because it does not contain gluten, which means it is completely safe for allergy sufferers. So, what is its benefit for a small organism that is growing and getting stronger day by day?

Properly cooked corn porridge is of great value for children's health because:

  • incredibly useful for digestion, because the fiber in its composition stimulates normal intestinal function;
  • makes life easier for those kids who;
  • able to inhibit putrefactive processes and fermentation in the intestines;
  • calms the child’s seething and “talking” belly;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes excess fat from the body;
  • normalizes the functioning of blood vessels and the heart;
  • The silicon in its composition helps solve dental problems.

This is only part of the benefits of corn porridge for children. It also delivers a lot of vitamins and minerals to the small body, which are actively involved in the functioning of all systems and organs. Therefore, you should not hesitate and deprive your child of such a healthy pleasure.

How to cook

How to cook corn porridge for a child so that it is as healthy as possible? To do this, it is better to follow certain instructions, because experiments can lead to undesirable consequences.

  1. Rinse the cereal with cold water (one or two times is enough).
  2. Dry.
  3. Grind it in a coffee grinder or grind it with a blender (this is necessary if the child is less than a year old: for older children this is no longer necessary).
  4. For cooking, take dishes with a non-stick coating, otherwise you risk ruining the taste of the child's dish, and the child will refuse to eat it once and for all.
  5. The crushed cereal is poured hot water(or milk), bring to a boil and cook with constant stirring for about 15–20 minutes over low heat.
  6. If desired, you can express a little breast milk into it before feeding.
  7. Sugar can only be used after a year. Before this, for sweetening, it is better to add a banana or apple in the form of puree.
  8. For taste, you can add a little butter to the dish.
  9. The frequency of complementary feeding is once a week.

The rules are simple and will not require any special troubles from the young mother. Corn porridge for children can be prepared not only in a regular saucepan, but also in a slow cooker, a double boiler, and even in the oven. Now all that remains is to find out the recipes and please your baby with a new dish.

Best Recipes

Choose corn porridge recipes for children depending on the cooking technology, ingredients and age of your child. It is advisable not to change anything in dosages.

  • 1. Instant cooking

Store-bought porridge for infants does not require cooking or additives. Dilute the required amount with chilled boiled water, you can add breast milk - and the miracle porridge is ready! These are one of the first cereals that are introduced into a baby’s diet.

  • 2. Classic

Pour boiling water (200 ml) over corn grits (200 g), put on low heat, after 15 minutes pour in hot milk (100 ml), cook for another 5 minutes. Add salt (2 g) and butter (3 g).

  • 3. Dairy

Pour crushed corn grits (glass) with hot milk (glass), boil, season with salt (2 g) and butter (3 g).

Now you know how healthy and important corn porridge is in the diet of children. Be sure to learn how to cook it and please your baby with delicious and healthy dish regularly.
