Tattoos for men on the pectoral muscle. Chest tattoos for girls: aesthetics and design options

A tattoo on a man's chest is an old decoration. Previously, images were displayed on wars going to the battlefield and were considered a talisman. The design covered the sternum, behind which a brave heart beat.

Nowadays, the symbolism of the sacrament has been preserved, but the theme of the image has acquired modern significance, turning into a branch of art.

An embossed drawing or inscription specifically on chest popular among men.

Firstly, this is the optimal place for any idea, regardless of size and meaning. A miniature drawing or a full-scale composition, they look equally good on the male chest. The area is flat and wide, making application easy. Three-dimensional images, patterns and abstractions look impressive.

Secondly, it is in this area that the main and symbolic human organ- heart. This gives the drawing special meaning if we're talking about about sacred and personal inscriptions.

In addition, tattoos on the chest can be shown off. For some men this is important - not everyone prefers to hide it under clothes.

Image Meanings

The tradition of getting tattoos came from sailors. They sported sailboats, swallows and sea waves on their chests.

During the Soviet years, tattoos became a sign of a criminal and anti-regime past. In those days, portraits of Soviet leaders were adorned on the chest. The calculation was that the security officers would not shoot at the painted allied leaders.

Modern images have their own symbolism. The drawing reflects the character of the owner, his philosophy and interests.

Different trends have their own fashionable tattoo trends. An interesting one is the “hard rock tattoo”, where every detail has its own meaning.


The cross on the chest symbolizes commitment to knightly values ​​- strength, courage, honesty. Most often, tattoos are done on the left side, closer to the heart muscle.

In ancient times, the drawing was considered a talisman against being hit by a spear.


The tiger is a symbol of natural strength and controlled aggression. If an animal is depicted in a pair with a dragon, then this means the union of the feminine and masculine principles.

The tiger's grin warns of the owner's quick reaction and that he does not forgive offenders.


The picture can show off any representative of this species - a panda, a grizzly bear, a white or brown bear. Each has its own meaning:

  • white – the desire to survive, a lonely path (often used by northern peoples);
  • grizzly - determination and intention to cope with any problem;
  • koala/panda – symbol of optimism;
  • brown – power and strength.

In some cultures, the bear symbolizes mystical power.


The image of the king of beasts is one of the most ancient. Symbolizes royal power.

The tattoo assigns to its owner the qualities of a lion - nobility, strength, pride, courage, cunning, victory.

Most often they depict paintings from everyday life animal - hunting, resting, shaking its mane, etc.


A popular drawing among modern young people. The main meaning is endurance, courage, devotion, independence, convinced loneliness.

This tattoo is not suitable for flighty people. It is often done by adherents of monogamous relationships.


Majestic and beautiful image in different variations. There are a lot of interpretations, because this mythical creature is revered in different countries.

Traditionally, the dragon is a symbol of longevity, rebirth, wisdom, fearlessness, and protection.

They are depicted alone and in company with maidens, other wonderful creatures and animals.


The meaning of the image depends on the type of wings (bird, angel) and their position (folded, spread). They indicate the owner’s love for freedom, speed, and his commitment to the air element.

Angel wings traditionally symbolize purity and the divine. Wings are also stuffed as a sign of longing for loved ones, especially the dead.

The winged heart symbolizes an eternal love union based on trust. Wings with a skull symbolize victory over death.

Before getting a tattoo, you should understand the symbolism. After all, the image will carry a secret meaning not only for the owner, but also for society. Getting rid of the “tattoo” is then problematic; you should think carefully about this step.

In order for the result to meet your expectations, contact professional tattoo parlors, where they will help you understand all the intricacies of the issue.

All kinds of decoration of one's body have long been part of people's lives.

Tattoos are experiencing a new wave of popularity today.

Moreover, almost all styles are relevant - from Japanese hieroglyphs to graphics and tradition.

Women and men often want to get a tattoo on their chest, and there are many ideas for this.

Features of choosing a place

According to statistics from tattoo artists, the chest is one of the top 3 places for tattooing. The popularity of this choice is obvious:

  1. Many men do not want to cover their neck or other exposed areas of skin due to the specific nature of working in an office or other structures, so that their passion for tattoos does not affect their career. Breasts are exposed only in informal settings or on vacation at the beach. So this option becomes an excellent compromise between desires and reality.
  2. The chest allows you to make large luxurious tattoos in absolutely any style; there are practically no restrictions on the choice of designs.
  3. It’s hard not to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of the pattern on a man’s chest. Sometimes such a tattoo becomes an element of seduction of the opposite sex.
  4. An important factor in choosing a location is considered to be the most painless application of a tattoo, even over a large area. There is a large amount of soft tissue here that absorbs numerous needle impacts.
  5. The symbolism of the image near the heart is also off the charts. Men who choose this place for drawing give it special meaning.

The photo shows men's tattoos or tattoos on the sternum:

Drawings on hairy male chest

Sometimes men doubt whether it is worth getting a design on their hairy chest. Here the answer is clear - tattoos look great both on the open body and on the hairy parts. After all, images are often printed not only on the chest, but also on the legs, where there are also quite a lot of hairs. However, in any case, the image looks aesthetically pleasing and much more brutal:


No less popular than drawings. The inscription can encode a sacred thought that has turned a person’s consciousness upside down, or a phrase that has changed his life. It can also be a motto or call to action that will motivate and inspire throughout your life's journey.

The chest is exactly the place where an inscription of any format looks most impressive. The phrase size doesn't matter. You can choose one word and weave it into a drawing, or write several sentences in a beautiful font. All options will be appropriate.

Men's tattoo lettering:

On male nipples

Nipple tattoos are usually comic in nature and small in size. This version of the drawing will suit people with humor. It is rare that the nipple is included in a serious and symbolic tattoo.

Nipple tattoos for men:

Under the chest, on the shoulders, on the solar plexus

Often, when choosing a large sketch, the tattoo moves from the chest to the stomach or shoulders. It happens that one drawing emphasizes the meaning and beauty of another.

Options for drawing a sketch on the solar plexus and under the breasts are also extremely good:

Sometimes men, on the contrary, cover their arms, shoulders, and the area under the chest, leaving the chest itself clean, surrounded by drawings and patterns.

Sometimes the coverage area is not interrupted and extends from the shoulders and neck to the lower abdomen:

Tattoos on collarbones and shoulders for guys:

Tattoo wings, stars, masks, eagles

The most common themes for tattoos on the male chest for a long time wings, masks and various star sketches remain.

Moreover, the wings act as both a separate element and part of painted birds or other unusual designs:

Mask tattoos are performed using various techniques and can also be the center of the sketch and its only content, or can be included in an intricate picture:

The stars are stuffed small and large, one at a time and in bulk, colored and plain:

Owls, tigers, wolves and other animals are also current topics. Sketches with animals:

Popular image of an eagle:

Chest tattoos for fashionable women


The chest is an equally popular place for tattooing among women. However, the pattern coverage area is usually smaller. The area under or above the mammary gland is selected; it itself is rarely affected, so as not to damage the delicate mammary gland.

Women have a much harder time getting a tattoo on their chest, since in this case the design most often does not go according to soft tissues, and along the bones of the ribs, accordingly, the depreciation for numerous punctures is much lower. Often, masters offer to fill large sketches in several approaches or give anesthesia, because the female breast is a tender and painful place for such manipulations.

In the photo of a tattoo on the sternum in women:


Tattoos in the form of inscriptions are especially popular among the female population. This is explained by the belief in the special symbolism of the inscription.

On female nipples

Women take decorating their breasts much more seriously than men. You won't see funny little drawings here. The female gender approaches the choice of sketch more than responsibly.

Beautiful flowers and patterns - this is what is chosen in this case for stuffing on the iron and pacifier. But there are other options.

Different patterns on and around the nipples:

Images under, above and around the chest, on the solar plexus, on the shoulders

The most popular location for a woman's chest tattoo is, of course, under the breasts. This decoration emphasizes feminine charms, especially in open clothes and swimsuits.

Tattoos for girls under the sternum:

Drawings between breasts:

Above the mammary glands:

Under bust side:

But some people prefer to decorate the upper chest part and continue the pattern on the shoulders or neck. Lovers of large tattoos decorate the entire chest, bypassing the mammary glands and going down to the stomach. Such tattoo options female breast:

Wings, roses, stars, heart, masks and more

Angel wings on girls can be found not only on the back, but also on the mammary glands, and a scattering of stars can be found on any part of the body.

Among the popular motifs, flowers should also be noted. In first place in terms of frequency of choice are, of course, roses. However, wildflowers or Japanese sakura also often decorate women’s charms:

Animalistic themes are no less popular among female audiences than among male audiences. However, deer, butterflies, foxes, and birds are more common here:

Sometimes some motifs are intertwined in one tattoo:

Before you decide to get a tattoo, you need to carefully consider the place where it will be located.

Then the style and the sketch itself are selected. The master is selected based on style. Professionals most often work in one or two directions. Some people prefer graphics, others traditional and old school. Therefore, the work in the portfolio will be very different.

After choosing a salon, during the session itself, it is important to make sure that the specialist works with high-quality and sterile materials.

After finishing work in the salon, they should give all recommendations for further care of the tattoo.

Men's chest tattoos are chosen by those who like large sketches or symbolic inscriptions. The drawing, which is located in the area of ​​the heart since ancient times, symbolizes a shield and amulet for its owner. Tattoos on the chest are hidden from people's eyes most of the time, but at the same time, a large tattoo always instills confidence in its owner and is his personal talisman. Men's chest tattoos are the choice of brave men.

Men often begin their journey into the world of tattoos not with small, inconspicuous sketches, but with large drawings. A tattoo on the chest is a tattoo option that will not be too flashy and can easily be hidden by clothing.

In ancient times, tattoos on the chest had the property of protection on the battlefield and were supposed to ward off danger from their owner. Today, men get tattoos on their chests because of their meaning and aesthetics; in the modern world, a tattoo primarily expresses style and life position. But the property of protection and amulet also remains relevant for many.

Popular Subjects of Men's Chest Tattoos

Men's Chest Tattoos

The easiest way to get a meaningful tattoo is to choose an inscription. Words woven into one plot in calligraphic font look very harmonious on the chest. Mostly men choose life-affirming and motivating phrases. For example, “Life Is a Lesson” (Life is a lesson), “Believe in yourself” (Believe in yourself).

Men's Abstraction Tattoos on the Chest

Abstraction tattoos in a variety of manifestations are often located on the chest. These can be geometric patterns or trash polka tattoos. You can put any meaning into abstract tattoos, encrypt a message that is important to the owner of the tattoo. At the same time, such tattoos are aesthetic and stylish, they attract attention and force you to unravel the meaning of the design.

Men's Chest Tattoos with Animals and Birds

Representatives of the animal world often become the subject of men's chest tattoos. Almost every animal has its own symbolism.

For example, they mean secret knowledge, a craving for the unknown, wisdom and going beyond the usual everyday consciousness.

And the Tiger is a symbol of courage, nobility, courage. These royal and powerful wild animals in all cultures symbolize the greatness and strength that people value in rulers and leaders.

Means strength, power, calm and nobility. In many cultures, such as Buddhist, the elephant is associated with deities and is revered by people.

Deer tattoo is the embodiment of spirituality and creativity. Deer is associated with sunlight, rebirth, warmth. His horns are a symbol of the world tree.

Men's Heart Tattoos on Chest

Heart tattoo can have several interpretations. For some it is a symbol of life, vitality. According to another popular interpretation, the heart is the embodiment of feelings, emotions, and love. This pattern will be chosen by people who rely on their feelings and trust their emotions.

Men's Tribal Chest Tattoos

Classic ethnic is popular for chest tattoos. In ancient times, tribal tattoos were supposed to control the fate of their owner, protect him from troubles and mistakes, add strength and courage to him, and relieve him of fears.

Among the Maori people, a tattoo (Maori tribal tattoo) was an indicator of courage and endurance, because not everyone decided to get such a tattoo because of the pain when applying it.

Men's Tattoos Minimalism on the Chest

Minimalistic chest tattoos are popular among men. It is generally accepted that a large pattern should be located on a large area of ​​skin. But small tattoo can be placed harmoniously and then it will not get lost and will look decent. For example, a tattoo with the date of birth of a loved one or an element from a painting by a favorite artist.

Black and White Men's Chest Tattoos

Black and white tattoos are an unchanging classic. Monochrome large designs in different styles look great on the chest. Black and white tattoos can be done in the style of realism, and in the style of old school or ethnic.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the chest?

A tattoo on the chest belongs to tattoos with high painful sensations. The most sensitive area is the area around the nipple - on the pain scale this is one of the most painful areas.




In ancient times, tattoos on the chest served as a talisman for people. They symbolized a shield and protected the most important organ from defeat - the warrior’s heart. Today, a drawing on an intimate part of a man’s body allows one to emphasize the relief of the muscles of his body. A tattoo placed on a girl’s chest emphasizes the sexuality and passion of the fairer sex. With its help, post-operative scars are masked and age spots, correct the shape of the bust.

The relief of the chest allows you to make the tattoo voluminous. The designs range from small tattoos to complex body art compositions. In order for the tattoo to maintain its contour, experts advise not to temporarily sleep on your stomach and switch to loose clothing. Girls are advised to stop wearing a bra for 2 weeks.

The meaning of the tattoo - the sacred meaning of the design

The chest is responsible for the sensual component of a person. When choosing a place for drawing a sketch, preference is given to:

  • tattooing above the chest (closer to the neck);
  • filling the space between the breasts;
  • tattoo under the breast;
  • covering the entire pectoral muscle with transition to the upper abdomen.

The pain of the procedure depends on the professionalism of the specialist, the size and shape of the needles, the volume and density of the pattern. The collarbones are especially sensitive shoulder joints, the area where the mammary glands are located, the solar plexus area.

Selecting a tattoo design requires a responsible approach. After all, it is not just a drawing that is chosen, but a symbol that can have a magical effect on the wearer. Recently, tattoo connoisseurs are increasingly getting tattoos on their chests:

  • heart is a sign of the manifestation of high feelings for your soulmate;
  • an owl is a symbol of wisdom, a talisman against foreign influence and deception;
  • the bow is the personification of the coquettishness of the hostess and the transience of life;
  • zodiac sign - a talisman that enhances a person’s natural capabilities;
  • red wolf - a tattoo that gives the owner the strength and audacity of a wolf, the cunning of a fox and the caution of a jackal.

At the same time, the sources for finding ideas for a future tattoo can be very diverse. Some are looking for sketches of chest tattoos on the Internet. Others place an order for a drawing from an artist or create a future tattoo image themselves. Still others choose options from the artist’s portfolio or give him carte blanche in tattooing pectoral muscle. The result of the work is the creation of an original composition of body art.

Chest tattoo for girls

The area for tattooing on the chest of the fairer sex extends from the neck to the lower line of the ribs. Women's tattoos differ from men's in the variety of themes and color scheme drawing. The choice of modern girls increasingly falls on symmetrical patterns, designs depicting flowers, birds and animals. Body designs in the form of a patterned bra are gaining popularity. Old School, Tribal, Dotwork, Watercolor, Minimalism, Gothic allow a woman to make her image unique. Women's tattoos look aesthetically pleasing, bold and sexy.

Tattoos on the sternum for men

Representatives of the stronger sex paint the image on the entire chest or fill one side of it, which amazes with the inventiveness of the plot. Increasingly, on the chest you can find a half-naked woman, a ship with sails spread to the wind, and drawings depicting a skull and fire. Tattooing in the style of New School, Blackwork, Steampunk, Polynesia allows you to achieve your goal. The inscriptions and oriental hieroglyphs look beautiful, restrained and extravagant. The depiction of demonic sketches or biomechanics looks quite aggressive.

Since tattoos came into fashion, they increasingly decorate the human body, and especially the chest. Wearing a tattoo on the chest is an ancient tradition. Previously, a warrior went to battle with prayer and amulets. And the tattoos on the chest symbolized a shield and covered the most important organ – the heart – from damage.

You can place a large image or complex ornament on the chest. Due to the convexity of the pectoral muscles, the design can be given a volume effect. Another feature is that below the collarbones you can apply a symmetrical pattern, which looks catchy and very original.

The “advantage” of a tattoo on the chest is that it is painless. When applying the drawing, pain is felt, but not as much as in other parts of the body. In addition, the chest muscles are strong, and the image will not lose its attractiveness over the years.

Men's chest tattoos

Men's tattoos on the chest amazes with the inventiveness of the plot. Traditionally, tattoos were common on only one side of the chest. These days, designs near the shoulder or collarbone, across the entire width of the chest, are more fashionable.

A tradition that came from the West is the image of wings. It symbolizes strength and courage, the “scale” of the owner. Romantics choose a tattoo with a ship with swollen sails. A man in love can pin a portrait of his beloved.

Women's chest tattoos

Tattoos on women's breasts are more varied, because they can be placed under the breasts too. This intimate place, which is not intended for outsiders. Girls prefer bright tattoos that can easily be mistaken for decoration: a necklace around the neck, a flower garland. Among girls there are many lovers of small, neat tattoos: a flirty bow, a swallow or a fox, a cross.

Representatives of the fairer sex are also very romantic, which is why tattoos with flowers (especially roses) are popular. At one time, a heart tattoo was fashionable. Now it has been replaced by a similar one - a heart made in the steampunk style. This is a winged heart with metal wings, chained.

Often the image is applied around the nipple (for example, a flower, hearts). Another original tattoo is a web with a nipple in the center. Sometimes girls decorate their chests with a bra tattoo. Loving mothers can symmetrically pin images of their children.

A tattoo on the chest is a beautiful and original image that always attracts the attention of others. Below are photos of chest tattoos from different tattoo artists.
