With changes and additions from. With amendments and additions from the New Law on Public-Private Partnerships

MOSCOW, January 1. /TASS/. In Russia, from January 1, 2016, various changes to federal and regional legislation come into force. The editors of TASS-DOSSIER have prepared a review of what will change for Russians from the new year.

Prodembargo against Ukraine

From January 1, 2016, a “food embargo” comes into force - a ban on the import of certain types of agricultural products, raw materials and food from Ukraine. Ukraine was added to the sanctions list on August 13, 2015, when the Russian government expanded the list of countries against which restrictive measures were imposed.

However, the introduction of the “food embargo” was postponed until the economic part of the country’s association agreement with the European Union came into force. According to statistics, in the first nine months of 2015, imports from Ukraine to the Russian Federation amounted to 4.2 billion US dollars (15% of Ukraine’s total merchandise exports). According to the Federal Customs Service, the share of products subject to Russian sanctions amounted to $94.4 million - 3%.

Economic measures against Turkey

The bulk of the sanctions against Turkey come into effect. President Vladimir Putin signed the corresponding law on the application of special economic measures on November 28, 2015.

From January 1, a ban or restriction will come into force for Turkish companies to perform certain types of work and provide services; ban on hiring new workers from Turkey. The visa regime is being reintroduced.

An embargo on the import of certain types of food, flowers and table salt comes into force. In total, in January-September 2015, these goods were imported from Turkey to Russia in the amount of 579 million 709 thousand dollars, which is 18.9% of the total value of Turkish exports to Russia.

The Central Bank will increase contributions to the budget

From 2016, the Central Bank will by default transfer 75% (instead of 50%) of its profits to the Russian budget. This change comes into force on the basis of amendments to the federal law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” signed on October 4, 2014.

In 2014, the Central Bank's profit amounted to 183 billion rubles. At the same time, at the end of 2015, the Central Bank will pay not 50% and not 75%, but 90% of the profit - the corresponding law was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on November 28, 2015.

New law on public-private partnerships

The law on public-private and municipal-private partnerships in the Russian Federation comes into force. The document, signed on July 13, 2015, sets out the basic concepts and principles of partnership, requirements for a private partner, and the objects of the partnership agreement.

Previously, enterprises of this type did not have a unified regulatory framework in the form of an independent law.

Creation of a Unified Register of Subsoil

A Unified Fund of Geological Information about the Subsoil is being created, which will include all primary (obtained directly in the process of using the subsoil) and interpreted (after processing the primary information) geological information.

This norm was introduced by amendments dated June 29, 2015 to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil” and certain legislative acts. The document obliges the submission of all received information to the Federal Geological Information Fund and its territorial divisions, as well as to the funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition, some issues related to copyright in this area have been settled, in particular, the copyright of geologists on the results of their intellectual activity is abolished.

The recycling fee will be extended to self-propelled vehicles

In order to ensure environmental safety, a recycling fee is paid for each self-propelled vehicle and its trailer imported into Russia or manufactured on its territory, taking into account the technical characteristics and wear and tear of the vehicle. Corresponding amendments were made on December 29, 2015 to Art. 24-1 of the Law "On Production and Consumption Waste". The procedure for collecting and the amount of the fee is determined by the government of the Russian Federation.

The fee is not levied on refugees and migrants, diplomatic and international organizations and their employees, as well as owners of cars manufactured more than 30 years ago and preserved in original condition (or restored). The law also establishes that vehicle passports must be issued in accordance with the requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union. The law will allow updating the fleet of self-propelled vehicles.

Regulations for dairy products

On January 1, the process of entry into force of the EAEU technical regulations on milk and dairy products will be completed. At the same time, in accordance with the federal law of May 2, 2015 “On invalidating certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” the relevant Russian regulations and rules are terminated.

Manufacturers will no longer be able to refer to reconstituted milk as simply “milk” on packaging. The concept of “milk drink” is also introduced.

The process of transition to new regulations began back in 2014; from January 1, 2016, manufacturers for using containers and packaging with old markings that do not comply with EAEU regulations will face a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.

Beneficiaries will receive more money for medicines

Standard financial costs per month per beneficiary for the provision of medicines have been increased by 50 rubles - up to 758 rubles. The corresponding law was signed on January 1, 2016.

A number of categories of citizens will be exempt from paying for major repairs

From January 1, pensioners over 80 years of age will not pay for major repairs of residential premises. A 50% discount on major repairs is also provided for pensioners over 70 years of age and disabled people of the first and second groups. The corresponding law was signed on December 29, 2015.

They will stop indexing pensions for working pensioners

From January 1, 2016, indexation of pensions for working pensioners is suspended. The corresponding federal law was signed on December 29, 2015. This was done to reduce the deficit of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). The law also introduces reporting for employers, who must report to the Pension Fund about working pensioners.

Regions will independently determine the category of “needy” residents

From January 1, 2016, regions are given the right to set their own criteria for providing compensation to parents whose children attend kindergarten. Also, regions will be able to determine the frequency of child benefit payments themselves.

The same document, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2015, streamlines approaches to awarding the title “Veteran of Labor”. The law also provides for adjustments to the rules for paying benefits to Chernobyl survivors in order to “eliminate numerous abuses.” A single condition is introduced for them - permanent residence in contaminated areas immediately before the provision of these measures.

Payment for environmental damage is changing

The system and coefficients for calculating payments that legal entities made for negative impacts on the environment have been streamlined. The corresponding law was signed on December 29, 2015.

Prohibition of "agency labor"

A ban is introduced on the use of “agency labor” - work that an employee performs on the orders of his employer, but in the interests, under the management and control of an individual or legal entity other than his manager. Previously, this term was not used in Russian legislation. It was introduced by the federal law of May 5, 2014 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (Tax Code, Labor Code, Employment Law, etc.) and is prohibited by the same document.

The ban was caused by the fact that company management often used agency labor on an ongoing basis, removing part of the staff from the staff to reduce their costs (outsourcing), or in order to attract foreign workers without obtaining the necessary quotas.

Now companies will be able to “rent” personnel only on a temporary basis (up to 9 months) and in cooperation with accredited private employment agencies and firms that have the right to engage in activities providing labor for workers. The relationship between the parties will be regulated by an agreement, according to which the contractor temporarily sends his employees, with their consent, to the customer, and the customer undertakes to pay for these services and use the workers’ labor in accordance with the employment contracts.

New rules for employment agencies

Every three years, private employment agencies will be accredited by Rostrud according to new rules approved by government decree on October 29, 2015. According to them, the authorized capital of the agency must be at least 1 million rubles, and it must not have debts in paying taxes and other fees. The head of the agency must have a higher education and work experience in this field for at least two years over the last three years and have no criminal record.

Inspections of priority development areas will begin

Scheduled inspections of residents of priority development territories will now be carried out jointly by authorized state and municipal control bodies, with the consent of the Ministry of Eastern Development of the Russian Federation.

The corresponding government decree was signed on October 22, 2015. Tax, currency, customs and some other types of activities of residents will not be subject to joint inspections.

Banning drift nets for fishing

From January 1, the use of floating (drift) nets when catching fish migrating for spawning is prohibited. The ban, introduced by federal law of June 29, 2015, applies to both industrial mining and mining for research purposes. Drift-net fishing not only harms dwindling salmon populations, but also marine mammals and birds. First of all, the law will affect Japanese fishermen who caught fish with drift nets in the 200-mile exclusive economic zone of Russia. Their income could be reduced by $200 million (the total revenue of Japanese fisheries is about $14 billion).

Ligature gold will become a mineral

It will be necessary to pay a mineral extraction tax (MET) from the extraction of alloyed gold (i.e. alloys of gold with other metals). The Federal Law "On Amendments to Articles 337 and 342 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" dated November 23, 2015 eliminates the conflict in legislation, due to which some tax inspectorates calculated the mineral extraction tax based on the volume of mined gold ore, and not the volume of alloy only gold, which is why gold mining cooperatives were required to pay more taxes.

Small house projects may require state expertise

Blocked residential buildings and apartment buildings with fewer than three floors will now require state expertise if they are built with budget funds. The corresponding federal law was signed on December 29, 2015.

Corrective sunglasses will become cheaper

The sale of sunglasses with vision correction functions and their frames will be exempt from value added tax. The Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 149 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” dated November 23, 2015 eliminates the ambiguity in the legislation, which allows the sale of corrective glasses without VAT, but extends the tax to lenses with reduced light transmittance.0stk/sa/bii/ ea.

From January 1, 2019, a new federal minimum wage was established in Russia – 11,280 rubles. How to use it? Who should raise their salary and complete the paperwork correctly? What minimum wages will be established in the regions from January 1, 2019? We will answer the questions and provide a table with the minimum wage by region as of January 1, 2019.

New federal minimum wage from 2019: new amount

According to Article 1 of the law on minimum wages (dated June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ), from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage is fixed by federal law in the amount of the subsistence level of the working population in Russia as a whole for the second quarter of the previous year.

Order No. 550n of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated August 24, 2018 determined the living wage for Russia as a whole for the second quarter of 2018. The order sets the cost of living for the second quarter of 2018 on average per capita at 10,444 rubles. Living wage:

  • for the working population is determined in the amount of 11,280 rubles;
  • for pensioners – 8,583 rubles;
  • for children – 10,390 rubles.

This means that in 2019 the minimum wage for the working population will be 11,280 rubles.

Note that from May 1, 2018, the minimum wage was 11,163 rubles per month. It turns out that from January 1, 2019 it will increase by only 1%. (up to RUB 11,280). Only 117 rubles.

Regional minimum wages cannot be less than 11,280 rubles

Minimum wage values ​​are fixed at the federal and regional levels. As we have already said, at the federal level in Russia the minimum wage from January 1, 2019 is 11,280 rubles.

However, each region must also have its own minimum wage. It is established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through regional agreements on the minimum wage. The regional minimum wage is usually higher than the federal one. But it cannot be less! (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code).

Organizations must set wages no less than the regional minimum wage if they have joined regional agreements. “By default”, those employers who, within 30 calendar days after the official publication of the agreement, have not sent a written reasoned refusal to join to the labor authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, join the regional agreement. If such a refusal occurred, then compare salaries with the federal minimum wage. If the refusal was not sent, rely on the regional minimum wage (Part 8 of Article 133.1 of the Labor Code).

If in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the employer operates, a special agreement has established the size of the regional minimum wage, then the salary of employees should not be less than this amount (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, if the employer does not want to join this agreement, then he has the right to issue a written refusal to join. Those who did not write such a refusal are considered to have automatically joined the regional agreement. Consequently, if they pay wages below the regional minimum wage, these employers face the same sanctions as if they pay wages below the federal minimum wage.

When can a salary be less than the minimum wage?

Sometimes the salary may be less than the minimum wage after January 1, 2019, since the salary includes not only the salary itself, but also compensation payments (for example, various allowances for working conditions), as well as incentive payments (for example, bonuses) (Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, if in a month an employee receives, taking into account all allowances and incentives, an amount greater than or equal to the minimum wage, then this is quite normal.

If, after withholding personal income tax from the income due to the employee, he receives an amount less than the minimum wage (RUR 11,280), then this is normal.

Keep in mind: do not include bonuses for work in the Far North and the regional coefficient in the salary amount that you compare with the minimum wage. Accrue these payments on top of your salary. That is, the salary should be no less than the regional or sectoral minimum wage, without the regional coefficient and the “northern bonus.”

Minimum wage from January 1, 2019: table by region

Below we present the minimum wage values ​​from January 1, 2019 in a table by region. However, in regions with special climatic conditions, including in the Far North, increasing coefficients are required to be applied to the minimum wage from January 1, 2019.


Minimum wage in the region


Altai region

RUB 11,280xby regional coefficient

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Altai Territory for 2016–2019

11 280 rub.)

Amur region

RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient

Arkhangelsk region

Astrakhan region

RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient

Belgorod region

RUB 11,280

Tripartite agreement between the regional association of trade union organizations, associations of employers and the government of the Belgorod region on


(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Bryansk region

RUB 11,280 for employees of public sector organizations

11 280 for employees of non-budgetary sector organizations

Regional agreement between the government of the Bryansk region, the public organization "Federation of Trade Unions of the Bryansk Region" and associations of employers of the Bryansk region on the minimum wage in the Bryansk region for 2019

Vladimir region

RUB 11,280

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Vladimir region from

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Volgograd region

In the amount of 1.2 times the subsistence minimum of the working-age population of the Volgograd region, but not less RUB 11,280

2016 No. S-272/15

Vologda region

RUB 11,280

Voronezh region

The subsistence level of the working-age population, but not less than RUB 11,280

Agreement of employers' associations of the Voronezh region for 2017-2019 dated

The agreement states that the salary cannot be less than the federal minimum wage - 11,280 rubles.

Jewish Autonomous Region 12,000 rub. for all employees regardless of length of service

This amount includes all surcharges and coefficients. That is, the salary, taking into account all benefits, cannot be less 12,000 rub.

Agreement on the minimum wage in the Jewish Autonomous Region (dated November 24, 2017 No. 50)

The minimum wage in the Jewish Autonomous Region, taking into account regional characteristics, including special climatic conditions, is set in the amount 12 000 rub. for all employees

Transbaikal region

For employees of organizations financed from the budget of the Trans-Baikal Territory, local budgets of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the compulsory health insurance fund - RUB 11,280

For employees of organizations financed from the budget of the Trans-Baikal Territory, local budgets of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the compulsory health insurance fund, working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas:

– in Kalarsky district in size RUB 11,280;

– in the Tungiro-Olekminsky and Tungochensky districts in the amount RUB 11,280

For employees of organizations in the non-budgetary sector of the economy (except for agricultural organizations) - RUB 11,280

For employees of organizations in the non-budgetary sector of the economy (except for agricultural organizations) working in the Far North and equivalent areas:

– in Kalarsky district 11190 rub;

– in the Tungiro-Olekminsky and Tungochensky districts in the amount RUB 11,280

– for employees of agricultural organizations - RUB 11,280

Regional agreement of the government of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Association of Employers of the Trans-Baikal Territory of October 17, 2012.

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage for certain categories is set lower than the federal one, therefore, since 2019, the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Ivanovo region The cost of living of the working-age population, determined for the 3rd quarter of 2017

But no less RUB 11,280

Agreement on the regulation of social, labor and related economic relations between the government of the Ivanovo region, the regional association of trade union organizations, and the regional association of employers for 2017

An agreement has not yet been concluded for 2019.

11 280 rub.)

Irkutsk region RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Irkutsk region dated January 26, 2017.
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Living wage for the 4th quarter of 2018 for commercial firms

RUB 11,280- for state employees

Decision of the Kabardino-Balkarian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations dated May 23, 2017 No. 1
Kaliningrad region RUB 11,280 for commercial companies

RUB 11,280- for state employees

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Kaliningrad region of April 22, 2017

Kaluga region

RUB 11,280 Kaluga Regional Tripartite Agreement between the Territorial Union of Trade Union Organizations "Kaluga Regional Council of Trade Unions", regional associations of employers and the government of the Kaluga Region for 2017–2019

The agreement states that the salary must not be lower than the federal minimum wage of 11,280 rubles.

Kamchatka region 29,024 rubles at a coefficient of 1.8 and 26,791 rubles at a coefficient of 1.6 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Kamchatka Territory for 2019 dated March 20
Karachay-Cherkess Republic RUB 11,280

Kemerovo region

1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population of the Kemerovo region, but not lower RUB 11,280

+ regional coefficient 1.3

The total minimum wage is 18,313 rubles.

Kuzbass regional agreement between the Federation of Trade Union Organizations of Kuzbass, the board of administration of the Kemerovo region and employers of the Kemerovo region for 2016–2019 dated January 25, 2016.
Kirov region RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Kostroma region RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient 1.15

The total minimum wage is RUB 12,837.45

Agreement on social partnership in the field of labor between the administration of the Kostroma region, the Federation of trade union organizations of the Kostroma region and associations of employers of the Kostroma region for 2017 - 2019

The agreement states that the salary must be no lower than the federal minimum wage - 11,280 rubles.

Krasnodar region

In the amount of the subsistence minimum for the working population per month in the Krasnodar Territory, but not lower 11 280 rub.

Thus, by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Krasnodar Territory dated October 30, 2017 No. 1706 “On the value of the living wage in the Krasnodar Territory for the third quarter of 2017”, the living wage was established: for the working-age population - RUB 11,280

Regional agreement on minimum wage in the Krasnodar region

Krasnoyarsk region Minimum wage increased by the regional coefficient Resolution of the Constitutional Court No. 38-P of December 7, 2017

Kurgan region

RUB 11,280

Agreement on the minimum wage in the Kurgan region dated November 8, 2016 No. 11/16.

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Kursk region

Commercial - RUB 11,280

State employees - RUB 11,280

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Kursk region for 2017-2019

Leningrad region

11,400 rub.

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Leningrad region for 2019 dated September 21, 2017 N 10/C-17
Lipetsk region 1.2 times the cost of living of the working-age population for the 4th quarter of 2017

But not lower than 11,280 rubles.

Regional tripartite agreement for 2015–2017 between the administration of the Lipetsk region, the Federation of trade unions of the Lipetsk region, associations of employers of the Lipetsk region dated December 23, 2014 (together with the Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Lipetsk region for 2015–2017)

No agreement has been established for 2019

Magadan region

To establish the amount of the minimum wage in the Magadan Region for an employee who has worked the monthly working hours established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and has fulfilled his labor duties (labor standards) - 19,500 rub., with the exception of the North Even urban district of the Magadan region.

In the North-Evensky urban district of the Magadan region, an employee who has worked the monthly working hours established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and has fulfilled his labor duties (labor standards) shall be given a minimum wage of RUB 21,060

These amounts need to be adjusted per regional coefficient: 1.7

It turns out that the minimum wage in the Magadan region is:

– 21 060 x 1.7 = 35 802 rub. in the North Evensky urban district;

– 19 500 x 1.7 = 33 150 rub. in other areas.

Decision of the Regional Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations dated May 23, 2017, protocol No. 2
The size of the minimum wage in the city of Moscow is revised quarterly and is set in the amount of the subsistence minimum for the working population of the city of Moscow, approved by a resolution of the Moscow Government.

In the event of a decrease in the cost of living in the city of Moscow, the minimum wage remains at the same level. This happened in the 3rd quarter.

The cost of living for the 3rd quarter in Moscow turned out to be less than for the 2nd quarter.

Therefore, the minimum wage in Moscow from May 1, 2018 is the cost of living for the 2nd quarter, that is RUB 18,742

Thus, The minimum wage in Moscow is 18,742 rubles.

Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016–2019 between the government

Moscow, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations dated December 15, 2015.

Moscow region 14 200 Agreement on the minimum wage in the Moscow region between the government of the Moscow region, the Moscow regional association of trade union organizations and employers' associations of the Moscow region No. 41 dated March 1, 2018
Murmansk region RUB 25,675 (this amount takes into account northern allowances) The agreement on the minimum wage in the Murmansk region was canceled by decision of the Constitutional Court. The court ruled that in the Murmansk region the salary cannot be less than the federal minimum wage, taking into account all northern allowances

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

RUB 18,567

RUB 11,280 for state employees

Decision of the tripartite district commission for regulating social and labor relations in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (the document was signed, message from the press service of the district administration)

Nizhny Novgorod region

in organizations of the non-budgetary sector of the economy - in an amount not less than RUB 11,280 per month;

in organizations in the small business sector of the economy with an average number of employees of no more than 50 people, and public sector employees - in an amount not less than RUB 11,280 per month;

Resolution of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations

"Oblsovprof", associations

employers "Nizhny Novgorod Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" from

Novgorod region

Living wage in the region, but not lower RUB 11,280

Agreement to the Regional Agreement between the Union of Trade Union Organizations

"Novgorod Regional Federation of Trade Unions", the Regional Association of Employers "Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Novgorod Region" and the Government of the Novgorod Region "On the minimum wage in the Novgorod region" dated January 13, 2017 No. 1

Novosibirsk region The region has a regional coefficient of 1.2. Therefore, the minimum wage is adjusted for it.

11 280 rub. x 1.2 = 13 395,6 rub.

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Novosibirsk region dated November 29, 2016. The agreement applies to 2019, while the federal minimum wage is higher, so it is valid - 11,280 rubles.

Omsk region

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Omsk region dated December 23, 2015 No. 106-RS

Art. 1 of Law No. 82-FZ of June 19, 2000 (According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, therefore, since 2019, the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Orenburg region RUB 12,838 (this amount includes the regional coefficient of 1.15)
Oryol region RUB 11,280 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Oryol region for 2019 (report from the regional press service)

Penza region

RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Perm region

RUB 11,280 + allowances

Agreement on the minimum wage in the Perm region for 2017–2019 dated November 11, 2016 No. SED-01-37-

Primorsky Krai

RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient

For a regional coefficient of 1.4, the minimum wage is equal to RUB 15,628

For a regional coefficient of 1.2, the minimum wage is equal to RUB 13,396

Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ

Pskov region

RUB 11,450 for commercial employers

RUB 11,280 for state employees

Agreement of the State Committee of the Pskov Region on Labor and Employment dated

Republic of Adygea

RUB 11,280

Altai Republic RUB 11,280 for employees of non-budgetary organizations, except for those working in the field of agriculture in the field of education

RUB 11,280 for employees of organizations in the field of agriculture and education, as well as public sector employees

Regional agreement of the Government of the Altai Republic dated June 28, 2017

Republic of Bashkortostan

11,280 + regional surcharges (0.15%)

Taking into account allowances, the minimum wage in Bashkiria is equal to RUB 12,837.45

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, associations of employers of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated April 20, 2016 “On the minimum wage in the Republic of Bashkortostan”
Republic of Buryatia RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Republic of Dagestan RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Republic of Ingushetia RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Republic of Kalmykia RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Republic of Karelia RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient 1.15, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4 Agreement on the minimum wage in the Republic of Karelia
Komi Republic RUB 11,280 in the southern natural and climatic zone of the Komi Republic

RUB 11,280 in the northern natural and climatic zone of the Komi Republic

RUB 11,280 for state employees

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Komi Republic dated December 28, 2016 No. 149
Republic of Crimea RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Republic of Mari El RUB 11,280 for commercial employers

RUB 11,280 for employees of organizations financed from federal, regional, and local budgets

Additional agreement between the Government of the Republic of Mari El, the Union of Trade Union Organizations of the Republic of Mari El and the Republican Association of Employers on the minimum wage in the Republic of Mari El for 2019
Republic of Mordovia RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient + allowances Republican (regional) agreement “On the minimum wage in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” dated June 27, 2017
Republic of North Ossetia–Alania RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Republic of Tatarstan RUB 11,280

For the following situations, the minimum wage is adjusted by a factor of 1.15 and set at RUB 12,837.45:

Districts: Almetyevsky, Bugulminsky, Leninogorsky, Aznakaevsky, Bavlinsky, Elabuga, Menzelinsky, Nurlat-Oktyabrsky, Muslyumovsky, Sarmanovsky, Aktanyshsky, Aksubaevsky - employees of construction and repair organizations carrying out construction in these areas (as an exception)

Throughout the entire territory, except for the city of Kazan - employees of enterprises and organizations of the oil and gas industry (with the exception of enterprises under the jurisdiction of local Soviets of Working People's Deputies)

Agreement on the minimum wage of the Republic of Tatarstan

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Republic of Tyva

RUB 11,280

Additional agreement on amendments to the regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Republic of Tyva dated January 27, 2016, dated September 1, 2016, Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Republic of Tyva dated January 27, 2016.

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Republic of Khakassia

RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient 1.3.

The total minimum wage is 14,511.9 rubles.

Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Rostov region In the amount of 1.2 times the subsistence minimum,

established for the working population of the Rostov region for IV

quarter 2017, but not lower RUB 11,280

For micro-enterprises and small enterprises during the first three years of operation - at a level not lower than the subsistence level of the working-age population of the Rostov region for the fourth quarter of the previous year but not lower RUB 11,280

Rostov regional tripartite (regional) agreement between the government of the Rostov region, the Union of trade union organizations "Federation of Trade Unions of the Rostov Region" and the Union of Employers of the Rostov Region

Ryazan region

RUB 11,280 for commercial employers

RUB 11,280 for state employees

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Ryazan region for 2017 dated December 21, 2016 No. 144-1
Samara region RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Saint Petersburg Establish a minimum wage in St. Petersburg in the amount of 18,000 rub..

In this case, the tariff rate (salary) of a 1st category worker should not be less than 13,500 rub..

For state employees - RUB 11,280

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in St. Petersburg for 2019 dated September 20, 2017, b/n
Saratov region RUB 11,280 Agreement on the minimum wage in the Saratov region dated May 27, 2016 (According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Sakhalin region

Taking into account bonuses and coefficients, workers in the southern and central regions will have to receive at least RUB 23,442.3, Nogliki and Okha districts - no less RUB 29,023.8, and in the Kuril Islands - no less RUB 31,256.4 Agreement on the minimum wage in the Shalin region for 2019
Sverdlovsk region RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient Agreement on the minimum wage in the Sverdlovsk region dated December 1, 2014 No. 112

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Sevastopol RUB 11,280 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the city of Sevastopol and the Proposal to join it

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Smolensk region RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Stavropol region RUB 11,280

The agreement states that the salary is set at the subsistence level for the 1st quarter of 2017. However, this minimum is lower than the minimum wage. Therefore, the minimum wage in the region RUB 11,280

Order of the government of the Stavropol Territory “On approval of the Agreement between the government of the Stavropol Territory, the territorial association of the Federation of Trade Unions and the Union of Employers “Congress of Stavropol Business Circles” for 2016–2019” dated February 17, 2016 No. 41-RP
Tambov region RUB 11,280 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Tambov region dated July 19, 2016 No. 1

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Tver region RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ

Tomsk region

The minimum wage in the Tomsk region for employees of organizations financed from the regional and local budgets, territorial state extra-budgetary funds of the Tomsk region, and employees of other employers is set in the following amount:

“Alexandrovsky district”, “Strezhevoy urban district” in the amount 16500 rub.

“Verkhneketsky district”, “Kargasoksky district”, “Kedrovy city”, “Kolpashevsky district”, “Parabelsky district”, “Chainsky district” in the amount 15,000 rub.

“Teguldetsky district”, “Molchanovsky district”, “Bakcharsky district”, “Krivosheinsky district” in the amount 13500 rub.

“City district - closed administrative-territorial formation of Seversk, Tomsk region” in the amount 11250 rub.

“Tomsk City”, “Asinovsky District”, “Zyryansky District”, “Kozhevnikovsky District”, “Pervomaisky District”, “Tomsky District”, “Shegarsky District” in the amount RUB 11,280

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Tomsk region for 2017 dated January 9, 2017.

No agreement has been signed for 2019

Tula region

13000 rub. for employees of the non-budgetary sector of the economy

RUB 11,280 for employees of state and municipal institutions of the Tula region

RUB 11,280 for state employees

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Tula region of November 16

2015 No. w/n

Tyumen region

For employees of budgetary, government, autonomous institutions and autonomous non-profit organizations established by the Tyumen region or municipalities of the Tyumen region RUB 11,280

For employees of the non-budgetary sector of the economy - RUB 11,280

Additional agreement No. 4 dated August 31

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.)

Udmurt Republic RUB 12,837.45 Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Udmurt Republic of November 30, 2015
Ulyanovsk region for workers of main industries in the non-budgetary sector of the economy in the amount of RUB 11,280

For state employees - RUB 11,280

Additional agreement to the Regional Agreement No. 75-dp dated June 10, 2015 between the regional union "Federation of Trade Unions of the Ulyanovsk Region", employers' associations of the Ulyanovsk Region, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region on the minimum wage in the Ulyanovsk Region dated January 25, 2017, Regional Agreement between the Federation trade union organizations of the Ulyanovsk region, associations of employers of the Ulyanovsk region, government of the Ulyanovsk region dated June 10, 2015.
Khabarovsk region RUB 11,280 This value is adjusted by regional coefficients for regions from 1.2 to 1.7 and northern allowances. Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra RUB 11,280 + regional coefficient and percentage increase in salary for work experience in the Far North. Tripartite agreement “On the minimum wage in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra” dated March 31, 2016.
Chelyabinsk region

RUB 12,838 taking into account the Ural coefficient of 1.15

Regional agreement on the minimum wage for the non-budgetary sector of the economy of the Chelyabinsk region for 2019 (approved)

Chechen Republic RUB 11,280 Agreement between the Government of the Chechen Republic, the Republican Union “Federation of Trade Unions of the Chechen Republic” and the Republican Association of Employers “On the Minimum Wage in the Chechen Republic” dated June 27, 2016.

(According to the agreement, the minimum wage is set lower than the federal one, so since 2019 the federal minimum wage has been in effect 11 280 rub.) 2016 to the Regional Agreement on the minimum wage in the Tyumen region dated April 30, 2014

Chuvash Republic RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug RUB 11,280 Art. 1 of the Law of June 19, 2000 No. 82-FZ

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

RUB 16,299 taking into account additional payments and incentive bonuses

RUB 11,280 for state employees

Regional Agreement of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Non-Profit Organization

“Association of Employers of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”, Territorial Association of Trade Union Organizations dated October 7, 2016.

Yaroslavl region

RUB 11,280 for commercial employers (except small and medium-sized businesses)

RUB 11,280 for small and medium businesses

RUB 11,280 for state employees

Regional agreement on the minimum wage in the Yaroslavl region dated December 24, 2015

How to properly increase wages to the new minimum wage in the regions

If an employee’s salary for full working hours is less than the new minimum wage or the regional or industry minimum, then it must be increased from January 1, 2019. Here are the options:

Option No. 1: salary increase

This option is not very convenient. After all, every time the minimum wage changes, you will have to issue not only an order to increase wages, but also change employment contracts, staffing schedules and other documents that mention the size of salaries. But if this option suits you, then we offer sample documents for downloading:

Option number 2: additional payment

Establish a special surcharge in a local act, for example, in a separate order or regulation on wages. After all, it is not the salary that is compared with the minimum wage, but the total salary. That is, salary plus bonuses and other benefits.

This method is easier. There is no need to edit employment contracts and other local acts every time the minimum wage changes. It is enough to establish a compensatory additional payment up to the minimum wage once, for example, in the regulations on remuneration.

The New Year means new beginnings not only in private life, but also in relations with government authorities. From January 1, 2016, many amendments to regulations come into force.

We continue publications about which norms and laws will come into force in the next new year - see the previous one.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most significant changes in legislation affecting various areas of life.

From January 1, 2016, support for disabled children through maternity capital

In the new year 2016, mat. capital will be used to improve the lives of disabled children: purchasing necessary goods and receiving services aimed at integrating and adapting children with special needs in society. This amendment was made to the Federal Law “On Additional State Measures.” support for families with children." In addition, the tax deduction for parents of disabled children will increase to 12,000 rubles.

From January 1, 2016: compensation for vacation costs in Russia

It is also expected that from January 1, 2016, citizens vacationing on a vacation package in any region of Russia will be able to return almost all the money spent, up to 50,000 rubles per person. The refund will be made through the employer or the tax office, while vacationers will lose only 13 percent of the amount spent.

from January 1, 2016 will be valid from discount when paying fines for motorists

The good news for car owners is that from January 1, 2016, fines for non-compliance with certain traffic rules can be paid at a discount under certain circumstances, namely, if payment is made within 20 days after the decision is issued. This is enshrined in part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and does NOT apply to such violations as driving while intoxicated, driving an unregistered car and other serious violations.

Another amendment is that the minimum fine amount will not be limited to 500 rubles.

Since January 2016, a law on the deprivation of driver's licenses for debt comes into force.

For more information about this law and in what cases and how it is applied, see.

Business: ban on “agency labor” since 2016

From the beginning of 2016, employers will not be able to permanently apply the practice of “agency labor,” that is, an employee performing his duties under the direction of another company (outsourcing). Previously, this scheme was used to cut costs and illegally attract migrant workers. Now it will be possible to attract third-party labor only for a period of up to 9 months and only from companies officially engaged in providing workers.

From January 1, 2016 - the deadline for payment of personal income tax for individuals - personal income tax - has been changed.

Citizens who received income during the year from which the tax agent (employer) was unable to withhold the appropriate amount of personal income tax must pay the tax themselves.

From January 1, the quarterly report form 6-NDFL will be introduced

It will be useful for those who run their own business to know that starting from the new year, the tax agent (enterprise) needs to report quarterly on Form 6-NDFL.

This form will summarize information in general for all individuals who received income from a tax agent in the reporting period (similar to quarterly reports to the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund). That is, the calculation will not be personalized. The calculation will need to include, in particular, data on the amounts of accrued and paid income, tax deductions, calculated and withheld tax amounts.

The Right to Be Forgotten Law: Covering Your Internet Tracks

A lot of controversy is being generated by the bill, according to which, upon citizens' requests, Internet search engines will have to stop issuing links to the pages specified in the appeal. We are talking about those pages that present unreliable information that goes against the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as facts about citizens that have lost their relevance more than 3 years ago. From January 1, 2016, search engines will be required to remove links upon request from citizens within 3 days (bypassing the court), otherwise they will have to prove their case in court and, if they lose, pay significant fines.

New year - new numbers

In addition to all of the above, citizens of the Russian Federation can expect many other changes, both positive (for example, a ban on officials purchasing luxury goods at the expense of the budget: cars more expensive than 2.5 million rubles and telephones more expensive than 15 thousand), and negative (cessation of indexation of workers’ pensions pensioners and indexation of pensions for non-working elderly people, which does not coincide with the level of predicted inflation - 4% versus 12%). The minimum wage will increase by 4% and amount to slightly more than 6,200 rubles.

From 2016 it will become more difficult for investors in the real estate market

Everyone knows that today when selling real estate (apartments, houses, plots, garages, etc.) there is no need to pay tax and even fill out a declaration for those who have owned this property for three or more years. But from the new year there will be changes here too.

From January 1, 2016, the period of ownership of real estate, when all income is exempt from tax, increases to 5 years.

To be more precise, in the new version of the tax code ( Part 2 Art. 217.1 NK) it is said that income received by a taxpayer from the sale of a real estate object is exempt from taxation, provided that such an object was owned by the taxpayer for a period minimum deadline ownership of real estate and more. And the minimum limit period itself is set as follows:

It is 3 years if one of the conditions is met:
- ownership of the immovable property was obtained by the taxpayer in accordance with the procedure inheritance or under a gift agreement from an individual recognized as a family member and (or) close relative of this taxpayer in accordance with the Family Code.

The taxpayer acquired ownership of the real estate as a result of privatization;

The right of ownership to the real estate object was obtained by the taxpayer - the rent payer as a result of transfer of property under a lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents.

In other cases, the minimum maximum period of ownership of real estate is is 5 years.

Increase in housing and utility tariffs next year 2016 will be 7.5-8.7%, prices for electricity and gas for the population will rise by 8.5%, and heating prices will rise by 7.5%. From July 2016, citizens will pay 8.7% more for water supply.

Without waiting for the New Year...

As of December 27, 2015, the currency exchange rules have changed. Now, if the exchange amount is more than 15 thousand rubles, you will need to not only present your passport, but also fill out a form. It doesn't seem like anything special. However, experts also notice one more thing - since now all information about your purchases and sales will be recorded, you can “hope” that you will have to pay a tax of 13% on the benefits that will result from such transactions...

The law on tourist insurance in the amount of 2 million rubles came into force

On December 28, 2015, the law on insurance of tourists traveling abroad came into force. Mandatory medical insurance is designed for an amount of at least 2 million rubles (according to the official exchange rate at the time of conclusion of the contract). The medical insurance policy will have to cover the costs of medical, medical and transport assistance, as well as post-mortem repatriation in cases of injuries and sudden illnesses.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2016 N 1
"On measures to ensure economic security and national interests of the Russian Federation when carrying out international transit transportation of goods from the territory of Ukraine to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the Kyrgyz Republic through the territory of the Russian Federation"

With changes and additions from:

In connection with the suspension from January 1, 2016 of the Agreement on a free trade zone, signed in St. Petersburg on October 18, 2011, in relation to Ukraine and in accordance with Federal Law of December 30, 2006 N 281-FZ " On special economic measures I decree:

1. Establish that:

a) international transit road and rail transportation of goods from the territory of Ukraine to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the Kyrgyz Republic through the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as road and rail transportation; road transportation) is carried out only from the territory of the Republic of Belarus, subject to the application of transport means and railway rolling stock, premises, containers and other places in which goods are or may be located, identification means (seals), including those operating on the basis of the technology of the global navigation satellite system GLONASS (hereinafter referred to as GLONASS technology), as well as if available drivers of vehicles engaged in road transportation have registration coupons;

b) the imposition (removal) of identification means (seals), including those operating on the basis of GLONASS technology, when carrying out road and rail transportation is carried out upon entering the territory of the Russian Federation (when leaving the territory of the Russian Federation) at stationary or mobile control points and control points located at railway stations;

c) drivers of vehicles engaged in road transportation are required, when entering the territory of the Russian Federation from the territory of the Republic of Belarus, to obtain registration coupons at stationary or mobile control points and, when leaving the territory of the Russian Federation, to hand over these coupons to stationary or mobile control points;

d) in case of violation by drivers of vehicles during road transport of the procedure for applying (removing) and using identification means (seals), including those operating on the basis of GLONASS technology, registration coupons are considered invalid.

1.1. Introduce a temporary ban on road and rail transportation of goods for which the rates of import customs duties established by the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union other than zero are applied in the Russian Federation, and goods included in the list of agricultural products, raw materials and food approved by the Government of the Russian Federation Federation in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 N 560 “On the application of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.”

1.2. The Government of the Russian Federation, if approached by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, has the right to authorize road and rail transportation of certain goods named in paragraph 1.1 of this Decree, subject to compliance with the procedure for such transportation established by paragraph 1 of this Decree.

2. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) establish requirements for identification means (seals), including those operating on the basis of GLONASS technology, the procedure for their application (removal) and use during road and rail transportation, as well as the procedure for issuing (surrendering) registration coupons;

b) identify stationary and mobile control points and control points located at railway stations used in road and rail transportation;

c) take measures aimed at ensuring control over the implementation of road and rail transportation.

3. Determine in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” joint-stock company GLONASS as the sole contractor procurement of works on the creation and operation of a control system for road and rail transportation, which involves the use of identification means (seals) operating on the basis of GLONASS technology.

President of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Kremlin
